Mayor Sadiq drops Killed Innocent Victim Family plea v. Impunity in choice imposed on London Police

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Controversial current London Mayor Sadiq Khan rejected a Tragic Plea from the Family of a notoriously Unjustly Killed Innocent Victim, Brutaly Shot 7 times at the Head by State Agents during the former "Labour" (Socialist) Government of unpopular Tony Blair back on 2005, Not to Impose at Metropolitan Police's Top any Candidate involved in that Deadly Abuse, which Scandalously remains still Totaly UnPunished : Indeed, 12 Years Later, Nobody has yet been found Responsible and Condemned for such an unquestionably Gross Blunder, as Euro-Judges also found at the European Court of Human Rights on 2016 in Strasbourg, where the Victim's Parents had spoken to "Eurofora" already after the Public Hearing of the case, as early as back on 2015 ; (See relevant original Photos, and at : ...., as well as Infra).
Letter of Victim's Mother (to Sadiq Khan) :
- Very Outspoken, the renowned British Review "Spectator", traditionaly close to the Governing "Conservative" Party, published Today a very Critical Article, sharply Titled : - "Dick’s anti-terror cock-up should have Disqualified her from the Met’s top job".
- Because "it would seem, then, that no mistake can be too grave – not to say fatal, no error of judgment too egregious, no apparent loss of control in a crisis too serious, to disqualify someone from taking control of London’s police force", "Spectator" criticized, as far as Mayor Sadiq Khan's and JHA's choice for Dick is concerned, finding that, at least Because of Meneze's scandalous Killing of an "Innocent", "she shouldn’t have been appointed" in that top job.
- On the Contrary, "anyone with a fully developed sense of personal Responsibility – that is, for being in charge of this Disastrous operation – would have Resigned after the death of Jean Charles. Instead Cressida went for one police Promotion after another, and got them. Which goes to show that ....there (was) "no impediment to (her) rise in British public life. Not Even the Death of an Innocent man".
- The Mother of the Victim, Patricia Armani Da Silva/Menezes, had Reminded, in a recent Letter to Mayor Sadiq Khan, (revealed Today by "The Spectator"), that "Cressida Dick" was "at the Helm of the Police on that Fateful Day, when the Life of Jean (her Son) was Taken", while "the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission] Investigation made strong Criticisms of the Command structure and the Decision-making that took place that day". Therefore, "as ... Family" of the Victim, "we Felt that Those at the Highest level, the Commissioner and those in Operational command, Should be Held Responsible for the Mistakes and for the MisInformation and Lies that were told" then around that Scandal.
- "We canNot ...Accept that the most Senior police Officer in the Country, a Post that is Expected to uphold the Highest Standards of Professionalism, to command Public Confidence, and ultimately be Responsible for Ensuring that No police officer acts with Impunity, be filled by Someone that is clearly Tainted by her Failure to live up to any of those Requirements".

(Dick in Photo Published by Critical British "Conservative" Review "The Spectator")
Young Electrician Jean Charles da Silva/Menezes, a White Christian of Portuguese/Brazilian origin, was calmly responding to a demand to repair a machine at South London, when, suddenly, without any Warning, nor the slightest pretext, he was Attacked and Brutaly Restrained, while several Armed Officers shot him 7 times at the Head, killing him instantly, inside the Subway, on his way to work.
Afterwards, it was claimed that some Agents had Confused him, by Error, with an absolutely Differend Man, a Radicalized Muslim Arab suspected for Complicity with the Suicide Bombers who had just Attacked twice London's Public Transports earlier that Month of July 2005, and had been Ordered to apply a controversial Procedure of immediate and unwarned killing supposed to prevent a suspected new bombing, earlier adopted by their Superiors then. But they Admitted that the Victim was absolutely Innocent, and asked to be "Excused"...
That Unprecedented Brutal Deadly Affair had Shaken the British, European and World Public Opinion, provoked Various Protests and Campaigns, inspired even Strongly Critical Artworks etc., for Human Rights and against Total Impunity in so Serious cases, risking to provoke a Dangerous Precedent also for Orther People in the Future, and is still Remembered Nowadays, as Press Reports and Many Citizens' reactions and Criticism at the Web and/or elsewhere, clearly attest, (See f.ex. Facts cited Infra).
