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Home arrow newsitems arrow PanEuropa Germany Head Posselt +to EF: Europe's Freedom Idea, Basis of the World order ?

PanEuropa Germany Head Posselt +to EF: Europe's Freedom Idea, Basis of the World order ?

Автор ACM
Sunday, 17 October 2021

(NewsViews express the Ideas of their Writer, and not always of "Eurofora". But We Thank "PanEuropa Germany"'s President, CSU Euro-Politician, and Experienced former Long-Time top MEP at EU Parliament, Bernd Posselt, for sending us for Publication, via his Press Offfice, this Interesting and Topical Question as well as Suggestion, the same Day of the Conclusions for the EU "Conference on Europe's Future" Citizen Panel on Foreign Policy and Europe in the World, that we have just attended in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

Follows, herewith, the full Original Text, in Deutsch).


56. Andechser Europatag: - Europe's Freedom Idea, as the basis of the World order

56. Andechser Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Germany

17. 10. 2021  Andechs.

With the theme of freedom, the 56. Christian Europe Day of "Paneuropa-Union Deutschland" in the Oberbayerischen Monastery Andechs.

Its president, the CSU European politician Bernd Posselt, quoted Paneuropa founder Richard Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, who called for resistance to National Socialism immediately before the outbreak of the Second World War, and said: "Europe is not just a continent, but an idea, and this is "Freedom"."

The basis for this is the conception of Human Dignity, which is widely used by Christianity and Humanism. This is also the starting point for the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Today, the World is faced with a Test of tears: On the one hand, the possibility for the human being to be Destroyed almost infinitely, and in the digitalised and globalised "world village", everyone is more Dependent than ever before, as the pandemic crisis has proven. On the other hand, the common cultural and ethical basis of the international order will always weaken. In Afghanistan, it has been shown in a dramatic manner that the colonial export of Western ...companies was doomed to failure.

However, this should not mean putting into question the universality of human rights, that the United Nations had, at least in theory, achieved after the Second World War. The way out of this dilemma can only be in a patient and knowledgeable Dialogue between the different world religions and cultures. In order for this to be successful, one must meet one another at eye level, listen to the other, know something about him and, as Pope Francis called for, also "go to the margins". He only creates who "Co-works, loves and suffers". If you think this is an illusion, you can "pack it right."

At the well-attended Meeting of theologians Prof. Veit Neumann with the subject of "Freedom and God", Johannes Modesto, who is responsible for the archdiocese of Munich and Freising for seligration proceedings, with Romano Guardini and the White Rose, the religious philosopher Beate Beckmann-Zöller, with the philosopher and European patroness Edith Stein, (who was murdered in Auschwitz), and the Prague political scientist Blanka Mouralova with the totalitarianism concept of Hannah Arendt.

In an "evening of freedom" at the Klostergasthof, Robert Wild sang for the guitar freedom songs, and Francis Posselt of the Pan-European Youth made himself in a confessed literary form as their "courier" to the voice of the Statue of Liberty. Celebrant of the festive service in honor of the Holy Hedwig in the pilgrimage church was the Polish Minorite Father Prof. Zdzislaw Josef Kijas from Rome. The topic of "Freedom and Courage-engines for a Living Europe" was discussed at the final podium of the professor from Rome, by the psychologist Consuelo Gräfin Ballestrem, the restaurant founder and chef Johannes Belling from France, the Czech diplomant Jan Šícha, the youngest district president Hessens, Johannes Volkmann, as well as the media lawyer Dirk H. Voß.


56. Andechser Europatag: Europas Freiheitsidee als Grundlage der Weltordnung

56. Andechser Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Deutschland

Europas Freiheitsidee als Grundlage der Weltordnung

17. 10. 2021

Andechs. Mit dem Thema Freiheit befaßte sich der 56. Christliche Europatag der Paneuropa-Union Deutschland im oberbayerischen Kloster Andechs.

Ihr Präsident, der CSU-Europapolitiker Bernd Posselt, zitierte den Paneuropa-Gründer Richard Graf Coudenhove-Kalergi, der unmittelbar vor Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkrieges zum Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus aufgerufen und dabei gesagt habe: „Europa ist nicht nur ein Kontinent, sondern eine Idee, und diese ist die Freiheit.“

Grundlage dessen sei die von Christentum und Humanismus weltweit verbreitete Konzeption von der Menschenwürde. Diese bilde auch den Ausgangspunkt der EU-Grundrechtecharta. Heute stehe die Welt vor einer Zerreißprobe: Einerseits sei die Möglichkeit des Menschen zum Zerstören fast unendlich geworden und im digitalisierten wie auch globalisierten „weltweiten Dorf“ sei jeder von jedem abhängiger denn je, wie die Pandemiekrise bewiesen habe. Andererseits werde die gemeinsame kulturelle und ethische Basis der internationalen Ordnung immer schwächer.

