Sarkozy welcomes Greek main opposition leader Samaras responsible stance on €uroarea formula

At the same time, Sarkozy observed also the fact that another "Declaration by the (Greek) Prime Minister (G.) Papandreou indicated that a Referendum (on the €uro-deal for Greece) would not be really useful" : A point that the French President also found "interesting", (Comp. yesterday"s relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport), even if it wasn't really a surprise, since it had been made clear, already 2 Days earlier, that Giorgos Papandreou had Not a Majority for his sudden, unwarned, Referendum threat, since it faced strong Opposition from almost everywhere, including by many inside his own party, (See yeterday's relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport).

Meanwhile, the main Greek opposition party, "ND" (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), for the 1st time so clearly, had issued two statements both going on the line of the "Alternative Solution" earlier highlighted by "EuroFora"s encounter with an experienced Sarkozy's counsellor, one Day before, on November 2, (see relevant Yesterday's NewsReport) :
Indeed, f.ex., already during Today's late Morning, November 3, "New Democracy"'s Spokesman, John Michelakis, reportedly made it clear that the Lending Deal with EU/IMF had become inevitable for Greece, after Giorgos Papandreou's controversial policies, but that the main Opposition party always asks to renegociate anew the Memo Plan which accompagnies it :
-"It's one thing the contract on the Loan, and another (different) thing the Policies which accompagny it", he reportedly stressed, (according to the alternative Formula outlined by "EuroFora" yesterday).

Samaras later-on issued a formal Statement in which he asked for an Interim Government to immediately prepare Elections after endorsing the €urozone decision on the Loan and the Debt only :
- "This government's (of Giorgos Papandreou's PASOK) policies have so much worsened things, that a new contract on borrowing money has become unavoidable and (therefore) it must be safeguarded".
-"But, obviously, we keep our Disagreement with the Policy Measures which are applied today" by the PASOK government", he added.
- "I already said, since October 27, when the (Debt provoked in Greece) "Haircut" (-50%) was anounced, that, given the situation to which PASOK's Govenrment brought things, the "Haircut" of the Greek Debt, that Nobody wanted earlier, had become unavoidable from now on", but, "I had also made it clear that the lending contract is something Different from the accompagnying measures, and we remain still opposed to the "Policy mix", Samaras stressed afterwards, during a Greek Parliament's debate.
- "I wonder, Mr. (G.) Papandreou came close to destroying Greece and Europe, €uroarea, Inernational Stock/Financial Markets and his own Party in order to do what ? To Blackmail me and the Greek People ? Or in order to be sure for what I had alrea&dy anounced, that I accept as "unavoidable", Samaras criticized, while also noting that G. Papandreou was practically obliged to withdraw his unwarned and largely rejected, Referendum threat.
+ "I don't want to intervene inside the Greek Political Debate, which is already Complicated enough like that", carefuly said today Sarkozy in reply to Journalists' questions.

- "Greece is an Independent Country, it's a Free Country. Greeks have succeeded to liberate themselves from Dictatorship, and I admire the Greek People, while I also have some very old Family links with Greece, so that I don't want, at any case, to give them a feeling that we intervene in their political life", clarified, at any case, Sarkozy, whose Grand Father, from his Mother's side, had been reportedly living as a Greek in Thessaloniki.
- "But, concerning €uro's Defence and the Defence of Europe, it's our Duty : The Red line for us is very simple : (€uroarea Member) Countries are freely administrated, but the" €uro and Europe are our (common) Heritage, and it must be protected. Here is how far we can go, and we will go. We can't go further than that, but, concerning Europe's and €uro's Defence, we shall do our job", the French President stressed.
- So, "'I am very glad that there are enough of politically Responsible People in Greece to understand this message and be able to go well beyond partisan interests in order to speak about their National Interest. Because, as we have always said, we wish for Greece to stay inside €uroarea, that was crystal-clear among us, but we couldn't realize our wish, if they didn't want that themselves", added Sarkozy earlier.
Concerning the Alterhative Formula that "EuroFora" had highlighted in yesterday's Headline News, and was apparently endorsed officially by the main Opposition party ND today, (i.e. the possibility, or not, to Distinguish between the Financial deal on Loans and Debts already decided at Brussels' EU Summit on October 27, and the Economic Policy Measures, which had been notoriously left for afterwards (See f.e. EU Parliament biggest Group's President, MEP Joseph Daul, head of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, statements to "EuroFora", etc), at lot of issues concerning Greece's Action Plan (which usually accompagnies the Financial, Loan deal) was, precisely, going to be left for later-on, probably up to early December, (see last week's relevant "EuroFora" News), an observation made today by Sarkozy appears rather interesting :
- "We have nothing to ask to the Greek Parliament, which is Free to manage its business...... We simply say that the EU Taxpayers' Money cannot be engaged before certain.. rules which had been unanimously voted in Brussels on Occtober 27, are respected. (i.e. about the Loans and the Debt). .. For the Rest, we don't have any advise to give. We don't have any instruction to give. The Greek Peuple is an independent People, a very great Civilisation, and we trust him to decide on the choices concerning its Future. As fart as we are concerned, we let him Free to take his Decisions", stressed the 2011 G8-G20 Chairman and French President, using a wording which fits well out Formula (See supra).

=> Meanwhile, main opposition party "New Democracy" asked for "Elections soon", to be organized in a few weeks by a Technocratic Transition Government of common approval, together with endorsing the Financial Deal of october 26 (See supra), in order to have, in as Brief as possible laps of Time, a New, stable Government, strong of a fresh Popular Support expressed by Democratic Votes, so that it will be able to determine the remaining Economic and other Policy issues.
But, since Polls generally give some +8 to +9% more Votes to "New Democracy" than to PASOK, the current "Socialist" 2 MPs narrow "majority" still in Parliament refuses immediate Elections, that it tries to avoid, (f.ex. by asking for a "National Coalition" Government, despite clearly opposed Policies), or, at least, to postpone for Later, obviously risking to prolong Uncertainy, contrary to European leaders and International Organizations' wish to fix a crystal-clear stance by Greece the Soonest, i.e. in a "Brief" laps of time :
- "Given the gravity of the situation, ...it is clear that we caNOT stay in a Prolonged situation of Uncertainty", provoked by G.Papandreou's U-turn, Sarkozy denounced. Thus, ..."we launch a formal Appeal for a political agreement to be found in Greece FAST", he urged.
(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. Watch out for a possible Final Version, more accurate and complete, asap)
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The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.
Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).

Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.

- "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.
This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.
- "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
- And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.
Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.
The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.

The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.