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Home arrow In Brief arrow Outlooks from the 37th Session of the Congress: CLRAE October 2019

Outlooks from the 37th Session of the Congress: CLRAE October 2019

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 27 November 2019



Outlooks from the 37th Session of the Congress: CLRAE October 2019

Viewpoints by Patrick Bracker   


(NDLR: Viewpoints express the Opinion of their Author, and are Not necessarily Endorsed by "Eurofora"

+ A Translation in French is provided hereafter). 


The congress meeting took place in a healthy atmosphere at the Palais de l'Europe, bringing together local and regional elected representatives from the 47 member states. This year's overall theme is the role of mayors in safeguarding democracy. Wide range of topics  

However, it will have been noted that the presidency of the CM and the Minister for Territorial Cohesion are not present on Tuesday afternoon. ***

The establishment of the Republic of Tunisia's status as a partner for local democracy is part of an interfacing strategy with the region in the southern Mediterranean. The Tunisian elected officials were proud to join the discussion.

During the intervention of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the members of the Congress were very attentive, rather interested in the question of resources. The SG gave a brief historical overview of the common values of the organization and the common legal area. She welcomed the presence of many young people in the Chamber. During the dialogue with the members of the congress, the central question of means was raised again. She had responded clearly about the overall situation of the organization, mentioning difficulties and improvements.

Continuing her remarks, she presented some of the organization's new challenges, such as AI, cooperation with the United Nations agenda 2030, complementarity between the two pillars of the Council: the P.A. and the Congress, or the fight against radicalization and terrorism. She highlights the problem of the Council's attractiveness in terms of employment, and as regards financial matters, she indicates, without specifying them, possible development opportunities, proposing to return to the real growth rate of 0 rather than the nominal growth rate O... The difference represents a significant sum for the activities.

In the course of the discussions, it was pointed out by many elected officials that the local level is the closest to citizens. This is an obvious fact that some hierarchies sometimes tend to minimize or even forget.

Among the technical topics discussed, "the fair distribution of taxes in cross-border areas", presented by the Mayor of Metz and the President of FEDRE (Foundation for the Economy and sustainable Development of the Regions of Europe). The general discussion showed difficulties encountered such as the cost of infrastructure related to cross-border mobility, the construction of housing in host basins, social issues, care, and pensions. In the shared figures, we will retain a key statistical element relating to the asset-resident ratio: 20 years ago: 2/1, current: 1/1, future: 1/2. This evolution is explained by many parameters that have not been developed.  

When a region straddles two countries, synergies can be found between those in charge. If the border worker generates a load, -infrastructure, services... - he also brings the transfer of wealth, this has not been mentioned!

Indeed, in this debate I find that not enough has been done to defend the positive aspects of these cross-border issues: the meeting, the knowledge of each other and of local situations on the other side of the border, or the construction of joint projects... The people who travel pay for the trip, part of the price of which is intended for the depreciation of road or rail installations. By working on the other side of the border, these people do not inflate the unemployment rate problem in their own countries. Attractive salaries allow employees to make expenses in their country of origin or residence.

These real aspects seem to have been omitted by the elected representatives, who did not however forget to call for an increase in the budget for the Congress... The elected representatives declared their willingness to avoid double taxation and shared the experiences of compensation funds in some cases or co-financing in others.

In the end, cross-border cooperation is used to build bridges and projects: human, technical, school, scientific, financial, cultural... In general, things are going quite well, as in the examples cited between Germany and Switzerland, or Sweden with Denmark.

However, one weakness of the report was noted: the case of seasonal workers from the Central and Eastern European countries was not mentioned. In the Netherlands, administrative simplifications would be welcome to facilitate short trips. In summary, this report has remained focused on the issues of taxes and social insurance and represents a first step, pending the reaction of the CM. Are local authorities involved in the discussion, where are these issues left to the states?  

The speeches by Minister Ivan Malenica or the President of the PA Maury-Pasquier provided technical perspectives at the level of a state, Croatia, or of human prospective and law with a symbiotic vision or osmosis at the level of these two pillars of the Council of Europe, the PA and the Congress.

Mrs Maury-Pasquier referred to the convergence of the themes addressed by the Congress with the work of the PA: election observation in Turkey, local and regional democracy in the Russian Federation, and partnership with Tunisia. Regarding the relationship between the two bodies, she informed Congress of the ongoing development with the Committee of Ministers to establish a joint committee mechanism. The objective is to allow a joint reaction in some cases.  

A topical and sensitive thematic debate was discussed on Wednesday morning in the Chamber: "Cyber security in smart cities". The subject covered by Professor A. Prosser from the University of Vienna, who has linked the elements of technological progress, cost reduction and the prospects for multiple applications.

Various examples were cited by stakeholders from different geographical backgrounds.  The one of the Mayor of the city of Astrakhan (½ million inhabitants) with the implementation of video surveillance to reduce crime, or the modernization of cities during the Franco-Armenian forum.

