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Home arrow newsitems arrow Turkey Bullies EastMed Pipeline near Cyprus as EUParliament+Summit debate "explosive" Energy Prices

Turkey Bullies EastMed Pipeline near Cyprus as EUParliament+Summit debate "explosive" Energy Prices

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 06 October 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-
Turkey repeatedly Bullied with Warships, and Threatened even with More Negative Measures in the Comming Days, a European peaceful Ship preparing for an EU Natural Gas Pipeline from South-Eastern Mediterranean's big Resources around EU-Member State Cyprus, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, etc, which had agreed to Cooperate, while EU Parliament in Strasbourg just Debated the "Hot" Issue of Energy Prices' Boom, with More than +170% for Gas, Indispensable also for smooth Transition to "Green", ReNewable Energy sources in the foreseable Future : Strategic Issues that are going to be Examined also by a the forthcoming EU Heads of State/Government Summit in Brussels, on March 21-22.



    - "This is, Currently, the Most <<Explosive>> Issue !", stressed to "Eurofora" this Week, the experienced Head of Press/Communication in the Biggest Group of MEPs, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Pedro Lopez-de Pablo, from Spain, who has Also Worked with the PanEuropean CoE.

    Europe, Contrary to USA, has the Chance to be Surrounded by Energy-Rich Neighbours, from Russia to Africa or Asia, etc., But has Not Yet real Natural Energy Resources of its own, (particularly after the End of North Sea Deposits), while Supply Links are Hampered by Economic or Political Issues, and its "Green" ReNewable Energy Shift Aims are Still Far Away in the foreseable Future.

    But, Europeans have, nevertheless, Recently Discovered Fast Growing UnderSea Energy Resources at the South-Eastern Mediterranean, near the EU Member-States of Greece and particularly Cyprus, as well as Friendly Neighbouring Countries of Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, a.o., which have Agreed to Cooperate with the EU, including via an "East-Med" Gas Pipeline, planned in order to Transport Ecological, CO2-Free, Natural Gas Directly towards Europe, mainly via Modern Technologies of Gas Liquefication, (i.e. Both through that UnderSea Pipeline and/or via Containers inside Ships).

    The main Geological Stucture of South-Eastern Mediterranean Sea's Energy Resources appears to be Similar to that of the Gulf of Mexico, (also Historicaly Generated by a Huge River delta's Deposits from a whole Continent's Forests, Accumulated inside an area Surrounded by Land, and Traped amidst Inter-Continenal Tectonic Plates' Rifts : Nile River from Africa, via Egypt, Gaza, rest of Israel, Lebanon, towards Cyprus' southern Coasts, as Mississipi River from North America accross the Gulf of Mexico's Coasts, facing Cuba and other Islands). This is what an Experienced French Scientist had explained to "Eurofora"s co-Founder as Early as since a 2000 PanEuropean Conference on Geology organized by Strasbourg University's "Globe Institute", (See also Infra), and could be also the picture resulting from a relevant PhD Thesis at New York before the End of the 1990ies, according to various Converging indications.

    => The Interesting Point is that the Discovery and much more Rapid Exploitation of those Gulf of Mexico's Oil/Gas Energy Resources proved that USA could Become, Faster than Expected, from a Traditional Import Country, heavily Depending on Arab and/or Other Foreign Countries accross the World in the Past, Nowadays a potentialy ...Exporting Country, from now on Able to Sell Energy to Others ! A Fact which Obviously shows that Europe may, very Probably, have a Similar Chance to Find at the SEM a much Needed Solution in order to Alleviate all its Problems of traditional Energy Dependency, Becoming almost Autonomous.


    However, at EU Parliament's relevant Plenary Discussion on "European solutions to the rise of Energy Prices for businesses and consumers : The role of energy Efficiency and Renewable energy, and the need to tackle energy Poverty", according to the Long, Official Name reserved for The Most Prestigious Day-Time of the Week : on Wednesday Morning,

    - the competent EU Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, from Estonia, appeared Sharp, But Not Really Concluding yet,Followed by a Careful and Diplomatic intervention by the current Slovenian EU Council's Presidency, via its Foreign Minister Logar, (i.e. at a quite High Political Level).

