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Home arrow newsitems arrow How Merkel will go down in History (Vaccines row included) ?

How Merkel will go down in History (Vaccines row included) ?

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 20 April 2021

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- US Multinational Media  CNN's Interrogation, at the Eve of German Chancelor  Angie Merkel's, particularly Interesting Speech and Debate with CoE's MEPs, at its Parliamentary Assembly Today in Strasbourg, both as President-in-office of its Committee of Ministers on 2021, more than 15 Years Chancelor (2005-2021), and Top European Leader, at the Head of the Most Populated and Rich EU Country, was : - "As What Kind of Chancelor will she go down in History ?"

    -If it's well Known that her Mentor, former Long Time Chancelor, Helmut Kohl, was finally called that of "ReUnification", (of Germany and Europe), on the contrary, Merkel's final denomination does not yet seem equaly Obvious, unless one Associates her Legacy's 2 main Characteristics : Resiliency and Consciousness, (judging also from what was said at the CoE Today : See Infra).

Indeed, she Faced some among the Hardest Challenges in EU's History, (including, f.ex., Turkey's Controversial and UnPopular EU Bid, with "No" Votes to EU-Referenda, an "€uro"-Crisis, Bloody Ukranian Division of great-Europe, "Annus Horribilis" with Islamist Terrorism cowardly targetting Civilian People, sudden "Tsunami" of more than 1,6 Millions of Mass Irregular Asylum Seekers tresspassing into EU's Borders via Turkish Smugglers, "BREXIT", Neighbouring Arab Countries' Socio-Political UnRest, UnKnown Origin's Deadly Virus' Pandemic putting Europe at its EpiCenter, etc+, (as if some Hostile "PTB", Jealous of Europe's immense Potential, particularly after its ReUnification, had lashed out a Series of Covert but Horrible Attacks, seeking to Undermine it)...

But, Merkel's Europe, neverttheless, in one way or another, at least until now, Succeeded, more or less, to Bypass and Overcome, progressively, those Exceptional Hardships, (the Virus' Global Epidemic being Still at the Center of her Attention, Nowadays, with an UnExpected "3rd Wave", etc), and, now Even Dares Launch an Ambitious, and potentialy Far-Reahing Top-Level Conference "on Europe's Future" (2021-2023) !

+ And that, almost Always with a constant, elementary "Consciousness" of the Basic Values and Principles of the Council of Europe, which accepted to enTrust a Post-Holocaust Germany, as a fully-fledged CoE Member Country, already since 70 Years Ago, as its Historic Leader Adenauer had stressed, attributing an Importance Twice reminded by Angie Merkel Today, at the Conclusion of Both het mainstream Speech, and of her Numerous Replies to a Record-High Number of MEPs' Questions, Later this Noon.

However, from CoE's Longer and Wider alleged "Success Story", with its 47 Member States, (Turkey and Russia included), as Merkel evoked it Today, mainly on its Core Issues of Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, Currently, there is, at least 1 Key Area, where that PanEuropean Mechanism of Strasbourg does Not Yet work as Efficiently as it Should, and this, obviously, concerns the unacceptable Obstacles for Implementation of ECHR's Judgements by some Condemned States, she Rightfuly Criticized..., (Urging CoE's Parliamentary Assembly, and CoE's Committee of Ministers to Work in Cooperation on that problem, particularly through their "New -Joint- Mechanism", just set up : Comp, inter alia, also, at: ...., etc).