A request for caution in the use of new technologies was made by the former Austrian President of the Congress and a youth delegate asked about data collection and sharing: "who owns, what use"? These few concerns expressed by some of them about freedom or data protection but also about property, represent an extension of the collective reflection of our societies and citizens.            

In response to the debate, Professor Prosser replied that he was aware of the holistic task in the face of these developments.  On the other hand, Europe is lagging behind in some vectors compared to other areas, and progress should be made on various levels: science, subject, education.

Two sensitive reports on election observation in Istanbul or local and regional democracy in the Russian Federation provided interesting insights into these issues and realities.  The speech of the Mayor of Istanbul Imamoglu was well received by the Congress, his speech being highly applauded by the members; one could feel a certain distance between the opposition members, more in favour at the European level, and the supporters of power in Turkey.  

During the plenary discussion, the head of the Turkish delegation replied to some criticism by specifying that in Strasbourg there were also police forces in the streets. He concluded by saying that his delegation rejected the report presented. The Turkish socialist elected representatives or Epp have also gone in this direction. In particular, they recalled that the Pkk is considered a terrorist group. Mayors suspended from office are suspended because of their support for this group... There is therefore an ongoing judicial investigation. Other speakers mentioned that the reality of things includes positive or worrying aspects, it was also recalled that Turkish justice exists.  

It is questionable whether the European dynamic would no longer be effective by setting an example of fundamental values while respecting the levels of societal change that exist elsewhere. At the same time, not to seek to impose its gains when societies are not ready, or have different historical or societal visions. Afterwards, you can always choose what to share and with whom.



During his sober and professional speech, the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation Serguei Bystrevskii gave an overview of the sociological, ethnolinguistic realities encountered in the gigantic Russian geography. 180 ethnolinguistic peoples and groups with diverse mentalities and notions of justice, citing the difficulty of establishing a democratic standard for groups ranging from 500,000 to 500 people. The proactive and dynamic administrative response takes into account the many anthropological factors to meet the needs of populations.

It can be seen that this effective management allows minorities to exist and to speak their regional or local languages. Not every member state of the Council of Europe can say the same: there is room for improvement!

During the general discussion on local and regional democracy in the Russian Federation, MP Drozdenko Epp, acknowledged that the report on the Russian situation represented an excellent follow-up work. The search for an optimal model continues with many advances. He recalled that there had been no experience in regional matters for a century. A Georgian elected official reversed the "occupation" of the territory by concealing part of the reality that had induced the existing situation.

On Thursday, the theme presented by English Dawson, relating to "the use of languages by local and regional authorities", revealed fascinating exchanges between speakers, including the narratives of some examples of the use of minority or official languages and their links between administrations and populations

This essential question, which concerns the identity of individuals, has developed around a lively and dynamic discussion. The interventions focused on the role of the mother tongue as an essential human right, an issue of communication or misunderstanding. A Turkish elected official reported that a person was lynched because he spoke Kurdish. In Hungary, a young delegate pointed out that languages belong to the European cultural heritage, which is also very useful when travelling across borders! A Serbian elected official claims that the mother tongue is a human right.

In Belgium there are some tensions between languages. As a result, the administration communicates with everyone in their own language, subject to significant % of the population. It is also noted that half of the member states have not ratified the Charter for Minority Languages...

Other examples of linguistic realities are presented, such as the loss of the heritage language for migrants, with the example of Dutch nationals in Australia. In Russia, no minority languages have been lost, the national administration provides support. After the Ukrainian Marchenko's intervention, the Russian Melnichenko replied that his Ukrainian colleague had given erroneous information and recalled the recent Russian-speaking discrimination in Ukrainian law that does not respect the UN Convention and Council of Europe standards.

Overall, during the discussions on several themes, Russian elected officials reacted to some provocative interventions by Georgian or Ukrainian elected officials. On the Russian occupation of Georgia, it should be recalled that it was Georgia that crossed the border and created the problem. Regarding the problem in eastern Ukraine, responsibility is shared on both sides of the border, with Kyiv's attitude towards the Russian language being one of the factors that contributed to the conflict in the Donbass.

With regard to these skirmishes, let us hope that the Georgian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers will not continue a chaos similar to the Ukrainian situation proven for four years in the P.A. In this respect it was reassuring to note that the work of the CLRAE and the CM was only slightly affected by behavioural or psychological contamination, or trafficking in internal influences.  

I also hope that the organization will be able to protect itself in the future from such non-academic activities far from the atmosphere necessary for a serene and sustainable place of communication. This platform for dialogue and exchange serves to identify problems, reflect on them and find together solutions to build an architecture of interactive legal standards covering the pan-European space.

A little later, the presentation of the Congress medal was an emotional moment for the interested parties, actors and colleagues, but little external vibration compared to these self-congratulations.  

