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Home arrow newsitems arrow After EU gives +3 Billions € to Turkey, it buys Russian Missiles S400 for 2,5 Billions €...

After EU gives +3 Billions € to Turkey, it buys Russian Missiles S400 for 2,5 Billions €...

Parašė ACM
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

*Strasbourg/- Soon after EU's Budget confirmed 3 Billions € per Year in full Grants earmarked for Turkey's Blackmail over Mass Irregular Migrants/Asylum Seekers' Inflow to Europe through its External Borders facing Turkish Coasts, allegedly for Social-Humanitarian pretexts, suddenly, ... patatrac !

=> Ankara's Government confirms too (according to converging Press Reports) that it will spend Most of that Sum (2,5 Billions $), obtained by the EU, in order to Buy ... heavy Military Weapons from Russia, as the famous "S.400" Missiles' system, able to Spy, Target and Shoot Airplanes...

Couldn't, at least, EU sell ...its own Arms to that EU-Funded (notoriously Oppressive and Aggressive) Turkish Regime ?

Who is really Responsible for such a Stupid, Anti-European, and Dangerous big Blunder ?

A Scandalous Blunder, since some EU and USA lobbies (at the Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jospin and Prodi-D'Alema 1998 era of "Socialists" almost Everywhere), had Relentlessly exerted Heavy Pressure, (Pussed by Turkey)using Any Means, in order to ..Cancel a Similar Deal between a European Culture and Peaceful Country as ...small Cyprus, and Russia, precisely about such an "S.300" Air-Defense System then... (which had been Bought by Cyprus' own Money 100%, without the EU spending not even a dollar) !

=> Double Standards, between (nowadays EU Member) Cyprus and Turkey ? Even against EU's (+USA's) own Interests ?!...

And, by the way, more and more Criitics wonder Nowadays : - What is Turkey still doing inside NATO ? Abusing of NATO Member States' Money in order to Buy Russian Missiles on 2018-2020 ; after having even notoriously Blocked NATO's Historic 2009 Summit in Strasbourg/Kehl for a Different against Denmark ; provoked a lot of Trouble on NATO's South-Eastern area by Threatening EU Member and NATO Member Greece over the Aegean Sea ; Smuggled Money, Arms and Jigadists for Deadly Islamist Terrorists at its Syrian Borders, who target innocent Civilian People even in Europe + USA (f.ex., in "CHARLIE-HEBDO" Massacres of 1/2015, Kulibali's GirlFriend holidayed at Istanbul before joining ISIL via Turkey, and 3 of ISIL's Killers at "BATACLAN"'s a.o. Paris' Massacres on 11/2015 had entered Europe from Turkey) ;  Accused NATO Officials with various Allegations +on 2016-2017; and Recently even repeatedly Blocking Access of German Officials, as well as of almost Everybody, to NATO AIrbase at Incirlik on 2016, (which becomes Unnecessary after the development of Modern Technologies, and could easily be soon Replaced by several Other available Options) ?

So that, significantly, EU Council's "Think Tank Review"s selection of Articles published on the occasion of December 2017 EU Summit, (which was distributed in Brussels to "Eurofora" and other Journalists),  finds that this Russian Missiles S400 purchase by Turkey (obviously thanks also to EU Funds), "Drives another Wedge between Turkey and its NATO Allies", and certainly is "a significant development that adds to the Question marks about Turkey’s future in NATO", which is "already Suffering from ...internal tensions", with "a Less Predictable Player than in the Past", and at least "Problematic".



F.ex., doesn't Turkey trust, no more, those "other NATO Member" which have "stationed "PATRIOT" Batteries in Turkish territory" since the Gulf and Syria Conflicts, as that EU-cited Article of "INSS" reminds ? At any case, USA State Department Spokeswoman has already observed, Critically, that if that Controversial "S400" Russian Missiles' deal went throught, "it would Contravene a Commitment made by NATO Members at the 2016 Warsaw Summit", INSS notes. And, in order too "take Full Advantage of ("S400" Missiles' System) Potential", it should be "Integrated with the Radar Systems of NATO or Russia" : Otherwise, "the Question arises, ... Why is Turkey investing such a Large Sum in an acquisition withOut" fully using it ? If this might be done in an attempt to address "Concern among Turkey's NATO Partners about information Leaks, on various levels", as INSS points out, it can be also "Disadvantageous for Russia" to use an "S400" Missile System for NATO purposes, (in addition, perhaps, to Turkey's alleged wish to Snatch Technologies that it would like to Produce itself in Future). And this "is likely to Explain reports in Russian Press that Turkey will Not be given "Independent Codes" to operate the Batteries" : Something which "may call into Question the Implementation of the transaction".


Meanwhile,  even if all the official content of that controversial Turko - Russian Weapons' Deal still remained entirely Secret, nevertheless, it was, Fortunately, anounced that at least 45% of the Russian Missiles' Cost canNot be paid now by Turkey, and is due to be, provisionaly, covered by Loans given by Moscow...

 (Apparently, Ankara may Wait to be Paid by another EU's 3 Billion € funds during Next Years !)

As for the Delivery of those "S 400" Missile System, it's reportedly foreseen to start after 2020.

=> Until then, several things may Change.

Among various others, f.ex., already in the Recent Past, "when the Turks issued a Tender for the acquisition of Air Defense Systems" on 2013, then "won by a Chinese Government Company", it was "subsequently Canceled under American Pressure", reminds that Article cited by EU Council's 12/2017 publication (Comp. Supra).
And, mutatis-mutandis, for Turkey to "Back Out of the Deal" for S400 Russian Missiles, in one way or another, "such a Scenario canNot be completely Ruled Out", INSS warns.

A fortiori, (given, particularly, the current Record-High UnPopularity of the Turkish Regime among EU Citizens accross the most Important European Countries, added also to growing Problems in the Controversial EU - Turkey Deal on Massive Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' influx in Europe via Turkey), it's Not Sure that EU will Persist to earmark +3 BIllions € of full Grants each year for Ankara, (especially, since the Western Balkans' Route had been already Closed with Efficient Measures taken by several Eurpean States, long Before -and Independently of- the subsequent entry into force of that cumbersome EU - Turkey controversial deal, which has Recently started again to show its Limits)...

And, since the EU practically Bears, in fact, the Cost of those Russian S400 Missile Systems that Turkey seeks to obtain (Comp. Supra), then, it would obviously be much more Honest, Logical and Financially correct, for the EU to Buy them Directly for its own !

At least, it would go to much more Peaceful and Democratic Countries, than Turkey, which has notoriously launched Destructive and Deadly Attacks, behind the back, against Syrian and even Russian Airplanes, while they were Struggling versus Islamist Terrorist Gangs near the Turkish Borders, in addition to persisting Dangerous AirFights versus EU+NATO Member Greece over the Aegean Sea...         





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2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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