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EUHead Slovenia PM Jansa: Nothing stops Dialogue as EU Changes =>Bridge Difference by Common Ground

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 06 July 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- A Dynamic Plaidoyerie for Pluralist Dialogue in a Democratic Europe, between All Different Political Views, particularly via the Conference on Europe's Future, But Also a Firm Commitment to Bridge Differencies by Finding Common Grounds, was Highlighted at the Press Conference of the InComing EU President-in-office, Slovenia's Prime Minister Janez Jansa, following his Speech on the Priorities of the Sloveninian Presidency's Programme for July - December 2021, earlier at the Plenary of EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in a Debate with MEPs Together with EU Parliament's and EU Commission's Presidents David Sassoli and Ursula Von der Leyen, respectively.


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 Jansa has Already met with "Eurofora"'s co-Founder as Early as since the 1st Slovenian Presidency of the EU,  back on 2008, together with then Foreign Minister Janez Lenarcic, (Nowadays EU Commissioner on Crisis 2019-2024), and, Afterwards, Many Times during EU Brussels' Summits, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eustrategyongreeceshengenmediterranean.html, etc), as well as in the 2018 EU Summit in Salzburg, Austria (See relevant Photo, Infra), etc. Moreover, Jansa's former Communications' Director, and later Head Spokesman for that 1st EU Slovenian Presidency, Anje Logar, gave Exclusive Statements to "Eurofora" Published on 1/2008, before becoming the Current Slovenia's Foreign Minister for its 2021 EU Presidency nowadays. (See 2 Publications, then at "The Cyprus Weekly", attached herewith). Both had Spoken, then, about Turkey's long due Obligations to Respect EU Basic Principles on Cyprus, which is, Also Nowadays, a Topical Issue during this 2021 Summer, Still Pending more than 13 Years Later !...                 



- "All Political Views", expressed by Various Groups and MEPs, "are Legitimate and Equal", Because "they are Part of a Democratic Process through which MEPs were Elected to EU Parliament", Jansa stressed from the outset in the Plenary.

- Indeed, "Everything you (MEPs) have said here, is Part of a Debate that is Necessary for me, Even if we doN't Agree" on several points, he realisticaly added.

=> Therefore, "we want All Voices to be heard in the debate on the Future of Europe", Because it's "only on this basis will we be able to find Common Ground Ahead", Jansa pointed out.



- "Differencies between the East and the West" (as a collegue Journalist had evoked, in the Press Conference), "are Objective and Clear Issues here", he Acknowledged.

- In Fact, "there was Not enough Respect for Cultural Differencies, and this Resulted in Lack of Political Consensus", the Incoming EU President-in-office observed. (Apparently pointing Mainly at some BioEthical Issues, such as, f.ex., Homosexual Propaganda vis a vis UnderAge Children, etc., Obviously Exploited Recently by certain Shady Technocratic Lobbies in order to Push Towards Artificial Fabrications of Babies in Labos, at a Moment When Genetic Manipulation Technologies, including those Heritable to All Future Generations, have provoked Serious Dangers for all Humankind, as, f.ex. in Hungary, Supported by Poland and Slovenia, but also in Russia, etc.By the way, Hungary is Currently President-in-office of CoE's PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Rule of Law, and Democracy, from May to November 2021)...

+ At one of such cases, f.ex. in a Recent Meeting of the "Libe. Committee" of EU Parliament, "I Participated" personaly, "Together with the (Slovenian) Minister of Culture", Jansa described. - "Unfortunately, it was Only a Video-Conference, and there were some Technical Problems which let No Debate to Start", and "I Protested". But, "the Chair Switched Off my Microphone !", he Denounced, (on a Committee whose Chair is Juan López  Aguilar, a Spanish "Socialist")...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - However, "All Political Parties in the EU Parliament are Equaly Legitimate, and Represent the People", he admitted, Despite "Great and Clear Differencies in Opinion".

+ Meanwhile, "Now, with the Conference on the Future of Europe" (See, f.ex. : ..., etc), "We (EU) have to Open Spaces for Different Opinions, and, at the End, Find Common Grounds", Jansa urged. Because, "If we Exclude, from the Beginning, it will Not lead to Positive Results", he Warned.

=> So, "on Early September, at least one Panel will have Discussions on Different Ideas. This will be the Beginning of a very Frank Dialogue between Various Political Forces" , Jansa announced Today.

>>> And "this Will Continue in the Future", because "Progress canNot be stoped !", he Vowed.



[Jansa with EPP SG Isturiz, pose for "Eurofora" at Salzburg (Austria) 2018 Summit]


- Meanwhile, he Skiped another Question, about his Party's continued Participation to mainstream "EPP", Mainstream ChristianDemocrat Party, of the Center-Right : -"Today, we are Not Dealing with Memberships in Political Parties", he avoided to discuss now. -"There is an EPP Congress on Autumn" 2021. But, "Now we are Focused on Priorities/Challenges that we have just Highlighted" for the Slovenian EU Presidency : I.e. : Resilience and Economic ReVival, as well as the Conference on Europe's Future, added to 2 Summits on Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership.

++ Moreover, "the EU Political Arena is Changing". So that, "the Next Term of EU Parliament Will be Different !", the Experienced, 3 Times Prime Minister, and 2 Times EU President-in-office, Prognosticated in fine.(Jansa, normaly, should have been Also a 4rth Time Prime Minister, after he Won the 2018 Election [See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/jansawinssloveniaelection.html, etc], But Slander from Opposants Scandalously Went Against People's Democratic Choice, then !)


 => But, "Slovenia Joined a United Europe in order to Be Part of it, Not to Split !", he Also stressed.

- "For the Rest, according Lisbon Treaty, We (All EU Member States) have Same Values, and there is an Independent Body where, those who wish, can initiate Proceedings, and it can find who is right and who is wrong. That's how I understand Rule of Law".

>>> At any case, "Slovenia is a Connecting entity : We are located at the Borders Between the East and the West, a Crossing Point between the Mediterranean and the Center-North, and shall do our best to Bridge Differencies by Finding Common Denominators", Jansa vowed.










Vatican Prime Minister Parolin to EF: BioEthics Fundamental part of Human Dignity at European level

Written by ACM
Sunday, 04 July 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Replying to an "Eurofora" Question at his Press Conference Today in Strasbourg, Vatican's Prime Minister, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Clearly Stressed the Fundamental Importance that BioEthics have Nowadays at a European/International Level, as he Acknowledged in the Middle of Many and Various Converging Moves, Currently, around the European (EU + CoE) Institutions in Strasbourg, where the Official Visit of Pope Francis' choice at the Head of the Spriritual Government of 1,5 Billions Faithful People-Strong Christian Catholic Church, Coincided with the Ordination of an Auxiliary Bishop, Gilles Reuthinger, with a landmark Experince in International Relations, (See Infra), at the Same Time that Local Region's Historic Patron, Sainte Odile, Founder of a landmark Covent for Nuns at a Superbe Mountain's majestic Top near the City, marked her 1.300th Jubiley this year of 2021, inter alia, Also with a special Mass at the Famous Huge Cathedral of Strasbourg, Exceptionaly Filled with a Lot of enthousiastic People this Sunday, (See also Infra).


                 + "Europe Needs Hope", he stressed Afterwards in his Homelie at the Cathedral, in order "to End a Demographic Winter", by "Finding the ...Meaning of its Roots", "with Otimism", "Conscious of ...the Cross, But (also) that the Last Word is for the Resurrection". I.e. "Free from ...Fear of the Future, and ...Willing to Invest ...a Great Energy", with "Faith in God", and "Trust in its Spiritual Potential", using "Real Integration ...and Fraternity", Not by "Doing Everything", But by "Chosing the Best Part, ...in order to Liberate Powerful Energies", as he Highlighted, (See Infra). 



