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EU Parliament Spokesman+Press Director Duch to EuroFora: MEPS want Transparency on Budget Figures

Written by ACM
Monday, 19 November 2012

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- MEPs have a Right and want to be clearly informed by EU Council and Commission about the forthcoming new Budget's Figures on EU Funds, stressed the experienced EU Parliament's Spokesman and Press Director, Jaume Duch, in reply to an "EuroFora"s Question, at the Press Briefing which introduced into November's Plenary Session in Strasbourg, after the recent Disagreement on the Draft EU Budget for 2013, and at the eve of a crucial EU Brussels' Summit, later this week, focused on EU's Multi-Annual Financial Perspectives for the forthcoming period of 2014-2020, which are due to be the main issues of this Month's Public Debates.


- "EuroFora" asked Duch, "concerning the (EU) Budget, (which has still to be agreed, both for the Year 2013, and for the 2014-2020 Financial Perspectives, focus of the forthcoming EU Bussels' Summit on Thursday and Friday), "if it's sure that, well beyond the well known controversy about the overall sums, EU Parliament really has the means to be fully informed from the start about every important Figures existing in the Budget Lines (for EU Funds' approriations) proposed" by EU Commission and/or EU Council "currently, as it was always done traditionaly. Or, perhaps, it's a question due to be clarified later on ?"


At least a part of our Question was motivated by astonishing Difficulties observed a Month earlier into finding, f.ex. a precise Figure in reply to a query on how much costs Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid each year to EU Budget, something which curiously lacked in EU Commission's initial Draft Budget for 2013 (a huge Book, but without any clear Figure on Turkey's overall cost for the EU, contary of what is the case for several other Countries), and wasn't clearly nor easily  known even to mainstream actors, including EU Commissioner on Budgets Lewandowski, and/or the President of EU Parliament's Budgets Committee, former Minister, French ChristianDemocrat MEP Lamassoure, etc, (See previous "Eurofora"s NewsReport on our relevant question and replies given by the above mentioned, key EU personalities : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euturkey2013funds.html)


 - "No, the (EU) Parliament isn't going to Vote anything without knowing the exact Figures up to concrete Details, naturally", since, "it's part of (EU's Decision-making) Budgetary Authority", (together with EU Commission and EU Council), and, therefore, it "must have exactly an equal level of Information as it's also the case for the other parts of (EU's) Budgetary Authority", strongly stressed Duch in reply to "EuroFora"s Question, from the outset.

- In particular, "as far as it concerns the (EU) Financial Perspectives" (for the MutiAnnual Period of 2014-2020), "there is always a discussion on the overall, big sums", the European Parliament's Spokesman  reminded, however.

- "But, for the Annual (EU) Budget, it (EU Parliament), naturally goes directly into concrete Details, examining each (Budgetary) Line by Line, appropriation after appropriation", he clearly distinguished.


 - "So, these are 2 Differend activities, even if one should "fit" well into the other", EU Parliament's experienced Press Director explained :

- (a) Now, "concerning the (EU) Financial Perspectives, EU Parliament has always stressed that it will engage Discussions on the base of the proposed Figures (on overall EU Funds) that would be put at the (negotiating) Table by EU Council's rotating Presidency (currently held by Cyprus), and that it won't be up to (EU) Parliament to present such Figures", Duch reiterated.

- (b) "But, for the Annual (EU) Budget, there are always very accurate Amendments, coming from (EU Parliament's) Budgets' Committee". However, "in the present case (of EU Draft Budget for 2013), since there wasn't any agreement (between MEPs and Governments) until now, EU Commission has to present a brand New Draft Budget, in a Time Deadline of 21 Days, from scratch", as he characteristically pointed out in conclusion to his replies to "EuroFora"'s question.




(+"DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, including Fast Translation from the Original in French. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).


Seule une relance de Sarkozy pourra eviter la Scission à l'UMP partagée en deux+ ?!

Written by ACM
Sunday, 18 November 2012

*(Analyse/Opinion). L'essentiel des FAITS de ce Dimanche, 18 Novembre 2012, quant aux Elections internes pour le leadership du plus grand parti de l' opposition en France : l' UMP, (issue de cette mouvance politique qui a gouverné le pays en 1970-1974, et 1997, surtout 2002 - 2012, avec Jacques Chirac et Nicolas Sarkozy, se révendiquant du Gaullisme historique : 1944-46 et 1958-1969), sont aussi surprenants, que clairs et incontestables :


