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Home arrow newsitems arrow EUParliament: strong Resolutions on Christians' Persecution +Cultural Heritage Destruction by ISIL+

EUParliament: strong Resolutions on Christians' Persecution +Cultural Heritage Destruction by ISIL+

Written by ACM
Thursday, 30 April 2015

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(Partly UpDated)/- EU Parliament's plenary session here, exceptionaly dealt several times, from Monday to Thursday of this Week, with the dramatic and recently growing Persecution of Christians, including even via Massive Massacres by Extremist Islamist Terrorists as ISIL, to which was added the Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Iraq etc. also by ISIL, these two issues being related, inter alia, particularly by the fact that they both Threaten, at the same time, to Destroy the Historic Cultural Identity of People, as a Young MEP stressed later Today, (See Infra).

Such moves revealed (particularly during Today's Voting Time) that when all the Center-Right Parties are United Together, they can positively infuence even a part of the Center-Left, at least on certain Topical and serious, far-reaching Ethical Values', Popular cross-Party issues :

Indeed, significantly, while initial Draft Bills tabled by the Socialist, Liberal and Green Groups, surprisingly, didn't even mention the word "Christians", (except, may be only once in a long text), on the Contrary, the Resolution finally adopted by a Large Majority at EU Parliament's plenary, not only contains many such explicit mentions of the Religion of most Victims, but even was finally Voted also by several Socialist, Leftist and other MEPs, progressively attracted towards the Ethical stance initialy supported almost exclusively by the Center-Right (EPP, ECR, EFDD, NI), in a so Surprising development that many MEPs expressed their Emotion at the conclusion of the Votes by spontaneously Applauding the collective result, into which a Larger than expected Majority of an unexpectedly reUnited EU Parliament finally Joined Together its forces in order to Defend Peuple's Freedom of Beliefs in front of atrocious BeHeaders and Destructors' Barbary, (See Infra).


In particular, on Monday Afternoon, ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group's President, Manfred Weber from the Governing German CDU/CSU Coalition, officialy supported and succeeded to obtain, at EU Parliament's Plenary Session, that the Heading of the Public Debate on a Resolution triggered on the occasion of the recent Massacre of 148 Christian Students in Kenya by an Extremist Islamist Terrorist Group from neighbouring Somalia, but in fact Extending also at various Other Similarly Deadly Terrorist Acts, recently throughout the World, clearly mentions the Key Word "Persecution of Christians", that the Socialist, Liberal, Green and Leftist Groups insisted to Oppose.

Indeed, clearly Rejecting a Counter-Proposal by the Socialist Group to again "Postpone" a Debate on Attacks against Christians for the Next Month, in order to Limit this Month's Debate and Vote only on "Kenya" alone, taken separetely, EU Parliament's Plenary Voted in favor of EPP's demand (supported by the Conservatives/Reformists' Group, etc), for an immediate Debate and Resolution on the "Persecution of Christians", including the latest Kenya incident as a Topical concrete Example, added to a Growing Series of such Violent incidents recently, with a Strong Majority of 192 Votes "for", against only 134, and 13 Abstentions.

Thus, on Tuesday, EPP President Weber was Glad to confirm at his usual Press Conference the Fact that the ChristianDemocrats' demand for a Debate and Resolution on the recent Persecutions of Christians, after having been ignored or rejected in the Past several times, finally, it had just been Accepted by EU Parliament's Plenary, with a Stronger than Expected Majority of Votes, (i.e. apparently Supported both by the EPP, the Conservatives, the Freedom and Directr Democracy Group, and most among the exceptionaly Numerous "Independent" MEPs elected at the latest; May 2014, EU Elections - mainly various Rightists, etc), "Thanking" all those MEPs from several Other Political Groupings, who had supported that demand.

The Debate :

During the Public Debate which took place here on Wednesday Afternoon,  a Big Number of MEPs from various Horizons and/or Countries, totaling More than 47 Speakers,   intervened in the Discussions, which were addressed by EU Commissioner Neven Mimica, from Croatia, (Comp. earlier Mimica Replied to "EuroFora"s Questions, at a Differend occasion, f.ex. in ......), on behalf of EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, former Italian Foreign Minister, Federica Mogherini :


 - The Commissioner observed from the outset, the Geo-Political Fact that "Today, on its Southern flank, the EU is facing an Arc of Conflicts and Crises, with Spillover effects throughout the region".

- In particular, "I fully share (MEPs') Concerns on the Plight of Christians Worldwide", since Recent events,  such as the bombing of two churches in Pakistan, killings in Nigeria, BeHeadings in Libya, constant Persecution by ISIL/Daesh in Syria and Iraq,  and the most recent Massacre in the Garissa University College in Kenya, give the impression of a BeSieged Community", he acknowledged. "Such Attacks targeting Christians are Deeply Worrying and, ...completely Unacceptable", the EU Commission's representative denounced.

 - By "this Trend" towards "the Specific Targetting of Christians", "the Perpetrators", "clearly Aim" to "lead to further Division and Antagonism between Religious Communities", with an "extremely Worrying" "Risk" to "Provoke Division between Different Faiths", (as EU High Representative for External Action, Federica Mogherini, has denounced), in order, not only to "Undermine Education" "leading to a Decent Job and Life" (as f.ex. in Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, etc), but mainly "to Deprive" the affected Countries around Europe, and EU itself, "of a Future of Economic and Cultural Growth, of Stability and Dignity for All its Citizens".

+ Moreover, "The Barbaric Violence and Inhuman methods used by, for instance, Al-Shabaab, Daesh and Boko Haram, are frontal Attacks against International Human Rights values and principles, and against the very Nature of what makes us Human Beings", even "regardless of our religion or belief", stressed EU Commissioner Neven Mimica, pointing to the Fact that what is really at Stake seems to be of Paramount and Crucial, Vital Importance for all Humankind, by treating Human Persons Worse than Animals : F.ex. -"The King of Jordan reminded .. this fact...during his remarkable speech" to EU Parliament, by stressing that ‘recent Attacks in some countries against Christian and Minority communities are an Offence against Humanity".

=> That's why, "the EU Condemned unreservedly the indiscriminate Attacks, Atrocities, Killings and Abuses of Human rights which are perpetrated by these Terrorist Organisations, against Christians, but also against Other religious and ethnic groups that we should not forget", he added, (indirectly but surely making a reference to what Christian Catholic Pope Francis had already observed earlier).

      - Thus, EU Commission wants to "Avoid falling into the logic and perception of a Clash and Religious Confrontation". In this regard, "the First Victims of terrorism ...are Muslims, and Arab Countries", Mimica noted, pointing also anew to "King of Jordan"'s observation that those "Attacks .. against Christians .. are an Offence ... also Against Islam", while, "Arab Christians are an Integral Part of (these) Region's Past, Present and Future", as he said.

