GermLine Manip. staged as outcry v. China, is US Obama Lobby Hypocrisy=> Need for Trump+Xi joint NO
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- An Investigation of Real Data reveals that what was presented, these Days, as a public outcry against an obscure Chinese Researcher, at a far away Province in China, abusively testing a Germ-line Manipulation on 2 newborn Chinese Babies, Revealing that at "a Conference in China", and triggering mainly Western Countries' strong Criticism for Dangerously Changing the Genome across Future Generations, by the Gene-Editing new Technology of CRISPR-cas9, seems to be, in Fact, the Opposite :
- I.e. a staged Attempt by a USA-based Lobby linked to former President Barack Hussein Obama's "Socialist" Dems' Big Pharma Establishment, to Export, Publicize, and soon Impose currently illegal and Prohibited Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos, even despite obvious Risks, not only for the Cobays, but also for Humankind's Future, and Contrary to National and International Legal Rules, by undermining and Skiping the legitimate Policy of New US President Don Tump, (at least partly Similar to those of his predecessor Republican former US President GW Bush, as well as to various Other, mainly Conservative Heads of State around the World, old and new, among those Heads of State/Government gathered these same Days in Argentina for the "G-20" Summit, which may offer a Timely Occasion, incl to start Firmly Confirming some core Principles, including after Trump - Xi's, much awaited USA-China Bilateral Top Meeting at its Conclusion)...
Indeed, the Young Chinese rogue Researcher, He Jiankui, who notoriously Manipulated the Heritable Genome of 2 Embryos, before they gave Birth at a Southern Chinese Province, had been, in fact, Educated in the USA, Both for his PhD. and Post-Doc. Work, during former US President Barack Hussein Obama's era, on 2010 and 2012, respectively :
I.e., by a striking "Coincidence", precisely just after Obama had Lifted, (by his 1st Important Decision, back since March 2009), most of a former Prohibition of Federal Funding for Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, (which had been Established and Confirmed, Earlier, by his predecessor, Republican former US President GWBush, twice, on 2001 and 2005+).
+Moreover, Both his 2 US Mentors were California "Dems", Educated during former US Presidet Bill Clinton's era in the 1990ies, and Appointed Professors of University, Heads of Institutes, etc., at Key Jobs for Human Genetics raising big BioEthical Issues, during another "Socialist" ("Dem") President, Barack Hussein OBAMA, (2010-2016) :
- F.ex., Professor Michael Deem, (his PhD. former Director), at Rice University, Texas, a Specialist of "BioMedical Engineering", including on "HIV" and the "Immune System", as well as "Viruses", "Vaccines", etc, (i.e. Precisely there where Jiankui Manipulated Genetically those 2 Chinese Babies, reportedly seeking to make them Immune during their Lives and even Generations), even eyeing at "Evolution that accounts for Cross-Species Genetic Exchange " (sic !), according to his own presentation, whose Research is Funded by several US Government Authorities (f.ex. in Health, Energy and Defense, etc.), as well as by USA's National Academy of Sciences, whose President, Marcia McNutt, was appointed during Obama's era (from 4/2016), openly Supporting OBAMA's "Climate Change and National Security" policy since 2016, and even OBAMA's plaidoyerie for "Heritable Gene Editing" on Humans sooner of later in the foreseable Future, (Published in a February 2017 Report). Deem reportedly told to the American Press that he had also Participated personally to several Concrete Steps taken by Jiankui in China recently, (f.ex. by Meeting on the spot the Parents of those Genetically Manipulated Embryos, in order to Ensure their "Consent", etc)...
- But also Stephen Quake, (Jiankui's "Post-Doc" Mentor, around 2010-2012), at Stanford University, California, (whose "Nevro-Science Institute" is "led" by the same 3 Professors "who jointly led the working Group for President Barack OBAMA’s <<BRAIN>> research initiative") :
Professor of Bio-Engineering, Inventor of "new DNA Sequencing technologies", and New "Pre-Natal Tests", etc., as well as "co-President of the Chan-Zuckerberg Bio-Hub, Founded by American FACEBOOK's Inventor Mark Zuckerberg and his Asiatic-origin Wife (a Medical "Pediatric"), with "Head of Science" a "Genetician and Neuro-Biologist", Cori Bargmann, who "co-Chaired the National Institutes of Health committee that set goals and strategies for President OBAMA’s <<Brain>> Research", etc., and "Policy" Head David Plouffe, Manager of Barack OBAMA ’s 2008 Electoral Presidential Campaign". as well as "White House Senior Advisor to President OBAMA", (etc)...
