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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU Parliament: Minority blocks Solution v. JET-propulsed Irregular Mass Migration via Turkey

EU Parliament: Minority blocks Solution v. JET-propulsed Irregular Mass Migration via Turkey

Автор ACM
Thursday, 10 September 2015

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/(Statistics partly Updated)/- A Minority of MEPs Blocked Today a Popular, Efficient and Safe Compromise Solution against an unprecedented Costly, UnPopular, Deadly and Dangerous ..."Jet-Propulsion" of Hundreds of Thousands of Irregular Mass Immigrants, comming mainly via Turkey, with controversial Complicities in Greece, partly linked to some Networds inside the EU, under the False Disguise of a so-called "International Refugee Crisis", which, in fact, didn't affect Spain, nor yet France, neither really Italy, not even Malta or Cyprus, but, in substance, only the Greek Sea Borders to the Turkish mainland, as recently revealed Facts and Numbers prove, (See Infra).


    The Controversial Spectacle of Tens or Hundreds of Thousands of Irregular Mass Immigrants from Turkey being offered .. Expensive Cruises throughout the Greek Islands and the Aegean Sea, in Huge "Sea-JET" Luxurious Ships, (See Infra), followed by Buses, Trains, Shelters, Food, Clothes, Health Care, Electricity, reportedlly even "Air Condition" and "Wi-Fi" Access at the Internet, etc, (that even many Poor EU Citizens aren't really ensured to have in their everyday lives), followed later on by Huge Jams and/or Blockades in Main Railroad Stations, Motor Highways, Borders, Main Cities, etc. in Central EU Counttries, and a Growing Division among EU Citizens mostly Opposed to a Risk of imposing a Massive Islamization at even more Hotspots inside the EU, and/or Disrupting Europe's Socio-Cultural Cohesion, and those who don't mind about all that, in the middle of Growing Threats for more Deadly Attacks by Extremist Islamic Terrorists against Europe, at the same moment that several Fragile People, even Children, were Drown and Killed during Desperate Attempts to Reach the Starting Point of such a RoadMap into Europe, too often over-Exploited by unscrupulous Smugglers, etc, .. wouldn't even exist, IF the above mentioned Solution, (proposed Today by some Groups of MEPs, mainly of the Right, and strongly Supported by certain Experienced EU Political Leaders : See Infra), was really adopted in the foreseable Future.       


    In particular, while a "Joint" Motion for Resolution on "Migration and Refugees in Europe", agreed among most Political Groups earlier this week in Strasbourg, "asked (EU) Member States" to "allow ... to Apply for Asylum at their Embassies and Consular Offices in 3rd (i.e. Non-EU) Countries" Neighbouring Europe, (f.ex. in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Maghreb Countries, etc), on the Contrary, a controversial Amendment tabled mainly  by the Left side of the Political spectrum, (Socialists, EuroLeft, Liberals, Greens, etc), ERASED the Key-Word "in 3rd Countries" (Comp. Supra), among several  other Changes as well.

    Moreover, the Initial "Joint" Draft reserved that possibility to "People in NEED OF PROTECTION", on the Contrary, that Controversial Amendment Banalized that move by merely asking to "make it possible" for anyone. Even more Interestingly, the "Joint" Draft clearly Focused, from the Beginning of the concerned Article, into "Stressing that Greater Emphasis should be placed on ... Further Tools for the PROTECTION of Asylum Seekers", by "exploring" such "Measures for safe and Legal ACCESS", i.e. was obviously trying to Prevent Tragic Losses of Life, as f.ex., of many Irregular Immigrants who notoriously Died while Desperately striving to Reach and Enter inside EU Countries, particularly by the Sea (Comp. Infra). On the Contrary, that Controversial Amendment, which Erased those Key Words, was Aiming much more to Criticize "the Building fo Fences and Sealing-off of External (EU) Borders", and to Press for more and more Occassions for Massive Entries of Non-EU Immigrants, on various pretexts, (f.ex. "Family ReUnification", "Private Sponsorship", "Flaxible Visa arrangements, including for Study and Work", etc), obviously Seeking to apply a Differend Agenda, rather that of Facilitating Non-European Mass Immigration in general, far Away from the Classic Concept of real "Refugees" who would really Flee serious Dangers...

    In addition, it's also from a Timely Political point of view that these 2 Opposed Versions were Distinguished : Indeed, earlier this week, some Initial Draft Bills previously Tabled by certain Groups of MEPs from the Right side of the Political spectrum, had even more clearly Urged for all Asylum Demands to be, in principle, Registered at first in EU Member States' Embassies and/or Consulates located, precisely, at "Third Countries", such as, f.ex. the Country of Origin of the Applicants (f.ex. Syria, Iraq, Libya, SubSaharian Africa, etc), and/or another 3rd Country Neighbouring the EU, (f.ex. Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Maghreb Countries, etc). This was Stressed even further at an exceptional Interview of France's Main Opposition Leader, former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, (ChristianDemocrat/EPP), published Today, who launched a call both for Asylum Demands to be Registered only in 3rd Countries, particularly those Neighbouring the EU, and for the Creation of a New Kind of "Refugee of War", to be added to the classical category of "Political Refugees", with a Flexible Duration as long as a Dangerous Violent Conflict would be still going-on at the Country of origin, and to Return Back Home when Peace would be established.

    By introducing such New Tools, the EU could both drasticaly Prevent many Tragic Deaths of particularly fragile Asylum Seekers desperately trying, otherwise, to first Reach and Enter inside EU Countries, and only Afterwards eventualy lodge an Application for Asylum, but also lagely Nulify Criminal Smugglers' Networks, as well as Help Avoid the Problems that EU is currently facing by a Massive Irregular Immigration, for which it has obviously been cought practicaly UnPrepared, with European People's Socio-Cultural Cohesion threatened, several EU Coutries strongly Opposed f.ex. to be obliged to import a growing Mass of Muslims inside several Historicaly Christian Societies, and a wide Majority of EU Citizens reportedly Against a sharp augmentation of Non-European Massive Immigration, (especialy as long as even Unemployment still durates)...

    Significant of the Exceptional and Crucial Importance of this Amendment, it was the Only one which had been tabled by the Socialists, "Greens", Liberals and the Left, against the "Joint" Draft Resolution, otherwise agreed Together with the ChruistianDemocrats/EPP, the Conservatives, the Freedom and Democracy, and/or the Europe of Nations and Liberty Groups, etc, (Comp. Supra), but also the Only among several Amendments (the others having been Tabled mainly by the Euro-Left alone) which was adopted...

The VOTE :

    Surprisingly, despite its exceptional Importance (Comp. Supra), it was adopted just by a mere ... Minority of MEPs !

    Indeed, Out of 751 MEPs in EU Parliament, only 311 Voted for that Controversial Amendment (No 1), i.e. a Minority, while the Other 440 (i.e. the crystal-clear Majority) openly pronounced themselves Against, or Abstained, or Did Not Participate in that  Vote.  Even if one takes into account only the MEPs who Participated on that precise point, i.e. 637 MEPs all in all, those who Voted "For" that Controversial Amendment : 311, were again a Minority, while a Majority of 326 Other MEPs Voted "Against" or Abstained.


