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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow Turkish link behind Abduction+Murder of 3 Israeli Children that triggered MiddleEast Deadly Clash ?!

Turkish link behind Abduction+Murder of 3 Israeli Children that triggered MiddleEast Deadly Clash ?!

Έχει γραφτεί από ACM
Πέμπτη, 21 Αύγουστος 2014

As many had already suspected earlier, it seems to be, indeed, a Turkey-related network, and not just a traditional, authentic and independent Palestinian extremist group, that was hidden behind the atrocious and cowardly Kidnaping and Murder of 3 Israeli Children, earlier at the West Bank, which notoriously triggered a vicious cercle of violence provoking Deadly Clashes that left killed many Hundreds of Palestinians and Dozens of Israeli, mainly in Gaza, as a result of such a monstruous provocation, of an inhuman brutality never seen before in the long and tragic Middle East Conflict, as even some committed Sionist experts had admitted to "EuroFora" earlier.

- It's, indeed, a Hamas member "living in Turkey", which "apparently Confirms, for the 1st time, the suspicions of the Israeli Authorities", as far as "the Origine of the Kidnapings and subsequent Murders of the 3 Youngsters", denounced Today French mainstream Newspaper "Figaro", citing in particular "Reuters" News Agency.

According also to mainstream British Newspaper "the Guardian", "Saleh al-Arouri", a co-"Founder of Hamas' Military wing", who "lives in Istanbul", Turkey, made scandalous "comments .. at a Meeting of an international union of Islamic (religious) Scholars", which were "posted online":


- The Turkey-based Hamas' organiser, curiously called the brutal and cowardish Abduction and Murder of 3 Helpless Jewish Youngsters, 2 Children aged only 16 and a 19 years old Teenager, an .... "Heroic (sic !) operation by the Quassam Brigades [Hamas' armed wing]", thanks to whom, "the Popular Will [re-sic !!] was exercised", by "imprisoning the 3"defenseless  young boys and killing them shortly afterwards..



+ Al-Arouri is Hamas' "most prominent representative in Turkey", who had been "in Prison" in Israel "for actions related to his Hamas membership", and used to live in Syria, from where he left after the popular uprising, in order to settle at Istanbul since then. But, although "a significant Hamas figure", by speaking so provocatively, he might, either "attempt to demonstrate ...Hamas' ability to hit Israel", or, eventually, have "operated on his own Initiative" in this case, according to an Hypothesis by Hugh Lovatt, Isreal and Palestine Coordinator at the European Council of Foreign Relations, quoted by "the Guardian", this being "a development with very Worrying Repercussions".

Already since the end of July, the "National Interest" Review had pointed at the fact that - "Turkey is ...Home to Salah Al-Arouri, founder of the "West Bank" branch of the "Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam" Brigades, Hamas’ Military  wing", who  "is also Suspected of being behind a recent surge in Kidnapping plots from the West Bank"; In particular, "an Israeli security Official recently noted : - “I have no doubt that Al-Arouri was connected to the act” of Kidnapping that helped set off the latest round of Violence", (i.e. the Abduction and cold-blood Murder of 3 Young Israeli Boys, in a Deadly Targeting of unarmed Children never seen before among Palestinian methods of struggle in the whole History of the Middle-East Conflict).. This "has seen Thousands killed and  wounded, nearly all of them Palestinians", (since any Responsibility of an External factor remained still hidden). He reportedly has been given “sole control” of Hamas’s military operations in the West Bank, and two Palestinians arrested last year for smuggling Money for Hamas into the West Bank, admitted they were doing so on Al-Arouri’s orders", as it denounced.


The traditional Turkish legal system, until now, didn't really recognize as "Children" those Boys and/or Girls who are aged 16, (as 2 among the 3 Israeli Teenagers kidnaped and murdered at the West Bank), with the result for Ankara to be often Condemned by the ECHR for treating such Children as if they would had been Adults.
Contrary to Hamas' total denial, until now, of any link to the abduction and murder of the 3 Jewish Teenagers, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu reacted immediately after a retaliation by a few Extremist israelis who went as far as to also kidnap and kill 1 Palestinian Teenager as a reply to the previous Crime, and succeeded to find and punish them by moving fast to impose an elementary justice against such horrible criminal acts, independently from whom they might have been committed.

