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EUROCORPS+ISAF Chief of Staff General Bavinchove to EuroFora:Afghanistan test boosts dual capacities

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 19 December 2012

*Strasbourg/Press Club/Angelo Marcopolo/- Speaking via a Tele-Conference from Kabul to Strasbourg, EUROCORPS' Commander, who serves now also as Chief of Staff at the International Force for Afghanistan (ISAF), General Olivier de Bavinchove (France), replied to "EuroFora"s Questions on that unique Multi-National force's potential role in forthcoming developments of EU's Security and Defence policy, while praising also its "Dual", or "Civilian-Military" capacities, (composed by German, French, Spanish, Belgian and Luxembourg full Members, to which was recently added also Poland, as well as several other EU Countries' "Liaison Officers", and able to Mobitor Pluri-modal, Air-Land-Sea, Military, Peace-keeping or Humanitarian operations), at the eve of a January 2013 exceptional European event, currently prepared at its Headquarters in Strasbourg, to celebrate the completion of its Return from a succesful but challenging Top Mission in Central Asia, as well as the 20th and 50th Anniversaries since the creation of such a tool, and since the Franco-German Treaty "of Elysée" which made it possible, respectively (See Infra).


 - "EuroFora" observed that ,"Recently, in (the latest EU Summit) in Brussels, interesting developments on EU Security and Defence policy re-started, and you (EUROCORPS and ISAF's Chief of Joint Staff) are at the Heart of all this : EUROCORPS was already twice in Afghanistan, and your (current) Mission is the most important, as more strategic, concluding and high-ranked".

=> Thus, - "Do you sincerely feel that your Experience, both personal and of all (EUROCORPS) officers working together, would usefully serve in the Futiure, also in various other, differend Missions, that you might have at EU's Neighbourhood or elsewhere in the World ?", "EuroFora" asked General de Bavinchove.

- "Because there is recently much talk about such possible developments, precisely from next year : 2013, as if some might be timely waiting for your return" back to Europe, we explained.


+  "We'll celebrate EUROCORPS' 20th Anniversary, soon in Strasbourg, on the 31st of January 2013), together with the Mayor (Senator Ries) and the Defence Ministers of all EUROCORPS' Countries, who will come there, etc, anounced from the outset, in reply to "EuroFora"s question, its experienced Commander, and currently also ISAF's Chief of Staff.

 - When "(French) President Mitterand and (German) Chancellor Kohl hade decided to create EUROCORPS, 20 years ago, this was part of a Vision for Europe as a (World) power, able to defend itself", reminded, in this regard, General de Bavinchove,

 - "And, I think that this Tool, EUROCORPS, after 20 Years of Experience, even in Afghanistan and various other areas in the World, demonstrates that the idea which was behind its creation, was well-founded", he stressed.

- "The Principles set up since EUROCORPS' creation, Inter-Allies' principles, were very fast joined also by Spain, by Belgium and Luxembourg, etc., and now also by Poland", (in addition to "Liaison Officers" sent to Strasbourg's EUROCORPS Headquarters also by various other countries).

- What our action here (in Afghanistan) also shows is that, with EUROCORPS we already have an immediately Operational (effective) Tool, while we also proved that we can master NATO's procedures, .. i.e. a Commanding Unit able to be projected iat a specified area, in the framework of a Coalition, and to use All the means and processes used by NATO in order to act. It's also for the European Union, a tool which has equivalent capabilities", he added.

- "But, above all, there are 2 Essential elements, which constitute EUROCORPS' main Force, and which cannot be found in any other European Military grouping Today, neither in 2012 nor in 2013" :


- "It's a Multi-Nationality" dimension, "both in terms of Proportion, f.ex. between French, German, Spanish, Polish, Belgian, etc., who Work Together  every day, Fight together everyday, Planify together everyday, Speak to eachother every day, and thus demonstrate, everyday, that they speak the same Language, share the same Values, dispose the same Capabilities, and that they are Motivated by one and same, common Ideal".

- "And this, even in Long-term Operational plans, here (i.e. also in Afghanistan), inside a Coalition which is mainly directed by our American Friends and Allies, cannot pass without being noticed", particularly when we've "seen that Power of Building this Tool, that represents EUROCORPS, in terms of Mastering Capabilities, and of working (also) inside NATO, in terms of capacity to work together, among Officers from many differend (EU) Countries, and by mastering a certain number of Values, which are extremely Important, particularly when it comes about working for the benefit of a Third Country, as it's the case in Afghanistan".

=> So, "I think that, in the forthcoming 20 Years, there is no room for anything else than EUROCORPS, and this wil be soon explained and demonstrated also at a Political level", the experienced Top General pleaded.

- "Also because, during a period in which we face Financial and Economic difficulties, everybody can see that this Tool (EUROCORPS) proved to be a well-founded, Good Idea ,  now established and also put in practice. And realize that, when it comes to consider the Next 20 Years, and what actions should be undertaken, in order to make it even more Performant and even more Able to fullfil the Political Missions to which we (EUROCORPS) are committed".

