EU Parliament Unanimously Condemns New Turkish Violations of EU Member Cyprus EEZ from 15/9 to 12/10
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- In the Only quasi-Unanimously Adopted point, at EU Parliament's latest Resolution on Turkey, MEPs "Condemned" a New Aggressive "Turkey’s Decision of 15 September" to issue another "NAFTEX" Sending its "Yavuz Drilling Ship" (escorted by WarShips, as usual) illegaly into EU Member Cyprus' Energy Resources Rich EEZ, "Until 12 October", (i.e. During almost a Month !).
This Key Last-Minute Amendment (Tabled by Russo-German Jewish atypical "Green" MEP Sergey Lagodinsky, a USA's Harvard "Master" and Berlin's Humbold University "PhD" holder in Public Law on Human Rights) Succeeded to Get as much as 668 Votes in Favor, against Only 22 and 3 Abstentions, While, on the Contrary, During All Other Votes, on Various Other Aspects of that Issue about Turkey's Bullying at Eastern Mediterranean, and Violently Disputing to the EU the apparently Important Energy Resources that have Already Started to be Discovered there, (Particularly around EU Member Cyprus, as well as in Neighbouring and Friendly Cooperating Egypt and Israel, etc.), the EU Parliament appeared, More or Less, Divided...
The Political Importance of that Unique quasi-Unanimously Adopted point, is Obviously, that it Reveals that Turkey, Instead of having, at last, Started to Play the Game according to Peaceful Negotiations with EU Members Greece and Cyprus, as the Initial Version of the Draft Resolution Supposed, f.ex., when it "Welcomed Turkey’s Decision on 12 September ... to withdraw its seismic research vessel Oruç Reis, thus taking a 1st Step to Easing the Tensions", (as Ankara had been Repeatedly Urged by the EU to do), on the Contrary, it had, with such Dilatory Manouvers, Waited until EU Parliament's Vote, before Showing Ankara's Real Face, by Committing a New (and Even Longer than Before) Blatant Violation of International Law, Based on escorting Turkish WarShips' Brutal Force, Against Europe's Natural Energy Resources, located around EU Member Cyprus.
Greece Might, probably, have Important Oil/Gas Resources at the Aegean Sea, and/or around Creta Mediterranean Island. However, this has Not Yet been clearly Proven. But Near Cyprus' Southern Coasts, the Existence of Important Gas Energy Resources has Already been Proven Recently, so that, Added to those Found by Israel and Egypt at the Proximity, the Total could, certainly Boost Europe's Economy for a Long Time in the Future. Thus, at least as things stand until Now, Cyprus' EEZ is the Biggest Issue for the EU.
=> As a Consequence, the Main Points where EU Parliament appeared mostly Divided on Turkey, were 3 Other Amendments which, succesively, Asked to :
(1) At last "Irrevocably Terminate" Turkey's Controversial and UnPopular EU bid, as former so-called "Candidate to Accesion";
(2) Put an "End" to "All Fundings" earmarked for Turkey, either as "Pre-Accession" Funds, or on Pretext of so-called "Refugees" and irregular "Migrants", as well as "EIB's Loans";
(3) Freeze, (at least for 6 Months, Reconductible) the Controversial EU - Turkey "Customs Union" of 1996, - from which Everything had Started, Curiously the 1st Time that ECHR Revealed, on 12/1995 in Strasbourg that Turkey had been Torturing and Murdering Dissidents, or Submitting Poor Families to Inhuman/Degrading Treatments (12/2015), and was Immediately Followed, inter alia, also by the "News" that Turkish Forces, (Shortly After the Customs Union had Started to Enter into Force from 1/1996), had Killed a Young Dissident by ...Crushing his Head. (Respectively : "Aksoy", "Akdivar", and "Goktepe" landmark Affairs).
- The Reasoning behind that 1st Point was that "Turkey Not a European Country", and "does Not Behave according to European Values, mainly those which aim to preserve a Peaceful Europe, so that it Must Not become an EU Member". Therefore the Amendment "Call(ed) ... the Turkish Government to Put an End to the Repeated Violations of the Greek and Cypriot Air Space and Territorial Waters", as well as "to Respect the Territorial Integrity of its Neighbours", (as Syria and Irak, in Addition to Cyprus and Greece, as well as Armenia, etc).
