Strasbourg Votes Armenian Green Mayor with Natural Immunity v.Virus, focus on Dialogue+EU Demo ReNew

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Frustrated to Wait even Longer for Shady Genetic and/or Political Manipulations for an UnCertain Vaccine against the Deadly Virus, Strasbourg's Citizens Voted Today, More than Expected : 42%, for an Armenian Green New Mayor, with Natural Immunity versus the Virus, (that she already Faced and Defeated), who Focuses on "Dialogue" (as "Eurofora"s Project, that she Backed : See Infra), and Dreams for a "Democratic ReNewal, may be Also Elsewhere in Europe", as well as to Fight "Against Social InEqualities", Protect "Climate", etc.
Jeanne Barseghian, (who got Elected an Overwhelming 47 Municipal Counselors' Team, Leaving Only 11 and 7 to her Competitors), is an Atypical "Green", who doesN't Owe Nothing to "Socialists" !
On the Contrary, she Succeeded, Today, to Win Against 2 Political Attacks led by former Socialist "Heavyweights" : One who had Remained at the SP (23%), and anOther one, who had been Transformed into a Macronist Liberal, making an Alliance with the Republicans of the Center-Right (34%)... Except Strasboug, its Only at Poitiers that anOther "Green" Succeeded to Win Against a Socialist Adversary, while at Lille anOther one just Missed his "Socialist" Target by Only a Few Votes.
Moreover, she will Certainly Never Forget the Long and Bitter Struggle that People like her had Recently to give Against also the Out-Going "Socialist" Municipality, in Popular Attempts to Stop a Big Car-Lorry Highway Project ("GCO") from Destroying a lot of Natural and/or Agricultural Lands, including a Superb and Unique Landscape at Wonderful "Gardens" scupltured at several Levels aside a Castle kept Open by an Historic Franco-German Family from nearby Frankfurt, and Visited by many Philosophers, Artists, and Other Intellectuals, (including from Russia, as f.ex. the Famous Painter Shaghal, etc), for the Inspiration that gave its Spectacular Natural Views, to the point that it had become part of a European Cultural Heritage, (Kolbsheim Castle).
But, most of all, Barseghian is well an Armenian, and Proud of it : Contrary to an important former French Prime Minister, Eduard Balladur, whose Family had Changed their Original Name (Balladurian), Jeanne's Family Kept preciously theirs. Her Grand-Father was among the First to be Arrested in Istanbul/Constantinople back on 1915, and Killed by the Turks at the Beginning of what became a Genocide... Later she Decided to Learn the Armenian Language, (steming from a State which was the 1st in the History of the World to Become Christian -Together with Cyprus- since the 4rth Century AC), and even Participated in an Original Film created by "ARTE" Franco-German TV of Strasbourg on the OverMillenary History of Armenians at Anatolia Plateau.
So that, apparently Conscious of the Fact that Only a Strong Europe, Based on a Franco-German Core, could Become Able to effectively Protect People from such a Militarist Regime as that of Turkey, Notoriously Violating Human Rights, after being Born Near Paris, she Studied Franco-German Law, went to Berlin with EU's "ERASMUS" Program, and came to Strasbourg to specialize in Environmental Law, (including with a Training at the CoE), where she reportedly Met her Partner, a German from Nearby Freiburg. "Eurofora" witnessed the Fact that Barseghian speaks Fluently "Deutsch", so that she gives easily Press Interviews also to German Medias, in their own Language...
The New Strasbourg's Mayor, (a Jurist herself, as also her Father and Mother), seems particularly Keen to matters such as "Dialogue" and "Citizens' Participation" in Public Decision-Making, so that she's naturally Friendly to "Eurofora" Project's main thrust (See, f.ex., her relevant Replies to our Questions, published earlier, at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/greencandidatemayorokseuroforaproject.html , etc.). It's in such a Context that she also reminded us her additional Proposal to even regularly Involve the City's Municipal Council in Public Debates related to Main Topical Issues due to be Debated and Voted by EU Parliament's Plenary each Month here.
What she might Not Know, is the Fact that, by a Coincidence, her Local Alliance with Iranian-Born Medical Urgentist Syamak Agha Babaei, a Graduate of the International "Pontoniers" Lyceum, (a Former "Socialist" Local Counselor, and Now "Number 2" in her List), Fits Well a Geo-Political Plan, Earlier supported by various European Countries, to use Iran's Strategic Links with Armenia, in order to Transport, by Pipeline and/or Sea and River Ships, Climate-Friendly (Non CO2 producing) Gas Energy, through Georgia-Black Sea-Romania, etc. Directly towards Europe's Industrial Core, (eventually also through Danube and Rhine Rivers, etc, i.e. via Strasbourg).
But, as far as Today's Vote by Strasbourg's Citizens is concerned, it's Not a Secret : Notoriously, a Large Majority of the People (among 60% to 70%, according to Earlier Polls !) Wanted a Change, and Not at all to Continue, for a 3rd Time in a Row, with Any more "Socialists" here, (Neither Traditional, Nor "Recycled" under anOther Political Label).
The "Left" side of the Political Spectrum Concentrated its Forces, ("Communists", "Greens", Leftist Dissidents in Disagreement with the "Socialists", etc). But the "Right" side did Not, (No "Unity of the Right", the "Rightists" abandoned Alone, while the "Center-Right" "Republicans" formed an Alliance with Former "Socialists", Now presented as "Liberals" close to President Macron). => Therefore, the "Left" Won...
Indeed, more or less Similar Political Configurations to Strasbourg's case, appeared also at Bordeaux (Endorsed by National Parties), and Lyon (Rejected by National Parties). But, in the Absence of Any "Unity of the Right", the "Center-Right" Alone, Extended to Former "Socialists", Always Failed, even there...
=> Thus, the Otherwise UnSolved "Enigma" of an Even Bigger Abstention at this 2nd and Final Round of the 2020 Local Elections in France on June, than what it had been, already, at the 1st Round on March, can be Easily Explained, Simply, by the Refusal of the People to Accept to Systematically Drop Any "Unity of the Right" whatever, and Focus, instead, Only into Extending the "Center-Right" to Former "Socialists" : Many among the Voters at the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, simply ...Stayed Home, or went for a Walk at the Countryside !
Only in this way can be Explained why Barseghian, who had Just 28% from the 1st Round, Surprizingly found herself Propulsed Up to 42%..., while a Coalition (Fontanel + Vetter) which Totaled More than 38% of the Votes from the 1st Round (19,86% + 18,26%), Suddenly Fell Down to Less than 35% in the 2nd Round...
On the Contrary, f.ex., mutatis-mutandis, the Combative former Mayor of Aix-en-Provence, ("Republican" Right), who had been Fiercely Fought by the "Socialists", (even with Harsh Personal Attacks), Fought Resolutely Back and Won with a Big Score of More than 43%... And the "Rightists" Won Perpignan, (etc)...
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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"
* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.
Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.
A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.
But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :
Sarkozy's reply was twofold :
First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.
But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :