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Haupt arrow newsitems arrow Sarkozy on Ukraine : No Cold War versus Russia when ISIS BeHeaders are around us ! But OK to EU bid

Sarkozy on Ukraine : No Cold War versus Russia when ISIS BeHeaders are around us ! But OK to EU bid

Geschrieben von ACM
Mittwoch, 19 November 2014



*Mulhouse/Angelo Marcopolo/- No Cold War division of Europe when Islamic Extremist Terrorists as ISIS' atrocious BeHeaders threaten it, but a Strong Franco-German core of a much better Integrated €uroZone, and a slimer but larger EU focused on certain big policies, possibly with Ukraine, but without Turkey, urged Today the Top-EuroPolitician who had notoriously succeeded to Stop a War between Russia and Georgia, back on 2008, Nicola Sarkozy, at crucial moment for the Ukranian Crisis, which affects all Europe and well beyond..

  - "If some have nothing better to do than go back to a Cold War against Russia, this means that they don't understand the Gravity of World issues", particularly "when we see Barbarians of another age who Cut People's Throats in direct at the front of TV cameras !", strongly denounced the experienced former President of France, and currently front-runner to a race for the Leadership of main Opposition party, UMP, Nicolas Sarkozy, that Polls, political logic and many People, picture as the most probable future Winner at the forthcoming Presidential Election of 2017.


   - "That's common sense", he concluded, indirectly but surely criticizing the opposite, "Cold War" trend as Nonsense, in a Criticism which was Widely Applauded on that obviously Topical point Tonight, since, according to various converging indications, both in France and elsewhere in Europe, even at the USA, many start to understand Today, that it would certainly be a Nonsense to provoke a return back to the Cold War against Russia, when the Brutal Islamic Extremists BeHeaders and throw-cutters of ISIS emerge around Europe, from Africa's Sahel up to Iraq and Syria etc. While also realizing that Sarkozy seems to be the only able to attract Voters both from the Center and the Right sides of France's political spectrum, as, already, his 3 Brillant and crystal-clear Wins both at the Presidential and Parliamentary 2007 National Elections, as well as at the 2009 European Elections, attest. The 2012 incident being precisely due to the fact that some Apparatchics undermined, misled and even almost muzzled, up to the last days of a pre-electoral campaign (which was marked even by a Deadly Terrorist attack not yet entirely elucidated), his authentic and popular positions on key issues, slyly restricting his original links to the People then.

    + Meanwhile, "Recent developments show that we were Right when, Together with (German) Chancellor Merkel, we had Opposed NATO's Enlargement to Ukraine", he reminded, the same Day that reports about "Total War" warnings had arrived from the Crisis' area.

 This occured a the same time that the World-wide Public Opinion was shocked by the atrocious spectacle of even more atrocious be-headings of helpless hostages by coward criminals of the Islamic Extremist ISIS Terrorist gang, who also Cut the Throats of eleven disarmed Syrian soldiers, POWS, while it was reported that among the horrible, Deadly Criminals were at least 3 French citizens, (who, like almost all the others, had travelled from Europe to Turkey, anti-chamber for Iraq/Syria). 

Only recently, during the last 10 Months : from December 2013 until October 2014, according to the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ISCR), cited Today by CoE's PanEuropean Anti-Terrorism Experts' (CODEXTER) sources, among those travelling mainly through Turkey, to Fight with "ISIS" armed Deadly Terrorists in Syria, were more than 1.752 citizens of European Union Countries, (such as the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, etc, in descending order, according to the respective Numbers for each one among EU's 28 Member States, totalling some 550 Million Citizens in all), 800 from Russia (with 150 Millions of Citizens), 400 from Turkey (with 75 Millions of Citizens), which notoriously  serves as road for Supplies, Money Laundering, Weapons, Recruits, etc. to various Islamic Extremist Terrorists,  including ISIS, who have emerged from -and are still based - at its Borders, etc. In addition, according to American mainstream Media, (such as "Washington Times", etc), several other individuals had tried to leave the U.S. to join ISIS too, (some having fallen in disguised FBI agents' traps at the Internet)...

So that, even in the USA, the recent Mid-Term Elections' surprising results, revealed that the American People were more Worried about ISIS (including on its reported links inside the US, via some among the reported "Islamisation" lobbies activated there in recent years), than about Ukraine... 


