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Home arrow newsitems arrow Trump claims Win on Election Night based on Many Votes, takes Biden by Surprize, Warns of Fraud

Trump claims Win on Election Night based on Many Votes, takes Biden by Surprize, Warns of Fraud

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 03 November 2020

*Strasboug/Angelo Marcopolo/PARTLY UPDATED)- Embattled US President Don Trump's Sudden Move to Claim Win OverNight, at Crucial 2020 US Elections, pointing at Many Key Votes' Results, while Also Warning against Risks of incoming Fraud, apparently took Former Vice-President Joe Biden's Camp, Initialy by Surprize, so that Responses either Delayed, looked Spasmodic, or Self-Betrayed some Fishy Concrete Situations, to Start with :

In Fact, the Most Surprizing Result of these 2020 USA Elections is that, Despite an UnPrecedented Sabotage of his Presidential Work by 3 Years-Long "Impeachment" Threats with Bogus Claims ; Systematicaly Hostile and Often Slandering Establishment's Medias, (most of which Forgot Press Deontlogy); Oppressive "Social Networks" at the Internet, Notoriously Censoring Trump-Friendly Citizens and/or Politicians, (including Himself); a Scandalously     UnFair and Discriminatory Pre-Electoral Context, (particularly on the Few Public Debates with Biden, who Got much More Free Prime TV Time and far Less Interruptions by Hostile "Moderators", etc: See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/mediadiscriminatetrumpbidendebates.html); even an Infection by the Deadly Virus, (from UnKnown yet Source) in the Middle of the Electoral Campaign, (from which he Recuperated in Record-Time, Aged 73); and Contrary to Fake, but Persistent Establishment's Polls which All (Except from those Excluded from Mainstream RePublication) Claimed that he would Lose, with - 10% Less (sic !), in front of Biden, instead of the current 50 -50%, approximatively ; (etc),

Nevertheless, President Trump Managed to Stimulate the Biggest Ever Popular Participation in USA's Elections, and Succeeded to Keep a Conservative Majority in the Senate, to Strengthen Further Conservatives in the House, and, Most of all, to Gain so Many Votes and/or States himself, that he Could, Now, Revendicate a Win (on Votes and/or Electors) at this Crucial US Presidential Election of 2020 !                                                    

=> In Consequence, the Surprize by Trump's OverNight substantial Statements and Facts, seems to have Shocked the Dems, whose Team Started to React Only Next Morning, (and that, in an Obviously too Nervous way), with Biden reacting Even Later, towards Midday, InCompletely, and Even by Leaking some, apparently, Embarassing, for his Side, Details... (See Infra)...    

- However, Nonobstant a Wider Understanding, involving also Many Medias, to Avoid, as a matter of Principle, any Precisious, Too Early and/or UnSubstantiated Claims about "Winning" the Race, etc., it's Biden, First, who almost Broke that Deal, with an "Electoral Night" Video-Statement : - "We (Dems) are in track to Win !", he Boasted, (But withOut giving any substantial Data to try to prove it, at all).

- On the Contrary, When, Afterwards, OverNight, in ..."The Latest Press Conference I Ever had", as he significantly pointed out, President Trump spoke about "Phenomenal Results", "Success", etc., adding that, "Frankly, We Did Win this Election !", or, rather, -"We Will Win it, and, as far as I'm concerned, We have Already Won it !", this was said Only After having Presented, Earlier, Many relevant Facts as Proof, (See Infra)...

>>> Indeed, - "First of all, "The Citizens of this Country have come out in such Record Numbers, this is something that, Frankly, there has been Nothing like that...", Trump stressed from the outset.

- Particularly in order "To Support our Incredible Movement, Even in States where it wasN't Expected to", he observed.

- - F. ex., "in Florida, we are Winning by a Lot. (Applaud).

- "We Won the Great State of Ohio, we Won Texas, by +700.000 Votes (difference), = (more Applaud), and They (Establishment's Medias) do Not Include it Even in the Tabulations"...

- "We Won Georgia : We are Up by +2,5% and +17.000 Votes, and Only 7% Left. They'll Never Catch us"..., he estimated.

- "Likewise, we've Clearly Won North Carolina : (Applauded), We are Up +1,4% and 77.000 Votes, with Only, Approximately, 5% Left. They Can't Catch us"....

- "We have Also, if you look, a lot of Life in Arizona, and somebody said that it will be a Victory, and this Might be, it's Possible, there are a Lot of Votes there that We Can Get, Because Now it comes into what they wall "Trump Territory", or whatever you call it, this is Friendly Counties, and that Could be OK". .... However, "We doN't even Need it, it's just a State that We Could have, and that would be Nice. There is a Good Possibility, and, indeed, SInce I Saw it First, the Numbers are Changing, just in a Small amount of Hours. So, We Want that, Obviously, to Stay in Play", he Soberly conluded.