In Addition, Quake is also Member of Stanford's "Nevro-Sciences Institute", recently ReNamed "Wu Tsai Nevro-Science", after $ 250 Millions funding, just last October 2018, by Clara Wu Tsai and Joe Tsai, co-Founder and vice-CEO of the notorious "ALIBABA" Group, a "Global Internet technology company based in CHINA", (See also Infra). Tsai's "generous Gift will help" not only to "treat Brain Injury", but, "as well as ENHANCE BRAIN functions, to Improve Lives", significantly notes an Official Press Release from Stanford. And "Wu Tsai" added that, “Ultimately, we hope (that) the Research undertaken at the... Neurosciences Institute will lead to ...Treatments that impact millions of People by Prolonging their Lives and MAKING them MORE ...PRODUCTIVE", as she claimed.
In Fact, Joe Tsai is Not part of Real China at all, since he holds a Taiwan Citizenship, has been Born in Taiwan, (where his Wife also comes from), Educated in the USA, and even Living, initially at Hong Kong, and later in the USA, (at California, notoriously Controlled by Obama's Dems/"Socialists/Liberals"). He's the Only among "AliBaba"'s Managers to do so, and had been, in the Past, just 1 among its ...18 co-Founders ! In order to be accepted for that, he had reportedly left, initially, a USA Job paid $ 7.000, for an Alibaba job paid only ...$ 600 !
+ Even More Important : The so-called "CONFERENCE in China", where Jiankui revealed in Public his above-mentioned Heritable Gene-Editing on 2 Babies, (Comp. Supra), was, in Fact, located in ...HONG-KONG, (a former British overseas Colony, until recently, Still having a Special Status Nowadays), was almost entirely Focused on GENE EDITING, and Sponsored by a UK and USA outlets :
- Indeed, it was mainly co-Sponsored by the American "National Academy of Sciences" (NAS), a Private, Peer-Managed Institution, whose current President has been Appointed at OBAMA's era, Back since April 2016 :
Significantly, NAS' President, Marcia McNutt, had practically Started her career there, by Publishing from September 2016 a 1st Report on OBAMA's "Climate Change and National Security Policy", while, as a Last Move from OBAMA's Out-going Administration, precisely on BioEthics, NAS Published, at the beginning of February 2017, a Report, precisely on the Controversial but Important Issue of Heritable GENE EDITING of Human Embryos, where it practically Warned that the pre-existing Prohibition seemed due to be Lifted, under certain Conditions, in the foreseable Future...
+ In Addition, it's USA's "Howard Hughes' Medical Institute", HHMI, ( 2nd-Best endowed Medical research Foundation in the World, with 22,6 Billions $), which PAID :
- that Conference's co-Organizers, as the Inventors of "CRISPR-cas9" Gene-Editing Technology, Feng Zhang and Jennifer Doudna,
- as well as Richard Hynes, HHMI's Investigator and co-Chair of NAS' Committee which had Published the above-mentioned Report on Prospects for the (until now illegal) Heritable Gene Editing, (OBAMA's LAST MOVE, back on 2/2017 : Comp. Supra),
- and even ..."AP"'s Press Agency itself, (which was the 1st to Start Publishing a Series of News Articles on He Jiankui's Controversial acts, creating a Mass Medias' "Tsunami" effect of Publicity Worldwide)...
=> So that, Obviously, the North American, US and Obama-related Links, mainly of various "Socialist"/Dems' Technocrats on Bio-Genetics, etc., were, by far, the Most Important Factor in Jiankui's case,
while, on the Contrary, the alleged "Chinese" Links appeared, Comparatively, much Weaker and UnCertain :
- Among others, f.ex., Jiankui, reportedly, had to get an "UnPaid Leave", almost since the Beginning of 2018, from his recent work at the "Southern University of Science and Technology", in Shenzhen, (South-Eastern China), and conduct his above-mentioned Controversial Activities OUT of that University's Campus, at a non-disclosed location, Secretly...