- (1) L' honteux mattraquage Médiatique avec Sondages manifestement excessifs (du type : "Avec 67 % contre seulement 32%, X va ecraser (sic !) Z !", etc), a réçu un Démenti cinglant par les Adhérents de l' UMP, qui n'ont plébiscité aucun parmi les deux Candidats, résultant à une Division, presque un "Pat", sans aucun gagnant sur et clair. Tous les deux Candidats, l' ex-Prémier Ministre François Fillon et le Secrétaire Général sortant de l'UMP, Jean-François Copé, ont tous révendiqué la "Victoire", (Copé d'abord, Fillon ensuite), tout en accusant l'autre camp d'avoir triché quelque part... Même le Président de la Commission chargée de contrôler les résultats, après avoir tenté de résoudre cette controverse pendant plusieurs heures, même après Minuit, viend d'avouer qu'il faudra "suspendre" ses travaux, renvoyant l'annonce d'un résultat final (qui, en tout cas, semble dévoir être très serré), pour beaucoup plus tard, officiellement afin d'opérer plusieurs vérifications sur les contestations dont il était saisi.


- (2) Le plus Grand Nombre entier des Membres de l'UMP s'est Abstenu de ce vote, chacun des deux candidats autorisés à se presenter ne recevant, par consequence, qu'une Moindre Partie des Votes sur l' ensemble des Inscrits (p.ex. quelque chose comme :  48 % face à 24% et 23%, etc)...

La plupart des adhérents apparement jugeant plus urgent de s'occuper vraiment des problèmes sérieux qui préoccupent le peuple en ce moment, que de se mêler des querelles qu'ils ont (à tort ou à raison) pércues comme étant plus proches de la répartition des postes, que pour choisir vraiment une orientation politique, (même si Fillon a pu paraître un peu plus "soft power", partiellement accomodant et long-terme, tandis que Copé s'est montré un peu plus "agit-prop", sensible à l'urgence et critique face aux clivages politiques sur les dillèmes cruciaux qui bouleversent la société actuellement, cédant aux schematismes approximatifs de ceux qui classent l'un au "centre-droit" et l'autre à "droite", même s'il suffit de voir qui soutient qui, selon des réactionssouvent liées aux rélations personelles, pour douter que ce soit vraiment le cas)...


- (3) En même temps, on sait qu' une très Large Majorité des Sympathisants UMP souhaite le Rétour de l'ex-Président de la République (2007-2012) Nicolas Sarkozy : De 58% initialement, ils sont actuellement plus de 64%, selon les derniers Sondages, tous concordants. Déjà, lors de la collection de "arrainages" signés par des Membres de l'UMP pour désigner les Candidats qualifiés, la plupart des Adhérents ont spontanement écrit le nom de Sarko lui-même...



(Photo : Sarkozy avec Poutine en Russie, au début de cette semaine)

- (4) De surcroit, contrairement aux apparences formelles plus ou moins trompeuses, Sarko n'a, en réalité, perdu idéologiquement aucune Election face aux Socialistes du nouveau Président declaré juridiquement élu, François Hollande, qui, à leur tour, n'ont, au fond, gagné vraiment, au sens politique, aucune élection cette année, échouant toujours, dans tous les 4 Votes de 2012 (aussi bien aux Présidentielles qu' aux Législatives), dans leurs tentatives d'arriver jusqu' à une Majorité Absolue des primo-Votants, qui leur resta, par contre, toujours opposée... (V. données et Chiffres précis à : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchandgreekelections.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchparliamentaryelecion1.html). En fait, le PS n'a fait que seulement Exploiter la Division de la Droite (p.ex. le réfus d'une partie du FN à voter pour Sarkozy au 2e tour en 2012, contrairement en 2007, lorsque la question de la Turquie et de l'identité de l'Europe avait exceptionellement cimenté une unité du Centre de Bayrou et de toute l'UMP avec les Souverainistes et même la plupart des électeurs du FN - ainsi que le réfus subséquent de l' UMP à faire perdre la Gauche aux Législatives au prix d'une alliance de circonstance avec le FN, comme il était mathématiquement possible), pour usurper ses places au pouvoir, en réussissant d' unir momentanement une "Gauche" pourtant assez diverse et pleine de Controverses en son sein, (qu'une attitude habile d' Hollande avait pu depasser, provisoirement), comme il est dévenu évident ensuite.

- (5) Sarkozy a incontestablement acquis un bon capital d' experiences et liens personels, particulièrement denses, actives et assez efficaces, au niveau Européen et International, ainsi que des liens personels en des moments Historiques exceptionels, des rélations franco-allémandes, franco-britaniques, franco-russes, franco-américaines et recemment franco-chinoises, y compris même le Vatican, (etc),  la présidence française de l' UE, G8 et G20, (etc), auxquelles il a oeuvré pour la plupart avec une stimulation innovatrice et systématique, tout en réstant fidèle et cohérent avec ses engagements électoraux fondamentaux, que ce serait dommage à perdre au lieu de faire fructifier, au bénéfice aussi bien de la France que de toute l'Europe, surtout tant qu'il reste encore assez jeune et plein d'énergie, ayant aussi pris maintenant un peu de temps nécessaire pour bien réflechir, et faire un bilan, de manière un peu plus sereine et profonde.

