EU Council Official to "EF" : For Authorising Different Vaccines, Whenever Conditions are met
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The EU Council seems Favorable to the Authorisation of More and Different Vaccines, if they meet the required Conditions, in order to Boost EU Citizens' Vaccinations against the Virus, according to what Replied to a relevant "Eurofora"'s Question a Top EU Official, in a Video-Press Briefing with Brussels, at the Eve of an important EU Summit of Heads of State/Government there, on 24-25 June 2021.
The EU Summit is due to Discuss and Decide on Europe's Anti-Virus' Policy and Recovery Issues, as the 1st specialized Topic of that High-Levell meeting, Tomorrow Afternoon, around 4 p.m. Before that, at about 1 p.m., the Heads of State/Government are due to Meet and Discuss with UNO's Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, on "Global Challenges", (which eventualy, might Include also the Pandemic.
- "Eurofora" had explained that the Reason for which we Raised that Question, was mainly in order to Help the Vaccination Succeed, and, inter alia, also to Aleviate some Fears or reserves Notoriously expressed by Various People in Europe and/or elsewhere in the World. In this regard, Already, f.ex., even the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, (CDU), has Recently been reported as Advising to Authorize, at least, 2 or 3 More Vaccines, f.ex. of a more Classical Technology, in order to Bypass the Reserves of some.
Meanwhile, it's well Known that, in Some Countries and/or Sectors of the Society, Currently, there are, still, More People who Continue to Hesitate, for Various Reasons, than Elsewhere, (as, f.ex., in France, sometimes, even the Members of a Medical Staff, etc).
It's also true that, Until Now, one of the Problems seems to be also the Fact that, among the Few (4) Vaccines already Authorized by the EU, one has been Notoriously almost Discreditated ("Astrazeneka"), another seems Less Efficient for all, ("Johnson"), and the 2 Others (the Turkish "BNT/Pfizer" and the Armenian's "Moderna"), adopted a Novel, Not Yet well Known, m.RNA Technology, wbile there is Not even 1 "Classical" Vaccine... On the Contrary, f.ex., China has Recently Published Official Health Authorities' Article claiming that they would, Already, have, at least Three (3) "Classic" Vaccines Authorized and used against this Virus !
Last, but not least, Most People doN't even Know, clearly and timely enough, How Many and Which Vaccines might, eventualy, be available, throughout the whole World. F.ex. Russians recently Claimed to have "3" Vaccines Ready, But, in fact,Only One (1) is really Known by Most People... The "WHO", at nearby Geneva, made some Efforts, Recently, to Better Inform on the Existing Vaccines, among the Various Countries, Authorized or Not Yet, But such Data are Not Always Complete, Neither so Easy to Access, in real Practice, yet, even if they have the merit to exist...
=> In such Circumstances, the Position taken by the above-mentioned Senior Official of the EU Council, in Reply to that "Eurofora"s Question, (speaking Under Condition of Anonymity), appeared, a priori, Adamant :
- "On the Different Vaccines, that are, Possibly, to be Validated :
- "That is for EMA to Decide !", (i.e., up to EU's Independent Experts' relevant body).
- "As Soon as We (EU's Political Authorities) have a Positive Decision by the EMA, the Vaccine Will bave Access at the Market", he Vowed.
=> "I Understand that, When there is a Discussion into the Rolling Review, that they Need outstanding Conditions, that are Not Validated, that means that the (required) Conditions are Not Met !".
>>> - Simply Because "there canNot be Any Other Answer"..., he Firmly Stressed.
I.e., in Other Words, to put it in a Nutshell, the Top Official of EU Council Honestly Believes that, as a matter of Principle, Any efficient Vaccine which really Meets the relevant Conditions, Should, Indeed, be Soon Authorized by the competent EU Technical Services, and Made Available to EU Citizens.
"Eurofora" can't but Congratulate the EU Council for such a Crystal-Clear Position, as far as Principles are concerned.
Therefore, we can't but Hope that this will, Indeed, be Done, Also in Real Practice, (i.e. as far as those "Independent Experts", linked mainly to EU Commission, are concrned : Comp. Supra), asap !
Particularly when there are several Human Lives at Stake...
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Renew Europe's Historic Legend with Parthenon's pure white marble at the eve of crucial 2009 EU Elections, was the ambition of an interesting Art Exhibition, with more topical Symbols than expected, organized by EU Parliament's 1st vice-President Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou and MEP Marie Panayotopoulos- Cassiotou, Chair of the Inter-group on Family policy, during March A session in Strasbourg.
According to the Ancient Legend, God Zeus, charmed by young Girl Europe, was trasformed into a strong Bull with Wings, and when she tamed him with Human affection, they flew over the Sea to live together in a New Land with large, fertile landscapes.
- "There, they saw the Continent with a "Large Front" ("Eureia -opse" in Greek => Eur-opse => Europe)", reminded the Sculptor, Mary Papaconstantinou, of the European Women Association, honored by awards in Paris, Athens and Strasbourg.
Thus, Europe's Legend combines Symbols of Energy and Strength, with caring Human personality, to bring towards New, large Horizons :
- "Modern Art for this Ancient Greek Legend here in Strasbourg reminds that Europe, placing Human dignity at its heart, always finds the strength to overcome any Crisis towards New achievements. And EU Parliament offers Citizens a chance to artfully interact", said MEP Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou.

Made by sparkling pure white Marble full of Symbols, they incite to think but also to act, as in front of a Book with half of its pages full of written text, but another half, free to write on white paper..
While several EU politicians think that one of the most important characteristics of the 2009 EU Elections is that from their outcome may depend Europe's Identity and Future, Culture Minister of Greece, Antonis Samaras (a former MEP) send the message that, precisely, such modern Art linked to Historic legends may help "EU Citizens search the origins of Europe's Identity".
- "The Legend says that they founded a New City, Thebes, and that reminds us that Europe is always a project of Invention and Creation", added EU Parliament's vice-President, Rodi Kratsa - Tsagaropoulou.
Sculptor Mary Papaconstantinou said that she "tried for years to find the same White Marble from Penteli Mountain that was used by Praxitelis and all those who created Parthenon", symbol of Democracy and one of the 7 wonders of the World.
- "By shaping this millenary Greek Marble to revive Europe's Ancien Legend with Modern Art, it reminds that Europe is a Hope for a better Future after Crisis, combining Energy for Development, with care for the Human person", said the sculptor's compatriot from Chios island, famous from French artist Delacroix's historic painting, MEP Panayotopoulos - Cassiotou.

Organisers of both events said that it was a pure coincidence. People are free to believe them, or hope otherwise...
They disagree in almost everything, except from one thing :
- EU Parliament's Art unites even opposed politicians in a common belief for Europe : Cyprus' example...

Rarely united together, but posing for "EuroFora" with the statute of Europe and Zeus flying over the Sea, ChristianDemocrat/EPP's MEP Yannis Kasulides, a frontrunner Presidential candidate in 2008, former Foreign Minister and Government Spokesman, and EuroLeft's MEP Kyriakos Triantafylides, Chairman of EU - Palestinian Council delegation, from the governing party AKEL (new Left) of the elected President, disagree on almost everything, except from their common claim that Europe of the Ancient Legend, when she flew with God Zeus from Ancient Phynecia to the West, must have crossed the island of Cyprus !
Hard to prove the contrary, 3.000 years later...