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Mgr d'Ornellas à EF: Eglise de France Invite Macron à Débat BioEthique Peuple/Etat sur Loi Dépassée

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 22 July 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Répondant à une Question d"Eurofora", lors de sa Conférence de Presse avant la Réprise, par l'Assemblée Nationale, de la lécture d'un Projet de Loi Crucial pour l'Avenir de l'Humanité (V. Infra), le responsable pour la BioEthique à la plus Grande Communauté Chrétienne de France, Mgr d' Ornellas, a lancé un Appel au Président Emmanuel Macron pour un Dialogue Public, entre les Citoyens et l'Etat, sur la BioEthique, en l'état actuel des développements, comme, recemment, entre autes, aussi sur le Climat, dans l'esprit, aussi, d'une Démocratie Participative, vu aussi que ce Texte a été Dépassé par des Evolutions récentes, (See Infra). 

Le Président du Groupe BioEthique de la Conférence des Eveques de France (CEF, Organe dirigeant des Catholiques francais), Mgr d'Ornellas, Répondant à une Question d'"Eurofora" dans sa Conférence de Presse par Vidéo, vient de Lancer un Vibrant Appel pour l'Organisation d'un large Débat Public, entre tous les Citoyens et le Gouvernement, sur la BioEthique, (à l'instar, f.ex., de ce qui le President de la Republique, Emmanuel Macron, vien de faire Récemment avec la Convention Citoyenne sur le Climat), concernant, en particulier, une Brulante Controverse sur l' ImPopulaire Révision de la Loi BioEthique de 2015, qui vise d' Imposer à partir de 2020/2021, entre autres, aussi une massive Fabrication Artificielle d'Enfants (PMA ou AMP), à la démande de Lesbiennes, Empechant tous ces Enfants d'avoir un Père, et exposant l'Humanité à des Dangers sans précedent dans l'Histoire, (V. Infra).


- "Eurofora", (qui avait été Invité, ensemble avec d'autres Journalistes, à cette Vidéo-Conférence de Presse du CEF), a observé, (d'abord en écrit), qu'

=> Longtemps APRES une Obscure, soi-disant Promesse Pre-Electorale de Macron à un Lobby, Datant de 2016, (qui N' a Pas été Visible même pas dans la plupart de ses Programmes d'Alors), et Après une 1ère Tentative, (Maladroite et InComplète : V. Infra) de Consulter quelques Citoyens sur ce Projet de Loi BioEthique, entre Janvier et Mars 2018,

>>> Soudain, aussi Tard qu'en Fin Novembre 2018, après l'Emergence de Techiques de "Gene-Editing" Facile, a eclaté aussi le Scandale de Manipulations Génétiques Transmissibles aux Générations Suivantes, operées sur 3 Embryons Humains, Artificiellement nés ensuite, (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/heritablegenemaniptrumpxihumanity.html, etc), et l'Auteur principal (dans un Lobby Bio-Tech Chino-Americain) a été Condamné à 5,5 Années en Prison, en Decembre 2019 en Chine, (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/chinacondemnsheritablegeneediting.html), 1 Jour avant l'Annonce du Virus Mortel (que Diverses Persones Notoirement Soupçonnent d'être Sorti d'un Labo Bio-Tech en Wuhan ou Ailleurs). De telles Modifications du "GermLine" sont Interdites par le Conseil de l'Europe, et Risquent de Provoquer des Maladies inconnues et/ou la Fabrication de Vraies "Races", un "Appart-Heid", des "Chimeras" entre Humains et Animaux, ou des Monstres, etc, mettant l' Avenir de l'Humanité en Danger.

=> Mais, Desormais, Comment pourrait-on Prevenir que pareils Abus ne soient, Eventuellement, commis lors des Milliers d'Enfants Artificiellement Fabriqués par des Technocrates, sur Commandes de Lesbiennes, après un tel Projet de Loi en BioEthique en France, qui Dispense même les Manipulations Génetiques d'Embryons Humains, sous Pretexte de "Recherche" quelleconque, de toute "Autorisation" Préalable, (comme c'est le cas Recemment, car Avant elles étaient carrement Interdites...), les Permettant, Desormais, sur Simple ..."Declaration" ?

>>> En Consequence, vus ces Evenements Recents, cette Obscure et Controvesée, Vieille Promesse PreElectorale Datant de 2016,  n'est pas Dévenue, Aujourd'hui (2020), en Realité, surrannée, Vieu jeu, Irresponsiblement Dangereuse, et (de manière Imprévue) gravement "DEPASSEE" par les Evolutions Nouvelles  ?


+ De surcroît, même le Président du Commité National de BioEthique en France (CCNE), Professeur Jean-Francois DELFRAISSY, parlant, Entre-Temps, en 2019, au Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg, et à "Eurofora" personellement, lors d'une Conférence PanEuropéenne sur la BioEthique, a Observé que l'Existence de certains "Trop Importants FOSSES", Actuellement Séparant la Plupart des Citoyens, des certaines Mésures Controversées en Bio-Ethique, (comme le Projet de Loi Actuel), posent des sérieux "Problèmes", qu'il faut "Attendre" de "Résoudre au Plus Haut Niveau de l'Etat", (i.e. le Président Macron lui-même).

>>> Questionné par "Eurofora" ensuite, Delfraissy a Clarifié que ces "Prolèmes" Concernent, surtout, les Très Controversées et ImPopulaires, mais potentiellement Massives (Plusieurs Centaines, voire Milliers, chaque Année) Fabrications Artificielles d' Enfants par Technocrates, sur Démande de Lesbiennes, PMA ou AMP, (y compris l' Anonymat imposé au "Doneur" de Sperme, i.e. Père Biologique, et certains Autres Points notables aussi : Comp. Supra). 

=> En effet, Comment s' Assurer, a Priori, que Ces Nombreuses nouvelles Occasions d' Interventions Technocratiques sur des Embryons Humains, Destinées à des Naissances Artificielles, Sans Précedent dans l'Histoire, Ne sauraient Jamais être Exploitées, par quiconque, eventuellement, ici ou là, pour en Abuser des ces Enfants-là, peut-être, comme des "Cobayes", pour tels ou tels "Tests" furtives, plus ou moins Dangereux, aussi bien pour Leur propre Santé, tôt ou tard, (comme, p.ex., le Mouton Cloné "Dolly", qui, Finalement, a Mouru, plus Tard, Atrocement, etc), et pour Divers Risques avec lesquels ils pouvaient Ménacer l' Humanité entière (V. Supra + Infra), Surtout Maintenant, que le "Gene-Editing" est Dévenu, Recemment, beaucoup plus Facile que dans le Passé, et les Manipulations Génétiques Heritées par toutes les Génerations Nouvelles, déjà Mises en Pratique dès Novembre 2018 (V. Supra) ?


- En Consequence, Après ces radicalement Nouvelles Evolutions, Apparues entre 2016-2017-2018-2019+, est-ce qu'll n'est pas Temps, Maintenant, en 2020, pour un Nouveau et, surtout, Complet et clair Débat/Dialogue Public entre la Société et l'Etat, (d'autant plus qu'une Précedente Tentative Incomplete, N'a Pas marché comme il fallait : V. Infra), sur ces Questions "Brulantes" et Récemment ReNouvellées au moins dans certains Points de ce Projet Controversé, ImPopulaire et apparamment Dépassé par les développements, de la Loi affectant la BioEthique, qui Risquent, Aujourd'hui, d'avoir des Consequences très Graves sur plusieurs Personnes et, surtout, la Société dans son Ensemble, et l' Humanité ? (V. Infra), a Questioné, en Substance, "Eurofora", le Mgr D'Ornellas. 

- Surtout pendant Cette Période, où le Président Macron vient de dire qu'il est Important d'"UNIR" le Peuple en France, au lieu de le laisser se Diviser ?, ajoutons-nous, dans la Version Ecrite de cette Question.



- Certes, "ce serait Admirable, si le Président de la République, (Emmanuel Macron), qui a été, effectivement, très Heureux de voir le Resultat très Positif de la Convention sur le Climat, Osait faire une Convention Citoyenne sur la Bio-Ethique !", appela de tout coeur le Responsable en BioEthique de la Plus Grande Eglise Chrétienne de France.

- "Si nous allons vers l' Invention d'une Democratie Participative", (en géneral), "il me semble qu'il faut (la) prendre au Sérieux [cette Democratie Participative], et, effectivement, Organiser un Débat de Fond, un Dialogue, sans Rien Escamoter....", Invita-t-il, apparemment afin d' Eviter, Maintenant, quelques Erreurs du Passé, (V. Infra).

- En fait, un "Dialogue ... est ¨Plus qu’un simple Débat !", il a précisé Ensuite, avec raison, s' Approchant davantage au Projet d'"Eurofora". (V., p.ex., entre autres, aussi, Nos 2 Propositions, enterinées par la Conference de l'EuroMetropole de Strasbourg sur le "Grand Débat" de 2019 en matière de "Démocratie Participative", concernant un "Droit au Dialogue" et un "Réferendum d'Ecoute du People", à: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euroforaideasendorsedbystrasbourggreatdebate.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/francegiletsjaunesdialogueavantdecisions.html, etc).

+ La réference faite maintenant par Mgr. d'Ornellas, dans sa Réponse à "Eurofora" sur cette Question,  au President Macron et la "Démocratie Participative", semble bien Justifiée : En effet, , pour la 1ere fois dans l'Histoire de la France, on vient de nommer, au Nouveau Gouvernement mis en place ce Juillet 2020, un Ministre delegué, (auprès du nouveau Premier Ministre Castex), chargé à la foi des  "rélations avec le Parlement", et "de la Démocratie Participative", (Marc Fesneau). Un Thème qu'on trouve, p.ex., aux Déclarations faites par Macron dès Octobre 2016 à Strasbourg, comme Candidat à la Présidence, et, surtout, à son fameux Discours sur le Rocher Historique de la Démocratie Directe dans l' Ancienne Grèce, à Pnyx, près d'Acropole d'Athènes, en Septembre 2017 (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronatthehistoricsourcesofdemocracy.html), ainsi qu'à sa Réponse à une Question d' "Eurofora" sur l'Avenir pour le Traité de Lisbonne de l'UE, à Saint Dié, aux Vosges, en Avril 2018, (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronforcitizensdebatesalsoafter2019.html), peu après avoir parlé au Parlement Européen à Strasbourg (V.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronineuparliamentaskscitizensdebates.html) et inauguré une 1ère Série de "Consultations des Citoyens" en Europe à Epinal. Des nouveaux développements sur le rôle des Citoyens sont attendus lors de la Conférence de l'UE sur "l' Avenir de l'Europe" (2020-2021+), comme, entre autres, aussi le Conseilleur de l'Elysée pour questions Européennes, Clément Beaune, a confirmé à "Eurofora" lors du Sommet de l'UE en Décembre 2019 à Bruxelles, (V: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentpresidentforstrongcitizenvoices.html, et http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/renewheadoneuregorm.html, etc).

- Mais, par Contre, en ce qui concerne ces Mésures Controversées en BioEthique, on constate que même la Loi de 2011 (entrée en vigeur en 2016), sur des Débats Publics avant tels Changements, (comme, p.ex., en 2009), curieusement, Ne fût Pas respectée du tout, puisque, au lieu des "Etats Généraux", qui "RéUnissent deS ConférenceS de CitoyenS, choisis de manière à Représenter la Société dans sa Diversité",  comme il était prévu, par Contre, ...Seulement un Seul et Ephemere, Pétit Groupe de ...22 (Ving-deux) Personnes, sur toute la France d'une Population de 66 Millions,  tirées au sort et Inconnues, (même tenues "Anonymes" - sic !), a existé.

- En plus, même une Récente Circulaire du Ministère de la Santé, datée du 29 Novembre 2017, qui prévoyait un « Evénement de Niveau National», sur ces Lois de BioEthique, Ne fût Respectée du tout, pour des raisons inconnues... Même pas ces Comités d’ Ethique des « Grands Organismes de Recherches, des Académies (des Sciences, de Médecine) », et la Conférence Nationale de Santé, que cette Circulaire de Fin 2017 Prévoyait aussi,  (et que le CCNE lui-même Souhaitait de ses voeux, en Conclusion de son Rapport de 2018/2019), sont restés lettre morte...

Certes, le Conseil Constitutionnel semble avoir, apparemment, estimé, auparavant, qu'une simple Loi Contraire aurait pu Annuler ou Ecarter toutes ces Regles, de Valeur seulement Législative, mais, en tout cas, Aucune Loi d' Abolition de ces Débats Publics Ne parait Pas avoir été adoptée, entre temps. Et, en Plus, même la Convention PanEuropéenne sur la BioEthique, du Conseil de l'Europe, appelle clairement pour des Débats Publics substantiels, avec les Citoyens, en cas de Changements si Importants en ce domaine sensible.

=> AInsi, le "Bésoin" pour une "Santé Démocratique" dans les Changements en Bio-Ethique, que le dernier Rapport de la CCNE (2018/2019) souligne en Conclusion, Ne semble Pas avoir été Satisfait du tout, dans ce cas...

>>> D'autant plus qu' Actuellement, le Vote de cette Loi Bio-Ethique très Controversée, dans l'Assemblée Nationale, a été, Curieusement relegué en ...Fin Juillet (sic !), i.e. presque en Catimini, au Milieu d'un Eté torride, tandis que la Crise du Virus Mortel n'est Pas Finie, et Plusieurs Mesures Restrictives des Libertés s' appliquent encore, y compris la Restriction des Manifestations Publiques nombreuses, qui, pourtant, sont, Notoirement, le Moyen Principal d'Expression pour les Mouvements Populaires Critiques en BioEthique, (comme, p.ex., la "Manif. pour tous", qui avait Planifié une Serie des Réunions Publiques de plus de 500.000 Personnes, etc), de facon que la Légalité d'une telle Situation, au niveau de la Jurisprudence de la CEDH à Strasbourg, semble très Douteuse...


+ En ooutre, "j'ai cité les Résultats des Etats Généraux de la BioEthique, dont, le Compte-Rendu qui a été fait par le CCNE juste après, (dès le Milieu de 2018) a été ...Disqualifié, en s' Opposant, et en connaissance de cause, aux Citoyens !", Denonça Mgr D'Ornellas.

>>> En Effet, Scandaleusement, ce Rapport de la CCNE, entre autres, Surprend en ...Escamotant Totalement, (en réalité CACHE Sciemment), QUELLE était la POSITION de la Très Large Majorité DES CITOYENS vis a vis les 3 Mesures les Plus Contestables et Contestées de ce Projet de Loi en Bio-Ethique : D'Abord la Fabrication Artificielle d'Enfants, sur Commande passée par des Lesbiennes, Ensuite les Mésures dites "en Fin de Vie" (sic !), qui ont Occupé ...60% et 51%, chacun respectivement, des Citoyens ayant Participé au Site Web de la CCNE, et, encore, les Manipulations Génétiques sur Embryons Humains, sous Divers Pretextes de "Recherches", (41% des Participants).