Ce n'est pas par hasard si le seul mot que l'ex-Président de la République française a choisi le plus souvent lors d'un récent discours à New York comme invité d'une Banque du Brazil, (où il a visité ensuite les leaders politiques du pays), était, récisement, l' "Europe", sur les évolutions récentes et l' avénir de laquelle il a consacré la plupart de ses observations....


 - 6) En plus (et, probablement, surtout), Sarkozy a déjà prouvé qu'il est, jusqu' à maintenat, le seul homme politique connu capable de concevoir, proposer et porter fidélement une politique apte d' attirer une large Majorité du Peuple (y compris plusieurs électeurs autrement portés vers l' extreme droite ou l' abstention, etc), tout en faisant avancer une Construction Européenne à la fois ambitieuse et plus proche du Peuple.

=> En consequence, pour l' ensemble de ces raisons, (et beaucoup d'autres, qu'on n'a actuellement pas le temps d'exposer comme elles le méritent), c'est, désormais, dévenu évident, que la seule possibilité réaliste pour que l' UMP reste Unie, et ne se dechire pas en se scindant, tôt ou tard, en 2 ou 3 parts différends, ce serait que son seul Leader politique Incontestablement réconnu par une très Large Majorité d' Adhérents, de Sympathisants et même de Citoyens de tout horizon politique, aussi bien en France qu'en toute l'Europe et dans le Monde, (et qui a déjà exprimé un souci pour l'Unité de toute la Droite mais aussi du Centre et de la France toute entière, sur l'essentiel), relance son action naturelle, et bien méritée, en tant que Chef Historique du Parti UMP qu'il a profondement réfondé, avec l'accord de Jacques Chirac, dépuis 2004 déjà, avant de l'améner aux brillantes Victoires de 2007 et de 2009 (aux Elections Présidentielles et Législatives en France, ainsi qu' Européennes, respectivement), tout en gardant une position solide même en 2012, malgré après avoir affronté la plus grave Crise Mondiale dépuis 1929, vénue en fin 2008 des USA.

Quelque chose d'equivalent a déjà été pratiqué avec succès aussi bien dans divers autres pays, en differendes époques, comme aussi récemment, p.ex. avec Angie Merkel en Allémagne, après Jacques Chirac en France, Victor Orban en Hongrie entre-temps, maintenant Mariano Rajoy en Espagne, pour ne pas parler du rétour de Vladimir Poutine en Russie (en accord avec Medvedev), etc.

Sauf si Nicolas Sarkozy vise, actuellement, une autre orientation pour la suite de son action, p.ex. au plan Européen : Ce qui serait, à nôtre avis, normal et bien utile, vu qu'il lui reste encore un part important de son propre projet européen à réaliser en pratique, et surtout si les forces vives de l'Europe réalisent vraiment le bésoin urgent, actuellement, et l' occasion historique de lancer, enfin, un mouvement décisif pour une Integration Politique substantielle et bien orientée, capable de stimuler un appui Populaire grandissant parmi les Citoyens Européens, afin d'être efficace aussi au niveau Mondial.

Une tentation plus Internationale n'est pas, non plus, à exclure a priori, mais, même si elle pourrait être, certes, utile, elle ne semble pas, pourtant, être la dimension la plus cruciale dans laquelle Sarko pourrait rendre encore les meilleurs services à l' Histoire collective : Son Horizon le plus important, voire son Dévoir Historique, semble bien se situer dans l' avénir d'une Europe bien active dans le Monde.

Dans ce cas-là, la seule solution valable pour garantir l' Unité de l' UMP serait de simplement respecter la volonté des Adhérents en ...associant Fillon et Copé ensemble : P.ex. dans une sorte de Duo, (déjà utilisé en d'autres pays) : Président - Secrétaire Général, le prémier étant censé surtout "ratisser large", tandis que le sécond serait destiné à stimuler surtout la base des adhérents.

Sauf ci plusieurs parmi les leaders politiques de l'UMP, ont vraiment décidé, toute reflection faite, qu'il serait éventuellement mieux pour l' UMP d'aujourd'hui, (issue de l' ex-RPR), de se scinder, par séparation "amicale", en 2 ou même plusieurs parties à orientations politiques différentes, même si voisines (peut-être liées par une sorte de "Con-Fédération" souple). Ce qui ne paraît pas être la meilleure solution, au moins pas en l'état actuel des choses, et certainement pas la plus simple...



(+"DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).


New Chinese leader Jinping's call for "1 Heart and Mind with the People" to open CoE link ?