- "That''s which made the greatest impression to me, during this EUROCORPS' deployment (in Afghanistan), which I followed since it arrived here, last January (2012), i.e. 2 Months after my own arrival earlier, it was set up, undertook Responsibilities, and fullfiled them, doing its job remarkably well".

- So that, today, it's difficult for me to tell if I'm speaking to a French or to a German or to a Spanish Officer, etc., since, what counts in reality is that I'm adressing myself to an (EUROCORPS') Officer who knows how to do his job, and does it well, according to the directives that he's been given, his national origins having passed, somehow, to the background, and it's his Competence, his Ability to work together, in a Multi-National context, which makes the difference", General de Bavinchov concluded on this point.

+ - At some brief introductory remarks, "You have already evoked, my General, in addition to the purely Military aspects (of EUROCORPS' Tasks), also Intelligence, Logistics, a part of Rule of Law including Law Enforcement, Education, (Economic and Communication) Infrastructures, etc", "EuroFora" went on to observe also.  

-"There is much talk, Today, of what is called the "Dual" aspect of Defence", (i.e. both Military and Civic, etc). "Do you think that, your Experience, in this domain too, which seems of particular importance at this moment, could develop further this Dual, Civilian-Military aspects at the same moment, as integral parts of an efficient, overall Security and Defence Policy ?", we asked ISAF's Chief of Joint Staff.


- "It's absolutely Essential, what you call as "Dual" aspects, alias known also as "Inter-Agency". -"It's of Vital Importance !", EUROCORPS' Head stressed from the outset in reply to "EuroFora's" 2nd Question.

 - "Soldiers were very much requested, during these Decades, in all Countries : American, Brittish, French, German, etc., to act in various domains in which they weren't often prepared to act,

+ "But we have, in all European Countries, such capacities, such competences and initiatives. There is very much talk about what is called a "Comprehensive Approach", that is to say the Integration in the Qualifications of these components, which are more Civilian-Military than Militaro-Civilian, and I'm a strong Supporter of that", as he pointed out.

+ In this regard, "EUROCORPS has a unique Chance to be (Headquartered) in Strasbourg, because it's in a big European Capital" city, "where are also located several Great Academic Institutions, f.ex. a School of Political Sciences, the ENA (prestigious French University for the Highest level of Public Administrations, progressively opening also towards Franco-German, panEuropean and even International Education and Training on Governance), but also an important Political presence f.ex. through EU Parliament, the CoE, many Permanent Representations, Consulates, etc. of various European and other Countries, and, being inside such a great City, we (EUROCORPS) have already started to develop relations, already since my predecessor, with all these big Institutions, and we shall continue to do so,

    - Simply "because the Operations of Tomorrow, at whatever Area and Moment we might intervene, are operations placed under the Aims of "Security, Governance, and Development, in the framework of which are absolutely required also several very Specific Know-how (expertise), at various degrees, right from the start :

    - "That's of Fundamental Importance, and has already started to be organized, f.ex. inside the U.S. Army that I can see here, i.e. this kind of Civilian-Military Integration, via one of their own Administrative Processes, with a System of contracts, etc..

    - "At any case, EUROCORPS must be, from this point of view, not only a Laboratory, but also a Tool which will allow to Develop this Integration, and this insertion of Competences and Experiences inside it, in order to be able, in Future Deployments, in Various other Areas, where we shall have to face Differend Challenges than those existing at Afhanistan, to have a better Preparation to Act, right from the Start, and to Judge better the adequate Priorities needed for obtaining the desired Results", he pointed out.

    As I'm a strong Supporter of that, we (EUROCORPS) must, more and more, Integrate those Competences and Capabilities, (also) with the development of Commandment structures integrating these Competences and Know-How, so that this will allow us to be extremely Efficient, in Time Deadlines always measured, which will be assigned to us", concluded General de Bavinchov in reply to "EuroFora"s 2nd Question (See supra).

+ EUROCORPS' Chief of Staff, General Buchsenschmidt to "EuroFora" on the 3 Symbols of the forthcoming, January 31, 2013 European event in Strasbourg's Headquarters :


=> - "On the 31st of January, 2013, we (EUROCORPS) shall celebrate in Strasbourg no less than Three (3) exceptional Events : - (A) EUROCORPS' return from ISAF's Headquarters at Kaboul (Afghanistan), where General de Bavinchov served as Chief of the International Force's joint Staff", but also the Double Anniversaries of (B) 20 Years since the creation of EUROCORPS (1993), which became possible thanks to the "Elysée Treaty" (C) agreed by Adenauer and De Gaulle 50 Years earlier, on 1963, explained, later-on, speaking to "EuroFora",  the Multi-National force's Chief of Staff, Belgian General Guy Buchsenschmidt.