    - Sarkozy also pleaded in favour of a strong Franco-German "Convergence" in a Dual Europe, where €uroZone's currently 18 Member States would Deepen their Integration, with main Economic policy Decisions being taken by Heads of State/Governments according to the Magnitude of their population, while, on the contrary, the EU's 28 Countries would Enlarge further to 32, 34 or 35 Member States in the foreseable Future, focusing, at the same time, to certain "Big Policies", such as Industry, Agriculture, Energy, etc, but enhancing EU Parliament by giving it also a Legislative Initiative, after almost 30 Years of Direct Elections by EU Citizens,  (as he said by developing further the overall schema that he had initially presented at the Adenauer Foundation, when it had invited him to speak in Berlin, back on February 28, 2014, after a more than 1 Hour-long exchange with Angie Merkel at the Chancelery).

    I.e, something which apparently implies a sooner than expected possibility for Ukraine's EU Accession, (for which Sarkozy had already Opened a way, as early as since 2008, by officially recognizing  -then as EU Chairman- that it's an "unquestionably European Country", as he had declared, together with long-time f. EU Commission President Barroso, when was welcoming in Paris the former Ukranian President Jushenko, (See relevant "EuroFora"s  Report, then, sent from the spot, at Elysee Palace : .....).

    An almost Austria and/or Finland-like formula,  open to Ukraine's eventual EU bid, but recalcitrant yet to a NATO enlargement, where, mutatis-mutandis, even Ukranian President Poroshenko and Russian President Putin, might, eventually find a ground for a compromise Agreement..

    However the People spontaneously applauded when he reminded his famous opposition to Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, on the contrary, based mainly on the fact that it's not a European but simply an Asian Country, geograpically, historicaly and culturaly, (Unlike European Ukraine), something which doen't exclude at all for it to be, nevertheless, a normal Country with its own Dignity, that he always scrupulously respected,in his Statements, (sometimes even more than certain others)..


    Sarkozy was speaking during a massive Political Meting at the "Palais des Sports" mega-Building, in Strasbourg's Region Alsace's Mulhouse City, at a Trilateral Border between France, Germany and Switzerland, close to where will soon take place OSCE's Annual Ministeral Summit at the beginning of December 2014, which is due to focus on Ukraine, very probably in Cooperation with CoE and EU, as the two Chairmen of both PanEuropean/TransAtlantric Organisations, Belgian vice-Prime Minister Reynders, (a notorious Sarkozy's Friend), and Swiss President Burkhalter, respectively, have already indicated to "EuroFora",  at various moments and formats, earlier.

  On this occasion, the experienced Top French Euro-Politician, (who has also Chaired both the EU, the 1st €uroZone Summit and CoE, as well as the G8 and G20, in addition to welcoming an official visit of the Pope), confirmed also a strong will to boost Citizens' active participation in all decisions of  a renovated and popular UMP party, able to forge Direct Contacts between its Political Leadership and the People, without any risk to be short-circuited by "intermediaries", as he stressed, referring to one of the most interesting aspects of his Victorious 2007 and 2009 National and European Elections. For that purpose, Sarkozy promised, in particular, to open a Permanent and Direct possibility for all simple militants to present their opinions, exchange views and/or receive replies from the Party leaders, through Modern Internet patforms, as he said, (I.e. an obviously interesting Political Innovation very close to "EuroFora" project's original idea !).. 

Meanwhile, he started already moving in this direction, by accepting to reply even "live" to Questions raised by simple Citizens, Members of the Party, in all his recent Political Meetings, including Today's. We must guarantee Free Speech to all Militants, and not fear to hear what People have to say, nor exclude Public Debates on everything that matters to them, because, otherwise, there is always a risk to be surprized by some popular reactions only afterwards, Sarkozy critically observed, (in an obvious hint to the exceptional results of various kinds of "EuroSceptics", particularly among the Rightists, but also from the Leftists, in the latest, May 2014, EU Parliament's Elections), largely applauded by a numerous audience. 