Even if it's True that the Islamist Terrorist London Attacks, which had Earlier Killed several Innocent Civilians, naturaly Upseted a lot of People then, (as "Eurofora"s co-Founder had Personaly Witnessed on the spot, and Published f.ex. at "TCWeekly" etc., while we Paid Hommage to the Victims at King's Cross Station, Together with a Minister, and later Visited Wounded People at a London Hospital, etc), nevertheless, it's also true that at least Some Agents had apparently Lost their Temper and/or Executed Controversial Orders, resulting into various Exceptional Abuses, (Comp., f.ex., also the Unacceptable Incidents revealed, on the occasion of a more Recent Tragic Event which occured Later in Turkey to the detriment of another Journalist, at : .....).
The First, 7 July Attacks, had killed or Wounded Many People, but all their Perpetrators were reported Dead. On the Contrary, the subsequent, July 21 attempted "Attacks" Failed, followed by the Arrest of all Suspects.
But Tony Blair's "Labour" (Socialist) Government attempted to Exploit Both, particularly in order to Push, at EU Parliament and EU Council (that the UK was Chairing then), a Controversial Bill on Mass Spying of Emails and SmartPhones, Internet Surfing and Websites, etc., (Profiting also from the Presence of former EUParliament's JHA Committee President, f. French MEP Cavada, then in London, as he had told us later-on), which was Afterwards declared Excessive, DisProportionate and Illegal, by EU's Court of Justice at nearby Luxembourg, which practicaly Cancelled them.
Moreover, Everybody acknowledged the Fact that there was, at least, an "Institutional Responsibility" of that London Police, then, for the Uwarranted, Brutal Killing of Jean-Charles Menezes, on July 22, a fully Innocent Person, (Comp. Supra).
However, Nobody has been yet declared Responsible for that Gross, Deadly Blunder, and, therefore, Nobody has been Punished, until now, (12 Years Later), resulting in a Scandalous and Dangerous, Total Impunity even for a so Brutal Killing of an Innocent, which was, raportedly, obtained, mainly after a Pressing Push by the Assistant Commissioner of that Time : Mrs Cressida Dick, which was in charge of such kind of Operations, and Strongly Insisted, during the subsequent Investigations, Claiming that Noone in particular beared any Criminal Responsibility for such a Violent, Unwarned and unwarranted Murder.

But it's precisely Mrs Dick that, Today, Sadiq Khan wants to Impose at the Head of London's Metropolitan Police, as its New Chief, without objection by the current JHA Minister, Despite a Desperate Plea by the Family of the UnJustly Killed Young Electrician, who Vainly Urged him to "Veto" her Bid for that Top Job, at least as long as Nobody has been Punished for such a Brutal Murder of an Innocent Victim of an obviously Scandalous Deadly Blunder committed by State Agents. On the Contrary, the current Mayor obviously Rejected the Innocent Victim's Family Plea, and "Warmly Welcomed" the Choice of the former Assistant Commissioner, in charge on 2005 for the Operations which resulted in Jean-Charles de Menezes' Violent and UnJust Killing, for the delicate Job of New London Police Chief, provoking a lot of Incomprehension and Criticism by many People (See Facts cited Infra).
According to the "Associated Press", the Victim's Family, which had called for Dick not to be given that Top Job in Scotland Yard, expressed "Serious Concerns" : - "The message of Today's Appointment is that Police Officers can act with Impunity", reportedly denounced cousin Patricia Armani Da Silva on behalf of Menezes' Family.

+ Moreover, Sadiq Khan has reportedly Preferred Dick, as allegedly the "Best" for him, by Choosing her instead of several Other Candidates, (also Female Police Officers), who had already the Experience of some very Important, Top Responsibility Jobs inside the British Police : F.ex. the Director General of the National Crime Agency, Lynne Owens, and the President of the National Police Chief's Council, Sara Thornton, (etc).
++ In Addition, Khan has even, reportedly, Pushed, previously, towards the Resignation of the current Metropolitan Police Chief, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, who had been Chosen by the Conservative Government since 2011, in replacement of his Predecessor, Sir Ian Blair, (in charge during the Former "Labour" (Socialist) Government in the Past), and had, Meanwhile, become Famous not only for succeeding to ensure the Security of the International Olympic Games on 2012, but also to Dare pursue various "Hot" Investigations for Crimes even against alleged Suspects with Strong positions in the Society and/or the State, and Top Political Backing, (See Infra, particularly about various 2014-launched Inquiries, f.ex. on suspicions of serious Abuses of Children, etc).