    - "Eurofora"'s Question to Cardinal Parolin, during his Press Conference in Strasbourg on Midday, started by Observing the Fact that, After Pope Francis' 2014 Official Visits to EU Parliament and CoE on 2014 (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/popefrancisateuhumanismnotechnocracy.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pacepresidentbrasseuronpopeukraineandpeace.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/popefrancisspokesmnlombardionbioethics.html + ..., etc), His own current Visit here, where he is due to ordain, later in the Afternoon, as new vice-Bishop Mgr Gilles Reithinger, who has a Longue Experience on International Issues (See Infra), as well as his Official Visit to CoE's Top Officers Tomorrow, after a 1st Meeting with Strasbourg Diocese's Actors of the European Pastoral, earlier this Morning, where he Encouraged them to Engage in EU's Conference on the Future of Europe in an "Inclusive way", (See Infra), might reflect Vatican's Greater Interest on Europe, Nowadays.


    => In such a Context, we Asked his view about the Importance that the Topical Issue of BioEthics, lato sensu, may have Among the concrete Matters that the Catholic Christian Church wishes to promote at the European level.



    - Indeed, "We (i.e. the Vatican) Wish to be Present mainly in order to Develop the bilateral Relations with Other Member States, but also with the Activities of the European Organisations themselves. That's the Reason of my Visit here", Cardinal Parolin Acknowledged from the outset of his Reply to "Eurofora"'s above-mentioned Question.


    - Among the Key "Issues Raised", in this regard, "where, as a Church, we could make a valuable Contribution", is, "particularly the Centrality of the Human Person", he stressed. That is "Not Isolated, But Open to Others, with a Community and Social Dimension, Mainly towards a Tnascendental Life in All its Aspects, and Not Only Unilateral". In "Relation with, Also, Other Topical Issues, such as, f.ex.,  the Ecology, and Climate Change", etc.


    - "However, Our (the Holy See's) Action is mainly in favor of  the Human Person, in All its Dimensions, and All the Phases of its Life", he stressed.  "So that, Certainly,  BioEthics, in this sens, have a Really Important place". Both "at the Beginning of Life, and at the End of Life". "According to Pope Francis' doctrine, we take into Consideration All the Dimensions of Human Life : the Beginning, its Development, and the End of it". That's why "Pope Francise has Spoken extensively Against Abortion, against Euthanasia, Artificial Procreation, etc, that you know well", Cardinal Parolin pointed out, in particular. "In this Context, the most Important is that Holistic Vision of Human Life", he concluded.



    => A Vision which, in fact, attributes to BioEthics a "Fundamental" role, as Vatican's Prime Minister had Clearly Underlined to "Eurofora" just an Hour Earlier, after his Initial Meeting with Strasbourg Christian Catholic Community's Actors involved on Europe, (Comp. Supra).


    + Interestingly, at this Previous Occasion, he had encouraged those Christians to Actively Engage also in the current EU's "Conference on the Future of Europe", with "Proposals Defending the Christian Roots and a Christian Vision of Europe, Not in an Exclusive, But in an Inclusive way", as he had just added.




    >>> Indeed, "Europe Needs Hope", Cardinal Parolin stressed, Later this Afternoon at Strasbourg's Huge Cathedral, astonishingly Full of several Thousands of People, before a Mass celebrated in honor of the 1.300th Anniversary of Saint Odile, the Founder and Patron of a High Mountainous Convent for Nuns, and Paton of Strasbourg's Historic area of Alsace, an initialy Handicaped Daughter of a Noble, who succeeded to bypass that obstacle, and refused an easy life, in order to fullfil her Mission.

    - This is Needed "if (Europe) wants to put an End to a Demographic Winter, which is Not so much due to an Economic and Social Crisis, But rather to the Weakening of Hope and of the Authentic Feeling of Life and Existence", Vatican's Prime Minister pointed out.


    - Because "Europe Needs to Find the Profound Meaning of its Roots. They are imbeded with Optimism of whoever is really Conscious of the presence and Weight of the Cross, But Knows that the Last Word is for the Resurrection", he Highlighted.

    => "That's why he Sees the Personal, Family, Social, Historic and Ecclesiastical Future, Free from Shady and Paralysing Fear of the Future, and that's why he is Willing to Invest there a Great Energy".

    - "Europe needs Faith in God, who is Father; needs Trust in its Potential, mainly Spiritual.     


    - "Europe needs Charity, in order to put at the Center of its Concerns who Survives at the Margins, in Poverty, or in Exclusion, and in order to Manage the Migratory phenomenon with Wisdom and Perceptivity, in a way to Make concretely Practicable a Real Integration, which becomes Source of Opportunities and Fraternity, Away from the Risk of Separatism and painful Misunderstandings, spectrums of a Culture which Denies that All Human Beings are Brothers and Sisters, "fratelli tutti".

    => "But, How should we Act, so That would Happen ?", he wondered. Parolin invited to Find "an Important Key" at Today's "Evangile" pointing at Saint Luc's reference to the Marthe and Marie Parabole, where Jesus reportedly Criticises the attitute to 'Fidjet for Too Many Things', Prefering, instead, to Focus on "Only One (which) is Necessary : ...The Best part" ! (Which would be to Conteblate God's divine Message, or, Otherwise, to make "All our Actions ...in Front of God and in the Light of his Word", according to a Commentary already made in the Past by now Emerite Pope Benedict XVI).


    >>> Indeed, "Often, we are Fidjeting around Too Many Things, eager to Do Everything", while, "on the Contrary, it's preferable to ...Choose the Best Part, ... in order to Liberate those Powerful Energies, which are Necessary for Acting and Serving Tirelessly", observed Today Cardinal Parolin, Inviting, instead, to "Become an Intimate of Jesus", and "Meditate on His Word", in order "to Engage, with Devotion and Serenity, into Accomplishing the possible Good, with ...Creativity", But "withOut ...Pessimism or Nostalgy", as he stressed, in Conclusion, on this point, (Praying to "Sainte Odile, to Help us Fully Live Our Time, [i.e. think and act Topicaly], as she fully lived Her Time, and "Open our Eyes towards God, ...as our Guide ...and Light").

    => In Other Words, to put it in a Nutshell, ...Not Far away from the well Known Moto about : "No More, or Less, Europe, But just a Better Europe" !...




    + Last, but not least, Vatican's Prime Minister Concluded, Today, by Ordinating a Strasbourg's New Auxiliary Bishop, Mgr Gilles Reithinger, Born at Nearby Mulhouse, (at the Borders between France and Switzerland), who was Educated in Strasbourg University, (Initialy on Biology and afterwards on Theology), and has notoriously Served also in ...Far away Madagascar, London, and particularly Singapor (responsible for Asia), before being Elected as Head of the "Foreign Missions of Paris" (MEP), after serving there also as former Director of Communication : All "Linked together by ... God's Gift and (his) Disponibility to ...Serve the Church, as well as a ...."Surprising and Original Divine Reply", as Parolin observed, Wishing him the "Help of Saint Odile, who Experienced the Strength of God's Love, by Overcoming any Obstacles".


