Virus and Hasty or Safe DeConfinement : QUO VADIS Europa ?...
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- For a 2nd Time in a Tragic Series, European People apparently Risk to be probably anew Abandoned Helpless to growing Threats by the Deadly Virus, as on-going Developments indicate :
The 1st Time, it was due to Scandalously Excessive Delays to Protect European People from any Spread from the Initially Infected NW Italy's regions, Instead of Closing Borders and putting them immediately in Quarantine, as China had Succesfully done for its Wuhan region, (See: +, etc).
Moreover, as "the Intercept" noted, "Italy (itself) Closed a terminal of Milan’s Airport on March 16, when the Northern Region of Lombardy already had 3,760 Cases in a Population of 10 Millions", while, "by Contrast, China had Shut down Flights out of Hubei Province on January 23, when there were 500 reported Cases Worldwide and 17 Deaths in Hubei among a Population of 58 Millions". And "London’s ...and Paris’... (as well as "Madrid"'s) Airports were still Open, as Cases soared in ...those cities"...
>>> But Now, it all looks as if it's the Other way round : An apparently too Hasty Rush towards an Excessive, Clumsy, UnTimely and/or Precipitated "DeConfinement", i.e. End of Protective Measures against the further Spread of the Virus, which may Risk to seriously Aggravate the current situation, perhaps Provoking an even Wider Spread, sooner or later !
In Fact, EU Countries (and some Others, f.ex. in USA) seem to, curiously, do Always ...the Contrary of what China does :
- When China had Quarantined Wuhan Region, in order to Protect all the Rest of that Huge Country, the EU had Left entirely Open all Borders (of Neighbouring France, Germany, Austria, etc, in Addition to Airports, etc) to/from NW Italy's infected Lombardy Region, etc.
- And Now, while China Waited until the Virus practically Stops to make more Victims among the Chinese People, Before it Starts to gradually re--Open its Socio-Economic Activities, (something which is, notoriously, Still on the making, during these and the next Days), on the Contrary, EU Countries appear eager to Rush to Open their Social/Economic Life, in a few stages, Even BEFORE the Virus Stops to make Victims here !
F.ex., for China, it's at least Since the ...15 of April 2020 (i.e. during More than 2 Weeks now), that NOT Any DEATH by that Virus (i.e. ZERO, = 0) wasN't noted, until now !
On the Contrary, EU Countries Still face Now about 2.350 more Deaths in just 0ne (1) Day's Time...
+ In Addition, proportionaly to its Population, EU has Nowadays a Total of about 3.772 Deaths from the Virus, per Million of Inhabitants, Compared to just ...186 for the USA, 26 for Brazil, Only 6 for Russia, ...3 for China, 1,7 for South Africa, and 0,8 for India !
=> And it's Astonishing that Belgium's Lib-"Socialist" Government reportedly announced in Brussels already a Fast-Track Series of successive Massive Waves of "Deconfinement", Starting just in a Few Days, when it Still is, in Proportion to its Population, currently ...Sky-Rocketing on the Top as Number 1, i.e. FIRST IN THE WORLD (sic !) IN DEATHS by the Virus in Proportion to its Population, by More than +656 Victims per Million of inhabitants, (Compared, f.ex., to Italy's 456, France's 360, USA's 186, Russia's 6, and China's 3, among Many Others) !!!...
++ Moreover, considering the Number of New Infections, European Countries, Despite Recently Caving-in, Nevertheless, ...Nowadays, Still stand Much HIGHER than Even the Worse Moment in China's previous Crisis ! (See an Explicit Graphic, Attached Herewith, which clearly pictures that).
Today, f.ex., More than 15.000 New Infections were Registered in the EU, while, on the Contrary, Russia registered just 7.099, Brazil 5.385, India 1.718, South Africa 354, Australia 8, and China Only ... Four (4) !
Only USA had Today More New Infections than the EU (25.000), but, precisely, it's for Such Reasons that at least the Mostly Hit State's Governor, Cuomo of New York, Refused any untimely Deconfinement, (that Other States, Less Hit, prepare), arguying that his State still had about + 900 New Infections and almost 300 Dead in One Day (i.e. ...Less than several EU Countries, with Equivalent Population, which, on the Contrary, Hurry up to Deconfine...) : - "Even if you are in UnCharted Waters, it does NOT mean that you Advance Blindly !", he reportedly stressed (UPDATED).