=> In such a Context, Most Public Comments on Jiankui's controversial acts, Both from the USA and from China, or Elsewhere, appeared more or less Critical :
- F.ex., the Technical University where he worked, at Southern China, reportedly stressed that Jiankui "seriously Violated Academic Ethics and Standards".
- A collective Letter Signed by some 100 Chinese Scientists reportedly Urged the Public Authorities to Monitor efficiently Gene Editing, and Condemned that experiment.
- The Head of "China Association for Science and Technology", Huai Jinpeng, reportedly called that "Despicable and Damaging for China's Image".
- Various International and/or American Experts reportedly called such acts "UnExpected and Deeply Disturbing".
- Mainly Western and other Scientists, (including at the above-mentioned Hong Kong International Conference), reportedly "Warned of Far-Reaching Effects", while "we have No Idea what Future Risks there may be".
- Notre Dame Law School professor O. Carter Snead, a former Presidential adviser on Bio-Ethics, was reported as calling this case “Deeply Troubling". Medical Ethicist Julian Savulescu of Oxford University, reportedly called such "experiments" "Monstrous".
- But several, mainly USA Dems' comments, appeared, in fact, to rather pay a mere Lip Service on Criticizing simply Procedural and/or Timing Aspects, while, on the Contrary, seeking an Occasion to Prepare a recalcitrant Public Opinion for a forthcoming use of such Controversial and UnPopular Methods, sometime in the Future...
- F.ex., some Focused Only on Asking for some undetermined and vague "Ethical Procedures", "Transparency", etc., while Leaving the Essence of such Acts to be, eventually, more or less Tolerated, perhaps under certain Conditions, Later-on.
- In thsis regard, Typical is the above-mentioned "Chan-Zuckerberg BioHub"'s stance, in California (indirectly linked to Jiankui : Comp. Supra), which Limits itself into only expressing "Concerns", related to "Transparency", "Ethical and Medical Criteria", etc, while, at the Same Time, it Praises what it calls "CRISPR Technology"'s "Tremendous Potential", which, as they Claim, "Must (sic) be Pursued", simply "within (undetermined) Community Standards", accepting even OBAMA's era's NAS' Controversial Report, published on 2/2017, "For the Use of Heritable Genome Editing" (Comp. Supra) !...
- Several People reportedly found "Astounding", the Obama era - appointed (2016) Dean of Harvard's Medical School, George Daley's abstention from condemning the present case, but Only calling it as a mere "MisStep", while Urging that "it's Time to ...Start outlining actual PathWay for Clinical translation" (sic !)..., as he said at that strange Hong-Kong's Conference organized by some UK-USA Lobbies, (Comp. Supra).
- Scandalously Threatening a Morbid Blackmail, an even Worse Claim was reportedly launched when some evoked a Nightmare Scenario : F.ex. if a new Killer Virus arises (as the Black Death in Medieval Times, or Obama's era 2009 "Mexican"/California Deadly Virus, etc), withOut Vaccine, but Only some People's Genes being able to Resist => Wouldn't, you, then, feel Obliged to implore for a kind of ...Genetic Antidote to the current and next Generation ?
- "This is a Technology that could Save the Species, (sic !) potentially", pompously claimed f.ex., Harvard's Stem Cell Institute's IVF Doctor, Werner Neuhausser, in that Gene Editing Conference at Hong Kong...
- "We, as a Species need to maintain the flexibility to Face Future Threats", by "Taking Control of our Heredity", reportedly went on to Add, apparently in that Same (Blackmail) Line, also the Obama-era (2016) appointed, controversial Harvard Medical School Dean Daley...
>>> On the Contrary, "Other Voices asked for a BAN on Germ-Line Editing", a Journalist from "Technology Review" observed, (See also Infra).
- In mainland China, Science and Technology vice-Minister, Xu Nanping, reportedly accused that Heritable Genetic Manipulation of 2 Babies to have "Blatantly Violated China's relevant Laws and Regulations", since "Clinical operations of Genetic Editing for Human Embryos is Strictly Prohibited in our Country", as he observed, citting, f.ex., inter alia, also a 2003 Rule, etc.
=> "This is Shocking and UnAcceptable : We (China's Government) are Resolutely Opposed !", the competent Minister reportedly stressed.