In Afghanistan habe sich auf dramatische Weise gezeigt, daß der kolonialistische Export westeuropäischer Gesellschaftsvorstellungen zum Scheitern verurteilt sei. Dies dürfe aber nicht bedeuten, die Universalität der Menschenrechte, wie sie die Vereinten Nationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zumindest theoretisch verwirklicht hätten, in Frage zu stellen.

Der Ausweg aus diesem Dilemma könne nur in einem geduldigen und kenntnisreichen Dialog zwischen den verschiedenen Weltreligionen und –kulturen liegen. Damit dieser gelinge, müsse man einander auf Augenhöhe begegnen, dem anderen zuhören, etwas von ihm wissen und, wie dies Papst Franziskus gefordert habe, auch „an die Ränder gehen“. Dies schaffe nur, wer „mitarbeitet, mitliebt und mitleidet“. Wenn man dies für eine Illusion halte, könne man „gleich einpacken.“

In Fachreferaten befaßten sich bei der gut besuchten Tagung der Theologe Prof. Veit Neumann mit dem Thema „Freiheit und Gott“, Johannes Modesto, der bei der Erzdiözese München und Freising für Seligsprechungsverfahren zuständig ist, mit Romano Guardini und der Weißen Rose, die Religionsphilosophin Beate Beckmann-Zöller mit der in Auschwitz ermordeten Philosophin und Europapatronin Edith Stein und die Prager Politikwissenschaftlerin Blanka Mouralova mit dem Totalitarismusbegriff von Hannah Arendt. Bei einem „Abend der Freiheit“ im Klostergasthof sang Robert Wild zur Gitarre Freiheitslieder, und Franziskus Posselt von der Paneuropa-Jugend machte sich in gekonnter literarischer Form als deren „Kurier“ zum Sprachrohr der Freiheitsstatue. Zelebrant des Festgottesdienstes zu Ehren der Heiligen Hedwig in der Wallfahrtskirche war der polnische Minoritenpater Prof. Zdzislaw Josef Kijas aus Rom. Das Thema „Freiheit und Mut – Motoren für ein lebenswertes Europa“ diskutierten beim abschließenden Podium der Professor aus Rom, die Psychologin Consuelo Gräfin Ballestrem, der Restaurantgründer und Küchenchef Johannes Belling aus Frankreich, der tschechische Diplomant Jan Šícha, der jüngste Kreistagspräsident Hessens, Johannes Volkmann, sowie der Medienanwalt Dirk H. Voß.


Paneuropa-Pressestelle, Dachauer Str. 17, D - 80335 München

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3 EU Parliament votes to boost EuroGroup !


After EuroZone Paris Summit's succes, Sarkozy calls to "think anew how to re-construct Europe !

"EuroZone and EU Institutional debates pave the way to 2009 discussions on EU Future, including Enlargment, Turkey etc. ?

23 October 2008

After EU Parliament strongly suppported in 3 successive Votes this week in Strasbourg French EU Chairmanship's move to boost Euro-Group at EU's core, while ideas on EU Institutional problems are awaited on December, "it's an open Question now" if this may lead to a debate on EU's Future, or not, told us French President, Nicolas Sarkozy''s Spokesman, Pierre-Jerome Henin.

MEPs voted on Thursday fresh Funds to support EuroGroup, after adopting on Wednesday a Resolution asking a "further Evolution" to "the 1st ever meeting of Heads of State and of Government of the Euro-Zone, taking decisions in that capacity", while earlier this week a Report asked "a stronger Institutional setting" for "EuroGroup", extended from "competitiveness/industry" to "environment, employment and education", with "increased powers for Political decision-making", according to a text drafted by French MEP Francoise Beres and German MEP Werner Langen, "10 Years after the creation of Euro" (1999 - 2009).

- Brussels' subsequent "EU Council ..(simply)..ratified the measures decided by EuroGroup on October 12" in Paris, which "were necessary to contain the current Financial Crisis", Resolution observes, expressing also support to the new process succesfully initiated by Sarkozy and due to be completed by agreements with USA and other countries at a Global level.

From now on, it's between two differend but parallel moves : EU's delay, and EuroZone's acceleration, that Enlargement and particularly Turkey's controversial EU bid, will have to search its way :

Indeed, EU's 27 expect a "Roadmap on how to deal with the Irish problem" on Lisbon Treaty ratification after December, risking to pass even 2009 Elections and next Commission with the old Nice Treaty of 2000, out-dated and unfit even for 2004's Enlargement...