Nevertheless, Governments of important EU Countries, as f.ex. France, "Hope" to Reach about "3.000" Infections per Day (sic !) in order to Start DeConfinement from May 11...
But, Other EU Member Countries have Already Started DeConfinement, gradually, (as, f.ex. Germany), or Decided to Start even Earlier, (as, f.ex. Belgium, from May 3 or 4).
A Cacophony exists Still on the Delicate Issue of Schools, (which Affects Pupils and their Families, Staff, and Public Transports, etc) : F.ex. Italy and Spain reportedly Fixed September for Re-Opening, and Germany Postponed relevant Decisions. But Belgium eyes May 18 for Opening Primary and Secondary Schools, while France and Others aim to Start progressively from May 11 and Advance Fast Afterwards, Following Denmark which Already begun Opening its Schools from April. Some Draft Decisions even Leave a Discretionary Marge of Manouver to ...Local Authorities, Multiplying the UnPredictable Divergences.
Comparatively, among various other cases, China's notorious Wuhan City, whose Last Infected Patient just Left the Hospital on April, Still Waits until May 6 Before Starting to Open its Schools...
A Big, and partly Misleading, Controversy (particularly in France, but also Elsewhere in the EU+) currently unfolds about Protective "Masks" for Citizens, during imminent Massive DeConfinement :
- Previously, most Public Authorities and so-called "Experts" Claimed that Citizens' Health Protection would "Not Need Masks" at all, and even proceeded into "Confiscation" of Protective Masks (sic !). Contrary to China, which Distributed a number of Masks to All People for Each Week, Free of charge, and Even to ...Morocco, where sufficient Protective Masks, produced in the Country, are reportedly Available to Buy in decent prices at many Shops.
- But, When DeConfinement approached, suddenly, Public Authorities and Establishment's Medias, marked an U-Turn, and Started to Laud, or even to ask to Impose as Obligatory (sic !), Masks for All Citizens...
- However, at the Same Time, they also Push EU Citizens to Pay and UnDetermined amount of Money in order to Buy Masks, and/or to ...Make themshelves such Masks from Tissue at Home, withOut even Guaranteing that People would be really able to Find Enough !
- Worse : Almost Nobody from the EU Establshment did Not Yet Explain to the People that All those "Tissue" Masks "for Lay Citizens", in Fact, are ...Not really Protecting the person who bears them against the Virus !
Indeed, Only USA's "N95" and France/EU's "FPP2", etc. Masks with adequae Filters can Protect the Respiration of the Person who wears them, at the Established universal Standard of More than 95%. On the Contrary, both those Other Kinds of Masks, nicknamed "Surgeon's" ("Chirurgicales" in French), and those Currently left for Simple Laymen, (usually "Tissue" Masks, withOut Filter, and/or Self-made, etc), are mainly due, on the Contrary, to Hinder You from Contaminating Other Persons, by Your Emmissions... Some Claim that, IF ALL People wear such Lower quality Masks, then, they Might be Protected at Various Other Levels, f.ex. up to 70%, eventualy even 90%. But it's enough for a COVID-19 Virus' mini-Particle, as Tiny as 0,5 mm, to penetrate, in order to Kill a Human !
=> So that Warnings have Started against the Risk of ..."False Appearances of Pseudo-Protection" by such ersatz "Masks", which might Provoke Tragedies, if they are erroneously taken for what they are Not...
But, in Public Transports, as even Non-Essential Workers Already Resumed Activities in Spain since April 13, (to be Followed by Sports and Beaches activities on May 4), while Germany has Opened Small and Medium Commercial Shops, (some Lander going even Further), and France plans to Open Libraries, Start Schools progressively, Authorize Groups of up to 10 People Together on May 11, etc., with Greece going from BookShops, Newspapers, and Computers, up to Hair Dressers and Esthetic/Cosmetic services, even Shoes-signing on May 4, similar to German Länder of Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saarland, which added from May 4 also Big Shops, Monuments, Museums and OutDoor Sports/Playgrounds, as well as Groups up to 5 People Together, while Italy reportedly Postponed that for a bit Later : between 18 May and 1st June, (but Added there even Restaurants, etc), Starting, however, Earlier Car and Construction Industries from the End of April, followed by all Manufacturing from May 4, as Austria eyes Shopping Centers, Hairdressers and Outdoor Sport aeas from the Weekend, (etc), obviously, inter alia, the Issue of Protective Masks becomes Crucial and Urgent.
