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Home arrow newsitems arrow EU Crisis Response Commissioner Georgieva to EuroFora: Science+Research to predict/prevent Disasters

EU Crisis Response Commissioner Georgieva to EuroFora: Science+Research to predict/prevent Disasters

Parašė ACM
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Efficient Response to curiously growing recently Natural Disasters, such as Extreme Weather Events, (f.ex. Heatwaves, Floods, etc), as well as Earthquakes, etc., needs to boost breakthrough Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, agreed with "EuroFora" EU Commissioner on Crisis Response, Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, Kristalina Georgieva, in a joint Press Conference with EU Parliament's Rapporteur on Civil Protection Force and Disaster Response, Elisabetta Gardini, and the Head of the Italian Delegation Mario Mauro.

On this point, European and International Cooperation is crucial in practice, she added, including as example even USA's FEMA... (See infra).


- "Concerning the Definition of "Response" : Could and should it also include Preparation, and, in particular, Scientific and Technological Research ?", asked "EuroFora" asked the competent EU Commissioner.

- "Because there are still many aspects f.ex. of Extreme Weather Events, such as exceptional Heatwaves, Floods, Storms, Earthquakes, etc., which are not yet scientifically well known, their real causes are not yet completely known", observed "EuroFora" from the outset.


- Indeed, "There are, at least, some parts wich are stilll unknown". Therefore, "may be, breakthrough Scientific Research and Innovative Technologic Solutions, could be particularly useful" there, we pointed out. In consequence, "do you think that something should and could be done also in this direction ?", we asked.


- "In the forthcoming (EU Commission) Legislative proposal, we focus also on Preparation, in terms of <<Risk Analysis>> and deployment to respond to Disasters. And, in this sens, Yes, we (EU) do need to better Understand the Threats to our (EU) Citizens, and what we have in our Capacity to respond to these threats, as well as, what it is that we need to Understand Better", the competent EU Commmissioner Kristalina Georgieva replied positively to "EuroFora"s question.


 - "To give you ("EuroFora") one example : I met with the Administrator of FEMA, the Federal Administation for the United States' Emergency Management Agency. And in that discussion, he identified as a very important area for Cooperation between the USA and Europe, exactly in lifting the bar as we look at Risks", (i.e. something which obviously needs a quite good Scientific Knowledge and Technologic development to eventually face them).

+ Moreover, this includes even "preparing what he called <<the Unthinkable>>, i.e., "expanding our capacity to anticipate even Low Probability Risks, that may have very Huge Consequences".


- F.ex., "one example of such Risks, f.ex. in Italy, could be a Tsunami caused by an Earthquake under the Mediterranean Sea. The probability of such an event is very low. But the Destruction it could provoke is enormous !", Georgieva warned.

=> "Therefore we need to expand our Understanding and our Scientific Knowledge on Predicting these Risks, and also in Monitoring the EcoSystems, the Changes that are happening, that could give us a Better Indication for when it might be a Moment to Act". (...)

- "And I just want to repeat what I've said : We think "Response" in this Continuum : Prepareness, Prevention, Response, Rehabilitation, Learning Lessons, and Integrating them into how we prepare for Disasters", she concluded.
+ "Another thing FEMA's head told me is that a Priority was to adapt USA's system so that it can receive International Assistance, because, as he said, "even us, the USA, we cannot assume that we are well prepared for any Disaster. And he gave an example : If p.ex. a whole City in the US is affected by Terrorist Attacks, then, the Rescue Teams they have in the U.S. may not be Sufficient", EU Commissioner added later to "EuroFora"

=> "So, what we are doing in Europe, is that we are trying to make it clear that Cooperation is the only way we can struggle in the face Increased Intensity and Frequency Disasters"

+ Also because "Europe is so Compact and so Densely Populated, that when a Disaster hits, the impact is quite Significant", she warned.

So, "while we (EU) don't have the Dramatic cycles of Myanmar, Bangladesh, or India, etc.", nevertheless, "when we (EU) have Floods, the impact can be quite Serious. When we have Summer-Heatwaves, it kills over 60.000 People", she denounced.

=> Therefore, "obviously we (EU) need to be better Prepared, in order to be able to respond, whenever we have trends of this nature. And that is why  Cooperation is so important, especially during Austerity, when Money is short, the only way we can act is to Pool Resources", she concluded.