En Réalité, c'est par Très Grandes Majorités d' environ 3/4, voire souvent 4/5 que les Nombreux Participants au Site Web sur la Consultation des Citoyens en BioEthique, ont carrement Refusé ces Mésures les plus Contestables et Dangereuses pour l'Humanité (Comp. Supra) dudit Projet de Loi, dépuis 2018 déjà !

Plusieurs Chiffres concrets, et/ou des Graphiques Explicites, le Montraient très Clairement, dès la Fin de cette Consultation du Peuple, déjà dépuis le 30 Avril 2018, mais aussi après, (comme Plusieurs Saisies d'Ecran disponsibles, le Prouvent).

>>> Pourtant, c'est un Scandale de constater, que la CCNE, dans son "Compte Rendu" sur cette unique Consultation des Citoyens en questions actuelles "brulantes" de BioEthique en France, a gravement Faillie à son Dévoir d' Informer ouvertement tout le Monde, aussi bien les Responsables Politiques du Pays, que la Société tout entière, sur les Résultats de cette Consultation Massive par Internet, en Cachant Totalement, dans son Rapport, le Contenu des Votes du Peuple, les Chiffres des "Non" (immenses) et des "Oui" (très Faibles), Malgré le fait qu'il avait, en réalité, Invité, lui-même, tous les Participants à Voter, et qu'il Disposait ces Chiffres  !...

Dépuis mi-Janvier 2018 jusqu'à Fin Avril, ce Site Web était Notoirement ouvert et Accessible à Tous, et près de 30.000 Participants y ont Publié leurs Contributions écrites, donnant et expliquant leurs Avis, ajoutées à environ 1 Million (832.773) des Votes. Et le CCNE Ne DIT Absolument RIEN de concret sur le RESULTAT du Vote du Peuple...

Dans son "Compte Rendu", Il se Limite à Pretendre, Seulement, qu'il "Ne Fait Pas des Sondages" (sic !). Mais, Alors, Pourquoi avait-il Offert la Poassibilité, et Incité les Citoyens Participants, de Voter ?

Si, éventuellement, le CCNE voudrait avoir Plus de Participation Populaire, il n'a qu'à Plaindre soi-même, puisqu'il avait Restreint la Possibilité pratique pour les Citoyens de Voter, en la Reservant, sur son Site, Seulement à Ceux qui y Publiaient une "Contribution" ecrite...

Ainsi, il N'y a Aucun Pretexte pour Cacher la Verité (sur les Resultats des Votes des Citoyens), Sauf qu'elle Ne lui Plaisait pas !

+ Pour le Reste, ce Compte-Rendu du CCNE se Limite, essentiellement, à Presenter les Prétentions d'une Longue Liste d' environ ...159 NGOs, (parfois même des Individus...), censés representer "Divers" "Courants de Pensée", et/ou des "Sociétés Savantes" (sic !), mais qui, en réalité, il suffit de simplement lire leurs Noms et Intitulés entiers, pour compendre qu'ils Sont, pour ...Plus de 90%, Representatives of Professional Interests qui peuvent tirer Profit des Manipulations Génétiques d'Embryons Humains, et/ou des Fabrications Artificielles d'Enfants à la Commande de Lesbiennes, et/ou des Mésures Controversées en "Fin de Vie", (etc), parmi Plusieurs des Mésures Technocratiques poussées par ce Projet de Loi Controversée en BioEthique...

 En revanche, presque Aucun Philosophe, Aucun Sociologue, Ni Historien, Ni Universiteur speciaiisé en Ethique, Psychologue, Pas de Professeur de Morale,, ou Grand Intellectuel, Ecrivain, etc.... Seulement des gens qui, Normalement, auraient des ...Conflits d' Intérêts à interferer dans des Affaires de Bio-Ethique !


=> -"Il fallait Mieux Ecouter les Citoyens !", en "Sachant" leurs positions", s'exclama l' experimenté Responsable en BioEthique de la Plus Grande Eglise Chretienne de France.

- "Cela dit, est-ce Possible ? Sachant qu' ils Savent, Eux, de Quoi il s'Agit...", s' Interrogea-t-il, (vu qu'il Fallait, Normalement, Annuler de telles Mésures, de Dangerosité Accrue, et Refusées par la Grande Majorité du Peuple).

=> Ainsi, p.ex., "un Debat Citoyen meriterait d'entendre, par example, que les Francais, dans leur Immense Majorité, Ne Comprennent Pas qu'on puisse, par la loi civile, Interdire de fait à un Enfant d' avoir un Père !", denonca-t-il en Conclusion à sa Réponse à la Question d'"Eurofora", entre autres, (V. Infra).


+ D'autant plus qu'aujourd'hui "les Menaces sont réelles : Marché des Tests Génétiques, Robotisation et Intelligence Artificielle Sans Contrôle suffisant, Expérimentation sur des Embryons Chimères, Sélection accrue des Enfants à Naître, filiation Sans Paternité, Maternité Sans Gestation, Marchandisation de la Procréation" (Artificielle), etc., dénonce, entre autres, Mgr Ornellas, Aussi dans un Texte signé par l'ensemble du Groupe de la CEF sur la BioEthique, dont il vient d'Annoncer la parution, et qui Appelle à "Resister à la séduction des Techniques nous entraînant dans les Dérives de l’Eugénisme".

...Même le CCNE a Averti, dans son Rapport sur l' Actuel Projet de Loi en BioEthique, (2018+), que, Malgré des Différences Ailleurs, Pourtant, "un certain Consensus est apparu" sur les Dangers des Recherches et/ou autres Interventions Techniques actuelles "portant sur un Matériel Humain" (sic !), comme il appelle le Corps des Personnes Humaines, "dont Tous Reconnaissent le caractère Unique et Très Sensible", (comme, p.ex., l' Embryon Humain, sinon aussi le Cerveau bientôt, etc). -"En effet, ces Avancées Technologiques pourraient amener un certain nombre de Dérives : TransHumanisme, Eugénisme, «Clonage» reproductif", etc., Conclue le CCNE.  "Sur tous ces points, une Demande Consensuelle est que la Loi pose des Limites à Ne pas Franchir", a-t-il souligné. 


+ Mais, maints Grands Intellectuels nous ont déjà Avertis qu'on doit Ajouter, au moins, aussi :  + "Appart-Heid" Pire que le Nazisme-même (Cf., p.ex., le livre de Zamyatin "Nous", et Aldous Huxley "Brave Nouveau Monde", etc), vraies Races, (Comp., p.ex., H.Q.Wells' "la Machine à Remonter le Temps", etc),  "Chimeras" Homme/Animal et/ou Monstres, (Cf., p.ex., Mary Shelley's "Dr. Frankenstein", et H.G.Wells "L' île du Docteur Moreau", etc), "CybOrgs" Homme-Machine Mix, (que l'ex-Patriarch Alexis avait Dénoncé au Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg), Canibalisme (d' Organes et/ou même des Tissus, Cf., p.ex., la Version Spielberg 2005 du "Guerre des Mondes" de H.G.Wells, et le Film "Planète des Singes", avec Charlton Heston, aux années 1960+, où les Humains sont Réduits en l'état de Gibier courant dans les Forêts et Chassés, etc)+...

- Intitulé "la BioEthique du Monde d'Après", ce Nouveau Appel de la CEF, fait réference à "la Crise Ecologique", "la Pandemie du COVID-19", et autres "Crises sociales" et Evenements majeurs qui ont "révélé notre Fragilité humaine et économique", montrant que "nous Changeons d'Epoque" et qu'Il nous faut penser un Nouveau Progrès", avec "une Vision commune de notre Humanité et de son indispensable “Fraternité”", conduisant "à une salutaire prise de Conscience", du fait qu' "il est désormais impossible de rester dans le monde Ancien en ne considérant que les solutions Techniques, ce qui aurait un effet Dévastateur".

- Ainsi, l'état actuel de "la BioEthique" d'"Aujourd'hui "est tentée de valider les succès Technologiques et le court-terme des Profits du Marché. Le Projet de Loi, dans son actuelle mouture, semble s’y EnFermer, Sans avoir Conscience que l’être Humain en est Blessé".  Donc, "la bioéthique aussi a Besoin d’une Salutaire prise de Conscience ! Elle doit Entendre ces Alertes, dont certaines sont Devenues plus Vives" Récemment, (Comp. Supra). "Le Corps (Humain) N’est pas un matériau Manipulable selon tout désir. Les Liens Humains fondamentaux Ne sont pas Configurables à volonté", etc.

>>> Approchant davantage au coeur du Projet d'"Eurofora", ce Nouveau Texte appelle "au « Dialogue », qui est Plus qu’un simple Débat", (Comp. Supra), afin de prendre Concience du fait que, Maintenant, "plus que jamais, une Vision Audacieuse est Nécessaire : ...Développons une compréhension Unifiée de la Personne Humaine, en ses dimensions Corporelle, Psychique, Sociale et Spirituelle !", invitent-ils.

=> Il est dévenu Urgent, donc, en 2020+, d'" élaborer une Autre BioEthique, que celle de l’actuel Projet de loi" datant de 2016. Car, "Sans une Conscience reNouvelée de l’Ethique, le plus Fragile sera Soumis à la loi du plus Fort, et le progrès escompté deviendra Régression. Il en va du sens de l’Histoire et de notre Responsabilité collective !", ils concluent.


+ Autrement, concernant, plus particulierement, la France, où le Président Macron vient d'annoncer que, Maintenant, il Faut "Unir" le Peuple, afin de "ReConstruire" le Pays, (V. Supra), Mgr d'Ornellas a Averti, plus tôt aujourd'hui, qu' "on Ne Batit pas sur une Société pleine d'Inquiétudes...", et "On Ne Construit pas un Projet de Société, lorsqu'il y a des Inquiétudes et des Angoisses, qui l'ont Fragilisée"... Au point qu'il a evoqué, à côté d'une "Fraternité" et "Gratuité" renouvelées entre Humains, aussi  une "Resistance Bio-Ethique" !

Emmanuel Macron N'est Pas Responsable du tout de cette Division Brutale et Sans Précedent récent, qu'on avait, malheureusement, vue en France autour des Années 2013-2015, (à l' Epoque de Barack Hussein Obama aux USA), lorsque quelques Tentatives d' Imposer au Forceps le trés Controversé et ImPopulaire "Marriage entre Homosexuels", assorti de la Soumission d'Enfants au Pouvoir d'Homosexuels sous Pretexte d' "Adoption", résultant aussi, dans certains cas, à une Oppression et parfois Violence Policière même contre des Dissidents Pacifiques (y compris des Jeunes Filles, ou Meres de bonnes Familles, etc), qu'il avait attiré l' Attention Critique du Conseil de l'Europe...

Mais, maintenant on constate que même les Promesses Minimalistes, que des Auteurs de cette Tension et Conflits, faisaient à l'époque, surtout que les Enfants Ne seraient Pas Affectés par ces Bouleversements, (cad. Pas du PMA/AMP pour Lesbiennes, Ni l' Atrocité des "Meres Porteuses" pour Gays), se revèlent, maintenant, d'avoir été des Mensonges, de l' Hypocrisie ! On voit, en effet, jusqu'à Ces Jours-ci de 2020, un Lobby des Technocartes (qui, en réalité, Manipule et Exploite des Homosexuels pour Ses propres Intérêts InAvouables), Pousser à fond pour Imposer, à tout prix, (aussi "au Forceps" ?), des Massives Fabrications Artificielles d' Enfants par l'Intrusion de "Technologies" diverses, (de plus en plus Dangereuses, aussi bien pour la Santé Physique et Psychique, que pour l'Avenir de l'Humanité : V. Supra), sur Commande d'Homosexuels, (qui N'ont, pourtant, Jamais eu Bésoin de ca, pendant des Millenaires)... Ainsi, les Masques Tombent, et tout le monde verra, peut-être, bientôt, qu'en Réalité, leur Objectif Caché, dès le Début, ce N'était Pas du tout qu'ils se souciaient vraiment, d'abord du "PACS", et après du "Marriage" des Homosexuels, mais, au fond, Surtout, (sinon Seulement) d' Abuser de cela comme Pretextes Hypocrites, afin d' Obtenir, Finalement, une Mainmise et Pouvoir de Controle, sur des Massives Fabrications Artificielles d' Enfants, (tout en Imposant, aussi, les Manipulations Génétiques d'Embryons Humains, en Même Temps) !...

Mais, Macron Voudrait, apparemment, s' Associer au moins une grande partie, peut-être la plupart, des Républicains du Centre-Droit, (les Choix des 2 Prémiers Ministres le montre, ainsi que de certains Ministres, comme, p.ex., déjà Bruno Le Maire, et maintenant Roselyne Bachelot, etc), afin, aussi, d'Augmenter ses Chances de Gagner aussi les Elections Présidentielles de 2022... Et, en tout cas, il est à la fois Responsable et Désireux de l' "Unité" du Peuple de la France, afin de Réussir la ReConstruction du Pays, ainsi que de l'Europe entière.

=> Pourquoi, donc, Risquer de Gacher Tout ca, en Poussant "au Forceps" une si Controversée, ImPopulaire et Dangereuse, aussi bien pour les interessés et pour l'Humanité entière (comme des Evolutions Récentes Montrent de plus en plus : V. Supra), Imposition de Fabrications Artificielles Massives d'Enfants sur Commande de Lesbiennes (et après, même des "Meres Porteuses" pour Servir des "Gays" ?!), dans des Conditions de Légalité Douteuse (V. Supra), et au milieu des Tensions et Conflits Inutiles et Nocifs, qui Ne feront pas du Bien à la France, Ni au reste de l'Europe ?

>>> Pourquoi ne pas Choisir, par Contre, la Voie de l' Apaisement et du Concorde, mais aussi de la Sécurité, en ténant Compte des Changements Récents dus aux Evolutions des Technologies Nouvelles, si Longtemps Après une Obscure et Ancienne Promesse Pre-Electorale, actuellement Dépassée par les Evenements, à un pétit Lobby, largement Manipulé, et, plutôt, Protéger la Santé des Tous, en même temps que l' Humanité, des Dangers qui peuvent être Très Graves ? (Sur Tous ces Points, V. Faits cités Supra). En ce moment, des Restrictions même des Manifestations Publiques, et d'un Ete torride de Chaleur, après un si Long et Epuisant Sommet de l'UE à Bruxelles pour Sauver l' Unité et l'Economie de l'Europe, n'est il pas, plutôt, Temps d'aller, simplement, à des Vacances bien Meritées près de la Nature, (comme, aussi, tous les Députés), au lieu de s'Acharner de Pousser, à tout prix, au Forceps, Curieusement, Seule cette Reforme Erronée et Mal-née, ainsi que Nocive, Tandis que ...Toutes les Autres, Diverses Reformes, Beaucoup plus Sérieuses et Utiles, (y compris sur les Retraites, etc), ainsi que Même la Préparation Urgente des Nouveaux Projets pour être Financés à Temps par le Fonds de ReConstruction de l'UE, (etc), ont été, par Contre, ...Suspendues sine die ?

