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Nobel Prize Karplus to Eurofora on his CoE Photo Exhibition: Save the Memory of what may Disappear

Scritto da ACM
Friday, 15 April 2016


*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- In an Exclusive Interview to "Eurofora" at the CoE in advance of the official Inauguration by the Austrian President Heinz Fischer on the 60th Anniversary of Wien's accession to the PanEuropean CoE next week, Nobel Prize Winner for Chemistry (2013) Martin Karplus, (who works both in Harvard and Strasbourg Universities, together with another Nobel Prize Winner, Jean-Marie Lehn), presenting his landmark Exhibition of Original Photos throughout Europe dating as early as from the Fifties, but with so crystal-clear figures and colors that it all looks as if it was just photographed only yesterday, stressed that the main intention of his famous hobby which has led him also at many other countries around the World, was to try to Save the image of things, landscapes and persons who risked to vanish for ever.  A profoundly Humanistic viewpoint.


'- Eurofora" asked Karplus "what (he) likes most of all" among the exhibited Photos.

He immediately went straight on towards a Photo picturing 4 Kids behind Barbed Wire at London, back on 1954, (side by side with another, Differed Photo of a Huge Brittish Building almost entirely Demolished by the Bombings of Hitler's "Blitz-Krieg" during the 2nd World War, which remained still in that condiction even almost a Decade later, on 1954, as he showed uas later on).

- One of the photographed Kids "had an Expression like this (Smiling), while another Kid had another, different expression, like that, (Weeping), he observed, pointing at a real Kaleidoscope of 4 Kids' moods, (the Biggest almost Laughing, another kindly smiling, but a Third one, a Smaller Boy, Weaping, side by side with the Smallest of all, a Tiny Little Girl, with an astonishing expression : She was not only weeping, but looked also Bitterly Angry and almost revolted)..


By a coincidence, Karplus' move came shortly after CoE's Officials told "Eurofora", earlier Today, that the PanEuropean Organization for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, decided to prepare a Report and hold a Hearing of competent UN and other Officials, Next Week in Strasburg, on "Missing Unaccompanied Migrant Children", (whose Number has, reportedly, considerably grown in Europe, particularly after the recent Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants "Tsunami" thrpugh Turkey, via EU Member Country Greece), because several MEPs suspect a Criminal "Trafficking".


 -According to the Nobel prize Scientist, the Photographed Kids : - "They just happened to be there, and when I took the Photo, I didn't Realize that it would be" so interesting. "Afterwards I said : look at that ! It's so Nice.  One (kid) looks like the "Harry Potter" of the Fifties"...

  - "I have No Idea" about the reasons of the kids various feelings. -"I didn't Talk to them. I just stoped and took the Photo. They didn't even know that I took the Picture",

Even if, at least one among the 4 Kids, might, perhaps, "look at him", as "Eurofora" observed, this could be, "a little bit", but wasn't the case for most of those kids, Karplus replied.

- "Because I had those Fabulous lens of  "Leica"Camera", (German, with a "90 degrees" face-away), "so  that I could stand looking at you, while taking a picture at 90 degrees" face away, "so that People wouldn't know that I was taking a picture of them", he explained, (pointing at a Technique similar to that which is sometmes used by the American Farm Security Administration", according to a supplementary leaflet).

"- I had a Post-Doc Fellowship from Oxford (Unibersity), and while I was there, .... I travelled all over Europe in the  Fifties", Karplus explained.


 - But, - "Why Photography ?", "Eurofora" wen on to ask moreover Karplus.  Isn't that a little bit unexpected from a Natural Science Researcher, while it might be more logical from an Artist and/or a Social, Historic - Human Science intellectual ?

- "As a Scientist, I was always interested in the World that I am living in". Then, ." I was Young, ... I liked the Light of the Camera, but I hadn't done that before", he reacted.


 >>> In fact, "I just had  the Idea of Trying to Recall what, within years, would probably Not be there Anymore"., Martin Karplus stressed, with a profound smile.

=> - I.e., "I Wanted to Save what Existed, but Disappeared", he further explained.



"Eurofora" attempted to Speculate about the possible existence also of an "Epistimological" dimension : - Perhaps, since as a Natural Science researcher, you mainly study mostly Reproductible Phenomena, that you can reproduce any time you wish, almost identical, then, you might have felt the Nostalgy also of the World of Social, Historic or Human Sciences, where, on the Contrary, most Changes are irreversible, and, normaly, you can Never find again, in an Identical form, what has disappeared in a remote Past, we supposed.