Written by ACM
Thursday, 15 November 2012

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- New China's leader Xi Jinping's call to have "1 Heart and Mind with the People", as he stressed while meeting the Press at the conclusion of a crucial CPC's Congres in Beijing earlier this morning, which adopted Changes in its Constitution and a Report pointing at "Democracy", "Rule of Law" and "a Mechanism" to "Check the exercice of Power", might boost China's links with the CoE, reviving a pioneer suggestion, by the current President of its PanEuropean Parliamentary Assembly, French ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Jean-Claude Mignon, to create a special status for Beijing inside Strasbourg's Organization for Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, (See "EuroFora"s previous, relevant NewsReports : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/china.html  + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euchinaculturaldialoguecoeassemlynewchairmignonandchina.html ).


China is today the only Permanent Member at the New York headquarted UNO's Security Council, which hasn't yet got a special Status within the CoE, since USA, Canada, Japan and even Mexico negotiated and obtained such special "Observer" links to Strasbourg when Russia became a full CoE Member, already from 1996, associating PanEuropean and Global Multilateral Diplomacies together. But PACE's President Mignon has recently reiterated, speaking to "EuroFora" immediately after his election, earlier this year (2012), his initial 2008 idea to create an adequate CoE - China permanent link in Strasbourg, where Beijing's Government has already started, since several years, to regularly send some particularly experienced and well qualified diplomats in an important Consulate General.



    A Resolution of CPC's 18th National Congress on its revised Constitution, stresses, in particular, that "making (of) People's Democracy more Extensive, Fuller in scope and Sounder in practice, and improving the socialist system of Laws with Chinese characteristics, are objective requirements for keeping to the socialist path of making Political advance ..., carrying out political Structural Reform both actively and prudently, and strengthening efforts to build a socialist country based on the Rule of Law".

    Jinping also pointed, earlier, at the importance of the Report presented by Hu Jintao and approved by CPC's 18th Congress, which includes the requirement not only "to ...promote Reform of the Political structure and make People's Democracy more Extensive, Fuller in scope and Sounder in practice", but even to "ensure ...the position of the People as Masters of the country and Law-based Governance; .....enhancing the vitality of the Party and country and keeping the People fully Motivated", by "expand(ing) Socialist Democracy, improv(ing) the system of socialist Consultative Democracy, ...Community-level Democracy, accelerate the building of a socialist country based on the Rule of Law, establish a sound Mechanism for conducting Checks and oversight of the exercise of Power", (i.e. something strikingly similar to the European "Controle de Légalité des Actes Administratifs", etc), according to the official text.


Speaking to Journalists today, that he met together with all the 7 freshly elected Members of CPC's Politburo's Standing Committee, (including Li Keqiang, reportedly due to become Prime Minister), Jinping made a landmark reference to the "5 Thousand Years" of Chinese "Civilisation's evolution", that famous Greek Emperor Alexander the Great had vainly dreamed to unite with all other Ancient Civilisations known at his time when he arrived up to the Silk Road (3rd Century BC), long before the  Italian merchand from Venice, Marco Polo, succeeds a Round Trip between Europe and China on the 12th Century AC, uniting them for ever with his famous Book on the "wonders of the World", full of innovative Ideas which notoriously helped to boost Europe's Technological Development, and even facilitate Spanish explorer Colombo's discovery of America, soon afterwards (14th Century AC), before Maoism inspires part of the "Non-Aligned" International Movement and Budhism the Anglo-American "Hippie" mode during the 1960ies, followed by the Chinese "Cultural Revolution's" debates on the pro and cons of various Socialist Regimes' contradictory developments, as well as the World-wide Respect that today's basically Peaceful and Economically dynamic and cooperating China inspires, particularly during the current search of the best ways out of the recent Global Crisis in a more Democratic, Multi-Polar World.


Xi Jiping, who studied Chemical Engineering and worked also in Agriculture etc., before embracing Politics, is reportedly linked both with Protagonists of the Historic 1949 Revolution (including his own father : an important Politician, pushed aside at a stage of the "Cultural Revolution", but rehabilitated during Deng Xiaoping), and with Shanghai, (China's most "International" City, similar to New York, Geneva or Strasbourg, etc, currently visited anew by "EuroFora"s Scientific Advisor, Dr. Constantin Marcopoulos), where he served as Head of the CP, while he also met recently a Delegation from Shanghai, (for which he reportedly wished "a new situation"), led by Yu Zhengsheng.


Among Western Leaders, he has already met with former US President GWBush and Russia's Medvedev in the Past, and one of his most recent meetings was, on August 2012, with German Chancellor Angie Merkel (a former Scientist on Physics, married with a Professor of Chemistry), while French President Hollande has just anounced that he accepted his invitation to visit soon China,  (comp. recent statements of Hollande's Diplomatic Sherpa to "EuroFora" on China, during the latest EU Summit in Brussels : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchpresidentsdipomaticadvisoronchina.html ).