- Such Vital Needs to Respect Basic Principles, whenever dealing with Important concrete Issues, are present also, f.ex., in the Exceptional Top Meeting of UN Security Council's 5 Permanent Members, (where Germany notoriously uses, recently, to cooperate mainly Together with Fellow EU Member France), for the current perspectives to resolve the Cyprus' Geo-Political and Human Rights' Problem, Next Week at nearby Switzerland, hopefuly in the presence of an "EU Observer", (as, Already since 1997, at Montreux : See Exclusive INTW that we Published, then, at "MPAgency", etc), Merkel replied to a Question by the Representative of the "Euro-Left" Group, MEP and former Foreign Minister of Greece, Georges Katrougalos, (who Also reminded the Fact that "Cyprus is an EU Member Country still Facing illegal Foreign Military Invasion and Occupation" of a big part of its Territory, in Addition to Other Violations, etc) :

- Indeed, currently, "We (i.e. German Presidency of the CoE) are in the process of "Knailing Down UNO's relevant Resolutions" on Cyprus' Issue, in order "to Talk with the Turkish President (Erdogan)" and others, Merkel Replied Today Cyprus, in substance, apparently Focusing on the Essentials.

+  Otherwise, Replying to anOther Question, by a UK Conservative MEP, about -"Which is the Greater Danger in the World Nowadays ?", she Surprized by denouncing a  "Stricking Trend, right Now", where, "repetedly", "National Institutions" seek to "Teach Lessons", often with "Terrible Events", whenever "International Institutions have been Weakened", Leaving withOut a possibility to Find another Solution, f.ex., via the UNO (etc), when People no more believe in Multilateralism, and, in consequence, canNot Find Diplomatic Solutions, But Risk to abuse of Harsh Language, and/or Provocative Actions", pushing, "Potentialy, to Military Conflict", she Warned.

=> Therefore, Angie Merkel, in general, Advised to be "Very Careful" inside "International Organisations" nowadays, "Because", Otherwise, "UnIntentional Crisis can Erupt". So that, "I am for Diplomatic Talks, as long as they are Not Shooting to Each Other !'" she concluded, smiling...


- Meanwhile, a Strange Fact was that, Curiously, the Controversial and Topical Issue of the so-called "Vaccination Passports" (or "Certificates"), allegedly seeked by some for Touristic Economy interests, which are, notoriously, Backed by many inside the EU in Brussels, But, on the Contrary, Widely Rejected, by Others, at the CoE in Strasbourg, on Bio-Ethical or Public Health grounds, (See : .., and UpDate : .... etc), initialy Risked to be Neglected or even Forgoten in This landmark Debate, Today, Despite its Huge and Manifold Importance !...

=> Indeed, soon After "Eurofora" earlier Selected, picked up, Further Developed, and Beefed up, among Our Publications (See : ..., etc), one of the Previous Critical Remarks made at CoE Assembly by CoE's Secretary General, Marija Buric, on 2021, (See : ....), Nowadays, PACE Decided to Publish also a Report on that Same Issue, as well as a COE SG's UpDated Text, and Even to Place them, in its Official Agenda, just In Front of Merkel's Intervention Today, thereby underlying the Importance that CoE gives to the above-mentioned Issue. concerning the Fact that Any, eventual, EU-endorsed move on the so-called "Vaccination Certificates>> must Respect Both Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, as well as Bio-Ethics, etc.

Nevertheless, Merkel surprizingly, appeared to Avoid, several times, to have to Reply to that particular kind of Questions, Today, to the point that PACE's President Daems, Head of Liberals, from Belgium, felt Obliged to repeatedly Remind to the German Chancelor,  that MEPs Expected to hear her Views, also as the current CoE's President-in-office, on that "Hot" and Topical Issue too...

>>> When Angie Merkel finaly Replied on that point, it immediately became obvious that she was quite Reserved on the Substance of an Issue More Complicated than what it seemed at First Sight :

- Skiping the "Technical", as she called them, issues about EU's foreseeen Vaccination Certificates, (i.e., mainly, a possibility for National Certificates, with an EU Interface making them Visible also at a European level, which have Already been almost Decided by the EU), it still Remains to Deal with, perhaps, the Most Important Issue : that of "Legal Rights" which Might result from such Future Documents, and on which, "the Discussion is just Starting", as pointed out.