Les Homosexuels sont, eux aussi, nos Freres et Soeurs en Humanité à tous, et font, Naturellement, Partie de la Grande Famille Humaine. Ils sont Libres de Vivre leurs Vies d' Adultes comme ils Veulent, leurs Besoins Elementaires et Légitimes sont maintenant Protegés, et, en revanche, N'ont Aucune Raison de s'Acharner pour Risquer d'avoir à porter des Enfants, peut-être, plus ou moins Malades, par telles ou telles Manipulations Génetiques possibles de leur Génome, lors de leurs Fabrications Artificielles par des Technocrates obscures, et/ou d'être, possiblement, Accusés, Ensuite, d'avoir joué le rôle, en fait, d' Irresponsables ou même des Complices involontaires à certains Graves Dangers Contre l'Humanité, que quelques Technocates (qui, en Réalité, les Exploitent), apparament Cherchent à Provoquer... => Donc, ...Temps pour Vacances d'Eté, pour les LBGTQ Aussi !

Et, pour Ne pas DesEsperer, quant même, ni Mgr d'Ornellas et ses Nombreux Amis, au moins sur la Question Centrale, pour eux, de l' Image d'un Père et d'une Mère, et du Droit pour Tous les Enfants d'en Avoir un, (Comp. Supra), ce serait Bien d'expedier, au moins quelques Points "Explosifs" de ce Projet de Loi Controversée et ImPopulaire, ainsi que Dangereuse et, maintenant, Dépassée, (comme les Evolutions Récentes des Nouvelles Technologies ont Montré : V. Supra), simplement aux Oubliettes ...

A l'Occasion, il faut, aussi, que certains ...Arrêtent, quand-même, d' Effacer Systématiquement, dans la Plupart des Sites Web Connues à l' Internet, même les Simples ...Mots de "Père" et/ou "Mère", au Celebre Chanson du Musicien Progressiste Noir, Richie Havens, "Freedom", i.e. "Liberté", (Re-Make du Traditionnel "Spiritual" des Noirs : "Enfant Sans Mère"), qui a Ouvert l' Historique Mega-Festival de Musique "Rock" au Woodstock, (en pleine Guerre au Vietnam, et avec plusieurs Dissidents), en 1969... (V. les Faits, p.ex., à : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/russiavotesnaturalfamilyfrancefacesrisk.html + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ0I0SRW9_U&feature=youtu.be, etc).



Car, Autrement, on Risque de voir, dans une Prochaine Etape, probablement, tôt ou tard, quelques uns Effacer même ... la Meilleure et Plus Celebre Partie de la Mondialement Celebre "9e Symphonie" de Beethoven, (notoire Hymne Officiel aussi du Conseil de l'Europe et de l'Union Européenne), qui, vers sa Conclusion, Chante un superbe Poème de Schiller, terminant avec la Phrase : -"Après les Etoiles, doit être UN PERE QUI VOUS AIME !"....







("Draft News")




Franco-German plan brings Historic EU MEGA Deal towards Funds+Governance Integration, But Needs More

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 21 July 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- After a Record-High 5 Days Summit, EU made a Hard-Born but Historic Deal in Brussels ...at the Anniversary of Alexander the Great's Birth 2.376 Years Ago, the UnDefeated Ancient Greek Civilisation's legend, who Dared Head towards China 1 Millenary Before Marco Polo, and is Also Famous for his Decisive Way to Find a Solution, with Political Will, on the World's Most Difficult, Intractable and UnSolved Problem then, known as "Gordian Knot" : He UnDone that with his Sword, reportedly Argying that What Mattered Most wasN't How to proceed, But to Solve it !



(Alexander the Great cuts the Gordian Knot - JF. Godefroy painting, 1767)


Notoriously Initiated by a landmark Franco-German EU core's Joint Proposal, brokered last Spring, on May 2020, right in the Middle of Mass Deadly Virus' UnPrecedented Pandemic, which had Europe as its EpiCenter, the Final, Collective, 27 EU Member-States' Agreement innovates by several Key Points, pushing concrete Breakthroughs towards a Beginning of quasi-Federal European Integration, mainly via EU Funding, But Also related EU Governance, etc.,

while, However, remaining still a Partly UnFinished Work-on-the-Making, whose Real Future Depends from various Pending, and/or Possible but UnCertain yet Further Moves at the Horizon :

>>> At its Core is the Creation of an Ambitious EU Revival Fund, with 390 Billions € in full Grants, added to another 360 Billions € in Loans, whose Distribution to 27 Member States is due to be Decided by a Qualified Majority (and No more Unanimity) in EU Council, thanks to Money that will be gathered (for the 1st Time in History) by Collective EU Borrowing (with its "AAA" Rating), to be Reimbursed between 2026-2058, in Large Part through Forthcoming EU's "Own Resources", according to Choices to be made Soon. + This comes at the Top of a 2001-2007 MultiAnnual Financial Framework Deal for the Regular EU's Budgets, brokered in Parallel, which would Add More than 1.050 Billions €, Resulting in a Total ByPassing 1,85 Trillions €, (that EU Parliament and EU Commission Wish to Extend Further, particularly in some Key Areas).



But, obviously, the Main Protagonists, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, (who currently Chairs the EU for the Crucial Period of July-December 2020: See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/merkel5pointsforeurevival.html), Together with EU Council's President Charles Michel (former Prime Minister of Belgium), accompagnied by EU Commission's Chief, Ursula von der Leyen (former several times Minister, including of Defense, in Germany), had to make Many and Various Compromises, Changing Several Parts of their Initial Plan, in order to Obtain an Unanimous Agreement of All 27 EU Member States' Leaders, after an Originaly 2 Days "Exceptionnal" Summit reached a 5th Day's Morning, (some Foreseeing possible Even more than "a Week" !), amidst Manifold Tensions, Oppositions, Conflicts, alleged "Blackmails", and Hard Bargaining, (Often Some Playing Games ...Hidden Behind Others, as National Parliaments have still to Ratify the Deal), which made, sometimes, Fear another Eventual Blockade,  Risking to Seriously Damage the EU, after Too Many Deaths by the Virus, even earlier Errors and/or EU Delays to Urgently take Protective Measures, that added also OverSpend and Slowed-Down Economies, while the Pandemic Crisis is Not Yet Over, throughout the World.

=> So, First of all, the so-called "Frugal" or, alias, "Stingy", EU Member States' Leaders, (Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Austria, Later Partly Joined by Finland, mainly Led by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, helped by Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eurevivalsummitneedseuropeanvision.html ), appeared Pushing Hard for a Series of Changes on the Original EU Plan, and Got, Finally, several Concessions, including the Maintain of a Rebate for 4 of them, even After UK's Departure with the "BREXIT"), Augmented for Most of them, But also a Diminution of the Total Volume of EU Grants, from 500 Billions € initially, Down to 390 Billions € finally, (the Rest of the 750 Billions € Recovery Fund being covered by Loans), as well as a "Tighter" EU Monitoring Process for any Handovers to its Member States. Later, it was announced that Germany was Included to such Rebates' continuation, (but withOut any Augmentation).

+ From anOther Side, mainly Italy (with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who Joined Spain, Portugal, Greece, France and Many Other Countries into Defending EU Grants, as initially Planned), reportedly fought Against Maintaining Unanimity, instead of a Qualified Majority, at EU Council's Decisions on that Recovery Fund, Apparently Fearing that Critics - as Netherlands' Rutte, etc.- might, Otherwise, hold a "Veto". And this was, Indeed, Droped, after Various Other Countries Joined the move.

++ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euuturnforlongerbalanceddeal.html) said that he Backed Italy, Obviously Motivated by Rutte's Opposite stance (Comp. Supra), since the Dutch Prime Minister Also appeared to Head a (Wider in Fact) Move to Immediately Add an UnPrecedented Mechanism for Excluding from EU Funds those Member Countries which are Accused for alleged "Rule of Law" Discrepancies, (i.e. currently Hungary and Poland). But, Strongly Backed by his National Parliament, (where Orban's Center-Right Party "Fidesz" brillantly Won -even Better- the Latest Election on 2018, followed by a Powerful Rightist "Jobbic" Party, while, on the Contrary, the "Socialists" Fell even Lower), which Recently Adopted a Resolution clearly Excluding any Deal which might, Eventually, "Use EU Funds for Political Issues, inside National States", as it Warned, the Hungarian Prime Minister had to Brandish a "Veto" If Rutte and/or others eventually Imposed such an Exclusion Trigger. Orban, Supported also by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who Currently Chairs the 4 Countries of the Center-Eastern "Visegrad" Group, (Hungary, Poland, Chequia, Slovakia), claimed that they Obtained, finally, Gain of cause on that Point, and that's why they Accepted to Sign this EU Brussels' Deal.

However, that Issue Appears quite Tricky, or UnClear Yet... Indeed, Even if Rutte's and Others' Attempt to Immediately Impose the Above-Mentioned Exclusion Mechanism, under "Rule of Law" Claims, withIn that overall EU Summit's Deal (Comp. Supra) was Finally Droped, and, Instead, the Present Brussels' Compromise simply Added an elementary Mention of the Fact that EU Council "underlines the Importance of the respect of Rule of Law", (a Principle that Orban generally Supports, and was even Arrested, as he Reminded, by the Police of the Previous Regime, precisely for "Fighting for Freedom, i.e. Rule of Law", which concerns EU Membership itself, and Not Just Money, as he pointed out), Nevertheless, this is Not All...

In Fact, while Victor Orban's circle was, reportedly, Glad about this alleged Development in the Latest Draft Proposal of EU Council's President Michel, to the point to Inform, Already, to Hungarian Medias, as Early as Since 20 July at the MidNight, However, Whoever might, Eventually, had Told him that this Simple Mention was All, did Not correspond Exactly to the Full Final Text.

Indeed, the Full Final Conclusions of this EU Summit Also Include, at least, +2 More relevant Points :

- (A) One reads that : "Based on this background, a regime of Conditionality ... Will be Introduced", and, for that purpose, "the (EU) Commission will propose Measures, in case of Breaches, for Adoption by the (EU) Council", which will (Exceptionally) Decide "by qualified Majority", (and Not Unanimity, so that, f.ex., Hungary and/or Poland could No More mutually Support EachOther by, eventually, using their Veto, in case of an Attempt to Exclude one of them). + Curiously, such an Addition was Printed, in the Official EU Conclusions, as published Today (July 21) early Morning, at ... anOther Page of that Text, Even if it Immediately Follows the Above-mentioned Reference to the "Rule of Law", (Comp. Supra), which, Astonishingly, was, thus, left with an UnExplained ...Long EMPTY Space, accompagnying it in Its own Page, (i.e. Obviously giving the False Impression that it would stand Alone) !

At any case, Viktor Orban had, However, Already said to European Journalists that he would be Ready (regardless if the Summit had to Durate Much Longer in Brussels), to, Eventually, Negotiate a possible New EU Mechanism on "Rule of Law" matters, as Some Asked for, (Even if he Believed that Useless, since the EU had Already Mechanisms for that), on Condition that it would be "Seriously" Discussed and Legally Analysed, withOut Hastily Imposing a Makeshift Draft which would contain Vague, ImPrecise Terms, etc., Dangerous for Democracy, as he Warned, (See: .., etc).

- (B) But, anOther Point is that, the Above-Mentioned, Vague Reference to the "Importance" of the "Rule of Law" (Comp. Supra), was Inserted, at the Final Full Text of EU Summit's Official Conclusions, in a very Particular Context : I.e. Immediately After a Different reference to "the Protection of EU's Financial Interests" (sic !), "in accordance with the General Principles embedded on the (EU) Treaties". Given the Fact that EU "Commission is invited to ...Protect" those EU Funds "Against" Not Only "Fraud", But, Also, "and Irregularities", (as it's Vaguely added, Afterwards, in the Final EU Conclusions), as well as that National States' "Plans" for EU Funding "Shall be Approved by the (EU) Council by a qualified Majority" (i.e. Not Unanimity : Comp. Supra) "on a Commision proposal", is there a Way to SafeGuard f.ex. Hungary and/or Poland, or Any Other EU Member State, from Eventual Rejection under some "Rule of Law" Pretext ?... Particularly when it's, in Addition, up to "1 or more (EU) Member States" (f.ex. Mr. Rutte ?) to, Eventually, "Request ...to refer the matter to the Next European Council", "if" they "Consider that there are Serious Deviations", After which, "No ... Payments" may be made, "Until the Next European Council has Exhaustively Discussed the matter", in a "Process" which "may" take "3 Months" more..., (while People may be still Dying by the Virus !).

Obviously, whoever might, Perhaps, have been Told, during a Sleepless MidNight of the 20 to 21 July, that the Latest Draft Compromise would have "Only 1 Mention" of the "Rule of Law"'s "Importance" for the EU, in general, withOut having, Afterwards, around 6 a.m. in the Early Morning, Enought Time and/or Readiness in order to Find, Read, and Associate all those, above mentioned, Other References, Scattered around Various Different Places inside this EU Summit's Long Full Final Conclusions, (Comp. Supra), could, Eventually, have been MisLed (by False, InComplete, or InAccurate initial Appearances)...

But, Europe should Not be, Eventually, Sullied by Anyone's possible Attempt to, Perhaps, irresponsibly Play such Dirty Tricks ! Indeed, Even if, as, f.ex., some German MEPs had earlier told "Eurofora", Private Businesses' legitimately Need for Hungarian and/or Polish or other Countries' Judges to be as "Independent" as possible, Nevertheless, it's Also true that, in Fact, Behind at least Some so-called "Rule of Law" Complaints, might, Perhaps, be Hidden Dangerous Attacks against Hungary's, Poland's, and/or Any Other relevant Country's National, Democraticaly Chosen, and Popular Choices in favor, f.ex., of the Natural Family, between a Man and a Woman, and, therefore, of Natural Births, (Instead of Articicial Fabrications of Children, Controlled by Technocrats), and/or for the Protection of Human Embryos against Genetic Manipulations, Perhaps, Also, for European Culture Migration, and/or to Help Develop National Population's Increase, instead of Cotroversial Mass Irregular Migration from Far Away Foreign Countries, withOut any European Culture, Neither real Wish to Assimilate it, Risking to Provoke "Parallel Societies" and Impose a "Multi-Culti", that Angie Merkel's main Governing German Party of ChristianDemocrats (CDU/CSU) had alreaday Succesfully Denounced, since 2010 and in the 2013 Parliamentary Elections, managing, then, to Win almost + 40 % of the People's Votes, approaching Even an Absolute Majority, for the 1st Time in recent History...