As Sir Ian Blair, (Controversial former Chief of London Police on 7.2005 Da Silva/Menezes Killing, linked to Labour Party during UnPopular f. PM Tony Blair, with whom he studied in Oxford, before being Dismissed after the Election of Conservative Mayor Boris Johnson, currently UK Foreign Minister), also Dick has a large "Political" dimension, (particularly on Foreign Policy) after serving for years (2014-2017) as Director General of UK's Foreign Office.
( R. Dick )
She had been Promoted as "Assistant Commissioner" on 2009, i.e. during a Former "Labour" ((Socialist) Government of the Past, but had Resigned from the Police on 2014, during the current Conservative Government, when she had been reMoved from her previous Counter-Terrorism role and put in charge of Crime and Sexual Offences, (including Child Abuse : See Infra). It's then that she preferred to take the unusual decision to join the more Political area of the Foreign Office, until now.
Cressida was reportedly a "Protegée of Sir Ian Blair", the notorious "Politicaly" oriented pro-Labour (Socialist) former Chief of Metropolitan Police, later pushed out by Johnson, (comp. Supra).
Both Sir Ian and Dick had a Chance to be Educated at "Oxford", (the 1st also at Los Angeles, California, US, while the 2nd took a paid Leave from her Job to add a "Master"), as Tony Blair, while the young Menezes worked as simple Electrician who struggled to earn a few Money to send to his Poor Family in Brazil.
She served also as former Head of the "Diverse" Unity, where she got a Reputation of a "Reformer", in a period during which a Report had just accused the British Police to be "Institutionaly Racist", on the occasion of an Old affair of the Past, concerning a violent Death which had occured back on April 1993, in a quarell between Individuals : the "Laurence" case, resulting in the Condamnation of 2 suspects for Murder, more than 17 Years Later, after 3 Trials and Investigations at the Cost of 16 Millions £, with the Support of many Government Top Politicians then, as f.ex. former Foreign Minister Straw, etc. (Something that Da Silva/Menezes never had, since, on the Contrary, all those involved in his Killing by State Agents still remain totaly Unpunished).
Still on 2012, an Article she published herself in Newspaper "Guardian", claimed that "Nothing in Met's History had Greater Impact" than "Laurence" case, and praised Labour (Socialist) former Foreign Minister "Straw" for claiming that it "opened all our eyes to what it is to be Black or Asian in Britain Today", (without even mentioning at all Other Migrants, f.ex. Latin Americans, as the brutaly murdered on 2005 Jean Charles de Menezes).
But, even after that, Dick claimed that, despite some Changes, the Police would always Remain "institutionally Racist", and was unlikely to be ever free of Racism.
This was clearly stressed in her Press Statements, (See, f.ex., "Independent" 's Heading : "We are Still Racists, Police Chief admits", BBC's : "Met Police still Racist", etc), where Cressida Dick also Criticized those who make any "links" between "Muslims, Terrorism and Asylum Seekers".

All that, taken together, Obviously might explain why Dick was now prefered to Other Candidates by Mayor Sadiq Khan, of Pakistani origin, who had notoriously emerged from a Muslim Lobby in the UK, before being adopted by a wing of the Labour Party, facing even Strong Criticism for Direct Contacts with various Extremist Islamists, including some suspected for Islamic Terrorist links, even by former Prime Minister David Cameron, etc. Something that Sadiq Khan largely Admitted, mainly Claiming that it would not be so serious, and/or that he wasn't always aware then, or that it concerned mostly his Past, and not his present career.
London's 1st "Muslim Fashion" show (2017)
However, at least judging by some Recent Facts, (f.ex. an Unprecedented Muslim "Fashion" Show, and/or Photos published even by himself at his own Twitter account, etc), the spreading of Muslim Culture looks quite advanced in London, after his Election, (that the Famous "Drudge Report" in the USA had saluted under the Shocking Heading : "Londonistan", as UK Press observed).
Sadiq Khan and his Pals, (in his own Twitter account, 2.2017)
While other, British Media, expressed Fears even for an eventual aggravation of Islamic Terrorist Attacks in the Future : Already, recent 2016 Facts might go in this direction, particularly after the Deadly Knife Attacks Killing an American Woman, (Wife of a University Professor at Florida, US), and Wounding 6 more People, near the British Museum at downtown London, committed by an African Immigrant from Somalia (one of the Countries currently Suspended for 3 Months from Immigrating into the USA by New POTUS Don Trump), who seems to have had various Personal and Family links to Islam (See, f.ex. : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/lnopolicemanatlondonknifemassterrorattack.html), and even visited London Mosques just before that Deadly Terrorist Aggression, according to the latest news.
