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Accueil arrow newsitems arrow French Economy Minister Le Maire to EF+ on €uroZone Pact for Growth/Innovation, in Wider EU Overhaul

French Economy Minister Le Maire to EF+ on €uroZone Pact for Growth/Innovation, in Wider EU Overhaul

Ecrit par ACM
vendredi, 06 septembre 2019

*Strasbourg/Euro-Fair/Angelo Marcopolo/- Speaking to Journalists, including "Eurofora", at a Press-point during the Inauguration of Strasbourg's 2019 popular EuroFair, experienced French Minister of Economy and Finances, Bruno Le Maire stressed Mainly the Need to Boost Growth and Innovation in €uroZone, in the Context of a Wider Critical Review of EU's Potential and Shortcomings, which must be overcome asap, in his domain, in order to Become Able to Efficiently Face Both Economic and Political Challenges in the forseeable Future, as he said Earlier in his Official Speech, largely attended, at Strasbourg's ReNovated Palace for Congresses and Music, near EU Parliament.


 - Just After Saluting kindly "Eurofora", Bruno Le Maire noted, at his "Press Point", that he "came in Strasbourg to speak about European Issues, because there is a major Challenge that we have to face : the current  weakness of Growth in the €uroZone".

- "That's why we have made certain Proposals, (together with President Macron), and mainly to launch a Pact for Growth in €uroZone, for more Prosperity and Jobs thoughout all Member Countries of €urozone".  

- In this regard, "Each one should act in a Responsible way :"

-  I.e., "those who have to Restore their Public Finances, should restore them. That's the 1st Pillar".

- "Those who should make Structural Reforms, they do make them : That's the 2nd Pillar, and that's what we are doing nowadays in France, by Multiplying the Structural Reforms which ameliorate the Competitivity of our Economy", as he said-

- "Then, the 3rd Pillar, it's for those who have Budgetary Leeways, (Margins/Playing Field), with their Public Finances Balanced : They should immediately make More Investments, on Innovation, Research, New Technologies, in order to allow to all €uroZone to get more Impetus in Economy, and, therefore, become more Prosperous"

+ In Fact, "it's Not Only Economy, which is at Stake. It's Also the Political life which is at Stake", he Warned :

- F.ex. "if, Today, Populists are Booming in Europe, it's Also Because we doN't bring yet Sufficient Replies, to our Citizens, concerning the Economy", i.e., "Prosperity, Employment, Purchasing power, (etc), that they Rightfully Expect"...

>>> Indeed, "we caN't claim that <<Europe is the Solution>>, and", at the same time, "doN't make any Move, when Growth in Europe is close to Zero !", he criticized.

=> That' why, "France is at the ForeFront of all those States which want More Growth, and advances Proposals, which, naturaly, are to be Discussed. They are not a "Revealed (Divine) Truth", but, at least, let's Discuss them Together",

"and let's do it during the Next Meeting of €uroZone's Economy/Finances' Ministers at Helsinki", (on September 13-14, 2019),

in order to say What Collective Decisions we must take, Nowadays, We, i.e. the 19 Member States of €uroZone, in order to have More Growth", he announced.

+ It's in this Context, that the French Minister also told "Eurofora", that more concrete matters concerning, f.ex., the Development of certain Key "Digital" Technologies, should be considered "Later-On", during the following steps, in the forseeable Future.


-"Eurofora"s relevant Question meant to point at the Topical and Strategic Issue of Smart-Phones' Operating Systems (OS) in a Fast-Growing Global Market, where the Recent Quarrel between USA's "Adroid" OS dominated by "Google", and Chinese "Huawei" Telecom Giant, which notoriously led the Latter to Start Launching an Alternative OS, "Harmony", was Both an Opportunity and a Challenge, for France and all Europe to, at last, Prepare and Launch also an Independent, European SmartPhones' brand New OS, as a matter of Economy, but also "Digital Sovereignity", and Strategic Technology Development, given France and Other EU Countries' (f.ex. Scandinavian, etc) Capabilities in certain Software products.