- "It is less well known that Europe today is an area where, per unit of Territory, and per Population, we have one of the Highest Intensities of Disasters", the competent EU Commissioner warned.

=> Thus, only "in the last 10 Years (2001-2011),     a Hundred Thousand of Europeans died by (so-called) "Natural Disasters", the largest number of people died during the 2003 Heatwave that affected Europe, (and particularly France), which costed us 150 Billions €", she denounced.

This apparently doesn't take into account also the 2010 Giant Heatwave which hit Russia's Capital Moscow and its most developed areas, killing Tens of Thousands of People, burning Forests and Fields, threatening High Tech Industries, Defense, etc.

- "So, Disasters are not just a problem for Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Haiti, etc. They are a problem for Europe, and, therefore, we (EU) need a Strong Capacity to Respond", which "directly benefits our Citizens"; Kristalina Georgieva stressed.

 - Indeed, "Disasters don't discriminate between Rich and Poor. Even the best prepared pupils in the class, and, f.ex. Japan was the best prepared, may be in need of International Assistance", she observed.

Therefore; "We are going to present a Legislation focused on "Response", but in the framework also of "Prevention", etc.          

=> "We want top have Pre-arranged, Pre-planned, Predictable Responses to Disasters, based into Integrating the Civil Protection systems of our Member States bottom-up".


Georgieva spoke to "EuroFora" during and after a Press Conference together with EU Parliament's Rapporteur on "Civil Protection and Humanitarian assistance" a "stronger European disaster response"; Italian ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEP Elisabetta Gardini, as well as mainstream MEP Mario Mauro, Head of the Italian Delegation.

Gardini's Report calls for an efficient, and "not bureaucratic", "EU Civil Protection Force", with Solidarity and Cooperation between EU Member States, based on EU's Emergency Response Centre, with real time "Monitoring, including through use of Satellite data",  "mapping", etc.

The adopted Resolution stresses, in particular, that "relevant Scientific Research needs to be further Developed, with a view to improving Risk assessment mechanisms, systems of Prevention and means of Combating ... phenomena" such as, f.ex. "extreme Drought and forest Fires, (which) have increased in frequency and scale in Europe".

It's also in order "to combat Bio-Terrorism", that EU Parliament "calls.. on the (EU) Commission to launch a feasibility study on the merits of setting up, allocating European Research budget funding to, and naming European reference Laboratories".

Indeed, "Preventing disasters is often more Cost-effective than combating them; therefore, (MEPs) stress... the vital need to ....step.. up the EU’s and Member States’ Risk Prediction and prevention policies and encourages the Commission to prepare a(n)... Innovative EU strategy on disaster risk reduction; calls for sufficient resources to be dedicated to Early identification of Possible Disasters, and asks the Commission to ensure that the revision of the Structural Funds and the Solidarity Fund are used to encourage the development of ... Investments in these areas; furthermore, calls for improved Education on disaster prevention, investment in the prevention of disasters and climate change".



(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A complete, more accurate Final Version may be published asap).




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Recent developments proved that Europe can suceed to overcome challenges by aiming at great objectives, and this is needed also in 2009, said EU chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    - "It's in the name of Great Ideas, Projects, Ambition and Ideals, that EU can overcome" challenges, stressed Sarkozy at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in conclusion of a dense 7 months EU Chairmanship. "It's even easier for Europe to have Great projects, able to overcome national egoism, instead of limiting itself only to small projects" (unable to do alike), he observed.     

- "Europe must remain Ambitious and understand that the World needs her to take Decisions". "The World needs a Strong Europe", which "thinks on its own, has convictions, its own responses, its imagination" : "A Europe which does not limit itself into following" others, (as it did in the Past, when it followed USA, f.ex. on Bosnia). On the contrary, "Europe should undertake its own responsibilities", he said, after a series of succes in stopping the War between Russia and Georgia, and organizing the 1st EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which incited the Washington DC G-20 Summit to extend similar decisions World-wide.  

    - "When you sweep it all under the carpet, prepare yourself for hard tomorrows", he warned. "What hinders decisions is the lack of Courage and Will, the fading away of Ideals", he stressed before EU Parliament's 2008 debate on Human Rights and Sakharov prize on Freedom of thought attributed by MEPs to Chinese cyber-dissident Hu Jia, followed by an EU - Turkey meeting on Friday.