+ But there might even be much More than that, as several Converging Facts suggest :

Inter alia, an Official Enquiry, headed by Professor Alexis Jay, found that "at least 1.400 Children were subjected to appalling Sexual Exploitation ..between 1997 and 2013", at a Labour (Socialist) stronghold in England, (around Rotherham, South Yorkshire, Electoral base of former MP and Minister for EU Affairs on 2002-2005, McShane, who resigned), "predominantly by Gangs of British - Pakistani men", where "Abuses described included Abduction, Rape, Torture and sex Trafficking of Children", as "Wikipedia" reminds. The Inquiry team found, f.ex., "children who had been doused in Petrol and Threatened with being set alight, threatened with Guns, made to witness brutally Violent Rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone", as "BBC" noted. A main Problem for the astonishing Indifference and/or "Contempt" shown by several Policemen and/or Social Workers, Politicians, etc, vis a vis the Victims for Years, was, as that Report Denounced, "Nervousness about Identifying the Ethnic Origins of Perpetrators, for Fear of being thought as Racist", while even some Staff "remembered clear Direction from their Managers Not to do so". In consequence, former JHA Minister, nowadays Prime Minister, Theresa May, Blamed the Failure of the Authorities on "Institutionalised Political Correctness".

Part of that Muslim Rape Gang 90% from Pakistan, (related to 300 Suspects, among whom 18 were Judged and Condemned between 2015-2017), reportedly shouted - "Allahu Akbar !" in Court on January 2017, as it confirmed their Jailing for Raping, Drugging and Abusing Children aged 11 - 13 y.o., Convicting for 21 Historic Sex Offences, and given Sentences of between 10 and 20 Years each, for such Crimes committed between 1999 - 2001, 6 culprits : (Matloob Hussain, brothers Basharat, Nasser, Tayab Dad, and Mohammed Sadiq).

Recently, on February 2017, the British Courts endorsed the Revocation of UK Citizenship from the first 4 Condemned Members of that Gang of Children Abusers, who Now Risk to be Expulsed Back to Pakistan, as PM Theresa May had notoriously wished, already in the Past, for particularly Apalling Crimes, (i.e. Abdul Rauf, Shabir Ahmed, Abdul Aziz, and Adil Khan).
It's on mid-2014 that Professor Alexis Jay's Report was Published on that Children Abuse Scandal, (for which several Policeme and Politicians expressed Remords and Excused themselves vis a vis the Victims and their Families), and, by a Coincidence, it's also that Same Year that Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick left the Police, (at the End of 2014), when New Investigations on another, Differend the "Midland" affair and other various cases of alleged Child Sex Abuses, allegedly involving Other various Top Politicians (even a former Defense Minister, Prime Minister, MPs, etc), had just Started.
However, Later-on, in 2016, in the Midland affair, Police concluded that, even if the Disappearance of a Child remained still not elucidated, nevertheless, it had failed to find sufficient proof for 2 other alleged killings of abused children, particularly after the credibility of a key witness raised Doubts, and, therefore, that particular Inquiry was abandoned.
Naturaly, some UK Medias reported, and the British Police partly Confirmed, that, in fact, there are still Various Other On-Going or even New Investigations about alleged Child Sex Abuse, eventualy involving suspicions of some High Rise Political and/or other Public Figures nowadays, but that Fauilure of the Costly Midland Operation had several repercussions.

In the Aftermath of that, Dick's predecessor, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, who had become Metropolitan Police Chief since 2011, i.e. shortly after (and reportedly with the Support of) former London's Mayor Boris Johnson (currently UK Foreign Minister), and the Conservative UK Government took office, and who has Served During Both those 2 Child Abuse Investigations, (i.e. the "Rotherham" and the "Midland" affairs, with Contrasted Results, Comp. Supra), suddenly, even if initialy due to stay for 4 more years, and aged only 58 y.o., was reportedly pushed to Resign, particularly by the current London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Sadiq Khan had earlier got his new job, after evicting 3 Other "Labour" Competitors, and following a controversial Electoral Campaign against Conservative Candidate Zac Goldsmith, who was notoriously active on Natural Environment issues as well as against Child Abuse, and had Strongly Pushed for Official Investigations to Start, already since 2014 (Comp. Supra), but also supported their Extension to Further Child Sexual Abuses allegations, during the 2015-2016 London Mayoral Campaign, even if they might eventualy involve some alleged suspects from his own, Conservative Party's history, while, at the same time, clearly Criticizing Khan's reported contacts with various Islamic Radicals in the Past, (Comp. Supra).