Initially Tabled by several Rightist MEPs of the "ID" Group, from Various EU Member Countries, those 3 Amendments on Key Issues Attracted Votes Also from the "Conservative" Group, the "ChristianDemocrats/EPP" Group, the "Independents", Even the "Left", etc. Among the Mainstream "ChristianDemocrats/EPP" were also French Young Philospher Bellamy (Head of the French Delegation there), former Many Times Minister Hortefeux (a Sarkozy Faithful), former President of EU Parliament's Defense Committee Danjean, former Minister Morano from Nearby Lorraine, and Strasbourg's MEP Sander. Among the "Left"'s MEPs, Support was given by Villumsen, Vice-President of the Group, (and an Experienced, former Long-Time Top MEP at CoE's PanEuropean Assembly in Strasbourg), Member of Denmark's Governing Coalition. Among the "Independent" MEPs, for Cutting all EU Funds to Turkey Voted also Popular former Anti-Corruption Judge Miroslav Radačovský from Slovakia, Famous for having Dared Face a former Head of State and Win the case, who was Elected for the 1st Time in EU Parliament. Around 150 MEPs were Constantly Involved in those 3 Critical Amendments for the Strongest ever Sanctions against Turkey, (f.ex. 107 Voting in Favour and 36 Abstaining, etc), and that was the Main Disagreement in this case, as they Obviously thought that EU did Not yet put Enough Sanctions on Ankara, as it should.
The comparatively Most Popular for MEPs among those 3 Critical Amendments was that about immediately Cutting All EU Funds and other Economic Facilities to Turkey, (Comp. Supra). This (Obviously Important) Point Attracted Even the MEPs of the Italian co-Governing Party of "5 Stars" (created by Famous Bepe Grillo), inter alia. Such a Fact is, objectively, a kind of indirect Hommage to the just Tragically Deaceased Franco-Armenian Top Politician Patrick Devedjian, from a Family of Refugees, former Many Times Minister, Head of Governing Party, close Friend to Popular former President Sarkozy, and in charge of a Succesful Economic Revival Policy for France and Europe, at the Previous, 2008-2011 Crisis : Surprizingly, the Last Press Article Published by Devedjian in his Life, Just Before he was Killed by an (UnKnown Origin) Virus' Infection, Curiously almost Immediately after Entering a Hospital, was Titled : -"Oppose Turkey and Support Europe !", and, Practicaly, Focused mainly on Calling to Stop EU Funding for Ankara, as a Sanction for a Long List of WrongDoings against EU Countries and Europe itself, which Needs to be Stengthened, (See : ..., etc).
- On the Contrary, MEPs' Votes showed that the Less Backed concrete Point, in this Resolution, was a Strange Call for ...Trans-Atlantic NATO (sic !) to "Mediate" in "Eastern Mediterranean", between EU Countries and Turkey, (sic !), as if Europe could Not Defend itself vis a vis Ankara, - Not Even some ...450 Years After the 1st Victory of a European Army in History, which was the Famous Naval Battle at "Lepanto", Already as Early as Back on 1.571, when Many European Countries had United Together in order to Succesfully Face the Ottoman-Turks, as a Sanction for their Brutal Aggressions Cyprus ! (See : ..., etc). The Move was Notoriously Followed, at the Aftermath, by More European Armies' Historic Victories against Ottoman-Turks at Wien (1.683), Budapest (1.696), Navarino (1.827), the last 2 Together with Russians, etc., until the Greek Revolution of 1.821 (whose Centenary Anniversary is due to be Celebated Next Year, on 2021), through the Dismantlement of the Declining Former Ottoman-Turk Empire also in Arab Countries, which Gained their National Independence, (under the Brillant Guidance of Young, then, Winston Churchil), just After the Armenian Genocide of 1.908-1.915, up to the Landmark "Treaty of Sevres" (near Paris), on 1.920, when "the Turkish Problem" had been Definitively Solved, for Ever, (Liberating All National Minorities in Anatolia Plateau : Armenians, Greeks, Kurds, Assyrians, etc), ... IF Trotski's Cynical but "Real-Politics" Move to practicaly Save from Total Ruins a Residue of Turks, at the Last Minute on 1.922, (when the Greek Army had arrived just ...40 Km from Ankara !), in order to Throw Against the rest of a Divided Europe a TroubleMaker "Turkey", from which it still Suffers Nowadays (NATO's "Brain Death" included), had Not "met", objectively, Also a Trans-Atlantic Canada-USA Emerging Selfish Power, Both DisRegarding, then, a Divided Rest of Europe..., Suddenly Weakened as Never, Suffering by 2nd World War Destructions and Global Competition, ...Unless the right Development of a Brand New "European Union" might, Hopefully, Mark a real "Renaissance" Now.