To mark the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the organization, Congress and political group leaders delivered attractive, relevant and optimistic European speeches to members of the assembly and listeners in the stands.

Throughout the week, actions related to the Congress activities were developed. The celebration of the cooperation agreement between the women mayors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the reception offered by the Member States parties to the cross-border cooperation: Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Norway, with the Russian Federation. After the speeches delivered by the personalities present in these states, a friendly and frugal reception followed, hosted by a group of musicians performing classical scores of the musicians with their string or wind instruments.

Exhibitions showed CEMR's, AER's missions or well executed cross-border programmes. These information stands also made it possible to make useful contacts and addresses, even to request documents. There was also a stand dedicated to European youth, another dedicated to "building peace together". An original presentation of a private nature participated by showing village cooperation in Europe. All these activities demonstrated the dynamics, the exemplary nature of society and the attractiveness of the pan-European organization.  

While the Congress meetings are based on fine or positive words and even dialogues where everyone expresses their point of view, the discussion is enriched by the sharing of field experiences including relevant analyses adjusted to the realities encountered. It emanates from numerous proposals for progress to consolidate or improve the situations encountered by these elected representatives in the field, the closest to the citizens.

That said, all this data collection and energy expenditure is not always rewarded within the hierarchy of the organization, neither in the Committee of Ministers nor by the Member States. These obstacles also exist at EU level, between the European Parliament and the European Council.  Some approaches, although adapted to the reality of European law, do not find the necessary response from certain states or authorities

Among others, we can mention the recommendation made to France on 22 March 2016 in the context of the reform of the regions. However, the Congress continues to carry out its studies and recommendations to the Member States on regional reforms. The Charter ratified by the 47 MS is an international treaty. It therefore has an important legal value in that it obliges signatory States to respect the principles it contains. This situation clearly reveals a legal dysfunction in the system. How to continue without correcting?

It would be advisable to improve the legal framework so that States follow the recommendations made when they are justified by returns from the field. Why not within the framework of the future joint committee?

Of course, all this is built over time in correlation with the other pillars of democracy, the rule of law and human rights, the organization of the Council of Europe and its member states.

 "A place for everything and everything in its place," Samuel Smiles. However, it would still be necessary to set up the harmonious interfaces of communication and coordination to make it work well. Otherwise, some would continue for a long time to propose good solutions adapted to realities, and others would continue to refuse them, as an opaque or interested vertical communication. This may explain the lack of progress on some of the vectors of European integration.

 There too there is room for improvement!                       





Aperçus de la 37ème session du Congrès: CPLRE  October 2019

By  Patrick Bracker       


 (NDLR: Points de vues reflettent l'opinion de leurs Auteurs, et non pas necessairement celle d'"Eurofora").



La réunion du congrès s’est déroulée dans une ambiance saine au Palais de l’Europe, réunissant les élus locaux et régionaux des 47 états membres. Le thème global traité cette année portant sur le rôle des maires pour la sauvegarde de la démocratie. Vaste sujet 

L’on aura cependant remarqué l’absence de la présidence du CM et de la ministre de la cohésion des territoires prévu mardi après midi. *

La mise en place du Statut de partenaire pour la démocratie locale de la République de Tunisie se place dans une stratégie d’interfaçage avec la région au sud de la Méditerranée. Les élus Tunisiens étaient fiers de rejoindre la discussion.

Lors de l’intervention de la Secrétaire Générale du Conseil de l’Europe, les membres du Congrès furent très attentifs, plutôt intéressés par la question  des ressources. La SG  a procédé à un rappel historique succinct quant aux valeurs communes de l’organisation et de l’espace juridique commun. Elle s’est réjouie de la présence des nombreux jeunes dans l’hémicycle. Lors du dialogue avec les membres du congrès, la question centrale des moyens est remontée. Elle avait répondu de manière claire au sujet de la situation d’ensemble de l’organisation en évoquant les difficultés, et les améliorations.

En poursuivant son propos elle présente quelques nouveaux défis de l’organisation comme l’IA, la coopération avec l’agenda 2030 des Nations Unies, la complémentarité entre les deux piliers du Conseil : l’A.P. et le CPLRE, ou la lutte contre la radicalisation et le terrorisme. Elle souligne le problème de l’attractivité du Conseil par rapport à l’emploi, et s’agissant des questions financières, elle indique  sans les préciser, d’éventuelles possibilités de développement, en proposant de revenir au taux de croissance réelle 0 plutôt que la croissance nominale O… La différence représente une somme conséquente  pour les activités.

Dans l’encours des discussions, il  été signalé par de nombreux élus que l’échelon local est le plus proche de citoyens. Il s’agit d’une évidence que certaines hiérarchies ont quelques fois tendance à minimiser, voire à oublier.