 - "Elysée Treaty, agreed by Adenauer and De Gaulle, established the Foundations of what could  become, later on, a European Defence Policy, thanks to an Historic move which allowed, for the 1st time, to Germans and French to sit together around a Table and jointly take Decisions mutually agreed, which culminated, later-on, in the creation of EUROCORPS, from 1993", General Buschsenschmidt reminded us.



(+ Fast Translation from the Original in French)



(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version may be published asap).


EU asks Turkey: don't hinder Greece+Cyprus to pay Debts +by their Gas-Oil based on UN Law of the Sea

Written by ACM
Friday, 14 December 2012




*Brussels/EU Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/
- In surprisingly coordinated, parallel and topical moves, EU Summit's  27 European, Heads of State/Government practically urged Turkey to stop hindering EU Member States Greece and Cyprus to pay off heavy Sovereign Debts and boost much needed economic Growth, also by using fast enough their Oil/Gas Natural Resources, estimated at several Trillions € in growing findings all along the Aegean Sea's islands and Cyprus' South-Eastern Coasts, according to the well establlished International Law of the Sea, whose 30th Anniversary was celebrated officially by the UNO earlier this same week at New York.
 - The European Union expressed "Serious Concern, and urged Turkey to avoid any kind of Threat or action directed against a(n EU) Member State, or source of friction or actions, which could Damage good Neighbourly relations and the Peaceful settlement of disputes", underlined the relevant official EU declaration.

    - In this regard, "EU stressed ...all the sovereign rights of EU Member States, which include, inter alia, entering into bilateral agreements, and to explore and exploit their natural resources, in accordance with the EU acquis and international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea".
    - "In this context", the December 2012 EU Summit underlined thet "Turkey needs to commit itself unequivocally to good neighbourly relations and to the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with the United Nations Charter, having recourse, if necessary, to the International Court of Justice".

    This is "in line with the (EU-Turkey, open-ended) Negotiating Framework and previous European Council and Council conclusions", EU Leaders reiterated.
    The move was Unanimously made by the 27 EU Heads of States/Governments meeting these 2 Days in Brussels, who officially approved and endorsed a Draft prepared by their Foreign Ministers earlier this week, as confirm the Final Conclusions of the December 2012 EU Summit.



+ Meanwhile, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, acting as a “Constitution ...”, ... of Maritime affairs", "Guided every aspect" of them,  "and set out a delicate balance of rights and duties",  UNO Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared, earlier this same week (12/2012) at N.Y,  as UNO's General Assembly celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the opening for signature of the nearly Universal Treaty :

- “Indeed, the treaty was a firm foundation — a permanent document providing order, stability, predictability and security — all based on the rule of law,” UNO's Secretary-General reportedly said, opening the commemorative meeting, which heard from nearly 40 Speakers and featured a video presentation on the History of the Convention (1982-2012).

 Ban Ki Moon hailed the International Treaty on the Law of the Sea as a testament to the power of international cooperation, multilateral negotiation and consensus-building, and said that with 164 States parties, it was nearing the goal of Universality.


Nevertheless, Turkey still remains one of the few States practically refusing to recognize the International Law of the Sea, as it's set up in UNO's-celebrated, 30 Years-old Treaty (1982-2012), despite even of several formal Calls by the PanEuropean CoE from Strasbourg to support UNO's stance on how to peacefully settle, on the base of Internationaly recognized, General Principles, any eventual dispute of Sea Law.

Moreover, Turkey has notoriously threatened Greece with a Military Aggression if Athens dares use its Legal Right under UNO-sponsored International Treaty on the Law of the Sea, by extending its exclusive economic zone up to the Agean Greek Islands' shelf, where Geologists estimate the existence of valuable Oil/Gas Resources as long as since the 1970ies... Thus, Ankara practically imposed unilateraly a .. 40 Years "Freeze" (1970-2010+) of Greece's Natural Resources, (as it's also vainly attempting more recently to also vis a vis Cyprus, current EU Chair for July-December 2012, by various harassments and threats against Nicosia Government's sovereign Right for peaceful International Cooperation in order to explore and exploit its exclusive Economic 2one's Oil/Gas a.o. resources).

This has now started to become obviously scandalous and dangerously counter-productive, directly against Europe's General Interest, since €uroArea has been notoriously threatened by the exploitation of the Greek State sovereign Debt's growing Bank costs, which exploded after the USA-imported 2009 Global Crisis, aggravating the consequences of mis-management in the Past 30years (1981-2011), particularly of some former PASOK Governments, which used some Former "Socialist" EU leaders' complicity, back on 1999-2001, in order to "hide" the growing Debt, and thus practically escape from otherwise necessary Public Sector's Structural Reforms, maintaining a disproportionate number of unproductive cushy job holders, political lackeys, corrupted and/or otherwise criminal and/or "simply" ambusive and unpopular Civil Servants, previously appointed by former Clientelist/Nepotist Governements of the Past. That complicity was based on the simultaneous acceptance, by that same former PASOK Government, of Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid back on December 1999's Helsinki EU Summit, which provoked the notorious 2 "NO" to EuroReferenda on EU Constitution between 2005-2007 and an unprecedented, sharply rising Abstention Majority in EU Parliament's Elections mainly between 1999-2004, except just a deceleration in 2009, with consequence to "Block" and delay EU's institutional developments for too long. Until Sarkozy-Merkel succeeded to partically unblock the situation by refusing Turkey's EU entry and adopting Lisbon Treaty's minimal but much needed Institutional Innovations (2010), that EU Member States are just starting recently to use in order to boost EU Integration, (f.ex. by the creation of EU Patent, progress towards EU's "Autonomous" Security and Defence policy, etc).