+ For the Rest, EU Parliament's Resolution, Officialy Destinated to "the preparation of the Special" EU Heads of State/Government Summit in Brussels, (24-25 September 2020), "Focusing on the Dangerous Escalation and the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean" Energy Sources, Adopted by a Strong Majority, Reminds, among others, Also the "Situation in Turkey", including "the Removal of Elected Mayors", the "Turkish Actions Creating Tensions in the EEZ of Cyprus", the "Negative Role of Turkey" against "Stability and Securiy in Eastern Mediterranean", the "illegal Drilling activities of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean", the "Ajaccio Declaration after the ...MED-7 Summit of 10/9/2020" (Calling to "Use All adequate Means Available to the EU" in order to Face Turkey's Bullying; See .., etc), the "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)", etc.
- The Resolution Denounces, from the outset, the Fact that "escalating Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean ("an area of Strategic Importance for the EU") are Fuelled by Unilateral steps by Turkey, including Military action, the Lack of inclusive diplomatic Dialogue", and the Fact that "Turkey has Challenged its Neighbours with regard to international Law and the Delimitation of their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)", "whereas Turkey has Not signed the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, to which Greece and Cyprus are parties", so that a "Dispute over the Delimitation of EEZs and ontinental shelf between Turkey on the one side and Greece on the other side has remained Unresolved Since November 1973", (i.e. Just at the Eve of Turkey's Military Invasion and -still persising- Occupation of Cyprus on 1974 !).
+ Significantly, more Tension Started to Grow "Since the Discovery of offshore natural Gas reserves in the early 2000s, ... whereas the discoveries of significant gas reserves in the Mediterranean, including the discovery of the Leviathan field in 2010, followed by the Zohr gas field, the Largest ever natural gas discovery in the Mediterranean Sea, off Egypt in 2015, sparked Interest in the region and led to Further Exploration and Drilling in 2018 and 2019", EU Parliament observes.
- But, "the EU is clear and determined in Defending the European Union’s Interests, demonstrating its unwavering Support and Solidarity with Greece and Cyprus and upholding international Law", according to that Resolution.
- Meanwhile, "the illegal exploration and Drilling activities by Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean are Resulting in an intense and Dangerous Militarisation of the Eastern Mediterranean, ;...whereas to support Greece and Cyprus, France deployed two naval vessels and fighter jets on 12 August in the area, and took part in military exercises together with Greece, Cyprus and Italy, on 26 August" 2020, it notes, (as far as Concrete Efforts to Protect common European Interests are concerned.
+ In Addition, on 10 June a French naval vessel was met with an extremely hostile reaction by Turkish warships when it was, in the framework of the Sea Guardian NATO mission, requesting to inspect a Turkish vessel suspected of violating the UN arms embargo on LIBYA; whereas Greece has recorded over 600 VIOLATIONS OF its AIR SPACE by the Turkish Air Force since January 2020; whereas these activities by Turkey are accompanied by increasingly HOSTILE RHETORIC against both Greece and Cyprus, other EU Member States, and the EU itself", MEPs Denounced.