    => Therefore, such kind of "Radicalisation and Violent Extremism is a Global Problem", and "Threat" which "requires a Global Approach", But "Solutions have (also) to be Specific and Tailor-made". In particular, "in order to Improve our (EU's) Response and Counter it", "apart from addressing the issue at the International level, (and) reconsidering ...Regional Strategies, the EU is (also) pursuing work in mapping and better Understanding how Radicalisation operates concretely in individual Countries", he anounced.

    - F.ex., among others, it's also "The root Causes pushing vulnerable individuals into Extremism – marginalisation, Poverty, unemployment, Discrimination and Exclusion – (that) have to be addressed", so that "Marginalised youth and individuals have to regain Self-Worth and Optimism, not by Extremists luring them, ....but by ... relevant academic and social Education, provided by Governments", and  "leading to a Decent Job and life", Commissioner Mimica advised, in Reply to MEPs' Debate (See Infra). But, while this is certainly important, he couldn't also ignore the Fact that Nobody in History didn't launch so Brutal and Inhuman Attacks, including BeHeadings even against Poor Migrant Workers, neither threw Poor Asylum Seekers to the Sea, (as ISIL reportedly did f.ex. in Libya, recently), just because he might feel to be Poor himself... On the Contrary, he should have felt Human and Social Solidarity, instead. But most Deadly ISIL's extremist Islamist Terrorists, (as well as their "Boko Haram" and other affiliates), many times Surprized Observers by the amount of Money at their Disposal, (f.ex. for Buying Expensive Weapons, Luxuous Cars, spare Appartments, AirFlights, even Tanks, etc., often usurpating Huge Resources from Oil/Gas and/or Drugs Trafficking, "Islamic Taxes", etc), and have too often Attacked and atrociously Killed even Innocent Civilian Poor People, including Women, Elders, Children, etc., with a Barbarity which has Nothing Human, obeying rather to Other, very Different real Motivations, some of which still remain to be found...

    However, EU Commissioner Mimica didn't seem to be too far away from what might be really at stake, when he stressed, in fine, that "the killings and Atrocities in Garissa (Kenya University) have proved once again, in the most Tragic way, that Education was the Biggest Threat to Terrorism and Violence" of that kind, before Concluding by pointing at the Need for adequate "European Responses" to "an Enormous Challenge", "Coordinated in line" with a "Strong Link between Security and Development" "components", "for All ongoing or Future Crises, including (EU's) Fight against Violent Extremism Targetting Christians around the World", as he declaled.


- Speaking on behalf of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, the Co-Author of its Draft Resolution, as well as of its Amendments, Spanish MEP Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, ChairWoman of the EU - Mexico JPC,  reminded that it was "'last Holy Thursday" that, "at a university in Kenya, Al Shabab Terrorist group would Select Christians, among (Kenyan) Students, in order to Murder them.: .-  Can you imagine the Terror felt by these Young People when they were Separated from their companions to Die for the simple fact of being a Christian? Or the anguish parents felt for their Girls, Abducted in Nigeria from a Christian school? Or the Despair of Defenseless Christians in the Middle East who have to leave their Homes if they refuse to die?", she wondered.

"It is for this reason that the People's Party Group tabled a resolution in which we include ... the reference to "Christians" and to  "persecution". But, ...Other (Politcal) Groups did Not want .... to negotiate ...., they wanted to Remove all references to Christians", .. "while our resolution speaks of all the harassment suffered by Christians around the World", she Denounced. ...

 - " I said, .... No, sir! A Christian Dies every Hour. We have No Time to lose. ....You have to Talk about Christians. The Popular Party ....does not distinguish between victims of 1st and 2nd Class, ... it is the support for All Christians who are Persecuted in the World.", Jimenez-Becerril concluded.


- "We condemn any violence and discrimination based on religion, any religion. But ...Al Shabab hit at a University", Socialist MEP Helena Valenciano simply said, curiously insisting to Exclude any mention of Christian Victims, despite the Fact that they were the large majority of those Killed, and notoriously Targetted.  "But, "because they have not killed any white ', ...the Western Media treated it in a very Tangential way", she admitted, while nevertheless sticking to her initial refusal to name the Victims...

Thus, the representative of the Socialist Group tried to Explain that the unprecedented Present Crime would be only due to an Old "Conflict between the North and the Rest of the country", which existed ""since independence, in Kenya", where, "Nairobi and Garissa have always been far Apart", as she said, "and ...the relationship with Somalia has made all this much more Dangerous".  "EU should support Kenya, in its safety, control ...and security", and  on "their relationship with Somalia", because, ."without a doubt, it is a War against Kenya", she found, without hesitating....


A little bit Differend, Enrique Calvet Chambon, speaking on behalf of the ALDE Group, said that hewas "Senstive to the Persecution of Christians around the World, and they deserve ...a Resolution" in general.

    "'But", in the present case, of "the Massacre of Students in Kenya', even if "the Slaughter is undoubtedly Due to Religious Reasons also", as it "is happening from Syria ...up to China', as he acknowledged, (making however an obviously Controversial Amalgame, since the Cruelty of the Massive BeHeadings recently seen at the Middle East, hasn't yet been seen further Eastwards in Asia yet),
    nevertheless, it's  "also Ethnic, also Old and very old war ....among ...those that live in Southern Somalia"', who "'have what is called in Spain " African hatred "towards their Neighbors, very much due to the Enlightenment, to Western values, to a number of Westernized students", i.e. "to Democratic values". And we wanted ....to say that Europe (?) canNot be inhibited, as it does already in other areas such as Mali and Somalia itself". - "You have to protect ...Any Minority", (f.ex. "Gypsies", as he Curiously claimed, in a Debate about Kenya !),  and, for that purpose, we must involve the EU" also."with  Trainers, Coaches, Specialists, (etc) with the assistance of African Troops ... to Prevent ...such Killings and Persecution of "Western democratic Values", as he said, but, curiously, without specifying concretely what exactly he meant, (the only Other "Minority" in Kenya, about which traditional Media spoke recently, being that of ... Homosexuals, that Nairobi's Government is accused by some to treat dffferently)....


    - But, speaking on behalf of the Conservative Group, Bulgarian MEP Angel Djambazki, clearly Denounced the Fact that, "undoubtedly the attack in Garissa is ... a Monstrous Crime", where "Killings Targeted people who belong to a Religious community, namely of Christians in Kenya. It is no secret.....that militants from al-Shabab persecute ...namely Christians there".

    In general, "Radical Islamists, radical religious extremists in the degraded countries of Northern Africa, are united in their battle ...against Europe as it is. They Deny our Values, they deny our way of life and they show very clearly show it in an extremely arrogant way. So, what we (EU) need is Not only Declarations. We (EU) need a targeted Military Operation to support Kenya and ...against al-Shabab" Terrorists, he concluded.