We need a reNovated and reVitalized, great Party based on Values, where f.ex. a CEO can meet and speak with his Workers, a Rich man with a Poor one, (etc), he characteristically concluded, while, in addition, as one of his allies, the current Mayor of Mulhouse City, Jean Rottner, speaking to Journalists, included "EuroFora", confirmed that Sarkozy, during a meeting with Strasbourg Region Alsace's political representatives, earlier Today, confirmed his recent promises, to popular French NGO's as "Common Sense", that he is in favor of Repealing a controversial and unpopular recent Bill which imposed (despite large Protests and Opposition by Millions of People, astonishingly Oppressed in an so brutal way that it shocked as unprecedented in Modern France, and was even Condemned by a CoE Assembly's Resolution), the so-called "Same Sex Marriage" and even "Adoptions" of Children by Homosexuals, as well as, particularly, in order to clearly and definitively Outlaw any risk to see the atrocious "Surrogate Mothers" exploitation and/or the Artificial Procreations of Human Beings, being Massively abused by many Tens of Thousands of Homosexual couples in the foreseable Future, (resulting in a Dangerous control by Technocrats of the Procreation of many Human Beings). The former French President's stance on such topical BioEthical issue, obviously dangerous for all Humankind, were even more crystal-clear in the 2007 and,2012 Presidential Elections, but, in the latter, a more than +5% group of Participating Voters among the "Far Rightists", suddenly prefered to Vote "Blanc" or "Nul" for other reasons, practicaly provoking a facticious "win" of the "Socialist" Party, even if it remained a Minority among the Voters)..


As for the experienced, former Minister, and current President of Strasbourg's Region Alsace, Philippe Richert, speaking earlier to "EuroFora" and other Journalists on the spot, he focused on Sarkozy's anouncement that he would never accept another, highly Controversial Draft Law, that Socialist MPs just adopted Today at the Parliament in Paris, which obliges Alsace to fusion together with Lorraine and Champagne-Ardenne, inside a Huge, North-Eastern France's Mega-Region, whose proposed name "ALCA", obviously risks to be maliciously difformed by competitors or adversaries in .. "ALCA(PONE) Region, unavoidably reminding that World-famous Mafia network Chief at Chicago in the Past ; A Borderline area, as "ALCA" is suggested to become, by sharing borders with other 4 Countries : from Switzerland and Germany, up to Luxembourg and Belgium. - It's a very Bad Reform, which risks to practically Destroy our Region's identity, cohesion and role, by artificially adding it inside a patchwork of various other regions, without any idea on how they will be governed all together, only in order to satisfy some politicians of the governing part, and without even consulting the concerned People, denounced inter alia Richert, while also tabling at a forthcoming joint meeting between representatives of the National Assembly and the Senate, (which had Rejected, on the contrary, the proposed "Fusion"), to become "a 1st Step" towards a Change of that controversial Bill, knowing also, after Sarkozy's crystal-clear Opposition anounced Today, that, at any case, it is almost certainly due to be abrogated just in a few years' time... 



As for Charles Buttner, experienced President of Superior Rhine's Department, located at the Heart of the "Drei Ecker Land", i.e. the Land standing between 3 European Countries : France - Germany - Switzerland, and one of the Political Leaders of Alsace who are the most Opposed to the Controversial "ALCA" Reform project, speaking to "EuroFora", didn't avoid a spontaneous big Laugh when he heard about the Risk to be called ... "ALCA(PONE) Region" by any malicious competitor region in the Future, (while also risking to progressively forget, or Blurr in the collective Memory, the Historic names of the concerned Regions, which are well known until Today)... 


Moreover, new MEP from Strasbourg's area, Anne Sander, a former collaborator of EPP Group's and currently Party's President Joseph Daul, speaking to "EuroFora" at this same Mulhouse event, she appeared concerned also about the Future of the "OberRhein/Superior Rhine" Trilateral TransBorder EuroRegion, between France, Germany and Switzerland, which "is a very good Project", as she stressed, strategically located for Sarkozy's plan for a deeper Franco-German Integration at €uroZone's core. 







 ("DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be published asap). 



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    Before the end of 2009, France and Germany will take strong initiatives to open "new Horizons" needed by Europe and the World, going well beyond the current Crisis' management, anounced French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel, reassuring that both a judgement on Lisbon Treaty by nearby Karlsruhe German Federal Court, and the forthcoming National Elections in Germany would confirm their capacity to act.    

They were replying to Press questions in Berlin, after key-regional elections on Sunday, where Merkel's ChristianDemocratic party kept everywhere a strong 1st and won the possibility to forge a New Majority with Liberals at the largest of 3 Landers : Saxony (4 millions inhabitants), while its main competitor, the Socialdemocrat party fell to unprecedented lows : Tackled by the small "Linke" (left) party in Saarland (1 million inhabitants), it became even smaller than it in Saxony and Thuringen (3 million inhabitants), where SPD arrived only third. While its usual partners, the "Greens" also fell down, contrary to CDU's new partners, the FDP Liberals, who go up.