On the contrary, EU's core launches a real "Economic Governance for EuroZone at the highest level of Heads of State/Government" of the 15, which started in Paris on October 12 and was strongly supported this week in Strasbourg by Sarkozy and EU Parliament.
- "It's a good idea, to launch such a debate ("on EU's Future") in EU Parliament in view of 2009 Euro-Election : Perhaps some MEPs will seize an opportunity", told us mainstream French MEP Alain Lamassoure, former EU Minister and EU Spokesman for France's governing party UMP.

- "All MEPs' debates on such EU Councils are also part of the larger debate on Europe's future : Now with EuroZone, and even more when, on December, Irish Prime Minister is due to table proposals in Strasbourg on how to deal with EU Treaty's ratification", replied earlier to our question EU Parliament's Press Director and Spokesman, Jaume Duch.
Sarkozy has formally anounced his intention to open EU Debates on Economy, Identity/Enlargement (i.e. mainly Turkey), etc. both linked to a popular Political view of Europe, since his Historic speeches on EU in Strasbourg, on February and July 2007, when he stressed that "Europe needs a New Renaissance". At the beginning of the French EU Presidency, on July 2008, replying to a MEP, he suggested that EU Parliament takes an active part in Debates on EU's Future.

- Now, in 2008, "Crisis are an opportunity to re-think how to re-construct Europe", Sarkozy stressed. At any case, the Historic 1st EuroZone Summit of Heads of State/Government, which started replying to the Financial crisis,"is a Turning Point : After that, Europe cannot be governed as before, but differently" : People "like a Europe with Strong Will".

- "We must make the System move !", "Europe needs Innovation" and free political debates. EU "Elections are in a few Months", Sarkozy warned.

He invited EU Parliament to fully play its role as "the Democratic Heart of the Europe we want : United, Independent and Voluntarist, because the World needs Europe's voice".

- "It's no more possible for Euro-Zone to continue without an Economic Government" at the Highest Level of Heads of State/Government, who provide "Democratic Legitimity" and can take important decisions, he announced, strongly supported by EU Parliament's Economic Committee which just voted to boost the "Institutional" aspects of "EuroGroup".

Plasticity offered by the current absence of a special Treaty on EuroZone's Institutions "made it easy to adapt the organization of the 1st Summit with imagination, to efficiently meet urgent needs", he observed, on the occasion of Brittish Prime Minister's exceptionnal presence at the greatest part of EuroGroup's Paris Summit.

- "In EuroZone we have the same Bank, the same Money, and, thus, a same duty for Unity" : "By bringing together EuroGroup's 15 members States we suceeded to find a solution and prepare a Giant Plan of 1.800 Billion euros", Sarkozy reminded of Paris' 1st Historic EuroZone's Summit.

Afterwards, Brussels' EU Council followed the move, and USA's Paulson II Plan was inspired from that. "Europe must promote the idea of Global Economy's Refoundation", he stressed.


- "I was frankly astonished when I found, at the EU, a rigid system, where any New Idea was seen from the outset as a sacrilege, while, on the contrary, Europe needs Innovation !", he described.

F.ex. ,"'When we first spoke about the "Union for the Mediterranean", it was misunderstood as something extraordinary.. When later we had the Russia -Georgia crisis, it seemed against EU's custom to act "in the middle of August", instead of staying a passive spectator ! And when, in front of the Financial ciris, we gathered the 1st EuroZone Summit of the "15", some thought of it as a lese-majesté", he denounced.
On Geo-Political Principles :
- But, by moving resolutely, "EU obtained the ...withdrawal of Occupation Troops in 2 Months !", reminded Sarkozy, observing that Russia "fulfilled its commitments", in the Georgian crisis, where a "disroportionate reaction" from Moscow followed a "totally inappropriate action" from Tbilisi's troops. "It would be crazy to reply by military means : EU should not become accomplice of another Cold War, imposed by lack of cool heads".. as he said.

In future, "the creation of a common European Economic Area with EU and Russia, would also obtain a raprochment on our Human Rights and Democratic Values", added Sarkozy, in a statement which should logically be applied, a fortiori, to controversial EU "candidate" Turkey..

