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Home arrow newsitems arrow New ACAL Region Prefect Fratacci to Eurofora on French+Swiss President Visit+EU core 5 Borders asset

New ACAL Region Prefect Fratacci to Eurofora on French+Swiss President Visit+EU core 5 Borders asset

Written by ACM
Thursday, 21 January 2016

*Strasbourg/Prefectoral Palace/Angelo Marcopolo/-The Prefect of the New Big East Region of France, which Borders 2 German Laender, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium, at EU's core, Stephane Fratacci, replying to "Eurofora"'s Questions, on the occasion of his 1st Annual Meeting with Strasbourg's Journalists, Welcomed the forthcoming Visit of the French and Swiss Presidents, Francois Hollande and Johann Schneider-Ammann at nearby Colmar's World Famous "UnterLinden" Museum's Spectacular ReNewal, and Stressed the Potential Attractivity and the Advantage that has, both for Culture and Economy, the Fact that  the New "ACAL" Greater Region links 5 European Countries' Borders at EU's core, (bringing Together France, 2 German Laenders, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium).

 - "Yes, the President will be at Colmar, (the Date after Tomorrow), on Saturday, I will also be present (even if the Technical Details are entrusted at the level of "Haut-Rhin" Department, under his Supervision), and I think that we shall see eachother there", ACAL's Super-Region Prefect reacted Smiling.


 + Fratacci also Defended, as a Real Advantage for the Attractivity of Colmar's World Famous Museum, (recently Refurbished with a Brand New and Ambitious Urban Extension, that his hyper-Active Mayor - an Experienced former long-time CoE Assembly's and/or CLRAE Member since the 1990ies - had already anounced since 2010), the notorious Fact that Most Visitors reportedly come from Germany, Switzerland and/or Other European Countries, (including even the USA).



Both by its Actual Contents, of Classical or Modern Art, and, moreover, by eventualy Developing Rotating Exhibitions in Cooperation with Paris and/or Other Big Museums, UnterLinden can certainly Attract a lot More of Press Publicity, not only in France, but also in Several Other European Countries, he suggested, pointing, f.ex., at some Artistic Exhibitions which are Culturaly Linked even to the currently Incoming EU Presidency of the Netherlands, whose January - June 2016 Program was just Debated Yesterday at EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

>>> But, even if Culture might Help to Face various current Risks of Barbary, (Comp. f.ex., a relevant, and partly premonitory, "Eurofora"s NewsReport from a Press Trip Invitation at Marseilles, when it served as "Cultural Capital of Europe", back on 2013, in a Publication whose Heading ended with the, now even more Topical Query : "...Culture or Barbary ?": http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eu2013marseillecultureorbarbary.html), nevertheless, in real Practice, what affects even more Directly the People, obviously is Economy :

=> In this regard, the New Greater East Region's Prefect, looked, indeed, Adamant, in his Reply to a relevant "Eurofora" Question, about the Possible Role of that Unique 5 European Countries' Borders' Link, located right at EU's Core :



- In fact, "for the (ACAL) Region, it's a Strategic Asset, it's a Strength", Fratacci stressed from the outset, in this regard.

- "Our (New Strasbourg's) Region of Alsace-Champagne/Ardenne-Lorraine (alias ACAL), which has 1.000 Kms in Borders, and 4 Neighbouring (to France) Countries, as well as Actors who stand very Close to eachother, with an Effective TransBorder Cooperation, is a Chance for our Enterprises", he explained.

+ It's "also a Chance for our Citizens, many of whom are TransBorder Workers", (particularly vis a vis Switzerland, 2 German Länders, and Luxembourg, as well as Bruxelles, etc).

++ "And, it's, evenmore, a Chance for an Integration, inside this European Territory", (i.e. at EU's Core), "which is, obviously, for us, one of our Forces", Super-Prefect Frattaci concluded, in his overall Replies to "Eurofora"s Question.




(NDLR : Fast Translation from the Original in French. + "DraftNews", as already send to "Eurofora" Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be Published asap).




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