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Home arrow newsitems arrow New PACE President Nicoletti to EF+: Strasburg key of University Network for European Humanism Unity

New PACE President Nicoletti to EF+: Strasburg key of University Network for European Humanism Unity

Автор ACM
lunes, 22 enero 2018

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- Meeting briefly "Eurofora" soon after his Election at the Presidency of CoE's PanEuropea  Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) for the Next 2 Years (2018-2019), Michele Nicoletti, from Italy, (former Chairman of the Socialdemocrat Group), practically Agreed that Strasbourg University may, naturally, be a key for the Desired "Creation of a European Academic Network", able to "Mobilise European Universities around the Values of European Humanism, and teh Defense of Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law", which are at the Heart of the "European Culture", and the "European Civilisation", by placing "Respect for Human Dignity... at the Root of our European Identity", as he has just stressed at his Inaugural Speech in CoE's Plenary, Earlier Toda, (for Previous Nicoletti statements to "Eurofora", See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pacepresidentrow.html, etc).



    - After "a Clear Political Call", made since 2017, for a New, "4th Summit of Heads of State and Government", probably on 2019, to "Ensure that the CoE can be the "Common European Home" of All", while also "Remaining True to the European Convention on Human Rights", "We (CoE) Must Not Cease Openly Denouncing any Violation of Human Rights", but in a way "Able to Combine it with an ever Increasing Unity between our Peoples", Nicoletti urged.

    - "Tirelessly Seeking to Emphasize what Unites us", "we can draw Support from the Cultural and Social Dimension", he proposed.

    - In this regard too, "Respect for Human Rignity forms the Heart ... and lies at the Root of our European Identity", "Typical of European Civilisation", PACE's New President stressed.

      - "The Centrality of Human Rights flows from an understanding of What it Means to be Human".

    - This Includes, "Not Only .. Legal Documents", such as the "ECHR", "Magna Carta", and "the French Declaration of the Rights of the Man and the Citizen", "But Also the Poetry of Dante, the Plays of Shakespeare, the Music of Beethoven, and the Novels of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy", he underlined.

    - In Fact, "No Wall has been able to Divide European Humanism, which canNot Trive withOut All of these Different Strands", the New PACE's President pointed out, calling, "Today", "to bring to Bloom ... the Pluralist Wealth of this Humanism".

    + CoE, "as Guardian of European Unity", "must Enhance the role of European Culture", by "forming an Alliance with the World of Culture, Schools and Universities", Nicoletti went on to add in a landmark Speech.

     - Indeed, "the University is a Typical European Creation", and "it would be Wonderful .. if the CoE could be Able to Mobilise all European Universities around the Values of this European Humanism", he proposed.     

     - I.e., "Encourage the Creation of a European Academic Network", around "the Defense of Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law", including, f.ex., "the European Social Charter", "the Convention against Corruption", and "each of our Conventions taking the CoE as ... point of Reference", in "a Network of Teachers, Researchers and Students from throughout Europe", "United by its Efforts to Defend and Promote the Values embodied" in those CoE's Legal tools.

    => "These are Issues", where "Academic Networks could ...promote Research, the Exchange of Information and Best Practices, as well as the organisation of Training PathWays", i.e. "to reinforce the Connective Tissue of European Civil Society", President Nicoletti concluded on this Idea.






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