EU to Boost Vaccine Production+UpDates, But UnClear if those available Stop Virus' Spread, or Not...
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- From the outset of the 1st Video-Press Conference on Brussels' EU Heads of State/Government Summit of 25-26 Feb. 2021, Focusing on EU Health and Defense Autonomy, EU Council and EU Commission Presidents, Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, stressed, in substance, that EU must Boost its own Production and UpDates of Deadly Virus' Vaccines, particularly as those Few Hastily Advanced by some Controversial Foreign Start-Ups, "Still, it's Not Even Clear, if they can Stop the Spread of the Virus, or Not" !..., as the Latter Denounced Today, (See, Already : +, etc).
- Indeed, Seeking to "give a Message, of both Truth and Hope", President Michel didn't hide the Fact that "Our present situation is certainly Difficult", in the Fight against a Mutant Deadly Virus' Pandemic, stressing also that it " is Global : We (EU) won’t be Safe until Everyone (the World) is Safe", (concerning f.ex., not only Travel Restrictions, but also WHO's Solidarity mechanism "COVAX", for Poor Countries, where the EU is largely committed, a probable "International Treaty on Pandemics", that he proposed, a hopefuly dynamic "G20 World Summit on Health", soon expected in Italy, etc). At the same time, the EU " has the Tools, the Resources, the Capacities to ensure, in the coming months that Europe will play a Key Role", particularly by "Speeding up the Production ...of Vaccines", with "more Predictability and Transparency", "to ensure that Pharmaceutical companies comply with their Commitments" to Deliver, as well as with "Continued Investment in Vaccine Research", Nowadays mainly in order "to Identify Mutations" of the Deadly Virus, (f.ex. UK's, South African, Japan/Brazilian, Brittany's/French, etc), especialy by "Enhancing our Sequencing Capacity", as he said.
However, it's, Obviously, Also True that the persisting Lack of Any realy European Vaccine, remains, until now, an UnExpexted, UnExplained and Schocking Fact ! And the Same goes Even for the similarly UnExpected, UnExplained and Schocking Lack, among the Few Vaccines Authorized untl now, of Any kind of "Classic" Vaccine, Based on Pasteur's well established and largely Tested Ideas and principles..., (instead of a quasi-Monopole of Only "DNA" and/or "RNA" Genome Manipulations, double "Virus' vectors", etc, which are Novel and Controversial Technologies, withOut Enough Time to really Test Seriously all Possible "Side Effects" Dangerous for Human Health)... Such UnExpected Problems, should, Normaly, Incite Scientists to, at least, Facilitate the Research and Use of Various interesting or useful Therapies (i.e. Medical Drugs), which Might have Helped, at least, to Gain some Time, by Saving Human Lives, and/or alleviating Hardships, perhaps Contribute to strengthen ProPhylaxis, etc. But the UnExplained Hate of an Establishment against HCQ, Abused of Any Holow Pretext in order to Slander (Even Accuse and Prosecute !) its Supporters, in a Grossly, Caricatural and Systematicaly Anti-Scientific way, which added several Gros Scandals, apparently Serving some Shady Interests...
- Nevertheless, according to President Von der Leyen, the EU stil Aims to have "Vaccinated" about 75% of EU's Population, i.e. "about 255 Millions of Adults", with Any Available Vaccine, until the "End of the Summer" 2021, she Confirmed Today.
>>> However, (as the Head of EU Commission Acknowledged, on the occasion of an Eventual EU "Vaccination Certificate" [or "Passport"] Proposal, reportedly due to Facilitate Tourism Economy, and currently still "Discussed" inside EU Council),
- "there are also Open Scientific Questions" : In particular, " It's Still UnClear, Whether you Can Transmit the Virus, or Not, Afterwards, Even if you are Vaccinated", she Warned !