*** Describing that Current "Discussion", "on How to Treat People and Citizens, with regard to  Vaccination, ... even in the Midst of the Pandemic", as "Important" and "very Exciting", Merkel Only Revealed Today that a Main Problem here exists from the point of view of the "Safety" of the "People", where might be a "Danger" regarding this Virus :

 - Indeed, "I want to make 1 Point: we will also have to look at this very much from the point of view of Mutations, because .... whenever mutations occur, there is of course the Danger - see the Brazilian mutant - that Vaccinated people are Perhaps Not as Safe from the New Mutations. That Will Occupy us for Many Years to come", Merkel Warned.

+ But, by Limiting Nowadays her Critical Observation Only to that "1 Point", about Alleged "Mutations" reportedly Emerging, much Later-on, Just from Some Parts of the World, (mainly Related to the UK : UK itself, Brittany Neighbouring French Region, nearby Belgium, India, etc), at certain particular Moments, (f.ex. Elections in Brasil 2021, France : Regions on 2021 + President on 2022, Germany : Parliamentary 2021, India : 2021 + 2022, etc),

that Merkel's sole Claim Obviously Leaves an open Question-Mark on the Timing of that "3rd Wave" of Deadly Virus' Incidents, does Not Explain at all such a Massive ReBount of the Pandemic throughout almost All the World then, and Curiously Skips an UnExpected, But Radical Particularity of the First                                                                                                                                                                                                                      alleged Anti-COVIT so-called "Vaccines" currently available : The UnPrecedented in Human History Fact that, Contrary to All "Classical" Vaccins, those Controversial "ANR"-Technology Tools Initialy picked and Funded by ....Bill Gates, already as Early as Since 2019, (i.e., when this 2020-2021 "COVIT" Pandemic wasN't yet Known !), are Not Sure at all to Protect Other People (around the "Vaccinated") from a possible Further Spread of Infections and Deaths !...

=> In other words, an UnPrecedented Risk appeared, with those Controversial Anti-"COVID" Pseudo-"Vaccines", (that Critics Refuse to Call "Vaccines", Because they do Not Guarantee Immunity of All those "Vaccinated", But Only the Absence of Symptomes, keeping them "Asymptomatic", for an UnKnown yet Period of Time) : I.e. the so-called "Vaccinated" Individuals may Appear, to the Eyes of Other, uninformed People, as if they might have become "Healthy" and "Immune" vis a vis the Virus, (while, in Fact, they are Now Only "Asymptomatic", for UnDeterminet yet Time). Such False Appearances, giving the Misleading Impression of Cured Indivuals, who have Recoversd for a while, (sa Precise term would be : Remission or Suspencion of Symptoms for an Undetermined Laps of Time), cannot but Risk to Provoke Confusion, Misunderstandings, qui-pro quo, Irresponsible Lowering or even Abandoning of Health Protections, etc., Even if Deadly Virus' "Super Spreaders" may be still                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     strolling around, and "Jombie" Killers Hidden among                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                various Controversial so-called "Vaccinated" individuals....

=> Indeed, several Critics Even Refused to Name such Controversial Novel Tools as "Vaccines", Because they do Not yet Guarantee to Stop Spreading the Virus to Other People, (Comp. Supra), and Even the Duration of any Protection to the "Vaccinated" Individuals is Not Yet Known !  Classic Vaccines' Historic Inventor "Pasteur would be Spinning in his Grave !", Denounced, f.ex., Experienced French Professor Perronne, Head of Infectiology in Paris' Hospitals (12/2020)... Observing the Facts that such Tools rather Affect the Human Genome, (via the RNA), and often seek to "UpDate" it, they considered them as a kind of "Gene Therapy" Tools, But "No Vaccines"....