But Karplus prefered to simply Stick to his "Save what existed, but disappeared", main line, (Comp. Supra), without deviating towards anything else.  And even from a Scientific point of view, Karplus' main Discovery awarded the Nobel Prize, concerned the use of Computers in order to "predict" when, where and how Chemical Reactions would form "New Molecules", as Nobel's official website reminds, i.e. in order to study somewhat irreversible changes even in the Natural Sciences' areas. So that it's probably the purely Humanistic point of view which would have been his main Motivation.

However, we couldn't avoid a strange feeling when we realized that the Persons' Images that Karplus wanted to "Save" before they Disappear, Dated here from 1953, which Coincides with our own Birthday Year, and that a Friendly CoE's Photographer was just standing in front of us Today, taking Photographs of "Eurofora" speaking with Martin Karplus...



- "First" were "Esquimos", towards the North Pole, "when my Family gave me a Leica Camera", the Scientist told "Eurofora" smiling.

-  Afterwards, "Ex-Yugoslavia of the 1953-1954", from which he got a lot of pictures of simple People, landscapes, etc., as they were then, when "I was free to travel with my car all over Europe'.

+ "Then, I took pictures of my Family, for a period", he added, on the same line.
- "And ...during the last Ten Years I got pictures of India and/or China, etc., which are Changing very Rapidly", with "a lot of Skyscrapers", etc., Karplus observed.

F.ex., "in a 1960 picture from Kailin (NDLR : Phonetic Transcription), which "is pat of Hong-Kong", a Photo  pictured "Chinese Boats, and, in the BackGround, you could see a Small Village"... But  Today, "this Village iq.... Hong-Kong now. It's Skyscrapers !"

- However, "Unfortunately, the CoE decided that they want to exhibit here Only Photos of Europeé" alone, he regretted, (agreeing with "Eurofora" that a "Europe in the World" overall approach, would be much Better)...



=> Thus, Karplus pointed at another Photo, from London, "after the Blitz-Krieg" Bombings of 2nd WW, where a huge "Department Store" still remained in Ruins, with "all the rumble", still "on 1954", taken in a Tragic "White and Black", as he observed.


"To Help People"

After Graduating from Harvard College, Karplus got his PHD at Cal - Tech, but worked mainly as Professor at Harvard University, and more recently also as Director in Strasbourg's Institute for Supra-Molecular Chemistry, founded by Professor Lehn, (1987 Nobel prize).

He comes from a European Family with several important intellectuals and/or famous ancestors or parents, including, reportedly, the Philosopher Adorno, etc.

But, when "Eurofora" asked him what had chosen to study his only Son (added to 2 Daughters), Karplus shot back with a Surprise :

- Speaking shortly after we had, briefly but clearly, discussed with him the fact that our own University Background, instead of being focused on Philosophy or Physics added to Biology, otherwise Political Science and/or Sociology, according to our Initial preferences, in fact, finaly it turned towards Legal Studies, that we had tried to treat not only as a useful Technology, but also as a specific Science, (while, on the contrary, our Son chose Natural Sciences, and particularly Physics, teaching now also Chemistry, at the other side of the Globe), he unexpectedly fired exactly at the direction of that precise point :

- My Son chose to Study "Law", here, "in Strasbourg", the American 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry told us in reply. "Now he works at New York".

- "Law ? Why Law ?", "Eurofora", sincerely astonished, went on to ask Karplus.

- "The reason for which he studied Law, is In order to Help People !", he proudly replied, defending his Son's personal choice, with a smile.

"Eurofora", obviously, was Glad to find that we had, at least, one ...inversed (or "a contrario") symetric affinity or relation with a prestigious Nobel prize winner : Karplus had studied Natural Sciences, while his only Son had chosen Law, and we had studied Law, while our only Son has chosen Natural Sciences !

But, that's not enough in orderto get a Nobel...  Is it ?