- When, "in January 2019, the governments of Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority established" a ..."Gas Forum", at South-Eastern Mediterranean, "a multinational body tasked with developing a regional Gas Market and a mechanism for Resource Development", then, "this has been Criticised by Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs", Seeking to Impose its troublesome and Unrelated Interference..., (Despite the Fact that Ankara is Not Located in the SOUTH-Eastern Mediterranean, is Neither Producing, Nor Transporting Mediterannean Gas from/to Any of those Countries, and Refuses Even to Recognize a Key Country among them, But, on the Contrary, has notoriously sent its Military Troops to Invade and still Occupy a Large Part of its National Territory !).
- Obviously Isolated, "Turkey" found Only ..."the (Notoriously Controversial) Libyan GNA", Tripoli's so-called "Government", (which does Not Control the 2/3 of the Country, Neither its Parliament, Nor the Libyan Army, while being Threatened Even up to Tripoli's Outskirts themselves, its Airport having been Bombed Out of Order since long), in order to "Sign... a MoU, in Nov. 2019, determining a ...Delimitation between the two Countries, Despite having No Adjacent or opposite Coasts". But, such a "Turkey-Libya MoU on the Delimitation of Maritime jurisdictions in the Mediterranean Sea Infringes the Sovereign rights of third Countries, does Not Comply with the Law of the Sea, and canNot Produce Any Legal Consequences for third countries", "whereas; IF Applied, this MoU would ...Threaten Mritime Security", MEPs Warn.
+ In Addition, "on 20 April 2020, Turkey sent the Drill ship Yavuz, accompanied by a Turkish (Military) navy vessel, into Cyprus’s EEZ", and "on 30 July 2020, ...the seismic research vessel Barbaros, accompanied by a Turkish Warship and a second support ship, into Cyprus’s EEZ"; on 10 August 2020, Turkey sent the Oruç Reis research vessel accompanied by 17 naval vessels (sic !) into Greek waters to map out sea territory for possible oil and gas drilling in an area where Turkey also claims jurisdiction; whereas Greece responded by dispatching its own warships to track the Turkish vessels, one of which collided with a Greek ship; ... on 31 August 2020 Turkey again extended its exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean by the Oruç Reis until 12 September; ... Turkey’s naval alert (Navtex) concerns an area that is within Greece’s continental shelf; ... these activities by Turkey have led to a significant deterioration in relations" with affected Countries", EU Parliament Critically Observed.
=> However, Until Now, the Only so-called "Sanction" by the EU on such a TroubleMaker Turkey, (and Despite the fact that EU Council "Repeatedly Expressed its Concerns, and Strongly Condemned the (illegal) drilling activities, in various sets of Conclusions, including the European Council conclusions of 22 March 2018 and 20 June 2019 : See ..., etc), was; More than 2 whole Years Later, "on 27 February 2020", to Merely "Put Two Executives (sic !) of the Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) on the EU Sanctions List, imposing a Travel Ban and an Asset Freeze, following Turkey’s illegal Drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean"... In Other Words, Turkey may Hinder Europe from Peacefully Exploiting huge Energy Resources located a its EU Member States' EEZ, During More than 2 or 3 whole Years, while Also Dangerously Pushing at the Brink of War 2, 3, 4, 5 or More European Countries, if not EU in itself, as a whole, Adding, at the Same Time, a lot of Grosses Provocations, Slandering, and/or Insults, as well as Threats (including of War), etc., But, Nevertheless, an apparently Toothless EU Bureaucracy, (and/or a Fishy, "Fake European" Politician), simply does Nothing Serious vis a vis troublemaker Turkey, All these Years Long, But ...Only eyes 2 Obscure Staffers' Improbable Holidays in the EU, and/or their Private Assets, most probably in Turkey and, thus, untouchable by EU Services !
=> In this Context, it was Obviously Inevitable that, at least "on 28 August 2020 the informal Council (Gymnich) meeting [NDLR : at Berlin]Called for +Further targeted Sanctions against Turkey, in the event that it does Not De-escalate Tensions in the region; whereas these restrictive Measures would be Discussed at the Special European Council Summit, on 24 and 25 September 2020".