 - Thanking and encouraged by the "Trust of CPC's Members" and the "great expectations of the People" from the new 7-Member strong Leading Team, Jinping promissed to "strive to be worthy" of that "important responsibility", "and fulfill our mission".  Pointing at China's Historically "indelible Contribution to the progress of Human Civilization", he reminded, however, that "in Modern times, ...China endured untold Hardships and Sufferings, and its very survival hung in the balance", while countless ...patriots rose up one after another and fought for the renewal of the ...Nation, but all ended in Failure, as he said, until CPC  "made great Sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds", for 90 Years,"rallied and led the ..People in transforming the poor and backward, old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China, thus opening a completely New Horizon for a great renewal". "Our responsibility Now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the People of all ethnic groups in China in taking over the "Relay Baton" passed on to us by History, and ...stand rock-Firm in the Family of Nations, contributing even more to the Humankind", as he said.

- Praising the "Beauty", "Harmony" and "Culture" of the "Homeland" built "in the long course of History", by " the Chinese People, ...working with diligence, bravery and wisdom", Jinping observed Today's "People's desire" for  "better Education", "stable" and "good Jobs", "Income", "Social Security", "Medical and Health Care", "Housing" and "Environment", as well as "sound Growth" and "a more enjoyable Life", and promissed to "rally and lead ... in making continued efforts to Free up our Minds, carry out Reform and Opening up, further release and Develop the Productive forces".

As a Journalist observed, immediately after that Press encounter, it's mainly about "Continuing to Develop Production, but without losing Contact with the People", while on-going Debates with Western and Chinese Experts focused also on how to "bridge the Gap between Rich and Poor", fight Corruption, etc.


- Indeed, "under the New Conditions, our Party faces many Severe Challenges, and ...Pressing Problems within the Party that Need to be resolved, particularly Corruption, being Divorced from the People, ...Formalism and Bureaucratism caused by some Party Officials", Jinping denounced, launching a call to "make every effort to solve these ("Major") Problems", until when "we must stay on Full Alert", as he warned, because "the Party must Supervise its own conduct".

- For that purpose, CPC must "maintain Close Ties with the People", because "it's the People who have Created History",  "who are true Heroes" and  "the Source of our Strength", since "United as one, we'll create an awesome Power" able to " certainly overcome all difficulties", if we "serve the People with Dedication", "share the same destiny ...and ...work together and diligently with them for the public good, so as to live up to the expectations of both History and the People", conscious of the fact that "our Responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, and our Road Ahead is Long", as Jining warned in Conclusion.




(Mount Tai, between Beijing and Shanghai, is the most important among China's 5 "Sacred Mountains", a UNESCO World Heritage site, with more than 3.000 Years History of worship, and Higher than 1.500 m.. Traditionaly associated to Sunrise/Dawn, Birth and Renaissance, but also to Innovation, Unity, Stability and Peace, Emperos used to pay hommage to Heaven and to Earth at its Top and at its feet, linked by a long path curved in stone).




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version may be published asap).


ECHR asserts Principles on Human Rights for the Protection of patients' Health and Life in Hospitals

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 13 November 2012



*Strasbourg/- In a series of 3 Judgements published in a row Today, concerning Human Rights related to Health and even Life, ECHR asserted Principles guiding Medical services' Responsibilities in various delicate and complex cases of patients' Deaths, which may help to judge also several other, even more lenient cases :

- A 1st important point was that the Credibility even of an apparently comprehensive Medical Report established by Specialists, even if numerous and/or Highly Qualified, may be seriously challenged if the particular circumstances of a case clearly reveal justified Doubts or even a blatant Contradiction vis a vis real and important Facts :

F.ex., the "Independence" of a whole panel composed by eminent Specialists Medical Doctors was  challenged, even if it was contardicted just by a differend conclusion by a non-specialist, because they came from the same University Faculties and/or Hospitals as an influential Professor of Medicine whose action vis a vis a patient who died in controversial circumstances had to be assessed, (see  case "Bajic v. Croatia").

In consequence, even if it wasn't yet proven false, their Report wasn't judged reliable enough, mainly because, in those circumstances, it wasn't possible to exclude People's legitimate Concerns about a Risk of Collusion of interests which might not reveal the whole Truth. Thus, the State's responsibility to make a full, independent and efficient Investigation in order to find the real Causes for the Death of patient was engaged.