+ However, there are Also several, at least 3, still Open Questions on the Economic/Financial core Aspects of this Summit's Deal on EU's Recovery Fund :


- The First one concerns the Time which would be Needed, in Real Practice, for EU Funds to actually Arrive there where EU Citizens have to Act, during the current Crisis. Indeed, according to EU Summit's Conclusions, the Procedure may take at least 2 + 1 + 3 = 6 Months (for EU Commission's and EU Council's Initial Decisions, as well as an Eventual Objection by one or more EU Member States... To what is Added the Necessary Period of Time for Each Project to Reach the Stage of a "Satisfactory Fulfilment of the ....Targets", Only After which, the EU Commission and Council may Decide to Start Handing over the relevant "Payments", according to the Final EU Summit's Deal, (apparently, at least partially, Influenced by Mr. Rutte's desiderata). And, on the Top of it, Inevitably comes Even the Time that it will take, Before that, for All the 27 EU Member States' National Parliaments in order to Ratify the Brussels' Deal, (i.e., approximatively until the End of 2020)... So that it doesN't seem sure at all whether a Project's Authors Might just Start Receiving some EU Funds Before the ...Middle or even the End of Next Year (2021) !  

=> Isn't there Any Way to somewhat Simplify things, (at least during the current Virus' Crisis) ?

Even if the respective Situations are Not Identical at all, neverheless, it's a Fact that, during a Previous Economic Crisis on 2008+, it was Enough for an Only One (1) Day Summit of €uroZone's Heads of State/Government, (the First ever in History, a Sunday, at "Elysée" Palace in Paris, Organized on October 2008 by the French, then, Chairmanship of the EU, headed by former President Nicolas Sarkozy : See "Eurofora"'s relevant NewsReport, right from "Elysée" Palace at: ..., etc), so that, Already ... From the Next Day, (Monday or Tuesday) Immediately Starts an UnPrecedented, collectively Coordinated Series of €uroZone Countries' Big Plans and Financial Moves to Boost an Urgently Needed Economic ReVival, which Proved, Later-on, to be quite Succesfull !

In France, that Effort was Supervised by a particularly Important, Specialized Minister, former Chief of the Governing Party, and Close Ally of the President, Patrick Devedjian, who Both Started and Concluded his relevant Activities by Visiting Strasbourg, where he personally Described to "Eurofora" and other Journalists, the main Aims and Results of his Action, (See, f.ex., among others, also: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/devedjian.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/devedjiansaveandinvest.html , etc). Devedjian's Experience and Views might have been particularly Interesting Nowadays, But he was, meanwhile, tragically Killed, precisely, by this Deadly Virus ! However, Sarkozy, (who notoriously exchanges Often with Macron, nowadays), has, reportedly, Just Finished a New Book, now on 7/2020, Focused on the First Years of his former Presidency, around 2007-2008, which May include some Interesting Insights...


- The Second Open Question is about the Projects due to be Funded by the EU: Curiously, there are No real European Projects foreseen, But just National ones, presented by Each Member State...

 But, thus, EU Obviously risks to Lose a precious Occasion to Promote a Europe-Wide, Joint Vision, as well as InfraStructures, etc., which could Also Create some Symbolic common European Achievements for the General Conscience of 450 Millions of EU Citizens, but Also generate real Common Interests between EU's 27 Member States, which could Facilitate to achieve Compromises and Deals much more Easier in Future EU Summits, (as "Eurofora" Already observed, Since the Beginning of this "Exceptional" 7/2020 Brussels' Summit : see http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eurevivalsummitneedseuropeanvision.html, etc).

 Otherwise, (as we all saw these last days : Comp. Ibid), Exclusively National, Separate Projects, even if funded by the EU, Risk to Stay, in People's Memory and everyday Practice as 27 Member States' Different Achievements, keeping Separate Interests, and sometimes Conflicting Viewpoints, also Afterwards...

 => That's why it would certainly be Good, if, at least, Certain Important Projects were, eventually, Supported by Many EU Countries, practically Cooperating All Together to Achieve a Common, Big Goal, (which should, Naturally, be Facilitated also by EU Commission and/or EU Council during the implementation of this overall Deal), in the Next Stages.


- The Third Open Question concerns the Search for New Sources of Funding for EU's Recovery Fund and MFF, (Comp. Supra), which Include also possible EU's "Own Resources", (as it has been, in principle  Agreed, for the 1st Time in History).

The Recovery Fund, once Decided by EU Council, canNot be legaly Modified by EU Parliament, But the MultiAnnual Financial Framework Can, and, there, MEPs are notoriously Critical for alleged Cuts, as usual, (particularly compared to EU Commission's Initial Proposals), not only on Agriculture and Cohesion, but Even on Health, Research, and Foreign Policy. This, Obviously, canNot be Compensated by the Recovery Fund's Money, f.ex. for Climate Protection, (which, at least in Some Countries, including even France, is reportedly due to be Spend, mainly on ...Too Classic "Thermic Isolation of Buildings" : an Old Practice f.ex. around Strasboug and adjacent Villages, since Too Many Years, which sometimes Transforms formerly Fresh Buildings into Excessive Heat HellHoles !)... Thus, EU Parliament and Commission are expected to Press mainly for Substantial EU's "Own Resources", that EU Council has, in principle, Promised.

=> But, it's Not Yet Clear WHICH ones !  Because, among those Already Proposed, f.ex. Taxes on Plastics haveN't, reportedly, any serious Potential, while Both Taxes on CO2 at the Borders, and on Digital GAFAM, appear "Complex", the 1st mainly for "Technical" Reasons, and the 2nd, rather for "Political" ones, particularly in its More Interesting Version : that on International Trade, where Heavy USA Reactions are expected, as long as an OECD Compromise still Lacks...

>>> So that, what is really Needed is something clearly New, withOut Narrow Limits, Neither Complicated Technical Problems, Nor Fear of Reactions from someone perhaps Stronger than the EU, (as, f.ex. the USA : Comp. Supra), etc. And, in fact, it seems that such a Possibility, Really Exists :

- Indeed, currently, EU appears to have an Important Potential for New, and much Needed (particularly After the already advanced Extinction of North Sea's former Deposits) Big Energy Resources, at its South-Eastern Mediterranean Borders, between EU Member Cyprus (Eventually even Greece) and Friendly Neighbbouring Countries as Israel and Egypt, whose Exploitation and Development is  Delayed or Blocked Only by illegal Bullying, aqainst that Small but Strategic Island, by retrograde Turkey. Natural Gas is Climate-Friendly, since it Avoids CO2, and can be Easily and Directly Transported, from there, straight into EU's Industrial Core, either by an UnderSea Pipeline, (nick-Named "East-Med" Project, sponsored by the EU), and/or by High-Tech Ships using New Technologies of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) towards Equiped Terminals, as, f.ex. that of "Foss 2" near France's Marseille, (but with more or less Similar "De-Liquefaction" Terminals already existing Also in Greece, Croatia, Italy, Spain, etc). Relevant Findings inside EU Member Cyprus' EEZ are Already Important, and Much More are Expected in Foreseen Explorations at the Rest of its Large and Well Situated Maritime Area, while Israel and Egypt have Already Found Huge Energy Quantities, and are Cooperating with EU Countries Cyprus and Greece for Various possible Collective Projects of Massive Energy Transferts Directly into EU's core.


=> In Consequence, if the 450 Millions Population Strong, Rich, Developed and Strong EU Countries, Use their clearly Superior Forces in order to just Protect those New Energy Resources (a Big Part of which actually Belong to Europe) around EU-Member Cyprus from illegal retrograde Turkey's Bullying, then, they Naturally could, f.ex., Also, f.ex., Lift a kind of "Protection Tax" on All Revenues of Future Massive Energy Transports from those South-Eastern Mediterranean HotSpots, (whose Geology looks Similar to that of Energy-Rich Mexico Gulf at the USA, as "Eurofora"s co-Founder had guessed, Already as Early as Since 2000-2001 : See relevant Publications, then at "Cyprus Weekly", f.ex. from Interviews at an International Mega-Conference on "Geo-Science" organized by the "Globe Institute" of Strasbourg's University, etc), which could Obviously be Added, even From the Next Few Years, (since a Big Part of that Energy is Already Found and/or Stocked, almost Ready to be Delivered asap),  as a Precious and Promising, New EU's "Own Resource" !

Such a Timely (and Middle-Long Term duration's) Financial Boost could seriously Help, to well Start and Develop EU's Recovery Fund, as well as to Smoothly Face the above-mentioned EU Budget Challenges (Comp. Supra), in the Best Way possible, (while Also Firmly Asserting EU's Important Role throughout its External Borders, and its Neighbouring Areas, as well as in the World).

And, by the way, as it concerns also EU's Franco-German core's Couple, in Addition to the Naturally Pioneer, active Involvement of France, at this Mediterranean Topical Issue, (See, f.ex., Already Emmanuel Macron's relevant Replies to "Eurofora"s Questions at a Press-point as Early as since 2015 in Strasbourg, when he was Economy Minister, as well as, Later-on, as President of the Republic, f.ex. at the "G20" Summit of Hamburg, in Germany, on 2017, etc.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frencheconomyministermacronegyptisraelcyprusgaspipelinebigchance.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macrontoprotectcyprusisraelenergyforeurope.html), it's Also the experienced German Chancellor Angie Merkel, current EU President-in-office for July-December 2020, who had already Visited personaly Cyprus, (first at the German Navy, hosted there, and afterwards as an Official State Visit), as Early as Since ...2006, when Germany had taken over the Leadership of EU's Naval Forces, hosted at a SeaPort in Cyprus, included in the European Force, under UN Mandate, led then by Historic former French President Chirac, particularly at the Land, for Peace-Keeping at nearby Lebanon, to urgently but Successfully Pacify a Middle-East Risk of bloody Conflict triggered between Israel and Arabs then, which, finally, Ended Well, Thanks also to Europe's active and decisive presence.

>>> In Substance, Both Then (2006) and Now (2020), it's just a matter of ... "Alexander the Great"'s readiness and Strong Political Will to simply Focus on Solving asap. that "Gordian Knot" Issue, that Others erroneously Took for almost "Mission Impossible", as Also this Previously "Blocked" EU Brussels' Exceptional July 2020 Summit, which Succeeded, Nevertheless, to Finally Strike a Deal, (Comp. Supra), as, mutatis-mutandis, History teaches us  !...


(Alexander the Great statue, ThessaloNiki SeaPort, Greece)



("GORDIAN KNOT" Group of Rock Music, Berkeley California, First, 1999 Album :

After a "Hard" Beginning,  it all Becomes much Softer and Lively, as it Goes On...)











EU Gifts to Stingy States Turn to Criticism+Opposed Tide Seeking Balanced Deal in Record Long Summit

Written by ACM
Sunday, 19 July 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopoli/- Enough, is Enough ! After a Lot of Concessions to a Minority of so-called "Frugal", alias "Stingy" States, which Initially seemed to have practicaly HiJacked the overall atention at a Crucial EU Summit on a Recovery Fund to Face the Deadly Virus' Crisis,

an Opposite Tide and Criticism apparently Emerged Later-on, from Various Other Countries, as a Key Part of a Wider Search for a Balanced Deal,

while also Unexpectedly Extending EU Leaders' Political Discussions into a 4rth Day, (if not, perhaps, Week !), which have Already Broken an Historic Record High Longevity...


+ Meanwhile, anOther, Related, but Sudden "U-Turn" was Also the Fact that, in the Hard Fought Role of ...Press and Medias' main Popular "Star", This Time, Dutch Prime Minister Mark RUTTE (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eurevivalsummitneedseuropeanvision.html, etc), was practically Replaced, in real Practice, by ...Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor ORBAN ! (See Infra)...



"Frugal" States' Chief Rutte, after Consuming some Dishes,

(including Expensive Cherries)...

Indeed, the so-called "Frugal", and Recently Nick-Named Also "Stingy" (sic !) 4 Countries of Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria, erratically Followed, sometimes, by a New, Young Finnish Prime Minister of a Shaky 2020 Coalition, After Exerting Heavy Pressure, (mainly by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, but Also his Austrian Counterpart, Sebastien Kurz, in anOther Way), Already managed to reportedly Receive perhaps Too Many EU Concessions... F.ex., among others, also :  

(1) on Ensuring their own Rebates, (at least 3 of them);

(2) on making them Even Bigger ;  

(3) on Substantialy Diminishing the initially scheduled EU Grants, instead of Loans, (by Priority addressed to Poorer and/or Harder Hit by the Virus, Countries) ;

(4) probably Even on Reducing the Overall Sum for the relevant, EU's planned "Recovery Fund" ;

(5) on Measures to Better Control the Hand-over and Use of EU Funds by recipient Countries ;

(6) while Also, iniially quasi-Monopolizing Long Collective Meetings with the Press for Publicity, (Contrary to this Exceptional EU Summit's Official Rules, which Oppose that) ;

  - Etc+, ...

+ Despite All those Moves, However, several among those 4 or 5 "Frugal" or "Stingy" Countries, (which include 1 "Liberal" and 2 "Socialist" Governments, added to Only 1 Right plus "Green" one), while Expressing their Pleasure for those First Acquisitions, reportedly, Still Insisted to Ask for ...even More such EU Concessions :

- F.ex., they Anew Demanded to Further Reduce Grants (instead of Re-Imbursable Loans) at Even Lower Levels ;

- they (mainly the Netherlands, perhaps partly Austria) Persisted into Asking a kind of Individual "Veto" Power over EU Recovery Funds' release and use, (aparently UnSatisfied yet by a Proposal for a Collective European Mechanism of Monitoring) ;

- (mainly the Netherlands) appeared to Lead Pressure for Delicate and Controversial Financial "Sanctions" to EU Member Countries Accused to bypass "Rule of Law", (notoriously Targetting particularly Hungary and Poland, etc., but possibly Others too, Sooner or Later)...

+ Etc....

=> Such Moves, reportedly Started to Provoke Various Critical or even Negative Reactions from Several Concerned and/or Other EU Countries, apparently Nervous or Even Shocked by a, probably, too "Greedy" Attitude by, at least Some (mainly the Dutch, but not only) among the so-called "Frugal" States, (which Motivated Attempts to rather Call them, from Now on, "Stingy"...).

- This Included, Inter Alia, also Italian Prime Minister Conte's reported outcry about an alleged ..."Blackmail" on Europe, (particularly,; it seems, by Dutch Prime Minister Rutte), Even if he might have, Perhaps, Exagerated when he, Apparently, Pleaded for the Lack of almost Any more Monitoring of those EU Funds, Not Even by an adequate, New EU Mechanism, (Contrary to what some EU sources have Proposed)...

+ On anOther Point, (Apparently the Total Volume, and the Grants' Ratio, inside EU's Recovery Fund, etc), French President Macron, (who had Notoriously Agreed on that with German Chancellor Merkel since May 2020), reportedly Warned that EU should Not Make even "More Concessions" which would be "to the Detriment of the European Ambition !"