+ But, in the Middle of that Road, "on 10 September 2020, national leaders at the MED-7 Summit of Mediterranean States ...expressed Regret that Turkey had Not Responded to the EU’s repeated Calls to End its Unilateral and llegal Actions in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean", EU Parliament Denounced. Already, Meanwhile, "Mediation Attempts, led by the German Council Presidency ("Togetehr With" the "BP/HR Borrell") over the months of July and August, Regrettably Failed", MEPs Regret.
- The main Reason is that, "in order to allow the Dialogue to advance, Turkey has to Refrain from Unilateral Actions", EU Parliament's Resolution Reminds.
+ Even "NATO has also proposed various Initiatives for Dialogue between Greece and Turkey and brokered Talks between them", (But Not Cyprus, which is Not NATO Member, Despite of the Fact that, until Now, the Main Issue is that of Cyprus-related Energy Resources).
- Indeed, also "Article 1 of the NATO Treaty provides that the parties ... undertake to Settle any international Disputes in which they may be involved by Peaceful means", "and to Refrain in their international relations from the Threat or use of Force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the UN". And the "UN Charter provides that States must undertake to Settle any international Disputes in which they may be involved by Peaceful means, in such a manner that international Peace and Security and justice are Not EnDangered, and to Refrain in their international relations from the Threat or use of Force", MEPs Reminded.
>>> - At the Main part of EU Parliament's Resolution, it "is Highly Concerned by the ongoing Dispute and related Risk of further Mlitary Escalation in the Eastern Mediterranean". It "is firmly Convinced that a sustainable conflict reSolution can only be found through Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Negotiations, in a spirit of Good Will, and in line with International Law".
- A Strong Majority of MEPs "Condemns Turkey’s illegal activities in the continental shelf/EEZ of Greece and Cyprus, which Violate the Sovereign rights of EU Member States, and expresses its full Solidarity with Greece and Cyprus; Urges Turkey to engage in the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, and to Refrain from any Unilateral and illegal action or Threat.
- MEPS anew "Urge... Turkey to show Restraint, and to proactively contribute to De-escalating the situation, including by Respecting the territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of all of its neighbours, by Immediately Ending any further illegal Exploration and Drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean, by Refraining from Violating Greek Airspace and Greek and Cypriot territorial Waters, and by distancing itself from nationalistic Warmongering rhetoric; Rejects the use of Threats and Abusive language towards Member States and the EU as Unacceptable".
=> On the Contrary, EU Parliament "expresses the Need to find a Solution by Diplomatic means, Mediation, and international Law, and strongly supports the return to the Dialogue between the parties". It "reiterates its Call on the Turkish Government to Sign and Ratify the UNCLOS (Treaty), and recalls that Even though Turkey is Not a Signatory" yet; Nevertheless, Internatonal "Customary Law", Already, provides for EEZs, Even for UnInhabited Islands"...
- But, it "Deplores the fact that the increasing escalation of Tension, Undermines prospects for the resumption of direct Talks on the comprehensive reSolution of the Cyprus Issue", (which were just "Dynamitized", by Turkey's Latest "NAFTEX" of 15/9, for.illegal Drillings at Nicosia's EEZ, until Middle October, as Both Presidents of Greece and Cyprus' Parliaments just Denounced) ; and "Urges all parties concerned to actively support the Negotiations for a fair, comprehensive and viable Settlement of the Cyprus issue within the UN Framework, as defined by the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, in accordance with international Law, the EU Acquis, and on the basis of respect for the Principles on which the (European) Union is founded".
- In this regard, MEPs "Welcome the Invitation made by the Governments of Cyprus and Greece to Turkey to Negotiate in good faith the maritime Delimitation between their respective Coasts", and "Urge... the Parties to Bring the relevant Disputes to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, or to resort to International Arbitration, in the event a Settlement canNot be Reached though Mediation".