+ "But, Most Impôrtantly, We are Winning Pennsylvania (i.e. a currently "Socialist/Liberal" State), by a Tremendous Amount of Votes, (very much Applauded). We are at +690.000 Votes (More) ! This is Not even "Close".... With 64% of the Vote in, it's  gonna be Almost Impossible to Catch... (for Biden). And we are Coming into Good Pennsylvanian Areas, where they happen to Like Your President... So, We'll, Probably, Extend"...

+ Also, "We are Winning at Michigan : Look at the Numbers... I Said "Wow, that's a Lot ! Almost +300.000 Votes (More), and 65% of the Vote is In".

++ "And We are Winning Wisconsin" too...", he hoped.

- "We DoN't Need All of them. We Need ... Because We Won Texas... The Governor called me to Congratulate, and said : - "What's going on ? I've Never Seen something Like this !" (In Magnitude of GOP's Votes).

+++ indeed, "We Won by a +107.000 Votes (more) and 81% of the Vote (in)"

=> -"So, If you take Those 3 States, in particular - And We have All the Others, ... We had such a Big Night, if you Look at All those States that We Won ToNight, and, then, Look at the Kind of Margins with which we Won them by":

- F.ex.: (Looking at his Notes), "Florida was a Tremendous Victory : +377.000";

- "Texas as we said", (Comp. Supra.

-"Ohio, a tremendous State; I love Ohio : We Won with +8,1% by +465.O00, almost +500.000 Votes".

- "In North Carolina we Lead with +76.000 Votes, with almost Nothing Left", (etc).

=> "We were Getting Ready to Win this Election. (And), Frankly, We Did Win this Election ! (Applauded). Now, for the Good of this Nation, We Must Ensure it...", he Urged.



>>> Because, almost at the Same Time, (i.e. OverNight, from 3 to 4 November 2020), President Trump clearly Warned, Also, of Possible Massive "Fraud", for which Attempts were, apparently, just Starting, right then, (a Fact which Could Explain that Strange Hour, Exceptionaly Chosen for

 - "This is a very Big Moment". And, this is a Sad Moment. This is  a very Sad Moment for me", (Because), this is a Major Fraud on Our Nation !", indeed, he Announced.                                                                   

- "We (Republicans, i.e. Trump), "were Ready to get out and Celebrate something which was so Good...", (Comp. Supra). "We were getting Ready for a Big Celebration... We were Winning Everything !", (Comp. Supra).

- But, "all out of a sudden, it was Called Off.. All of a Sudden, What Happened to the Election ? It's Off... And we had all those Announcements..."

 - "They (Dems, i.e. Biden) Knew that they could Not Win. So, they said..." "A very Sad Group of People is Trying to DesEnfrachise that Group of People" (who "Supported" the GOP), he Denounced. => This is a Fraud on the American Public... This is an Embarassement to our Country !"  

=> - "We woN't stand for it !  (Many Applauds)...  - "Let's go to Court !", Trump Called. -"I Predicted that...", he reminded.  In fact, "We Want a lot to be used in a Proper Manner. So, We are going a lot at the US Supreme Court".

>>> - Because "We Want All Voting to Stop ! We doN't Want them to Find Any kind of Ballots, After 4h o'clock in the Morning, and Add them to the List !", President Trump Urged in real practice, (Speaking almost at such an Imposible Hour)...



+ Biden's Team, Later-on, apparently Upset by Trumps' Earlier Announcement of his initialy Good Results and Late Fraud Warning, Nervously Slandered that as an "Absurd" and "Cynical" "Attack", "Doomed to Fail" (sic !), But, also, Unwillingly Self-Betrayed the Fact that ...he was Probably Right :

- Indeed, they had practicaly Nothing Important to Claim, at This Hour, as alleged "Good Results" for Biden, But Mainly a Speculation on"Pennsylvania" : that some Mysterious "Ballots", "Expected ... To Be Counted these Days" (i.e. Not Yet Used), were (according to their Hopes) "Due to OutNumber What Is Now", from around Tomorrow Afternoon or Evening... (Obviously, one is Wondering What Made them so Sure about their Predictions for the Future, unless...)

+ In Addition, Biden's Team practicaly Raised anOther Question Mark, when they Pompously Claimed that they Had, Already "Prepared", f.ex., "Lawyers, Papers, Staff Training", etc., in order to Face, Nowadays, probable Legal Actions from the Conservatives on this 2020 Presidential Elections' final Results, so that they were "Ready to Go in 1 Hour", as they Characteristicaly Boasted.