All these Facts, added to Met. Police's Out-going Chief, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe's Past Service (2011-2017) during that Pakistani Gang of Child Abusers and Other, Differend Cases of alleged Child Sex Abuse suspicions, even if related to various Politicians, (Comp. Supra), as well as to the Fact that he had notoriously succeeded to his predecessor, Sir Ian Blair, responsible for Met. Police during the 2005 Jean-Charles de Menezes Brutal Killing, which, on the Contrary, remained Totaly UnPunished (Comp. Supra), as well as his alleged "Protegée", the Incoming 2017 Met Police Chief, reportedly chosen by Mayor Sadiq Khan, obviously raise inevitable Critical Question Marks, and, possible Citizens' Concerns about eventual Risks to push London Police towards a culture of similar Impunity in the foreseable Future.
And this Impunity Risks, as usual, go Both for the Citizens, and Police Officers (as well as any Other State Officials) themselves, taken Together.
"Cesar's Wife" ?
Naturaly, according also to several Members of a UK Jury in the Menezes' Killing affair, Mrs Dick wasn't held personaly responsible by them at all for what had happened on July 2005, under Sir Ian Blair's term as former London Police Chief.
And an ECHR's controversial Ruling, (After a 2015 Hearing initialy chaired by experienced former ECHR President Spielman, from Luxembourg), issued on March 2016, under its New, then, President Raimonti, from Italy, unexpectedly White-washed, by a Majority, Tony Blair's former "Labour" (Socialist) UK Government about the Brutal Killing of Jean-Charles da Silva/Menezes, claiming that there would be Nothing illegal in the way that it had Investigated that Cold-Blood Murder of an Innocent Person, even if it had Failed to find anyone Responsible for that.
Obviously Risking to become one among the Most Controversial Rulings in ECHR's History, and having already provoked the Dismay of various notable People, including of the Victim's Family and Friends, (several among the International Human Rights' Community, etc), that UnPrecedented Text was Published, by a Striking Coincidence, at an Exceptional Moment, when "Eurofora"s co-Founder (who had Personaly Witnessed both the July 2005 London Tragic Events but also Abuses on the spot, and Met with Members of that Victim's Family and its Lawyers at ECHR's 2015 Hearing in Strasbourg : Comp. Supra),
was suddenly Hindered to be Informed and Work, after a Non-Elucidated Intoxication which had Seriously Threatened our Health and even Life at that Precise Period of Time, Obliging into an Unprecedented, Urgent Hospitalisation, (while someone had even Blocked our CoE's Press emails' account informing about ECHR's activities at that Same Time !).
Moreover, at least 4 important EuroJudges, from Big CoE Member States, such as Russia, Poland, Turkey and Spain, etc., Strongly and Openly Criticized that Controversial Ruling, by Publishing their "Dissenting Opinions", which Noted Many concrete Discrepancies in those Inquiries of the Past, (Many having already been Noted even by the British Jury which had initialy checked that affair in the UK), and Clearly Denounced the Main Stumbling Block : i.e. that, 12 Years Later, Nobody had been yet found Responsible nor Punished for such a Scandalous Brutal Killing of an undeniably Innocent Victim by State Agents, something clearly "Unacceptable", according to ECHR's traditional Human Rights' Principles.
Last, but not least, Published shortly Before a Crucial popular Referendum on "BREXIT", that Exceptionaly Controversial ECHR's Ruling might, probably, had been, at least Partly, motivated also by a Discrete but Real Concern to Avoid, at that Unique Moment, Anything which might, eventualy, Upset a British Establishment which had already expressed earlier some notorious Criticism vis a vis ECHR itself, added to Threats to withdraw from that CoE's body of Historic Importance for all Europe...
But, at any case, it's also a Fact that, on 2017, Dick may have Easily found any Other Top Job, which could both be Interesting for her Personal Career, and Avoid any People's Concerns about eventual Risks for similar Impunity of serious Police Abuses in the foreseable Future.
Otherwise, as a matter of General Principle, obviously, if even when an undeniably Innocent Person can be so Brutally Killed by State Agents, in an Admitted Gross Blunder, withOut anyone being held Responsible, Nor Punished, then, People's Fears for Risks of Similar Total Impunity also for comparatively lesser eventual Abuses, can appear quite Legitimate.
>>> Did anyone Forget that World Famous, Historic saying, about "Cesar's Wife" ? Concerning particularly important Public Officials of any State, it's Important, Not Only to Be Honest, but also for that to be Crystal-Clear and Unquestionable for the People....
