"Rainbow" Center-Right/Moral Values/Independents + Greens' start in Australian Election ?
(Partly Updated) - A Pioneer "Rainbow" Coalition of Center-Right Liberals/Conservatives and Independents/Families-ChristianDemocrats etc., eventually joined by "Greens", might take the Lead in Australia, (after Precursor EU attempts initiated at Local/Regional level in Austria's Graz, with thoughts also at National level, and Hamburg's Federated State in Germany, etc), as indicated the 1st "too close to call" Election in the Country's Modern History, where Voters' Majority turned towards various Center-Right Values' candidates, as well as "Greens", away from Labor/Socialists, who lost ground, but keep going until Final Results.
Tony Abbot, the New Leader of Liberals-National/Conservatives' Coalition succeeded to win a crystal-clear Advance with some 500.000 more votes than Labor, getting an edge with 73 MPs (Winning +8 more MPs on 2010 compared to the previous 2007 Election : 65), ahead of Julia Gillard (the out-going Labor Prime Minister) who arrived almost neck to neck with 71 or 72 MPs (Losing - 12 MPs Less from 83 they previously had), compared to 76 needed for a Government, (out of a Total 150) , according to some 80% of Results counted. While "Greens" and others Independents/Small Parties emerge with 1 or 2, and 4 MPs respectively, (Confirming a Steady Rise since 2004 - 2007 earlier Votes).
Most important, the Majority of People's Votes seems clearly focused towards the Center-Right at almost 51% : All Together, Center-Right's Values seem to grow towards more than +48 % , (Liberals 39,5% and Nationals 4%, Family First 2,2% and ChristianDems 1%, etc.), with whom are normaly related also at least 3 Independent MPs, formely National/Conservative Party's militants, adding more than +2,6 %).

On the contrary, Labor's "Socialists" reportedly lost - 5,5 % of Voters falling down to only some 37,9% I.e. risking to remain a Minority at any case, even if they might eventually convince the Greens, unless they pushed all Independents away from their traditional beliefs (See supra)...
Differend trend for "Greens" who win almost + 4%, reaching up to more than 11 %, of Votes. But Greens' Bob Brown' withdrew in the Past his support from a former Labor Government, and was strongly against Iraq War, where USA was notoriously pushed by former UK Labor Prime Minister Blair ("Socialist"). this might go even more for new Green MP Adam Brandt who stood against a Labor candidate and won practicaly thanks to Liberal/Nationals' abstention and/or vote...
However, the other Group formed de facto by 4 "key" Independent MPs had already prepared links between at least among the 3 former Nationals/Conservatives MPs in view of the 2010 Election, and reportedly decided, according to Queensland's Bob Katter, (with fellow independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott), to support a New Government which "is going to allow Rural Australia to survive".
Leaving the Greens, a 4rth New "Independent" MP Andrew Wilkie, known for his Criticism against Fake Accusations pushing to controversial Iraq Invasion War on 2003, which obliged him to Resign from the Australian Government Intelligence Agency, could be Timely : After Republican/Conservative former US President GWBush's astonishing but honest Regrets for controversial Infos they had given him on Iraq, as he said in a key Interview to US Media at the conclusion of his 9 Years Mandate (2000-2008), several appeals are Now made to the New Liberals/Conservatives' Brittish Government (2010) to open an Efficient, Collective and Transparent Investigation on the case of the Bloody Killing of Critical Expert Dr. Kelly, famous for his denunciation of former Labor/"Socialist" Prime Minister Blair's controversial "Reports" claiming that Iraq was hidding "Weapons of Mass Destruction", etc, generally considered to be among the main instigators of Iraq War. Obviously, Wilkie, (who seems Elected thanks to Liberals/Nationals' Coalition Voters against a Labor Adversary), may start now Interesting Cooperations with the new UK Liberals/Conservatives' Government to find all the Truth on this Darkspot of former Labour pro-War UK Governments, with a New Australian "Rainbow" Coalition Liberals/Conservatives + Independents/Small Parties (See supra).
"Family First" and "ChristianDemocrats" Fellow Parties gathered together almost 3 %, with some 300.000 Votes, i.e. clearly More than Independents, who, with a Comparatively Smaller result of only 2,6% and 267.000 Votes, nevertheless, got 4 MPs and a "King-maker" role for any New Government, while the first were Excluded from any Representation ! Such blatant Inequalities against Moral Values-oriented People can obviously provoke Legitimate Frustrations and Complaints against some Anti-Democratic Discriminatory and/or Bureaucratic "Tricks", unless a Solution is found, to take into consideration these Numerous Citizens' clearly expressed Beliefs in one way or another...
Abbot's declared intention to renew a Strategic turn towards Simple Working People, and his Coalition-building profile, added to Values, may prove to be better equiped in order to attract Smaller Parties/Independents (3 of whom reportedly were former "National"/Conservatives, close to "Family" and "Christian" Voters) and forge a well-cimented New Government Majority based on a Coherent + 51% (See supra). Despite of the fact that even Gillard tried to reach out to some Independents, in a last-minute attempt...