Parmi les thèmes techniques discutés, «  la répartition équitable de l’impôt dans les zones transfrontalières », présenté par la maire de Metz et le président de la FEDRE. La discussion générale a montré des difficultés rencontrées comme le coût des infrastructures liées à la mobilité transfrontalière, la construction de logements dans les bassins d‘accueil, les questions  sociales, le soin, les retraites. Dans les chiffres partagés, l’on retiendra un élément statistique clé relatif au rapport actif-résident : il y a 20 ans : 2/1, actuel: 1/1, demain: 1/2. Cette évolution s’explique par de nombreux paramètres qui n’ont pas été développés. 
Quand une région est à cheval entre deux pays, on peut trouver des synergies entre les responsables. Si le frontalier génère une charge: infrastructures, services, il apporte aussi le transfert de la richesse, cela n’a pas été évoqué !

En effet, dans ce débat je trouve que l’on n’a pas assez défendu les aspects positifs de ces questions transfrontalières : la rencontre, la connaissance les uns des autres et des situations locales de l’autre côté de la frontière, ou la construction de projets communs … Les personnes qui se déplacent payent le déplacement dont une partie du prix est destiné à l’amortissement des installations routières ou ferroviaires. En travaillant de l’autre côté de la frontière, ces personnes ne gonflent pas le problème du taux de chômage. Les salaires attractifs, permettent aux salariés d’effectuer les dépenses dans leur pays d’origine ou de résidence.

Ces aspects réels semblent avoir été omis par les élus qui n’ont cependant  pas oublié de réclamer une augmentation du budget pour le Congrès…  Les élus ont déclaré leur volonté d’éviter la double imposition et partagé les expériences de fonds de compensation dans certains cas ou de cofinancement dans d’autres.

Au final, la coopération transfrontalière sert à construire des ponts et des projets : humains, techniques, scolaires, scientifiques, financiers, culturels… En général ça se passe plutôt bien, comme dans les exemples cités entre l’Allemagne et la Suisse, ou la Suède avec le Danemark.
Une faiblesse du rapport a cependant été remarquée : le cas des travailleurs saisonniers venant des PECO n’a pas été cité. Aux Pays-Bas, des simplifications administratives seraient les bienvenues pour faciliter les déplacements courts. En résumé, ce rapport est resté centré sur les questions des impôts, des assurances sociales et représente un premier pas, en attendant la réaction du CM. Les collectivités locales entrent t’elles dans la discussion, où ces questions restent elles du ressort des états ? 

Les allocutions du Ministre Ivan Malenica ou de la présidente de l’AP Maury-Pasquier ont apporté des angles de vues technique à l’échelle d’un état, la Croatie, ou de prospective humaine et de droit avec une vision symbiotique ou d’osmose à l’échelle des ces deux piliers du Conseil de l’Europe, l’AP et le Congrès.

Madame Maury-Pasquier  a évoqué  la convergence des thèmes abordés par le Congrès avec les travaux de l’AP : l’observation des élections en Turquie, la démocratie locale et régionale en Fédération de Russie, et le partenariat avec la Tunisie. S’agissant des relations entre les deux instances, elle a informé le Congrès de l’élaboration en cours avec le comité des ministres, pour établir un  mécanisme de comité mixte. L’objectif est de  permettre une réaction conjointe dans certains cas. 

Un débat thématique d’actualité sensible à été discuté mercredi matin dans l’hémicycle : « la cyber sécurité dans les villes intelligentes ». Le sujet traité par le professeur A. Prosser de l’Université de Vienne, qui a fait le lien entre les éléments du progrès technologique, la réduction des coûts et les perspectives d’applications multiples.

 Divers exemples furent cités par les intervenants de différentes origines géographiques.  Celui de la Maire de la ville d’Astrakhan (½ millions d’habitants) avec la mise en place de la surveillance vidéo pour réduire la criminalité, ou la modernisation des villes approfondie durant le forum franco-arménien.

Une demande de prudence en regard de l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies a été faite par l’ancienne présidente autrichienne du Congrès et un jeune délégué interrogeait à propos de la collecte et partage des données : « qui détient, quelle utilisation » ? Ces quelques préoccupations affichées par les uns ou les autres  au sujet de la liberté ou de la protection des données mais aussi de la propriété, représentent le prolongement de la réflexion collective de nos sociétés et citoyens.           

En écho au débat, le professeur Prosser  à répondu qu’il était conscient de la tâche holistique face à ces évolutions. D’autre part l’Europe est en retard sur certains vecteurs par rapport à d’autres espaces, il faudrait progresser sur divers niveaux : science, matière, éducation.

Deux rapports sensibles sur l’observation d’élection à Istanbul  ou la démocratie locale et régionale en Fédération de Russie ont apporté des éclairages intéressants de ces dossiers et réalités.  L’allocution du maire d’Istanbul Imamoglu a trouvé un écho devant le Congrès, son discours étant applaudi par les membres, l’on pouvait ressentir une certaine distance entre et les membres de l’opposition plus favorables à l’échelon européen et les tenants du pouvoir en Turquie. 