    - "I don't abandon my convictions" and "I will take initiatives" on EU level also in 2009, Sarkozy announced later. "France will not stop having convictions and taking initiatives" on Europe. + "It's an Error to wish to pass over the Heads of those who are elected in their Countries" : "It's an integrism I always fought against"', he warned.
French EU Presidency faced 4 unexpected Crisis :

- An institutional crisis, with the Irish "No" to EU Lisbon Treaty, just before it started. A geopolitical crisis, wth the threat of War between Russia and Georgia risking to throw Europe back to Cold-war divisions, on August. A World-wide Financial and Economic crisis, arriving at a bad moment before crucial 2009 EU elections. And even a Strasbourg's mini-crisis, with EU Parliament's roof curiously falling down, from unknown reasons, in a brand new building on August, provoking an unprecedented transfert of the 2 September Plenary Sessions...

But it wasn't enough to stop Sarkozy ! On the contrary, it stimulated him...

- "The better way to deal with the recent problems of EU institutions (as the "3 NO" by France, the Netherlands and Ireland) is to take them as a "Test" in order to find solutions closer to Citizens' concerns", said later in Strasbourg Sarkozy's new choice as Ministe for EU affairs, Bruno Le Maire.

- On the Institutional front, Sarkozy gave Time to the Irish to think about it, and stroke on December a deal including a New Referendum after the June 2009 EU Elections, in exchange of a promise to keep the rule of "one EU Commissioner for each EU Member Country", and some opt-outs on Defence and Fiscal EU policies, Abortion, etc. If the Irish get a "Yes" Majority, then the institutional package could be completed in 2010 or 2011 on the occasion of Croatia's probable EU accession.

He was accused in Strasbourg to upgrade EU Council and downgrade EU Commision, but he replied that "strong Political initiatives by EU Council reinforce also the more technical role of EU Commission, under the political-technical leadership of its President", all 3 "working together with EU Parliament".

- But, meanwhile, Sarkozy energetically spearheaded an Historic 1st Summit of EuroZone's 15 Heads of State and Government at EU's core, exceptionally enlarged to a partial participation of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, on October 12 in Paris' Elysee palace, which started to tackle succesfully the growing world Financial crisis.

    It also paved the way for its endorsement by a subsequent Brussels' 27 EU Member States' gathering, before it all come to Washington's G-20 Summit. And "Europe was united, it asked for the 1st G-20 Summit, and it will also organise the next G-20 Summit on April in London", he observed.   

 But a Conference with EU, Russia, African and other Developing Countries, hosted in Strasbourg shortly after Washington G-20 Summit by the French EU Presidency, took a Resolution asking to enlarge participation to Global Economic Governance. Many found, indeed, illogic and unacceptable that f.ex. states as Turkey were given a seat at G-20 level, while all African Countries, and even the African Union itself, representing the greatest Continent on Earth, were excluded...

    Meanwhile, even USA''s "Paulson No 3" Plan, was, in fact, inspired by Europe's No 1 Plan", Sarkozy observed, largelly applauded by MEPs.

    And "Europe showed Solidarity" by mobilizing some 22 Billion credit for Hungary, 1,7 billion for Ukraine, as we do nowadays for Baltic States, etc., he added.

    The move on Economy was extended on December by an EU stimulus' plan totalling some 200 billion Euros, including 5 Billions released by EU Commission for big Projects, as well as various parallel National plans for Economic revival, (fex. 26 billions in France alone). They might appear limited, compared to USA President-elect Obama's reported plan to boost the American economy with 800 billion $, but at least succeded to overcome Europe's divisions for the first time on Economic governance, opening new horizons.

- The French President stressed even harder the unique role of an active EU Council's chairmanship, when he moved swiftly and efficiently, at the beginning of August, to succesfully stop War between Russia and Georgia, at the last minute, which threatened to bring Europe back to Cold War division.

"We (EU) also wanted to avoid a situation like in Bosnia, in the Past, when EU was absent, so that our American friends took their responsibilitues, and EU only followed", despite the fact that the conflict took place in Europe. Now, it was the EU who took its responsibilities".

A roadmap towards a new PanEuropean Security policy, before which all unilateral moves to place new Missiles (from USA or Russia) would be freezed, was proposed by Sarkozy after a meeting with Russian president Medvedev, at the eve of Washington DC's G-20 Summit.

Ukraine's "European" character was stressed at a Sarkozy - Jushenko Summit, September in Paris, while EU adopted on December an "Eastern policy", in which, "I'm convinced that our (EU's) future is to find with our Neighbours the conditions for Economic Development. Peace and Security, by explaining them that.. they must respect (Human Rights') Values, and adopt behaviors different from the Past", explained Sarkozy in Strasbourg.