The Succesful outcome, this week in Brussels, of EuroGroup's decisions on a Financial solution on the Debt provoked against Greece, which was naturally welcomed and hailed by all EU Leaders gathered here for the December 2012 EU Summit, at least partly depends, however, also from the conditions set up by the IMF, which clearly stressed, with a statement  of its Director, Christine Lagarde, yesterday at Washington DC., f.ex. that the Greek State must succeed, from 2013, to return to a Budget "without primary Deficit".

Something which apparently could only be done either by a radical Anti-Bureaucratic change, f.ex. by Firing and/or imposing Sanctions to all scandalously appointed by former Clientelist-Nepotist Governments, mainly of PASOK, counter-productive, abusive and unpopular cushy job holders and/or political lackeys, often corrupted or even otherwise criminal, etc., during 30 years (1981-2011),

- and/or by simply starting to boost much needed Growth thanks also to the Aegean Sea's Oil/Gas Resources in order to rapidly pay off all the Debts of the Past, (which, otherwise, threaten to keep EU Member Greece constantly under the pressure of a 120% Deficit each Year up to 2020+, which has already Sabotaged Productive Businesses and imposed Tragic Cuts upon suffering Poor People, (See relevant, earlier "EuroFora" NewsReports between 2009-2012).

For the moment, it's only the 3 Political Parties elected on 2012 at the Center-Right side of the political spectrum : New Democracy, of Prime Minister Samaras, "Independent Greeks" (dissidents coming from his Party ND), and "Golden Dawn", (Rightists), who have, more or less explicitly urged to use EU Member Greece's Right to apply the International Law of the Sea in order to pay-off all or most Debts of the Past, (while also adding their voices even to a widely popular "Anti-Corruption" campaign vis a vis Public Sector's counter-productive cushy job holders, political lackeys and other such corrupted and/or criminal appointees of Clientelist and/or Nepotist former Governments of the Past. But, at least for the time being, Prime Minister Samaras ("New Democracy") has been pushed into another governemental coalition with the remnants of PASOK and a small Leftist Party, which are opposed to such decisive Structural Reforms of the Public Sector, but keep a rather "flip-flop" stance on the issue of Aegean Sea's Natural Resources and International Law of the Sea (Comp.supra), while their popular basis are fluctuating on the prospect for Greece to eventually do ...like Norway, (which has notoriously benefited a lot from Oil/Gas findings at the Northern Sea).

=> In consequence, (and always according to political and other developments), an apparently secondary but in fact very important, Political Change in Greece's governing coalition, might offfer (if adequately prepared, but resolutely realized) a better, and more efficient/sustainable solution.









(NDLR : "FlashNews", ie. a Brief version of a "DraftNews" already sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).





French President Hollande +EU chair, Cyprus EU aff. Minister Mavroyanis to EuroFora on SDP Dual Tech

Written by ACM
Thursday, 13 December 2012

*Brussels/EU Summit/Angelo Marcopolo/- French President Hollande, speaking to "EuroFora", confirmed the key importance of "Dual", Civil and Military Technologies In Security/Defense Policies at Tomorrow's Agenda of EU Brussels' December 2012 Summit :

-  "The discussion, (among 27 EU Heads of State/Governmets) of EU's common Security and Defense Policy is for Tomorrow (Friday's) Agenda, confirmed President Francois Hollande to "EuroFora", just after the conclusion of his 1st Press Conference on the currently on-going EU Brussels' Summit.

+ And, most important : - "Yes, the issue (crucial :See infra) of the so-called "Dual aspects" of certain SDP policies, (i.e. able to serve both  Civil and Military purposes), which help develop Technology", is, indeed, naturally included in such EU Summit's discussions, President Hollande agreed positively with "EuroFora"'

+ This issue had been already evoked by "EuroFora" also with thenew French Minister for Defense, Le Drian, earlier in Strasbourg : See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchdefenceministerondualpolicy.html )

Key EU Member Countries, as, f.ex., current and incoming EU Council's rotating Chairmanships by Cyprus  (7-12/2012) and Ireland (1-6/2013), etc., would find Interesting the development of EU's Security and Defence Policy, despite their well known Opposal to many aspects of traditional Armies, NATO, etc., particularly as regards its possible and growing "Dual" dimension, i.ed.useful also in order top boost Scientific and Technological innovation, etc., under certain conditions, said to "EuroFora" the experienced EU Affairs Minister of Cyprus, current EU Council's rotating chairman-in-office, Andreas Mavroyiannis, speaking in Brussels, just before the present December 2012 EU Summit shapes the outline of crucial discussions and dedisions scheduled for an exceptional EU Council next year, (2013), in principle Tomorrow (Friday) Morning.