+ At another case, despite numerous Medical acts, and long, extensive and repeated Medical Treatments, Tests, Reports, etc., on a Prisoner condemned for Murder, who suffered from earlier Drug Addiction and HIV, added to subsequent symptoms of Tuberculosis, etc., another State's Authorities were found by ECHR to have failed to provide an "Adequate Medical care", because of certain unjustified  Delays and other acts or ommissions which exposed the victim to unnecessary Health Risks, (f.ex. brief but repeated transferts to Jail Cells shared with other inmates affected by infectious diseases, etc), and, most of all, because a final Report by a team of Experts which had concluded by claiming that the victim's Health condition had evolved in a "Satisfactory" way, came just .. a few Months before he died !.. (See case of "Koryak v. Russia").

Last but not least, ECHR judged, indirectly but clearly, that, even if an appliquant can't yet prove, not even openly claim that a State's agent might have "intentionaly killed" a victim, it's enough to simply "imply" such a possibility, in order to raise an issue concerning also the Substantial, and not only the Procedural obligations resulting from a State's duty to protect People's Human Lives, resulting in a full and extended control of its behavior, (including access to Criminal proceedings too).

But, in the opposite case, States' procedural obligation to "take approproate steps to Safeguard the Lives of those within its jurisdiction", is, in principle, fullfilled, if it "has made Adequate Provision to secure High Professional Standards among Health Professionals, and the Protection of patients' lives", even if "an error of judgement ..., or failure to coordinate by health professionals, in the treatment of a particular patient", might, eventually, reveal a "negligence" from them.

In particular, in cases of "Medical Negligence", States are "required to to set up an effective independent judicial system, so that the cause of death of patients in the care of the medical profession, ....can be determined and those responsible made accountable", ECHR confirmed.

In this regard, "Promptness and reasonable Expedition" is required, because, "even where there may be obstacles or difficulties which prevent progress in an Investigation in a particular situation, a Prompt response by the Authorities is Vital to the maintenance of Public Confidence  in their adherence to the Rule of Law and to the prevention of any Appearance of Collusion in or Tolerance of Unlawful Acts".

Therefore, "the State’s obligation under Article 2 of the Convention will not be satisfied if the Protection afforded ...exists only in Theory: above all, it must also operate Effectively in Practice,  and that requires a Prompt Examination of the case, without unnecessary Delays".

+ There are also "more General considerations (which) call for a Prompt Examination of cases concerning Death in a Hospital setting", because "Knowledge of the facts and of possible Errors committed in the course of Medical Care are Essential to enable the institutions concerned and medical staff to Remedy potential Deficiencies and Prevent similar Errors" in the Future, ECHR added.

=> "Therefore, the Prompt Examination of such cases is Important for the Safety of Users of all Health Services", EuroJudges stressed.

But, if there are "No grounds for any Doubts" "with regard to the Treatment administered", then, an eventual "Failure to conduct certain Examinations should have been considered a Lack of Due Diligence", only, "and Not Medical Malpractice", and, if the State concerned has made an "Investigation ..(which).. elucidated the circumstances relevant to any .. Responsibility on the part of the Medical personel for the Death" of a patient, then, it has "Dealt with the applicant’s Claim ...with the Level of Diligence Required" by that State, ECHR concluded, (in the case "Z v. Poland").

Even if these Judgements were published by Differend Sections of the ECHR, and were presented amidst various others cases, nevertheless, it's also a Fact that All 3 concern Similar issues, and were published Together Today, while being obviously complementary to each other, towards establishing CoE Member States' duties to ensure Medical Standards respectful of elementary Human Rights.





(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already send earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).


CoE AV.Observatory Director Closs to EuroFora: European replies to US Dominance on Digital Media=Key

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 07 November 2012

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- A set of Principles on the Rights of Internet Users and the development of European Players in the Digital Audio-Visual Market, can and must be Europe's reply to the growing need to Safeguard Democratic "Pluralism" in New Media able to "Shape Public Opinion", but currently challenged by a growing Media Concentration dominated by a few USA Companies, as it results in substance from statements to "EuroFora" by CoE's Director on Information Society and Crime, Jan Kleijssen and by the PanEuropean AudioVisual Observatory's (EAVObs') Executive Director, Wolfgang Closs, on the occasion of a landmark Conference organized at CoE's Headquarters in Strasbourg on the 20th Anniversary of EAVObs., during which many Top Experts focused on "Transparency" about "Media Concentration".