However, significantly, those 3 German Lânder which Advanced Further in Deconfinement (Comp. Supra) have... Exceptionaly Law rates of Virus' Impact, f.ex. with Saxony-Anhalt had Only ... 5 New Infections this Day, (after just 44 Deaths in Total), Saxony just 38 more Infections, (after 165 Deaths in Total), and Thuringia Only 12 New cases of Infection.
Such Regional Differenciations are also prepared in France (for the After May 11 period of Deconfinement), while they have almost Started, already, also among USA's 50 States, (with President Trump supporting "Opening, but Safely", as he resumed), as well as in the Russian Federation, since the 2nd relevant Speech of President Putin, (etc).
But they are obviously Not Sufficient at all in order to Guarantee asap a Safe Deconfinement, concerning all Activities and Territories of all EU Countries, while various, often Too Ambitious, Opening Measures are Already Starting, even there where, Still, New Infections and Deaths are Too Many in the EU and elsewhere (Comp. Facts cited Supra)...
All seem Aware that this apparently Precocious EU Deconfinement is very Risky, (particularly Compared to the Situation and the Timing followed in China), and "in UnChartered Waters". So that Goverments Warn that Developments may Oblige to Return Back to Protective Measures, Partially or Entirely, at one moment or another. and call everybody to be Careful and Ready to eventually Rectify, (as, f.ex., French Prime Minister Philippe, German Chancellor Merkel, etc).
Several People Denounced Dangers of a "Catastrophe". Others, soberly considered Possible "a 2nd Wave of the Virus, probably on Autumn", (as, f.ex. a Greek Government Expert, ete). Many were clearly Opposed : As, f.ex., 2 against 3 MPs in the French Parliament, who Voted "Abstention" or "No" to a DeConfinement Draft Plan due to Start from May 11.
Sometimes, Net Refusals emerged Even from within a Similar Political circle : F.ex., the Scientific Experts Committee's Conclusion was, in France, Against Starting to Open Schools from May 11, but For Postponing all National Education revival towards the Autumn, from September, (as also in Italy, Spain, a.o., , while Germany is still Thinking)...
+ Several mainstream a.o. Trade Unions of Teachers were Added, meanwhile, among the People Opposed to such an Early Deconfinement on Schools/Education from May, in France, Together with various Groups of Pupils' Families, (Partly UPDATED).
>>> The Most Important : Moreover, it's Not Clear at all Why the EU should, once again, do the Contrary of China, (Comp. Supra), by Limiting the European Schools' Confinement into Only 1 or 1,5 Month (around April), while the Chinese Schools remained practically Closed (even Out of Wuhan) All the way from mid-January, February, March, April, up to May, (Progressive Opening), i.e. about 3,5 Months ?!
A Fortiori, when the Issue of Schools/Education concerns Both the Pupils, and the Educational Staff, their Families, as well as practicaly Everybody, inter alia, also because of the Massive Use of Public Transports, (one of the Most Dangerous places for possible Infections)...
=> More Generally, Already, even a comparatively "Shy", Gradual Beginning of DeConfinement reportedly provoked an Augmentation of Infection Cases' Average in Germany, Recently, since an Initial 1 to 0,7 relation, (Between an Already Infected Person and New Victims), Rapidly Grew Up to 1/0,8 - 1/0,9 - 1/1... Almost at the Same Time, Germany sliped Near France in Statistics on Virus' Spread Rapidity, with about 1 Month Both (31 or 30 Days, respectively) in order to "Double" their Total Number of Infections, (while for South Korea and China that Spread Currently is as Slow as ...61 and 84 Days, respectively, i.e. Between 3 and 4 Months long !). Meanwhile, a Recent Study Published by the University of Bonn, Warned that the Real Number of Infections in Germany risks to be even ... X 10 Times Bigger than the Current Official Numbers, because too many cases still remain undetected !
>>> In these Circumstances, Angie Merkel Warned of the Need for a Mechanism allowing to Rapidly "Stop" or even "Reverse" an eventual DeConfinement process, if it appears to be too Dangerous for People's Health, and the German Chancellor reportedly seems, in general, quite Hesitant and rather Critical vis a vis DeConfinement Nowadays. But the ...InFight behind Various Opposed Views and/or Interests (See Infra) on Different DeConfinement Plans, has apparently become very "Hot", as it seems rom the Astonishing and UnPrecedented Fact that even Chancellor Merkel has just been Accused to have, reportedly, made a ...Big "Error" of about +11.000 more than "really" Currently Infected People in Germany, whe she Cited a Total Number of about "40.000", instead of "Only" ... "29.000", as a Private outlet Argued, afterwards ! (Partly UPDATED)
+ Meanwhile, in addition, the French Senate (which has a Slight Majority of Center-Right) Voted AGAINST the current Governemental Plan for DeConfinement from May 11 (Comp. Supra), with a Crystal-Clear Majority, (even if its vore canNot Stop a Decision taken by the National Assembly, particularly during this Exceptional period).