Significantly, Mr. Sadiq Khan's "Twitter" account was Submerged by very Numerous and Strongly Critical Remarks by a lot of People who, precisely, Denounced his Rejection of the Plea made by the Family of the Brutaly Killed, innocent Young Jean Charles da Menezes, after an unquestionably Gross Blunder by London Police back on 2005, which, scandalously still remains Totaly UnPunished, as also several EuroJudges denounced on 2016 in Strasbourg (Comp. Supra).
Here are the Copies of some among those Numerous Examples of Open Citizens' criticism already Published at Sadiq Khan's own website (as "Comments"), on a core Human Rights issue, ("edited" only there where a few Harsh Words had, naturaly, to be erased) :
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Robert Edwards@R_M_Edwards Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @HackneyAbbott @metpoliceuk Shameful after de Menezes
5 retweets 22 likes
Jimmy Jones@brynjones20_ Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @HackneyAbbott @metpoliceuk ordering the killing of an innocent man will forever taint her career. Bad choice.
4 retweets 16 likes
Mike Spudgun@spudgun01 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Apart from anyone related to, or friends of, Jean Charles de Menezes, of course.
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James@JA_Salisbury Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Just don't let her catch you running for the tube Sadiq
6 retweets 9 likes
kp_hedges@kp_hedges Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Let's hope that as a woman she might take sex attacks in minicabs more seriously than you do.
3 replies . 2 retweets 3 likes
Cabbie Adam@AdamHar30455563 Feb 22
@kp_hedges @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Now we got two dicks
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Eoin Shardlut@EoinShardlut Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk so it's safe to assume none of your children travel by tube? #deMenezes
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Gibson Square@GibsonSquare28 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Wonder if she thinks uber rapists are ok like you do
2 replies . 0 retweets 6 likes
oisin corr@oisinm349 Feb 22
@GibsonSquare28 @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk the women who actually led officers to kill Jean Charles de Menezes = this is great news = NOT
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Ian Curr@ChanceTheDug Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk the biggest gang in the UK Now lead by a killer. She was involved in the murder of an innocent man that's the facts
0 replies . 2 retweets 7 likes
Noel Douglas@signsofrevolt Feb 22
@SadiqKhan you don't speak for all Londoners and we remember Jean Charles De Menezes not surprised you don't care @metpoliceuk
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LewishamPW@asbLBL Feb 22
@SadiqKhan You are the London PCC, how can you have endorsed this person given JC Menezes, it is ignorant & deeply insulting, shame on you
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Jonathan Lane@jlaorganbuilder Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk This move really puts the MPS at the bottom of the pile. No trust when you appoint someone with such poor judgement.
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The Decider@TheDecider25 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @theresa_may What?! The person who's vague/inconsistent approach/orders that resulted in the death of Jean Charles De Menezes?!
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Dany Cotton@LFBCommissioner Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Excellent news.
Ben Clavey@BenClavey Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk please don't welcome her on my behalf...
1 reply . 4 retweets 10 likes
TREVOR ALLMAN@TrevorWAllman Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Remember Jean Charles De Menezes face whilst you congratulate the person who organised his killing.
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Stanley Shaw@IrishguardShaw Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @wesstreeting @metpoliceuk Does that include Brazilians resident in London especially those with Oyster cards?
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Gary A Ashley@garyashley5 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @NewEuropeans @metpoliceuk if your late for work don't run
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FalconDHQ@FalconDHQ Feb 22
Great news for #London! @metpoliceuk appoint 1st #female chief Cressida Dick RT:@SadiqKhan - more on @BBCNews
Owen Postal@owenpostal Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk We need Cressida Dick like we need several holes in the head
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Carrie@Rheged85 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Not after Jean Charles death you think people have forgot? The Met led by her tried to cover his death up. No never.
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Martin Confusion@martinconfusion Feb 22
@SadiqKhan so shocked and disappointed
sue@speakagainst Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Isn´t she responsible for the death of an innocent man? The Met has lost its way. This is cynical tokenism
Michael Marshall@michael53021960 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan You are not entitled to speak on behalf of all Londoners.
AltDon@AltDonMc Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Does that include the family of #jeancharlesdemenezes.
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Alan Andrews@AlanAndrews49 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk hope she doesn't run into any Brazilians on their way to work, could be dangerous for them
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Kristian Curcic@CurcicK Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Of all the people. Really.
Paul Kyprianou@p_kyprianou Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk blood on hers hands
Alou Oraelosi@AlouOraelosi Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk "an historic day" NOT "a historic day".