=> A subsequent Problem is that, during this Period AFTER the Election Day, when there are, normaly, No More Expensive Collective Meetings to organize, etc, inevitably, one Wonders Why, even Biden himself, Suddenly Felt a Pressing Need to Exceptionaly Publish 3 or 4 Written "Appeals" for ... more "Money" to be "Donated" to his Electoral Campaign's "Fund", during the 4th, 5th and 6th November 2020, [UPDATED] (going Even as far as to Publish Two [2] such Urgent Appeals for Money in just 1 Day : Nov. 5, and at the Same Morning !)...

    >>> Biden Himself does Not give Any clear Explanation for those Repeated Strange Moves for More Funds, After the Election Day, Urgently. But he, Curiously, Claims, at least, that Money would be Needed, even Nowadays, for "Counting" and/or Re-Counting More Ballots... + Even More Strange : in his Latest such "Tweet" Asking for Funds, Biden abuses of an UnHeard of Claim : - Now he sayq that Money would have, Suddenly, become Urgently Needed, Even Long After the Election Day, Because ..."DEMOCRACY is SOMETIMES ...MESSY" (sic !)...

=> What does Biden Mean with that Strange Claim ? What could be "Messy", with a Sudden and Repeated Need of more and more Money, just After a Crucial Election, When he is Focused on "Finding" more and more Late "Ballots" (of Dubious Legality) to "Count" in order to "OutNumber" Trump's UnExpected Initial Lead on Popular Votes ? (Comp. Supra)... Do, Perhaps, such "Findings" ...COST, Now, More than Usual ?...

-- By the way, it's also a Fact that Rep. Senator Graham, who tried, Notoriously, to Help Trump go to the Federal Supreme Court against Fraud in these 2020 US Elections, reportedly Denounced that, currently "Socialist/Liberal"-controlled "Pennsylvania is More CORRUPTED than a SNAKE !" (sic)...

+ And "Socialist/Liberal" former Governor of Illinois (a Neighbour of PA), Blagojevich, (Notoriously convicted for the Scandal of ...Selling Obama's former Senate Constituency there to a New Candidate), when he was Nowadays asked Whether a "Socialist/Liberal" State like Pennsylvania (where he comes from) might, eventualy, Rigg such an Election, reportedly Replied that it was done Often, OverNight, and  - It's as if you are Wondering : - <<Is, Pope, a Catholic ?>>...


Meanwhile, it's Also at Nearby Michigan (Comp. Supra) that Similar (even if Not Identical) Questions, mutatis-mutandis, about Suspicious "Late" Ballots Suddenly Changing the Initial Course of an Election, were Raised Nowadays :

- Its very Controversial "Socialist/Liberal" Governor reportedly Warned some Establishment's Medias that the Decisive Moment for the Votes in Michigan was Due to Occur Not on the Election-Day of Nov. 3, But, Curiously, Onky during the Next Day, Nov. 4, as Late as around Midday...  


=> Indeed, Also Biden himself, Observed, Next Day, that his Voters were, Suddenly, "Growing", (After a Nov. 3 Initial Lead by Trump ; Comp. Supra). In fact, "Michingan" has Not Yet, But "Will Complete its Votes Soon", he Curiously Added, on Nov. 4, Midday, (withOut Explaining Why)... Biden went, Even, as Far as to Suggest that this Might Take Longer, Perhaps Extending Also towards Nov. 5 : - "May be, as Early as the Day" (of Nov. 4), or May be Not, he Added.


>>> At any case, one of the Most Fishy Cases, seems to really be that of "Pennsylvania", (Comp. Supra) :

- "I Feel very Good about Pennsylvania", Biden said at his 1st Reaction After the Voing Day, on Nov. 4. - Because ..."All (sic !) the Ballots Remaining to be Counted, were Cast by Mail !", (I.e. the Most Suspected for Fraud, and Denounced by the Conservatives, Already Long Before the Election Starts), he Revealed ...

+ "And We (Dems) are Winning, in the Votes by Mail, with a 78% Margin !" there, Biden boasted.

=> Among the main Obvious Critical Questions Raised, are :

- How did Biden Know that this Late "Rise" was going to be Extended throughout All those "Mail Votes" ?

- And, How did he Know, (in Advance),  that, Suddenly, Dems might, Perhaps, Start to have a So Extra-Ordinary Huge : Precisely "+78% Margin", at All those Late Mail Votes in PA, (i.e. something Around 80% - 20%) ?!...