    - While MEPs, Astonishingly, were Not Even Ready to Agree on a Joint Resolution, United Only on the Need to Strongly Denounce that Sudden and Harsh Energy Prices' "Boom", But so Divided on the Diagnosis of the main Cause, that almost Everyone went along by Accusing What he/she Believed to be the main Cause, according to Political Trends...

    => In Consequence, there was an Inevitably Diverging Polyphony, Even if at least some appeared to Agree on some kind of probable "Manipulation", Urged for Joint Policies on Stocks, Procurement, and EU's "Autonomy" from some tricky and Unreliable Foreign Actors, as wel as for Social Aide, But seemed to still Disagree on almost Everything else !


    - "Gas prices reached Record-breaking highs, in October" 2021. "Electricity wholesale prices surged by more than 200%, in the first 9 Months of this year, driving up Retail prices", Commissioner Simson denounced from the outset.

    - But the Causes appeared to be a rather Confusing "Combination of Factors" : - "The world Economy has started to Rebound, After the Pandemic" (sic !), she said Optimisticaly, "and is Hungry for energy", from one side, While, nevertheless, "Europe’s Gas Supply has Tightened", from the Other side, (allegedly Because of a "Cold Winter and Spring", "Delays" in "Gas Pipelines Maintenance" on "Summer", due to "the Pandemic" [re-sic !!], "Lower Investment", and "Decrease of Europe's Gas Production", for UnKnown Reasons)... "Russia's Long-Term Contracts were Respected", she ensured, But "No Extra Capacity was Booked", withOut telling Who was Responsible for that... Even ... "Less Wind" (sic !) and "Less Waves (HydroPower)" were evoked for Less "Renewable Energy". So that "Carbon Price was ...Increased", "due to ...Greater use of Carbon-intensive Fuels", "But this Explains Only a Limited Part of the Electricity price Increase", she Acknowledged, leaving the Mystery of Causes in Limbo...

    => In Consequence, "this is a Temporary situation", the EU Commissioner found, (citting Vague "Market Expectations"), which "should Gradually Decrease from Spring, Next Year" (2022), she Speculated, (Based on "the Current Demand for Gas", while "Gas Storage is aove 75%", i.e. "Adequate to Cover the Winter", which is, However, "a Key Variable, to Watch closely", for UnDisclosed Reasons)...

    >>> However, "this Price Shock ...is Hurting our Citizens, ...the most Vulnerable", "Weakens Compeitiveness" and "Adds Inflation", so that "it Risks to Compromise Europe's Recovery", she Warned, finding Necessary "to Take (EU) Policy Measures".

    - This "Price Hike has Little to do with our (EU's) Climate Policies", (Even if it "happens while a Profound Transformation of the Energy System is underway"). Because "the Green Deal provides The Only lasting Solution", with "More ReNewables, and ...Efficiency", as "Wind and Solar ...generate the Cheapest Electricity" and "are Not Exposed to Price Volatility", she Claimed. Thus, "the Best Response ...is to Progress Faster towards our (EU's) Target Goal of 65% of ReNewable Electricity by 2030", she insisted. As Proof, she mentioned f.ex. the Fact that "Last Year" (2020), Member States with the Highest share of ReNewables ...had the Lowest wholesale Electricity Prices, with Several cases of Negative Price", she pointed out, (However, withOut Telling what happens for them on 2021)... Nevertheless, "Some are Pointing at the European Electricity Market ... (whose "Design is Tailor-Made to Deliver more ReNewables"), "as a part of the Problem",  and given "the Challenges, ...we (EU) are ready to Launch a Study" on that point, she conceded to Critics. 

    => What is Sure, is, at least, that EU must "Support Consumers", give "Payments to those Most at Risk of Energy Poverty", "Mitigate Social Impacts", "Protect Vulnerable Households", "ensure that Energy Poverty is Not Aggravated", and "Give Relief" to "SMEs" : Something that Can be Now done Thanks to "Higher than Expected ETS Revenues" made by the EU, (i.e. CO2 Taxes, etc), she suggested.

    >>> At any case, nevertheless, this "Price Hike has ... much to do with our (EU's) Dependence on Imported fossil Fuels" from Abroad, as "Demand and Prices are High Everywhere in the World" Nowadays, so that the EU must anew "Respond ... through Diversification of Supply Sources", "Market Surveillance, and prevention of UnCompetitive Practices", as well as "Review" of "Storage and Security of Supply", "Joint Purchase of ...Gas Reserves", "Invest in Flexibility and Storage", (etc), since "we (EU) Need ...Liquid Gas Markets in the Transition" (Comp. Supra + Infra), so that "We (EU) Need Also "GeoPolitics of Energy" and "a more Strategic approach to External Energy Policy", he urged, (Aproaching "Eurofora"'s main View)...