Europeans had been Warned, already since 2003, i.e. just after SARS CoronaVirus 1, (f.ex. with a landmark Report to President Chirac in France, by Professor Didier Raoult, etc), about the Need to be Prepared to Face a possible Virus' Pandemia, (provoking Grave Respiratory Problems), including by Producing Protective Material, Treatments, Vaccines, etc., while, inter alia, indeed, more than 1,5 Billions of protective Masks had been Stocked by his successor, F. President Sarkozy, on 2012. But Both were apparently Ignored, afterwards, since those Masks disappeared, without having been replaced, (so that Nowadays everybody notoriously Lacks of Protective Masks against the Virus: Comp. Supra), and almost Nothing was really Prepared, neither in France, nor at EU level, in order to be Ready to Face such kind of Deadly Virus, (not even from the Same Series, as SARS-COV-1, Followed by MERS-COV-2, and Nowadays COVID-19, alias COV-3)...
Some Delayed Efforts were Recently made, Both in France and at EU Level, in order to Try to, at least Partially, Catch Up with the Blatant Lack of sufficient "Masks" (Comp. Supra), after France and almost All EU (with a Slight Difference for Germany) had Committed Previously the Error to practically Stop or seriously Diminish their Production in Europe and Out-Source it Abroad in some Far-Away located Foreign Countries at Other Continents accross the World... But, at least for the Moment, the Currently Available Industrial Production Means (including some Hasty ReConversions, here or there), still appear Tragically InSufficient, (Even for Erzats, Mere "Tissue" Pseudo-"Masks" for Laymen, Unable to really Protect the Person who Wears them : Comp. Supra) !
>>> In Such Conditions, WHY several EU Countries seem Now preparing to Start a more or less Risky DeConfinement process, (Even in much Worse Circumstances that China did) ?
- It's true that, Apparently, according to some Statistics (particularly from EU sources, as ECDC, etc...), in overall, it Looks as if the Total Number of New infections per Day in EU Countries has somewhat Caved-in, Perhaps Slightly Diminished, during these Last Days.
- But, according to the World Health Organisation's Graphics, European Daily Infections seem Rather to Stagnate, Nowadays, and Not to have Radicaly Fallen Down yet. And EU's own ECDC has just Warned MEPs that this Virus "is Not a Sprint, but a Marathon"-Long Story (Partly UPDATED)...
+ Moreover, it's, at least, a Fact that European Countries' Daily Infections overall Number Still is, Nowadays, very much ...Bigger than what was that of China's at its Worst moment, at the "Peak" of its Epidemic ! I.e. much More than 20.000 New Cases Per Day for the EU, while China had then clearly Less than that, (See relevant Graphic). ++ Things are Even Worse for the respective Daily Numbers of People Killed, (and this concerns Also Comparisons between EU and Various Other Big Countries in the World : Comp. Supra)...
=> At First Sight, one may Think at an Economic/Financial Motivation : EU Money to Compensate the Home Confinement of People, and the Shut-Down of Compagnies, would have been, until now, proved to be Less than some expected, (while, on the Contrary, possible EU Money to Invest in New Projects Might, eventually, become soon more Interesting)...
- But, IF EU Countries had Quarantined the Initial Virus' "Hotspot" at NW Italy, and Closed Immediately their Borders, Air-Lines included, (as China and Others Succesfully did : f.ex. Vietnam, Laos, Kambodjia, Mongolia, partly Russia and India at the Beginning, etc), then, they would Never had to face this Horrible Spread of Infections, causing too Many Tragic Deaths, among the European People ! (See, f.ex. "Eurofora"s premonitory Warning, as Early as Since February 22, at :, etc). And this would have Spared them from the Obligation, Later-on, to Impose a General Confinement of EU Citizens at Home, Together with a Shut-Down of most Companies Everywhere, (that China and certain Other Countries Partly Avoided).
- Moreover, could, Now, some EU Leaders assume, in fact, a Heavy Responsibility, to practicaly Betray many of their own Citizens, (including School-Children, Women, Elders, etc), Throw them UnPrepared and UnProtected in front of Obvious Risks to be Infected and even Killed, Just for some Bucks of uncertain Money ?
