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Home arrow newsitems arrow French Finance Minister Moscovici to EuroFora on Cyprus : Energy Findings may help Real Economy

French Finance Minister Moscovici to EuroFora on Cyprus : Energy Findings may help Real Economy

Written by ACM
Thursday, 04 April 2013

*Strasbourg/ENA/Angelo Marcopolo/- The possibility for Cyprus' Energy resources' findings to help find a Healthier way towards a New Model of Developing a Real Economy, instead of a previous one, reportedly based mainly on "Tax Havens", etc., was Welcomed by French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici, in reply to a Question raised by "EuroFora" :



- "EuroFora" had asked Moscovici, together with his German counterpart Wolfgang Schäuble (See other relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports with the Replies that he gave us), if possible Findings of Energy Resources inside €uroArea, most probably by Cyprus and eventualy even by Greece, could usefully contribute to boost much needed Growth inside the EU, and, at any case, what Solution they advised to the Financial problems faced today by those EU Countries.


 - "We (EU) have defined a Financial Program which allows to find a sustainable road, both for Greece and Cyprus, which was often necessary", the French Minister  started to reply to "EuroFora"s question.

>>> -  "On the 2nd point, "I would prefer that the Model of Growth in these Countries is better based on Real Economy, rather than on Fictions or on the existence of Financial Platforms, which could bring us backwards", Moscovici warned.


=> "So, we must return to a Real Economy". "I think that it's better !", he advised.

- "You know, it's true that it's often Difficult to understand, in cases as f. ex. Cyprus, where some have complained that "here it is, you (EU) imposed to this Country a Recession. It's too complicated, you should have shown Solidarity earlier", etc.

- "But the Pre-existing Model wasn't considered by nobody to be a Good one.  In fact it was a Danger for Cyprus, and a Danger for €uroZone. You can't live indefinitively on the idea of a Bank Haven, with abnormaly Low Taxes, resident Capitals of an Excessive level, and so on", he criticized.

- On the contrary, now "we have to Advance something Else. And that's a Real Solidarity", the French Minister promised.


=>  + Thus,  "from  another side, If Energy (Oil/Gas) Resources contributed to find a Healthier way towards another kind of Real Economy, I would be Glad for that ! ", Moscovici positively stressed in Conclusion of his Reply to "EuroFora"s question, as far as Cyprus is concerned, (comp. Supra).

Topically, the experienced French Minister, (who has served also as former EU Affairs Minister, as well as EU Parliament's vice-President in the Past, making various Statements to "EuroFora"s co-Founder on many other issues since the 1990ies, before becoming a succesful New French President Hollande's Director of 2012 Electoral Campaign), welcomed EU Member Cyprus' current efforts to find and develop Oil/Gas deposits inside its Exclusive Economic Zone at South/Easter Mediterranean Sea, by replying to "EuroFora"s Question just one Day after an Official from the illegal regime of the Occupied Territories in Cyprus, held by Turkey's Army, reportedly boasted, Yesterday, to have sent Threats, by Letter, to all Oil/Gas Companies currently cooperating with Cyprus, unless they obey to his order to Stop cooperating with the Internationaly Recognized Government of that European Country, and, at any case, refuse to extract and exploit any eventual Oil/Gas resources that they might find in the Strategic island, integral part of €uroArea..

It might not be a pure coincidence that Cyprus seems to be closer to such a perspective than one might thing at first sight : - At any case, it's a fact that the initially leading Oil/Gas Exploration company, "Noble Energy", a Global pioneer and specialist on Deep Sea Drilling for Natural Resources, is Headquartered at Texas, US. : A State which became recently famous for its succesful Strategy to Transform a former predominantly Agricultural Economy into a High-Tech hub of excellent quality, (including, f.ex. one among the Best Universities/Technology Centers in all USA, etc), by systematically re-investing Money from Oil/Gas findings to Scientific Research and Technology Innovation/Development, (while also wisely keeping an always Strong, Independent and Healthy Food Producing Agriculture)... I.e., to put it in a nutshell,  doing precisely what EU's 2020 Strategy is all about...

- Meanwhile, Moscovici reiterated, also earlier, that "on Cyprus, we (EU) found a Hard, but Reasonable Solution".
 - "The fundamental Philosophy of EU's Financial Solidarity Mechanism is to help solve the Underlying Problems" in the Economy, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble earlier replied to another "EuroFora"s question, (Comp. other relevant "NewsReports" from the same event).

- We are currently elaborating our (EU) program (for Cyprus).

+ - "Cyprus is a quite difficult case, a Special Case, that we (EU) are in the process of settling well", Schäuble added later-on.

- In fact, on the issue of Cyprus, we spoke at first in a Smaller Circle, before all 17 €uroZone Countries' meet together, and we also presented a Joint, Franco-German, Proposal, he noted earlier (?).

- But, beyond that, all (EU) Member States are regularly confronted to the need to become Competitive, in order to face the challenges of Globalisation, the German Minister stressed as a matter of general principle, at the center of his overall approach, (Comp. other relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports from Today's events).

 - Sometimes, one may succeed better than in other occasions. But nobody should accuse the others. ... We must remind the fact that we are all Humans, and Errare Humanum est, be it in Greece, Cyprus, France or Germany, errors are human", Schaüble added later-on, (i.e. as if he apparently didn't exclude a priori the need to at least partially rectify, eventually, some among the choices attributted to the controversial, young Dutch Minister of Finances, Mr. Dijsselbloem particularly on Cyprus' Banks and investors, etc (Comp. a relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport, with a critical view from the No 3 of Russia's leadership, the President of the Federal Council, Valentina Matvienko, in reply to one among our questions : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/russianfederalcouncilpresidentoncypruseu.html ).

+ "I wish all the Best to Cyprus !", stressed Schäuble, smiling friendly, in reaction to another "EuroFora"s Question, on a differend point, (See other relevant NewsReport on Today's events).


[See also other relevant NewsReports with statements to "EuroFora" from the same events].


(NDLR : "DraftNews", as already sent earlier to "EuroFora"s Subscribers/Donors. A more accurate, full Final Version might be Published asap).




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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"


* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.

Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.

A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.

But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :


Sarkozy's reply was twofold :

First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.

But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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