    - The quite Young Mgr Reuthinger, (whose Moto is to "Hope, even in Hopeless situations", But was Warmly Applauded and Later Saluted by a Lot of People), Speaking Afterwards to "Eurofora", confirmed the Interesting Fact that he was, in the Past, inter alia, also in charge of "China", (for which a Proposal as made in Strasbourg, by a French Politician, former President of CoE's Assembly, to receive a Special Status of Observer at the PanEuropean/International Organisation, as also the USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan, Completing, thus, the presence, here, of All 5 UNO SC's Permanent Members inside the CoE, while even Emerite Pope Bendict had Symbolicaly Visited the Family Home of a Missionaire who devoted his Life to the Christian Community in China, when "Eurofora" Visited his Summer ressort at the North of Italy on 2008, where he Prepared his Trip to France, then EU President : See ... + ..., etc, Followed by Negotiations between Vatican and Beijing on the Thorny Issue of the Selection of Bishops there, which was, Finaly, Solved Later by the current Pope Francis. "Eurofora" had Met and exchanged, Earlier in Strasbourg, with an Historic Chinese ArchiBishop from Shanghai, who had served 20 Years in "Camps" in the Past, before Becoming a living "Bridge" with Europe, and Learned, Today, that an already Well-Educated Young Chinese was Currently Studying at the reknown Strasbourg Church's Catholic Seminar...).


    + Mgr Reuthinger also Told "Eurofora" that, even if he would certainly Like to at least Include in his New Responsibilities in Strasbourg, if possible, a good part of OutReach towards the European/PanEuropean Organisations, (f.ex. EU Parliament, and, Mainly CoE, etc), given his Past Experience on International Relations, (Comp. Supra), nevertheless, he would Faithfully Serve also at Any Other Mission that Our Archi-Bishop, Luc Ravel, might, Eventualy, lui Assign, since the Work Division inside Strasbourg's Diocese, naturaly, depends on its Head's Decisions.




    ++ But, Speaking, Meanwhile, also with Strasbourg's Archi-Bishop Ravel, "Eurofora" found that, Even if he quite Agreed with our Feeling that the Catholic Church might Wish to Develop Further its Contacts with the European Organisations in general,  he Appeared sincerely Thoughtful about such particular Issues as the Repartition of Missions inside Strasbourg's Diocese, for which he Reserved, at least for the Time being, a Final Decision after Deeper Reflexion.


However, Ravel is Notoriously on the Record for his active Interest, at least on BioEthics, (where he had even Helped, in practice, "Eurofora" to Timely catch up with Deadlines of the Latest, 2018-2019 Citizens' Consultation at a special Internet Forum set up by the French Government, on the Highly Controversial projects to considerably Modify the Basic Law on BioEthics at "Hot" Key-points, such as Massive Artificial Fabrications of Babies in Labos, etc, Resulting in obvious "Gaps" between the People and the Government, that should be "Bridged", as the BioEthical Committee's President, Professor Delfraissy, stressed Earmier at a CoE's Conference and to "Eurofora", See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coebioethicsdebatechildrenforlesbiansandheritablegenemanip.html , etc), which have Just been Declared, at a "HELP" EU-CoE Cooperation Network for Legal Professionals, Last Week, as The Most Spectacularly ...Popular Issue (among 38 or 40 proposed), Nowdays, Both in Europe and at its Neighbouring Asian and/or African States; See: ..., etc) !

    >>> At any case, it's, Nowadays, a Fact that probably The Most Topical and Crucial Issue in the whole History of BioEthics may Evolve around CoE's Treaty on Human Rights in Biology and Medicine, (alias known as "Oviedo Treaty", since it was Opened to Singature at that Spanish City on 1998), which, inter alia, Prohibits any Artificial Modification of the Human Genome Heritable by the Next Generations, (i.e. something which, Obviously, would Risk to Fabricate Real Different"Races" in the Future, Breaking the Unity of Humanity to Separate Pieces, and, therefore, Provoking its End !), which has, Notoriously, become Possible since the 1st Birth of 3 Babies Artificialy Fabricated in a Labo, after Heriable Genetic Manipulations of the Embryos by a Maveric Chinese Doctor, Educated, Paid, and Guided by a USA Lobby of Technocrats, linked to former President Hussein Barak Obama etc., and who had prepared a Special Conference at Hong Kong in order to Publicize that Event and make Propaganda, on November 2018. Xi's China Government, However, Arrested that Maveric would-be "Dr Frankenstein-Junior", and Finaly Officialy Condemned him in 5 Years of Prison, Clearly Denouncing the Serious InHuman Consequences that his Criminal Blunder Risked to Provoke in the Foreseable Future, as it was Announced at the End of December 2019, ...i.e., by a Striking "Coincidence" just 1 (One) Day Before the Official Announcement of the COVID-19 Deadly Virus' Epidemic ! Since then, Inevitably, the Only available Solution with some Guarantee would be to Find a way to Extend the Scope of the above-Mentioned CoE's Treaty on BioEthics at a  World-wide level, (in order to "Ban" legally such a Serious Danger Against Humanity)...

    Indeed, that CoE's Treaty is, in Principle, Legaly Binding, and, Even, Open for Singature and Ratification, not only by its 47 Member States (Including Russia, etc), But Also by Any Other State in the World, be it European, or Asian, African, Australian, or American ! So that this would be, as things stand Nowadays, the Most Simple and almost Ready-made Solution, (on Condition to adequately Develop some Efficient Mecanisms in order to Implement it in Real Practice).

     Other, Parallel Attempts to Establish a Specific, Ad Hoc, "Ban" at International Level, Against Heritable Genome Manipulations, Starting through a Relevant Resolution in EU Parliament, (See, f.ex., at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/heritablegeneseditingandartificialbirthsforlesbians.html, http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eppvpresidentandmepsongermlinemanipban.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coedirectorfrighteningheritablegeneediting.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/comecesgonheritablegeneeditingchinaeu.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/strasbourgmepsander.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/greengrouppresidentonbioethics.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/chinacondemnsheritablegeneediting.html , etc), Might, Eventualy, Help, But, Despite a quite Large OutReach, as "Eurofora" witnessed, they haveN't acquired a Sufficient Momentum in real practice Yet.

    All that Obviously is part of a Big Topical and Central, Key BioEthical Issue, of Great Topical Importance for All Humankind, around which, a Huge Moral and Political Power-Game has, Already, Started to be Silently (for the Moment...) Played Nowadays in Strasbourg, Since, approximately, 2019-2020...









Maronite Patriarch Rai to EF: Lebanon's Roots+Mission can be ReBorn by its People+World Community

Written by ACM
Sunday, 04 July 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(Embargoed since 2/7/2021)- Replying to an "Eurofora" Question at a Video-Press Conference organized by "Oeuvre d' Orient" just after a Series of Exceptional High-Level Meetings at the Vatican, in Rome, with Pope Francis a.o., the Religious Leader of Maronite Chistians, (Historicaly Headquartered at the Lebanese Mountains), Boutros al-Rai, unvealed a Vibrant Belief for Lebanon's Capacity to be ReStructured and Saved from the Current Serious Crisis, thanks to its Solid Foundations and Deep Roots in History, as well as its Mission for the Middle East area and even the World, as he interestingly Highlighted, referring also to Pope Francis' latest Calls, (See Infra).

    Rai Described, Earlier, that those "Consultation" Meetings, that Pope Francis had Invited under the Name of "Reflexions on Lebanon", were mainly Composed by 3 Key-Parts of Presentations, (1) of the Current Political Situation, by the Catholic ArchiBishop, (2) of the Role and Engagement of the Christian Community for Lebanon, described by Rai himself, and (3) of the General Situation, by the Greek-Latins' Head, Followed by a landmark Speech by the Holy Father himself, (Giving us a "Complete RoadMap" for the ReVival of the Country, that we needed, "Encourgaging" and filling us with "Hope", Because it was "Wonderful" and "Prophetic", as Rai Enthousiaticaly felt, at his Return Back Home : See also Infra).