Martin Karplus' Exhibition is sponsored by Austria and CoE, on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary since the Accession of Wien to the CoE, back on "April 1956", as a Young Austrian Diplomat kindly reminded to "Eurofora", since he was "Born in Austria", (as he proudly revendicated Today himself), from which his Family had been obliged to emigrate in Switzerland, France, and finaly at the USA, immediately after the "Anschluss" by Hitler's NAZI regime.

But a 1953 dated Photograp, after the End of the 2nd World War and while even the "Cold War" was approaching at its end, shows a Ship with a Young Girl heading to Europe, with the Name "Liberty" at the Forefront :

- "This was, indeed, the Name of that Ship", modestly replied on 2016 Karplus to an "Eurofora" Question, keeping always a sober profile, despite the often Spectacular appearance of his Photos...


With crystal-clear outlines and vivid, natural Colors, Karplus' Photographs from the Fifties look as if they were taken just Yesterday. According to an Experienced CoE's Photographer, this would be due to the Excellent performance of the "Leica" Camera, which has a History of "2 Centuries" in Germany. "Kodachrome Film" added "a Vibrant Life intro the scenes", concludes an official presenation of this landmark Exhibition which pictures, indeed, a Human and Social History of Europe, trying to Save the Memory of an era which has gone since long, while also giving an opportunity to realize the dimension of what has Changed in our "Modern" European Times.







("DraftNews", as already send to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be Published asap).


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    Scientific innovation joined to Faith for Human Rights, Eastern Partnership and fight against the Crisis, but above all, the need to overcome the "Crisis of Trust" from EU Citizens, are the main priorities for new EU Parliament's President, Polish Jerzy Buzek, that a 555-votes-strong majority of MEPs on July 14,  Strasbourg made a living symbol of the fact that, 20 years after the fall of Berlin Wall (1989 - 2009) there is no more an Eastern or Western Europe, but only one Europe, as the head of the largest group of MEPs, ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Joseph Daul, stressed after the event.

    Speaking later to a group of Strasbourg's Journalists, including "EuroFora", the new EU Parliament's President clarified his stance on concrete topical issues, as f.ex. that of Turkey's controversial EU bid, which was one of the main issues of the June 2009 Electoral campain, clearly won by his party of ChristianDemocrats/EPP :  - "At present, Turkey does not fullfil none of EU conditions", he stressed, (See infra).


    Buzek is well known in Strasbourg and to "EuroFora" as EU Rapporteur for the Framework Program of Scientific Research and Development of Technologies. A Natural Science Professor from the Historic and Religious landmark Polish City of Częstochowa, active in the famous Solidarnosk grass-roots social movement, he served 4 years as Prime Minister (1997-2001), before being elected as MEP in 2004 and 2009, after he brillantly won the latest EU Election at the head of his party (EPP) almost doubling the number of its MEPs from 15 to 28 !

    - "Innovation" and "Energy safety", as well as fight against the "Cimat change", but also "Eastern Partnership", the "Mediterranean", "Strategic partnerships" with Russia, the USA, etc, and the search for "solutions to the Economic Crisis" that EU Citizens "expect" from us, will be his "priorities", announced from the outset the new EU Parliament's President, reminding also that the quest for "Human and Civic Rights" played an important role in his experience with the Solidarnosc grass-roots social movement in Poland's History

    But, the most important of all, is the urgent need to overcome the "Crisis of Trust" between EU Institutions and the People he stressed : - EU "Citizens often don't understand us", denounced Buzek, launcing a call to "do anything for EU Citizens to understand our work" in EU Parliament : "We (MEPs) need to make EU Citizens involved" in "what we are doing every week, in Strasbourg and Brussels", he proposed. Pointing f.ex. to the hot "Debates" with "strong arguments" exchanged between MEPs during the preparation of their Legislative Decisions, in Committees, delivering often hard struggles between initially opposed points of view, long before forging a majority at the final vote, sometimes more than a year..

    Therefore, EU Parliament will be "open to your criticism, for discussion and exchange of views", he promissed to Journalists in Strasbourg.

    In this way, Buzek, in fact, highlighted "EuroFora"s main idea, that we strongly advocate since 1997-2007, to systematicaly and actively involve EU Citizens in public debates during the decision-making process of important EU measures, which affect their lives and the society in which they live, (and not only just a few weeks each 4 or 5 Years at the eve of EU Elections)...
    This is related also to the symbolic gift that Buzek chose to give to the out-going former EU Parliament's President, Hans Gert Poettering, (2007-2009), his collegue in the ChristianDemocrats/EPP, who brillantly won 2009 EU Elections in Germany : A genuine statute of sainte Barbara crafted in Silesia's black Coal by Polish Miners : Those simple but strong people who fought for social change against some technocrats and bureaucrats disguissed into so-called "real-socialists" of old times. (PHOTO).