Durant la discussion en plénière, le chef de la délégation turque, a répondu à quelque critique en spécifiant qu’à Strasbourg il y avait aussi des forces de l’ordre dans les rues. Il a conclu son propos en disant que sa délégation rejetait le rapport présenté. Les élus socialistes ou Ppe turcs sont allés dans ce sens également. Ils ont notamment rappelé que le Pkk est considéré comme un groupe terroriste. Les maires suspendus de leurs fonctions, le sont du fait de leur soutien à ce groupe.. Il y a donc une instruction judiciaire en cours. D’autres intervenants ont évoqué que la réalité des choses comprend des aspects positifs ou préoccupants, il a aussi été rappelé que la justice turque existe. 

L’on peut se demander si la dynamique européenne ne serait plus efficace en montrant l’exemple des valeurs fondamentales tout en respectant les niveaux d’évolutions sociétales qui existent ailleurs. Dans le même temps de ne pas chercher à imposer ses acquis lorsque les sociétés ne sont pas prêtes, ou possèdent des visions différentes, historiques ou sociétales. Après, l’on peut toujours choisir quoi partager et avec qui.

Au cours de son intervention sobre et professionnelle, le vice -ministre de la justice de la Fédération de Russie Serguei Bystrevskii a brossé un tableau d’ensemble des réalités sociologique, ethnolinguistique rencontrées dans la gigantesque géographie russe. 180 peuples et groupes ethnolinguistiques dotés de diverses mentalités et notions de la justice, en évoquant la difficulté d’établir une norme démocratique pour des ensembles allant de  500000 à 500 personnes. La réponse administrative proactive et dynamique tient compte des nombreux facteurs anthropologiques pour répondre aux besoins de populations.
L’on constate que cette gestion efficace permet aux minorités d’exister et de parler leurs langues régionales ou locales. Chaque état membre du conseil de l’Europe ne peut en dire autant : il y a des progrès à faire!

Durant la discussion générale de la démocratie locale et régionale en Fédération de Russie, le député Drozdenko Ppe a reconnu que le rapport sur la situation russe représentait un excellent travail de suivi. La recherche d’un modèle optimal se poursuit avec de nombreuses avancées. Il a rappelé qu’il n’y a pas eu d’expérience en matière régionale depuis un siècle.  Un élu géorgien est revenu sur « l’occupation » du territoire en occultant une partie de la réalité, qui avait induit la situation existante.

Jeudi le thème présenté par l’anglais Dawson, relatif à « l’usage des langues par les pouvoirs locaux et régionaux » a révélé des échanges passionnants entre les orateurs, comprenant les narrations de quelques exemples quant à l’utilisation des langues minoritaires, ou officielles et leurs articulations entre les administrations et les populations
Cette question essentielle qui touche l’identité des personnes s’est développée autour d’une discussion vivante et dynamique. Les interventions ont porté sur le rôle de la langue maternelle en tant que droit essentiel de l’Homme, enjeu de communication ou d’incompréhension. Un élu turc a signalé qu’une personne a été lynchée car elle parlait kurde. En Hongrie, un délégué jeune précise que les langues appartiennent au patrimoine culturel européen, de surcroit très utile lors de déplacements transfrontaliers ! Un élu serbe affirme que la langue maternelle fait partie des droits de l’Homme.

En Belgique quelques tensions existent entre les langues. De ce fait, l’administration communique avec chacun dans sa langue, sous réserve de % significatifs de la population. L’on fait remarquer aussi que la moitié des états membres n’ont pas ratifié la charte des langues minoritaires …

D’autres exemples des réalités linguistiques sont présentés, comme la perte de la langue d’origine pour les migrants, avec l’exemple des ressortissants des Pays-Bas en Australie. En Russie, aucune langue minoritaire n’a été perdue, l’administration nationale apporte son soutien. Après l’intervention de l’ukrainien Marchenko, le russe Melnichenko a rétorqué que son collègue ukrainien a donné des informations erronées et rappelé la discrimination russophone récente dans la loi ukrainienne qui ne respecte pas la convention de l’ONU, ni les standards du Conseil de l’Europe.

Dans l’ensemble, durant les discussions sur plusieurs thèmes, les élus russes ont réagi à quelques interventions provocatrices de la part d’élus géorgiens ou ukrainiens. Sur l’occupation russe en Géorgie, il faut rappeler que c’est la Géorgie qui a franchi la frontière et créé le problème. Concernant  la problématique dans l’est de l’Ukraine la responsabilité est partagée des deux côtés de la frontière, l’attitude de Kiev par rapport à la langue russe étant l‘un des facteurs ayant favorisé le conflit dans le Donbass.

Par rapport à ces escarmouches, espérons que la présidence géorgienne du comité des ministres ne va pas poursuivre un chaos similaire à la situation ukrainienne avérée durant quatre ans à l’A.P. A cet égard il était rassurant de constater que les travaux du CPLRE et du CM n’étaient que peu affectés par les contaminations comportementales ou psychologiques, ou les trafics d’influences internes. 