- However, such an Horrible thing, Might Not even be Needed at all : Indeed, Both the Social and Economic Cost of Nowdays' Massive Confinement probably could be considerably Less, IF some key Changes were made :
* F.ex., Alleviate some blatantly Excessive and Useless Isolation Measures, (I.e., Why Prohibit to Couples living together to simply Walk, side to side, and/or Take their Childen with them in a Brief Walk, as it was done in France and elsewhere ? Why Hinder People to visit Healthy Gardens, Parcs or Forests, Mountains, etc., Good for their Health, if they Respect "Social Distanciation" ? Etc+...). While Also Boosting "Digitalisation", with active, Imaginative Moves, positively Exploiting the Huge Potential that only Started to Reveal that Massive Home Confinement...
* In Addition, the Heavy Financial Burden of all or 80% etc. from the Salaries Even of too Well Paid and/or Rich Individuals, for Doing Nothing during the Confinement, (While, in some Countries, on the Contrary, Poor People were practicaly Abandoned to ..."Humanitarian NGOs", Local Authorities, and so on, particularly at the Beginning), could and should be Replaced by a more Economic and Fair Measure Ensuring just a Sufficient Amount of Money allowing People to Survive in Elementary Dignity during the Crisis, given Monthly to Middle-Class and Poor People, Regardless of Salaries etc., with the Exception of Rich People who doN't Need it.
This would Cost much Less than many Other Current Measures, and it has Already Started to be Practiced Even by the Conservative USA President Don Trump, (who gave 1.200 $ Monthly to Each adult American, i.e. about 3.400 $ for Each Typical Family), for Everyone who was receiving Less than 80.000 $ per Year Before. In Europe, it's even the UK's Rightist Politician Nigel Farage (former Long-Time Head of "UKIP" Party, President of EU Parliament's Political Group of MEPs, and Now Chief of "BREXIT" Party, as well as London Radio Journalist), who Proposed to Distribute "Helicopter (i.e. Exceptional) Money", as he said, of 1.100 £ (about 1.400 €) Monthly to Each adult UK Citizen, (Followed by a Partly Similar Proposal also by a "Labour" MP, published by the "Guardian" Newspaper, etc).
In case of Serious (and Not Superfluous or Excessive) Rent, Mortgage or Debt and other Obligations, the State might Postpone, Block or "Freeze" them, During the Crisis, as Appropriate, (something which has Already been done, Partly or Entirely, by Several Countries).
+ In order to Diminish Financial Expenses for such Popular Measures, and for more Fairness, the State might Also Impose some Logic Taxes Only to very Rich People, particularly whenever their Extra-Ordinary Richness might look as a Scandal in front of such a Hard Crisis : That's what has Already done, f.ex., the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who Decided to impose 2 Taxes, (of about 13% : i.e. the Equivalent of a Worker's Tax on his Salary) : One to Individuals who Receive a Percentage for several Millions deposed in Banks inside Russia (reportedly about 1% of the Population), and anOther to all Russians who have Exported Big Amounts of Money Abroad, (and who were Not yet Taxed at all by Moscow until now), See f.ex. at : ..., etc.
++In Addition, the State could Promote, Facilitate, and/or even Partly Reward (f.ex. with Adequat Tax Reliefs, Publicity, as US President Trump does with key Private Companies in his White House Press Conferences, etc), various Voluntary Schemes of more or less Rich People (or Collective Entities) who would Contribute to Funds for Basic Social Needs seriously aggravated by the Crisis. Such kind of Contributions have Already started in some Countries, including even from Government Members, MPs, etc., who gave a Percentage of their Substantial Salaries, (f.ex. Greece, even Turkey, etc), and it's well Known that in EU Countries as France, and even Italy, etc, in fact, if their State might be considerably inDebted, nevertheless, they have a Rich Civil Society.
>>> The Point is that, (as, f.ex., French President Emmanuel Macron and Others have Already Observed), this Extra-Ordinary Deadly Virus' Pandemic Crisis has just led Modern States to Intervene inside Economy as Never Before in History since, at least, the 2 World Wars' Past... In order for this to be Efficient, Sustainable, and Fair, it could and should Develop also an adequate "Social" side, as a Complementary Policy, in Harmony within an Overall Strategy, able to Help Tackle this Exceptional Deadly Crisis, at least by Avoiding to be Obliged to Throw Innocent People into Serious Health/Life Risks by too Hasty "DeConfinements", which, Otherwise, Might be mostly Motivated by Economic concerns (Comp. Supra).
