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Home arrow newsitems arrow EUParliament v.President Wieland to EF: Hails Trump - Kim Singapore Summit for Korean Nuclear Peace+

EUParliament v.President Wieland to EF: Hails Trump - Kim Singapore Summit for Korean Nuclear Peace+

Written by ACM
Monday, 11 June 2018


*Strasbourg/EU-Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- One among the most Experienced and Long-Time EU Parliament's vice-Presidents, from the Governing Party in the Biggest EU Member Country : that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP in Germany (CDU), MEP Rained Wieland, speaking to "Eurofora", Welcomed the forthcoming, Crucial USA - North Korea Summit on Nuclear Peace+.

New USA President Don Trump and Northern Korea's President Kim Jong-un have notoriously scheduled to Hold an UnPrecedented Summit in Singapore, on Early Morning of Tuesday, 12 of June 2018, for the preparation of which they have already arrived at an Archipelago's island.

Curiously, the EU Parliament's Plenary Session, which just Starts this Week in Strasbourg, has not yet scheduled any forseeable Debate on that Crucial Summit for Nuclear Peace+, (even if the G7 Summit in Canada is due to be Debated as Part of MEPs' Discussions and Votes on the forthcoming, EU Brussels' Summit, at the End of June in Brussels).

However, Wieland, who holds a Record for being Constantly re-Elected by EU Parliament as vice-President, 4 Times in a Row, during almost a Decade now, (since 2009), was Brief and Concise, but Clearly Positive, in Hailing that Exceptional Event :

 - "I think that it's certainly a Good thing that they Meet !", already stressed the EU Parliament's vice-President, in Reply to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question on the Trump - Kim forthcoming crucial encounter at Singapore, later this Same Week. - Modestly, However, vice-President Wieland, (who has been also Dealing with "Development" and "ACP" Issues during Recent Years), told "Eurofora" that he "has no special proficiency on Foreign Policy issues", in general, speaking on that Singapore Summit just because of the Nuclear Peace prospects' interest also for European Citizens.


+ Meanwhile, concerning specifically the Korean Issue, one of his German-Speaking Collegues and Friends, ChristianDemocrat/EPP Collegues from Neighbouring Austria, Paul Rübig, has Recently been much More Explicit in Strasbourg about the still Evolving Diplomatic Peace Efforts :



- Rübig, another Experienced, Long-Time, mainstream MEP, who is also vice-President of EU's Delegation to the Korean Peninsula in general, and had Organized, as Early as, Already since the Autumn of 2017 an Intyeresting and Pioneer PanEuropean Debate in Strasbourg with South Korea's Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the EU, (See "Eurofora"s Interview of the South Korean Ambassador in EU Parliament, on this occasion, at : ...), even if that Meeting had occured at a particularly Harsh and Tense Moment, full of Adverse Tension and Wide Concerns for an eventual Dangerous Clash, Nevertheless, he was apparently the First Top European/International Politician to Dare Express a Voluntaristic Hope, Foreseeing the Possibility of a largely Positive Outcome at the Horizon :

- "Don't be Surprized if you might, eventually, See, sooner or later, even some Spectacular Moves for Peace and even towards ReUnification in the Korean Peninsula" :

 - "We, also, in Europe, could Not even Dream to See what happened, Back from 1989, about the Peaceful ReUnification of Germany, and with the rest of Central-Eastern European Countries, Rübig had Astonishingly Prognosticated at a numerous but Surprized Audience, which was Facing, then, on the Contrary, various Rumours about alleged Threats for one or another Destructive and Dangerous Miiltary and/or even Nuclear Clash, there...

+ And, Later-on, when News about South and North Korean Countries' Deal to Desescalate Tensions at least during the International Olympic Games scheduled for Februrary 2018, MEP Rübig, who is also Regularly Organizing the Symbolic venue of Christmas' Light from Bethleem to EU Parliament in Strasbourg each December (this time with the Participation of New EU Parliament's President Antonio Tajani from Italy), speaking to "Eurofora" as early as, already since that December 2017, had clearly Expressed his Hope and Belief that this was Not going to remain just a Short-Lived Move, but was due, according to him, to become rather the Beginning of a whole Series of various such Moves towards Peace during 2018.

Experienced Top MEP Rübig's point, Later Proved to be quite Premonitory, despite several Problems, at least during this 1st Part of the Year 2018, whose 2nd Part will see the rotating Chairmanship of the EU taken over, from July to December 2018, by his Country, Austria, whose new Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz, is notoriously considered to be close to US Presdident Don Trump, (Comp. various Kurz's Statements to "Eurofora", during EU Summits in Brussels, as, f.ex., at ... + ..., etc).

Meanwhile, in addition to South Korea's new President Moon Jae-in, and various Others, it's, UnExpectedly, even the "Socialist" former US President Jimmy Carter who is on record for reportedly proposing to Nominate Trump, in case of a Succesful Singapore US - N.Korea Summit, to be Awarded the NOBEL Peace Prize...







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