Already, since back on 2006, a Rocket allegedly shot by Hezbolah, had triggered another circle of violence between the Israeli Army and Palestinian Rebels at the Border between Lebanon and Israel, precisely when Turkey had scheduled to host an exceptional High-Level meeting with Foreign Politicians and Businesses on the Baku-Ceyhan too long, too expensive and too risky Pipeline, which had been, until then, considered as non-profitable, before the Conflict immediately provokes a sudden Boom of sky-rocketing Oil/Gas Prices, making that Turkish Pipeline profitable, with the result for the invited Foreign Politicians and Business CEOs to finaly accept to sign a series of relevant deals with Ankara during that crucial meeting... Some of those strange and too timely rockets having apparently been fired by unknown grouplets close to some Family Homes, the expected reply of the Israeli Army reportedly stroke also a House with several Palestinian Children killed as a result of what seems to be a tragic sly manouvre which profited only to the Turkish establishment and one or two UKUSA Oil/Gas Corporations....


+ Moreover, the "Turkish Foreign Ministry denied" earlier to "aid a Hamas Coup Plot", "attempting to .. Topple the Palestinian Unity Government", headed by Mahmoud Abbas at the West Bank, which, according to the "Israeli Security Service, Shin Bet", was "orchestrated by Saleh al-Arouri, Hamas official based in Turkey" and "allegedly enjoying the Protection of Turkish Officials", as f.ex. the "MiddleEastEye" Media reported yesterday.

- In what is described as "one of the Biggest [operations] we've seen in Judea and Samaria since Hamas' formation in 1987", according to Jerusalem Post, quoting Sjin Bet sources, "they planned to carry out a coup and topple the Palestinian Authority", in order for Hamas to “launch a 3rd Intifada”, and had scheduled "Disturbances on the Temple Mount to rile the Palestinian masses", after "waiting for talks between Israel and PA to Collapse".


Something that Mahmoud Abbas denounced as “a grave Threat to the unity of the Palestinian people and its future”,  which could potentially have "extremely Dangerous" regional implications, by "potentialy breaking the unity agreement", according to Palestinian News Agency Wafa.

The Israelii Security Agency (ISA) and the Army reportedly revealed that "they dismantled what was termed as the Biggest Hamas operational Network in the West Bank since the movement was founded in 1987. They said the network contained around 100 operatives, nearly all of them arrested, and Directed by Hamas operations' Chief Salah Arouri, based in Turkey", reported f.ex. the World Tribune.

 - In particular, according to a Statement issued by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), "93 alleged operatives were arrested, and 24 Assault Rifles and six Rocket Launchers were captured" at a "Hamas network (which) received more than $2 million from couriers" in neighboring countries.

“Over the last few months, an IDF and ISA joint activity uncovered a vast Hamas terror infrastructure,” in "in Beitunia, Deir Qaddis, Bethlehem and Dir Abu Mashal", Brig. Gen. Tamir Yadi, commander of the Army’s Judea and Samaria Division, said. This "Hamas Network amassed a large amount of Weapons, concealed in Caches throughout the West Bank," and a "military infrastructure ...with a presence in 46 Towns and Villages".“During the arrests a large amount of Weaponry was uncovered, intended to be used for Terror Attacks against Israeli Civilians, IDF soldiers and the Palestinian National Security Force,” the military said. "Israel has urged Turkey to stop Arouri’s activities", who has become, since 2010, "the liaison for Hamas leader Khaled Masha’al. “The exposure of this infrastructure, one of the largest we have encountered, underlines the great Danger posed by Hamas’ Overseas Headquarters,” ISA said. "The Turkish Government knew about the Operations emanating from its Territory".


-  Turkish Government head "Erdogan and Foreign Minister Davutoğlu have been known to have a close relationship with Hamas, while Abbas’s party Fatah “have traditionally adopted a Cautious attitude towards the Turkish government", according to MEE, citing an Expert, "Associate Fellow at Chatam House" (UK).

 - - “Is the allegation that Hamas leader al-Arouri lives in Turkey true?” And, "for how Long, and Why has he been staying in Turkey? ...why has Israel asked for his Deportation or Extradition? What response has been given to these demands?”, reportedly asked on July, Faruk Loğoğlu, deputy Chairman of the Opposition Group,; main opposition group in the country, Republican People's Party (CHP), asked about al-Arouri in a written parliamentary question, to which It is unknown how the government responded. as MEE reports.