- Following that, surprisingly, even Bruno Le Maire's experienced Press Spokesman, told "Eurofora" that, in his view, France and all Europe didn't seem to have yet any Really Developed and Competitive products in That key Area, at least Until Now. But, in Fact, already since the October 2013 EU Summit in Brussels, i.e. just When the World-Famous Eduard Snowden-revealed Scandal of Global Surveillance, by USA's Digital Monitoring, of all SmartPhones and other Internat Data in the World, including Europe, had just erupted, the mainstream German Medias, (as, f.ex., the Newspaper "Die Welt", etc), in a Ground-Breaking Attempt to systematically Search and Promote various Relevant Independent European, Alternative Digital products, a priori Considered to have a Good Potential and More Safety, they included, on the Key Issue of Smart-Phones OS, mainly a ...French Company's Software, nick-named "Lin-Phone", already produced at Grenoble, on the Basis of the European Computer OS "Linux", inviting to Use and Support its further development !...



+ In Wider, and more Fundamental Terms, Bruno Le Maire had Focused, Today in Strasbourg, from the Outset, at "the European Project", which should, as he said, "Respect its Nations" and "Better Coordinate" them, as well as be "Re-Founded" in order to "Become Stronger", since "the Status Quo is Impossible Today", particularly when "Giants like f.ex. China" are emerging at a Global Horizon.

- In such conditions, when we see, f.ex., that some inside EU Commission committed such "Strategic Errors" as to "Refuse us the Project of Alsthom and Siemens" Fusion on High-Speed Trains, (for so-called "Competition" claims inside the EU), it becomes Evident that things Must Change, he Denounced. Indeed, "Eurofora" remembers well a Recent period, when France and Germany were still in Competition between them on Selling such High Speed Trains' technology to China, (Comp., f.ex., relevant Statements of a French Presidential Counselor, from Elysee Palace, to "Eurofora", during 10/2012 EU Summit in Brussels, at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchpresidentsdipomaticadvisoronchina.html, etc), while Nowadays, it is ...China itself which Exports, even towards Europe, such High Speed Trains, having, Meanwhile, developed its own Huge Business, which threatens to Become the Biggest in the World, as Bruno Le Maire has also Earlier pointed out at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/taxgafaandbuildeudigitaltech.html, etc).

- He added, to that, even the Different, but almost Synchronous, Issue of "Solar Panels", where China also Bypassed recently Europe, after some in EU Commission reportedly left the EU Producers without protection : - "They told us that France, Germany and Italy should not Subsidize our Producers of Solar Panels, while, at the Same Time, China and USA were heavily subsidizing their businesses", he Denounced.

- "We (EU) have to Review our Competition Rules, in order to allow to European Businesses to Face the Giant Chinese or American competitors" at a Global level, he stressed, on these occasions. "We are in favour of Free Trade Rules, but they should be applied in Terms of Reciprocity, f.ex. concerning on Markets' Opening to Competition", the French Minister added.



=> More Generally, Fustigating the "Hesitations to Decide", inside some EU Institutions, including EU Parliament, Bruno Le Maire Criticized a Trend to hold "Long Talks, Time Consuming Discussions, withOut Reaching the required Decisions", (something which feeds "EuroScepticism", as he said), and Launched a Call for the EU for "Less Discussions, but More Decisions !"

>>> A Topical Example is that of the so-called "Digital Tax", particularly on some Foreign, Multi-National Companies at the Internet, which "have Not Employees, Neither Installations in Europe", But Ripe remotely the abundant Original Digital Data that they Find Here, "Making several Billions $ of Profits", "WithOut Paying for Taxes in Europe but Only a Few Cents !", as he Denounced.

- "We (EU) are Talking about that During More than 2 Years !" And, Inside EU Council, we've arrived at a (Big) Majority of 24 Member States against Only 4". However, the only "Result is : No Decision !"...

=> In consequent, "the Time has Come to Pass from Unanimity to Qualified Majority" in EU's Decision-Making, "so that the Majority bypasses a Minority", he Urged, largely Applauded, by a Numerous Audience in Strasbourg's "PMC" Center.

+ Even Worse is "an Incapacity to Coordinate and Take the necessary Collective Decisions : F.ex., "the 19 €uroZone's Member States, canNot be Satisfied by a Situation withOut enough Growth and/or Employment", nowadays.

=> Therefore, "I Proposed, and will ANew Propose, Next Week, at Helsinki('s Ministerial EU Meeting) an €uroZone Pact", the French Minister announced.

- Indeed, "Whoever thinks that We (myself and my Collegues) would stay withOut Doing Anything, to Only Watch the Growth Falling Down, Jobs to be Destroyed, with a Low Inflation, and Negative (sic !) Interest Rates, WithOut Proposing Nothing to Boost the European Growth, and create Prosperity in Europe, has got it Wrong !", he warned.