    + Such a Crucial Main Point was Also made by 3021 EU Council's President-in-office, the Young but Experienced Foreign Minister of Slovenia, Anze Logar, (former Press Spokesman of the Previous, 2008, Slovenian EU Presidency : See Statements he made then in Reply to "Eurofora"s Questions, Published at "TCWeekly" - Attached Herewith) :

    - Indeed, we must "Reduce EU Import Dependency on Gas", thereby "Reducing our Exposure to Price Fluctuations", Logar clearly stressed, promising a "Vigilant and Active" EU "Council", on "this Important Subject, following the Sharp ReBound in Recent Months".

    + In fact, "this is a MultiFaceted Phenomenon", Part of which "was Expected, in the light of Economic Recovery and Relaxation of Travel Restrictions", during the Current Phase of EU's Policy on the Virus' Pandemic, while "Higher EU Emmission-Tradin system prices (Comp. Supra),D had an Only Secondary Impact", he observed, Pointing at the "Need to Discuss How the EU can Help to Mitigate the Impact of Soaring Energy Prices", while "the (Slovenian EU) Presidency Encourages exchange of Best Pratices on How to Mitigate the NegativeConsequences of Increasing Energy Prices at the National Level, But Also a Reflexion on the Potential Collective Action at the EU Level", as he Invited.

    => For that purpose, Logar reminded the Fact that EU's "Informal Meeting of Enery and Transport Ministers, in September" 2021, as well as the Competitiveness Council of 28 September", due to be added to "the Environmen (EU) Council ...in its Meeting Today", 'Looking (also) Forward to the Communication on rising Energy Prices, that the (EU) Commission has promised to Unveil on 13 October", with "Available Options Both at National and at EU Level". As for the ForthComming "October (2021) European Council" in Brussels, which "Will Give Heads of State and Government, the opportunity to Address this Complex Issue in Depth" (on October 21-22), that "We Welcome", .as he added Carefuly, But Positively".

    => However for the Rest, he Agreed that "Negotiation for the <<Fit for 55>> Package Will help Define the Best and most Cost-Effective Tools" in view of "Our (EU's) common Goal of Climate Neutrality", "and", ipso facto, "a Long Term Solution for the Sustainable Energy Mix", since it is "in the Long Term" that "the DeCarbonisation of the European Economy can Contribute to Mitigating the Fluctuation in Energy Prices, and to Fight against Proverty", as he stressed. In this regard, "the Newly Proposed Social Climate Fund aims to ...provide Temporary direct Income Support to Vulnerable Households", that Logar Welcomed.


=> During the EU Parliament's Plenary Public Debate between MEPs which Followed in Strasbourg :

 - Currently, "some 93% of fossil Gas used in the European Union is Imported", observed "Green" MEP Ville Niinisto.

 - But, "from January to September 2021, the Price of Gas Augmented for More than 400%", Denounced MEP Georg Mayer, from the ID Group.

    - Analyticaly, "an Augmantation of More than 57% for the Gas Price in France, More than 37% of Electricity's Price in Spain, and More than 40% in Italy, there is Not a European Country which Escapes from it", Criticized MEP Manon Aubry, speaking in the name of the "Left" Group.

    - Just in "the Netherlands, the home country of Commissioner Timmermans, who is the Author of the "Fit for 55" Project, ...intended to remedy the Future situation on the Energy Market in Europe", "in recent days, since the beginning of the year (2021), the Price of six metres of Gas has risen ... by +200%. Price of Electricity at +152%. On Tuesday, the price of Gas exceeded 1.160 $ per six feet and was +8% Higher than a Week ago, which means it is X 7 Times higher than in the previous Year ! Windfarms produce Less energy, Gas Production has been Reduced, and Warehouses are on average 58%" Only, Denounced Polish MEP Beata Szydło, speaking in the Name of Conservatives (ECR).

    => "Therefore, if we want to Protect Europeans from a very Serious energy Crisis, on both Social and energy Security issues, we really Need to rethink the European Union's energy Policy", she concluded.