L’on espère aussi que l’organisation saura à l’avenir se prémunir de telles activités non académiques éloignées de l’ambiance nécessaire à un lieu de communication serein et pérenne. Cette plateforme de dialogue et d’échanges sert à déceler les problèmes, d’y réfléchir et de trouver ensemble les solutions pour construire une architecture de normes juridiques interactives couvrant l’espace paneuropéen.

Un peu plus tard, la remise de la médaille du Congrès était un instant rempli d’émotion pour les intéressés, acteurs et collègues, mais peu de vibration extérieure par rapport à ces autocongratulations. 

Pour marquer la célébration du 70ème anniversaire de l’organisation, les responsables du Congrès et des groupes politiques ont livré des discours européens attrayants, pertinents, teintés d’optimisme aux membres de l’assemblée et des auditeurs présents dans les tribunes.

Au long de la semaine, des actions en rapport avec les activités du Congrès ont été développées. La célébration de l’accord de coopération entre les femmes maires de Bosnie-Herzégovine, ou la réception offerte par les états membres parties au programme de coopération transfrontalières, Finlande, Estonie, Lituanie, Pologne, Suède et Norvège, avec la Fédération de Russie. Après les discours prononcés par les personnalités présentes de ces états, s’en suivait une réception conviviale et frugale, animée par un groupe de musiciens interprétant des partitions classiques les musiciens avec leurs instruments à cordes ou à vent.

Des expositions montraient les missions du CCRE, de l’ARE ou des programmes transfrontaliers bien réalisés. Ces stands d’informations permettaient également de prendre des contacts et des adresses utiles, voire de demander l’envoi de documents. Il y avait aussi un stand dédié à la jeunesse européenne, ou un autre consacré  à « construire la paix ensemble », Une présentation originale d’ordre privée participait en montrant des coopérations de villages en Europe. Toutes ces activités témoignaient de la dynamique, de l’exemplarité sociétale ou encore de l’attractivité de l’organisation paneuropéenne. 

Si les réunions du Congrès procèdent de belles paroles, positives et même des dialogues ou chacun exprime son point de vue, la discussion est enrichie par le partage des expériences de terrain comprenant des analyses pertinentes ajustées aux réalités rencontrées. Il émane de nombreuses propositions de progrès pour consolider où améliorer les situations rencontrées  par ces élus de terrain, le plus proche des citoyens.

Toute cette collecte de données et dépense d’énergie, ne sont pas toujours récompensées dans le cadre de la hiérarchie de l’organisation, ni au Comité des ministres ni par les états membres. Ces blocages existent aussi au niveau de l’UE, entre le Parlement Européen et le Conseil européen.  Certaines démarches, pourtant ajustées à la réalité du droit européen ne trouvent pas l’écho nécessaire auprès de certains états ou des Instances

Entre autres, l’on peut citer la recommandation faite à la France le 22 mars 2016 dans le cadre de la réforme des régions. Pourtant, le Congrès continue de faire ses études et recommandation aux EM sur les réformes régionales. La Charte ratifiée par les 47 EM est un traité international. Elle a donc une importante valeur juridique en ce qu'elle contraint les États signataires à respecter les principes qu'elle contient. Cette situation révèle de manière claire un disfonctionnement juridique du système. Comment continuer sans corriger ?  

Il serait judicieux de faire progresser le dispositif  légal pour que les états suivent les recommandations faites lorsqu’elles sont justifiées par les retours du terrain. Pourquoi pas dans le cadre du futur comité mixte ?
Bien entendu tout cela se construit dans la longueur du temps en corrélation avec les autres piliers de la démocratie de l’état de droit et les droits de l’Homme, l’organisation du Conseil de l’Europe et ses EM.

 « Une place pour chaque chose et chaque chose à sa place » :  Samuel Smiles. Encore faudrait-il mettre en place les interfaçages harmonieux de la communication et de la coordination pour que ça fonctionne bien. Sinon, les uns continueraient encore longtemps à proposer des bonnes solutions ajustées aux réalités, et les autres continueraient à les refuser, au titre d’une communication verticale opaque ou intéressée. Ceci peut expliquer le manque d’avancées quant à certains vecteurs de la construction européenne.

 Là aussi il y a des progrès à faire !







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Recent developments proved that Europe can suceed to overcome challenges by aiming at great objectives, and this is needed also in 2009, said EU chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    - "It's in the name of Great Ideas, Projects, Ambition and Ideals, that EU can overcome" challenges, stressed Sarkozy at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in conclusion of a dense 7 months EU Chairmanship. "It's even easier for Europe to have Great projects, able to overcome national egoism, instead of limiting itself only to small projects" (unable to do alike), he observed.     