- The Indispensable "Single Supervisory System", for all EU Banks, which was just agreed earlier this Day by ECOFIN in Brussels, triggering an unprecedented "Twitt" of joy by EU President Van Rompuy, exceptionaly diffused in EU Press Center's screens (See Photo)... 


+ Earlier this week, experienced EU Commissioner Michel Barnier, speaking to "EuroFora" during EU Parliament's Plenary Session in Strasbourg, welcomed the adoption, (for the 1st time after ..40 Years of previously vain efforts !), of EU Patent, which makes possible to protect Inventions with much lesser Cost and Faster than before, so that even SME's could now afford what was in the Past, practically reserved only to Big Corporations, and opens new prospects for EU Economy in front of Global Competition f.ex. by USA, China, etc., where Patents are much Cheaper and Faster, particularly at a crucial moment, when Innovation is widely considered as a main Key for the best way out of the Global Crisis. Thus, f.ex., the frustration expressed to "EuroFora"s co-Founder, already as early as back from 2005 during CoE's Warsaw Summit, by a couple of Polish Scientists, on the Bureaucratic obstacles they faced in Brussels when they tried to get some Patents for their Inventions, leaving them astonished in compariso with the much more Simple, Fast and wider pâtent protection in the USA, can, at last, become soon a problem of the Past..


 - Indeed, "after an Historic Vote, Today (Tuesday), by EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg, and the Agreement, obtained thanks also to the Good Work done by Cyprus' EU Council's Presidency, Yesterday (Monday) in Brussels, now, once completed also a purely Technical period of organisation, I hope that the 1st EU Patent would be awarded f.ex. to an European SME, at the latest in the 1st Semester of 2004", said earlier the competent EU Commissioner, Michel Barnier to "EuroFora".

But, now, EU President Van Rompuy has already anounced that EU Summit intends to discuss and adopt, Tomorrow, Friday, a 1st, general Outlline of the Issues due to be decided on EU's Security and Defense Policy at an Exceptional EU Summit scheduled for Final Conclusions on December 2012.

A decisive Advance on EU's SDP had already been scheduled, earlier, mainly during France's rotating, 2008 EU Council's Presidency, but a series of Unforseen, exceptional and serious Events, all Triggered from areas located and networks controlled from Outside of the EU, (such as, f.ex., the August 2008 Georgia - Russia War, and/or the Autumn 2008 Global Economic Crisis notoriously started at the USA, etc., undermined the Time available, practically Hindering the French 2008 EU rotating Presidency to advance, together with its Allies, (i.e. Germany and several other EU Countries), towards the initially scheduled aims. ,

However, even Today, one might hesitate about the Timing and/or the importance given to ESDP¨issues, simply because of the notorious, traditional Reluctance of the current and forthcoming EU Council's rotating Chairmanships, now by Cyprus, afterwards from Ireland, to boost "Millitarism", as many see it.

=> Right here,  the interesting point , obviously is that that a Key for a Solution of a great part of the "Dual" Aspects  of ESDP is, indeed, the fact that they include also "Civic", and not Militarist activities :


 >>> - "All various aspects which could be developed through a possible EU Security and Defence policy concerning f. ex. Scientific and Technological, Developmet, etc., "are, indeed, of Great Interest for us,  except from Militarism and/or NATO issues", clearly distinguished EUC chair, Cyprus'  EU affairs Minister Andreas Mavrogiannis, speaking earlier to "EuroFora", about projects stimulated, precisely, by Defense contracts, which have notoriously allowed f.ex. to the USA to boost its Industry via Pentagon-related,strategic commands in cutting-edge Technologies..

Mavroyanis works closely together  wiith Cyprus' Foreign Minister, Erato Marcouli on foreign and defence policy issues.

A logical stance with which would, apparently, agree also the forthcoming EU Council's rotating Chairmanship by Ireland, (January-June 2013), etc.  






(NDLR : "FlashNews", ie. a Brief version of a "DraftNews" already sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be published asap).