    - Nowadays, "a Risk of Electricity Cut may be Provoked, Even in Countries like France, equiped with a resilient Self-Sufficiency thanks to an Efficient Nuclear Power", Warned French MEP Joëlle Mélin, Speaking in the Name of the "Identity" Group "ID".

    - Denouncing "an UnPrecedented Speculation on Gas' Prices (More than +170% in 1 Year"), and that "Carbon" practicaly "became a Crypto-Currency", after "it passed from 10 to 60 € a Tonne, in a Year", (etc), we "Must raise the Question of a Big Theft Mystification, entirely DisConnected from Realities, (as Hot Summers and Cold Winters"), she Found.

    + Adding all that to "those 750 Billions € for the "Green Pact", partly Paid by European TaxPayers, which ...Favor ReNewable Energies, whose (current) Limits are Already Known", (Comp. Supra), she Concluded by Asking to "Let Member States to Manage Better their Energy Mix", as she said, i.e. Accusing the EU.

    - But, on the Contrary, for Philippe Lamberts, Belgian MEP and co-President of the "Green" Group, all this would be just Due to "a current Boom in Fossil Energies' Prices", showing that we Should "Accelerate our (EU's) Transition towards ReNewabe Energies, which became The Most Competitive in the Market, and Energy Sobriety", as he Claimed, (obviously Exagerating only 1 Part of the competent EU Commissioner's Previous Sayings, But Ommitting the Rest : Comp. Supra). "Our (EU's) Addiction to Fossil (Energies) was Already UnFiesible on Climat level and GeoPolitical plan", But "has Also become an Economic Handicap", he Criticized. As for French President "Emmanuel Macron", and Liberal "Renew" Group's Speaker, MEP "M. Grudler", "it's Not More Nuclear Power that would Solve the problem", given "its Cost, which became Excessive, and the entirely UnPredictable Time-frames", he found.

    +"In Short Term, this Prices' Boom, and in a Middle term, the Cost of Investments for Energy Transition" towards "Green" RES, "Raise, However, a Central Question of Solidarity", Lamberts added, Pointing, f.ex, at the Fact that "in Belgium, the Energy Bill Augmentation would Reach, at least, 100 € per Month for a Household with 2 Kids", to which "should be Added" also "the Indirect Impact on Other Goods' and Services' prices, such as Food and Transports", that "could Soon Make Life Impossible for a Family with Modest Revenues", as he Warned.

    >>> However, it's mainly Liberal "Renew" French MEP Christophe Crudler, Speaking on behalf of that Group, who, (stressing as "UnAcceptable that the Energy Prices' Explosion, and particularly of Gas, Affects so Harshly our Citizens, and Weakens our Industries"), Pointed  explicitly at the Key Issue of EU's "Energy Strategic Autonomy" :

    - We "Must Promote an Energy "Made in Europe", by Reducing, at the Maximum possible, Our Dependance to Fossil Energies Comming from Other Countries", he stressed. That includes to "Devbelop here, Rapidly, our (EU's) ReNewable and Low Carbon Energies, as Nuclear" power, "which are, Nowadays, the Less Expensive". +"Also Hydrogen must be Produced in Europe, and Not (only) in Other Continents".

    - But "it's Only on the Condition that we (EU) Strengthen our Gas Stocks", "that we could pass the Winter withOut Electricity Cuts", he Also Warned. Because "the Current Stocks are InSufficient, since many Countries have Already Taken their Meager Stocks, since Many Weeks, in order to Compensate the Prices' Augmentation", so that "a European Initioative" should be "Possible, Bringing Together Suppliers, Transporters, and Regulators". +"It's Also Possible to Launch a Collective Procurement of Gas", he added.

    + "Last, but not least, we (EU) Must Reform Quickly the European Energy Market, ("in the sense of the "Green Pact"), in order to put an End to the Indexation of Electricity Price on the Natural Gas' prices" : F.ex., "if My Electricity" as "in Sweden", etc) came From DeCarbonized Sources, that I Already Paid elsewhere, Why should I ¨Pay 2 Times ?", he Wondered.