But this is Not the Only Possible Motivation behind Any Lobby which might, perhaps, be Pushing (at Power's Corridors), more or less Secretly, for an eventual too Hasty DeConfinement, (or, at least, have an Interest supporting that)...
It's, indeed, quite well Known, particularly among Specialists, that, Already, in Europe pre-Exist more than 30 Treatments or Vaccines for various such Viruses, and that Big Pharma Compagnies have Plenty of Selves full with numerous Projects of similar Vaccines, that they were practicaly Obliged to "Freeze" or Abandon, simply Because the concerned Viruses had Suddenly Faded Away, (f.ex. SARS, MERS, etc), leaving No sufficient Patients for Tests, Neither prospective Clients, etc, (as, inter alia, also a Key Article Published at the Specialized NewsMedia "", had Already Warned since the Beginning of this COVID-19 Virus' Crisis, as Early as on January/February 2020).
Concerning that point, several "Experts"' notoriously Pushed to ..."Flatten the Curve" of Virus' Spread, as they said, (Instead of "Stopping" that Deadly Virus, as Others Urgently Called, in order to Save Human Lives : See, f.ex. ..., etc), might not stand far away, neither be withOut any relation...
Indeed, if EU Countries were, f.ex. in about 3 or 4 Months' Time, and with Adequate Measures, able to finally Get Rid of that Deadly Virus Before Next Autumn, as China did, withOut uselessly Risking, Earlier, to lose even More Human Lives Nowadays by such Controversial Plans for Hasty, Premature and Dangerous, too Early DeConfinement, then, this would Obviously Harm the Interests of any "Big Pharma" Lobby which might have Heavily Invested, meanwhile, in the Preparation of a Vaccine whose Development might Need something about ..."1,5 Year, at the Best", as Top Technocrat Dr. Fauci had Already Warned, precisely at the Above-mentioned ""'s published Article, (Comp. Supra)...
On the Contrary, a too Early but Progressive "DeConfinement" Policy, by inevitably Boosting Infection Rates, (f.ex. at a cynicaly "Controlled" Pace), might Keep the Pressure (in available Patients, Public Demand, etc) and/or even Augment the Public Funds, that various Commercial Labos doing Research on this Virus' Vaccines may Need in order to Find Enough Time and/or Means to Complete their Projects, if not in 2020, at least on 2021, (as they apparently request : Comp. Facts cited Supra).
Nobody Claims that such "Dark" Interests might, eventually, Stand Behind some Controversial Draft Plans for an Apparently Too Early and Risky "DeConfinement" Nowadays in the EU and/or elsewhere.
But, at least, Nobody should, No more, stay Blind, in front of the Obvious Risk for some Technocratic "Experts" (perhaps even Linked to the above-mentioned Interests) to, eventually, Feel More Enclined to endorse such Controversial Precocious "DeConfinement" Plans, than a Well-Prepared and Safe Deconfinement Alternative, at the Right Time....
However, ...Politics canNot be Excluded, a priori, no more, from Any Hypothesis about Eventual various Interests which Might, perhaps, Attempt to exert an UnDue Influence, here or there, over this or that DeConfinement Draft Plan.
"Eurofora" does Not intend to spend more Precious Time in Various Other "Petty Politics" Claims, by some, that, f.ex., certain Public/Private Lobbies Might, Eventually, be Artificially "Blowing Up"n (or, on the Contrary : "Diminishing"), the Numbers of Infections and/or Deaths in Europe, just in order to get more Money from the EU and elsewhere, (or, on the Contrary, Reduce that Money) - Neither that Others, in the USA, might, eventually, Calculate on this Virus' Crisis to Worsen, in order to Undermine US President Trump's chances to win at the forthcoming November 2020 Elections, (etc)...
Obviously, such Claims, even if somewhat Excessive, canNot be Totaly Ignored, But, at any case, they Don't Seem to us to have an Essential, World-wide Political Importance.