1 reply . 2 likes
tweedy151@tweedy151 Feb 22
@AlouOraelosi @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk if you are a Scot (and pronounce H solid) it is A historic day. A hotel. A helicopter.
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Alou Oraelosi@AlouOraelosi Feb 22
@tweedy151 @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk That's nonstandard English I'm afraid, and should be proscribed.
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tweedy151@tweedy151 Feb 23
@AlouOraelosi @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk come up here and tell people that.
andrew bond@cuntrymaiden Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk what the hell were the other candidates like ?
1 reply . 2 likes
Stanley Shaw@IrishguardShaw Feb 22
@cuntrymaiden @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Gun shy?
Dillyding Dillydong@Charlie98271678 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk I love it when progressives put murderers in charge for the sake of diversity
1 reply . 2 Likes
William1354@William135411 Feb 22
@Charlie98271678 @SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk and Remain mayors become Tory poodles and help deliver Brexit exporting London's prosperity
Stefan Sayer@StefSayer Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk She is a cold hearted murderer of an innocent man
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D W@deffo55 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Not exactly without an unblemished record
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jacsod@supersod2362 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @HackneyAbbott @metpoliceuk Watch your backs....especially on the tube
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Sam Ochola@samsonochola Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Dancing on the grave of Jean Charles de Menezes. Shame on you!
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Bill Boyd@billmtephraim Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk She gave the order to shoot dead Jean Charles de Menezes.
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Drone Sherpao Basti@BhuttosBigBhund Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk 4 shooting dead that #poorBrazilian? u couldnt find another #racist #whitetrash[...] in a #policeforce full of them?
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MC Brother Culture@brotherculture Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Sadiq you should resign , your a sell out
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jenny murphy@rainbowcolors77 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk two dicks working together
1 Retweet
Mark Nixon@fatbadger442 22h
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Londoners are less safe with a murderer at the helm of the police.
John Traynor@Mr_JDTraynor Feb 22
@SadiqKhan She created the illegal police tactic that killed Menezes and then she tried a cover-up
Asad Khan@AsadRKhan Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk People don't forget the times post 9-11 when bigotry got a hold of too many minds. Now we want peaceful coexistence.
Paul Edwards-Shea@pedwardsshea 18h
@SadiqKhan This is outrageous, with shadow of killing of Jean Charles de Menezes you shouldn't make such statements on behalf of Londoners
martin@martin558 20h
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk crooked supporting crooked.... do you think we can't see for remember ... you WILL be looking for votes from people
PrincessMe73@RyanJackMum Feb 23
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk 'all Londoners' - bloody cheek
sǝɯɐɾ ʞɔᴉu@njamescouk Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk appalling decision.
D W@deffo55 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk Well there is another "Dick at the yard" now
David Boycott@david_boycott Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk What about Londoners with a Brazilian heritage - don't they count?!
tweedy151@tweedy151 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk she only got it cos she's a piece of eye candy. Total sexism. And a disgrace.
Gerry Webb@GerryEllenWebb Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk awful choice
Wilber Colmerauer@Hedge_Funding Feb 22
@SadiqKhan if the job isn't difficult enough you probably just made it impossible because of the inexplicable death of Jean Charles
sue@speakagainst Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk not on behalf of this Londoner! You do not speak for me.
Iqbal Wickbal@IqbalWickbal Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk
Bet you change your tune when she drops a bollock, what time the photo op, you can't resist a good photo op.
Kim Bateman@KimkwhiteKim Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk don't speak k my behalf prick
Mark@corker1970 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @HackneyAbbott @metpoliceuk hopefully she will investigate your tolerance of terror attacks.
Windy@windywinstan Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk It was not on behalf of me! She should be behind bars let's not forget Stockwell 11 years on! #NotMyMayor
Windy@windywinstan Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk I would hate to be a Brazilian with a back pack when they bump onto her on the underground! Rip Stockwell
Isaac Modzaka@isaac_modzaka Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk great will make a great team for safer London.
Emma Ballinger@ballingerbo1 Feb 22
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk if you read her credentials, aside from the mistake making the news, she is well placed
@SadiqKhan @metpoliceuk It's all a ploy by fake khan we all know how Muslims empower their women she will be a puppy
Ahmed Goldstein@goldstein_ahmed Feb 22
@SadiqKhan this lady is in nobody's pocket!.
The real deal may out you!.