    Moreover, a visible Confusion which had been provoked in the Plenary shortly Before this Crucial Vote, mainly by  a last-minute Oral Amendment added to a Previous Article, etc., apparently had Perturbated the Voting Time, as it can be seen, among others, also, f.ex., by the Fact that, suddenly, the overall Number of those MEPs who Participated to Each Vote starts to Vary considerably, from one Article to anOther, (f.ex. : 620, 640, 637, 624, etc). While even several MEPs who had Voted "Against", astonishingly were Not taken into Account, and, therefore, had to Lodge, afterwardsn, an Official Complaint, in order for their Votes to be dully Registered and EU Parliament's relevant Documents accordingly Rectified.



    As, f.ex., MEPs Marlend Mizzi and Brice Hortefeux - an Experienced former JHA French Minister, Brice Hortefeux, a close Friend of the currently Main Opposition "Republican" Party's Head, former President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, who has just expressed, in Press Statements Today, his support for an EU System accepting Asylum demands only in Embassies/Consulates of EU Member States located at Neighbouring, 3rd Countries, so that Asylum Seekers' previous Entry inside the EU wouldn't be neither Necessary, nor Legal. A similar Solution was also supported by some EU Parliament's Groups, at their own Draft Resolutions, and a "Soft" version of that (i.e. asking EU Member States to simply "Explore" that Possible Solution") had been included in the "Joint" Draft Resolution, initially Agreed by all mainstream Groups, before being Droped by that Controversial Amendment tabled by the Left side of the Political spectrum. Moreover, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban (ChristianDemocrat/ZEPP) and most Member Countries of the Central European Group of "Visegrad" appear favorable to a similar solution for the Future, as well as various Other important EU Politicians.


    In such a Context, a Natural Question is how it was possible for several MEPs to apparently Underestimate the Real, Exceptional Importance of that Controversial Amendment, to the point to either Not Participate, or Abstain in its Vote (Comp. Supra).

    >>> At any case, what is Certain is that an Additional Factor for such a Confusion was also the Fact that most MEPs apparently ...Ignored, until that Time, what had Really Happened, and what was still going-on about this particular and unprecedented Summer 2015 Wave of an Exceptionaly High Irregular Mass Immigration, which had, in fact, some very Specific Characteristics :

    * EU Parliament was, indeed, Surprized, out-manouvered, and had to Strive to Catch Up with Amendments added at the Last Minute, as far as it concerns the Fact that, Contrary to what had been Expected, according to the usual Practice until now, and considering the huge Difference between a big and Poor Continent as Africa, facing a big EU Member State as Italy in the Middle of Mediterranean Sea, from one side, compared with Medium-Small EU Member State Greece's relatively Shorter Borders to Turkey, often  draining Immigrants from a Part of the Middle East and only exceptionaky of African origin in Lesser Quantities

    Unexpectedly, on 2015, the Real Situation curiously appeared entirely Opposite : The Greatest Numbers, by far, of Irregular Mass Migratory Moves were  coming from small Greece, and No more from big Italy !... So that both EU Parliament and Commission had to Rectify their recently Published Estimations, just before MEPs Vote  on German "Green" MEP Ska Keller's Report about Urgent, Exceptional Measures concerning Relocations of Migrants mainly from Italy and Greece :  

    - Initialy, EU Parliament and Commission had scheduled to relocate "24.000" Asylum Applicants "from Italy", and only "16.000.... from Greece", out of a Total of "40.000"., (See Article 4 of that Draft Report's Resolution).

    - But, Yesterday (Wednesday, September 9), during the Voting Time, EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg adopted by Majority an Amendment asking, on the Contraryn to relocate to other EU Member States a much Bigger Total Number of Asylum Seakers : Not only 40.000, but now 110.000 (i.e. almost ... 3 Times More, X 300% !), and, even more Interesting : Now almost the Double from Greece compared to Italy, i.e.  "70.000" from Greece, instead of just "40.000" from Italy, Altering completely and Reversing the Initial Numbers, in a Last-Minute attempt to catch up with huge Unusual, Unexpected and Unforseen  Developments in the Real Situation, (See f.ex. Amendment No 47, to Article 4).


    The Explanation of such a Sudden and Unexpected, Unprecedented Change, clearly seems due to a Series of many converging events which cleadly indicate that, in fact, the Move had been very probably, if not certainly, PreMeditated and even Systematically Prepared : ..

     >>> Indeed, it's as early as since many Months before, that a Strange Group of Pro-Immigration Activists and/or NGOs who called to ... "Shut Down .. FRONTEX" (sic !), had elaborated and Published, both on Paper and at the WWWeb, a ... "Welcome to Europe !" Sythesis of Practical Tools openly and Explicitly inciting and facilitating even Irregular Mass Immigration from 3rd Countries towards the EU, translated to English, French, Arab, Farsi and other Languages...


    + Significantly, all those Strange Tools, (including a Vade Mecum "Guide", a Map, a List of Contacts Helpful to Irregular Immigrants, added to a Series of Specific Publications also for Each EU Member Country in particular, with much more Detailed Legal and Practical Data, as well as a so-called "TransBorder MAP of Resistance against the European Border Regime" - sic !..), had been Designed during an Important Meeting, a few years ago, held at ... Istanbul (Constantinople), i.e. at nowadays Turkey, (from where Most Irregular Immigrants of these Months are still comming) !...


    Moreover, perhaps the Most Comprehesive among those Country-Specific  E-Booklets (both for for Asylum Seekers and Irregular Ecnomic Migrants), concerned, precisely, Greece, with an Impressive Front-page, picturing Sun, Sea, a Boat and someone looking as a .. Tourist, under the Headlines : "Welcome to Greece" ...)


    >>>First of all, it stressed from the outset, under the Heading "New Government", that since "February 2015",  in "Greece" existed "a New Government ... much more Friendly to .. Migrants" of all kinds, which had "anounced New Migration Policies", including, f.ex., by "Reducing" the "Detention Duration of (any) persons Lacking Documents", "from 18 Months and more, to Maximum 6 Months", as well as its intention to Cease the Practice of "Push Backs .. at the Sea and Land Borders to Turkey", (etc)


    + That e-Book had been already Published on the WWWeb at least since last May/July 2015, i.e. when Hungary reportedly Anounced that it will be Obliged to set up a Protective Fence at its Borders in order to Stop a Growing Influx of Irregular Mass Immigranst from Serbia, through Smugglers' "Balkan Routes", starting from Asia in Turkey.

    But, astonishingly, what followed,  ... almost Replaced, in practice, illegal Smugglers by Government-monitored and paid Agents, at least as far as Mass Transportation of Irregular Immigrants  is concerned (by Ships, Buses, Trains, etc), often Adding also Medical Care, Clothes, Food, even Shelter and free Electricity, sometimes, reportedly, with Air-Condition, "Wi-fi", etc., (See also Infra)...

    => Apparently, a largely Publicized Anouncement, also in that E-Booklet, that the SYRIZA Government in Greece would have already Ceased, in real Practice, any "Push Back" of Irregular Mass Immigration "AT THE SEA" EU External "Borders to Turkey", (while not yet completely at the "Land Borders" : Comp. Supra), resulted in an Unprecedented, Giant Shift of IMI Flows towards the Greek Islands of the Aegean Sea:


    => Shortly After that, More than 351.000 Irregular Immigrants entered the EU via Greece "By Sea", mainly from the Turkish Coasts, compared to just about 127.000  via Italy, during 2015, according to the Latest Oficial Data established by FRONTEX, (Updated) !