    The Organiser of Today's Press Conference, Experienced Mgr Pascal Gollnish, Director General of "Oeuvre d' Orient" ("Eastern Works"), a landmark 160 Years-Old Humanitarian Organisation, Founded on 1.856, (which had Started, precisely, by a Project to Help the current Lebanon's area, already then, Extending Afterwards to All Middle East, and Eastern Countries, including Asia, up to India, etc), had Invited Journalists, including "Eurofora", in order to take the pulse of the Current Realities, Since the 2020 Huge Explosion at Beirut's SeaPort, and the Governemental Crisis Before or After that, compared with the Historic but mostly Future-Oriented Approach of Both Pope Francis and the Spiritual Head of the Historic and influential Maronite Christian Community, notoriously Headquartered mainly on the splendid Mountains of the Country, where it reportedly represents Nowadays about 800.000 of Faithful, But has a very Strong "Diaspora", mainly in Europe, (France, Cyprus, etc), composed of almost 4 Millions of People, closely networked.



-"Even if the Roots of Lebanese People are More Ancient, it's, notoriously, the Historic Peace Treaty of Sevres, on 1920-1921, which led to set up a Lebanese State, and Now is its over-Centenary Anniversary", "Eurofora" Observed from the outset, in our Question, - Obiously referring Also to that Key Central Part of Ancient Phoenicia, a Naval Netwok which Controled the Middle of the Mediterranean Sea, throughout Cyprus, Malta, Tunisia and Gibraltar areas, Contributed to the Creation of largely circulating Greek Alphabet (the English or French of Ancient Civilisations), the Legend of Europe, etc.

- But, "do You Believe that it's really Possible to SaveGuard the Unity of the Libanese People Nowadays, Despite of, and/or Because of the Recent Exceptional Difficulties, also given Your Optimism and Voluntarism, in order to have a Solid United State in the foreseable Future ?", We Asked Patriarch Boutros al-Rai.

- "This Question is Today even More Important, Not Only for Lebanon alone, but Also Because, currently, several Countries, (including Small but Strategic, Neighbouring Cyprus, where Many Maronite Christians are Traditionaly living, Facing Recently a Turkish Demand to Drop All UN SC Resolutions for a Peaceful ReUnification of the Island in order to Impose a Secessionist " Sovereign States" Partition, [See : ..., etc], but also Other States in that Region, or Elsewhere in the World), are Facing more or less Similar Challenges, Provoked by some, in one way or another", We pointed out, while Wishing him "Good Lack" for his Efforts.



    - "Thank You", Maronite Christian Patriarch Boutros al-Rai, started to Reply to "Eurofora"s question : - "I am well Aware of the Current Difficulties for the ReConstuction of the Country", he stressed. But, "for Us, the Most Important are the Roots : The Roots which are Untouchable and Still Always there", he stressed.

    - "These are the Foundations of the Country, its Basement, which have Not been Harmed". On the Contrary, "whatever is Now that (2020) Crisis, is an Epiphenomenon, over our Current Situation", Rai Distinguished.

    => "That"s why, the Pope (Francis) Cited, in his Speach, "Lebanon's Symbol, the Cedar", saying that "the Branches are Growing Higher, where there are Deep Roots".

    >>> So, "We must Work Together with All the Lebanese People, and Not Only the Lebanese People : There is, Also, the International Community. With those Countries who interfere in the Libanese Issue. In order to Tell them, that We Must Work Together, in order to Save this Country, given its Values, for the whole Region", underlined the Spiritual Leader of the Strategicaly-Located and Only Country which, inter alia, has, Notoriously, Succeeded to Welcome Various Refugees from Syria and elsewhere, withOut Closing them inside Barbed Wire-covered "Camps", (as, f.ex., Turkey, at least "Initialy", etc), But Living mainly Together, Side by side, with the Local, Original Autochthon Population...

    + "And, also Myself, Despite Everything, I have the Hope that We Can Do something, Emerging from the Interior" of Lebanon, he naturaly added. "From All Components of the Country : Either Muslims, Or Christians".

    - "I Know that there are Many Difficulties. These Internal Difficulties, Political, Social, Communautarism, brought the Country in a Dramatic Situation" Now. (i.e., particularly Starting since Already Before the 2020 huge Explosion, inter alia, f.ex., reportedly : No properly Elected Government, a Currency which Lost about 90% of its value vis-a-vis the US Dollar $, near 50% of the People thrown Under the Poverty line, Electricity Problems, Security Threats, Popular UnRest, etc).  "But We Must Innovate and are Called to Work !".

     => "That's why I Reply to You, that, with Great Hopes, We are going to Re-Start the ReConstruction of this Country !", Boutros al-Rai Firmly Stressed.

    >>> "Why ? I Repeat : Because there are Foundations : It's Not an "Ab Novo" Creation of the Country. It's a Re-Structuring. A ReNovation of the Country. Lebanon has, Since its Establisment, Back on 1920 (i.e. after Sevres' Treaty : Comp. Supra), Up to 1975, was Nick-Named : -"Switzerland of the East"..., he Reminded. "There was Prosperity, Money, Development, Openings to All Countries. Because it was Founded on Solid Basis, Thanks to the French Mandate, (by the nearby Geneva-Based "League of Nations", Before New-York-Based "UNO"). That's Why we Can Recover".

    - Nowadays, "Lebanon is Sick. When there is Ilness, You Can Recover, You Cooperate with a Medical Doctor, in order to Find anew your Health. It's Not True that Lebanon would be Dead. It's Not Dead. It's Sick. Seriously Sick. But we Can Save it !", he Resumed, in a NutShell. "That's what I can Tell You, being Fully Convinced".  

    + "And what we have Seen and Heard from the Holy Father, (Pope Francis), and his Collaborators, (these Days at the Vatican, in Rome), Showed to us, that Lebanon is Needed, for the Middle-East Region, and Even the World, thanks to the Message and the Mission it Supports", the Spiritual Leader of the Strategicaly located Country of the Famous "Eternal Cedar" Majestic Mountainous Tree, Widely Concluded, including the manifold, Larger Issues at Stake, from the Ancient Phoenicians, to the Post-1920 Lebanese Key Crossroads, (allmost Meeting a Core-part of what "Eurofora" had Evoked, at the Beginning and the End of Our Question : Comp. Supra).


    Indeed, at the End of Today's Press Conference, Patriarch Boutros al-Rai Stressed that he felt Necesay to Free Lebanon from some Foreign Interferences which Risked to Damage its Historic "Mission", to be a Pluralist and Open Democratic Country in the Middle East, for Both Christians and Muslims Together, without whom its Original Identity would Not Exist, as he Warned.


    - Mgr Pascal Gollnish observed, reacting on that Key point, that, in Fact, Nowadays, "Lebanon is the Only Country in the Middle East which has a Full Religious Freedom : There is Not any Other like that, in this area", he found.