    - Denouncing "Abuses of a DesEquilibriuim between Offer and Demand in the Energy Market", Spanish MEP Iratxe García Pérez, speaking in the Name of the "Socialist" Group, regretted that "the (National) Governments are at the Mercy of Speculation", found "UnAcceptable that the Most Vulnerable" are Affected by "Abuses" from "Big Energy Companies with Millions of Profits", calling Also for EU's "Autonomy to Liberate us from ...Political Blackmails by Neighbouring Countries",  and Topicaly Reminded the Historic Fact that "the First European Communities were Born in order to Manage, Jointly, Carbon and Steel, as Fundamental Raw Materials, for the Post-War Economic Relaunch".

    => In consequene, "the European Commission must present a Plan ... for the Energy Market, as a first step towards "Greening" the EU, ... and establish a Platform for the Distribution of Resources according to Needs", "Acceleate the DeCarbonisation", "Invest in Energy Efficiency Technologies", and "make the Fossil Combustion Model Caduc", as she asked, (since she Considered it as "UnSustainable and Responsible for the Current Crisis of Prices"). In order to "put the Brakes against Speculation in the Carbon Market ... at the Cost of the most Vulnerables", "the EU" should "Guarantee a Transition to a Sustainable Model", particularly "with the European Strategy for Climate", she proposed, including "by Revising the Electricity Markets .. in order to Facilitate ...the Energy Mix with ReNewables". +To this, should be Added "efforts to Eradicate Energy Poverty", particularly vis a vis "vulnerable Families", where "EU Citizens Hope for a European Reply" to the Crisis.


    >>> The "First" thing to do is "to Indentify if there was any market Manipulation in Europe, in recent weeks and months, by State or Non-state (i.e. Private MultiNational Companies) actors", who might "Influence European Energy Prices", sressed from the outset, (Brandissing "Sanctions" in that case), Siegfried Muresan, from Romania, Speaking on behalf of the Biggest Group of MEPs, that of ChristianDemocrats/EPP.

    + But, "we (EU) have (also) to Understand what is the Cause of the Increased ETS (European Trading System, against CO2) Price, wich Doubled in September, Compared to the Beginning of the Year" 2021, wih excessive "Volatility", he observed. "We (EU) have to ReAct", he urged.

    => As for "Concrete" and "Direct Action at European level", Muresan supported "Common Storage Facilities, and Joint Procuremen schemes for Gas", "Quickly", while any "Support (of) people or enterprises in One Country .... should Not be done at the Expense of Consumers in any Other Country". as well as, "of course", to "Reduce our (EU's) Energy Dependance" from Foreign Countries, he urged.

    ++ As for "Financial Measures", the "Transition to "Green" Economy" should also "ensure that we Help those Affected, People and Enterprises, particularly ... in a Vulnerable situation", he Added, calling, f.ex., to "Increase the Social Climate Fund", because it's "Not Sufficient". "Last", but not least, EU "Commission is Late on (EU's) Own Resoiurces' proposal", which should Include also "a Buffer with which we (EU) should Help Vulnerable Consumers and Enterprises", he concluded.



    * But, by a Striking Coijcidence, During this Time, Both Before and After EU Parliament's Public Debate on the present, Exceptionaly Big Energy Crisis, at Europe's Sea Borders, EU Member States Greece and particularly Cyprus, were Facing Dangerous Turkish WarShips and Other Military Provocations and Aggressions, against a Joint Peaceful Effort, Together with Italy, Malta and Other EU Countries, to simply Explore their own EEZ for the preparation of the Strategic, EU-Supported, UnderSeas Gas Pipeline "EastMed", notoriously due to Transport South Eastern Mediterranean's abudant Energy Resources, including from Friendly and Cooperating Neighbouring Countries as Israel, Egypt, etc., Directly to Mainland Europe, (Comp. Supra and Infra), in a way which, Obviously, may cosiderably Alleviate or even Prevent such Big Crises in Energy Prices from UnControled and UnPredictable, far away Hostile or UnFriendly Foreign Actors, (as well as, in Parallel, Ease "Green" Energy Transition, since Natural Gas has No "CO2")...



    - Indeed, Starting, at First, with Turkish Military Bullying, at Greece's Creta Island's Eastern EEZ, against Malta-Flagged, but Italy Owned, Peaceful Exploratory Ship "Nautical Geo", Ankara already Risked to Provoke a Wider Armed Clash, since Greece, Together with Cyprus, France and Italy, were conducting, Nearby, a Joint Military Security Exercise of those 4 EU Member States, (for which, they had naturally Warned in advance)...