    These Facts explain why the Total Number of Irregular Immigrants who enterd inside the EU during 2015 almost is almost the ... Double of that of Last Year (2014) : More than Half a Million of People (+ 500.000) now, compared to 280.000 before... And, obviously, this year, the very Great Majority of those Irregular Immigrants who entered the EU (more than 500.000) came "by Sea" : at least an estimated 481.612 individuals, (More than 3/4 from Greece, via Turkey : Comp. Supra).

    +  But, at the same Time, many People have been Killed by Drowning into the Aegean Sea, (f.ex. from the Kurdish Boy from Kobane, whose Tragic Photo became Famous at the World Wide Web, after a Smuggler from Turkey suddenly Abandoned the Castaways' makeshift Boat in the Middle of the Sea, and left, up to Tens of other People reportedly Drowned on September, including sometimes when their Floating Boat was Hit by a Turkish Ferry, etc)... .

    Not any Other Cause might Explain this Sudden Giant "Tsunami" of so Exceptionaly Massive Irregular Migration during this Summer 2015 : Not even UNO's Experienced Specialized Bodies (as f.ex. the UNHCR, or OMI, etc), who may add a lot of possible causes for Immigration in general, on the Contrary, they seem Unable to simply Explain - "Why Now ?"... F.ex., There is No real War inside Turkey, and No so Big Changes in the Syrian/Iraqi Conflicts, which persist to drag their feets during several Years, as many already noted. But International Observers, including American maistream Media, have clearly pointed at the Fact that, Contrary to what Used to be the case in the Past, when Most Asylum Seekers tried to reach Italy, this Time, it suddenly became "EASIER" than befofre to Enter in Greece, (i.e. ipso fact also inside the EU, €uroZone and Shengen area : Comp. Supra), through Turkey, (which is also a route for Other Asian Immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh, as they added on this occasion)...


    * So that, the Real Political Refugees, (i.e. those Fleeing Persecution and/or Harassment which has Targetted them for Political Stakes, f.ex. who have Risked their Livelihood, Liberty or even Life in order to struggle for a Cause that they believe Good for Society, etc), as well as War Refugees, (i.e. People pushed to leave their Homes because of Mass Destructions and/or Death Risks spreading there by Wars and/or other Violent Conflicts), would most probably feel Frustrated, Upset and Revolted by that Unacceptable Massive spectacle which Banalizes their Tragic Dramas, almost "Drowns the Fish", and makes them practicaly Undistinguissable from mere Economic Irregular Immigrants, or even petty Thugs (as f.ex. American a.o. Media reported) hidden amidst all that Unidentified and widely Uncontrolled Mob of Massive Irregular Immigration suddenly errupting in Hundreds of Thousands  through reportedly Mafia-linked Turkish a.o. Smugglers...


    + As for the "Greek" CoastGuards ("Aktofulaki"), normaly expected to Protect the Greek Sea Borders, a concrete example gives an instructive picture of that Incredible situation : Only during the latest Week-End, their sole activities consisted into ..."Searching and Rescuing" (sic !) almost 1.500 irregular Mass Immigrants, in more than 55 Different Interventions accross 6 Greek Islands near the Turkish Borders, from Rodos up to Samos, etc... I.e. thay didn't neither Dissuade, nor Punish Anyone from Violating the National and EU Borders by Massive Irregular Tresspassings of Many Unidentified Migrants constantly arriving from Turkey and Entering inside the EU and Shengen area illegaly. Naturally, they were all transported to "Tera Jet" and/or "Venizelos" Top Cruise Ships, in order to be .. "Jet-Propulsed" to Pireas and Athens, (See Infra)....          

    Meanwhile, the Incidents in which simple ....Fishermen  discover First of all many Irregular Immigrants, Castaways, sometimes desperately Swimming at the Sea after their Smugglers' Dinghy drowned, or ship-wrecked at isolated islands, etc, so that they alert and push the CoastGuards who arrive only Afterwards, apparently become more and more Frequent... But is it acceptable for Europe to abandon some among its "Hottest" External Borders to the sole "protection" of a few isolated Fishermen ?!....

    ++ Concerning the famous "FRONTEX", i.e. EU's External Borders' Guards, the last time People heard about it at the notoriously Crucial EU Borders between Greece and Turkey, was ... some Months ago, when a Brave Team of ... Latvian (Not "Greek") Soldiers dared to Face some Gun-bearing Turkish Smugglers, in a Hard Armed Clash, (the criminal Turkish Traffickers were naturaly equiped with Lethal Weapons), during which our European Latvians succeeded to submit the Smugglers and seize their Ship, full of Irregular Immigrants. But, instead of being Congratulated and Praised, afterwards, on the Contrary, they were almost Slandered by Establishment's Media, which accused them to be suspected for a Bullet which had reportedly  hit one among the Immigrants, even if a subsequent Official Investigation found them to be Innocent. Since then, (i.e. 1 or 2 Months ago),....never Heard about "FRONTEX" there


    => In consequence, both the young Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, as well as Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, but also several Croatian or French, German and other EU Politicians, appear absolutely Justified when they recently Started to Strongly Denounce the Fact that EU's - and, moereover, Shengen area's- External Borders in Greece, facing Turkey's coasts, were NOT Defended at all vis a vis a Sudden, Unprecedented in Volume, Giant Movement of Hundreds of Thousands of Irregular Migrants, massively entering inside the EU by illegaly and Dangerously (See Infra) Trespassing EU's Boundaries, so that something should be Urgently done to Stop and reverse this.


+ Top ... "JET"-Propulsion Sea Cruises for Irregular Mass Immigration ?...


    On the Contrary, many People were Astonished by the (initialy Veiled, but, progressively, more and more Revealed) Unprecedented spectacle of the Big and Expensive Logistical Support, curiously Offered by Debt-bridden State Authorities in Greece, for the Long Transports of such a Great Mass of Irregular Immigrants, their Welcome and Organized Support for Further Traveling inside Europe, which reached at first unbelievable, but soon revealed Huge Proportions , giving some incredibly "Surrealistic" but concrete Images :



    - It all Started almost Hidden from the People and from the rest of Europe, overNight, right in the Middle of August, and at a precise Day when most Christians were focused on celebrating an Important Annual Feast on the "Assumption of Virgin Mary" : On Saturday MidNight of August 15, towards August 16 (a Sunday), for the First Time, more than 2.000 Irregular Immigrants were Transported from the Aegean islands facing Turkey, all the way to Pireas SeaPort, directed to Athens,  by a Huge Pasenger Transport Ship, nick-Named "Venizelos. (I.e. after a Controversial former Prime Minister in Greece from Creta -a long-tilme Turkish Occupied Island-, and a stuborn Competitor to Popular former King Konstantinos 1st, of German origin, who had Victoriously managed to Help Liberate a great part of Historicaly Greek Asia Minor Coasts, and was approaching even Ankara before being Undermined, inter alia, also by the Opposition of Venizelos, who chassed him away, Slandered, Prosecuted and Killed almost all the previous Greek Political and Army Leaders, and became a long-time Visitor of Kemal Attaturk, the former Ottoman-Turk Empire's Army Officer, who had, meanwhile, seized the Government in Turkey, together with several Masterminds and/or Executors of the Armenian Genocide).