  ++ On the Contrary, another Spanjish MEP, Lidia Senra Rodriguez, speaking on behalf of "Euro-Left" Group, expressed its "Srongest Condemnation of the Attacks and Killings by Al Shabab at the University of Garissa", and "Solidarity with the victims and their families", stressed, mainly, that "EU must Act ...to tackle the root Causes behind conflicts ....that favor ...(Terrorist) groups like Al Shabab"

+ But, ."We.... believe that solutions based on a Military approach is Not the Answer:" F.ex. "the US military Intervention in Somalia in 1992," had Disastrous implications that the peoples of the region are still paying today", given "the responsibility of the former Colonial Powers in promoting Conflict and looting of Natural Resources in the Horn of Africa", where "Land grabbing" and "Poverty" reign.  - "The Solution is Not more Military Operations".  ....Western powers and multinationals must Stop Plundering Africa, draw their claws Off the region, and respect the Sovereignty of the Peoples, that are the masters of their fates and their resources", she concluded. .

- Indeed, "The Diaspora of Christian Minorities around the World counts on Europe. They count on us here, in the European Parliament, to be able to act consistently to Help them. So far, we could not do that". But; now, "they are in Direct Danger! This is Not a question of Ideology, but  a matter for Human Rights : .... Christianity is, Today, the Most Persecuted Religion of all", and "we (EU's Majority) are Decided to Assume our Duty of Solidarity with Persecuted Christians !", stressed Hungarian Governing Majority MEP, and Co-Author of the ChristianDemocrats/EPP Group's Draft Resolution and Amendments, Gyorgy Holvenyi.

 + Yes, "Secularism, Laicity,(that some evoke as a Pretext in order to Close their Eyes to the manifold recent Persecuions against Chrisians), is Part of Europe", he admitted. - "But,  the European Union will Never be, nor may it support a Secular Caliphate !", the Hungarian mainstream MEP Warned...


- "In about 50 States where Christians are Persecuted, more than 40 are Muslim States", observed MEP Epitidios from Greece, citting the Report of NGO "Open Doors". But, even if that persecution is mainly due to Extremist Islamist Terrorist Groups, it has been exacerbated also by the impression of more or less Indifference of many Western Countries, even in the EU, until now, he criticized, calling for European action.

- Indeed, "we cant', at the same time, point at the Historic Fact that Europe has Christian Foundations, and stay Indifferent to what is going on in the World", particularly when "it's Obvious, Today, that some Groups want to impose a kind of Religious Unification in certain States", i.e. to "have Mono-Religious States", which "will obviously Provoque situations of Tension vis a vis their Neighbouring States", warned experienced former Foreign, Defense and Interior Minister Michele Alliot-Marie, a ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP from France. Because, thus, "what is at Stake, is a Risk to Spread War !", she denounced.

=> "This is a real Geo-Strategic Problem", but "also Philosophic, Political and Humanitarian". So that "it's up to Europe, which wants to preach Tolerance and Harmony between Peoples, to act in order to allow Recognition and Respect of each other : We (EU) hava a Duty", f.ex., vis a vis the Christians of Kenya, and more widely, concerning all Christians which are Persecuted Minorities, to Support them, not only by Words, but also with Deeds. A MEP is not only in order to Speak, but also for Acting !", Alliot-Marie pointed out. Replying, later-on, to a Critical Question raised by Socialist Romanian MEP Negrescu, (about - "What kind of Action" she "thinks of : A Military" or "Humanitarian action ?". Since, "EU canNot intervene in order to Oppose" itself to "all this" stuff about "Mono-Religious States", as he claimed), the French MEP made it clear that, even if EU "naturaly can't put itself in the place of those Countriies' Governments", "nevertheless, we (EU) have a Duty to Convince and Educate, in order to make those Countries learn what is Tolerance" as well as "a Duty for Dialogue, even somewhat Firm Discussions with them, in order to Show them that it's Never in their Interest to let impose a Mono-Religious System", she concluded. (Apparently implying EU Measures such as, f.ex., real Conditionality and/or Suspension of EU Funds in case of serious Violations of Christian Minorities' and others' elementary Religious Freedoms and Human Rights, at least in the Worst cases, as, f.ex. that of Turkey, which  has notoriously Transformed brutaly, after Military Invasion and Occupation, the 1st and Longest in World's History Christian Empire : that of over-Millenary Byzantium, 330-1.453, into a Country with only 1% of Christians, i.e. Less than in any other among all Countries of the Middle-East region !)..

- However, Afzal Khan, a Pakistan-born Brittish Socialist MEP, attempted to use the obvious fact (that many others had denounced already) of several Terrorist Groups' attempt to "Stir Ethnic and Religion Tensions" by "Dividing Religious and Ethnic Communities", via "singling out Christians in Kenya" etc. in order to "create Conflicts between Muslilms and Non-Muslims", as he said, as a Pretext for an (also obviously) False Claim that "Al-Shabaab, ISIS and Al-Qaeda" would "clearly Target All civilians, No matter what Religion", according to him...

- But, "the Intolerable Persecutions and Massacres of Christians in various areas of the World", whose "latest crime was the Horrible Massacre of 147 Christian Students at Kenya's University Campus of Garissa, committed by Somalia-based Al-Shabab", while ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabab", etc., "currently Intensify their Attacks against Christians in Syria, Libya, Kenya, Nigeria, and Other Areas of the World", is Today a Fact, stressed Conservative MEP Notis Marias from the new Governing Coalition in Greece. "Naturaly", even if "Jihadists act also agaist Muslims", mainly "in various Arabic Countries", nevertheless, it's obvious that "they try to Provoke bloody Religious Wars", he warned too. - "But the Causes of those Conflicts in Kenya, at the African Horn, et., do Not have any Religious Basis", but, on the Contrary, "are due to Poverty, Usurpaton of Lands, Over-Exploitation of both Christians and Muslims by various Big Economic Interests". - "But I wonder, if that Theory about a so-called "Conflict of Civilisations", which had been developed some Decades ago, (inter alia, also by Turkish President Erdogan), was a Forecast, or, perhaps, a ...Self-Fulfilling Prophecy ?", Marias criticaly questioned Today..

-  Kenya's "Eastern Africa... is also an impotant focus of Destabilisation, linked ...to what is going on in Central Africa, with Boko Haram; in Sahel with "AL Quaida in Islamic Maghreb"; or in the Middle East.with ISIL. Thus, Al Shabab has already seriously hit the Neighbouring Countries: Uganda was ^Victim of (Terrorist) Attacks, as also Kenya, and Djibouti". Therefore, EU must Strengthen its Support to African Countries of the Region, and to all Countres Fighting" against "those Islamist Terrorist Groups which Target Today particularly Christians all around the World". For that purpose, "we (EU) must add a Conditiion in the Agreements agaist Terrorism, ...for the (Financial) Aid that we give to those Countries which would Commit themselves to Fight, together with us, against that Islamist Terrorism", proposed Experienced French MEP Arnault Danjean, (ChristianDemocrat/EPP), former President of EU Parliament's Security and Defense Committee, and currently vice-President of EU - NATO Delegation.
-  "This Attack in Kenya", where "Christian students were specifically separated and murdered", "may have shaken us to the core", but "it is not a one-off : In Mandera, Kenya, a bus was hijacked and 28 Christians forced off and shot. In December, 36 Christians were separated, captured, and beheaded. In January a Catholic priest leading a church service was murdered"; while "the attack on the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi is better known", observed British MEP Jonathan Arnott of the Center-Right EFDD ("European Freedom and Direct Democracy.