While, a Decade ago, Radio-TV Broadcasters were the main actors concerned by Media Concentration, on the contrary, Today, "the means by which enterprises can Control the Media sector are increasingly subtle and attach to virtually All Stages of the Value chain", where "Market Power and Media Domination can be based (f.ex.) on a strong CopyRight portofolio, as much as on the control of Platforms and/or Transmission Networks", etc., while "Verticaly Integrated Businesses ... are able to build simultaneously on a rich .. AV Content, various Media Services, and priority Transmission arrangements, or can control such Infrastructures", and, "more recently, the issue of Dominance emerged also in relation to Manufacturers of Reception Devices", (TV sets, PCs and Tablets, SmartPhones, etc), observes a Special Edition of EAVObs' Legal Publication "IRIS" dedicated to the need for "Regulation" on "Converged Markets and Converged Power" able to "Shape Public Opinion", which was prepated and introduced by EAVObs' Legal services' Head Susanne Nikoltchev.
      "Screen Digest"'s Chief Analyst, Ben Keen, from London, described how it has become Today much "easier to develop Dominance" by Internet Networks-interConnected Devices, Software and Works", (See relevant Photo),


    while Bernd Malzanini, Director of KEK, the German Committee on Media Concentration, based at Potsdam, explained that his "Mission to ensure Pluralism of Opinions", mainly by "Transparency", and "prevent a predominant Dominance on Opinion-making, (f.ex. if a Company controls more than 25 % or 30% of a Media market),


revealed, inter alia, a recent popular Trend, (particularly among Young People), to swift from the still remaining TV-predominance among various Medias used in average everyday, towards an Internet priority in the foreseeable Future, (according to some astonishing Graphics).


    Nevertheless, efficient EU Rules against risks of Concentration in that New Media landscape are almost ...non-existent until now, denounced EU Law Professor Roberto Mastroianni, from Naples' University,


while the Director of the Office of OSCE's Representative for Mass Media Freedom, Andrei Rikhter, after observing that "CoE doesn't cover only the EU, but rather a much more Wide area", despite a rather Critical presentation of Digital Media actors throughout all Europe up to Russia and other ex-CIS Countries, noted at least the active presence of "Yandex",  (which is "Independent" minded, as he later stressed to "EuroFora"), and other relevant, evolving Russian companies, (such as Kapirsky, Rambler, Kontakti, etc), that also other Experts found as a rare counter-weight vis a vis the otherwise uncontested Dominance mainly of a few North American Compagnies such as principally "Google",  "Apple" and "Microsoft", added to "Facebook", "Twitter", etc., and partly followed by South-Korean "Samsung", etc.


    Such facts naturally incited certain participants, as f.ex. Marco Cole, Professor of Media Law from Luxembourg, to raise the obviously Topical Question about how EU Countries could protect themselves from eventual attempts to abuse a Dominant position in a Media-related Digital Market "by Non-European Players", as he characteristically pointed out.


    A move which stirred a rather "hot", animated and interesting Debate among various participants to the CoE's Conference, until it was, suddenly, ... interrupted by an unprecedented Cut of Electric Power which threw all the Room into a spooky Black-out Darkness, never seen before at CoE's Headquarters in Strasbourg, similar to the recent (2012) New York's Manhattan black-out after the Hurricane "Sandy", (and reminding to "EuroFora" a rare experience of a similar Electric Power cut at UNO's N.Y. Headquarters back on 2005, which amused some US collegues ready to propose to their Media satirical Headlines of the kind :  - "U.N. Powerless ?!", etc)..


    - "That might be a reaction from some "Non-European actors", immediately reacted, amused, the experienced EAVObs' Top Economic Expert, André Lange, who, nevertheless, observed, afterwards, smiling, that, sometimes, "Statistics might lie more than Lights"..


    - At any case, "it's a fact that American influence on Audio-Visual Works has increased even further, recently in Europe", critically observed, later, André Lange, speaking to "EuroFora".

    => This obviously made more Topical the subsequent question about whether, when and how could be developed also some equivalent "European Players", particularly in the Digital AudioVisual Markets, for which "EuroFora" witnessed a rather vivid interest in several participants.


 - Yes, Absolutely, Europe must develop today some real, big, efficient and innovative Players able to act on the Digital AV front Worldwide, f.ex. by grouping together some Companies able to provide Digital AV Content, Networks and Tools, clearly agreed with "EuroFora" the experienced long-time Director of the PanEuropean AudioVisual Observatory of the CoE, Wolfgang Closs from Norway, stressing, in this regard, that, after all, "the Digital AV World is (already) Global".

 - But, Today, I wanted to gather together here (at the CoE) the living Memory of all those who have been observing the EAVObs. since its creation (back on 1993), because that means that if they continue to observe you for 20 years, then, you really Exist", Closs joked, speaking to "EuroFora", whose co-Founder has, indeed, followed at least EAVO's main developments since 1993..


 - Back in the 1980ies, when mainstream EU leaders, including f.ex. former French President François Mitterand, realized that "Culture is not just an ordinary Merchandise like all others", a cooperation between EU and CoE (headed then by Catherine Lalumiere : comp. some of her statements to "EuroFora") for the "creation of an European Audio-Visual Area", had resulted in the establishment of a 1st EU Directive on TV, of EURONEWS and of the PanEuropean Audio-Visual Observatory, reminded one of that Historic movement's actors, former Ambassador Bernad Miyet, President of Valarda Consulting, who was a Key-note Speaker at today's event. But now, on 2012, something must obviously be done in order to facilitate at least the creation of European Digital AV market Players, despite the current Financial problems, agreed later Ambassador Miyet (who has had an interesting experience also at California, US in the Past) with "EuroFora".