    The Giant "Venizelos" Ship's Massive Transport of Irregular Immigrants arriving to Greek Islands from the nearby Turkish Coasts,, (which Costed, initially, More than 500.000 € to the New Greek Government), had been reportedly preceded by a recent Acceleration of Turkish Smugglers' short-Sea Transports of Irregular Immigrants from Turkey to the Nearest Greek islands, some of them even made on several Luxurious ... "Jet-Skis", each one-way Trip reportedly Costing 2.000 € per person to the Irregular Immigrants !  (A credible Price, considering the Fact that, according to "Washington Post" the current Cost that a Turkish Smuggler asks from Asylum Seekers to Pay on September 2015 just for a 35 Minutes one way Trip to a nearby Greek Island with a mere, overloaded, plastic "Dinghy", went up to 1.200 or 1.300 € per person, instead of 900 € per person Last Year, back on 2014, when most IMIs used to infiltrate into the EU through Libya and Italy)...


    => After August 16, not only "Venizelos"' Giant Passenger Ship's transports of More than 2.300 - 2.400  Irregular Immigrants each Day, from the Greek Islands close to Turkish Coasts, until Pireas SeaPort, where Special Buses were Waiting them for Immediate Transport to Athens, became a .. Regular phenomenon, Routinely Repeated Every Day, but, Moreover, in front of the Fast Growing Number of Massive Irregular Immigration comming more and more often from the nearby Turkish Coasts to Greek Islands, to this were soon Added even various Other Ships, working All Together, in a Coordinated way :


    + The most Important, (and Characteristic of the Astonishing Endeavour which was, in fact, going on, for the 1st Time in History), obviously is the Super-Luxe Top Cruise Ship .... "Tera-JET", i.e. the Greatest and most Luxurious Passenger Ship of private ..."Sea-JETs" Company, (See relevant Photo), which is Specialized in Top Quality ...Touristic Cruises through the Aegean Sea, both from Pireas and from Creta, mainly towards the Most Expensive Greek Islands, preferred by Rich Tourists from all over the World, such as Myconos, etc....



    ++ But, at the Same Time, even long Before it was Anounced by a curiously Delayed Press Release, later-on, as certain Internet Websites allowing to Track Ships' moves on real Time had already revealed earlier), at least 2 More Passenger Ships had almost immediately started to Transport massively Irregular Immigrants from Greek Islands close to Turkey DIRECTLY towards the Northern Borders of Greece with FYROM, by Heading for Limnos Island up to Kavala's Seaport, near Thessaloniki, i.e. without having to cross previously through Athens :



    Initialy organized, Curiously, every Night, (as if there was something to Hide !), these Supplementary, Direct Ship Transports towards the Northern Borders of Greece at hte Western Balkans, were realized by at least Other 2 Passenger Ships, such as "Ariadne", "Blue Spirit", etc., each reportedly able to carry Moer than 1.500 Persons, (See relevant Maritime Map), and obviously Multiplied the Total Number of Irregular Immigrants thrown Each Day, right at the Route : Greece - FYROM - Serbia - Hungary, etc, (See Infra), since, just in One Day, almost 4.000 Irregular Immigrants/Asylum Seekers could be Transported from the Islands to Pireas' SeaPort, in Addition to some 1.800 or 3.000 Directly by Ship to Kavala, right towards the Norhern Borders of Greece, i.e a possible Total of 6.000 up to 8.000 IMIs thrown to the Balkan Routes through Turkey and Greece Each Day !... 

imi__ariadne_ship_nights_directly_for_kavala_400                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ----------------


    * Moreover, most European Citizens have Never Seen, with their own Eyes, the almost Scandalous (particularly in the current period of Financial Crisis, Austerity Mass Unemployment, extended Poverty, etc), exceptionaly ...Luxurious (See PHOTOS) and Spectacular, Comfortable and Easy, but naturally very Expensive (all Costs being curiously Paid by a .. notoriously Broke Greek State !), way in which almost all Irregular Mass Immigrants were Transported, mainly by .. "JET"-propulsed Georgeous Cruise Ships, (f.e. of "Sea-JET" Company, such as the superb packBoat "Tera-JET", and/or the Big "Giant-JET", etc), with Many Floors, Large Terrasses at the Roofs, Automatic Stairways and Lifts, Cosy Lounges, plenty of soft ArmChairs and spacy Tables, Bars, etc. All the way from the most Remote Greek Islands near the Turkish Coasts, throughout the entire Aegean Sea, reportedly Crossing more than 5 Beautiful/Spectacular Islands, up to Pireas SeaPort, heading for Athens, (and/or Directly Northwards, via Limnos Island up to Kavala Seaport, near Thessaloniki), i.e. in what obviously looks as a rare occasion for Many Hours of 1st Class Maritime Cruise, during Summer Time Holidays, that the Average EU Citizen (even less the now ImPoverished, but even Middle-Class, Greek People) canNot Afford to Pay, (sometimes not even once in a Life-time) !



It's not for notheing that almost all those, Everyday "JET" Cruises through the Aegean Sea Islands (particularly on the Superb "Tera-JET", but even "Venizelos", and other Top Ships) were, astonishingly, starting and/or ending 99% of cases .. overNight, even precisely at MisNight (i.e. far away from most curious eyes and Cameras)... 



    Naturaly, this came After having had enough Time to take Summer Sea Baths, Exceptionaly Free to go "Camping" all along the beautiful Greek Islands' long and clean Beaches, even inside Forest Parcs offering Fresh Shadows of big Trees, Healthy Oxygen, grassy Hills and Sight-seeing with Superb Views towards the Sea, Sunset and Sunrise, etc, (while all, 100% of Mytilini City' Seaport's surface had been also Occupied by Massive Irregular Immigrant Groups, all Equiped with Thousands of their own Private modern Mobile Tents, right in front of the Seaside, Bathing in the Water, taking Sun-baths, Eating, Discussing, Washing and/or Drying their Clothes, Resting and Sleaping wherever they liked, (as Not any Tourists might ever Dream to Dare do so !)....






+ In Addition, at the SeaPort, many Special Buses were Ready to Bring them Immediately to the Railroad Station, to catch up Special Trains waiting for them in order to Cross almost All Continental Greece up to Thessaloniki, at the North, where Other Special Buses (reportedly up to "80" !...) were made soon available to Bring them right at the International Border towards FYROM, particularly at a special location which later a Big Hotspot providing Food, Clothes, Shelter, Sanitary facilities, Showers, Health Care, free Electricity, and even ... "Wi-Fi" free of charge Connections at the Internet...


    ++ At the Same Time, elsewhere, quite big pre-fabricated Private (sic !) Houses were rapidly set up in areas rapidy prepared by Giant Buldozers, (both near Athens and at the North, as well as elsewhere in Greece), at certain Locations Near Public Transport Facilities as well as Natural Environment, etc., offering Privacy, Kitchens, Refrigirators, Water, Electricity, and even (according to some Witnesses) ..."Air-Conditioning", etc.,  (most of the times, reportedly without even Consulting, previously, at all the Local Inhabitants, who lived and worked there, so that such hasty moves inevitably stired more or less Popular Discontent, instead of the required Harmony).