- Because, in fact, "We have the Will, and are Determined to Persist in proposing Solutions against such a Lack of Impetus at nowadays €uroZone's Economy, which Harms Everybody involved", he stated Firmly.

 - "The Ways that we are proposing, are Far from Any Irresponsible act : On the Contrary, they point Sharply at the Responsibilities of Each one : F.ex., those Countries which have to Put in Order their Public Finances, they Must Do so. That's the case also for France". "The 2nd Pillar of these Proposals is to say that Those Countries of €urozone, which, despite Belonging in the most Prospere Region of the World, are No More Competitive, Must, Now, Make all those Structural Reforms and Transformations which would allow them to Gain in Competitivity : That's what We have been Doing in France, Since 2 Years now", (f.ex., in Taxing Jobs, or Capital, in Education, Qualifications, etc), in order to Face that Challenge. And there is also a 3rd Pillar, which, apparently, has some more Difficulties to be accepted, for those Countries which have a Budgetary margin of manouvre (i.e. larger Surplus), particularly Germany, should Invest More".

- In fact, "it's Germany's Interest to Invest more in Europe. Otherwise, What's the use to have a Balanced Budget, if your Growth Weakens", since "your Neighbouring European Countries canNot Benefit from Your Economic Impetus ?", he Wondered, (F.ex. provoking Less Exports to Impoverished Countries of its neighbourhood, etc). "I wish that Germany, and All Member States which have that Budgetary Margins, Invest More, in the Months and Years to come, Because, more Innovations, Investments and Growth, would Not Only develop a more Dynamic Economy, but also Face the Political Challenge of Populism growing all over Europe", he urged.


- However, as "accross several Other EU Countries, there might be, more or less, Political Instability, Chaos, or Complicated Alliances, etc, nevertheless, Countries which have a Stable Political Situation, and Solid Institutions, as France, have a particular Responsibility", Bruno Le Maire added. Indeed, while "Other Nations Faced various Crisis or Difficalties, on the Contrary, we (France) remained Steady : It's Our Number 1 Advantage in Europe", he stressed, pointing to De Gaulle's Presidential Constitutional System since 1958, Strengthened even further by Jacques Chirac's 2002 Reform (which practically Excluded shaky "Co-Habitations" between Politically Opposed Parties).

=> "We should put that at the Service of our Compatriots, as well as of our Mission in Europe, he concluded in his official Speech.


+ Questioned, Later, on the foreseeable Future of Strasbourg's Euro-Fair, during a subsequent Press-Point, Bruno Le Maire, (who has Studied and Worked in the Past in Strasbourg, as he reminded), found that Such Events are even more Necessary Today, in the Digital era, than ever !"

- "I don't believe in DesIncarnated Societies. People need to be able to Meet Together, Shake Hands, Speak to eachother, and hold a Dialogue. That's what such Euro-Fairs are made for, and Strasbourg is a good Meeting Place. People can speak and exchange about Perspectives in Economy, Jobs, etc., according to Alsacian (Strasbourg's Area) Traditional Culture of conviviality, that France (and Europe) still Need Today", he concluded,

- before Jumping, gaily, into 2019 Strasbourg Euro-Fair's Best Stands, naturally Starting from "the Delicious Garden"s Tasting, since it was, already, late for Lunch Time...


+ Quite Logically, "Eurofora" anew Met a Smiling Le Maire, Later-on, at a Pittoresque Stand for Alsace Region's Fresh Vegetables and Fruits' Natural Juices, immediaTely treated by smooth Electric Devices, (which Tested really Delicious and Healthy, from what we could judge on the spot)...




This positively concluded a 2019 additional Press Contact with that Experienced French Minister of Economy, formerly on AGriculture, and even EU Affairs, from whom, "Eurofora" had AlReady Published various Replies that he kindly gave to our Questions on several Topical Issues, as Early as Since 2008. F.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/shipgas.html), as Also, among others, http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchministerlemaireonagriculturalpotential.html (2012), http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/internationalpressdebateongermanelection.html (Paris, 2013), etc., while Covering, in Addition, varous Other Press Statements, as, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/sarkobigprojects.html (2008), http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/irish/2009_2010.html (1/2009), http://www.eurofora.net/brief/brief/blablablablabla.html (4/2009), Moreover Meeting and briefly Exchanging with him, also when we was Together with President Macron, during the "G20" Summit in Hambourg, on 2017, (Comp: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macrontoprotectcyprusisraelenergyforeurope.html), or during his Visit to EU Parliament and Strasbourg's City Hall, with EU Commission's Vice-President Vestager, on 10/2018, (http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/taxgafaandbuildeudigitaltech.html), etc.