Particularly when, the same week that EU Parliament voted 2009 EU Funds for Turkey's controversial EU bid, ECHR took a series of judgements condemning Turkey for grave Violations of Human Rights, such as : Torture, death of a political prisoner in unclear circumstances followed by failure to conduct a proper Investigation, "enforced Disappearance" of a youngster aged 17, Killing of a sepherd with Tank Shells, persecuting Journalists for articles on "Missing" People, even a former President of Human Rights' Association, (etc)

- "We (EU) can defend our ideas on respect of Sovereignity and territorial Integrity, on Human Rights and other differences ... without confrontation", Sarkozy stressed, on the occasion of Russian/Georgian conflict, reminding that : "we were only 2 steps from catastroph", when a Peace agreement brokered in Moscow prevented, at the last minute, Russian troops' advance towards Tbilisi.

An EU Parliament Resolution adopted Wednesday in Strasbourg on the occasion of Russia - Georgia conflict, outlines a set of Principle which apply elsewhere too, (particularly when EU Rapporteur for Russia and Turkey is one and same person ; Dutch MEP Ria Oomen-Ruijtanen !)

Clearly rejecting any "military solution to the conflicts", MEPs "condemn ..all those who resorted to force and violence". They denounce a "disproportionate military action", "as well as (an) unilateral decision to recognise the independence" of brekaway regions, "calling.. to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the concerned country, "and the inviolability of its borders recognised by all EU Member States". They warn that "EU must review its policy towards" a 3rd Country, "should .(it)...not comply with its commitments", and "stress that the withdrawal of.... troops from the areas ....is an essential additional step".

EU Parliament "calls for the safe and quick return of refugees, (accepted by Russian President Medvedev) accompanied by the deployment of EU observers on the ground", and "regrets ...that ..EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) is not allowed to enter the ...breakaway regions". Moreover, "It's important to ensure that persons and NGOs ..engaged in defending human and civil rights can operate". "Until ...all remaining issues (are) resolved..., and notably the continuing ...Military presence", "relations with the EU ..cannot be fully normalised", MEPS warned.

As nobody likes to be accused to practice "Double Standards", this should be regarded as "Principles" applicable to any Third Country at EU's Neighborhood.. No ?


On Economy :

- "When Financial crisis shook US and EU's Banks, without result from the 1st (American) Paulsen plan, it was the common reply of the 1st EuroZone's Summit, involving some 1800 Billion euros, which started a positive move in the markets, soon strengthened by the follow-up of the US Paulson 2 Plan, noted Sarkozy.

- "Europe should not be only on the defensive, but, if necessary, know also how to take an offensive", he said, brushing away hesitationsto act on Economy: - "I'm for a refondation of Capitaliism, but against Speculators, who betray its values" : "Lack of Rules was profitable to speculators, Not to businessmen !" We must make sure to prevent any such crisis in future". "We, the rest of the World, cannot continue to bear the deficits of the 1st World power without saying anything !", the French President said, applauded by EU Parliament. All this needs "a New Global Governance", on which EU Parliament must debate. That's why "we proposed together with USA, several Summits from mid-November", to which G-8, enlarged to China, India a.o. countries, should participate. UNO's SG; Ban Ki Moon, the IMF, etc.

Financial crisis lowered shares' prices even for healthy companies, sometimes to 1/3 of their initial price, so that strangers might buy EU industries for only a portion of their real value, and Europeans may wake up one day with their main industries sold out to foreigners !

That's one of the reasons for which EU should debate about creating "Golden Shares" for States to jointly take Strategic participations to help European Industries until the end of the Crisis, particularly against distording competition, he suggested, pointing at USA's 35 billion $ plan for American Car Industry."We shall struggle for Europe to be able to build Airplanes, Ships, Trains, Cars, because we need a strong Industry", he concluded.

"F.ex. as we did back in 2004, when as Finance Minister, we bought Alsthom's shares for 800.000 euros, and, after restructuring, we sold them for 2 Millions : Help a company and make money is not so bad"...

As for the UK, "when Ireland announced that it would guarantee only Irish Banks, London City emptied from liquidities in 24 hours : It's the EU which helped to restore the situation, Not the UK alone !", reminded Sarkozy to nationalist British MEP Nigel Farage.


On the contrary, in a last-minute attempt for the EU to catch-up with its Institutional delay "before the European Elections" of June 2009, MEPs simply voted a call for a "set of proposals" to be made for the "Irish public opinion" at the end of the year...

- "As long as Lisbon Treaty is not ratified by all 27 EU Member States, there is an unanimous decision to stop Enlargement, reminded Wednesday in Strasbourg the French Minister for EU affairs, Jean-Pierre Jouyet..

Added to an indirect but clear warning that, without Lisbon Treaty, all 27 EU Member Countries may not have a Commissioner in the 2009 resuffle, MEPS in the Constitutional/Foreign affairs Committees applauded hoping that this might motivate their Irish friends..



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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