- Therefore, he Requested to Suspend the Scientific/Technological Activities of those who Committed such Acts, (reportedly Repeated over 7 Embryos, from which only 2 were Born), and anounced that the Next Step of China's Ministry of Science and Technology will be to male a full and objective Investigation on those Incidents, so that the Competent Authorities will be able to Deal with those who are Responsible, according to the Laws and Regulations.
- UK's "Socialist"/Labour Establishment's Newspaper "Guardian" claimed that, at least that 2003 BioEthical Rules would Not foresee any "Sanctions", but it canNot be Excluded a priori Any Possibility for Various Convincing Measures versus those who Violate the Norms on such Important Issues for Both the People immediately Affected, but Also for all Humanity.
+ In the USA, it's FDA's New Chief, Commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, (appointed by New US President Don Trump on 2017), reportedly slamed "certain Uses of Science", which "should be Judged InTolerable, and cause Scientists to be Cast Out". F.ex., "the use of CRISPR to Edit Human Embros, or Germ-Line Cells, should Fall in that bucket", Gottlieb pointed out : A Restriction which should reportedly apply on Cells which are "for (Human) ReProduction".
=> In this International Context, from a PanEuropean point of view, the 47 Member Countries (including Russia) strong CoE in Strasbourg has Just Published Today a Press Release on the above-mentioned Events, (Heritable Gene-Editing on 2 Babies, and that 2nd International Conference on Human Genome : Comp. Supra), reminding the Fact that its' "Convention on Human Rights and BioMedicine (alias "Oviedo Convenion" of 1997)", which is "the Only International, Legally Binding instrument, addressing Human Rights in the Bio-Medical Field", "provides a Unique Framework" for that Purpose, Distinguissing mainly between :
- "better Understanding of the Causes of Diseases, and their ...Treatment", in order "to Improve Human Health", where "these Technologies have considerable Potential for Research", from one side
- and "the Application of Genome Editing Technologies to Human Gametes or Embryos", which, "however, ...Raises many Ethical, Social, and Safety Issues, particularly from any Modification of the Human Genome, that could be passed on to Future Generations",
=> CoE Topicaly observes that, Both "these Expectations and Concerns, remain very Relevant Today, with regard to those Genome-Editing Technologies".
- Indeed, "the Oviedo Convention", already "represents the outcome of an in-Depth Discussion at European level, on Developments in the BioMedical Field", including, "particularly", "Genetics".
+ In Addition, Nowadays, "Addressing these Issues is the Aim" of the Work carried out by the "Human Rights - BioMedicine" Group of Experts, inside the CoE, observes the PanEuropean Organisation of Strasbourg, (concerning, evenmore, a matter for which that relevant Convention's Mechanism is always Open to the Accession even of Non-European States, from Anywhere in the World)...
- Indeed, "this Work" is "Guided by the Aknowledgement of Positive Perspectives" in "the Development of Knowledge in ...Genetics", from one side, "But also by the greater Possibility to Intervene and Control Genetic Characteristics of Human Beings", from the Other side.
=> This Fact is "Raising Concern, about Possible MisUse and Abuses, in particular the Intentional Modification of Human Genome, so as to Produce Individuals or Groups endowed with Particular Characteristics, and required Qualities", CoE Warned.
>>> On this Crucial point, "Article 13 of the Convention, addresses these Concerns about Genetic Enhancement, or Germ-Line Engineering,
by Limiting the Purposes of any Intervention on the Human Genome, (including in the Field of Research), to Prevention, Diagnosis or Therapy" only, CoE stressed.
+"Furthermore, it Prohibits any Intervention with the Aim of Introducing a Modification in the Genome of any Descendants", (i.e. in the Germ-Line), clearly observes CoE, thus Excluding any Heritable Germ-Line Manipulation, as that Nowadays made by Jiankui, (Comp. Supra).
[NDLR: However, Despite that CoE's Legal Protection of Human Genome from most Genetic Manipulations, (particularly when they seek to Modify the Germ-line permanently), it's also a Fact that Many CoE Member Countries, headed, initially, by Germany, etc., have notoriously Refused to Ratify that "Oviedo" Convention, by arguying that it would leave Too Much Discretion even to potentialy Dangerous BioMedical Interventions, especialy on Heritable Human Gene-Editing.