- Concerning "all (EU) Member States"' "Dialogue with Turkey", in general, the Resolution "Calls" (Also "on EU Commission") to be "Firmly Committed the Fundamental Values and Principles of the (European) Union, including Respect for Human Rights, Democracy, the Rule of Law, and the principle of Solidarity". An Obviously Long Overdue, Key Point, at least Since the 2015 Massacres of Kurds inside Turkey, the 2016 Killings, even of Disarmed and Helpless Young Conscrits, Massive Jailings, Massive Oustings Even of Judges, Universitarians, etc, Added to the 2018 Bloody Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of Peaceful "Afrin" Region in Syria, and the 2019 Bombings, Killings (even Torturing and Murdering "Future Syria"s Head, Hevrin Khalaf, a young Woman who notoriously struggled for Unity and Frienship : See ..., etc), and Turkish Military Invasion and Occupation of Most of Syria's Kurdish Region, (which was the Only one to Greatly Help the International Coalition to Fight against ISIS' Deadly Terrorists, Cowardly Targetting even Inocent Civilian People), make on 2020 an UnPrecedented Military Intervention inside Divided and Civil War torn Libya, Exporting there Extremist Islamist Armed Gangs (Dangerous for Europe, and Already Denounced by the UN for Grave Brutalities and Human Rights Violations against Civilian People), push a desperate Jailed Woman Lawyer to Die after a long Hunger Strike, reportedly Throw 2 poor Kurdish Farmers out of a Turkish Military Helicopter these days, (from whom 1 Barely Survived, almost Losing Conscience and Memory), etc+++...
=> In such Circumstances, no wonder why EU Paliament's Resolution also "expresses Serious Concerns about the current state of EU-Turkey Relations, mainly regarding the Dire Human Rights situation in Turkey and the Erosion of Democracy and the rule of Law; underlines the past and present Negative impacts of Turkey’s unilateral Foreign Policy initiatives in the wider Region, and that Turkey’s illegal exploration and Drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean further Add to the Deterioration of EU-Turkey relations in general, ... Deplores the Negative impact that current Turkish ... Actions in the Mediterranean" against "the stability of the region", in Addition to the 2 or 3 Turkish Military Invasions/Occupations inside Syria (at Afrin, Idlib, North-East, etc) and their "Consequences", (Comp. Supra).
=> For All those Reasons, in Concluding, an EU Parliament's Strong Majority Warns Turkey for "Sanctions", (which might "Only be Avoided through Dialogue, Sincere Cooperation, and concrete Progress on the ground", as it Asks, Otherwise, Threatening Ankara with "Restricitive Measures", "Sectoral and Targeted", "in the Absence of any Significant Progress".
However, at the same time, the Last Paragraph of that Long Text, Curiously does Not Yet "Call" or "Urge" the forthcoming EU Summit to, Effectively, Impose, at last, Such "Sanctions" on an already Recalcitrant and Wrongdoing Turkey, But Only to ..."develop a List" (sic !) of Sanctions, and Even Less : Just to "Stand (re-sic !!) Ready" to (Eventualy) do so !
+ Moreover, Majority MEPs Exclude Sanctions with any "Adverse impact on the People of Turkey, (or) on (EU's) Support to Turkey's Independent Civil Society", (Here Goes Most of EU's "Pre-Accession" Aid...), "or on the Refugees residing within Turkey", (There go the 3 Billions € Each Year, in full Grants)...
One Wonders IF it Remains Anything for Sanction, (and Whether EU did Alike in Sanctions to Russia, etc)...
++ In Addition, Many MEPs (and Even More EU Citizens) would certainly be Negatively Surprized, Fed Up, and Dismayed, by an UnTimely, UnExpected, and UnPrecedented ...Repetition, Too Many Times (More than 5 !), of a Long-Forgotten Wording, Naming "Turkey (as) n EU Canditate Country" (sic !)