Topical Worldwide Issues on Values as BioEthics (particularly vis a vis Genetic Manipulation of Human Embryo), as well as Natural Environment Protection might seal a Deal Enlarging the Lib-Nat. Coalition to the "Greens" and/or other New Small Parties' MPs, such as Moral Values'-driven "Families 1st", ChristianDemocrats, Independents, etc.
Such a move might obviously Facilitate Australia's Links with Europe's Franco-German, and even British, Italian, Polish, Romanian, etc. Center-Right Governing Political Majorities, but, perhaps, also Developments : Since, according to some Press Reports, they keep an eye on eventually attracting at least a part of "Greens"/Environmentalists in the foreseeable Future. (Something which had almost started, already, to be, indirectly "tested" also on 2010 Strasbourg-headquartered Alsace Region's Election, where young Wehrling, a former "Green" candidate turned "Centrist", open to possible Agreements with the winner, ChristianDemocrat/UMP Philippe Richert, had succeeded to approach the 5% Threshhold, and was particularly keen on BioEthical issues, as he had told "EuroFora" then). This comes also Timely a few Months before November 2010 US Mid-term Congres Election, which may reportedly witness a Republican Revival : Particularly if it was based on the 2004 GWBush Surprise Win's New Logic, notoriously linked to "Values"-motivated People, who were, nevertheless, almost striped of their Growing Potential by Controversial Manoeuvers of some old Established Aparatchics at GOP's Primaries in last Presidential Elections as early as since March 2008, by practically blocking the Republican Charismatic candidate (Governor Mike Huckabee), while Dem's Charismatic candidate (former Senator Barack Obama) was free to go on : A confirmed Error, which might be Rectified between 2010-2012.
By a curious ..coincidence, Australia's Central-Western areas, pointing towards current Europe,voted predominantly for the No 1 Winner of 2010 Election : the Coalition of Liberals/Nationals+, while some Eastern/Northern areas, looking towards current US, on the contrary had large Labor or differerent votes..
Otherwise, Gillard's reported maintainance of a Carbon-Tax bid, even reduced, might, eventually, find at least a short Partial link with certain EU Leaders, (despite several Differencies on other Issues). But her notorious Opposal to former Labor Prime Minister Rudd's pro-Carbon Tax stance, (added to his strong Denonciation of a US-China brokered result at UNO's Climate Change Summit at Copenhagen, 12/2009 criticized as Insufficient : Comp. "EuroFora"'s NewsReports from the spot), that Gillard reportedly dropped after remplacing him, (something which obviously explains the "Leakage" of former Labor Voters towards the Greens in 8/2009), while even EU hasn't yet formed a Common View on that particular point, don't allow any undue enthousiasm..

At any case, any eventual attempt, with whatever Trick, to return back to the out-going Labor Government, wouldn't be "illegitimate", as Abbott stressed, since it would go against People's Majority 2010 verdict ?
Obviously, Democracy cannot ignore that the Australian People gave some 500.000 more Votes to the Center-Right Coalition of Liberals/Nationals-Conservatives, whose main Values seem shared also by at least + 560.000 Independents/Families-Christians Voters more, totalling a Lead of over + 1 Million Citizens ahead (See supra)...
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EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.
- "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.

"Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.
China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.

All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.
More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.
Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...
Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR : confirmed on July 5)