However, Erdogan's recent attempts to Manipulate some Arabs (obviously in order to abuse of them as pawns to be sacrificed in the service of Turkey's interests to exert pressure on the EU), have often been denounced, by various sides, as an Hypocrisy, pictured f.ex. by the following Cartoon :


However, those shameless statements of that Hamas' figure, currently residing in Turkey, who boasts by revendicating a Horrible Crime committed against defenseless Children, moreover at a Public Meeting of Islamic Religious Scholars from various Countries, (i.e. as those that Turkey currently attempts to infiltrate even inside certain EU Member States !), which took place, paradoxically under a huge portrait of Kemal Ataturk, (supposed to have turned Turkey towards the West, a long time ago, but has, in fact, completed the Eradication of Christian People from a Land which was, in the Past, part of the 1st and most longest Christian-Greek Empire : that of the over-Millenary Byzantium : 330-1.453), are only Part of a much longer, and recently growing Series of worrying facts.




Turkey has also notoriously prepared the most provocative Manipulation of Gaza's Blockade, by orchestrating Sadic Attacks against Israeli Soldiers, brutaly hit, wounded, and trampled underfeet by armed mobsters attempting to lynch them, one by one, until it provoked a deadly clash in reaction by the Israeli Army that Turkish Officials attempted to Exploit hypocriticaly afterwards, including by a Controversial Report prepared by an obscure UN SC staff when Ankara was exceptionaly chairing that body's Secretariat for 1 Month...

The recently revealed Fact that even the atrociously BeHeaded American Journalist James Foley had been abducted at the Turkish Borders back on 2012, where he had even reportedly met with some French Journalists held hostages, who were liberated on 2013 inside Turkey, adds Today even more strange "coincidence",  closely related also to the Deadly Islamic Extremists of "ISIL" who emerged from those Turkish Borders to launch atricious Terrorist Attacks fist in Syria and afterwards inside Iraq.
While its fast growing reputation has already atracted many would be "Islamic Djihadists" from several European Countries, notoriousy recruited through Turkey, starting to bring Bloody Terrorism recently even inside Brussels, after Spain's Andalousian Turkish-Tchechen links, Fance's murders even of Children aged 3 by Merah, etc., while also shaking Germany now with Violent Clashes between Kurdish Refugees and Turkish pro-ISIL immigrants fighting against each other at the Streets of Cities located at the core or Europe, but with a growing number of Sumburbs systematically turned, more and more, into Cultural "Ghettos", in fact controlled by a Foreign Non-European center, from Denmark or the UK, until Germany, France or Greece, etc, showing that the real Danger is Closer than some might think...     






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Υπόθεση ΟΡΑΜΣ : Ο Πρόεδρος ΕΔΑΔ απορρίπτει ισχυρισμό Εκθεσης Κομισιόν ΕΕ για Κατοχική "Επιτροπή" περιουσιών προσφύγων

    (Οι περισότερες δηλώσεις Προέδρου ΕΔΑΔ ακολουθούν κατόπιν σ άλλο άρθρο)
* Στρασβούργο/ΑΚΜ/ 16 Οκτωβρίου 2008/-
    Εντελώς ανακριβή κρίνει η ηγεσία ΕΔΑΔ τον επικίνδυνο ισχυρισμό Νομικής Εκθεσης από Κομισιόν ΕΕ που παρουσιάστηκε στο ΔΕΚ στο Λουξεμβούργο στη γνωστή υπόθεση εκμετάλλευσης γής ΕΚων προσφύγων ΅ΟΡΑΜΣ" σύμφωνα με τον "Πολίτη", ότι το ΠανΕυρωπακιό Δικαστήριο του Στρασβούργου θα είχε, δήθεν, ήδη κρίνει κατ αρχήν αποδεκτή την αμφιλεγόμενη "Επιτροπή Αποζημιώσεων" που έστησε η Τουρκία στα κατεχόμενα

    - "ΟΧΙ, ΟΧΙ, Δεν ελήφθη ακόμα απόφαση γι αυτό", και "δεν μπορούμε να πούμε από τώρα ποιά θα είναι η κατάληξη σ αυτό το θέμα, που μένει ανοικτό. Θ αποφασίσουμε σε λίγο καιρό", μας απάντησε ο Πρόεδρος ΕυρωΔικαστηρίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, Ζαν-Πώλ ΚΟΣΤΑ, σε σχετική ερώτησή μας για το αν αληθεύει ο πιο πάνω ισχυρισμός πως το ΕΔΑΔ θα είχε ήδη κρίνει σαν κατ αρχήν "αποτελεσματικό μέσο" προστασίας την αμφιλεγόμενη "Επιτροπή" των Κατεχομένων.