And Both Merkel with Macron, reportedly Left this EU Summit's OverNight Discussions, Earlier than Others,

while, However, Continuing to Support EU Council President Michel's Efforts to Extend EU Leaders' Talks, even through Monday etc., Hoping that More adequate Proposals and Reciprocal Compromises May Help Find, at last, an Agreement, over a Balanced, Good Deal, so that "Europe realises even an, apparently, <<Mission Impossible>> (sic !), as Michel characteristicaly stressed...


+ In that overall Context, Rutte's Initial quasi-Monopoly to a Unique, Long "Questions/Answers", Collective Session with several Journalists, (Despite this Exceptional EU Summit's official Exclusion of such Moves, allegedly Because of the Virus), which Inevitably Gave an outright Publicity to Most "Frugal" or "Stingy" States' desiderata, (See, f.ex., inter alia, also at: ..., etc),

=> Now, it's Mainly (and UnExpectedly) the ...Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, at the Heart also of the "Visegrad" Group of Central-Eastern EU Countries, (After Earlier meeting also with Michel, Macron, and Others), who Started to Give several Sharp Critical Replies !



- Orban First, Started by "Excusing" himself for the ..."ExtraOrdinary Circumstances" in which the Journalists had to "See" and "Communicate" with him, Nowadays, since this Press Briefing, Exceptionaly, had to take place, Curiously, at a ...Remote Parc, Outside of EU Council's Building, under Pretext of the Virus, (while, on the Contrary, that of Rutte, Obviously took place right in Front of EU Council's Main Entrance for Heads of State/Governent, as it was Regularly Done Before the Virus)...


    Giving a Topical OVERVIEW of the Current Situation in this Crucial EU Summit, he stressed, from the outset, that, Today (Sunday Afternoon, 19/7/2020),

- "Basically, we (EU) Still have mainly 4 Confrontational Issues, which are the Obstacle to Reach an Agreement Up to Now".

- "Only (sic !) 4. Which means that the (EU) Council and Charles Michel made a very Good Job, to Limit the Number of Open Questions : When we (EU Summit) had Started, they were Dozens !... But Now, it's Only 4", he praised.

=> So, "I think that We (EU) have Good Chances to make a Deal !", Viktor Orban, with a Surprizing Optimism, Highlighted, Despite his usual and present (See Infra) Critical stance...

 - In fact, "We (EU Summit) Must, We Have to Make a Deal !", he stressed. -"Because Unity is the Only Way to get Out of this Challenge !", he Voluntaristicaly Urged, Later-on, thus, perhaps, Explaining his stance. Indeed, -"Nothing is More Important than Make a Deal on the Economic Crisis !", Viktor Orban underlined. + "As things stand (See Infra), probably, - "It Takes some Time, But, IF Everybody is Ready to Stay, We (EU) Can Make a Deal !", he Concluded, in fine, (See Infra).


- "Now, it's Obvious, that the Reason for which we managed to Reduce the number of Disagreement points",

"is Basically, that We (EU) are All Conscious of How Serious the Situation is : ... It's Dramatic, anyway. Economically. COVID is one thing, but we are speaking about the Consequences in Our (EU) Economies. It's Worse than you think !...", he Warned.

=> - As a Result, "the Mood among us (EU Member States' Leaders), is rather Pessimistic. It's Not a Strong Enough Word on How we See the Future... So, we see that Big Dangers are approaching the European Economy !"

- "First, Because of the Consequences of the 1st Wave of the Pandemic, and, Secondly, because of the 2nd Wave, which We (EU)'ll All Expect, could come"...

=> "So, We (EU Summit) are Aware that We Have to Make a Deal !". And "We (EU Summit) are Negoticating under the Pressure that a Deal is a Must", he stressed, from the outset.


    Until Now, -"We have Already Invested 2 Days, and this is the 3rd Day", he observed.

>>> -  "And, I think that we Need, in order to Make a Deal on the Still Open Remaining Questions, Several More Days !"..., Orban UnExpectedly Warned.  

    As far as it concerns, -"Us, Hungarians, we are Ready to Stay, Even for more than a Week, if We (EU) have to make a Deal", he Smiled... -"Because Negotiating (might) Take a Week !", he audatiously Revealed...

    => - "So, we doN't Want to Go Home withOut Having a Solution for Europe !", Viktor Orban Vowed.

    - "It's Not just about Hungary, Because Hungary is just a Small Story inside the Big Novel. Just a Small Chapter". + And, "Hungary is Rather in a Good Shape". "It does'N't mean that the Future is Not Dangerous for Us (Hungary). But, at this Moment, We (Hungary) are in a (quite) Better Position, in terms of the Pandemic, and the Economic Consequences, and the Financial Circumstances, as well". (F.ex.: Budapest reportedly tries to Simply Lower a 70% Debt to 60%, while Italy is around 130%, France More than +100%, and "Greece...", as he had Observed Earlier).  

    - "But, ...it's about the European Economy !" F.ex., "Even if Hungary is Not Part of the €uro2one, However, IF the €uro2one Suffers, We (H) Will Suffer" too ...

    => -"Therefore, We (EU Summit) Must, We Have to Make a Deal !", he reiterated. -"Because Unity is the Only Way to get Out of this Challenge - on Economy"...

>>> -"So, Probably, we'll See EachOther (also) during Next Week, Several Times !", he Prognosticated, Smiling to Journalists...

    - Indeed, "Nothing is More Important than Make a Deal on the Economic Crisis !", Viktor Orban underlined. i.e. "Vacations, ... Domestic Political Issues, ... Even Foot-Ball, ..., etc", he Joked. => - "So, there are Plenty of Reasons to Stay (at Brussels), IF Necessary", in Conclusion.


    >>> - Now, "On the 4 Questions :', Orban re-Started.


    - "The 1st one is on the Overall Size of this ("Next Generation") Fund Package, to properly Handle this Economic Crisis" I.e., "How Big it should Be ? It's Still Open", he felt, (But, withOut Insisting on that Point).


    -  "The 2nd, is What should be the Ratio, Inside this Package, of the Grants and and the Loans", he reminded.

    + And, "there are Some Countries, (Basically the Dutch anyway), which would like to Create a Mechanism ...(?), which would provide an Influence, to the Dutch+, to Control the Spending of the Money, basically of the South". he resumed,

 (Perhaps, Too Hastily, since, in Fact, it Seems that the Dutch Want a "Veto", While President Michel and Others, Including, reportedly, France, etc., Seek to set up an appropriate "European Mechanism", which, IF it is Adequate, might Properly Solve that Issue)...

    => -"So, it's, Basically, a Dispute between the Dutch and the Italians", he felt, so that, - "In What concerns Hungary, We are Firmly Standing on behalf of the Italians, in this Dispute", Orban openly Announced.

    - In Consequence, "the Best Way, in what we Can do, is for the Money to Go to those Who are in Need, and Help them to Spend it as Much and as Soon, As They Can (?), in order to Stabilize Their Economy,"

    "Instead of having Complicated, Bureaucratic, and Long Disputes, about Programs, or what so ever"... "Because, if you Give something on the Right Time, you give Twice !"..., according to an "Hungarian Wisdom"..., he Simply found, (Apparently, Excluding a priori the Possibiliy to Create an Efficient and Rapid enough, European Mechanism of Adequate Monitoring).    

    - "That's about Grants and Loans", he Stoped on that Point, in general.


    + As "For Hungary, we are Not Treated Properly. But, Anyway, we Can Live, even With That"..., he found.     

    - Indeed,  "Previously,  When the Negotiations had Started, the Difference between Countries Belonging to the Same Category as Hungary, like Portugal and Greece, that Difference (in EU Funds) was Humiliating !... The Same Size of the Country, the Same Population, the Same Income level, on Purchasing Power, (Otherwise, it's Even Smaller in Hungary : 7 to 11)"... That Differencies were 9 Billions, 10 Billions €, etc. So, that Difference was not only Absurd Economically, but Also Humiliating !", he Denounced.

    - - "Now, We (Hungary), are in the 2nd Level, anyway. So, it's Double Standards. We haveN't got What the Others have. - But, OK, in order to have (EU) Unity, and Be Together, We (Hungary) are Ready to Accept it. It's Not Fair, But, at least, it's Not Humiliating. That's our position", he agreed.

    + "Be aware of the Fact that we, Hungarians, take Money from the "Next Generation" Fund, which are basically Loans, with a Sum of Money which is Lower than what we Shall Pay Back in the Forthoming 30 Years. So, in the Long Term, this Business is Negative, for us. But we (H) Can Live with that".


    + "The 3rd Point is Rebate :"

    - "Rebate is a Privilege of the Rich Countries !" So, "We (H) would Like to get withOut that", Orban urged...

    - "That Was Created by the Brittish". But "BREXIT Happened", so "Rebate Should Go also !", "Because it's a Privilege". Inded, it's "Because of the Brittish Rebate, (that) is WAS Logical to keep some Equilibrium provided Also for some Other Countries, as well. But, Now, the Brittish are Not Here, Anymore"...

    => -"So, it's a Privilege Like it was for the Aristocrats, in the 19th Century (sic !)..." On the Contrary, If We (EU) like to be Equal, We Should, simply, Get Rid of it. But, Rich Countries (NDLR: Except Germany+) Insist on that. They doN't Move, Not Even a single Step !", he regretted.

    >>> - "Which is a Problem, any way", and "Could be the Final Problem, (and) the Biggest one !", Orban Warned.



    + "And the 4rth (Open Question) ... is <<Rule of Law>>, he arrived to "Hot" Issues, (notoriously Concerning Particularly Hungary, Poland, and Other EU Member States, at least According to their Critics)...

    - "What is going on" there, "is a little bit Strange : Because there is 100% Agreement (between All EU Member States) on the Rule of Law. Everybody said, as (French) President Macron Formulated it, that <<Rule of Law is Existential>>. And it's Correct. So, IF Somebody does Not Accept the Rule of Law, Should Leave the EU Immediately !"... "He should Not just be Punished by Money, or Anyhing Else". It should, Simply, be a: -<<Good By, Sir !>>"... "Because this (EU) Community is Based on the Rule of Law", the Experienced Prime Minister of Hungary, (which was the 1st former Central-Eastern European Country to Accede into the CoE, with its ECHR, in Strasbourg), stressed. -So, "We (Hungary) Like This approach, it's OK".

    + "AnOther Issue is How we (EU) can Strenthen the Financial Control on how we Spend the Money. For which We (EU) have Institutions, Procedures, etc., and If the (EU) Commission Wants, We (EU) Can Make it Even Stronger. That's OK".

    >>> - "However, the (Current Draft) Proposal is Not to make a Stronger Financial Control, Or to make it More Clear on the Rule of Law Procedure, But (on the Contrary) they Would like to Create a New Mechanism : So, this is Not the Old "Rule of Law" Mecanism, Related to the (EU) Budget", But "this is Not the Case". Anyway, "that would be a Request for a Modification of the (EU) Treaty", Orban Pointed out.

    - "So, that Idea is to Create a New <<Rule of Law>> Mecanism". But, in order "to Create a New Mechanism, a New Instrument, it Takes a Long Time to be Negotiated. Because it's a Legal Instrument : It Must be Precise, it must have Clarity, and so on", he Warned. -"If We (EU) would like to do so, We (Hungary) are Not Against it, But Let's Discuss it !" However, "it Takes Weeks...". So, "We (H) are Ready to do so, But a (New) Legal Instrument and Mecanism Must be a Proper one". (...)

- "That's where We (EU Summit) Are" Now...


=>  - But, "Who are the Main Fighters ?" (on that point)..  -"Red Box : The Dutch ! (Rutte)"... -" Blue Box : Hungary !" (i.e. Viktor Orban himself)... - "'It's so Simple"...  he described, Smiling.

    - "I doN't Know What's the Personal Reason for the Dutch Prime Minister (always a Single) to Hate Me" (a Husband, Father of 4 Daughters and a Son), "or Hungary", he Wandered... - "But, he's Attacking so Harshly, making so Clear that, Because Hungary, in His Opinion, does Not Respect the Rule of Law, it Must be Punished, Financially !..."

    -"That's His (Rutte's+) Position, which is Not Acceptable, Because there is No (Official EU or CoE) Decision about What is the <<Rule of Law>> Situation in Hungary", he argued. - In this regard, "We (H) are Ready, and I Just Initiated such a Proposal, in this (EU) Summit, to Ask the Germans (as current EU Presidency) to give a Guarantee that the EU Council will Negotiate and take a Decision on Rule of Law Procedure Against Hungary", he Revealed. So, "Instead of Creating a New Mechanism, complete What We (EU) Already Have, and what Was Initiated", he Proposed. - "So Please, Make a Decision on Hungary, as Soon as you can !", he urged.


    [Naturally, "Eurofora" has a Duty to remind the Fact that inside the EU Council, such Procedures depend from Unanimous Decisions, so that a Good Ally (f.ex. Poland, here) could, in Theory, Save an Accused Member State. While, on the Contrary, in the above-mentioned New proposed Mechanism, such Decisions would depend just from a Qualified Majority...

    However, this is Not an Excuse for some to, Eventually, Attempt to Bully, "Corner", and Harm one, two, or more Other Countries, in fact, just Because they might have a Minority (or "Avant-Guard", Advanced) Position, f.ex., on Issues such as Natural Family and Natural Births, Protection of Human Embryo from Genetic Manipulations, EU Roots in Christian Religion, lawful European Culture Migrants, Instead of Massive Non-European and Islamist irregular Mass Migration, Risking to result in "Parallel Societies" and Social Conflicts, etc, (Even if this might, perhaps, be Hidden Behind some Exagerated or False Accusations around some Hostile and Aggressive NGOs Funded by Foreign Money and Systematically Attacking Legitimate Governments Democraticaly Elected by the People, and/or some, more or less Excessive or Arbitrary Judges, Appointed during Previous Governments, who sometimes, show Blatant Contempt to Democraticaly Elected New Governments, and Partiality or even Hostility, systematically Undermining or Blocking their Policies, and/or Excessively or even Arbitrarily Harassing, Accusing, Prosecuting and often Condemning, for Exagerated, Caricatural  or False Pretexts, even Respectable and practically Innocent Elected Politicians, Focusing, almost Exclusively, Against those who are Not of their Likes... (Comp. f.ex. Risks of Corruption and/or Arbitrariness among Judges and/or Prosecutors, particularly in certain Countries, recently Denounced by CoE's Anti--Corruption Watchdog "GRECO", etc).]


 - "So, the Dutch (Guy) would Like to Punish Hungary, But, the Major Problem, is Not the Prime Minister (Rutte). Because, you know, Prime Ministers Can make a Deal...", Orban suggested. - "It's Not Easy with Him", (Rutte), But, Theoretically, it's Not Impossible", Orban found.