 - Such "Horrible Massacres, as that of 148 Students at Garissa, .. must lead us to take 2 Facts at Face-value" : Even if "Christians have become, Today ,the 1st Community of Martyrs", nevertheless, "to this ChristianoPhobia is often added our Silence : ...Our Medias have Denied the Religious Factor standing behind these Massacres, notably the most Recent. Should we Ignore our Christian Martyrs, and should we Shut Up, just in the name of "Living Together" ? No, on the Contrary, we must Denounce, each time, what is really going on !", stressed French MEP Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, from the big Rightist  party FN.

=> + But, we have to say also, that the Tragedy of Oriental and African Christians, is Amplified also by some Irresponsible Interventions of the West, behind a Stupid Policy of (+Obama's) USA : F.ex.,  the Interventions in Syria, in Libya, in Iraq (etc), because of which, Christians are now Massacrated : We (EU) have also our Part of Responsibility, due to our Conformism, which Follows Others (i.e. Obama's USA), because of our Refusal of a European Policy !", denounced, (by irony, the representive of a Party accused to be .."EuroSceptic") ...


 - In Kenya, "this was an Attack against a University, but also against Christians, who were Separated from the Muslims", before being Killed, observed, however, even the Liberal MEP Urmas Paet, Experienced former Foreign MInister of Esthonia.
    Because "this is one of the aims of the Terrorist groups: to incite Religious Hatred". In fact, it's "Everyone who does not adhere to their extremist views (who) is considered an enemy and an infidel", so that he "must be killed. "Christians and other non-believers – infidels – are under attack in their own homelands:" F.ex. "Pakistani terrorists plotting an Attack against the Vatican; Muslim migrants throwing 12 Christians overboard in the Mediterranean; the beheading of Christians in Libya; killings in Iraq, and so on".

    => In consequence, "we (EU) have to increase our Fight against terrorism", and, in particular, "to engage more with the African Union and African Countries and support African capabilities for Peacekeeping" operations", Paet urged, without mentioning UNO, nor the US-led Coalition in Iraq etc., but apparently prefering to Focus on EU's own forces, joined to those of its Neighbours, (See Infra).


The Votes :

>>> But the real Surprises came on Thursday Noon, during the Voting-time, when, at First, EPP's relevant Draft Resolution was Unexpectedly ..droped by the Majority of MEPs, (immediately triggering a Massive Expression of most MEPs' spontaneous Surprize ...), even if with a Thin Margin of 296 Votes for, against 319, and 19 Abstentions, revealing a quite Divided Parliament on this particular point.

=> Nevertheless, Immediately Afterwards, came even anOther Surprize : The same EU Parliament which had just droped EPP's Draft Resolution, nevertheless, Voted and Adopted almost All of the Numerous ChristianDemocrats/EPP's Amendments (with the sole Exception of only One : See Infra), that it had Tabled vis a vis anOther Draft Resolution on this same Issue, initially backed by the Left, (Soc; Lib, Greens, Leftists) !...

      Thus, the Resolution finally Adopted by EU Parliament's Plenary later Today, about "the Persecution of Christians around the World, in relation to the Killing of Students in Kenya by Terror Group Al-Shabash" (Comp. Supra), because of that Adoption of almost All EPP's numerous Amendments : 13 out of 14, (i.e. with only 1 exception : See Infra), practically Transformed a previously "Socialist-led Draft Resolution, into a ... ChristianDemocrats/EPP one, since most  of its Major Key-points were, meanwhile, profoundly Modified as the ChristianDemocrats/EPP MEPs -and their Allies (Comp. Surpa)- has wishedn from the start, aligning it in conformity with almost 95% of EPP's original Draft Resolution.....
    This also Unexpected Final Result, obtained after an initially Hard InFight during the Votes of EPP's Amendments, (which Progressively succeeded to Attract more and more Support from Various MEPs), was Hailed by EU Parliament's Plenary with an Exceptional Applause from most MEPs, who gave to the Definitively Adopted Resolution almost a Quasi-Unanimous support, with 578 Votes in favor, against Only 37 votes, and 34 Abstentions !
    However, the unique Exception, of just 1 among 14 EPP's Amendments which wasn't adopted, (Comp. Supra), touches also upon an Important matter, as we shall see Infra.


===>>>  The finaly Adopted EU Parliament's Resolution observes from the outset that " the number of Attacks on religious minorities, in particular Christians, around the World has Risen Tremendously in recent Months; whereas  Christians are being Slaughtered, Beaten and Arrested every day, mostly in some  parts of the Arab world by Jihadist Terrorists", as ISIL, etc.

    - So that, Today, "Christians are the Most Persecuted religious group", while, according to (OSCE) data, the number of Christians killed every Year is more than 150 000", and "Extremism and persecution of this nature is Emerging (also) as a significant Factor in the Growing phenomenon of Mass Migration", as EU Parliament denounces.

    Thus, in Addition to rhe 148 Christian Students, notoriously Selected and Killed in Kenya a few Days ago, already, as the EU Resolution reminds,  "on 15 February 2015, ISIS/ Da’esh beheaded 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya", targetting even Poor Immigrant Workers from an Arab Country like Egypt, which, notoriously, hasn't Quarelled with anyone else in public recently, but only with Turkey.

    Things became even nastier in the latest Islamist Extremist Attack against University Students in Kenya, "where .. the Attackers .. intentionally Targeted Non-Muslims and Singled out Christians in order to brutally Execute them", while Islamist Terrorist Group "Al-Shabaab" has been openly and publicly claiming to
wage a War against Christians in the region", another adopted EPP Amendment points out.

    As a matter of Principle, EU Parliament "Denounces the Targeting of Educational institutions and premises for Terrorist Attacks, as a means of Undermining the education and Dignity of all  Citizens as well as causing mistrust and Division between communities", as it Warns
    + To this macabre List, MEPs added also "the Throwing overboard of 12 Christians during a recent (Mediterranean Sea) crossing from Libya (by Ship), and
the Massacre of 30 Ethiopian Christians on 19 April 2015", etc.

    ++ Moreover, EU also "expresses its Grave Concern over the Abuse of Religion by the perpetrators of Terrorist Acts in Several Areas of the world,
and its deep concern at the proliferation of episodes of intolerance, repression and Violence Directed against Christians, particularly in some parts of the Arab world".