    >>> Significantly, Pope Francis' above-mentioned Landmark Speech, during the recent Ecumenical Vatican Meetings on Lebanon, (Comp. Supra), devoted to "Plans for Peace, Together for Lebanon", calls the Country "a Singular experience of Peaceful CoSxistence", in addition tion to "a treasury of Civilization and spirituality that has radiated wisdom and culture down the Centuries", as "a Small, yet Great Country" with "a Universal Message of Peace and Fraternity, arising from the Middle East". "Lebanon is, and must remain, a Project of Peace. Its vocation is to be a land of Tolerance and Pluralism, an Oasis of Fraternity where Different Religions and confessions Meet, where different Communities Live Together, putting the Common Good" Above all, he stressed, (after Criticizing "the Mistakes that we have made", and "the Opportunities that we have Missed, along the Path to Fraternity, ReConciliation and Unity").

    => "Stop Using Lebanon and the Middle East for Outside Interests and Profits ! The Lebanese People must be given the Opportunity to be the Architects of a better Future in their land, withOut Undue Interference", Pope Francis urged.


    -"The Symbol of the Country : ...Tall Cedars, evoke ... a Unique History", and "that Large Branches can only Grow from Deep Roots", he reminded, pointing at "those ...who saw in Diversity Not Obstacles, but Possibilities, and could, thus, Build Common Foundations". For that purpose, "Sink your Roots in their Dreams of Peace !", the Holy Father called the Lebanese. "Recently, we Realized, "that we canNot Save ourselves Alone or remain Indifferent to the Problems of Others". That "there canNot be Peace withOut Justice", he said. While "Christians, today,... wish to ...Build a Future Together", "called to be Sowers of Peace, and Builders of Fraternity", since "God ...is a Father who Desires his Children to live in Peace". I.e. "Ensuring our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, and those of Other Religions, of (Christians') openness and readiness to Work Together in building Fraternity and promoting Peace", "Despite the Misunderstandings and Hurts of the Past", but "journeying From Conflict to Unity”, (as Francis has Recently Called, in his landmark Address to the InterReligious Meeting at the Plain of Ur, Abraham's Historic Home, during the pontifical Trip to Iraq : See ..., etc). "Hoping" for "concrete Initiatives under the aegis of Dialogue, of efforts to Educate, and of Solidarity". "In the Night of Crisis, ... remain United. Together, through honest Dialogue and Pure Intentions, we can Bring Light Where there is Darkness", he invitef.

    => Thus, the Lebanese "Citizens", would "Find in the Roots of (their) History, the Hope of a New Flowering". The "Political Leaders" should "Find Urgent and Durable Solutions, to the current Economic, Social and Political Crisis", and "the International Community" should "create conditions... so that the Country will Not Collapse, But embark upon a Path of Recovery", which "will be to Everyone's Advantage".

    As World-Famous Lebanese "Poet Gibran" had said : "Byond the Black Curtain of the Night, there is a Dawn, that Awaits us", topically reminded Pope Francis. In such a Context, "Young People are ...Lamps Burning Brightly at this Dark Hour... Before making important Decisions, ... Look to their Hopes and Dreams". "Women Generate Life and Hope ...May they be ...Included in Decision-making processes ". And "the Elderly ... are Our Roots, ...they Give us the Sense of History, the Foundations ... to carry Forward. They Desire to Dream, once More : ...Listen to their Voices, so that ...their Dreams may Become Prophecy", he suggested.  As that Poet said, "there is no other way to come to the Dawn than by passing Through the Night" : "May the Night of Conflicts recede before a New Dawn of Hope. May Hostilities Cease, Disagreements Fade away, and Lebanon, once more, Radiate the Light of Peace, Pope Francis concluded.








3 Biggest+Most EULeaders for Russia Summit, But Polish+Baltic Forget History, von Leyen Mixes Data..

Written by ACM
Friday, 25 June 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- An UnExpected OverNight Delay with abnormal Tension between EU Leaders Exceptionaly Cancelled EU Council's Scheduled Press-Conference on the Rich Agenda of the 1st Day in the Current EU Summit in Brussels (24-25 June 2021), and, a Great Part of that was reportedly Due to a Vibrant Opposition of Some EU Member States against a Franco-German Proposal to simply find a Format for Collective EU - Russia Summits asap, as it was Revealed this Next Day, in the Press Conferences of Macron, Merkel, and Michel/von der Leyen, etc.

That Strange Contradiction reportedly Opposed the 3 Biggest EU Countries : France and Germany, Supported by Italy, and more or less Backed by All the Rest of the 27 EU Member States, with the sole Exception of Baltic Countries (3) and Poland.

In Fact, All the EU Leaders Agreed mainly on several Concrete Issues, about which an Engagement and Dialogue with Russia would Interest them, (such as, f.ex. "Climate, Environment, Health, Selective Issues of Foreign and Security Policy, Multilateral Issues such as the ICPoA, Syria and Libya", added to "People to People Contacts", Support to Civil Society, Human Righs Organisations and Independent Media", etc), But Disagreed concerning the Establishment of a Format for the EU to Speak Together, as a whole, with the Russian President Vladimir Putin, (reportedly Pushing that matter to anOther, Undetermined Future EU Summit to come) !

- Naturally, Both French President Macron, and German Chancelor Merkel, in their Parallel National Press Conferences Today, Pointed at New US President Biden's recent Meeting with Russian President Putin at nearby Geneva, (where even European, and Not Only Global Issues were reportedly Discussed), and Criticized as AbNatural and Counter-Productive for EU Leaders to be Deprived from Any Equivalent Possibility to engage Collectively in a Similar "Direct" Discussion with Russia, as Also Many and Various Other Expeienced Political Observers had Observed, (See, f.ex., inter alia, also at : ..., etc).

A Fortiori since Russia is Notoriously Part of Historic General De Gaule's "Greater Europe", and Both Culturaly, Historicaly, and Geographicaly -as far as Capital Moscow and Saint-Petersburg are concerned- Part of the European Continent, as well as former Ally in the 2nd World War against NAZIsm, useful Cooperator, more Recently, on Space Tech, etc...

- Merkel, particularly, Reminded also the Fact that "Even During the "Cold War" of a Past, there Always were Channels for Discussions" with Russia ! Moreover, Nowadays, it's even "an Expression of EU's Sovereignity, to be able to Speak Directly with Russia", as a Collective and Independent Union, Instead of Onlly being "Briefed" by the Intermediary of Others, be it Our American Friends, as it happened these Last Days, she rightfuly added.

- Macron Stressed, particularly, that Limit Nowadays EU - Russia relations mainly on a repetition of various "Sanctions", again and again, while Abstaining from a Collective EU "Strategy" on Political Discussions with the Russian President, has proved to be "Not Efficient". On the Contrary, EU Leaders should Think and Prepare Together on What and How to Discuss with Vladimir Putin, which Joint Aims they Wish to pursue, and what "Red Lines" they fix, etc., in order to Succeed to "Advance forward" in some Key concrete Issues of Common Interest. Russia should No be Pushed to make Deals Only with China, Macron Warned, (See Infra). And, as far as France is concerned, (who will Chair the EU Next Year, on 2022), a Direct Engagement with Russia has Already Started "since August 2019", i.e. at Fort Breganson, at the Eve of a "G7" Summit in Biarritz : See ... + ..., etc).

+ Both also added that, in Fact, even "After 2014" (Ukraine Conflict, Obviously Provoked mainly by some Foreign Interferences, in order to Divide and Weaken Europe : See, inter alia, also :..., etc), Many EU Heads of State/Government, Including themselves, Always Continue to have Various Other Opportunities to "Meet Putin in Bilateral Contacts", and/or on the Occassion of Various Other Collective International Meetings, (f.ex. in the UNO, G20, "Normandy Format", etc). Therefore, it was No More Productive for the EU to be the Only one to be Deprived of such a Possibility, even further...