Meanwhile, the "Union for the Mediterranean" was created, since July's Summit if 45 Heads of State and Government in Paris, as "an organisation for a permanent Dialogue, that we need", mainly in order to tackle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by bringing together, for the 1st time, Israelis and Arabs, where "Europe must be present, in order to avoid a frontal clash".

- "If Europe doesn't take its part for Peace in the Middle-East, nobody else will do that in our place", Sarkozy stressed.
    Meanwhile, other EU Agreements were brokered during the French EU Presidency on Immigration, (fex. common Asylum rules, etc), and Climat- Energy :

    - On Climat-Energy, the 2007 German EU Presidency had fixed a triple 20% aim for 2020 (20% renewable Energies, 20% reduction of CO2 emmission, 20% energy efficience/economies), and the 2008 French EU Presidecny realized that, making the necessary compromises in order to modernize EU's industry, but without throwing some former Central-Eastern European Countries into abrupt Economic break down risking "social explosion".

    - Defence-Security EU policy was mainly postponed for April 2009, since both German chancellor Merkel and French president Sarkozy want to strike a deal with the new American president Obama in Strasbourg's NATO Summit.

    However, with all these 4 unexpected Crisis diverting attention to other urgencies, People wil wonder now, what happened to the famous deal proposed by freshly-elected French President Sarkozy on Turkey's controversial EU bid, back on August 2007, to continue EU - Turkey negotiations, but on the double condition that core chapters, intrinsequally linked with EU Membership, will be excluded, and that a collective Reflexion and Debate on Europe's future would start before the end of 2008.

    It was meant to reply to the crucial question : What kind of Europe do we want in 10 or 20 Years from now : A large Market, or a Political Europe, with a popular identity ? In Sarkozy's thinking, presented in his 2 landmark speeches on Europe in Strasbourg, shortly before and after the 2007 Elections, (on February and July 2007), Turkey's controversial EU bid would be incompatible with the second choice.

    It's true that EU Commision's Chairman, Jose Barroso, (who had notoriously declared, as former Portuguese Prime Minister, that he found "nonsense" the idea that Europe might become equal to the US), had repeatedly tried to avoid that Sarkozy's criticism on Turkey might start winning a larger audience in Europe, preferring a discrete "wismens' committee" work. And that most of the personalities later chosen in order to participate in a Committee on Europe's Future, are too much linked with Socialist parties and/or American policies, to be really critical of USA's notorious wish to impose Turkey to the EU, as Sarkozy had noted himself since March 2007..

     - "It's on EU Council's presidency to take political initiatives. EU Commission has other competences", stressed Sarkozy. The "European Ideal" is to "build Europe with the States, not against them". "Ask Europeans to chose between their countries and Europe won't work. You don't choose between your two parents : We must add them together".

    "France and Germany have an Historic Duty to work together, precisely because of what happened to the Past. We have to work hand by hand. We cannot be separated.It goes beyond me and Mrs Merkel today, Mr Schroeder and Mr. Chirac yesterday. It's not a choice, it's a duty to Europe and to the World".  "We need Germany, as Germany needs Europe". Compromise is inevitable, here as everywhere, and each one made some steps towards eachother's positions.

    But "it's true that Mrs Merkel didn't chose her Socialist partners, while I chose mine", Sarkozy said, in an indirect hint that the Socialist Minister of Finance in Germany might be a cause of minor past disagreements in Economy, which were overcome in recent negotiations.

    "We (France and Germany) have particular duties in Europe", but "in a Europe of 27 Member States, it's not enough for France and Germany to agree between them.

    "I always thought that Great Britain has a special role to play in Europe. ... Now, everybody "saw what it cost payed the UK for having been too exclusively open towards the US (and) Financial services. Europe needs the UK, but also the UK needs Europe" :- "We were able to face the hardest moment of the Financial crisis because the UK clearly chose Europe", stressed Sarkozy, reminding Gordon Brown's exceptional participation to the Historic 1st Heads of State/Government Summit of EuroZone, October 12 in Paris (See EuroFora's Reportage from Elysee Palace then).

     - "Some look at Europe with old glasses aged 30 years ago. While we must look at her in relation to what it will be in 30 years" in the Future, Sarkozy concluded.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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