    According to Press Reports, all this Costed several Millions €,  and juicy Contracts to Private Businesses and/or various Cooperatives, NGOs, etc, were attributed by relevant Government Authorities mainly ....without Any Invitations to Tender, but Directly to those that were Chosen without clear Competition, Nor any real Transparency, i.e. in conditions which obviously raise Risks and Fears for Nepotism and/or Corruption, given also many notorious Personal Links particularly between several NGOs and Politicians, etc. Moreover, the surprisingly Costly Bookings of Expensive and Huge "JET" and other Top Cruise Ships (Comp. Supra) for Frequent Long Sea Transports of Massive Irregular Immigrants, (often, at least 4 Each Day, WeekEnd included), couldn't but inevitably raise legitimate Questions, particularly when, (by an extreme "Coincidence"), the Minister in charge of Immigrants (also Dealing with Asylum Seekers, NGOs, etc), and the Minister of Maritime Transports (Dealing with Private Ship-Owners, etc), in the crucial, 1st SYRIZA Government, were very Close to eachother by Tight Personal Links, since they were ... a Married Couple of Wife and Husband, respectively !
    Poor EU Families (both in ImPoverished Greece, but also in several other EU Countries, where Many Tens of Millions of People live Under the level of Poverty), notoriously Deprived of any Summer Holidays, with Children many of whom hadn't even had any Chance to reach a Seaside with their Family during their Life-span, Crashed by Heatwaves in Torrid Suburbs without any Tree's shade, Exhausted to Run to Catch up often Blocked and remote Public Transport Lines, sometimes Threatened by MalNutrition and/or Deprivation of decent Health Care, Insalubrious Housing, Electricity Cuts, still Too High Unemployment, etc.,

    who will have, nevertheless, to Pay for all those Unprecedented and apparently Excessive Public Spendings, (Comp. Supra), f.ex. via VAT (imposed even on a Piece of Bread) and other Taxes, Restrictions of Social Programs, Housing/Electricity/Transport/Health/Education Prices' Rise, etc.,


    can be legitimately Revolted by feelings of InJustice if they see even more EU Taxpayer's Money being Spend in Many Milllions € for all those "JET-set" Super Luxury Sea Ship Transports, with superb Cruises among several beautiful Greek Islands accross the Aegean Sea, after Free Camping at the Seaside and in "Green" Parcs ,at areas where also Food, Clothes, Shelters (sometimes even small Private Houses Costing several Millions €), reportedly  "full" Health Care, (for many years Inaccessible to EU Greek People, until a recent reform for a Bureaucratic and cumbersome system towards only a Tiny Part of Health Services, which hasn't yet started to really operate..), etc. are offered Only to Irregular Mass Immigrants of Unknown Identities, Smuggled from Turkey and transported Free of charge by many Buses, Ships and Trains, in addition to Free Electricity, reportedly even .. "Air Condition", "Wi-Fi" Internet Connections, etc. (Comp. Supra)...



*Turkey-imported Mass Irregular Immigrants served by Business usurpating Real Refugees Homes ?!



     + One among the most Astonishing, but probably Revelatory, Facts was also an initial "Welcome" to the First Groups of Massive Irregular Migration through Turkey, at Munich, in Germany, by a Small Number of Individuals, the most Outstanding of whom was an obviously Turkish-origin resident in Germany, who was Salutng them in front of a Luxurious Giant-Bus Waiting for them when they got out of the Train, which belonged to a Private Company specialized in Touristic Trips, but Focusing mainly on Selling Holidays in .... Turkey, and even to an exceptionaly Big Number of "Hotels" in the Turkish ...Occupied Territories of Cyprus !


    I.e. mostly in Houses and Properties notoriously Usurpated from the Greek Cypriot Refugees who had been Obliged to Flee the 1974 Foreign Military Invasion and Occupation of the Northern Part of Cyprus by Ankara's Troops, and are Still, illegaly Hindered by the Turkish Army, until now : 2015, to Return Back to their Family Homes, Private Properties and Ancestral Land, in persisting Blatant Violations of their basic Human Rights, for which the ECHR in Strasbourg has repeatedly Condemned Turkey's Government, with a whole Series of Judgements, already as early as since 1996 and 2001, 2010, etc, the latest issued by its Great Chamber just last Year, on 2014, (See, f.ex. ......).


    => This is the 1st Time that Turkey - Imported Irregular Mass Immigration, (a great part of which notoriously consists from Economic Migrants, and/or Fake Pseudo-"Syrian", Passports Falsified by Smugglers' Mafia : See also infra), are served by a Business' Network which, at the same time, Exploits the illegal Usurpation of Real Political and/or War Refugees' Family Homes !.... (See Relevant PHOTO+Web. Documents).

On Security concerns, (particularly after ISIL/Al Quaida's recent Threats) :

    * In the Current Context of even Explicit Terrorist Threats against Europe and other Countries in the World, f.ex. both by ISIL and Al Quaida's recent Anouncements, one among the Most Important Stakes obviously is also that of EU's Security.

    But, for the 1st Time in recent History, (always because of that Blatant Failure to Protect EU's External Borders : Comp. Supra), Big Numbers of People from the Middle East, Asia or Africa entered and still move massively inside the EU not only Irregularly, but even without being Controlled or Monitored at all, and, on many occasions, even without having been at least Identified, (while numerous cases of "Fake" Pseudo-"Syrian" Passports Falsified by Criminal Gangs of Smuggles, mainly in Turkey or by Pakistanis in Greece, etc, are being, reportedly, more and more unmasked) !.. So that, f.ex; Pseudo-"Syrians", who don't even know how Damas is, and/or don't even Speak Arab, etc., but are, in fact, various other Economic Immigrants or even Petty Thugs from Other Countries, already Condemned and/or Expulsed several times, are reported by several maisntream (including US) Medias who have send Investigative Journalists on the spot, in addition by some Public Authorities, etc.


    Things started to go Nasty, after a British Newspaper published an ISIL Statement claiming that more than "4.000" Jihadists would have already Infiltrated inside the EU, Hidden among that Massive Influx of Hundreds of Thousands of Irregular Immigrants. Shortly afterwards, a German Intelligence Official, reportedly said that such a Risk wasn't Excluded at all, particularly in the current circumstances, (of an initial Chaos about Asylum Seekers' Registratons). Later-on, a Politician from the Governing, ChristianDemocrat CDU Party of Chancelor Merkel, openly stated that Germany and other EU Countries should Monitor and/or Close, if needed, their Borders also "for Security reasons". Other Officials reportedly acknowledged that a real Risk of Infiltration by Extremist Islamic Terrorists of ISIL, etc. from the Middle East, particularly Syria and/or Turkey, would inevitably exist, particularly if such a Massive Irregular Immigration continued still further without really Controlling not even the Identity of those who want to Enter inside the EU from 3rd Countries, whenever they present themselves at EU's External Borders, (given also an apparently High percentage of "Fake" Syrian Passports, etc). But others Critically Observed that the EU didn't have yet the practical means seriously Check the personal Background of all those Individuals who entered even the Shengen area so Rapidly, comming mainly through Turkey, (notoriously the No 1 Crossroads for various would be Djihadists), unless something was done to Stem that Flow and Better Regulate it, right from the Start. .

    + Moreover, later Today, the competent Chairman of US Congress' Homeland Security Committee on Counter-Intelligence and Terrorism, New York Rep. Pete King, (from the Party which will probably Govern America from 2016, i.e. the GOP), just Slamed Obama's claim that US may try to host some "10.000 Syrian refugees" (Comp. Supra), by Denouncing that such a Controversial Move would put "American Lives at Risk !".

    - "I Oppose this Decision", because "We (USA) do Not want another Boston Marathon Bombing", Chairman Pete King Warned in this regard, spaking shortly after an Islamic Terrorist Chief's reported Call to Attack the West, bothe Europe and the USA, by imitating the "Charlie Hebdo" Massacre of critical Journalists in France by ISIL-affiliated Gunmen,  and/or the "Boston Bombing" in the USA, by 2 Tchechen Pseudo-"Refugees" who Killed many Innocent Civilian People at a Popular Rally.