- In fact, "the Problem are the Parliaments : Because the Dutch Parliament has a Resolution, and the Hungarian Parliament anOther one, which are Diametrically Opposed to Each Other : So, we have Tension and a Dispute Between the 2 Governments and the 2 Parliaments", (where f.ex. Rightists are Notoriously Active...). "So, we Have to Settle this Issue, Somehow", he suggested.

+ Questioned, Later-on, about "the Position of Parliaments" (Comp. Supra), and "How Much Room for Maneuvre (he) ha(s) for the Rule of Law" Issue, (Ibid), the Hungarian Prime Minister, soberly but Positively Replied that - "I Have Some !"...

- However, "I simply canNot Avoid to have a Direct Relation and Discussion Between the Hungarian and the Dutch Parliament", he added. Because "that Difference canNot be Settled through the Prime Ministers" alone, (Perhaps due also to Various Other Parties inside those Parliaments: Comp. Supra). -"So, the Dutch and Hungarian Parliaments should Find a Way on How to Consult and Manage. That's the Way out", he found.




+ Meanwhile, (in a Partly Related Issue), "I made a Proposal, which was Rejected, But I Try to Put it Back Again", in one way or anoher, "and this is About NGOs. Because", according to "my Experience, in Recent Years, NGOs who Play a Political Role, - Obviously, WithOut Denying that Fact, Even Saying that they would Like to have an Influence on the Public Opinion, on Political Issues - That Kind of NGOs got a Lot of Money, from the Budget of the EU, and, then, they Came into Member States and Attacked the Governments", he Criticized. - "So, the EU (Commission) Funded Critical, Political Opposition Against the (EU) Member States' Governments : I think it's Not Good. It's Bad. They Should Not do that", Orban argued.

=> - "So, I made a Proposal that the Control and the Regulation of That Kind of activities, in Financial terms, etc;, should be the Same as it is relevant to the Political Parties at EU Level, here" (i.e. in Brussels). -"We (EU) Need the Same Regulations, in terms of Financing, Political NGOs and European Political Parties. But it was Rejected (in that EUC. Summit), anyway", he noted. "But, I Try to push it through again"...


    + On AnOther Partly Related Issue, + Questioned If he "still, would Like to have a Western Society in Hungary ?",

- Orban, laughing, Firmly Replied Affirmately, But, However, he also Added, that, Nowadays, "Because of the (Mass) Migration, it's Now More Complicated" than usually :

- "The (Recent Mass, Iregular, Non-European Culture, mainly Pushed by Turkish Smugglers since 2015/2016+) Migration Changed our Conception of the (so-called) "West" :

>>> - "Because We (Hungary, and Other Countries) wouldN't like to have <<Multi-Cultual>>, <<Parallel Societies>>, Based on (Non-European Culture, Mass) Migration. We doN't have that Approach", as he said,

(Obviously Based also on Chancellor Angie Merkel's Notorious -"No to Multi-Culti !", and Focus on Boosting German Natality, as well as Attractivity for Intra-European Mobility of EU Citizens from 27 Other Countries, particularly between 2009, 2010 and the 2013 Election, when she had Succeeded to almost Reach ... Full Autonomy of her ChristianDemocrat Party in the Government, with More than +40%, for the 1st Time in recent History ! See, f.ex., inter alia, Also: ... + ..., in her Electoral Speech of August 2013 at LudwigsHafen, Near her Mentor's, Helmut Kohl's Family Home, where Viktor Orban also was a Frequent Visitor)...

- "So, Now, the Difference between the Western and the Eastern Parts of the European Continent, is obvious, Because of (That Kind of) Migration Question, and the Consequences of that in the Political Thinking", he, Obviously Too Rapidly and Schematically, Hasarded,

(Perhaps Forgetting the Recent Strong and Growing Reactions of Many German, French, Italian, Spanish, Belgian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, a.o. People, Even Brittish, for whom this was, in Fact,  a Main Reason of the Majority Vote for BREXIT, since Back on 2016)...

- But, "it (Migration) is anOther Issue", which, Now, "is Not Part of the (7/2020 EU Summit) Negotiation Today", Orban diplomatically pointed out.




    - Questioned if it was "EU Commission" which Pushed that Controversial Draft Text on "Rule of Law", (Comp. Supra), Orban Replied that "It's Basically, Introduced by Charles Michel, Based on the (EU) Commission, I Think". >>> But the Man who Represents that Text, Sociologicaly and Politicaly, is the Dutch Prime Minister (Rutte) : He is the Fighter" on that.

    - "Charles Michel Only said that it's a Possible Suggestion for Compromise" (NB), and "the EU Commission said that - "We Support it", But the Dutch Prime Minister (Rutte) represented the Fighting, about it !...

    - I.e., almost "the Same <<Italian - Dutch>> Mess Also, on Grant and Loan Ratio"...

    => - "So, the Dutch Prime Minister (in fact) is the Leadar of All these Disputes!", "Yesterday (Saturday)", Orban Denounced.


 - "We (Hungary) said that we think that the EU does Not Need such a New Mechanism. What We (EU) Have, it's OK". But, "If  You like a New one, Do it Seriously : A New Mechanism canNot be done in (Only) 5 Sentences ! Comme on...

" It needs "a Legal Masterpiece, a New Wisdom", "It's Not Done Like That"...

- "Because Rule of Law, as (French) President Macron said, is "Existential". So that, IF somebody is Not Ready to Accept Rule of Law, he Should be Kicked Out of the (European) Community ! Not just say that "you should Pay some Money"... No, it's Not the case". But he should "Leave the (EU) Community". Because "it's Essential".

- "Rule of Law" was the Basis to Fight Against the Communist ("Socialist") Regime", from "Where I Come", Viktor Orban Reminded. -"in the Name of Freedom ! Because the Communist ("Socialist") Regime was Not Based on the Rule of Law".

+ "And, Besides that, If you like to Invest in European Society, then you Fight for the Rule of Law. So, I am a Fighter of the Rule of Law. Because >>> Fighting for Freedom, and Fight for Rule of Law, is the Same thing, in the Central European Mind"...

- So that, "If Anyone is Not Ready to Accept it", then, "Please, Leave the (EU) Community ! Because it's a Community of Values, as well", he reiterated.


+ On anOther Question about the "Rule of Law", Orban said that -"this is Not for me to Reply, Because I am Not Asking Anything" more or new there.

-"Until Now, it was for the European Union's Court to Take All the Decisions :  That was Very Simple ! Because a Legal Procedure Must be Concluded by a Legal Decision".

- "But Now", on the Contrary, "They (Rutte's Followers) would Like to have a Legal Procedure, Concluded by a ...Political Decision, made By Politicians, as we are  !" he Denounced...

 - "It's Not My Idea", and "I would"Nt like to Defend or Attack that Idea, But it's Strange..." Because, in Fact, "it's Not Legal, it's Political !"

 - In Fact, they argue that "What Counts is Not the Text, But ...the Context" (sic !). However, "that was the Communist ("Socialist") Argument !", Orban Denounced (See Infra).

- "The Legal Text does Not Count", (they Claim, in Fact)s, "But the Context" does, for them... However, "We (EU) CanNot take That as Basis for a New (EU) Instrument !", Viktor Orban Clearly Stressed.


++ Questioned anew about the so-called "Rule of Law" alleged Issue, Orban made it Clear that, in fact, "it's Not about a Modification of the Already Existing Mechanism", f.ex. "making an Addition, or something like that", etc. "No ! It's a New Mechanism. It clearly says that it's Separated from any other Rule of Law Mechanism. It's a New one".

 - "I think that it's a Question IF it has Any Legal Basis in the (EU) Treaty at all... So, the Conclusion of that Discussion Could be that We (EU) Have to Create, First, a Treaty Basis", he Warned.

- "But, anyway, it's a New Mechanism, and Legal Mechanisms Must be with a Legal' Crafting. "It Must be very Well Defined, in terms of Categories that we Use, and the Procedure, as well", Orban stressed.

>>> - F.ex., "You know, I'm Coming from an Ex-Communist ("Socialist") Country : How Was that, Under the Communist ("Socialist") Regime, 30 Years Ago ? - When, the Communist ("Socialist") Regime decided to Attack Us, Even Me, Personaly, they Used UnClarified (ImPrecise, Vague) Legal Terms : Exactly the Same which are Written in the Proposal of the (Nowadays "Liberal" Party's) Dutch Man !... He Uses Communist ("Socialist") Terms", but "He's Not Aware of that !", Orban Denounced. -"But, he (Rutte) is Using Exactly the Same ones : " F.ex., "he says <<General Deficiencies>>. So, When I was Arrested by the ("Communist") Police, and I Asked them : - <<What have I Done, which is Illegal ?>>, They Said : - "<<General Deficiencies>>... What the Hell does it Mean ?", he Wonderd...

+ -"And, then, the Other Term that the Dutch Prime Minister uses in the (his) Paper is : - <<It's Not Necessary to Commit a Crime, or to Transgress the Law, If the Risk is there"... So that "the Procedure Could be the Same :" But, "That's the Communist ("Socialist") File" (Against Dissidents)  :  - << Oh, I have Done Nothing !>> - <<But the Risk is in Your Behavior !">> Yeah..

>>>  - "So, these Guys, who INHERITED Freedom, Rule of Law, and Political Democracy, They Do'Nt have any Experience on what We have, Personaly, FOUGHT for that ! So, THEY INHERITED Freedom", while "WE FOUGHT or that... ", Viktor Orban Denounced.

=> - So, "They Used Terms which are Dangerous" (for Freedom), "Because they are Dangerous for us".

+ "But, Despite those Ridiculous Elements, of that Proposal, I Tried to take it Seriously, and Say : - <<OK Guys, If Yoy would Like to Create a New Mechanism, Let's Take it Seriously, and Negotiate in Legal Terms ! Let's Do it !!!... "

=> - "So, We (Hungary) are Ready to do so, Even for Days" (sic !)..., he Vowed.


+++  - Questioned Whether he might be "Ready to BLOCK the Whole (EU) Agreement, IF You doN't Find a Deal on the <<Rule of Law>> ?", Orban, naturally, made it Clear, that, in fact :

- "It's NOT ME !" Simply Because "I Initiated Nothing, in That Respect"... "So, we Have to Clarify, that, IF the Deal is Blocked, it's Not because of Me, But Because of the Dutch Guy !" (Rutte), Since - "He Initiated something" there, "While", on the Contrary, "I am Standing on the STATUS QVO, as it Is until Today : In the (EU) Regulation on the <<Rule of Law>>, Financial Control of the (EU) Budget, and All that kind of things. I think it's OK".

- On the Contrary, - "They would Like to Reach Something, which is Not Good enough. So; IF there is a Brake, it's Because of Them !", he Criticized.

>>> - In general, "I doN't like the "Blame-Game", But", here, "the Dutch Man" (Rutte) "is the Real RESPONSIBLE man FOR THE WHOLE MESS that We (EU Summit) have" Today !, he strongly Denounced.


- Questioned about "Yesterday's (Saturday Evening's) Meeting" with Rutte, Orban Replied that, in his view, Unfortunately, ... "the Dutch Prime Minister, for Whatever Reason, Hates (sic !) especialy the Hungarians... He's More UnPolite vis a vis Hungarians than anyone else...".

- However, "Here, My Position is Not to Explain the Policies of Other Countries", he Cautiously Declined. "But, there was inFighting..., let's put it in that way".


+ However, Questioned "if (he) would like a Bilateral Meeting" with Rutte, Orban Smiled, and Replied that - "It Depends on the Taste" of that..., "But, Any Way, I am Ready !", as he Ensured.

=> And, in Fine, Orban Joked:   - "Sorry, But" Now, "I think that I Have to Go Back to ...My Dutch Friend" (Rutte),

as he Stoically said with a Bitter but Real Smile, Returning to EU Summit's Talks...


=> "So, these are the Main 4 Issues", Orban concluded, on Sunday Afternoon. - "This was the Situation" inside the EU Summit, until Now.

=> - "It Takes some TIME, But, IF Everybody is Ready to Stay, We (EU) Can Make a Deal", Viktor Orban Opimistically Concluded, (See Also Supra). +"The Point is Not How Long it is, But to Reach a(n EU) Deal, No Matter How Long might be the Road to arrive there", he Clearly Stressed.





("Draft News)




Crucial EU Summit suffers from lack of European Projects' Vision, But Proposals may bring Compromise

Written by ACM
Friday, 17 July 2020

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Since UK's departure, Last February, EU's 27 Countries, Surprisingly, Instead of immediately Starting to Boost Strong and Ambitious European Integration Projects, Based mainly on the Franco-German Core, (as De Gaule/Adenauer had wished), at last withOut any UK's Objections now, on the Contrary, their 1st Post-BREXIT Summit was, Curiously, Limited mainly into seeking ...How to Share the Financial Burden resulting from the Lack of UK's Contribution ! An Ambitious 2nd EU Summit, Planned for March 2020, Fell Victim to the Virus' Crisis. So that, Since then, No Need to Wonder Why they canNot Agree so easily on EU's Financial Matters, Even Until this July 2020...

Indeed, this 1st Physical EU Summit in Brussels, for 2 Days, (17-18 July 2020), as in the Past, After so Many Months with Nothing more than Some Brief Video-Conferences, Risks to be again Affected by a "Virus of ...Division", Despite an Obvious Urgent Need to Rapidly and Decisively Boost a Strong and well Unified Cohesion, with Ambitious Joint Projects to ReLaunch Europe asap, in Public Health, Social and Economic Dimensions, Hardly Hit by "COVID-19" Deadly Virus

The well known overall Picture, which largely circulates in Most Medias, is that of, Approximatively, 3 Groups : That of the Majority of EU Countries, which, more or less, like, accept or accomodate themselves with the Official Proposals, on the 2021-2027 EU Budgets' Financial Perspectives and a Recovery Fund, made by EU Council's President Michel, in Coordination with EU Commission's President, Ursula van der Leyen, and Basically Inspired by a Franco-German Plan, for a 750 Billions € Fund, Composed by 2/3 Grants and 1/3 Loans, (etc), agreed since May 2020, between President Macron and Chancellor Merkel. The "4 Frugals", picturing, mainly, the North-Western Countries of the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Austria, which, apparently, prone Less Expenditure, and/or More Controls. Added to anOther, Central-Eastern, "4 Countries of the Visegrad Group", Hungary, Poland, Chechia and Slovakia, which are mainly Worried about alleged Attempts to Restrict or Exclude, Totaly or Partially, some of them, under Pretext of alleged "Rule of Law" Differents.

Unanimity being Required for a Collective Decision, Any Member State might, theoreticaly, Block the process with a kind of "Veto".