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Facing a 70% Abstention threat in 2009 Election, EU endorses EuroFora's idea for Citizens' debates on crucial EU decisions !

- Different views on "Europe's Future", should be debated among Citizens at June 2009 EU Elections, thanks to political Parties' "Manifestos", says EU Parliament's Report

A main idea, initiated and promoted by EuroFora's founders since 1997: the vital need to develop European Citizens' democratic right to actively participate in multilingual debates on EU decisions, is formally endorsed by the EU from 2009 !

The move is a key attempt to overcome "catastrophic" Polls which warn that only ...30% of Citizens are ready to vote in the forthcoming June 2009 EU Election !  This was revealed by EU Commission's vice-president, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, during a "hot" meeting of EU Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, during the December 2008 Strasbourg session.

Wallstrom faced criticism, but also suggestions from various MEPs, naturally worried by Abstention threats which herself found even "worse" than in 1999 or 2004...

A Report on "Active Dialogue with Citizens",examined at the same time, presented some useful practical tips, on "facilitating Interviews"; etc., but also a  potentialy important call to "incorporate the conclusions of ...debates...into (EU) policies, and take into consideration the expectations that Citizens have of the EU when deciding". An amendment even implies that Citizens' participation in debates on EU decisions is a democratic "Right".

More importantly, it finds that  a Debate "on the Future of Europe", (as French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked since 2007), would be a good idea " for the 2009 European parliamentary Elections", because "clarifying the political differences between the EU political parties would help citizens to identify themselves with, and choose between various concepts", for which "all parties (should) present their Manifesto".

A "Joint political declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership", co-signed by "the European Parliament, Council and ... Commission", confirms that they "attach the utmost importance to improving communication on EU issues", by "enabling European citizens to exercise their right to participate in the democratic life of the Union, in which decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizens, observing the principles of pluralism, participation, openness and transparency".

This should "enable Citizens to exercise their right to express their views and to participate actively in the public Debate on European Union issues", while also "promoting the respect of multilingualism". In this regard, EU confirms its "wish to develop synergies with national, regional and local authorities as well as with representatives of Civil Society".

    It's since 1997 that a group of EuroFora's founders have officially presented a pioneer Project (then called "EIW", for "Europe in the World"), which aimed to develop Strasbourg's "Polyphonic music", by providing "Interactive information", on "main issues ... during the Decision-making process of European Organizations which engage in Transparent and Public Democratic Debates"

    This should be done, inter alia, by "exploring the potential of New Communication Tools (mainly Internet)", as well as classic-form debates, the 1997 EIW pioneer project's anounced in its "Synopsis". It was formally "accepted for evaluation" by EU Commission in Brussels in order to be examined for a grant in the framework of the "Research/Technology/Development (RTD) Programme in the field of Information Technologies", then called "ESPRIT", as a "Best Practice Pilot Project".


        But the vital, urgent Political need for EU to search new, efficient ways to reach the People and interact with European Citizens, was really felt in Brussels and elsewhere only after the unprecedented in History 1999 and 2004 Majority Abstention in EU Elections, followed by 3 "NO" in Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, on 2005 and 2008...
    In this New Political Landscape, we prepared a new, actualised and more developed version of our initial idea, in a simplified and more efficient form, thanks also to a large Experience accumulated during many years of EU/CoE/UNO Press work and Multi-lingual debates, with the New project "EuroFora" :

    On 2006 we presented in Public its main lines during Questions/Replies that we raised at two Press Conferences by EU Commission President, Jose Baroso, and mainly EU Commission's vice-President, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, together with EU Parliament's vice-president, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, in Strasbourg, (Videos available), and we reminded it at various brief contacts with Commissioner Wallstrom in 2007 and 2008.

    Meanwhile, a new Text was also presented for "EuroFora" Project mainly to certain Political and other personalities, at European, National or Regional/Local level, mainly in 2007, but also in 2008..

    Now, after the unexpected 2008 Irish "NO", and before the 2009 EU Elections, which are due to be of exceptionally crucial importance for Europe's Future, the moment has obviously come to launch that project, progressively, but in real practice.

    Whoever really cares for Europe and its Citizens is welcome to join, in one way or another. Only anti-European, anti-democratic, obscure or ignorant groups might oppose or attempt to "steal" and deviate the main idea.

    But European Citizens, incited by enlightened political leaders, are those who will finally write the real History.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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