    - Pointing at "the Security Risks of Bringing more than 10.000 Unknown Individuals into the Homeland", the elected Head of US Congress' Committee competent on Counter-Terrorism issues observed that "We (USA) do Not have the Capaciy to Vet thses Individuals, Nor will we be able to develop it in the Next 12 Months". Nevertheless, "the (Obama) Administration is Moving forward Full Speed ahead, withOut the Necessary Security Backbone in place", he critcised. That's why, moreover, "this Decision is in direct Contrast to the opinion of Leading Law Enforcement and Intelligence Officials" in service.


    =>  Initialy expected to be an Exceptional and Isolated, Urgent Move, on the Contrary, this Unpecedented Irregular Mass Immigration InFlows were Multiplied many times, since this Summer, and Finaly, it has become a Regular, Established everyday Practice, for the 1st time in Modern Europe's History, raising also Concerns about eventual Geo-Political Exploitation of such a Unique and Huge Phenomenon  :  

    The concrete Example of what happened to the Greek Island of Lesbos is Charactreristic : In that Big Greek Island, surrounded from 3 out of 4 Sides by the Nearby Turkish Coasts, (See MAP), at First Erratic, but Fast Growing, the Massive Influx of Irregular Immigrants from Turkey "Exploded" since the Middle of August, soon Reaching More than ...a Thousand of Irregular Immigrants Each Day currently arriving from Turkey, while some Foreign Journalists claim to have even Documented the Tresspassing of EU's External Borders to Turkey at Lesvos up to More than 4.000 People in just One Day, (and this was later Confirmed by the International Organisation on Migration which reportedly found, on September, More than + 5.000 Irregular Immigrants arriving in Greece per Day - UPDATED) !...

    Obviously, concerning Immigrants crossing a Long Way from Countries located Far Away from the Aegean Sea, all this would be naturally Impossible and practically Unthinkable without a Prior Knowledge, full Tolerance, at least partial Complicity, and perhaps more or less Active Push, may be even Discrete but real Orientation, in one way or another, from Turkish Authorities, who control all the road accross the elongated Asia Minor peninsula...


    Those same Turkish Authorities which notoriously did Not allow even to Cross the Turkish - Syrian Border to Desperate Women, Children, Elders and many other Kurdish Refugees from the Martyr City of Kobane, who Fled the Deadly Attacks of Extremist Islamic Terrorists of ISIL's atrocious BeHeaders, obviously can't now be A Priori Excluded from Any Legitimate Suspicion to seek to Exploit that Massive Influx of almost Exclusively Muslim Irregular Immigrants, (most, if not all of them, Surprisingly with 99% ..Islamic Scarfs among the few Women included, several even ostensibly bearing Full Black "Burkas", like Afghanistan's and/or Pakistani Talibans, as Photos/Videos prove). While, Curiously, at the same time, almost Nobody reports the slightest presence of anyone among the Various Christian Minorities notoriously Persecuted, mainly by ISIL's exceptionaly Cruel Islamic Terrorists both in Iraq, Syria, Africa, etc., (See, f.ex., the relevant EU Parliament's Debate and Resolution, adopted earlier this year in Strasbourg : ....).



    * Particularly when that Massive Irregular Infiltration Move from various Foreign Countries comes from a Turkish Government, whose real Chief, nowadays President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had been notoriously Condemned to Prison by pro-Kemalist Laic Judges back on 1997-1999, who had Accused him, precisely, to Stir "Incitement to Violence" and "Religious or Racial Hatredf", etc., by making Open Political Propaganda in Public Meetings based on a Text written by a proponent of "Pan-Turkism", (Ziya Gökalp, himself Jailed as Dangerous in the Past, after having, f.ex., written even about Calls for "Red Blood to flow accross Danube River", etc), Focusing on the Infamous Threat that specially Organized Muslim Groups would abuse of "Mosques" as "our Barracks", of "Domes" as "our Helmets", of "Minarets" as "our Bayonets" (sic !), "and (of) the (Islamic) Faithful (as) our Soldiers", in attempts for Power Conquest !...(See also Infra).    

    Erdogan has already been known in Europe also as a vociferous propagandist of "Multi-Culturalism", and an Opponent of "Integration" of Turkish Immigrants, notoriously pushed to live Separately and Grouped in Cultural "Ghettos", while also Exploiting that in order to Infiltrate some European Political Parties, in one way or another, Claiming and Boasting for an ill-estimated Trukish Presence in several EU Countries, of which he tries to give an Exagerated View by organizing Mass Ralies in attempts to arrogantly impress and influence local People, in the Internal affairs of whom he doesn't hesitate to interfere, (f.ex. during the 2005 serious Conflicts provoked in some French Suburbs inhabited mainly by Immigrants, including from Turkey, or during a 2011 and/or later visits to Germany, where he attacked against  efforts for Cultural Integration, etc., while the 2013 Cold Blood Murder of 3 Women; Kurdish Dissidents, in downtown Paris, which still remains curiously Unpunished, raises obvious Concerns, particularly since some Leaked Videos have Denounced also a prior Infiltration inside France by Armed Thugs reportedly linked to Turkish Secret Services : A notorious reality, already revealed, at a previous occasion, by the infamous "Susurluk" affair, to which even ECHR has repeatedly referred in various relevant cases of Harassments aggressing Political Dissidents)..

=> Targetted : Hungary, Merkel, European Identity, Socio-Cultural Cohesion, etc. ?

    + But there are also Other Possible Geo-Political Targets, more or less inter-Related :


    >>> F.ex., it's a crystal-clear Fact that Hungary was obviously Targetted right from the Start : Already, since the Middle of August, relevant Plans pointing at a "Turkey - Greece - FYROM - Serbia" RoadMap Heading towards Hungary, (with the supposed Aim to Penetrate later-on into Germany, etc), at several Media in Greece. Almost at the Same Time, Similar Maps were Published also, in parallel, by the North American Press, (See relevant Example in Photo, herewith).



    In fact, it's mainly ChristianDemocrat Governments that really seem to have been Targetted by the whole scheme, Starting by FYROM's current Government, which has in common with Orban and other Europeans put Christian identity, and/or Human Embryo Protection, as well as Natural Family between a Man and a Woman, at a Constitutional level, the overall move apparently leading up to German Chancelor Angie Merkel. On the Contrary, Greek, Croatian, and Romanian Governments (except from the Romanian President, a ChristianDemocrat of German origin, somethimes near Victor Orban's views on the matter), as well as Serbia's Foreign Policy, led by a Socialist, generally took a quite Laxist viewpoint, whlle most also accusisng Hungary's Victor Orban who faced various personal Attacks...



    However, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Ficco, despite being notoriously a Socialdemocrat, nevertrheless, Backed by an Unanimous Decision of his Country's Parliament, with almost All Parties exceptionaly United on this Crucial point, is also a Famous proponent of Europe's Christian roots and Historic Identity, as well as one among those EU Leaders who are clearly Opposed to any attempts which might Impose a rampant "Islamization" of Europe.