    + Such Aggressive Turkish Moves were, Afterwards, Repeated, even More Harshly, anew against "Nautical Geo" Ship, now operating on behalf of EU Member Cyprus, inside the South-Eastern Part of the Island's EEZ, (Recognized by All Neighbouring Countries, with the Only Exception of Ankara) :        


    => Indeed, 3 Turkish WarShips (2 Frigates and 1 Corvet), reportedly "Pushed Away" (sic !) the "Nautical Geo" Exploratory Ship working for Cyprus, Malta and Italy, (which had just Arrived from an Initial position Near Israel's adjacent Gas Findings), apparently Obliging it to Interrupt its Mission, and Seek Refuge in Cyprus' Larnaka SeaPort...   



Turkey, on this occasion, Shamelessly asked not only Money, from Cyprus' Energy Resources, but Even to encroach on their "Management", on Pretext of the Turkish Cypriot Minority (about 18% Before Ankara's Military Invasion and Occupation of the Northern Territories of Cyprus, After which they were progressively Replaced by Settlers Imported from Anatolia, as CoE's Reports Denounce). In real practice, this means that Ankara seeks to Impose upon EU Member Cyprus to export its Gas Only Through mainland Turkey, and Not Directly towards the European Continent.

    ++ Almost at the Same Time, Ankara's Terrestrial Army was illegaly conducting also Other Provocative and Dangerous Moves, inside the Invaded and Occupied Territories of Cyprus, with a lot of Military Troops, Tanks, Canons, etc.

    +++ In Addition, Ankara even officialy Announced that it is Sending its "Oruc Reis" big Seismic Ship for provocative illegal "Search" of Oil/Gas inside EU Member Cyprus' EEZ, (already Condemned by the EU and USA), during a quite Long Period of Time, accompagnied by 3 WarShips, including ..."Genghis Khan" (sic !)

    ++++ Turkey has, Meanwhile, illegaly Issued a "Naftex" Claiming to Reserve a Great Part of Cyprus' EEZ related to "EastMed" Gas Pipeline, EU-Supported project, for Ankara's Seismic Ship "Orus Reis" and its 3 WarShips, " During almost ...3 Months, (October, November, December 2021), until December 16, included !

    => Thus, Such and/or Other various Kinds of Time Delays, have practialy Provoked an Almost ...20 Years overall Delay in Europe's elementary Right, and Nowadays Urgent Need, to, at last, Start really Exploiting the important Natural Gas Resources around EU Member Cyprus, Added also to Similar Energy Findings, Meawhile Notoriously Discovered by Friendly Neighbouring Countries Israel, Egypt, etc., With which, Cyprus and Greece have Agreed to Cooperate at South-Eastern Mediterranean, particularly in view of Jointly Transporting them Directly to mainland Europe, (including, First of all, by the EU-Supported "East-Med" UnderSea Pipeline, etc., i.e. Also, probably, by Ships' Containers of Liquefied Gas, via Modern Technologies, Eventualy by Transforming Gas in Electricity to be transmited by an UnderSea Cable, according to an initialy Israeli Idea, etc).

    >>> However, Can Europe still Wait ...perhaps for AnOther 10 or 29 Years More, until it Starts, at last, to directly Benefit from its own (and of its Friends') Natural Gas Resources ?

    Or Will the Current Hard and Exceptional Circumstances convince the EU to Decide, at last, to Send a realy Strong Force at that Strategic Area of South-Eastern Mediterranean, (in Agreement with the Concerned Friendly and Wiling Countries), in order to Protect mainly the Sovereign Right to Benefit from Its Own Energy Resources ?

    + How is it possible for Many EU Member States to have Already Send a lot of Terrestrial Army, as well as Military Ships, led by France (on Land) and Germany (on the Sea), as Early as Since 2006, even Further Away : f.ex. Between Israel and Lebanon, in order to Protect Foreigners from Rockets' Throwing accross the Borders,

     ...while, nn the Contrary, EU Countries would Still do Nothing of that short, Nowadays, in order to Protect their Own European People, from the Harsh Consequences of an UnPrecedented Energy Crisis (Comp. Supra) ?