    MEPs also "Denounce the Instrumentalisation of Religion in various conflicts", and "Condemn the Increasing number of Attacks on Churches around the World, notably the attack that Killed 14 People in Pakistan on 15 March 2015", as well as "strongly condemn the incarceration, disappearance, torture, enslavement and public execution of Christians in North Korea", as an adopted Amendment said, while also  "confirming and supporting the inalienable Right of all religious and ethnic Minorities living in Iraq and Syria, including Christians, to Continue to live in their Historical and Traditional Homelands in conditions of Dignity, equality and Safety", noting also the Fact that "for Centuries members of Different Religious groups Co-Existed Peacefully in the Region".

    In this regard, Today, MEPs, f.ex. "Condemn  the use of an ancient law (‘Dhimmi pact’) by (Islamist Terrorists of) ISIS/Da’esh in Syria and Iraq, to Extort from Christians by religious Tax obligations and restrictions, under the Threat of Death".
    They also "ReAffirm their Solidarity  with all Christians persecuted in different parts of Africa, with special regard to recent Atrocities in Libya, Nigeria and Sudan".

    In particular, the Resolution f.ex. "recalls the Abduction and Disappearance of Christian Girls in the Nigerian town of Chibok by the Jihadist Terror group Boko Haram in 2014, which attracted worldwide  Condemnation", (as it says of what has become an ISIS' tool at Northern Nigeria, which recently became, curiously, plenty of ....Turkish "Islamic Schools", at the same time that a Media uprow denounced an alleged Arms Trafficking via "Turkish Airlines" there)...

    => Therefore, the quasi-Unanimously adopted EU Parliament's Resolution strongly  "Condemns the Recent Attacks on Christian communities in various Countries", and "expresses its Solidarity with the Families of the Victims".


    + EU Parliament also "Urges Muslim Leaders to fully Condemn all Terrorist
Attacks, including those targeting religious communities and minorities, and in particular Christians", while, moreover,  it "Condemns and Rejects any MisInterpretation of the message of Islam to create a violent, cruel, totalitarian, oppressive and expansive ideology legitimising the extermination of Christian minorities".

    The move, (which was the Hardest fought EPP Amendment, but clearly Voted by a net Majority of MEPs), came after recently Murdered former Russian Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov had made several Publications advancing even Further ahead in this Direction, including a Media Article publlished by "Moscow Echoes" under the Title ;"Islamic Inquisition", asking to apply Criminal Law "Sanctions" to anyone who might "Interfere in Journalist' Work" by Accusing the Murdered Journalists for being Critical vis a vis Moameth etc.,  (See : ....), following what, a Group of reportedly Religion-motivated Caucasian Muslims were arrested as Suspects for that cold-blood Killing.

+ But, meanwhile, Turkish Authorities are still reportedly Persecuting a Dissident Media for re-Publishing "Charlie Hebdo" Cartoons, (taken from the 1st Post-Murder issue of Paris' Weekly, which suddenly became World-wide Famous, selling Millions of its copies throughout the Globe), after more than a Thousand of Turkish citizens lodged a Criminal Accusations against re-publishing 3 of those Moameth French Cartoons. Turkish Prosecutors have reportedly adopted an almost 40 pages long Official Accusation, inter alia blaming those "Charlie Hebdo" post-Murder issue's Moameth Cartoons (including the Front-page image, with the Legend : -"Let's Forgive Everything now !"), to "Incite Hate" (sic !)...


    The Final Official Resolution also "Urges the EU institutions to comply with their obligation under Article 17 TFEU to maintain an open, transparent and regular Dialogue with Churches and with Religious, philosophical and non-confessional organisations, in order to Ensure that the issue of the Persecution of Christian communities and other religious communities is an EU Priority".

    In this regard, EU Parliament "Reiterates its Support for all initiatives aimed at
promoting Dialogue and mutual Respect Between Religious and other communities", and "calls on all religious authorities to promote tolerance and to take initiatives Against Hatred and Violent and Extremist Radicalisation".

    In some among the Points of stable Agreement between the Right and the Left side of the Political Spectrum in EU Parliament, the EPP didn't table any Amendment to the Socialist/Liberal/Green/Leftist Draft, (which technically served as a substratum for a Long Series of EPP Amendments, practically reiterating almost everything which existed already in the Center-Right's initial Draft Resolution which had Missed a Majority by a Thin Margin : Comp. Supra), at least on the Funding of "International Terrorism", which "is financed by illegal money-laundering, Ransoms, extortion, Drug trafficking, (f.ex. notoriously between Afghanistan and Europe, via Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, etc., as also an Investigative TV Reporting by a French-Algerian Journalist, awarded a special Prize recently in Strasbourg, had succeeded to trace), and Corruption", as Both Drafts and the Finaly Adopted Resolution observe :

    => In this regard, EU Parliament "calls on the (EU) Commission and the (EU) Member States to enhance Cooperation with Third Countries on sharing Intelligence relating to Money-Laundering, and the Financing of Terrorism" in general, (the EPP having apparently droped, at least for now, its initial Additional Call for a "Tougher Legislation on Freezing Suspects' Assets").

    - Moreover, the official EU text "Calls for a thorough, prompt, impartial and effective Investigation ....in order to Identify those Responsible, and Bring the Perpetrators, Organisers, Financiers and Sponsors of these reprehensible Acts of Terrorism to Justice".

    + Meanwhile, at another such Point, the Adopted Resolution also "Denounces the targeting of Educational institutions and premises for Terrorist Attacks, as a means of Undermining the Education and Dignity of all Citizen, as well as causing Mistrust and Division between communities".  Something which, indeed, concerns not only the recent 2015 Killings at Kenya's University Campus now, but also Nigeria's Christian Schools from where Boko Haram Terrorists abducted Hundreds of Young Girls on 2014, as well as Deadly Terrorist Merah's 2012 Killings of 2 Young School-Children aged only 3 and 5 years old, together with their Professor and Father, at a Jewish School in France ; and the inFamous 2004 Chechen/Caucasus Islamist Terrorists' Deadly Attack on an Elementary School at Beslan, in Russia, where Hundreds of Small Children and their Mothers, Families, etc, were taken Massively Hostages, before being Killed or Wounded, for many of them, in an infight between the Heavily Armed Terrorists (who had filled the School with Explosives) and the Police, (an Horrible, obviously Inhuman Massacre, that only a few "Demonstrators" in Turkey found good to scandalously support then !), including Pakistani Young Girll Malala's wounding by Gun-shots for daring support Womens' Education, (after which she was awarded both EU Parliament's "Zakharov" Prize, and even "Nobel" Peace Prize  : Comp. relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport with EU Commissioner and MEPs' replies to our Questions on Malala at : .....), etc.

Votes on Security Mechanism: EU saved, at the last minute, from Dangerous Sly Trap on US-led Military Intervention !