- "Europe must remain Ambitious and understand that the World needs her to take Decisions". "The World needs a Strong Europe", which "thinks on its own, has convictions, its own responses, its imagination" : "A Europe which does not limit itself into following" others, (as it did in the Past, when it followed USA, f.ex. on Bosnia). On the contrary, "Europe should undertake its own responsibilities", he said, after a series of succes in stopping the War between Russia and Georgia, and organizing the 1st EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which incited the Washington DC G-20 Summit to extend similar decisions World-wide.  

    - "When you sweep it all under the carpet, prepare yourself for hard tomorrows", he warned. "What hinders decisions is the lack of Courage and Will, the fading away of Ideals", he stressed before EU Parliament's 2008 debate on Human Rights and Sakharov prize on Freedom of thought attributed by MEPs to Chinese cyber-dissident Hu Jia, followed by an EU - Turkey meeting on Friday.

    - "I don't abandon my convictions" and "I will take initiatives" on EU level also in 2009, Sarkozy announced later. "France will not stop having convictions and taking initiatives" on Europe. + "It's an Error to wish to pass over the Heads of those who are elected in their Countries" : "It's an integrism I always fought against"', he warned.
French EU Presidency faced 4 unexpected Crisis :

- An institutional crisis, with the Irish "No" to EU Lisbon Treaty, just before it started. A geopolitical crisis, wth the threat of War between Russia and Georgia risking to throw Europe back to Cold-war divisions, on August. A World-wide Financial and Economic crisis, arriving at a bad moment before crucial 2009 EU elections. And even a Strasbourg's mini-crisis, with EU Parliament's roof curiously falling down, from unknown reasons, in a brand new building on August, provoking an unprecedented transfert of the 2 September Plenary Sessions...

But it wasn't enough to stop Sarkozy ! On the contrary, it stimulated him...

- "The better way to deal with the recent problems of EU institutions (as the "3 NO" by France, the Netherlands and Ireland) is to take them as a "Test" in order to find solutions closer to Citizens' concerns", said later in Strasbourg Sarkozy's new choice as Ministe for EU affairs, Bruno Le Maire.

- On the Institutional front, Sarkozy gave Time to the Irish to think about it, and stroke on December a deal including a New Referendum after the June 2009 EU Elections, in exchange of a promise to keep the rule of "one EU Commissioner for each EU Member Country", and some opt-outs on Defence and Fiscal EU policies, Abortion, etc. If the Irish get a "Yes" Majority, then the institutional package could be completed in 2010 or 2011 on the occasion of Croatia's probable EU accession.

He was accused in Strasbourg to upgrade EU Council and downgrade EU Commision, but he replied that "strong Political initiatives by EU Council reinforce also the more technical role of EU Commission, under the political-technical leadership of its President", all 3 "working together with EU Parliament".

- But, meanwhile, Sarkozy energetically spearheaded an Historic 1st Summit of EuroZone's 15 Heads of State and Government at EU's core, exceptionally enlarged to a partial participation of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on October 12 in Paris' Elysee palace, which started to tackle succesfully the growing world Financial crisis.

    It also paved the way for its endorsement by a subsequent Brussels' 27 EU Member States' gathering, before it all come to Washington's G-20 Summit. And "Europe was united, it asked for the 1st G-20 Summit, and it will also organise the next G-20 Summit on April in London", he observed.   

 But a Conference with EU, Russia, African and other Developing Countries, hosted in Strasbourg shortly after Washington G-20 Summit by the French EU Presidency, took a Resolution asking to enlarge participation to Global Economic Governance. Many found, indeed, illogic and unacceptable that f.ex. states as Turkey were given a seat at G-20 level, while all African Countries, and even the African Union itself, representing the greatest Continent on Earth, were excluded...

    Meanwhile, even USA''s "Paulson No 3" Plan, was, in fact, inspired by Europe's No 1 Plan", Sarkozy observed, largelly applauded by MEPs.

    And "Europe showed Solidarity" by mobilizing some 22 Billion credit for Hungary, 1,7 billion for Ukraine, as we do nowadays for Baltic States, etc., he added.

    The move on Economy was extended on December by an EU stimulus' plan totalling some 200 billion Euros, including 5 Billions released by EU Commission for big Projects, as well as various parallel National plans for Economic revival, (fex. 26 billions in France alone). They might appear limited, compared to USA President-elect Obama's reported plan to boost the American economy with 800 billion $, but at least succeded to overcome Europe's divisions for the first time on Economic governance, opening new horizons.

- The French President stressed even harder the unique role of an active EU Council's chairmanship, when he moved swiftly and efficiently, at the beginning of August, to succesfully stop War between Russia and Georgia, at the last minute, which threatened to bring Europe back to Cold War division.

"We (EU) also wanted to avoid a situation like in Bosnia, in the Past, when EU was absent, so that our American friends took their responsibilitues, and EU only followed", despite the fact that the conflict took place in Europe. Now, it was the EU who took its responsibilities".