Costa Gavras to EuroFora on EU Zakharov Prize to persecuted Iranian dissidents Panahi+Sotoudeh

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- A vigilent and continuing Fight for Freedom can be the only hope for elementary Liberty and Human Rights' respect, whenever they might have to face (open or disguissed) oppressive Opponents of these Values, that Modern Europe wants to place at its core, 65 years after 2ndWW), World Famous Franco-Greek Cinema Director, Head of "Cinematheque Française" in Paris, Costa Gavras, the Film-maker of unforgetable "Z", "Missing", and other Historic AV plays on crucial Historic situations in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere in the World, stressed in reply to an "EuroFora"' s question after EU Parliament's 2012 official ceremony in honour of 2 persecuted Iranian political Dissidents, whose main activities practically tried to use Art and Law in order to help bring some Democratic Changes in their Country, a strategic land of Historic Civilisation with early links to Europe, marked by controversial moves of Hope and Hardships during several Decades (See Infra) :



When EU Parliament's President, Martin Schulz,  (a former independent Book-seller from recently ReUnified Germany, who started his MEP career as Rapporteur of the Civil Rights Committee, when "EuroFora"s co-Founder initially met him as early as since back on 1994, together with his Friend, former EU affairs Minister Yannos Kranidiotes from Cyprus, tragically Killed, together with his only Son, at an ill-elucidated, strange AirPlane Deadly incident on the Bulgaro-Romanian borders near Turkey, shortly before a crucial EU Ministerial "Gymnich" conference due to set up the main Political Agenda for the Helsinki 1999 EU Summit),

introduced, earlier Today at the Plenary, the representatives of the 2O12 Zakharov Freedom of Thought Prize Winners, Iranian Cinema Director Jafar Panahi, and Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, hindered to travel to Strasbourg,


he inevitably reminded EU Commission President, Jose Barroso's statement, earlier this week, during Nobel Peace Prize's award to the EU at Oslo (Norway), - just after EU President Herman Van Rompuy had declared his Hope that, in Future, EU Citizens would proudly declare : - "Ich bin ein Europeu !", -


 that : -  "EU is not only about Peace, but also about Values, such as Democracy and Human Rights !", (i.e., in substance, the only Guarantee that Peace could be   Sustainable)...


 - On this occasion, "EuroFora" reminded to Costa Gavras the pro-Liberty ambiance which existed, also among various Iranian Dissidents refugeed in France, initially, at the time of the popular mass demonstrations agains the former authoritarian regime of the Shah, when Khomeiny was still at the outskirts of Paris ; - How did it became possible, for all those young People who were then even risking their Lives for Freedom, to have, afterwards, made a so brutal U-turn that now most of them seem to accept so heavy violations of the Freedom of speech, belief and thought inside Iran, as to harass and persecute Political dissidents even with Prison ?"

- "A Liberation isn't often a Permanent reality !.. However, there are still today (Iranian) People who strive for Democracy, Human Rights and Freedom. But there are also others, who are Against.  And that's the Problem !", resumed in substance Costas Gavras in his brief but interesting Reply to "EuroFora"s question.


=> "In fact, real Freedom is a Persistent Fight. So, People have to Continue Fighting for Liberty even Today", urged the experienced Film-maker of "Z", "Missing", and other landmarks in the Modern History of heroic Individuals and People's hard struggles against Oppressive Regimes and/or hidden Oppressive Networks, as f.ex. in a remote Past in Greece, and later more openly during the former Militarist Dictatures in Latin America, Nazism, Stalinism ("The Confession"), etc.

- "Me too, I was, then, among those who had demonstrated against the Shah, for the free return of all dissidents in Iran, including for Ayatolah Khomeini to come back from the exile, etc. But, afterwards, it seems that the Americans were mainly anxious that the Russians (of the former USSR) might extend their influence Southwards, so they supported at first the Shah, and afterwards the Islamists, until it was proven wrong for all, later-on, added another young Iranian Woman Dissident, recently refugeed at Northern Italy, close to the unforgetable former "Green" MEP Alexander Langer Foundation, near Bolzano (comp. "EuroFora"s various NewsReports from the nearby Brixen-Bressanone, at that Mountainous South-Tyrol area, as early as since 2008).


 - But we don't understand why some, even inside EU Parliament, obviousy insisted to impose to the image of Nasrin (Sotoudeh) that Islamic Scarf, while, on the contrary, she doesn't look at all like this when she's Free to dress and behave as she wants, the 2 Iranian Dissident young women who have found Refuge in various European Countries, (such as Itally, Germany, etc), told "EuroFora", showing, at the same time, several Photo pictures both of Nasrin Sotoudeh and of various other, allegedly persecuted, Iranian Women dissidents, both with their Head proudly lifted towards an open Sky, and, afterwards, curbed and closed under a socio-politically imposed Islamic Scarf  :


- "If anyone, perhaps, had intended to "show our (Iranian Women) Identity, as some call it, then, it's better to take that Scarf out, precisely because it's not at all our natural, nor freely chosen Identity !", they both agreed, speaking to "EuroFora", while smiling and proudly lifting their Head, up towards the sky,


just before rushing enthousiasticaly to salute 2003 NOBEL Peace Prize Winner, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, Founder of Iran's "League for the Defense of Human Rights", and of the "Iranian Association of Jurists", who was invited by EU Parliament in Strasbourg to speak on behalf of 2012 "Zakharov" Freedom of Thought Prize co-Winner, Nasrin Sotoudeh, at her  demand. (Despite her, apparently, fairly good English, Ebadi, who generally used ostensibly "Farsi" during Strasbourg's Press Conference, etc., kindly accepted for "EuroFora" an INTW "with (her) English Translator", but the fast-track successive EU Parliament's Plenary Debates, Votes, Press Conferences, preparations for tomorrow's Brussels EU Summit, etc., obviously didn't leave enough room this time)...