    In fact, several MEPs' (such as, f.ex. Alliot-Marie, Paet, Schaffhauser, and others) direct or indirect Criticisms, during the Debate (Comp. Supra), vis a vis the out-going USA President Obama-led Military Interventions at the wider Middle-East area, (instead of a fully-fledged UNO-based International Operation, and/or European action, preferably in Coordination with other Regional Organisations including Neighbouring Countries : See Infra), .. unexpectedly Saved the EU, at the last minute, before falling to a very Dangerous Sly Trap :

    => Indeed, such Criticism, obviously contributed in the Refusal, by the Majority of MEPs, to accept an Amendment, also tabled by some inside the EPP Group, which called to Support "THE International Coalition" currently set up against ISIL, (instead of simply saying :  "An" International Coalition for that purpose), i.e. just the present, "USA-led" Military Intervention, which is, notoriously, rather Controversial... Indeed, even Christian Catholic leader of more than 1,3 Billions of People Worldwide : Pope Francis, had notoriously invited earlier for action "according to International Law", (i.e., normaly through the UNO), while, until now, even sincerely interested Countries, affected by Extremist Islamist Terrorist Attacks, such as UN SC Permanent Members Russia and/or China, etc., are among the Long List of those who don't yet have a say on that only USA-led Intervention, which should, obviously, be adequately Enlarged and transformed.

    + And, Suddenly, just a few Hours later, that "USA-led" International Coalition's Air Bombings reportedly Killed more than 52 Innocent Civilians, (including more than 7 Children, several Families, etc) Destroying a Peaceful Village, located several Kms away from the nearest Conflict Zone, in the biggest Tragic Blunder of the 4 Years-long Syrian Crisis !     
     The competent American Military Commander reportedly replied that he will Investigate such allegations, made particularly by a notorious Syrian NGO for Human Rights, based in London, and often used as a quite reliable source by the International Press.

    +> Obviously, if a so incredibly Huge Massacre of Innocent Civilians, (reported by several mainstream Medias, on a Village between Alepo and Kurdish city Kobane close to the Turkish Borders, only Hours after EU Parliament's Vote in Strasbourg, where all other EPP Amendments, with the only Exception of this one, had been Adopted, earlier Today), had followed a Public Call by EU Parliament to support such USA-led Military Operations, now accused to Kill, apparently without any excuse, so Many Innocent Civilians, (instead of always targetting ISIL's Deadly Extremist islamist Terrorist Beheaders), then, Christians and Europe itself would have been immediately taken as Targets by a Growing Number of Hostile Armed Groups, who had been only waiting for a Pretext in order to Attack, more Christian Minorities in Neighbouring Countries, and Europeans themselves...
    Thus, Today's Votes of the Majority of MEPs, are a Rare Example of a Pro-European spirit, (at least for those MEPs who prefered an EU-led Operation, in Cooperation with its Neihghbouring Countries, and/or a really International move, officially accepted by the UNO and including all concered Major Players in the World, without undue excusions (Comp. Supra), according to International Law, succeeded, also, to Save Europe from an extremely Dangerous, Sly Trap...

    >>> In exchange, indeed, the finaly Adopted Resolution doesn't add but a simple (however, potentialy Interesting) mention of the view that "the Real Answer must be organized (by the EU) around Coordinated Actions with Other -in this case : "African"- Countries", and "Calls on EU's ...High Representative, (Federica Mogherini), to address Security and Terrorist threats, .. in Cooperation" with the concerned Regional Organisations :

    F.ex., "In the Regional area" affected by Attacks such as on the Kenya massacre, EU Parliament calls Mogherini to boost "Cooperation with the African Union", ("in support of its crucial efforts to fight Al-Shabaab through AMISOM"). More Widely speaking, concerning all Africa, EU Parliament's Resolution urges for EU Support to "the African StandBy Force (ASF)", etc.

In general, the Adopted Text  "Urges the EU to strongly Support the implementation of Continental and Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Management", i.e. something which might include also OSCE, f.ex. in the PanEuropean area's relations with Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, (which includes China, India, Mongolia, Kazakstan, etc), both of which have recently expressed common Concerns for the Need to Stop "Religious-motivated Terrorism", (Comp. "EuroFora's NewsReports from OSCE's latest Summit in Basel, December 2014, f.ex. : .....).


    On the Contrary, among the last-minute Ommissions of points which had been Initially included at the EPP Group's Draft Resolution, (but Not repeated in EPP's Amendments), was  also "Call on the (EU) Commission, the International Community and organisations such as the UN to take a proactive and Preventive approach towards any Violations of Freedom of Religion and Belief, which is enshrined as a fundamental right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", as well as the "Welcoming" of the "the establishment of a Delegation of Mediators and experts on intercultural and interreligious Dialogue, which should be included in UN Peacekeeping Missions, with the aim of stimulating negotiations and conflict mediation by UN envoys", (ibid).

    I.e., Geo-Politically, it all looks as if EU Parliament's Majority, after Droping an indirect but clear mention of the current US-led Military Operation, at least as far as Protection of Christian People from Terrorist Attacks of Extremist Islamic Armed Groups are concerned (Coimp. Supra), at a last-minute move, it also Moderated an Initial Focus on International, particularly UN-related, Operations, and, apparently, Prefered, at least for the Time being, and, given the Urgency of the matter, to Concentrate, rather, on EU Action in Coordination with relevant Regional Organisations including Neighbouring Countries, also taken as such, (Comp. Supra).


    However, concerning, precisely, the GeoGraphic Areas concerned by such Terrorist Attacks, curiously, the finaly adopted Resolution doesn't mention explicitly f.ex. the Destruction of an Historic Armenian Village in Syria, inhabited by Survivants of the Armenian Genocide committed by Ottoman-Turcs, Neither the Brutal and Deadly Attacks which Chassed the Historic Christian Community of Mossoul, (partly revendicatd by Turkey, whose nationals were, on the contrary, all liberated by ISIL and transported back Home almost as Tourists !), as well as some other relevant Tragic events, almost everywhere accross the Turkish Borders, where f.ex. ISIL notoriously Abused of similar Barbaric Methods as during the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Turks : Massive Displacement of Populations, Women, Elders and Children, usurpation and Destructions, Mass Killings, atrocious BeHeadings, etc,

    As for the Attacks by ISIL-inspired Somali Extremist Islamist Terrorists
against Civilians in Kenya, an Amendment tabled by the EuroLeft Group of MEPs, even if it didn't manage to gather a Majority, nevertheless it reminded the Fact that it's mainly since the 1992 USA Military Intervention, nicknamed "Operation Provide Hope", decided by former Socialist/Liberal President Clinton, that Somalla has No more any legitimately recognized Government, but is practicaly abandoned to various Armed Groups, (by a coincidence,  becoming also Turkey's No 1 link to Africa recently, (even to the point that Ankara .. bought a Poor Somali Athlete in order to run to the Olympic Games under the Turkish flag !..)
    This also reminds to "EuroFora"s Co-Founder, an unforgettable, premonitory Warning that had given us, already as early as since the Beginning of the 1990ies, a French-Educated Muslim, Algerian Intellectual, about the Risks of what he had named as "USA involvement in the rise of political Islamist Movements at the Arab Countries" surounding Europe, that he "didn't like", speaking shortly after the first Islamist Groups at Afghanistan, followed also by their notorious spread towards Russian Chechnya areas at Northern Caucausus, helped then by a former USA-backed Istanbul (Turkey)-based Trader, called Osama Ben Laden...