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EU Rapporteur on Enlargment Strategy, maistream German MEP Elmar Brok, speaking to "EuroFora", welcomed the proposal made earlier this week by French President Nicolas Sarkozy for the EU to"start Now Talks with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", instead of full Accession, at a period when Ankara looks more and more unfit and/or unwilling to respect EU conditions.
- "For Europe to have strong Political will, it must stop dilutiing itself in an endless Enlargement. It must have borders...Diversities enrich, on the condition that they don't undermine European Cohesion, and don't weaken EU Unity", Sarkozy stressed.
- "Countries like Turkey share a part of common destiny with Europe, with which they have a vocation to build a Privileged Relation, to be closely associated, but not to become Member of the EU" : "Noone respects his friends by telling them lies. Noone respects his friends by making them promises that will be never kept", he added.
That's why "we'd better start, from now, negotiating with Turkey to create a common Economic and Security area", Sarkozy proposed.
Significantly, the French President was repeatedly and largely applauded by EU citizens, 3 times, when he made the Turkey point, (strategically placed between Europe's "Political Will" and its cultural heritage, historically open to mutually enriching dialogue with all the World, but never diluted).
- "We could propose such a great ambition also to Russia, which must not be percieved as an Adversary of Europe, but as a Partner. Thus, we'd create a wide area, of more than 800 Million inhabitants, sharing the same Security, the same Prosperity", he concluded.

Sarkozy's move was anounced at the eve of a Franco-German Top meeting with Chancellor Angie Merkel in Berlin on Sunday, to jointly launch the EU Elections campain, after an EU Summit at nearby Prague, to launch a new kind of relations, called "Eastern Partnership", with neighboring countries such as Urkaine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, etc, (to which Russia, reportedly, is not - and does not want to be - included).
As for Ukraine, which has already expressed her wish to join the EU in future, "Kiev will have a special place, and a very important role to play", replied earlier this week in Strasbourg, to an "EuroFora" question EU Chairman in office , Czech vice-Prime Minister Alexander Vodra.
- "This direction is more Realistic for Turkey than Accession negotiations", reacted immediately EU Parliament's Rapporteur for Enlargment Strategy, mainstream German MEP Elmar Brok, commenting Sarkozy's idea for "EuroFora"
Particularly "as far as it concerns the respect of EU Rules by both sides", he added, hinting at Turkey's now obvious inability and/or unwillingness to abide with EU Acquis, EU Commitments (fex. on Cyprus, etc), and European Democracy/Human Rights rules. (Comp. infra).
Brok added that, in his view, a similar proposal might be made also to Ukraine and other neighbouring Countries, regardless if they have, or not, a "European vocation". This would not necessarily mean that there couldn't be any accession prospects at all." for all the countries that might be included in this area, according to Brok. But it's preferable, particularly for Turkey, "because it's a more Realistic approach than full Membership".
On this point, Sarkozy's proposal, (which he'll share with German Chancellor Merkel), seems more crystal-clear.

- "Turkey does not fullfil EU Criteria, and will never fullfil EU Criteria" on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. "Some have been lying to Ankara, but we must tell the Truth, and have honest and close relations with her", said meanwhile to "EuroFora" on the same issue also the President of EU Parliament's largest Group of MEPs (ChristianDemocrats/EPP), Joseph Daul.
"Hot" Debate at EU Parliament reveals CHANGE of mood towards "Suspension" of EU - Tukey talks.
Earlier this week, many MEPs, and even some of those who were previously in favor of Turkey's controversial EU bid, strongly criticized the persistance and even aggravation of serious Human Rights violations in the country, that ECHR continues to "unanimously" condemn ":
- "After winning a big victory in the latest Local Elections, the pro-Kurdish party DTP almost doubled its Elected Mayors from 52 to 98", but afterwards "more than 400 politicians were thrown to Prison and prosecuted" by the Turkish Authorities, denounced on behalf of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, Belgian MEP Frieda Brepoels.
At the same time, "more than 1.500 Children are closed in Turkish Prisons", she added. "What will the EU Commission do" against these facts ?
- "Turkey appears to be at greater Distance away from Copenhagen Criteria after 4 Years of accession Negotiations, than when they started !", denounced on behalf of the Liberal Group, German MEP Alexander Lambsdorf.
"On the central issue of Press Freedom, Critical Journalists face obstacles for their accreditation, others are prosecuted, condemned, fined and/or jailed, Media blocked or closed", he denounced.
- "EU Made 2 grave Mistakes with Turkey : To start accession negotiations, and to continue them", despite everything, criticized Dutch MEP Bastian Belder, on behalf of the Ind/Dem group.