    - "Αυτά είναι απλές φαντασιώσεις. Μάλλον κάποιος παρεξήγησε την απόφαση Ξενίδης Αρέστη, Στην πραγματικότητα τίποτα δεν έχει αποφασιστεί ακόμα, Εμείς (το ΕΔΑΔ) ετοιμαζόμαστε να εξετάσουμε τις πρώτες 8 υποθέσεις "τεστ" για την εν λογω "Επιτροπή" (Κατεχομένων), όπου εγείραμε κάποιες ερωτήσεις, στις οποίες μόλις λάβαμε Απαντήσεις που αναλύουμε, για να δούμε άν θα μπορούσε να κριθεί σαν αποτελεσματικό ένδικο μέσο, ή όχι, Αν βρούμε σοβαρές ελλείψεις, τότε θ αγνοηθεί εκτός άν μπορέσουν να κάνουν όλες τις απαραίτητες αλλαγές", μας πρόσθεσε, επίσης, κι ο έμπειρος Διευθυντής της Ολομέλειας ΕΔΑΔ, Βινσάν ΜΠΕΡΖΕ, (που ήταν τ. υπεύθυνος του Τμήματος για ΕΚους πρόσφυγες, ότταν εξέδωσε τις αποφάσεις Ξενίδη Αρέστη, Δημάδη, κα).

    Τόσον ο Πρόεδρος του ΕΔΑΔ όσο κι ο Διευθυντής της Ολομέλειάς του μας μίλησαν την ημέρα εξαιρετής, σημαντικής συνάντησής τους στο Στρασβούργο με τον αντιΠρόεδρο Επιτροπής ΕΕ, αρμόδιο και για θέματα Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, Ζακ ΜΠΑΡΩ.

    Ο ίδιος ο Μπαρώ μας είπε δε ότι "δεν γνώρίζε" για την αμφιλεγόμενη Εκθεση Κομισιόν στην υπόθεση ΟΡΑΜΣ στο Δικαστήριο Ευρωπαικών Κοινοτήτων (ΔΕΚ) στο Λουξεμβούργο, υποδεικνύοντας ότι μάλλον ήταν υπάλληλοι απ τον Φιλανδό Επίτροπο Ρέν, αρμόδιο για Διεύρυνση που ίσως παρέμβησαν σχετικά (βλ, προηγούμενη Είδηση).
    Σημειωτέον ότι πρόσφατα ο Ταλάτ στο Στρασβούργο απέκλεισε ΠΛΗΡΗ αποκατάσταση της περιουσίας ΕΚ προσφύγων με την εν λόγω "Επιτροπή" των Κατεχομένων, μιλώντας μόνο για "ΜΕΡΙΚΗ αποκατάσταση, αλλαγή ή αποζημίωση", ενώ, αντίθετα, η Επιτροπή Υπουργών ΣτΕ μόλις έχει ζητήσει απ την Τουρκία να εξηγήσει γιατί αρνείται την πλήρη επιστροφή της περιουσίας της Τίνας Λοιζίδου..

    Εξάλλου, απαντώντας έμμεσα σε πρόσφατες προκλητικές δηλώσεις ΤΑΛΑΤ στο Στρασβούργο που παρομοίασε τους ΕΚους πρόσφυγες μ ανυπόμονους που "δεν είναι ικανοί να περιμένουν τη λύση του Κυπριακού", που αργεί 35 χρόνια απ την Τουρκική Εισβολη 1974, το ΕΔΑΔ έκρινε, σ άλλη υπόθεση που αφορούσε εταιρία εγγεγραμμένη στην Κύπρο, ότι, από θέμα Γενικών Αρχών ΑΔ, είναι "υπέρμετρη" και δυσανάλογη η επιβολή σε ιδιώτη της υποχρέωσης να στερηθεί της χρήσης περιουσίας του για πάνω από 12 χρόνια περιμένοντας την λύση ενός πολύπλοκου προβλήματος, ακόμα κι αν υπήρχε δημόσιο συμφέρον γι αυτό.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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