    + Moreover, mutatis-mutandis, similar Extremist Islamist Terrorists' Attacks seem reportedly to Attempt to return Now in Russian North Caucausus, pushing back to a notoriously Bloody Past, which had spread from atrocious BeHeadings up to Mass Killing even of Kidnaped Young School-Children, etc. (F.ex. in the famous, horrible Beslan School Massacre on 2004, when Extremist islamist had staged at Istanbul -Turkey- scandalous Demonstrations of support/propaganda for Armed Terrorists Kidnappers and Killers of SchoolChildren, etc).

    ++ This goes parallel to a recent trend towards Knife-Attacks even against innocent Civilians walking at the Street or taking a Bus, etc, by Turkic Unghurs in China, notoriously pushed by a Violent Terrorist Separatist Movement aiming to impose by Force what it calls "Eastern Turkestan), in a series of Brutal Incidents which seem to grow, a few years after a Stern Warning by a Turkish MEP against China, launched at a CoE's PanEuropean Assembly's session in Strasbourg, (See, f.ex. : .....). To the point that even Mongolia has recently started to Worry about Extreme Islamist "Religious Motivated Terrorism", as its Foreign Minister denounced at the latest OSCE Summit at nearby Basel, last December 2014, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports from that latest OSCE Summit, on the spot).

+ Many  MEPs denounce Turkey's role vis a vis ISIL's Terrorists

=>  Concerning EU's current Focus on Neighbouring Countries (Comp. Supra) in order to Stop Violent and Deadly Persecution of Christians and other Minorities by Extremist Islamic Terrorists as that of ISIL's BeHeaders, it's obviously Important to note also  the Fact that,

    recently, an impressive Number of Various MEPs from Different EU Countries and/or Political Groups, have tabled many Amendments to the 2015 Annual Draft Report on Turkey's controversial and unpopular EU bid, (due to be finaly adopted at EU Parliament's next Plenary Session of May, after previously Discussing and Voting on initial Amendments Next Week in Brussels), which denounce manifold and converging suspicions about Ankara regime's probable Responsibiilities in the -otherwise unexplained- Fast track rise of ISIL's atrocious BeHeader Terrorists :

- For the 1st Time, f.ex., the vice-President of the European Conservatives and Reformists' Group, British MEP Geofffrey Van Orden, "Emphasises that Turkey must increase measures to Prevent Recruits, Money or Equipment from reaching ISIL and other Extremist groups via its Territory", as he Denounces in the Amendment that he tabled.  

+ At the Other side of the Political Spectrum, Socialist Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes, expresses "Concern" about "allegations and Reports about he Role Turkey is playing in Refusing to Curb Daesh (ISIL) advances, and its Logistical bases of Support", and  "Calls on Turkey to ... unambiguously commit itself to fighting ISIL/Daesh and An-Nusra by, in particular, monitoring its Borders with Iraq and with Syria, to assist in Preventing the European and Turkish Fighters (Djihadists) from Access to those countries with the purpose of joining Terrorist organisations" through the Turkish Territory, as well as to "Clamp down on ISIL/Daesh and An-Nusra Recruitment and Propaganda Centres in Turkey", while also " ensuring an unimpeded Eccess by the Kurdish forces in Kobane to any kind of Assistance they need to fight ISIL/Daesh", instead of notoriously Hindering them.

++ This is added to Euro-Left's MEPs from France and Cyprus, Marie-Christie Vergiat, Takis Hadjigeorgiou and Neoklis Sylikiotis, who call to "Criticize .. the Turkish Government's Ambivalent attitude towards Daesh"/ISIL, and "Stress the Need" for "Turkey ... tio Prevent Daesh (ISIL's) Fighters (Djihadists) from Crossing its Borders", to and from Syria and/or Iraq.

+++ As for "Green" MEPs Ska Keller, Ernest Maragal andl Bodil Ceballos, from Germany, Spain and Sweden, they clearly "express Concern over Turkish government's alleged Role in providing Support to ISIS"' atrocious BeHeader Terrorists.

++++ Bulgarian Conservative MEP Angel Dzhambazki goes even Further, by "expressing Serious Concern at the Fact that persons Connected with the Islamic Movement and with Other Terrorist Organisations, are able to Move Freely through, and (in the case of the egions bordering Syria) Reside Feely on Turkish territory", as he Denounces in the Amendment that he tabled,

"Stressing that Turkey should take all necessary Measures to Restrict the activities of the Islamic movement" of ISIL etc., instead of offering to it Free Transit and even Bases, (Comp. Supra).

+ Even notoriously pro-Turkish Swedish Center-Right MEP Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, realizezs the Need to point at the Fact that there is, Now, in Turkey, a "Flow of so called "Foreign Fighters", both Returning from, and Venturing to participate in the Civil War in Syria or other Terrorist activities in the region", making it necessary to "Cooperate" in order "to Single Out Terrorists and other Security Threats" present on Turkish Territory, "such as self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or IslamicState of Iraq and al-Sham), al-Qaeda", etc.

- French MEP Philippe Juvin, from the recently growing, main opposition party UMP, (of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group), Timely reminding also "the (Islamist Terrorist) Attacks carried out on European soil", urges to "Call on the Turkish authorities to step Up ... cooperation with the EU and its Member States in ...Monitoring of Jihadists on Turkish soil, and their Return to Europe", as he says, while even experienced vice-President of the Socialist Group of MEPs, Victor Bostinaru from Romania, feels the Need for Ankara "to Better hold Control of the Flow of Foreign Fighters" through Turkey.

+ Moreover, the vice-President of the Liberal Group, German MEP Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, together with Dutch MEP Marietje Schaake, vice-Chairwoman of the EU - USA Delegation, both consider "Important" for the EU to get a "Clear Commitment" by "Turkey" on the "Prevention of the Activities in Turkey, and of Recruitment of People in Turkey, by Violent Extremist Organizations", as they note.

>>> Experienced vice-President of the EU - NATO Delegation, former President of EU Parliament's Security and Defense Committee, Arnaud Danjean from France, (ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group), Criticizes "Turkey" for "still Not using All the resources at its disposal to Fight Terrorism", and, in this regard, he "Notes, in particular, Shortcomings in the Monitoring and the Arrest of Foreign Fighters Crossing its Territory, and in the Monitoring of its Borders with Syria and Iraq". That's why, the Competent MEP feels Necessary for the EU to "Call on Turkey to take a Firmer line against ISIL and against Terrorism in general".