>>> On the Contrary, there is Something Else, (usually Less Known by the Large Public), that People should have also in Mind, in order to Be Sure to Exclude any eventual Big and Tragic Error in the Nowadays' Controversy about Early "DeConfinement" policies :
+ It's an Astonishing FACT that the Announcement of a Tragic Deadly New Virus' Epidemics in China was made just ...1 Day After an Official Chinese Government Announcement that a Controversial "Doctor" (linked, Guided and Backed by an American Lobby related to former POTUS Barack Hussein Obama), who had Secretly made Heritable Genetic Manipulations on 3 Human Embryos, pushing them until their Artificial Births, in a way Influencing Future Generations, was, finally Condemned to 5 Years in Prison, and his Abuse was Denounced (by eminent Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) as a serious Crime Against Humanity, (See :, etc) :
- Indeed, that Judicial Case was Publicized on 30 December 2019, while the Deadly New Virus' Epidemic was Revealed on December 31...
=> The 1st move obviously Condemned Dangerous Abuses from a Genetic Manipulations' Lobby, while the 2nd, on the Contrary, Threatened China with a Deadly New Virus, (that some claim to be Fabricated by Labs with Gene Manips), whose Spread might be Stopped, eventually, thanks to some Drugs and/or Vaccines perhaps fabricated by Genetic Manipulations... (Such as, f.ex., the Famous USA "Remdesivir" Drug, precisely Based on Gene Manip, whose Design has Already been Copied by a Chinese Lab).
The Chinese Government notoriously Succeeded to succesfully Fight (and apparently Win until now), against that Deadly new Virus withOut having to use Any Genetic Manipulation Technology, But Mainly by using its Legal and Political Sovereignity, with the Total Quarantine it placed over Wuhan's Region... So that the InFight between an Abusive Technocratic Lobby for Genetic Manipulations, against a more Bio-Ethical, Intellectual and Humanist Group, evolved in favor of the 2nd, at least Until Now.
++ Europe was the 2nd Area in the World, which was Hardly Hit by that new Deadly Virus, shortly After China, and soon Became, UnExpectedly, the ... New "Epicenter" of CoronaVirus, Both in terms of Infections and of Deaths.
Controversial initial Choices made to Not Close Borders, Neither put into Quarantine the 1st Virus' "Hotspot", in NW. Italy, (Opposite to what China succesfully did vis a vis its own Wuhan Region's Hotspot, entirely Isolated), added to a Refusal, (and even Prohibition, at least in France), to use the apparently Promising, Cheap, CopyRight Free, and pro-Natural Human Immunity System Treatments, via mainly HCQ, (added to an Anti-Viral and Zinc vitamin), led to a particularly Wide Spread of the Virus, Obliging to go into Delayed and too Strict General Confinement Measures, a Wider Economy Shut-Down, etc, and practically Leaving the EU at the Mercy of a Big Pharma and Genetic Manipulations' Lobby, (as f.ex. in the Doubtful case of "Remdesivir" Drug, etc), Nowadays Threatened, moeover, even by some Risky, obviously Too Early, Precocious "DeConfinement" Attempts, which Now Threaten to even Worsen a Tragic situation, (Comp. Supra).
But Europe is Also the Only Region of the World which Already has a Legal Treaty Prohibiting Heritable Genetic Manipulations of Humans, (CoE's 1998 "Oviedo" Convention, OutLawing even the "Cloning" of Humans, and Open also to Any Other, even Non-European Countries), and where Various Top Political Circles (from the "ChristianDemocrats/EPP" up to "Green" MEPs and Others), had just Started to Express their Will to Strive in order to Establish a "Global Ban", against such Dangerous Moves versus Humankind, as the above-mentioned Heritable Gene-Editing, (Comp. Supra, and See, f.ex.: +, etc).
So that, by Provoking so UnExpected and AbNormaly Serious Problems to the European People, in that Field, Nowadays, some would practicaly Block International Efforts to SaveGuard Humankind from such Heritable Genetic Manipulations' Threats Nowadays...
+++ USA is Now the 3rd Area in the World which has, more Recently, Started to be also Hardly Hit by the Deadly Virus, (even if it hasn't yet bypassed the EU, until nowadays).
This comes at a particularly Bad Moment for the current US President Don Trump, because the subsequent Shut-Down has just shatered an Economy that he has Earlier Boosted Considerably, Hoping to Win, thus, the forthcoming, Crucial November 2020 Elections...
But, Trump is the Only Hope, Nowadays, to eventualy Oppose that Abusive Private Sector's Americano-Chinese Technocratic Lobby pushing for Heritable Genetic Manipulations Dagerous for Humankind, since the era of Former POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, with whom it was Linked (Comp. Supra), and whose appointed Cronies even Explicitly pushed to Accept, under some Vague pseudo-"Conditions", (See, f.ex.:, etc) : Indeed, the Other, "Socialist"/Liberal Dems' Party's Candidate in the November 2020 USA Elections, Biden, is merely a Former Vice-President of Obama, chosen by himself, who would certainly pursue a Similar Agenda !