=> "Eurofora" had Raised that Key Question, already as Early as since the Eve of the Authorisation for the 1st and 2nd Vaccines against COVID Virus, by EU's "EMA", and USA's "FDA", Back at the Beginning of December 2020, (See: +, etc), Denouncing the Scandalous Fact that Even for EU's Top Competent Press Officers, as well as for Official Documents submitted for those Authorisations, it was ..."UnKnown IF (that) Vaccine Stops or Spreads Virus to other People" !... *
>>> This UnPrecedented Fact Obviously means that all the People who see that some Individuals would have been "Vaccinated" by such Tools, could be Massively MisLeaded and Lurred into Erronesously Believing that those persons would have become "Immune" to the Virus, and No More present any Danger to the Society, while, in Fact, they may have Become ..."Silent Killers", i.e. the Worst and Most Dangerous Deadly Virus' Spreaders, simply Because they are "Covert", "Asymptomatic" Killers, Threatening to Infect All Other People at any moment, since the Society does Not Defend itself, simply because it has Never Seen Before, in the History of Humankind, Any so-called "Vaccines" which would Not provide Immunity from a Virus, but Only Cover (for a While) the "Jombie" who took them, while, (most Probably/almost Certainly), Exposing All Other People he/she contacts to Infection and Risk of Death !
=> In Front of such an UnPrecedented, Serious Risk, it's easy to Guess the Grave Damages Against Human Public Health, that might Provoke, f.ex., the UnWarned imminent Establishment of so-called EU (Pseudo-) "Vaccination-Passports", (Comp. Supra), which would Simply Attest that an Individual got 2 Shots of such a Pseudo-"Vaccine"..., (Particularly for "Facilitating Tourism" Economy : Comp. Supra)... In the USA some have even, reportedly, started to Massively practice a Policy consisting to Oblige All the People who Work in Schools to Submit to such Pseudo-"Vaccines", as a Necessary Consition in order to be able to Work there, Otherwise being Threatened to get Immediately Fired ! (f.ex. in some Ohio's Schools, etc). In such Circumstances, it's Easy to Guess the Sly Trap in which Risk to be Thrown the Parents of such Children : Indeed, they are Obviously Pushed to Hope that their Children would be "Safe" from the Virus in such Schools, merely Because their Teachers would have got Shots of such Pseudo-"Vaccines", while, on the Contrary, they might have, most Probably, almost Certainly, become, in their Majority, Dangerous "Silent Killers", still bearing that Deadly Virus' Infection, (but withOut any Externaly Visible Sign, except from False Appearances, Risking to MisLead their potential Victims)....
In such circumstances, it's Naturally a Worrying Fact for Democracy Nowadays, that Even French Professor Christian Perronne, Head of Infectiology at Paris' Hospitals, was Suddenly ...Fired from his top job, shortly After Publishing a Critical Article, last December 2020, Denouncing, inter alia, mainly some Attempts to Impose certain Fake "Vaccines", which, Instead of Protecting Human Society from Massive Spread of Virus' Infections, on the Contrary, seem Now to Focus into Making Genetic Manipulations to Individual Persons' Genome, (Later, perhaps, even into their Descendans, in Future Generations, Despite CoE's BioEthical Principles), making the Historic Inventor of Vaccines, Pasteur, spin in his Grave.., while, on the Contrary, almost at the Same Time, a simple recipient of a Degree in Pharmacology, added Only to a Banal and UnRelated "Business Administration Master" from Ireland, suddenly was propulsed up to the Top of the Direction of EU's Medical Agency (EMA), entrusted, since December 2020, precisely, with the Responsibility of Chosing those "Vaccines" that would be Authorized (or not yet) against the Deadly COVID Virus, (including those Criticized by Professor Perronne and others : Comp. Supra)... Was it a purely "Scientific" Move ? One may Legitimately Doubt, until Proof of the Contrary, when we see Even WHO's Chief, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Just After Concluding his Speech at CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, here in Strasbourg, by Warning the Audience that, Despite those "Vaccines" presented recently (Comp. Supra), nevertheless, People should Persist into all their Panoply of "Health Protective Measures" against Risks of Virus' Infections even afterwards, (probably, simply because of the Surprizing Fact that such Strange "Vaccines", Contrary to All Others in the History of Mankinds, do Not Guarantee to Stop Spreading the Virus to All Other People : Comp. Supra), was, Suddenly, and Exceptionaly, Cut off, and Suprirzingly Deprived of the Usual Session of "Questions and Answers" with MEPs, which allowed to Clarify all such Topical Issues... (Partly UPDATED).
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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.
- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".
- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.
In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".
- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.
The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.
- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.
Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.
Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...
But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :
- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.