=> That's why, the Franco-German EU-core Couple, Stressed that this Matter Should be anew and Better Discussed again at Forthcoming EU Summits asap.



However, it was, indeed, quite Strange, to see, almost at the Same Time in Brussels' Concluding Video-Press Conference,(where "Eurofora" was Invited to Participate), the Head of EU Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, to practicaly Skip Most of Macron's and Merkel's above-Mentioned Positive Remarks, in order to Focus, particularly, in Only a Few "Issues" for Discussion with Russia, (f.ex. "Climate and Health" : sic !), while, for the Rest, she apparently adopted an UnExpectedly Aggressive Stance against Russia...

- F.ex., von der Leyen Focused rather on "Negative" aspects reportedly spoted in some Russia's behaviors "Targeting" the EU, and/or "Violating Human Rights", as she Claimed, which would require to "Push Back" and "Constrain Russia", according to her View.

+ However, things went more Nasty, when she Added, Boasting, that "We (the EU) are in a Position of Strength" (sic !) vis a vis Russia, according to her, simply Because "Russian Imports in the EU don't represent, Today, than Only about 5% of EU's Trade", while, on the Contrary, they represent 37%" of its Foreign Trade relations, and, at the same time, Russia relies heavily on its Oil/Gas Resources, whose Economic Value, however, due also to so-called "Green" Reforms inside the EU, is Expected to Diminish, as she thought...

>>> Nevertheless, Von der Leyen seems, inter alia, also to have ...Mixed up her Figures and overall Calculations, since, Comparatively, even Official EU Data reveal that, in Fact, Russia's Imports in the EU are Bigger than Turkey's : 5% against Only 3%, while EU's Imports from Russia are, Proportionaly, Smaller than those from Turkey, in those Countries' Foreign Trade : Indeed, they represent about 37% for Russia, But 41% for Turkey...

At any case, she did Not at all abuse of such Doubtful Arguments Today in order to Criticize Turkey, (which Notoriously was an Important Issue for Discussions during the present EU Summit) ! On the Contrary, while she appeared Eager for even More "Sanctions" against Russia, however, fpr Turkey, von der Leyen spoke about "3 Billions €" More, on pretext of "Refugees", regardless if the Official Conclusions of this EU Summit did Not say anything so specific.


    + More Interestingly, our Polish and Baltic Friends seem to have ...Forgotten their own (and Europe's) History, in such a Stuborn Opposition to almost Everything which concerns their Neighbour Country Russia :


    - Indeed, Already from the Outset, the very Beginning of European People's Liberation from the Ottoman-Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of the Medieval Times, Notoriously Started on the MainLand mainly by the Historic ..."Holly League" of 1684 - 1699, which brought Together Poland with Lithuania and Russia, as well as the Austrian Habsburg with the German Holy Roman Empire, and Venice, as Allies, Based on "the Treaty of Warsaw", and strongly Supported by the Vatican of Pope Innocent XI, Uniting Catholic and Orthodox Christians for the Freedom of Europe. It "has been recognised as a Turning Point in ... History", which "Shifted the balance of Power Away from the Ottomans"-Turks, "Leading to a Diminished ... presence" of them "in Europe", by "Unprecedented military Successes, with Large Areas of ....Land Recovered", in a so Popular way that it "has ben Called a <<14th Crusade>>", as "Wikipedia" reminds. Inter alia, among the European Territories which were Liberated then, were also Hungary, Dalmatia, Moreas (Peloponese in Greece), a Western and an Eastern Part of nowadays Ukraine : Podolia and NovoRossia, by Poland and Russia, respectively, with neighbouring Azoff City (ibid), etc.

    => Thus, Continuing also Later-on, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the Western Side, and Russia from the Eastern side, practicaly were the two Cooperating Factors for Al Ukraine's Liberation from the former Ottoman-Turk Oppressive jug...

    + Moreover, even if the Former Stalin's era might have been, indeed, somewhat Harsh, Nevertheless, Poland Notoriously was the Center of collective Defense policy with the "Warsaw Pact", and, Despite a lot of Sufferings during the NAZI Military Invasion and Occupation of most Poland, the infamous "Gheto of Warsaw" Incidents, etc., Polish People Never Accused nowadays Democratic Germany to be Responsible for that Past, Neither Refused to Cooperate Today inside the EU, on the Contrary...

    ++ Last, but not least, even These Days' Harsh Quarrel during this EU Summit in Brussels, between several EU Member Countries and Hungary, (Supported by Poland and Slovakia, while also 7 More EU Countries silently backed them too), on a Social and BioEthical Issue such as the Protection of underage Children from Homosexual Propaganda, clearly Shows that, in Fact, the notoriously pro-Christian Values oriented current Polish Government, has More Close Links to Vladimir Putin's Russia, (which Started to have Similar Conflicts with a Part of the West, and particularly Obama's USA, on Such kind of Social and Moral Issues, Since 2013, adding Such Differends towards the provocation of the Ukranian Conflict of 2014)...


    Most of these Supplementary Facts are Obviously Independent and unrelated to the Principal, Basic Point of Principle, Supported in this Paper, that EU, as such, should have the Elementary Right to Freely Hold any Discussion it deems Useful, Directly with the Russian leadership, withOut Depending on Any 3rd Foreign Country's "good will" to Subsequently "Brief" her on Key Issues for Europe's Present and foreseable Future !

    A Fortiori, when such Persistent Anti-Russia Bullying, pushed by some, during the Last 7 Years, also Risk to have Serious Consequences against the Geo-Political and other Interests of Europe, (almost as French President Macron Warned : Comp. Supra).

    Thus, among others, for instance, it might be Indifferent for some, if the EU succeeded, or not, to Develop High-Tech Capabilities allowing to Reach and Explore the Planet Mars, Before the 2020ies, as it had been, indeed, Scheduled, Initialy by some EU - USA, and Later by EU - Russia (when Obama slashed NASA's Budget for Space Flight on 2010) Cooperation Agreements, Aiming to Land on Mars at 2016-2018, but partialy "Freezed" After the provocation of the 2014 Ukraine Conflict, marked a Partial Failure on 2016, and were Postponed, for the Rest, first for 2020, and aterwards for 2022-2023. So, "Never Mind", for those who don't give a damn for such Historic Achievements, if, in the Meantime, it's ...China who has now Landed on Mars, since May 2021, Before Europe...


    But, will they get a Right to Impose their "Indifference" Even to the Imminent Perspective to Build a Base at Nearby Moon, Together with a Floating Station Between the Earth and its Satellite, as Russia and China have reportedly Just Decided to do Together ?

    During Gaullist Jacques Chirac's era, after Soyuz at Kuru idea (initialy pushed by "Eurofora"'s co-Founder), there was talk about a possible EU - Russia Air-Space Shuttle, continued during Sarkozy's, inter alia, also with the preparation of the above-mentioned Joint Project for Access and Exploration of Mars. Now Macron has just Warned (Comp. Supra), Not to systematicaly Push too much Russia towards Cooperations Only with China...

    Let's Hope that the Surprizing Exclusion, Yesterday at this EU Summit in Brussels, of Space High-Tech among the Concrete Areas where the EU intends to "Engage" in "Dialogue" with Russia (Comp. Supra), does Not Condemn the Europeans to See the Moon, Mars, and many Other spectacular, High-Profile Space Areas, Only by ...Watching a TV set, wearing Slippers, inside their Private Home, Alone with their Cat or Dog...

    Particularly if Even that "TV-set", (added to the Slippers), is also "Made in Korea", "Japan", or "China !