 - Italian "5 Stars/Beppe Grillo" MEPs from the EFD Group, (of British Nigel Farage, Center Right+), Marco Affronte and Fabio Massimo Castaldo, "Voice .. Concern at the Number of Jihadists crossing Turkey's Porous (as they Denounce) Border into Syria", and "believe that the Turkish Government Should do .. More", as they Criticize in the Amendment that they tabled, at the same time that German ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEPs Renate Sommer and Esther de Lange, feel that Ankara's exchanges with the EU "should Urgently be Improved" given the Necessity "to Stop the Flow of "Foreign Fighters"" from Extremist Islamist Terrorist Groups via Turkey.


+ Meanwhile, the Syrian Authorities have just denounced Turkey to launch Deadly and Destructive Attacks against 2 Cities located at the Northern Areas of the Country by providing Logistical support and Amunitions to Terrorist groups.

++ Last; but not least, former BBC-sponsored, Polish Documentary Film-maker Marcin Mamon, notoriously close  to former Chechen Separatists against Russia, has reportedly revealed, recently, that Jihadists flowing from all over the World to Turkey, and in particular Istanbul, have started to be linked with a Turkish go-between, who has already been active in Chechnya and/or Afghanistan in the Past, but is now dealing with a kind of ...Ukranian branch of ISIL and other Extremist Islamist Terrorists, who allegedly join mainly pro-Kiev but quasi-indepedent Bataillons at the Donbass, to Attack pro-Russian Donetsk/Luhansk Autonomists and/or other areas in Europe.  


Ethnic Cleansing + Cultural Cleansing : Same Aims ?

    + In addition, it's also Interesting to note that, as a Young Czech MEP Stanislav Polcak, vice-President of Regional development Committee, (ChristianDemocrat/EPP) denounced, during the Explanation of Votes on the above-mentioned EU Parliament's Resolution on Persecution of Christians, closely followed also by another one, on Cultural Heritage Destruction, recently at Iraq, both mainly by ISIL, in fact,  the "Killing of Christians and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage pursue a Similar Aim : To Destroy the Historic Identity of People !".     


    Therefore, "Moderate Muslims should speak clearly against the Barbarity of ISIL" and other such Extremist Islamist Terrorist Armed Groups, Polcak concluded, inter alia.

    - Indeed, "Numerous Archaeological, Religious and Cultural sites in Syria and Iraq (particularly Near to Turkey's Borders) have recently been subject to Targeted Destruction perpetrated by groups of Extremists linked particularly to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS/Da’esh), and ... these systematic attacks  against Cultural Heritage were described by UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova as ‘Cultural Cleansing", denounces the Joing Resolution tabled and voted this week in Strasbourg's Eu Parliament's Plenary Session by almost all the Political Groups, exceptionaly united all together.

    - "According to UNESCO, the term ‘Cultural Cleansing’ refers to an Intentional Strategy that seeks to Destroy cultural diversity through the Deliberate Targeting of individualsidentified on the basis of their Cultural, Ethnic or Religious background, COMBINED with Deliberate Attacks on their places of Worship, Memory and learning". 

This Strategy, "that can be witnessed in Iraq and Syria, is reflected in attacks against the Cultural Heritage, i.e. both against physical, Tangible and built expressions of culture such as Monuments and buildings, and against Minorities and Intangible expressions of culture such as customs, Traditions and Beliefs", explained that Joint Motion for Resolution, from the outset.

    >>> Among them, at least "some acts of Destruction of the Cultural Heritage have been considered, under certain circumstances, as Crimes against Humanity", and, "in particular, when directed against members of a religious or ethnic group, they can be assimilated to the Crime of Persecution, as set out in Article 7(1)(h) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court", EU Parliament denounced, by adopting that Text.
    + Moreover, always "according to UNESCO", ‘Heritage is an important component of the cultural Identity of communities, groups and individuals, and of Social Cohesion, so that its Intentional Destruction may have Adverse Consequences on Human Dignity and Human Rights’,

    ++ In addition, Today, "as stated by UNESCO and Others, the product of Looting and Smuggling of cultural and religious sites and objects in Iraq and Syria by ISIS/Da’esh, is being used to help Fund ISIS/Da’esh Terrorist activities, with the result that Artistic and cultural goods are becoming ‘War Weapons’, MEPs warned.
    However, "such acts of Destruction of Cultural and Historical sites and objects are Not New, and are Not confined to Iraq and Syria" only, EU Parliament reminded, (indirectly but surely pointing, f.ex., at what has also been notoriously the case, for Decades now, in the Occupied Territories of nearby EU Member Cyprus, still controled by Ankara's Foreign  Invasion/Occupation Army since 1974, where a lot of precious Ancient Greek, Roman and maily Christian Monuments and Artworks, (including many Churches, Monasteries, even Cemeteries, etc), have been systematically Destroyed, Disfigured, Desacrated and/or Plundered, (as, f.ex. the Confiscation of Turkish Smugglers' trafficked Religious Christian Icons, usurpated from Occupied Cyprus and sold at Germany's Bavaria (whose Authorities helped Nicosia's Government to recuperate the Looted Religious objects), illustrated some years ago inside Europe.




(NDLR : "DraftNews", as it was already send to "EuroFora"'s Susbcribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be Publiched asap).



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Brixen-Bressnone/ACM/10 August 2008


Pope Benedict XVI launched a call "in the name of the common Christian heritage" of "all Christians", to "immediately stop military actions", and "resolutely take, the road of negotiation and dialogue", with "Initiatives" for a "peaceful and sustainable solution" in South Ossetia.

It's with "profound anxiety" that we read "the news, more and more dramatic", on "these tragic events ..which have caused many innocent victims and obliged a great number of civilians to leave their homes". All involved must "avoid to cause more, and worse sufferings to the population", he said.



He warned against "more violent confrontations and retaliations, which may degenerate in a conflict of even larger scope".


To avoid this risk, "the International Community and the most inffuent countries" should "make every effort to support and promote .. initiatives" for a stable Peace, he stressed, shortly before his visit to France, where President Nicolas Sarkozy is the current EU chair.

"Together with our Orthodox brothers, we pray for these aims, and we entrust them to the intercession of her sanctity, virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and of all Christians", he concluded.


Pope Benedict XVI spoke in front of more than 12.000 People during the Angelus of an Open-air Mass at Brixen-Bressalone (north of Italy), at the end of his short stay at the Alpes, close to German chancelor Angie Merkel's restplace, where he received the visits of two f.Italian Presidents, Ciampi and Cossiga, together with Minister Tremonti.


Pope's spokesman, Federico Lombardi, said ttesterday that he highlighted Brixen-Bressanone's synthesis, a peaceful and mutually enriching meeting point of many cultures, as "a model for Europe".






2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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