- German Chancellor Angie Merkel, the currently incoming EU Chairwoman for the Crucial Period of July-December 2020, Warned, earler Today, inter alia, that "We Wish to Find a Solution", "But the Realities" show that the Positions of several Member States, are "still Far Away", one from another, so that "I caN't Predict If We (EU) shall Reach a Deal Now". However, we'll strive to reach "Great Compromises, for the Good of the People, for Europe, and in order to Overcome the Virus' Pandemic". (See also "Eurofora"s presentation of Merkel's relevant Declarations in EU Parliament's Debates, Earlier, at: ..., etc). Some, Notoriously speak, already, of an Eventual new Postponement, perhaps for Later this Summer.



- French President Emmanuel Macron stressed from the outset that "the Next Hours will be absolutely Decisive", for "Solidarity and Ambition", vis a vis "that UnPrecedented, Health and Economic-Social Crisis", "in order to Build, during the Next Years, an Economic, Social and Environmental ReVival of Europe, and a New, Technological, Industrial and Ecologic, European Sovereignity, as well as Solidarity vis a vis the most Vulnerable Populations and Regions". We must all "Find a Compromise", and "we shall Do Anything in order to Reach an Agreement". In fact, "it's Our European Project which is Largely at Stake. I am Confident. But Prudent. I shall support the Maximum of Ambition", he Vowed.



- "Today, it's a very Difficult Negotiation", Warned EU Council's President, Charles Michel. - But "IT'S NOT ONLY ABOUT MONEY", he stressed. It's Also about People, about Europe's Future, about Our Unity" : "Do we really Want a Europe which will be more Stable, Strong, Able to Resist to Shocks that we Face?" -"I am Convinced that, with Political Courage, it is Possible to Reach an Agreement", he concluded.



- Among the Potential Dissidents of the Center-East Group of "Visegrad", inter alia, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, in prior Statements to his Country's Medias, Translated in English, had Already Ensured a Massive Backing by a Big Majority of his Parliament for an Eventual "Veto", IF the current EU Establishment might, perhaps, Push to, Totally or Partialy, Exclude some of these Countries (f.ex., apparently, Poland too), from the EU Recovery and/or Other Funds, under "Rights" and/or "Law" Pretexts.  - "In Fact, several Western Governments have made a Choice for Massive Foreign, Non-European Migration, in order to get a sufficient Working Force, given their currently Lower Natality. But We doN't Believe in "Parallel" Societies, living Apart, with Foreign, Non-European, Neither Christian, very Different Socio-Cultural characteristics, who doN't want to be Assimilated in Europe, and we seelk to Avoid Troubles,  Prefering to Boost Our Own People's Birth rate. (I.e., mutatis-mutandis, almost Similar to Chancellor Merkel Government's positions until her Victorious, September 2013 Elections). So, we doN't want Brussels' current Establishment to Interfere on Our Population, inside Our Country, he stressed. Moreover, some of them, Attack You, if you are favorable to Natural, Traditional Family, between a Man and a Woman, and/or if you are pro-Christian, etc, he complained. But, on the Issue of EU Funds, he Only asked for "No Discrimination", Compared to Other, equivalent EU Member States, (f.ex. Portugal, etc), as he said. He did Not ask for More Money at all, even if his Cuntry was Poorer, (But Less InDebted), and, on the Contrary, found ratherToo Much the Total Amounts currently Proposed for the EU to Borrow Collectively, Joking that, when he Tried to Translate such Sums "in Fiorins", this made ...So Many Zeros that he didN't have No more space in 1 Page of Paper, as he claimed.., being, for Historical Reasons, Opposed to Big Debts. However, he Understood the Need of several Other EU Countries, most of them Already quite InDebted, to seek to find Fresh Money, (i.e. EU Grants), for Vital Needs, particularly in Nowadays' Virus Crisis.

=> So, it's, Notoriously, much More from the Side of the so-called "4 Frugal", North-Western Countries, that came Most Criticism against the Current EU Proposal, (Comp. Supra). And there, particularly the Prime Ministers of Netherlands, Denmark, and Austria, tried to Multiply Press a.o. Statements in Brussels Today, Arguying for their Critical Stance.  



- Already, Austria's Sebastien Kurz, stressed, inter alia, that they "Wanted to Help" Other EU Countries, more Harshly hit by the Deadly Virus' Crisis, and with more Vulnerable Finanial situations, But raised Questions on "How Big should be those (EU) Funds", and, particularly, about "Criteria", on "Where that Money goes", in "What Projects", f.ex., Better "for Ecology, Digitalisation", etc., "in the General Interest of the EU", Focusing on relevant "Decisions" and on a need "to Ensure a Good Way to Handle this". Afterwards, he Tweeted about some "Positive Moves on the MFF", "But Not Yet on the Recovery Fund", where "Positions were Still Far Away". Nevertheless, Later-on, Kurz appeared quite More Optimist, claiming that some things were "Moving Towards Our (i.e. "4 Frugal") Positions", and Expecting some relevant "Proposals OverNight" !



-However, "Frugal" Heavyweight, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, appeared much More Explicit and Sharply Critical, with only a few, eventual Compromise Hypothesis, in Exceptionaly and UnExpectedly Long Questions/Replies sessions with mainly Dutch and German Journalists, (Contrary to Press Restrictions generally Imposed at this Summit, allegedly due to the Virus), Despite -Or, perhaps, Because- of the Fact that he Faces Crucial Elections before Next March 2021, where, Even if he reportedly enjoys quite Favorable Polls Nowadays, Nevertheless, his Liberal Party (VVD) was, Surprizingly, OutNumbered in the Last Regional/Local Elections, by a New Rightist Party, ("European Forum"), which has heavily Copied some "Eurofora"s Long-Time Positions on Modern Medias and Public Debates, but Combines Net Conservative Views with quite "Social" Ideas, etc...

- Indeed, Rutte sharply Warned that he Found "Less than 50%" Chances for an Agreement in This Summit, and Stressed, from the outset, that "We doN't Believe in this Grants-Based System !"... (Even if the Netherlands, and all "Frugal" States, are due to Receive Grants, Only Poor States adding Also Loans...). Questioned whether he wasN't Worried by a Risk for "the Financial Community" to Eventually Downgrade the EU, if there wasN't a Deal, he Replied that : - "I am Worried about a Lot of Things. But, at the End of the Day, a Weak Compromise will Not Take you Further !".  However, probably in order to Alleviate an Image of ..."the Bad Guy", that, according to a Collegue Journalist, Many Attributed to him, the Dutch Prime Minister Expanded in very Long Press Statements, Replying to Many Questions, (Contrary to an alleged Journalist Contacts' Black Out that had been, Officially, Imposed, Exceptionally in this Summit, attributed to the Virus)...



 - "First of All, it's Crucial to Maintain the Rebates, at a Sufficient Level : They are Now there, But we still Need to Negociate what is a Sufficient Level", Rutte pointed out, on his Claims.

+ "Secondly, we Need to ReinForce" Monitoring. "So that, If the South (sic !) is Needing Help from Other Countries, in order to Cope with this Crisis, - I Understand that, Because there is Limited Scope to Deal with that Financially themselves, -  then, I think that it's only Reasonable for Us to Ask for a Clear Commitment to Reforms. And, then, if Loans have to be Transformed, in a certain Extent, to Grants, then, the Reforms are even More Crucial... And, the Absolute Guarantee that they Have Taken place", he Required.

=> So, "There are Many Issues on the Table" of this EU Summit's Negotiations, he Analysed :

- "One is the MFF itself, and How to Ensure that the Net Payers, at the End of the Day, woN't have a Position which Will be Worse than what they Already have", he reiterated, (Comp. Supra). So, "a Good Outcome is one where the Net Payers Will have a Position, in the MultiAnnual Financial Framework, which is Comparable to the Position that We Had the Last Years. That's 1., That Means : Including the Rebates".  

+ "AnOther... of them, it's, obviously, the Mixture of Grants and Loans" (at the Recovery Fund)... And, of course, there is the Issue of Reforms, and to Ensure that Economies Become more Resilient", he Added, (Comp. also Supra). I.e., "If They (Poorer Countries, and More Affected by the Virus), Want Loans, and Even Grants, then, I Think that it's only Logical, that I Can Explain to People of the Netherlands, and Other Countries, that, in Return, those Reforms Have Taken Place, Instead of Only Assurances that they Will take place". Indeed, "it's Crucial that We come Out of This Meeting with an Outcome which Guarantees that Reforms Will Take Place, in Countries which are Still Lagging Behind, in terms of Reforms", he insisted.

- Here, Rutte even Added his own, apparently pro-European Pladoyerie : - "There is the Fact that We Need a Strong Europe, in an UnStable World : Look What is Happening with the US and China, the Situation in the Middle East, or Russia's plays : We Need a Stronger Europe, But a Strong Europe Also Means that Countries who are Lagging Behind, in terms of Reform, in Pensions, Labour Market, etc., Need to Step Up again", he argued, (Curiously Skiping, at least explicitly, the Volume of the Public Sector). - In fact, "I am Fighting for Europe", he Claimed : "A Stronger EU, which is in the Interest of Everybody, Including, of course, the Dutch Citizens. A Strong Europe, which is Economically More Competitive, and Can Play, with Confidence, a Strong Role in the World Stage", Rutte argued...

=> That 2nd Point, (on "Reforms" for "Grants", etc), in fact is Linked with the Question of qualified Majority or Unanimity in EU Council's Decision-Making process, when it comes to Endorse EU's Recovery Funds' hand outs to certain EU Member Countries : Indeed, the Dutch Prime Minister seeks to Keep a "Veto" :  -"For Us, it's a Key. So, We Want, First," to Skip "Majority Voting", he stressed, urging Against what he called "the (Initial) Michel Proposal", (Comp. Supra), prefering some Later, but InSufficient yet for him, Softer Versions, (See Infra).

>>> To put it in a Nutshell, -"I doN't Like a Europe where the Netherlands is Not Only being, as a Net Payer, almost Off the Charts, (Comp. : "Rebate"), But, then, You CaN't Even See Us, AnyMore... (Comp.: "Governance"). So...No, I doN't Like that !", he Resumed.


+ However, Even Mark Rutte, at least Attempted to Partly Appear, somehow, Solution-Oriented...

=> - "But, Let's be Hopefull. You Never Know..", he Smiled, about the Current Perspectives for a Deal.

- Because, as a matter of principle, an Eventual "No Compromise" in EU Summit would Not be "a Good Outcome", neither. - "No, Obviously Not !", he stressed.

- "A Good Outcome is one where" Both his, above-mentioned, 2 Demands (Comp. Supra), would be Satisfied, Rutte insisted...   

>>> Concerning the 1st, on the "Rebate", "The Principle is here", he Positively Found, Now, After some EU's recent Concessions. -"But I Think that we, Still, Have to Improve the Charles Michel Proposal : There is Still Room for that !, he Furthermore Urged.

>>> Concerning the 2nd Point, on the "Reforms", Unanimity, etc, Rutte Acknowledged that, at least, a more Recent Version of "the Michel Proposal has, of course, Already, Skined Down, Compared to its First" version "on Qualified Majority Voting" +"So, there, we Need to Debate at Length, on What it Will Look like !", he Further Urged. "But, I doN't think that it's Possible to Water-Down Further : That's Impossible", he Claimed.

- Finally, Rutte advised for "Hard Work", inside the EU, But withOut clearly Indicating IF he meant for The Present, or anOther EU Summit, and When...

* However, the Dutch Prime Minister, apparently, did Not Fully Reveal All his Cards yet : F.ex., Questioned about What he might have, eventualy, Proposed to the Summit, he Exceptionaly Declined to Clarify...

- "On What Exactly Our Proposal is, I Hear a lot of Rumours... But I'm Not going to Comment. I Keep that to Myself. Because I Will Inform you, Completely, Afterwards", he Only said. Anf, Later added : - "About the Technicalities, around the Governance, I'm going to Tell You about it, Afterwards", he escaped...  


    However, for the Poorest, and/or Most Hit by the Deadly Virus' Countries, (as, f.ex., Italy, Spain, etc), it seems that it's No Question to, eventually, Seek to Unilateraly Impose them several more Strict Conditions and Heavy Obligations, in Exchage of EU Aid for the Damages Provoked by that Virus, (as Mr.  Rutte asked to obtain). On the Contrary, it seems that it Might be Threatened even the EU's Common Market's "Integrality" and/or Normal Functioning, which, Otherwise, it Risked to be "Dislocated", (while it's Notoriously, much Needed by Exporting EU Countries, as Germany, Sweden, etc), according to some sources...

 - Thus, f.ex., Italian Government's Vice-Foreign Minister, Manolio di Stefano, reportedly wished that EU Funds would be mainly "granted to the Countries that Need it", "Clearly, withOut the Conditions already existing in the European Stability Mechanism". "We are Not saying we want Money to do Whatever we want", But "to Use that (EU) Funds in order to Recover from the economic Damage caused by the CoronaVirus". 


    => Although, this Exceptional and Atypical EU Summit looks Curiously, very Tight-Liped, (f.ex., among various others : Scarce or No Out-Going Doorstep Statements, No EU Council's Press Conference ToNight, almost None "National Press Briefing", Contrary to what was Usually done until now), Nevetheless, at least Some "UnNamed Sources" put into Circulation certain Indications, on how things might be going  :     


- In Addition to the Maintain of Rebates, the Net Payer States (as the Netherlands, Austria, etc) would, "Likely", Also Get Back some More Money than Initially Expected.

- On the "Governance", any eventually Objecting Member State, could, at least, Seek and Obtain to Open a "Debate" in EU Council on the EU Funding of a Project that it Contests. Meanwhile, Michel would Meet, early Tomorrow Morning, with the principal Trouble-Maker, Rutte, and the secondary, Orban, etc.     

+ And, indeed, More concrete "Proposals", searching a Compromise, would soon be Presented, mostly Tomorrow...


    However, at least for "Eurofora", it's Crystal-clear, that, ensure to Reach an EU-Wide Agreement, in fact, Depends not so much on some, more or less Superficial, "Technical" or "Partial" Fixes, and/or Selfish "Give and Takes" with One or anOther actor Only, around Various, Disparate Areas, here or there, But, rather, Directly from the Heart of the Matter :

    => Indeed, Europe and its People mostly Need Ambitious and Far-Reaching, Common Big PanEuropean Projects, able to trigger the Enthousiasm of EU Citizens, and Satisfy Vital Needs of Wide Impact, Bringing Together, in Close Cooperation, Efficient Coordination, Unified Planification, and Joint Action, Firmly Uniting as Many as possible among EU Member Countries.

    >>> In other words, Big and Important PanEuropean Projects, Intelligently Designed, so that they Can Include also Poor and/or Devastated Areas and Populations, Hardly Hit by any Hazards, Natural or Man-made Catastrophes, as well as Normally Functioning EU Member Countries, and some Pioneer, Ultra-Performant Champions, Able to Imagine, Organize and Lead, a productive Dynamic Union, capable to Create Operational, Fundamental Common Interests, (See, f.ex.: ... + ..., etc).