A roadmap towards a new PanEuropean Security policy, before which all unilateral moves to place new Missiles (from USA or Russia) would be freezed, was proposed by Sarkozy after a meeting with Russian president Medvedev, at the eve of Washington DC's G-20 Summit.

Ukraine's "European" character was stressed at a Sarkozy - Jushenko Summit, September in Paris, while EU adopted on December an "Eastern policy", in which, "I'm convinced that our (EU's) future is to find with our Neighbours the conditions for Economic Development. Peace and Security, by explaining them that.. they must respect (Human Rights') Values, and adopt behaviors different from the Past", explained Sarkozy in Strasbourg.

Meanwhile, the "Union for the Mediterranean" was created, since July's Summit if 45 Heads of State and Government in Paris, as "an organisation for a permanent Dialogue, that we need", mainly in order to tackle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by bringing together, for the 1st time, Israelis and Arabs, where "Europe must be present, in order to avoid a frontal clash".

- "If Europe doesn't take its part for Peace in the Middle-East, nobody else will do that in our place", Sarkozy stressed.
    Meanwhile, other EU Agreements were brokered during the French EU Presidency on Immigration, (fex. common Asylum rules, etc), and Climat- Energy :

    - On Climat-Energy, the 2007 German EU Presidency had fixed a triple 20% aim for 2020 (20% renewable Energies, 20% reduction of CO2 emmission, 20% energy efficience/economies), and the 2008 French EU Presidecny realized that, making the necessary compromises in order to modernize EU's industry, but without throwing some former Central-Eastern European Countries into abrupt Economic break down risking "social explosion".

    - Defence-Security EU policy was mainly postponed for April 2009, since both German chancellor Merkel and French president Sarkozy want to strike a deal with the new American president Obama in Strasbourg's NATO Summit.

    However, with all these 4 unexpected Crisis diverting attention to other urgencies, People wil wonder now, what happened to the famous deal proposed by freshly-elected French President Sarkozy on Turkey's controversial EU bid, back on August 2007, to continue EU - Turkey negotiations, but on the double condition that core chapters, intrinsequally linked with EU Membership, will be excluded, and that a collective Reflexion and Debate on Europe's future would start before the end of 2008.

    It was meant to reply to the crucial question : What kind of Europe do we want in 10 or 20 Years from now : A large Market, or a Political Europe, with a popular identity ? In Sarkozy's thinking, presented in his 2 landmark speeches on Europe in Strasbourg, shortly before and after the 2007 Elections, (on February and July 2007), Turkey's controversial EU bid would be incompatible with the second choice.

    It's true that EU Commision's Chairman, Jose Barroso, (who had notoriously declared, as former Portuguese Prime Minister, that he found "nonsense" the idea that Europe might become equal to the US), had repeatedly tried to avoid that Sarkozy's criticism on Turkey might start winning a larger audience in Europe, preferring a discrete "wismens' committee" work. And that most of the personalities later chosen in order to participate in a Committee on Europe's Future, are too much linked with Socialist parties and/or American policies, to be really critical of USA's notorious wish to impose Turkey to the EU, as Sarkozy had noted himself since March 2007..

     - "It's on EU Council's presidency to take political initiatives. EU Commission has other competences", stressed Sarkozy. The "European Ideal" is to "build Europe with the States, not against them". "Ask Europeans to chose between their countries and Europe won't work. You don't choose between your two parents : We must add them together".

    "France and Germany have an Historic Duty to work together, precisely because of what happened to the Past. We have to work hand by hand. We cannot be separated.It goes beyond me and Mrs Merkel today, Mr Schroeder and Mr. Chirac yesterday. It's not a choice, it's a duty to Europe and to the World".  "We need Germany, as Germany needs Europe". Compromise is inevitable, here as everywhere, and each one made some steps towards eachother's positions.

    But "it's true that Mrs Merkel didn't chose her Socialist partners, while I chose mine", Sarkozy said, in an indirect hint that the Socialist Minister of Finance in Germany might be a cause of minor past disagreements in Economy, which were overcome in recent negotiations.

    "We (France and Germany) have particular duties in Europe", but "in a Europe of 27 Member States, it's not enough for France and Germany to agree between them.

    "I always thought that Great Britain has a special role to play in Europe. ... Now, everybody "saw what it cost payed the UK for having been too exclusively open towards the US (and) Financial services. Europe needs the UK, but also the UK needs Europe" :- "We were able to face the hardest moment of the Financial crisis because the UK clearly chose Europe", stressed Sarkozy, reminding Gordon Brown's exceptional participation to the Historic 1st Heads of State/Government Summit of EuroZone, October 12 in Paris (See EuroFora's Reportage from Elysee Palace then).

     - "Some look at Europe with old glasses aged 30 years ago. While we must look at her in relation to what it will be in 30 years" in the Future, Sarkozy concluded.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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