 + By a Timely coincidence, this same Evening, German Chancellor Angie Merkel, (a well-known supporter of Innovation in Digital Technologies), after a landmark debate on EU's Future towards a closer Economic and Political Union, together with MEPs Groups' Presidents at EU Parliament in Brussels, where she stressed that "Europe must be an Innovative Continent" and "Invest in the Future",

is meeting in London the British Prime Minister David Cameron, who has recently stressed, at the latest EU Brussels' Summit (comp. "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the spot) that - "there is a Global Race taking place, and ...there is a danger of European countries and the EU falling behind. So ... what is absolutely vital is that we encourage enterprise, "and ... most importantly, we look at the greatest asset we've got, which is the Single Market, ...the single Biggest Market anywhere in the World, and we Complete that market", since, even in "its 20th Anniversary right now, ...it still isn't finished, in Digital, in Services", etc., "and that is the Agenda I'll be pushing very hard".


CoE to adopt Rules for "Protection of Internet Users' Human Rights" in 2013

The Conservative-Liberal Governing Coalition in the UK has already shown its interest on Internet-related issues during the recent Brittish rotating Presidency of the CoE, (November 2011- May 2012), which strongly supported a PanEuropean Strategy on main Principles for Guidance at the World Wide Web, at the aftermath of the 1st ever discussion on Internet Governance by the G8 Summit of Heads of State/Government under the Chairmanship of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy at Deauville, (Comp. "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReports both from the G8 Summit at Deauville and from the Brittish CoE Presidency in Strasbourg).

 => - "According to CoE's recently adopted "Internet Strategy", Strasbourg's PanEuropean Organization is currently working on a Pioneer Legal Recommendation for "the Protection of the Human Rights of Internet Users", which concerns "all Internet-related Platforms", and could be hopefully adopted by CoE's Committee of Ministers in the course of Next Year (2013), revealed to "EuroFora" the experienced CoE Director on Information Society and Crime, Jan Kleijssen from Austria (forthcoming 2013 CoE's rotating Chair),


+ In parallel,  continues to evolve further also CoE's preparation of  a "Modernization" of its Historic "Data Protection" International Treaty, while EU also drafts its own Data Protection norms.

=> USA also (which already have a Special Status at the CoE, as well as Canada, Japan, etc) can and do follow CoE's relevant activities, while big American and other Companies are even more interested, and could,  f.ex. benefit from a kind of "Quality Mark" if they endorse CoE's Internet Users' Norms, Kleissjen agreed with "EuroFora".
    But, since the Digital AV World has really become "Global", as EAVObs' Executive Director, Wolfgang Closs observed to "EuroFora" (comp. Supra), then, what about China ?

 - Pointing at a recent trend towards a "Convergence accross Industries in the Digital AV sector, "Cultural industry will further Integrate with other industries", such as "Manufacturing and Service industries", which  "will spur ...Development", particularly with "substantial progress ..in the Integration of Telecommunications Networks, Cable TV networks and the Internet", stressed mainstream "People's Daily" in a Strategic  text placed under the Heading "a Vision of Innovation", published at the eve of a crucial CPC Congress November 8-15, 2012.


In this regard, "Digital industry will develop at Fast pace and ultimately become the Core of the Cultural sector", creating "a Digital Boom", CPD concludes.
+ "China's cultural Innovation is heading towards a golden Decade of unprecedented prosperity, profits and pride", it hopes : "Over the next decade, China's cultural industry is geared to maintain high growth and ultimately grow from a new engine into a Pillar of the national economy., while also "Investment in the industry will gradually diversify as the share of private and foreign capital increases". "The industry will become more and more concentrated, with the emergence of a growing number of Flagship cultural Conglomerates, which take up a large percentage of China's domestic market. China's Cultural industry will see more than 100 public companies, which will be listed in both the domestic and Overseas capital markets".

- The recent development, and further prospects for the Chinese Web Search Engine "Baidu", (a regional competitor to USA's "Google"), apparently is one among various such concrete examples...

 - Indeed, "China is currently in the process of setting up its "Dragons"", (i.e. big and innovative enough Businesses, destinated to grow in a Global World), said earlier to "EuroFora" the experienced Diplomatic Advisor of French President Hollande, Paul-Jean Ortiz, (comp. "EuroFora"s relevant NewsReport from the sidelines of the latest, October 2012 EU Summit in Brussels).




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version may be published asap.


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     The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

        Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).




        Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.


        - "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.

        This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled  : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.

    - "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
    - And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.

    Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.

    The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.


     The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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