In this regard, "Eurofora" has witnessed Both the Exasperated Outburst of angered critical German and other Experts, (f.ex. also from Cyprus, etc), when that Draft had been Adopted by a Committee in Strasbourg, already Back on 1996-1997, and the quasi-Despair of an eminent former Long-Time President of CoE's competent Experts, (from Portugal), when he Denounced the existence of a stubborn Division and Opposition, between National Experts who wanted to Better Protect Human Embryos, and Other Experts who pushed, on the Contrary, to Weaken even More CoE's legal Safeguards, forming 2 Camps, then led by Germany or the UK -governed by ChristianDemocrats/Right or "Socialists"/Left, respectively- which Provoked, soon, even the ...Suspension or Dissolution of CoE's Working Group on Human Embryo, during the 2.000ies !
So that, Afterwards, it was mainly at UN level that a Majority, inspired particularly by World-Famous former Long-Time Pope John-Paul II from Poland, adopted a relevant Resolution at UN General Assembly for the Protection of Human Embryo from Genetic Manipulations, just before his Death, on 2004/2005. The move was Supported also by former USA President GW. Bush, who had already Adopted a Strong Relevant Measure, Prohibiting Federal Funding to Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos from August 2001, and, following his Brillant Re-Election, he also Opposed his Veto to an Opposed, deviationist Draft Bill, from a Dems'-controlled Congress, after 2005.]
=> Finally, observing anew "the Fundamental Questions raised by ...Recent Technological Developments", particulaly on "the Ethical and Legal Challenges raised by ...Emerging Genome-Editing Technologies", CoE Topicaly reminded Today its December 2015 Decision to "Examine" those "Challenges", and to "use" the "Principles laid down in the Oviedo Conention", (Comp. Supra), also "for the Debate called for at International Level", (as it's also foreseen "in its Article 28" on the "Need for such Debates").
=> Will, new US President Don Trump, and China's President Xi Jinping, be Inspired by the Firm Stance on basic Human Rights' Principles, that showed recently their Competent Authorities, (Comp. Supra), and Reminded also the PanEuropean CoE Today, (ibid), when they will Meet Together for a Long Working Diner, also on other Topical Global Issues, as Trade, etc, at the Conclusion of the on-going "G20" Summit in Argentina, Saturday Evening in Buenos Aires ?
In Fact, the Political Developments in Key Countries such as Brazil, and also Argentina itself, partially Italy, etc, where New, Conservative Leaders of the Right have been notoriously Elected by the People, might, eventually, Facilitate even a much Wider common Stance for BioEthics inside the "G20" Summit.
But, at any case, at least President Trump should realize that it's Important Not to Leave such Key Issues to some Shady Manouvers mainly by Obama's "Socialist" a.o. Lobbies, (Comp. Supra), which still exert Pressure for Technocrats' desiderata to be Imposed against People's basic Human Rights, with Dangerous Threats for Humankind's Future.
And the Precedent of former US President GWBush's unexpectedly Brillant Electoral Win, Back on 2004, (a Fellow Conservative himself), against the Dems' "Socialists", with a 3 Millions Votes - Large Margin, mainly over his Solid and Principled Stance on the Protection of Human Embryos from Genetic Manipulations by greedy Technocrats, proved, once again, that there is an Important, yet untapped Potential throughout all those "Evangelicals", "Born Again", and various Other Christians, or simply Grassroots American People notoriously living at USA's "Heartland", the Mobilisation of whom can become a Game Changer in view of the Next, 2020 US Presidential Election, which will be the most Crucial Test. for USA's foreseable Future, (but, perhaps, also of the World).
At any case, let's hope that this Argentina Meeting will help, if not an immediate Agreement, between the North American and Chinese Presidents, Strong on BioEthical Principles and Values, for the sake of both their People and all Humankind, at least a useful Preparation for such -much needed- Positive Developments asap.
Even the Sad news about the Death of Historic former US President (1989-1993) George H. Bush Senior, aged 94, (shortly after his inseparable Wife, Barbara, passed away, earlier this Same Year), anounced by his Son, GWBush junior, himself former US President twice (2001-2009), can be read as a Symbol : Twice vice-President with Ronald Reagan, CIA Director, Ambassador to the UN, etc., GHBush, (who oversaw the End of "Cold War" and Germany's peacefull ReUnification, etc), had also served as USA's Liaison with ...China !