It concerns, Mainly, those 2 Controversial "RNA" Tools that ..."Microsoft"'s Billionaire Gates had reportedly Chosen to Back, (with about 450 Millions $ Each), Already Since ...2019 (i.e. Before the current Virus' Epidemc of 2020-2021 !) :  i.e. (1) a Turkish SME from Iskinderum (Where Armenian, Greek and Arab Christian Refugees were anew Persecututed and their Family Homes Usurpated by another Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation, Since the NAZI/Fascism Period of 1939, becoming, nowadays, the SeaPort for Extremist Islamist Foreign Armed Gangs at nearby "Idlib" Region of Syria, controled by Turkey's troops) , and (2) an initialy US Pentagon-funded Military "Bio-Warfare" similar Project, (Nowadays Backed also by Controversial Technocrat Dr. Fauci, a HIV-Vaccine Researcher during 45 Years, who Never Found Any Yet !), which, curiously, Rushed to Boost "RNA" Tools against the Virus as Early as Since mid-January 2020 (sic !), profitting from Relations with a Greek ("Socialist") and an Armenian Trade CEOs in USA Old and New, Start-up Compagnies "PFIZER" and "MODERNA", thanks to Money Advanced by Trump, in a Desperate Attempt to Accelerate Anti-Virus' Vaccines before the Nov. 3 Elections, (+Added to Establishment Medias' Pub, for Fast and Easy Gains of Billions $ at Wall Street a.o. Stock Markets). PFIZER's Turkish pick was the Worst : It initialy attempted to almost Totaly Hide that Spread Risk, Denounced by "Eurofora", has a Notorious Handicap of ... -75% Farehneit in the Cold, (while "MODERNA" can be kept in a normal Fridge), Played "Last-Minute" Games with its alleged "Efficiency" Numbers, looked Glad when they heard about Deadly "Mutations", (as critical Professor Perronne had Guessed, Warning of Risks to impose frequent "UpDates" on such "Gene Therapy" RNA Tools, apparently this serving as Pretext for being ..."Fired" for his Criticism : Comp. Supra). + A ..."Chimpanzee" RNA - DNA Tool (with Similar Problems) was Added by "Astrazeneka"'s UK-Sweden Company, (Countries with a notorious lot of Infections and Deaths by the Virus), as a kind of "Poor Guy"'s supplement, But its Various Denounced Side-Effects recently brought it Down...

+ A Surprizing, AbNatural Fact is that, During a Too Long Time, practicaly No Other Vaccines became Available, Until Now : Not Any European Vaccine (Not Even 1 !). Not Any "Natural" or "Classical" Vaccine, (f.ex. a Weakened Virus, etc), Similar to those used by Pasteur... From December 2020 up to April 2021, Nothing else than RNA/DNA-related Gene-Manip Tools, (Perhaps, Later-on, some Gene-Manip. too, "Double Virus' Vectors" : 2 Virus used to Penetrate into the Genome of a Cell, etc, i.e. anOther "Novel" Tool which ByPasses the Natural Human Immunity System, Instead of simply Stimulating it... Is All that really Necessary, and Nothing Else couldN't work ? Out of, reportedly, some 180 Various Possible Candidate Vaccines, already Declared to the WHO,  Why it's ONLY a Handfull that most People know, through Establishment's Medias, (and All of them of a Similar Controversial and Dangerous Kind) ?...

    - "Eurofora" has Clearly Warned about such UnPrecedented Risks, and, in particular, for an UnControled Spread of Infections by Individuals giving a False Impression to have become "Immune", by such Cotroversial pseudo-"Vaccinations", But, in Fact, Still Remaining Super-Spreaders of the Deadly Virus, (Already as Early as at the Eve of EU's 12/2020 Decisions to Conditionaly Authorize such Controversial "Vaccinations", during the Video-Press-Briefing on a forthcoming EU Heads of State/Government in Brussels,                                                                       attended by more than 300 Journalists, and Added to a relevant INTW of EU Commission's Health Spokesman).

+ Subsequently, it's Even Ursula von der Leyen, the President of EU Commission herself, who Twice evocked this Problem during her Joint Press Conferences with EU Council's President, Michel, in Brussels. Significantly, Both these References were made, precisely, on the occasion of the so-called "Vaccination Certificates", (in order to Point at One among the UnExpected Problems some of them sraised : Comp. Supra).