If the Real Authors of Such a Text have really "Forgotten" the 3 Loud "NO !" to Euro-Referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, Already since 2005-2007, (the Last Ever, since then, with the Only "Exception" of Tiny Luxembourg, where Juncker had Threatened to Resign !), and Even Numerous Polls throughout Most European Countries, Since then, which Consistenly Show a Growing Refusal, by EU Citizens, of Any such eventual "Horror", or, perhaps, they do Not intend to participate in any Democratic Election in the foreseable Future...
- In Fact, "Nowadays, Nobody dares, No More, to Plead for Turkey's Entry into the EU. But No State dares (yet) to Really Close the Door (to Ankara), anxious not to indispose the Sultan", Denounced French former Head of Governing Party, Many Times Minister, close Sarkozy's Faithful, and Succesful F. Minister responsible for Economic ReVival at the Previous Economic Crisis of 2008-2011, Patrick Devedjian, from a Family of Armenian Refugees rescapees of the Genocide, in his Last Published Press Article, just Before he was Suddenly Infected (by an UnKnown cause) and Killed with the Virus, a few Months ago... (See: ..., etc).
+++ Moreover, Instead of Supporting a Crystal-clear Stance on the International Law of the Sea, at least in its more Substantial Principles, on the Contrary, that Text, Astonishingly, almost ...Pulverises the UNCLOS Treaty, by Multiplying, in a Key Paragraph, Relativistic Obscurantism's Wording of the kind : - "Developing (sic !) Law of the Sea" (NDLR: SInce the Early 1980ies...), which would be "Inherently Complex" (re-sic !!), and "Interpreted Differently by Greece and Turkey", with almost Equal "Mutual Claims", ("that the Interpretation of maritime Law by the Other Side is Against international Law and that the Activities of the Other Side are illegal"), resulting in a Mere "Dispute ...Between Turkey, on the One Side, and Greece, on the Other Side", (with ...Europe Condemned to Stay ...Out-Side, of unique European Natural Energy Resources !), which, Fataly, "has Remained UnreSolved since November 1973", (i.e. Just at the Eve of Turkey's Military Invasion/Occupation of the Northern Territories of Cyprus on July 1974)...
++++ Last, but not least, Instead of Launching a (too much Delayed) Call to all EU's 27 Member States to Urgently Send any Defense Support for the Protection of Frontline EU Members Greece and Cyprus, for Guarding EU's External Borders and precious European Natural Energy Resources, notoriously Threatened by Turkey's WarShips, on the Contrary, that partialy Strange Resolution, after Observing that France (Succefully) send its Army Airplanes and its Navy, Both in Cyprus and in Greece, while Italy "participated in Military Exercises" near the Greco-TurkIsh Coasts, on the Contrary, it Even "Calls on All (sic !) Actors involved ... to ... Withdraw Their Military Presence in the Region"...
In Other Words, while Turkey would be Always Ready to Bring Back its Military WarShips just in a Few Minutes Time, on the Contrary, Europeans would have to ...Wait for French and/or Italian Navies to Travel All the Way Long from ...Havre, Bordeau, Marseille, Genoa or Venice, etc, up to the Aegean Sea !
Are they Suicide Maniaks, or Too Lazy to simply Read a (Long) Paper probably Drafted by some Corrupted Apparatchiks ?
Such Weak, Negative Points (which are Not the Only ones..) do Not Cancell the Different, above-mentioned, Strong Points in this EU Parliament's Resolution, (Comp. Supra).
>>> Nevertheless, Obviously, IF Europe gets Trapped, and/or Hindered to Act Swiftly and Efficiently enough, in such a Landmark Case, (and After so Many toothless "Warnings" to Turkey repeatedly issued by Numerous EU Summits, during the Last 2 Years : 2018-2020), then, Inevitably, Nobody in the World (among the Many who are now Watching) would Ever take Seriously Any EU's Official Statement at all, in the Future !
=> Hopefully, the forthcoming Exceptional EU Heads of State/Governments Summit, Focusing, precisely, on Sanctions for Turkey's Provocations and insults, WarMongering and Bullying by WarShips, in South-Eastern Mediterranean, (particularly After this Exceptional EU Parliament's quasi-Unanimity to Strongly Condemn Ankara's Latest NAFTEX for illegal Drillings in EU Member Cyprus' EEZ, Dated 15 September and Applicable until October 12 : Comp. Supra), is due to Arrive in Less than 1 Week's Time (September 24-25) ...