And we shall never forget that Night of Autumn 2004, when all Polls were giving Only an UnCertain 50 - 50 % Draw to his Son, GWBush, on his Re-Election attempt, until Late Evening, making Father Bush to urge him to go to Sleep, overNight, in order to be Ready for Tomorrow Morning, himself staying Awake throughout all that exceptionaly "Long" Night. Until he was Surprized to Find that, UnExpectedly, the Young GWBush had just Won with a Crystal-Clear + 3% Margin, after a Big Number of USA Heartland's People, (Christians and others), had suddenly Decided to Massively go Vote for his Son, when it became Clear that he really intended to keep his Promise to Protect Human Embryos from Genetic Manipulations by Technocrats, as he realy did, later-on, Marking the Importance of Key BioEthical Issues for simple but genuine American People, then, as, Hopefully, also Now...
Nowadays, it's for conscious People, and their Elected Authentic Representatives, to SafeGuard the Independence, Security and Freedom of Natural Human Biths, instead of Abandoning the crucial issue of Human Beings' Reproduction to Artificial Manipulations controlled by a Handfull of Technocrats, (Comp. Headline PHOTO/Patchwork).
Several conscious and important Intellectuals have already Warned for the Need to Prevent such Dangers to Slyly Impose a Monstruous AppartHeid, which Threatens to be the End of Humankind, (Comp., f.ex., inter alia, also : Aldus Huxley : "Brave New World", Eugene Zamyatin : "We", Mary Shelley : "Frankenstein", HGWells : "Time Machine" + "The Island of Dr. Moreau", etc).
Today, it's, obviously, for Presidents Don Trump and Xi Jiping to decide first, as well as for the International Community at large, in a really Democratic, Transparent, Well-Informed, Efficient and Timely way, and Not for a Shady Powerfull Lobby of Misleading Technocrats, Hypocritically pursuing, in fact, their selfish interests, badly Hidden behind a Fake Smokescreen, (Comp. above-mentioned Facts)...
Nowadays, it's for conscious People, and their Elected Authentic Representatives, to SafeGuard the Independence, Security and Freedom of Natural Human Biths, instead of Abandoning the crucial issue of Human Beings' Reproduction to Artificial Manipulations controlled by a Handfull of Technocrats, (Comp. Headline PHOTO/Patchwork).
Several conscious and important Intellectuals have already Warned for the Need to Prevent such Dangers to Slyly Impose a Monstruous AppartHeid, which Threatens to be the End of Humankind, (Comp., f.ex., inter alia, also : Aldus Huxley : "Brave New World", Eugene Zamyatin : "We", Mary Shelley : "Frankenstein", HGWells : "Time Machine" + "The Island of Dr. Moreau", etc).
Today, it's, obviously, for Presidents Don Trump and Xi Jiping to decide first, as well as for the International Community at large, in a really Democratic, Transparent, Well-Informed, Efficient and Timely way, and Not for a Shady Powerfull Lobby of Misleading Technocrats, Hypocritically pursuing, in fact, their selfish interests, badly Hidden behind Fake Smokescreens, (Comp. above-mentioned Facts)...
Many Facts show that, either they'll guarantee the Respect of current Principles OutLawing Genetic Manipulations on Human Embryos transmissible to Future Generations, or it will be, sooner of later, the End of Humanity as such, (Comp. Supra).
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Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, speaking to "EuroFora", denied rumors on Turkey's attempts to avoid an EU check of its obligations on Cyprus on December 2009 by blackmailing Nicosia to either accept any deal with intransigeant Turkish claims contrary to EU values on the island's political issue, or face threats against the territorial integriy of the EU island, semi-occupied by Ankara's army.
On the contrary, the incoming EU President-in-office, speaking exclusively to "EuroFora", promissed that he will act for EU Council's decisions on December 2009 assessment of Turkey's commitments on Cyprus to be kept.
Bildt was asked to react to Cyprus' President Christofias' denunciation, earlier this week, that some want to exert "pressure" on Cyprus in order for Turkey to escape from its obligations.
Avoiding to mention any precise Deadline, Bildt, however, warned about "Consequences" in case of "failure" to reunite Cyprus, but without saying whose responsibility an eventual deadlock might be.