+ Art and, particularly,  "Cinema, can help Reveal certain important issues. However, Cinema is not there in order to Make things, but in order to help Understand certain matters". Nevertheless, EU's clear stance, Artists, Lawyers, and many other People, acting all together, might succeed to convince the Iranian regime to "Change attititude" vis a vis various dissidents who think otherwise, the World famous, Franco-Greek Cinema Director pointed out earlier, speking to Journalists in Strasbourg, including "EuroFora".

Topically, EU Parliament's 2012 Laureats of the prestigious "Zakharov" Prize for Freedom of Thought, Jafar Panahi (reportedly threatened by Jail and hindered to practice his Art, not even to speak to the Media), and Nasrin Sotoudeh, (already thrown to Prison, after vainly trying to defend Dissidents as a Lawyer), have been active in Cinema and in Law, respectively, i.e. either Revealing or Defending some Truths, with the People who make them live in real Society.


+ In a last-minute Phone communication, earlier this Morning, Panahi asked Gavras to add at the conclusion of his Speech that he readd during the official EU Parliament's Zakharov Prize Award, Today (Wednesday) Noon, that the persecuted Iranian Artist wants to "Dedicate that Prize to allo those Anonymous Freedom Fighters, around the World, who remain Unknown" to the large public".

- Smiling at the observation that, by an irony of the sort, today it's a European of Greek origin who tries to help his Iranian Friends, as Jafar Panahi, etc., to communicate with Europe and the rest of the World, while in the Past, on the contrary, his ancestors, Ancient Greeks had notoriously saved Europe and Democracy by succesfully defending Athens from massive attacks of a Persian (Ancien Iranian) King's much more numerous Army's military invasion/occupation, (including at the famous "Marathon's battle"), Gavras simply observed, laughing that, "ah, this was a long time ago...", before agreeing with "EuroFora", that, moreover, such Historic Facts topically remind that at least two and more "Great Civilisations" existed in that area, including at nowadays Iran, (Ancient Persia), whose over-Milllenary History obviously cannot be restricted only into the Narrow-minded limits where some have tried to close it (as well as various other Neighbouring Countries) lately...







 (NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent, earlier, to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, and full Final Version might be published asap).




EU Health Commissioner Borg+EUParliament V.President Angellili to EuroFora: Prevent=Save Lives+Money

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 11 December 2012


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- New EU Health Commissioner, former deputy-Prime Minister Tonio Borg, and EU Parliament's vice-President, Italian MEP Roberta Angellili, as well Rapporteur on Age-related Health matters (See Infra), replying to an EuroFora"s question, stressed in susbtance that Facilitate and develop Prevention, by protecting Health, can both Save Human Lives from Diseases, (often linked to the fact that People live Longer recently), and spare considerable amounts of Money which would otherwise be spent in growing Costs of Health Care Systems worldwide.



- "EuroFora" pointed at "a Topical Question both in Europe and in many other Countries in the World", (f.ex. including in the recent U.S. Presidential and Congress Election Debates, etc), raised by "many Debates about Costs of Health Care and related Social Security Systems, which are Growing almost everywhere" in the western world, (some People and/or Politicians accusing mainly the Users, or a Technocratic Lobby, and others the pre-existing Health Care Systems, alone or in combination with one or more of those factors, some claiming that it might be inevitable, etc).


- "Do you think that facilitating People's access to Prevention might help to Save Human Lives while also avoiding otherwise growing Costs, by making more Efficient and cost-effective the Health Protection System, both in the sector that you mentioned, about Ageing Populations and Women, but also more widely, for all People ?", "EuroFora" asked the new EU Health Commissioner and EU Parliament's Rapporteur.



- "Well, the Figures on the Health System are obviously very High", agreed from the outset in reply to "EuroFora"'s query EU Parliament's vice-President, Italian MEP Angellili, whose Report on "Age-related Diseases of Women" and Prevention was just adopted by a large Majority of MEPs.


- "It's 9% of EU's GDP, and this is going to increase in the next few years, also because of the Ageing Population", EU Parliament's competent Rapporteur warned.

=> "One of the (EU) Priorities is to Invest in Information and Prevention. Just to give you an example : According to Scientific Data, Breast Screaning, we can reach 70% of Women, and, if we manage to achieve that in real practice, then, it's some 30% of Breast Cancer risks that could be prevented. So, in other words, we could reduce by -30% Mortality due to Breast Cancer", revealed Angellili.