++ Moreover, since January 2021, WHO's Chief, Tedros Ghebreyesus, in Conclusion of his Speech at CoE's Assembly in Strasbourg, Warned that the current "Vaccines" do Not Stop Infections from Spreading, (Comp. Supra), Urging, therefore, to take Public Health Protection Measures, (as "Eurofora" had Warned, Already since Early December 2020, see Ibid)... It's a Pity that he was, Exceptionaly, Deprived of a Debate with MEPs and/or Journalists, then, on that Key New Point !

+++ So that, Nowadays, a Paradox emerges : There is a Growing Impression that, given the Astonishing Facts, More some Countries use of those Controversial so-called, novel tool "Vaccines", (Comp. Supra), ...More  (and Not Less !)- Infections and Deaths than before Arrive... Indeed, many Recent Graphics appear Stunning : It all Looks as if that "3rd Wave" of the Virus was  somehow Linked to at least Some among those Controversial, Novel Tools, so-called Pseudo--"Vaccines" (or to the Way they are currently MissUsed)... F.ex., inter alia, Look at Germany's Situation since March 2021, (compared to the 1st Wave) ; at Brazil Nowadays, (After a Slow but Steady Amelioration Earlier) ; that Sudden Monstruous "3rd Wave" just arrived in India ; the unexplained Sequence of events Nowadays sin Chile, (etc)...



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Last, but not least :


- Among all those Tragic Facts, Angie Merkel, nevertheless, was Also given an UnExpected Chance to deal Even with some much more Amusing Issues, able to Stimulate the Sense of Humour, Despite all that...

- Indeed, the German Chancelor (and CoE's President-in-office) was Questioned, by an Important Lady MEP, Head of a Big National Delegation, about her Advise on How to Address the Problem of Women Promotion in Jobs of important Responsibility, Both in the Member States and at the CoE, EU, etc., given the well-known Problem, (usualy called "the Glass Ceiling"), which often Excludes Ladies from High-Standing Posts.

Obviously, there was Not Any Problem for Merkel to Expand on one of her Favorite and well-known General Issues.

In Fact, the real Problem was on the concrete Context of the particular circumstances :

- (1) Nicole Trisse, Head of the French Delegation, Liberal MEP, raised the Question..

- (2) Angie Merkel, CoE President-in-office, CDU MEP, German Chancelor, received the query for Answer.

- (3) Marija Buric, CoE's Secretary General was Officialy Present for those events.

- (4) Despina Hatzivassiliou, CoE Assembly's new CEO, was acting after her 1/2091 Brillant Election with a Record-High Number of  Votes.

- (5) Rik Daems, PACE President, Head of Liberals, from Belgium.

=> In other words = 4 Women + 1 Man...! Not what to make a fuss...

 +It inevitably Reminds Finland, whee the f. Head of the Liberal Party, initialy met by "Eurofora" at a CoE's Top Meeting in Budapest (Hungary), after becoming, the Next Year at Helsinki, the opposition's Candidate to the Presidential Election facing Halonen, (that we met, both Before and Afterwards in Strasbourg), But losing his bid, became Famous by Bitterly commenting that such Facts underline "that, Nowadays, Men have become <<an Espece en voie de Disparition !>> (sic)


 - However, "Revanche" on 2020 : Paris' Socialist Mayor Hidalgo is hit by a Financial Sanction for having Appointed much More Women Directors, than Men (up to 60%-40%).,., against the Equality of Sexes' Principle.




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Facing a 70% Abstention threat in 2009 Election, EU endorses EuroFora's idea for Citizens' debates on crucial EU decisions !

- Different views on "Europe's Future", should be debated among Citizens at June 2009 EU Elections, thanks to political Parties' "Manifestos", says EU Parliament's Report

A main idea, initiated and promoted by EuroFora's founders since 1997: the vital need to develop European Citizens' democratic right to actively participate in multilingual debates on EU decisions, is formally endorsed by the EU from 2009 !