Asked by "EuroFora" if there is a risk for "Turkey's commitments to "be forgotten or downgraded", "despite crystal-clear EU Council decisions and EU Parliament's latest Resolution on the assessment to make at the end of this year on Turkey's obligations", according to rumours that, instead of pressing Turkey, on the contrary, there might be "pressure on Cyprus", even "blackmail", as Media reported and President Christofias denounced this week, Bildt denied :
- "No ! ", he clearly replied.
- On the contrary, invited by "EuroFora", to "reassure that the Swedish EU Presidency (7-12/2009) will keep a fair stance, based on principles", Bildt promised that "we (Swedish EU Presidency) will be very clear on all of the decisions taken by the (EU) Council".
He added, however, that "we have very numerous decisions that have been taken" by EU Council, as if he warned, also, on something else.
- "'I am not aware of any sort of statements coming out today''", Bildt started to say, on our reference to Cyprus' President Christofias" denunciation of Turkish lobby's manoeuvers this week, replying earlier to 'another"EuroFora"'s question during a Press Conference at EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
- '"I know the issues that you' are concerned with'", he added, remembering the statements he gave us when Sweden was chairing the PanEuropean CoE on 2008.
- "But, obviously, .. I think that Cyprus' Peace negotiations are extremenly important".
- And "'I think that we are at a unique moment in History, in the sens that both (Cyprus') President Christofias and Mr. Talat (the Turkish Cypriot leader), are personally convinced of the need to overcome the division".
- "It's 20 Years since the fall of Berlin Wal, but we still have a Capital in Europe (Nicosia) that's divided". ,
- 'I don't that we should loose any time in overcoming that"..
- ''We should be aware of the fact that success will bring great benefits, but failure, will also have major consequences. There will not be Status Quo' " It's a question of seeking a solution, or entering another situation, which is somewhat difficult to see exactly how that could evolve", he warned.
- "That being said, this is a negotiation for Cyprus itself", Bildt admitted.
- ''We (EU) can support, the (EU) Commission primarily, be technically helpful, and then, of course, there is a specific role for the UN, when it comes to the Cyprus' situation".
- "At least so far. It might not be for ever'. Certainly not for ever, but for this period of time", Bildt added, skiping now any reference to concrete threats on UNO's Peace keeping force in face of more than 40.000 Ankara's soldiers, contrary to some Press claims, (See previous NewsReports).
Replying to another "EuroFora"'s Question, if anyone might attempt to "impose a Deadline for the conclusion" of Cyprus' Talks on December 2009, Bildt avoided to speak of any precise Time-frame, and indirectly evoked the fact that 35 Years of Turkish Invasion/Occupation obviously durated too long :
'- "If I was from Cyprus, I would say that the Deadline was Yesterday ! '",
Bildt concluded.
Cyprus' Government Spokesman, Stephanou, reportedly pointed out that "a settlement is possible on December if Turkey changes its stance", accepting a solution for the reunification of the island based on UNO resolutiona and EU principles.
Earlier, EU Chair, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeld, highlighted an "historic opportunity" to "re-Unite" Cyprus according to EU's "basic Values"' (i.e. Human Rights) and 'Rules'", in a last-minute change of his draft speech to EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
The initial Draft spoke only about "healing" the island.
Significantly, Reinfeldt linked Cyprus' reunification with Turkey's obligations to respect EU's "Values" and "follow" EU's "common Rules" :
- What is "called Membership Negotiations" should lead, "at- the end of the day", into "sharing a set of common Basic Values (i.e. Human Rights, Democracy, etc), and following common Rules", stressed Reinfeld from the outset.
- "This is something that those on the Outside (of the EU), are now contemplating", up "to Ankara", for "a solution" on "Cyprus", observed the EU Chairman, immediately afterwards..
- "Both sides of Cyprus have been granted a historic opportunity to together reach an agreement on a solution to re-Unite the island, that has been divided for far too long", said Reinfeldt, modifying his draft text.
- "The Swedish Presidency will act accordance with Commitments EU has made, on the basis of Criteria that apply", "as a Honest Broker", he promised.
- "To those on the inside (of the EU), allowing the membership process to become an opportunity to solve protracted disputes, can be tempting", he added.
"In such cases, we must find solutions that can benefit both sides, and open up a way forward. Otherwise, it would jeopardize the progress we have made towards EU integration", Reinfeldt said.