>>> After the American People, (Surprisingly Overcoming Establishent Medias' Slandering, Web Censorship, an UnFair Electoral Process, Fake "Polls", etc), Gave an UnExpected Initial Lead to Trump, (Comp. Gacts Supra), did Biden's Dems OverReact by Late Fraud ?








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Sarkozy and Merkel want deals with Obama on European Security at Strasbourg's NATO 2009 Summit

In parallel but concording moves, EU Chair, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel both invited this week US-President elect, Barack Obama, to discuss important deals breaking new ground on European Security during the NATO's 60 Years Anniversary Summit of Heads of State in Strasbourg, where Obama is expected to make his 1st visit to Europe as a President on April 2009.

Merkel focused mainly on smoother NATO - EU Defence and Security policy cooperation, while Sarkozy spoke about PanEuropean Security, associating both Russia and the USA, proposing to freeze missile and shields' deployement until an agreement is reached.

But both tackled some hard nuts to crack : Turkey's VETO against the participation of EU Member Cyprus to EU-NATO cooperation, and Russia's anouncement on deployment of missiles up to Kaliningrad, at EU's belly, in reply to USA's wish to set up missile shields in EU States such as Poland or Czech Republic, etc.

- "Certainly...one of the points that we'll dicuss with the New US President", Barak OBAMA, "who will come f'or the 1st time in Europe as president, at the NATO Summit", co-hosted by France and Germany in Strasbourg, ""concerns, above all, the European Security and Defence Policy" (ESDP), and "the relations between NATO and its partners", with whom it should "work together", anounced earlier this week Merkel.

We must find "a reasonable and adequate concept to articulate NATO and European Security and Defense policy", because of a "series of practical issues, sometimes difficult to understand", but that "we must discuss".


- "An example" of that is "the issue of Cyprus and Turkey", said Merkel, where Ankara raises problems "from Kosovo up to Afghanistan", as also CoE's chair, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt recently observed in Strasbourg replying to EuroFora's questions.

- "We must do something to smoothen this problem for good, and not only on a case-by-case basis, laboriously negotiated each time". Here, we must find "a reasonable and adequate concept to articulate NATO and European Security and Defense policy", Merkel stressed.

- "With good will from all sides, it could and should be posible. Germany wants also to help on that". Otherwise, "the coming generations will not understand why it took Decades to do so". But, if we "don't even achieve that for Decades, this would be an Historic Failure !", the German Chancellor warned

- "I think that our American partners are increasingly realizing that", Merkel said, pleading for "a stronger European Security and Defence policy, with which, I believe, the Atlantic Security Partnership can also strengthen and solidify".

Meanwhile, USA is also due to take in 2009 a special status inside EU-led EUROCORPS, the European Army HeadQuarters, based in Strasbourg.

Merkel said that after meeting in Berlin with NATO's Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, earlier this week, precisely in order to "prepare NATO's Summit", scheduled for the beginning of April 2009 in Strasbourg.

Scheffe, knows well Strasbourg, since he chaired the CoE, as Holland's Foreign Minister, when he brokered a controversial deal precisely on Turkey and Cyprus about the implementation of ECHR judgements on Greek Cypriot displaced persons' houses and properties in 2003. He returned later at least once, for a WEO meeting at the CoE, where he precisely had highlighted such EU - NATO issues.

EU Commission's 2008 Report on Turkey has just observed that, on European Defense - Security policy, "Turkey continues to object to EU-NATO Cooperation which would involve all EU Member States". "This created Problems for EU-NATO co-operation in the context of Civilian ESDP missions, in particular in Kosovo and Afghanistan".


 French EU Chair, President Sarkozy and Merkel are visiting Washington on Friday and Saturday for a Global G-20 Summit with current US President George Bush, on the sidelines of which are expected preparatory contacts with US President-elect Obama's entourage, even if himself might stay in Chicago until he takes over on January 21.

Before going to Washington, Sarkozy concluded today an UE - Russia Summit with Dmitry Medvedev, where they "spoke in length on PanEuropean Security" :

- As EU President, I proposed that we meet on mid-2009 in a framework such as OSCE's in order to set the foundations of a Future Pan-European Security, which would associate Russia and USA, and that, meanwhile, nobody speaks about deploying missiles or shields, which complicate the situation".

- NATO's Summit in Strasbourg-Kehl, on April 2009 is a perfect occasion to discuss with our American friends and to prepare a possible OSCE Summit for these issues f.ex. for June or July", Sarkozy concluded.

- We must all abstain from Unilateral measures" dangerous for Europe's security. "Russia only reacted to decisions taken by some other countries. But if they are ready to cooperate, we are ready to discuss. EU could be an intermediary", added Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, before going himself too at the Washington G-20 Economic Summit.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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