    Concerning First Reactions, in addition to many converging Polls including mainstream, Big EU Member States , (+such as France, Germany, etc), wich clearly show a Large Majority of People sharply opposed to more Massive Non European Irregular Immigration, imposing a predominant position to Muslims while marginalising Christians and almost Ignoring those such Presecuted Minorities, (etc), it's a Significant Fact that all those EU Heads of State/Government who reportedly Oppose the Imposal of Obligatory "Quotas" of such Irregular Immigrants mainly through Turkey, etc, are, precisely, those who have been Elected to Represent the People of a Core, Central-East European Area, a kind of "White Triangle", where almost all Citizens still remain Christians or Jews, Free Thinkers, etc, while, on the contrary, tehre isn't, Today, not even the Slightest Infiltration of "Islamisation" of that EU Populations, as relevant Maps clearly show... This core, Central European Area, (where, nevertheless, Hard Struggles had been necessary in its Historic Past, f.ex. in order to Free Budapest and all Hungary from the former Ottoman-Turc Empire's Military Invasion and Occupation during Medieval Times, while Polish and Lithuanian Allies had also faced the Ottoman-Turk Military Invasion/Occupation in the Past, in order to Free the Western part of nowadays Ukraine, its Eastern part having been initially Liberated from the Turkish Invasion Army by  autochthone Russians themselves, etc), includes, f.ex., Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic, with their Prime Ministers Victor Orban, Robert Fico, and Bohuslav Sobotka, respectively, as well as Romania's recently elected President (of German origin), Klaus Werner Johannis, in addition even to other Neighbouring Countries, such as f.ex. Poland, where there is also a Strong Opposition against any eventual attempt to Exploit the Plight of  Irregular Immigrants in order to Impose on them a rampant Islamisation by Force, against their will, as various Popular Demonstrations warned, etc.. While even certain adjacent Regions of Germany itself, f.ex. at the Eastern side, as around Drseden, Leipsig, Bavaria, etc; appear to have some Historic and Cultural similarities and People's sensitivities, right up to the North, f.ex. in Finland, etc.


     Therefroe, Surprisingly, (but logically), one of the Harshest Criticisms against the "European Identity" stance of "Eastern European Countries", such as Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, etc., in the German-speaking Press, was made by a ... USA Princeton University appointed "Professor", and, therefore, had to be  ... "Translated from English" at the German Newspaper "Die Welt", grossly Insulting those EU Member Countries whose Populations still remain predominantly Christian, without having yet Imposed there Islamic Mosques, (as, f.ex., Prime Minister Ficco observed)....

     * Pope Francis' idea for a "Concrete Solidarity" of European Christians vis a vis Asylum Seekers, looks Interesting in this regard, and, concerning Immigrants' Socio-Cultural "Integration" to Europe, seems more Practical, in fact, that it might appear to some at First Sight : As he explained, it consists in an appeal for Each Parish to try to Host a Family of Refugees, (naturally preferably from a Christian Minority, since they notoriously are the most Threatened particularly by the atrocious ISIL Extremist Islamic Terrorists and BeHeaders even of defenseless Civilian People in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere : Something which might fit quite well also with the Central-Eastern EU Member Countries' main official concern, to prevent a Forced Massive Islamisation).

     In addition to Diminishing the Risks of Infiltration by ISIL and/or Other Terrorists inside the EU, as they have notoriously Threatened, such a Possibility presents also the Big Advantage to Facilitate a Socio-Cultural Integration in Europe, by avoiding, ipso-facto, any "Ghetto"-like Problems, which would Otherwise be inevitable, if such a Massive Irregular Immigration was ever pushed to stay grouped in Poor City Suburbs, provoking a well-known Series of supplementary Problems, both for itself and for other People. (Obviously, it would have to be adequately Adapted to the particularities of each EU Country : F.ex. France reportedly has some 25.000 Parishes, while Germany would have just 12.000)...


    However, there is also an obvious "Quantity" issue : Such a Huge, Focused and Fast entry of Irregular Mass Immigration in such a Short Time and so Suddenly, is unquestionaly Unprecedented in Europe's History, where such a Big Number of Foreigners crossing in a Few Hours or Days EU's External and Internal Borders as if they didn't exist, has never been seen before.

    Thus, for those who claim that this might be a "Global" Issue, Today's attitude of the Obama US Federal Administration marks a Hard Setback : Shortly after a White House Spokesman had reportedly observed that the current problem is to be solved "by the Europeans" themselves, Barack Obama has just decided to Intervene, inter alia, by sending to Europe also US. State Secretary John Kerry, and by boasting that the USA would try to Host some "10.000 Syrians refugees" :

    - But, obviously, if the USA, which has about 350 Millions Population, and already holds both an active Military Presence in Iraq and Syria (particularly via systematc Air-Strikes, reportedly against ISIL), as well as several US Army Bases around, (f.ex.  for Navy in Creta, Greece, and for Airplanes in Incirlik, Turkey, but mainly inside Iraq, etc    ), would accept just "10" Thousand of "Syrian refugees", only from "Next Year" (i.e. from 2016 , See, However, Infra), how, then,  might anyone explain why f.ex. France and Germany, which have only 65 and 90 Millions Population respectively, as well as many other, Smaller EU Countries, should immediately absorb, on the Contrary, .. Many Tens of Thousands of Irregular Mass Immigration, including many obviously for Economic or other motivations, not only from Syria, but also from Iraq, Africa, Afghanistan and even Pakistan, etc. ?

    Even mainstream American Media observed f.ex. that the estimated Number of 800.000 Asylum Seekers only in Germany for 2015, represented more than 1% of the German population, i.e. 3 Millions People in the proportionate Equivalent in the US, (which is X3 - Three Times the level of Legal Immigration in the entire USA !)... Somethinng which is currently TABOO in North American politics, where the Candidates to the forthcoming 2016 US Presidential Election from the GOP Party, generally considered as the most probable Winner, are all Strongly Opposed to Mass Immigration through the Mexican Borders, and the Most Opposed of all, Donald Trump, is currently Sky-Rocketing at a Top High position of Popularity in all Polls....


+ Another Strange Phenomenon, in this regard, is also the Astonishing Fact of an estimated exceptionaly Big Number of "Non Accompagnied", or, rather, "Abandoned" Children, apparently too Often found among this Massive Irregular Immigration wave : Added also to the Fact that, Many Times, several Unidentified yet Irregular Immigrants are Seen, Photographed and/or Video-taped while making Ostensible Demonstrations of a Child Held at ther Hands and Brandished (f.ex. while tresspassing a National Border, over a Fence, out of a Train Window, at a Police Halt, in front of a Bus or Ship, etc), and Knowing that, in general, EU Member States' Public Authorities, Humanitarian NGOs, etc, are enclined to Let Children Pass First and/or Exceptionaly Open the Doors closed to the rest of the Mass of Irregular Immigrants, obviously Questions arise about possible Exploitation of Abandoned or Kidnaped Children by Smugglers and/or some unscrupulous Irregular immigrants, (f.ex. among those who abuse of Fake "Syrian" Passports, etc), in eventual attempts to Manipulate some Humanitarian Values in EU Countries.