=> So that, the more Direct way to efficiently Face Nowadays the imminent Risk (since Autumn 2018) of Heritable Genetic Manipulations, Dangerous for Humankind, is for a Currently Succesfull, Political and pro-Humanity Side in China (apparently led or tolerated by President Xi), to strike a Deal with a POTUS as Trump, who should Win the November 2020 Elections, Together with an Activated and Strong Europe, Free of any eventual "Crush" that might Provoke a Too Hasty "De-Confinement" attempt, (Comp. Supra).
Otherwise, i.e. in case of a Weakened Europe by a Failed too Early DeConfinement, and an equivalent Obama era's Return via Biden in a USA Weakened by a Similar Event, added to a DeStablized China (eventualy with a 2nd Virus' Wave), then, Humankind would be soon Threatened Both by that Deadly Virus' Pandemic, and by Dangerous Heritable Genetic Manipulations, almost at the Same Time... To the Point that a Pro-Heritable Gene Editing Lobby risked to pose, sooner or later, as a so-called "Savior", in front of Galoping Infections and Deaths, withOut any Visible Conclusion other than to jump at an Atrocious "TransHumanist" Dead End...
A very Dark Science-Fiction Nightmare, which might be less impossible than some think, particularly IF big, Tragic Errors are done in a Hasty, Too Early DeConfinement.
But, will Humankind practically ...Surrender collectively ?
During all its Long History, it Never did !
Even when Facing the Worse Challenges, and/or most Tricky, Misleading situations, Humans Always Found or Created a Path to Survival, in one way or another...
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Strategically located between Paris and Prague, Strasbourg offered a natural location for the French and Czech EU 2008 and 2009 Presidencies to tune their agendas for a resolute European move towards Renewable Energies, during an exceptional Joint Parliamentary meeting on "Energy and Sustainable Development", co-organized here by the Presidents of EU Parliament, Hans Gert Poettering, French National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer, and Senate, Gerard Larcher, on November 20 and 21.
Concluded by a busy-looking French super-Minister of Energy, Environment and Regional planning, Jean-Louis Borloo, the exceptional gathering of Top MPs from all 27 EU States' Parliaments hoped that a Ministerial meeting prepared by Borloo, will pave the way to an overall agreement at the level of EU Heads of State and Government Summit chaired on December 2008 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, allowing the next EU chair, the Czech Republic, to start working from the beginning of 2009 on concrete measures.
Speaking to "EuroFora" President Accoyer resumed the general feeling by stressing that "Europe has no Oil-Gas resources, but an important Scientific-Technologic potential. Therefore, we must develop Renewable Energy sources". "Since the Sun is the most abundant and free RES, we must do the outmost to boost Solar Energy" solutions, he added, at the eve of a special meeting on Solar energy and the Mediterranean organised by Borloo on Saturday.
Oil-gas supplies' security and diversification were also examined by the EU gathering, after which, President Accoyer replied to our question on risks of long, expensive and fragile pipe-lines' projects, crossing through foreign countries out of the EU, compared to new possibilities for Sea and River Ship direct EU transport even of Gas, thanks to New Liquification technologies : - "We have just écreated the Union for the Mediterranean for concrete projects like these", Accoyer stressed, speaking of Sea-River Ship Highways, fundeable under EU's TENS programs.
Rapporteur on "Energy innovation and sustainable development", Dr. Bedrich Moldan, vice-President of Czech Senate's Environment and Regional Development Committee, added that Climat issues, price uncertainties and diminution of accessible Fossil energies, played together with EU's RST potential in order to make RES both a need and "an opportunity". However, in cases as "Solar Energy, even if the main Scientific ideas are already here, we have to make some technologic breakthroughs in order to find how to produce it on a large scale, store and transport it", Dr. Moldan added to "EuroFora".
Czech interest for RES was also expressed, earlier in Strasbourg, by Jan Kohout, the deputy Minister pf Foreign Affairs who participated to a workshop on "Renewable Energies" organized by the French EU 2008 Presidency : - "The focus is on Development", he told us.
On this and other RES issues, Dr. Moldan anounced the Czech EU 2009 chair's intention to organize an important 2-days Conference on Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development late January 2009 at nearby Prague.