    It's enough to have seen a popular open air mass, at Warsaw's center, with many thousands of people, old and young, simple workers and intellectuals mixed together, with references to Poland's history and struggles for survival and liberty, through various ages, (as fex. that organized at the eve of CoE's 2005 panEuropean Heads of State and Government for the beatification of late Pope John-Paul II), in order to understand what such symbols mean..


    But, overcoming the "Crisis of Trust" with EU Citizens obviously implies also to rectify any errors done in the past, fex. on Turkey's controversial EU bid, with controversial decisions taken in 1999 and 2004 to give a "candidate" status and to start EU negotiations, provoking an unprecedented series of 3 "No" to EuroReferenda and 3 Majoriy Abstentions in EU Parliament Elections : 1999, 2005 and 2009, (even if the latest one succeeded to decelerate and almost stop the drop of participation rates, opening hopes for vote's revival after an electoral campaign clearly critical to Turkey's claims in several mainstream EU countries)
    Therefore, Buzek was faced with manifold critical Questions on EU Enlargement, most of them citting concrete examples of certain political problems  :  But his replies were almost always given as a matter of general principle :

    F.ex. Questioned on the suspension of EU - Croatia talks because of a Border conflict with EU Member Slovenia, Buzek prefered to speak about principles :

- "We know that during Enlargement, the process can be blocked by failure to resolve this kind of issues",  This concerns also other enlargments' cases", and "these rules are always in force" he warned.

But Buzek avoided to directly reply to a queston on "French and German EPP' calls to define the Borders of Europe", as a German journalist asked him by making a reference to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and German Chancellor Angie Merkel's, critical statements on Turkey at the June 2009 Electoral campain.    

- "Concerning Enlargement, there's always the same rules : There have to be Criteria, which have to be respected if a Country wants to join the EU", he started to simply reply.

- "For my country (Poland) it took us 15 Years to fullfil these Criteria", Buzek reminded, indicating, if proportions are kept, that Turkey, fex. would have to spend some 25 years before eventually joining the EU..

- "Countries wishing to join the EU need to Change their Systems", as we (Poland and other former Eastern European Countries) did, he stressed.

- "'For me, meeting the condition of Human Rights is one of the Key conditions for membership in the EU", preferring again to speak from the point of view of General Principles, on the occasion of an untimely question on Serbia (which is not even a candidate yet)...

- "Turkey" has, "first of all", to fullfil (EU) Copenhagen criteria". Bevause, currently, none of them is fullfiled by Turkey", New EU Parliament's President, denounced, speaking later to a group of Journalists, including "EuroFora".


In particular, on Human Rights :  - "We (EU) can never forget Human Rights", because "this is at the very Foundations of the EU", Buzek added.

On the contrary, when he referred to EU Enlargment for the  "Western Balkans Countries ", Buzek appeared upbeat, finding "promising situations", despite "difficulties" in the Past, since "Countries are queuing to become EU members", and this "generated changes", as he said.

As for Russia, Buzek observed that it was a "very important" country, located "in the same Continent", Europe,  "close to our borders", and "we need eachother". "But Russia' has 'differend poblems : "They claim that their system is Democratic, but rules are differend", and we must be "aware of such differencies", fex. "on Human Rights", that we can't ignore, as he said;

Concerning China, where a journalist observed that the recipient of EU Parliament's latest "Sakharov prize" for freedom of thought is "still in prison", Buzek found that since the 1999 events in Tien Amin square, "we see differencies on Human Rights still today", and expressed his "support" for those who try to ameliorate the situation.

On the contrary, speaking recently to "EuroFora" he strongly supported the idea for an EU - Ukraine cooperation, fex. between Airbus and Antonov, in order to build a  less costly but more performant than the old and problematic A400M, new Military Transport Airplane : - "They (Ukranian Antonov Company) can certainly do it. I'm sure they can. It's a good Idea, and I'd be glad if it was done", he told us. (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/airbusantonov.html )



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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