Merkel points at EF Query for Different Vaccines (Not Only Genetic Manip) that EMA didN't Clear yet

Written by ACM
Friday, 25 June 2021



*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-
In a Surprizing but Interesting Move on a More Crucial Issue that it seems at First Sight, Experienced 17 Years German Chancelor Angie Merkel (2005-2021), pointed Today at the Direction of "Eurofora"s recent Query on Various Other, Different Vaccines, against the Deadly Virus' Pandemic, that EU Medical Experts' Body "EMA" has Not Yet Authorized (Neither Rejected), by Curiously Avoiding, until now, to Officialy Pronounce itself, leaving 500 Millions of European People to Depend Only from 1, Genetic Manip., Novel and UnTested Yet, Controversial (See Infra) Technology Vaccines, whose Limits, Question Marks, and/or Flaws are just Starting to be Revealed Recently...


    - "Eurofora" had mainly Asked, during the EU Council's Video-Press Briefing at the Eve of the current EU Heads of State/Government's Summit in Brussels (24-25/6/2021), why, in order to Boost Vaccinations, the EU does Not Authorize Any Other, Different Vaccine among the Many and Various Already Existing accross the World, which might Alleviate Fears among some People in Europe and elsewhere.

    Among several Possible Examples, we had mentioned also that of reportedly "4 Vaccines Authorized by the Government" in China, according to Recent Official Annuncemnts by the competent Authorities of that Key Country, (as well as 2 from Russia, etc).

    => The main thrust of a Top EU Council's Official's Reply to our Question was to practicaly consider as inconceivable that EU's competent Experts' Group EMA would ever Deprive EU Citizens from Any Efficient Vaccine which meets the required Conditions, in order to Save threatened Human Lives,  (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eucofficialondifferentvaccines.html, etc).

    >>> But, apparently in order to seriously Clarify the real Situation regarding this kind of "Hot" Issues, just 2 Days Later, Chancelor Merkel, in her Concluding Press Conference at the End of this EU Summit, took the Initiative to Evoke such a Matter :

    -"We (EU Leaders) have dealt with the question: what about the Vaccines for which there is No Authorisation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) ? Here, too, we have asked the (EU) Commission to make a coordinated Proposal, so that it can be implemented Equally in the internal Market", she announced.

    And, these Same Days, f.ex., even Italian Prime Minister Dragi was cited trying to Compare the Efficacy of a Chinese Vaccine with that of the Few Vaccines already Authorized by EMA...

    However, Chinese Authorities Published, Twice, these Days Too, that Beijing has authorized (and already Uses in real Practice) not 1, But 4  Vaccines, among which, 3 are of the Classical Technology, (i.e. that Invented by Pasteur, and Tested during several Generations), which, as they Claim, uses a Method of Fabrication Easily Adapted to Various, eventual, "Mutations" of the Virus...

    This was Added also to a Recent Suggestion, by the German Minister of Healh, Jens Spahn (CDU), to eventualy Authorize in the EU at least Some "Classic" Technology Vaccines against that Virus, in order to Convince several People, who are still Hesitating, to Accept to be vaccinated.

    China Also took the Initiative to Just Publish an Interesting Overview of All the Different Kinds of Technologies used for the Currently Existing Vaccines against this Pandemic's Virus, Already Invented and Produced by Various Countries throughout the World Nowadays, (Even if, "Eurofora" observed that, probably, there might be some More than that coming, sooner or later, f.ex. in Russia, France, Cuba, etc).

    + Meanwhile, Various Recent Incidents about the Few Vaccines already Authorized by EMA in the EU, have Notoriously Affected, more or less, their Reputation :

    - F.ex., "Astrazeneka" seems quite Discredited, by some (even Deadly) UnExpected Dangerous Side-Effects, ...to the point that several Countries had even to Donate their UnUsed Doses to more Poor Nations, (f.ex. Serbia to Other Western Balkan States, etc) !





    - As for the Turkish-USA BNT-"Pfizer" (and partialy Armenian-USA "Moderna"), a real "Shock" surfaced These Days, when it was Revealed that Even  The Most Vaccinated European Country : the UK, as well as Israel, (probably the Most Vaccinated in the World), have Suddenly Faced serious Setbacks, by a "Sharp Augmentation of the Number of Infections..., (an Astonishing Fact that Merkel also Pointed out Today). In the Case of Israel it's, reportedly, even the ...50% of New Infcctions which, Astonishingly, affected People Already Vaccinated by BNT-Pfizer !

    + Meanwhile, in Addition to an, already, quite Long List of "Side Effects" (eventualy including "Allergy", particularly for the 2nd Dose), those 2 "mRNA" Novel Vaccines were Recently Criticized Also for Risks to Provoke Blood "Thrombosis", "Dermatic" Problems, and Now (June 2021) even "Heart" Problems (in 2% of the recipients)...

    ++ Probably the Most Dangerous : Already Since they were Authorized, Curiously, there was Not Any Guarantee at all that Such a Kind of Novel "Vaccines" (See Infra) might Ensure, or Not, that the Individual recipients would Stop Infecting Other People, (Otherwise Inevitably acting like Jombie-"Silent Killers", Infecting UnAware and UnProtected Victims, Lured by their False Appearance as "Vaccinated"...), with Obvious Grave Risks for the Entire Society ! Contrary to All "Classic" Vaccines, indeed, this Crucial Function was, Astonishingly, Not Even Checked when those  Novel Medical Tools were Presented for Authorisation by USA and EU Experts, and Still Nowadays, Despite some Misleading and Inaccurate Recent Clumsy Attempts to Claim the Contrary, in Fact, the 1st serious Study, due to be Peer-Revised, duly Controled, and Integraly Published, is Expected to eventualy arrive Only some ...Months' Later from now ! ("Eurofora" had Already Warned about such a Big and Exceptional Lacuna, as Early as Since 2020, at the Eve of the 1st Authorisations by the FDA and EMA, and anew Afterwards, including by Raising Questions at Key EU Video-Press Briefings, competent Top Press Spokesmen for Healh, Publishing relevant Articles, etc., and this UnPrecedented Novel Problem was, Afterwards, Acknowledged Even by Top EU Officials, etc. : See, inter alia, Also, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pfijfyjhjh.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fdaandcontroversialvirusvaccines.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eusummitonvaccinesquestions.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pseudovaccinespassportstohell.html, etc).     

    Last, but Not Least, ...All those 3 or 4 "Vaccines", which are the Only to be Available to 500 Millions of European People, in Face of the Threat to be Killed by that Virus Otherwise, Curiously use some "Novel" Technologies, Never Seen Before in Human History, and Affecting the Human "Genome" (by DNA and/or RNA Manipulations),, as it's Obvious, and Clearly Reminded, inter alia, also by that interesting Global Overall Review of All Kinds of Currently Available "Vaccines", just Published by China's Public Health Authorities, (Comp. Supra). This Inevitably Excludes, as things stand Nowadays, Any Previous Chance to Thoroughly Verify any Eventualy Negative Side-Effect on Human Health, which Might Appear Only After several Months or Years. (Including, f.ex., perhaps, Cancer-provoking, or Not, which, in Many Cases of various Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos Artificialy Fabricated in Labos, Notoriously Appear Only quite Late, Long Afterwards, as Even Supporters of Artificially Fabricated Babies have Acknowledged, also in Recent Important Collective Studies, Published f.ex. on 2020, etc).