    This Obviously is a very Different View, from that of Mere "Help", allegedly given mainly by Some Countries, to certain Other, Poor and/or Devastated, Foreign Countries, Elsewhere, withOut Any other Link between them, and/or Any such kind of "Distributing" Money and/or Assets among Separate Entities, acting Disparately, Each one on Its Own, in Separate, National, or even Regional, Independent and UnRelated Mini-Projects, practically Ignoring Each-Other...

    The First Case, can Create Real "Cohesion"; (seeked also by EU 2020 Chair, German Chancellor Angie Merkel : See .., etc), and even Unity of Interests, Common Aspirations, Joint Purpose. But the Second Case, Inevitaby Risks to Provoke, on the Contrary, Division, Opposition, Different Interests, Separation, even more or less Conflicts !

    => In Consequence, f.ex., Mr. Rutte, from the point of View of his North-Western Netherlands, he speaks about ..."the South" (Comp. Supra), where, he's Afraid, (Rightly or Wrongly), that, soon, They might, Even ..."Not See" Anymore his Country, (f.ex. if Unanimity was Lifted inside EU Council : Comp. Also Supra). And Austrian Prime Minister Kurz, is Concerned about How to "Explain to Our (Austrian) TaxPayers", according to "Which Criteria", and "Where Will Go" the EU Money, (f.ex. in Italy's "Messogiorno" or in Spain, etc., i.e. Far Away, and withOut Any real Connexion)...

    On the Contrary, let's take, f.ex., an Entirely Different Case, (currently still Hypothetic, But Topical, Possible and Useful to Realise Nowadays), like the Invention and Production, in and by Europe, of what could be Named as a ..."Green (Smart) Phone" ! I.e. a Possible PanEuropean Project, Concerning Both "Digitalisation", "Environment" and Human Health, as well as "Europe's Role in the World", (Comp. Supra, and: ..., etc), and, Obviously, Economy and Jobs. Such an Innovative Product, could Fill a Gap among Ordinary Current Smart-Phones, First of all, by Aiming to Create a Modern Phone withOut Too Much Electro-Magnetic Waves on the Human Body and/or Head, (something which, Unfortunately, does No More Exist among Most, if not All, Recent SmartPhones, Currently at the Global Market), f.ex. as Finland's "Nokia" and/or France's former "Alcatel" had reportedly Planned to do, just a Few Years Ago, But were, apparently, Hindered to realize, for UnKnown Reasons. Many People and Medical Doctors, Reearchers, etc., Notoriously Believe that such "EMW" Might be, more or less Dangerous for Human Health, and Official Data, either in the USA, or Even in the WHO, Recently Lack, about the Exact Levels of Anodyne or, on the Contrary, potentialy Dangerous "EMW"s... + In Addition, Europe has the Means, (and even the Need : f.ex. for "Digital Sovereignity" : Comp. Supra), to Add also an Original, Independent "Operation System" Software, ("OS"), for such a New, European SmartPhone, which would Make it a Rare, if not Unique Nowadays, such product, which would Not be Obliged to be Submitted to the Notorious Oligo-Monopolistic OS of Americans "Android" (of "Google" Giant) or "Apple", which currently Dominate the World, with various Abuses. Indeed, already, China has Recently Proposed to Europe to Help it Financially to Create (by the EU) such an Independent, Brand New OS for SmartPhones, (in order to Face Hostile Pressure and Bullying from USA's "Android") ! In this regard, Probably, inter alia, f.ex., a Europe-Oriented French Company, based at Grenoble, which Currently Develops and Operates a "Lin-Phone", Based on "Linux" European Independent OS, (to whom German mainstream Medias as "Die Welt" had Refered, Already since 2013, when the Edouard Snowden's Global Scandal about US Mass Spying at the Web had emerged, Including Even Chancellor Merkel's own 2 Smart-Phones [sic !]), may be Practicaly Useful... In addition, Perhaps, it could be Interesting, (also as a Landmark Commercial PanEuropean"Plus" in Global Competition), if EU Associated, here, something as the Recently Created ... "Immune System", New OS for Smart-Phones, just Designed by Famous Russian "Kaspersky" Company's CEO himself, in order to Protect it from Web "Virus" and/or various Other "Cyber-Attacks", as he Announced in a landmark INTW published by "TASS". And, concerning such a Multi-Innovative "Green Phone", it would Certainly be Useful and Logical to Even Add anOther, Recently Invented, relevant Capability : That of a Smart-Phone with ...2 Screens, (Independently Operating Both or Each), One of which Serves particularly in case of Lack of Sufficient Electricity, (f.ex. at the Country-side, or After Intense Use DownTown, etc), since it Consumes Only a Small, Tiny Quantity of Electricity ! This was Initially Created by a Russian Company, linked to Nearby Frankfurt in Germany, as a PanEuropean tool, Used f.ex. Even throughout ...Siberia (sic !), and was Later, further Developed also by a Chinese Company, with European Links, which First Presented it at a recent ...Berlin's Annual Digital Fare, often Inaugurated by Merkel, (See, f.ex.: ..., etc).


=> All this Could Timely Result into a Landmark, Innovative and Unique, PanEuropean "Green Phone", Able to Join 4 relevant useful Digital Innovations (Comp. Supra), and, Eventually, Associate Interesting Cooperation with Russia and/or China (Comp. Supra), for the Design, Production and Commercialisation of which, the Best would be "NOKIA" of Finland, (i.e. anOther EU Country, Often Associated to the "Frugal 4" Critics of EU's "Recovery Fund" : Comp. Supra), which Notoriously was the Historic European ... Pioneer Birthplace of Smart-Phones, the First in the World ! But the Most Interesting thing, for EU's "Recovery" Plans, is that, Currently, "NOKIA" was reportedly Obliged, After the Virus' Crisis, to just Announce the Imminent Shut-Down of several among its Factories in France, Affecting Many Thousands of Workers, Technicians, etc., (including those Formerly of "Alcatel" and anOther ex-French Company, also Near Strasbourg, in Brittany, etc, that the Finnish had, meanwhile, Bought) ! >>> So that, such a Move, could Obviously result into a very Interesting European Project, of Both Social, Economic, Innovative, Ecological, Digital, and EU "Sovereignity" in the World, Policies, precisely Supported by EU's "ReVival Fund" and the InComing German EU Presidency's priorities, as they were recently presented by Angie Merkel at EU Parliament in Brussels, earlier This Month (See: ..., etc) !

>>> As a Consequence, inter alia, f.ex., Northern Scandinavian EU Member Country Finland, could No More speak about those Factories currently Threatened to Close Down in France, (Comp. Supra), as if they might Concern Only a so-called ..."South", (i.e. Contrary to what the Head of "Frugal" Countries, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte, just did at EU Summit in Brussels : Comp. Supra), since those Smart-Phone Factories are, precisely, ...Its Own Network's Properties, (Controled by Finnish Company "NOKIA") !

+ Then, Even Mr. Rutte himself, Might, perhaps, Start to Find it somehow Difficult to Continue to Separate the "North" from the "South" of Europe, inter alia, Also by the Fact that, by a Coincidence, His Own Phone reportedly is a Finnish ..."NOKIA" (Comp Supra)...


=> How about Creating Many, and Various, such EUROPEAN PROJECTS, Innovative, Ecological, Digital, and contributing to Boost EU's Sovereignity and Role in the World, while, at the Same Time, able to Help Save Jobs and Productive Industrial Capabilities in Virus'-hit EU Regions ? So that there is a Real "Cohesion" of Interests, throughout Europe, Practicaly Uniting the "North" to the "South", and the "West" to the "East", Allowing for EU's "Revival Fund" to Become Able to Work much Better, withOut all those useless Problems that we all saw at the Beginning of this Exceptional EU Summit, Now in Brussels (Comp. Supra) ?



+ F.ex., among various others, How about considering to Create a "High-Speed" Train Network, (Ecological and Modern), Uniting Madrid and Rome to Paris and Berlin, up to Warsaw, etc., (perhaps Even Leningrad and/or Moscow, etc., in order to Develop Also a Pan-European Window to the World, i.e. potentialy, until Vladivostok, China, S. Korea, Japan, etc) ?



++ And, How about, Eventualy, Creating a Sea-Rivers Modern (and Ecological) Transport Network, throughout Europe, practicaly Uniting the Black Sea all the way to the North Sea, and even to the Mediterranean Sea, through Recent Links between Danube, Rhine, and Rhone Rivers, (potentially serving Also to Transport Kaspia's and Mediterranean's Energy Sources Directly to EU's Industrial Core, (with High-Tech Ships, able to store Climate-Friendly, No CO2 producing, Liquefied Natural Gas, etc) ? Among Many Other Europeans, our Romanian, and, particularly ...DUTCH Friends, (Pioneers for Inland River Ship Transports) have been Speaking about that, Already since a Long Time ago !  

- Isn't it True, Mr. Rutte ?


>>> In Fact, what EU Really Needs, concerning its "Recovery Fund", may, Perhaps, or may not be a New Summit, (Comp. Supra), But it Certainly is a New Vision, Focused on Mutually Useful and Ambitious EUROPEAN PROJECTS, practically Uniting European People !






EU main recent Moves on Virus Medicine focus at controversial Genetic Manipulations vis a vis Humans

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 14 July 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Astonishingly, the Only Known recent Measures taken by EU Commission and/or Council Nowadays on Medicine against the Deadly Virus, Both on Cures and on Vaccines, are related to Controversial Issues about Genetic Manipulations that may Affect Human Persons !

 - Indeed, on July 3, 2020, EU Commission surprized by giving its 1st and Unique, until now, conditional Authorisation for a Cure against the Virus to Controversial, Twice Failed and repurposed, Former Anti-Hepatites and/or Anti-Ebola (where it made a "Flop"...) Drug "Remdesivir", a very Expensive, Patented to Multinational Corporation "Gilead", USA product, of totaly UnProven yet Efficiency vis a vis the Still Too High Number of Deaths provoked by the Virus, whose Only alleged Effect would be to sometimes Shorten, a bit, the Time for Recovery, Even if this Claim appears too Shaky, ill-Based on Controversial, UnControlable, UnCertain and UnReliable Data, of just 1 UnFinished Trial, (See Facts at: ..., etc).

"Remdesivir", which Costs about ...3.120 $ per 5 Days, or 6.240 $ per 10 Days of Treatment, is given Only by IntraVenous Infusion, inside a Hospital, under Close Medical Monitoring, and its Production Depending from a Licence by Corporatio "Gilead" (which Holds a Patent), has Many Troublesome "Side-Effects", and is Not Yet of Proven Safety, until now, acts by Penetrating inside Human Cells, Affecting their RNA/DNA, and (hopefuly) Blocking the Gene of a Protein related to the Replication of the Virus, at already Infected People.

It's Not yet clearly Known IF such a Genetic Manipulation on Humans, Clumsily pushed by some Lobbies behind "Gilead" on 3 successive more or less, sooner or later, Failed Attempts on Hepatites, Ebola, or COVID-2019, might be really "Safe", or Not, for Human Health in the Long Term... (F.ex. Cloning of Sheep Dolly was revealed Catastrophic only some Years Later)... 

On the Contrary, 3 Other, Already Known Drugs against the Virus, (mainly French "HCQ+", mainly Russian "Avifavir", and UK's "DexaMethaSone"), can be Easily Taken through simple Pils, Don't Cost almost Nothing, and, Most Importantly, revendicate a notable Efficiency able to Save Human Lives. At the same time, they appear Safe, and do Not Affect the Human Genome, (at least the first 2 of them). But, Curiously, EU Commission has Not yet shown Any Interest for them...


+ In Addition, Today : on July 14, EU Council has just announced a Surprizing Decision, concerning Vaccines against the Virus, to Exceptionaly Lift the Main Checks and Controls normaly due on Any "Genetically Modified Organisms" they might use in Tests, Storage, Transport, Distribution, and/or Operation throughout the Environment, and even inside Human Persons...

It means that the Prior "Environmental Risk Assessment", Normaly Due for any "GMO" "Deliberately Released into the Environment", and/or the Prior "Consent" (i.e. Authorisation), by the competent Public National Authority, for any "contained Use" of "GMO"s, (according to relevant 2001 and 2009 EU Directives), are No More Required when it comes to Trials, Storage, Transport, or Distribution, etc., of Any Vaccine related to the Virus !

- Only the "Sites where the Genetic Modification of Wild-type Viruses ... take place", i.e. in case of so-called "Investigational Medicinal Products", they continue to be Controlled as before, because of their Extreme Dangerosity. On All Other such cases, the usual Controls are Lifted.

This goes not only whenever such projects for Vaccines may "Contain GMOs", But Also when "they Consist in GMOs" (sic !) themselves... In Both cases, what is at Stake is eventual "Risks to Human Health, and the Environment".

Moreover, it applies Even in case of "Foreseeable Negative ...Impacts" on the Environment, etc. ! In that case, both the interested Private Companies and the concerned States, should Only try to ..."Minimise" any such "Negative ...Impacts" of those "GMOs", by any simply "Appropriate" "Measure", and, as far as "States" are concerned, Only ..."IF Feasible" (re-sic !!).

Such an Obviously Dangerous Measure, (which would Widely Apply as long as the WHO still qualifies the Situation as a "Pandemic", or, at least, the EU Commission as an "Emergency", for All, Both Pre-Existing and New Vaccine projects), was Added Only ...at the Last Minute in EU Parliament's Agenda, (where it was Absent at the "Final Draft Agenda !), using an "Urgent Procedure" for Vote...

Scandalously, Not even the Slightest public Debate didN't emerge among MEPs on that UnPrecedented and Important Issue for People's Health and the Environment, in the relevant July 2020 Session in Brussels, (where any such Debate was Absent, even in its Final Agenda) !  However, Despite all that, there were 5 Critical Amendments, which managed to Attract nearly ...All the Anti-Establishment MEPs, including 3 Political Groups and almost All "Independents", bringing Exceptionaly Together the "Left" and the "Greens" with the ...Rightists of "ID" and Independents, (as well as some Dissidents from "Liberals/Renew", "EPP", "Socialists"-the least, etc), and Resulting in such a diverse Opposition with almost 1/3 of the Votes in a Crucial Amendment (f.ex. about 220 - 470)...

It all Looks, mutatis-mutandis, almost Similar to that UnPrecedented Socio-Political Phenomenon, that had UnExpectedly Emerged, Recently, f.ex., in Italy, when Salvini's "Rightists" had Notoriously made, initially, an Alliance with the "5 Stars" Leftist Movement created by Bepe Grillo, soon resulting into a ...Majority Government, (before they were anew divided, much Later-on).

=> I.e., Tricky, Not so "Democratic" Methods on such Important (even Bio-Ethical) Issues, (Comp. Facts Supra), may, perhaps, Provoke some ..."Bumpy" Political Upheavals, in Popular Reactions, Afterwards, here or there, in one way or another...








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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.


- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".

- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.


In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".

- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.



The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.

- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.


Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.

Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...


But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :

- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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