    Among others, f.ex., Photos/Videos which show a Group of "Athletic" Irregular Immigrants with pronounced Asiatic (i.e. Non-Syrian) characteristics, Hidden behind one Person who carries 1 Child on his shoulders, 0pening the way for many Tens or Hundreds of Other Individuals who are Massed behind him, following his path, at the same time that some Big Media in EU Coutries which are openly Pro-Mass Immigration, repeatedly "Bomb" their Readers with Huge Front-Page Headline Photos showing Only 1 or 2 Smiling and Sympathetic small Children, and Nothing else among the Various Realities existing in a Massive Move of many Hundreds of Thousands of Individuals (mainly Young Adults, particularly Men, and a Few Women bearing Islamic Scarfs or Burkas) from the Middle East, Asia or Africa, etc, may obviously raise some Legitimate Suspicions for Attempts to Exploit the presence of 1 or 2 Children in order to Influence Public Authorities about what will happen to Numerous Adult Irregular Immigrants totaly Unrelated to that Child... At Other cases, Individuals ostensibly carrying a small Child in their Hands in a manner which reminds more a "Basket" Ball, than a Fragile Human Person, are, afterwards, found to have a Family, with Wife and Kids Safely left f.ex. in Egypt, from where this Individual flew ith an Airplane to Turkey's Istanbul Airport, and Travelled to Smyrne (Inowadays Izmir), in order to Dangerously cross the Aegean Sea towards a Greek Island, obviously looks Strange : Why Submit one Small Kid at so many Risks, instead of leaving it Safely Together with All the rest of his Family, f.ex. back in Egypt, as All Fathers used, traditionaly, to the Past, whenever they immigrated alone, strived to Integrate a European Society, and, then, tried to Bring in Europe also their Family asap ? Most of the times, such too often repeated Unusual (and Dangerous for those poor Children) Behaviors, simply DoN't make Sense, (and can raise legitimate Questions, particularly when even cases of Kids ..."Sold" to Strangers by Families in dire circomstanes among Displaced persons from Syria, have been recently Reportzed)...  + Moreover, the Example of 2 - 3 Small Children, initially Shown to FYROM's Border Guards in attempts to Convince them to let a Mob of Irregular Immigrants Enter the Country, but afterwards, when the Fence had been Opened, those Poor Children were seen Abandoned, thrown to the Ground, while all that Group of IMIs had Run to Enter FYROM without giving a damn for those Poor Children, is Stricking !  (Event Filmed by a mainstream French Media, with an Immigrant Witness).

    Mainstream North American Media observed, Europeans, as all Humans, are kind of "Programmed" to spontaneously Care First about Children, as a matter of both Morals and Survival of Humanity. But, in fact, when this might go as far as to Incite Many Irregular Immigrants to Risk even the Lives of one or more Children in Desperate Attempts to reach and enter inside an EU Country, (f.ex. by crossing a Maritime or other Dangerous area), then, the Scandalous Number of Tragic Deaths even of small, innocent Children, as well as or other Fragile People, shows that, often, some kinds of displaced "Humanitarism" is "Not Humanitarian" at all, but, even, perhaps, the Contrary (i.e. an Irresponsible reaction, or, may be, even Cynical Hypocrisy), as, f.ex., US Media Denounced...


    + Last, but not least, Surprisingly, despite the Fact that most, of not all, of those IMI ("Irregular Mass Immigrants") notoriously came through Turkey, where almost all Syrian a.o. Refugees are generally confined inside densely packed "Camps", surrounded by Barbed Wire and/or Walls, under heavy Turkish Police and even Army permanent Monitoring, (the slightest unrest ou collective protest being often suppressed by the Turkish Police abusing Force, f.ex. hitting protestors with Clubs at the Head, etc. as Photo/Video Documents prove, etc), nevertheless, when they arrive in European Countries, on the Contrary they reportedly Refuse to stay inside specialy prepared Camps, ready to welcome them with the facilities offered by the Host EU Country, f.ex. in FYROM, Hungary, Croatia, etc, but they prefer to Massively rush towards Motoroads and Highways,  Rail lines, or even through Fields, Forests, etc., i.e. raising obvious problems for the Security of all involved.

- MEPs against SMUGGLERS :

    +++ Meanwhile, the petty Criminal Smugglers, (mainly Turkish, but not only), and/or Mass Traffickers motivated by the seek of an obvious Anti-European Geo-Political Exploitation of all kinds, added to various, Direct or Indirect Accomplices and/or gravely Irresponsible Politicians, often extending also in some EU Networks, etc., whose seriously Damaging Misbehavior has already Provoked a lot of Horrible Deaths among the most Fragile People pushed and/or lurred to become irregular Immigrants at their own Risk, (recently illustrated f.ex. by a Lorry crossing Hungary/Austria with 71 Irregular Immigrants found Dead by Asphyxia inside, and by the widely Mediatised Drowning of small Aylun Kurdi, a Young Boy aged only 4, from the Martyr Kurdish Syrian City of Kobane, whose Father had reportedly been over-Exploited at Istanbul, before falling in the Trap of a Turkish Smuggler, as he Denounced, resulting with his Wife and 2 Children Drowned Dead in a desperate attempt to reach Greece, etc), scandalously escape yet any Sanction, until Justice and/or People's Anger finds and hopefully punishes them, as they deserve, in one way or another.           

     >>> The EU Parliament's Resolution adopted Today in Strasbourg quasi-Unanimously launched a vibrant Call to EU Authorities to boost a much Stronger Reaction against such Smugglers, Traffickers and their accomplices :

    -  "Smugglers and human Traffickers Exploit irregular migration and put at Risk the Lives of immigrants for their own Business Profits". They "are responsible for thousands of deaths and pose a Serious Challenge to the EU and the Member States". "Taffickers generate Profits of EUR 20 billion per year from their Criminal activities; whereas, according to Europol, Organised Criminal groups actively facilitating the Transport of irregular migrants across the Mediterranean Sea have been Liinked to humanTrafficking, Drugs, FireArms and Terrorism".

    => Therefore, EU "Member States should lay down Strong Criminal Sanctions against human Trafficking and Smuggling, both into and across the EU", according to the Adopted EU Parliament's Resoloutio, which also "Calls on the (EU) Member States to Combat Criminal Networks of Smugglers". + MEPs also asked to "Ensure Effective Management of (EU's) External Borders", while also observing, from the outset, the Fact that, suddenly, "un Unprecedented Number of People are Seeking Protection in the EU", (and particularly its Richest Countries, such as Germany, the UK, Sweden, etc).


    However, (as also certain mainstream German Media observed), on the Contrary, Europe's Neighborhood vis a vis Morocco and all Africa, at Spain's Southern SeaCoasts and Gibraltar, Andalusia, etc, mainly thanks to a pre-existing Big Fence tightly Controlled by the Spanish Police, etc., astonishingly didn't face any exceptional, Massive rush of Irregular Immigrants at all : Trespassing was limited this Year in Spain down to just 2 Thousand of People or so, (Compared to some 126 Thousands for Italy and more than 360 Thousands for Greece !)...


    Moreover, Nobody Died there, at EU's External Borders between Spain and Morrocco/Africa, (while, on the Contrary, Massive irregular Population Movements lurred towards the EU via Italy and/or mainly Greece, particularly via Libya and/or Turkey for the greatest part, reportedly left about 2.600 People Dramatically Dead on 2015, by lurring them to undertake often Dangerous crossings towards the EU, controlled by Traffickers and their Accomplices). 2.600 Dead People against None (Zero), is certainly a Crystal-clear Difference, which must make all our EU Politicians Think for Better Solutions in the foreseable Future.  




("NDLR" : Partly Updated, particularly on Numbers/Data. "DraftNews", as already send to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version, might be Published asap).


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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.


- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".

- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.


In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".

- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.



The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.

- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.


Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.

Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...


But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :

- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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