Such Facts have Already provoked several Concerns, among the People, Both in USA and the EU, as well as Elsewhere in the World. But Moreover, to this is Added also a Fear of some Critics that Such Novel Technologies Affecting the Human Genome might, Eventualy, be Abused by some Maveric Technocrats or Bio-Terrorists, Bio-War Weapons, etc., in order to Alter the Genomes of one or more Persons, perhaps Groups of People, and/or of All or Different Parts of an Overall Population, (including perhaps Exploiting Frequent so-called "Vaccine-UPDATES", etc), for Dark Aims of Manipulation of those Persons and/or of a whole Society... That's, f.ex., one of the Main Reasons for which, inter alia, Also French Professor Christian Perronne, Long-Time Director of Infectiology Departments in Paris' Hospitals, and Connaisseur on Vaccines in general, Refused Even to Name such Novel Medical Tools as "Vaccines", Simply Because, all Normal, Classic, Real Vaccines, All the Way from their Inventor : Pasteur, (Researcher and University Professor in Strasbourg on the 19th Century), Always Protected the Society Against Infections by those who had Received a Real Vaccine. But Professor Perronne was Brutaly Attacked and ...Fired from his Job, shortly After Denouncing such Genetic Manipulation Risks by those mRNA Pseudo-"Vaccines", also in a substantial Critical Article Published on December 2020 at a Marginal but Serious Global Media, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fdaandcontroversialvirusvaccines.html). However, Replace a  necessary Democratic Scientific Dialogue, by Brutal Oppression, does Not Convince Anyone ! On the Contrary...

Certainly, European Science should Have the Capacity required in order to Not Abandon Half a Billion of European People to the Risk of an Eventual Blackmail to "Choose" Between being Killed or Geneticaly Manipulated by Foreign gadgets !

Unless Europeans Succeed, Despite everything, to Find a Way to Survive, Inspired from their Ancient Heroe, Ulysse's World-Famous Legend of "Skyla-Haribdi"...




Among various Other Possibilities, f.ex., small Hungary's Successful, Last-Minute Diversification of Vaccines, and/or Big Australia's Brillant Achievement, already During more than 10  Months now, (from September 2020 up to June 2021, included), to Jump from just another Banal Error in too Hasty DeConfinement, as Most Other Countries, to a Rare Freedom from Both Infections and Deaths, (almost Disappeared), imply by Following China's Succesful Example of Public Health Protection Measures, are Rock-Solid Facts.-




As for French President Macron's initial Dream for a real European Cure and/or Vaccine against the Pandemic, it may Always Inspire People...










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  Ten Years of ECHR : 1998 - 2008 show need of Revival in 2009-2010 coinciding with 2009 EU Election

A threefold, coordinated move by new Top French Political actors in the 2009 EU Parliament Elections, expressed in Strasbourg a will to boost Europe's Political dimension close to Citizens' concerns, going from protection of Economy to defence of Human Rights.    

The move met an exceptional ECHR's call for a "revival" of Human Rights' protection mechanism', in a Mega-Conference, early 2010.   

Obviously focusing on June 2009 Elections to EU Parliament, it involved from the outset the recently nominated "dual" Head of French Governing Party (UMP)  Michel BARNIER and Rachida DATI :


     - "As President Sarkozy has clearly said, we (France) are in favor of a Strong, Sovereign and Independent, Political Europe, which protects its Citizens, and not for a large Super-Market, nor for a Europe under influence",

    "This goes for everything, including Energy", added to "EuroFora" the experienced former EU Commissioner, Minister of Foreign affairs, currently of Agriculture and Sarkozy's new pick as Leader of the Governing party UMP to EU 2009 Election, Michel BARNIER                                              .                             

  - Human Rights are important because they are at the Heart of the Political Europe that we aspire for : I.e. a Europe able to act and protect its Citizens, stressed also the New French Minister for European affairs, Bruno LE MAIRE, while meeting Strasbourg's Journalists at his first visit to the CoE.   


This is one of the main interests for CoE, which is also a natural place for cooperation between EU countries and Russia or Turkey, which was recently helpful at the Middle East crisis, he added.

The move gained momentum with French Minister of Justice, Rachida Dati's main observations at ECHR's 5Oth Anniversary :   

- "While we are seeking Europe's Borders and Identity, you (ECHR) remind us also of its Values", Human Rights, Dati noted.   

Citizens seek more and more often ECHR's help, and the tempo accelerates, Europa awaits a symbol, while national legal orders are not freezed   

And she expressed "support" to ECHR President Jean-Paul Costa's call to satisfy the vital need to revigorate the PanEuropean Court by deciding big changes at a High-Level Conference open to a large audience, a kind of "Etats Generaux" of Human Rights, at the beginning of 2010.       


It's not so much the recently growing number of applications for Russia or Ukraine etc, which seems to be Costa's main concern : In fact, the cases declared "admissible" are much fewer...    

But rather the persistent violations of Human Rights, sometimes very grave (ie. murders, torture, abritrary deprivation of liberty, oppression of freedom of speech, destructions of homes/properties, etc), despite numerous, repeated condemnations by ECHR. So that CoE's Ministers, due to "supervise execution" of ECHR's judgements, are overloaded.   

F.ex. most Media noted that Turkey still remains, even in 2008, the 1st among 47 CoE member States in the number of condemnations by ECHR :  257, compared to 233 for Russia, with a population more than the double..    

The problem is that it's not the 1st time at all : During all the last Decade 1998-2008, Turkey was condemned by ECHR much more than any other State, and for particularly grave violations :   

- 1.652 condemnations, compared to 605 for Russia, 548 for Poland, 494 for France, 476 for Ukraine, etc.   

Italy's second place with 1.394 condemnations is a misleading false appearance : In fact, most of them (999) concern mere "procedural delays" in national courts. Same for France.   

On the contrary, Turkey was condemned 180 times for Killings, 192 times for Torture or Inhuman/Degrading treatments, 340 times for arbitrary deprivation of Liberty, 528 times for "Unfair trial", and 169 times for oppression of Freedom of speech, (etc). And the latest, 2008 numbers, indicate no change in this trend, (See supra).   

The current Spanish CoE Presidency (November 2008 - May 2009) has made of the implementation of ECHR's judgements its 1st Priority.   

ECHR's President, Jean-Paul Costa, stressed in its 2009 Annual Press Conference, CoE Member States' obligation to implement the judgements, according to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights.   

Moreover, if CoE's Committee of Ministers delays to ensure implementation, then, the repetition of violations in similar cases provokes a multiplication of complaints tabled to the Court, which overload the mecanism for the protection of Human Rights, denounced Costa.          

A series of Debates on "the situation of Human Rights in Europe", focusing on the "need to fight against Impunity" of perpetrators of grave crimes, is  currently prepared by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly for the session of June 2009.  

The final Timing comes shortly AFTER the EU Elections, but the main Reports should have been adopted before.

Meanwhile, French President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel's recent call "for a Political Europe" in 2009 EU Elections (See earlier "correspondence from Paris, Elysee Palace), seems more and more endorsed also by other EU Countries' Top MEPs :

Thus, f.ex., EU Parliament's 1st vice-President, Greek MEP Mrs Rodi KRATSA, speaking to "EuroFora", agreed that 2009 EU Election would be a "naturally good" opportunity to debate what really interests EU Citizens : "The Future of a Political Europe, able to face the Economic Crisis, with a Culture and identity which attracts the People"

(Photo taken earlier during Sarkozy's 1st visit at EU Parliament, in 2007 : Sarkozy and Merkel's Ideas for a Political Europe inspire also other EU politicians accross the continent)..


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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