    - "At any case, at the end of the year (2009), if things go as scheduled, we shall take strong initiatives, showing that Europe needs a Franco-German axis, as well as the World, even if it never excludes other" countries to join, replied Sarkozy to a question if France and Germany will revive the "European dream", by "relauncing the EU motor" for the Future, with actions going further than the mere management of the global crisis, (as it was done fex. in the Past with the creation of the "Euro" Monetary zone, etc).

    - "I am convinced that the Franco-German friendship must be constantly nourished by New Projects", he added."There are many areas of cooperation where we intend to take, very soon, some Franco-German initiatives, which will allow to open more Horizons" to the EU, Sarkozy stressed.

    But if "we don't speak about that now, it's only in order to avoid interfering in important elections coming in Germany", he observed. However, "we have already started to consider the Future with the (German) Chancellor, and what we can do in order to honour our predecessors". "We are already speaking about that, and we are preparing things". "I am working very well together with Mrs Merkel, and I wish that it goes on", Sarkozy concluded.


    - "It's important for EU's credibility that France and Germany advance forward together", stressed Merkel from the outset. "Don't worry about Germany's capacity to undertake initiatives" with France, she added. "France and Germany will be perfectly able to make proposals" for the EU.

    -  "After-crisis" plans must be prepared, meanwhile, with measures "advancing progressively", Merkel anounced. And, for the short term, we must deal also with EU Citizens' dismay since they feel that it's a Scandal for some in the Financial Markets to be paid with excessive "Bonuses", etc, she agreed with Sarkozy.

    - "Abuses in financial markets must stop", stressed also Sarkozy. Backing Merkel's announcement that France and Germany call for an EU meeting to forge "a crystal-clear European position" in view of the G-14 Summit at Pittsburg, he warned that "everyone will have to undertake his responsibilities, in front of World's Public Opinion. particularly those who don't want to make the same effort of regulation as France and Germany".

    Moreover, "Global Trade cannot be correctly dealt, without taking into account also Environmental and Social rules", Sarkozy added, referring to recently expressed positions against Unfair Competition via Environmental and/or Social Dumping, (See earlier "EuroFora"'s publications).

    Such moves are obviously linked to the need to ensure at least an elementary respect for Human Rights by Third Countries, (f.ex. exploitation of Children's work, etc) in order to avoid, precisely, any such Social Dumping.

    - "EU has Values, protecting Human Rights and Human Dignity", and "it cannot close its eyes" in front of grave violations, particularly "Torture and/or killings", added, indeed, Sarkozy.

    Thus, "the time comes, where decisions must be taken". But, in case of "Sanctions", "all International opinion should be convinced of the need to take action", he observed.

    Expressed on the occasion of recent developments in Iran, the same principles should logically apply also to other similar cases, including fex. that of Hundreds of ECHR judgements' condemning f;ex. Turkey for grave crimes, (as Torture, brutal Killings, Enforced "Disappearances", Destruction of Family Homes, harassments and oppressive violations of Freedom of Speech, etc).

    Meanwhile, questioned on (EU Commission's chair)  Barroso's bid to succeed himself for a second mandate, they both expressed a "wish" or a "feeling" that "EU Parliament"'s various political Groups might fix a date for decisions "during September". However, is he is endorsed before the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it will be legally necessary to re-vote anew for a full term of office afterwards, according to EU Legal Experts, revealed recently in Strasbourg the experienced former President of EU Parliament's Constitutional Committee, German Socialist MEP Jo Leinen. And Germany will not vote for Lisbon Treaty's ratification but only "on September 8 and 18", revealed Merkel, ( i.e. after EU Parliament's plenary session in Strasbourg).

    - Therefore, "for EU Commissioners' appointment, it's too early yet, because we must wait for the ratification of Lisbon Treaty" by all 27 EU Member countries, including naturally Ireland's Referendum on early October, said to "EuroFora" the influential President of EU Parliament's largest group of MEPs, Joseph Daul, expressing, however, the hope that a controversial deal with the head of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Martin Schultz of Germany, might hold for Barroso alone, at a forthcoming vote due to fix the Strasbourg plenary's Agenda.

    But MEPs reportedly just "postponed" for 1 week all their previously scheduled group meetings (See : http://www.euractiv.com/en/future-eu/barroso-unveil-summer-homework-week/article-184825 );

    However, while the choice of a new EU Commission's President by EU Parliament is supposed, according to many MEPs' wish, take place according to EU policy issues, paradoxically, this would mean that Barroso's bid would pass before even the anouncement of France and Germany's "initiatives" for EU's "new Horizons"...


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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