The move is a key attempt to overcome "catastrophic" Polls which warn that only ...30% of Citizens are ready to vote in the forthcoming June 2009 EU Election !  This was revealed by EU Commission's vice-president, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, during a "hot" meeting of EU Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education, during the December 2008 Strasbourg session.

Wallstrom faced criticism, but also suggestions from various MEPs, naturally worried by Abstention threats which herself found even "worse" than in 1999 or 2004...

A Report on "Active Dialogue with Citizens",examined at the same time, presented some useful practical tips, on "facilitating Interviews"; etc., but also a  potentialy important call to "incorporate the conclusions of ...debates...into (EU) policies, and take into consideration the expectations that Citizens have of the EU when deciding". An amendment even implies that Citizens' participation in debates on EU decisions is a democratic "Right".

More importantly, it finds that  a Debate "on the Future of Europe", (as French President Nicolas Sarkozy has asked since 2007), would be a good idea " for the 2009 European parliamentary Elections", because "clarifying the political differences between the EU political parties would help citizens to identify themselves with, and choose between various concepts", for which "all parties (should) present their Manifesto".

A "Joint political declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership", co-signed by "the European Parliament, Council and ... Commission", confirms that they "attach the utmost importance to improving communication on EU issues", by "enabling European citizens to exercise their right to participate in the democratic life of the Union, in which decisions are taken as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizens, observing the principles of pluralism, participation, openness and transparency".

This should "enable Citizens to exercise their right to express their views and to participate actively in the public Debate on European Union issues", while also "promoting the respect of multilingualism". In this regard, EU confirms its "wish to develop synergies with national, regional and local authorities as well as with representatives of Civil Society".

    It's since 1997 that a group of EuroFora's founders have officially presented a pioneer Project (then called "EIW", for "Europe in the World"), which aimed to develop Strasbourg's "Polyphonic music", by providing "Interactive information", on "main issues ... during the Decision-making process of European Organizations which engage in Transparent and Public Democratic Debates"

    This should be done, inter alia, by "exploring the potential of New Communication Tools (mainly Internet)", as well as classic-form debates, the 1997 EIW pioneer project's anounced in its "Synopsis". It was formally "accepted for evaluation" by EU Commission in Brussels in order to be examined for a grant in the framework of the "Research/Technology/Development (RTD) Programme in the field of Information Technologies", then called "ESPRIT", as a "Best Practice Pilot Project".


        But the vital, urgent Political need for EU to search new, efficient ways to reach the People and interact with European Citizens, was really felt in Brussels and elsewhere only after the unprecedented in History 1999 and 2004 Majority Abstention in EU Elections, followed by 3 "NO" in Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, on 2005 and 2008...
    In this New Political Landscape, we prepared a new, actualised and more developed version of our initial idea, in a simplified and more efficient form, thanks also to a large Experience accumulated during many years of EU/CoE/UNO Press work and Multi-lingual debates, with the New project "EuroFora" :

    On 2006 we presented in Public its main lines during Questions/Replies that we raised at two Press Conferences by EU Commission President, Jose Baroso, and mainly EU Commission's vice-President, in charge of Communication policy, Margot Wallstrom, together with EU Parliament's vice-president, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, in Strasbourg, (Videos available), and we reminded it at various brief contacts with Commissioner Wallstrom in 2007 and 2008.

    Meanwhile, a new Text was also presented for "EuroFora" Project mainly to certain Political and other personalities, at European, National or Regional/Local level, mainly in 2007, but also in 2008..

    Now, after the unexpected 2008 Irish "NO", and before the 2009 EU Elections, which are due to be of exceptionally crucial importance for Europe's Future, the moment has obviously come to launch that project, progressively, but in real practice.

    Whoever really cares for Europe and its Citizens is welcome to join, in one way or another. Only anti-European, anti-democratic, obscure or ignorant groups might oppose or attempt to "steal" and deviate the main idea.

    But European Citizens, incited by enlightened political leaders, are those who will finally write the real History.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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