    Because, Except from the South-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Resources, the Situation is Not really Better until now, concerning various Other Neighbouring Energy Resourcss Around the EU :

    - Indeed, f.ex., USA Governments have Systematicaly pressed to Block easy and direct EU Energy Supply Routes from Nearby Russia, through European Countries, f.ex. via Belarus, Ukraine, Northern Sea, even directly Bulgaria from the Black Sea, etc...

    + While Recent "ISIS" a.o. Islamist Terrorists, (notoriusly Fuelled from Outside, as in Syria's and Iraq's cases in the Past), have practicaly Blocked a Planned Trans-Saharian Pipeline from Africa's Biggest Oil/Gas Resources towards Europe, mainly around Conflict-ridden Sahel area.

    On the Contrary, USA seems to have No Objection for Europe to Depend from a ...Turkey transit, too Long, Slow, Expensive, and Dangerous, (because Exposed to Earthquakes, Kurdish or other Conflicts, and Blackmails by the Turkish Government for Economic and/or Political Pretexts, as usual)...

    => But Concerning EU Member State Cyprus, and related Findings, at Neighbouring and Collaborating Countries at South-Eastern Mediterranean area , (Egypt + Israel, Lebanon, etc), the Issue has Surfaced Already as Early as Since 2.000, (i.e. More than 20 Years ago !)...

"Eurofora"'s co-Founder had, then, Timely and Succesfully Denounced (at "TCWeekly") a failed Attempt to Claim that Any Eventual such OIl/Gas future Findings at that SEM Area (Even at the Part of the Mediterranean located South of Cyprus' Island), would be due to ..."Detritus" from Turkey (sic !), via a rocambolesque Pseudo-"Scientiic" Paper tabled by a UK "Expert" and due to be Published and Discussed at a Mega-EuroConference on Geology, organized by Strasbourg University's "Globe Institute", (whose President had given us a Press Interview Before that Event Starts).

Immediately afterwads, the then Long-Time President of Cyprus, Glafkos Clerides, had Spoken by Phone with us, and Flew to meet Egypt's then President Mubarak, Kick-Starting a Period of concerned Neighbouing Countries, at South-Eastern Mediterranean, (i.e. Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, etc), Willing to Cooperate between them particularly in view of Energy Findings and Direct Transport to Europe's mainland.

In Addition to Ships' Transport with Containers, using Modern Technologies for Liquefied Gas, (f.ex. towards Frances' new SeaPort Big Installations at "Foss 2"/Marseilles, Greece's Northern Energy"Hub", Croatia's Adriatic Sea's De-Liquefication Facilities, Spain's, etc), the Main Way to Reach that European Mainland is Notoriouisly Planned to be, precisely, that Strategic "East-Med" UnderSeas Gas Pipeline, Supported by the EU, accross the South Eastern Mediterranean Sea, towards Cyprus' EEZ, Greece and Italy, etc., Joining there Terrestrial European Energy Networks.


    + As for "ReNewable" Energies, the UnPredictable character of Wind Energy, (Comp. Supra), the Notorious InSufficiency, yet, of the Current Solar Energy Technologies, the Too Slow Development of Hydrogen, and the EarthQuake Risks from GeoThermy, (etc), are Still among the well-Known Obstacles Delaying a fully-fledged "Green" Economy, at least for the Time being.

    => Thus, a still Open Question is Why practicaly Nobody seems Yet realy Interested, Nor Seriously Involved, into, at least, Searching to Invent some Breakthrough New Technology inspired from ...PhotoSynthesis ?

    - Indeed, it's a Paradox, why concerning the Most Widely Spread, Natural "RES" on Earth, even a Humble small ...Leaf of a Tiny Plant, Knows perfectly well How to Find Energy from Sun Rays, while, on the Contrary, Humans, practicaly Do Not Even realy Search, Nowadays, to Invent How to do so ! Indeed, it's an Astonishing Fact, that Even serious Scientific Research in that area, Seems almost Totaly Absent, until now...

    => Is it realy Feasible and Acceptable, for European People, to be Still Deprived, BOTH from such a Key Scientific Arm, AND from the Required Defense Force for Protecting, at least, its own Natural Energy Resources from Turkish Military Bullying at the South-Eastern Mediterranean ?

    >>> History-on-the-Making seems toReply, Nowadays, with a Loud : -"NO !"...










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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.

Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).

French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.



Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.

According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.

For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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