>>> "So, Prevention is Fundamental", EU Parliament's vice-President, and Rapporteur, stressed.

- "But I could also give you more examples, f.ex. from colo-rectal cancer, Cardio-Vascular diseases, where there is a prejudice ; a wrong impression that Women might be not affected, but, in fact, it's 50% Deaths for Women and only 43% for Men, concerning People over 50" years of age, etc.

+ => In consequence, "We have to make (EU) Member States understand that investing a little bit more in Prevention means not only Saving Human Lives, and not only Helping People to age better, .. but it also means Saving Money", she added also later-on.



- "If we look at the Figures, all (EU) Member States, between them, dedicate 97 % of their Budgets for Cure, but only 3% for Prevention !", new EU Health Commissioner Borg denounced from the outset, in his response to "EuroFora"s question.


- "So, (until now) there is a Huge Difference between the two Figures", he observed. In consequence, "let's Hope that the Prevention percentage will Increase", he urged.

+ "Often, EU Commission is asked "which Particuiar Disease are you going to Fight against, or to combat during these next years ? Of course, there are some obvious ones, like Cancer and HIV, etc."


- "But, our (EU's) attitude is more General", Borg pointed out : - "It's : -"Let's fight at first the Risk Factors, that Provoke Diseases : F.ex. Alcool, Tobacco consumption (f.ex., as you know, we have launched Consultations for the Tobacco Directive", etc), Obesity, but also the lack of Physical Activities", (etc),

=> - "That's the mark that (EU) Commission would like to promote in its Health Program, with the little Funds that we have : Practically it's 2 € per Inhabitant in the EU... So, it's not much, but we'll try to do our very Best, with these Limited Resources, (mainly) to Fight Disease Risks, through Education, information, and other programs", the new EU Health Commissioner anounced in Conclusion to his Reply to "EuroFora"s question.



+ "Peuple live Longer. That's a good thing, but it puts strain into our Health Systems. ..You can immediately realise which Chronic Diseases are concerned. .. (F.ex. cataracts, demensia, eye operations, hip replacement, etc. ) It's not that there are mode diseases, but it's just the Ageing that is increading the incidences. .. If we don't Prevent these things, ...our Costs in our Health Systems will, indeed, increase", Borg added later-on, clarifying the Warning that he launched.


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Pierre Pflimlin's visionary line : Honouring the Memory of the man who wanted to build Europe on the Mountains, based on Spirit !



One of EuroFora's best inspirators is naturally Pierre Pflimlin :

We had a chance to personally meet the dynamic and experienced former President of both EU Parliament and CoE's Assembly, France's Prime Minister and Strasbourg's Mayor, only at his 90th anniversary, during an Historic speech at the Council of Europe, exceptionally full of people.

But his energetic figure looked more like a youngster of 19 years old, eager to win the Olympic games !..

Visionary, 2P was, from many points of view :

His daughter, Antoinette, Artist-decorator, and Senator Jung, President of a group of friends, confirmed us an Historian's revelation, that Pflimlin had initially the idea to build all European institutions (EU Parliament, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, etc) at the spectacular heights of Oberhausbergen hills, with an eye-catching view of both French Vosges and German Black Forest Mountains, in the midst of a Forest : A real vision to create a brand New European Headquarters with a big ambition !

But, it seems, that "someone in Brussels" found that picture, precisely, too big for his taste, and threw a spanner on the works...

Pflimlin stroke back a Decade ago, at his Historic 1997 farewell speech :

He urged Europeans to find another, more substantial way, to lift Europe to more important Heights in Future :

- "On which basis can we imagine the birth of a great Europe ?", he asked.

"Certainly an Economic basis ! A solid market economy, meeting also the needs of social justice. A Political basis : Europe must become a strong Political Power, able to influence World's changes, naturally for Peace."

"But I believe that the essential foundation of a greater Europe should be of Spiritual nature : .... The great pacific Revolutions were Spiritual Victories" : They expressed "People's main motivation to live in a society with our Values of Liberty, Democracy, respect for Human Dignity".

"Then, the roadmap is ready : Yes, the foundation of the unity for a large Europe is the spiritual heritage, inspired by Christian Humanism and the Humanism of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, from which emerged a Civilisation focused on the Human person".

"Here is the task to be accomplished. It's very difficult".

"The Time approaches when I'll have to pass over the torchlight. God willing, this torch should enlighten the path of those who are going to build, tomorrow, the great Europe, marked by this Spirit".


(Extract from the Book "Pierre Pfilmin : Alsacian and European", 2007. Texts by Senator Louis Jung, by the long-time f. Director of Strasbourg's Newspaper DNA, Alain Howiller, and by f. EU Parliament's Press Director, Paul Collowald : See dedications, hand-written by the authors, the day the book for Pflimlin's 100th Aniversary was launched at Strasbourg's Press Club and European Parliamentary Association's headquarters, 13 April 2007).




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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