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La Turquie, test-clé d'Independance de l'Europe face aux USA, les aménant de chercher en commun des nouvelles idées pour se mettre d'accord ?
Le débat, amical mais clair, entre les Présidents Américain et Français, Obama et Sarkozy, la veille des elections européennes du 7 juin 2009, a montré que la question controversée sur la démande de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'Europe est actuellement le point central et le test le plus pertinent de l' indépendance de la France et de l'Europe par rapport aux Etats Unis.
Les electeurs européens, aussi bien en France qu'ailleurs en l'UE, auront une seule chance à trancher, ce dimanche 7 juin 2009, en choisisant leurs eurodéputés pour la période 2009 - 2014, car après ca risque d'être trop tard, vu que tous ceux qui suivent les affaires européennes dépuis des décennies savent qu'en réalité, le moment des décisions sur la Turquie viendra au plus tard en 2013, date rétenue dépuis longtemps pour une importante révision des "Perspectives Financières" de l'UE qui reflètent des choix Politiques fondamentaux.
Le Président français, (récement encore représentant de l'UE, dans laquelle il joue un rôle important, ensemble avec la chancelière allemande Merkel, et autres leaders européens, ayant une influence notable auprès des Citoyens Européens, comme les derniers sondages montrent), réagissant à la repétition, par le nouveau Président Américain de la vieille position traditionelle de l'Washington poushant toujours vers la démande de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'Europe :
- "Je ne peut pas laisser détruire l'Europe, (qui) est un élément de stabilisation du Monde", réponda Sarkozy. "J'ai dit au Président Obama que pour moi il était très important que l’Europe ait des Frontières", a-t-il souligné, confirmant la position Franco-Allemande commune, récemment rappellée ensemble avec la Chancellière Merkel.
- "Il y a une différence (entre France/EU et les USA)... sur les modalités. La position traditionnelle des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, c’est l’intégration" de la Turquie au sein de l'UE. "C’était la position du Président Bush, du Président Clinton, de tous les présidents américains".
- "La mienne vous la connaissez : Ce n’est pas l’intégration dans l’Union Européenne. Mais j’ai proposé que nous réfléchissions, l’Europe, la Russie, la Turquie à la création d’un Espace Economique et de Sécurité en commun", a ajout Sarkozy rappelant son invitation de créer quelque chose de neuf et mieux adapté.
Mais, "cela ne veut pas dire qu’il faut repousser la Turquie dans les ténèbres. La Turquie est un allié dans l’OTAN, (et) une Passerelle entre 2 Mondes, voilà quelle est la meilleure modalité. C’est cela dont nous avons parlé", revela-t-il. Si "nous avons une Différence sur les Modalités, nous n’avons pas une différence sur l’Objectif : Faire de la Turquie un élément de Pont entre l’Orient et l’Occident", Sarkozy assura Obama.
- "Laissez-nous au moins une légère divergence sur un sujet, cela vous permettra de bien réfléchir pour les prochaines échéances", ajouta Sarkozy en réponse à un journaliste de l'opposition Socialiste qui avait soulevé la question de la Turquie, en la melant (comme un lobby turc notoirement essaie de faire pour exploiter la manipulation de quelques Arabes, la Civilisation Historique desquels fût pourtant detruite par l'ex-empire Ottoman-Turc) avec une question tout à fait différente : celle de la voile islamique (!), avec laquelle elle n'a rien à voir.
- "Sur la Turquie, Monsieur, vous appartenez à un journal ...qui a appelé à voter, au moment de la présidentielle, pour mon adversaire.... Quel était votre argument à ce moment-là ? Vous disiez : « Attention, Nicolas Sarkozy va trop s’aligner sur les Etats-Unis d’Amérique », et je vois que deux ans après vous dites : « Ah, il y a un sujet sur lequel le Président Obama et le Président Sarkozy ne sont pas d’accord » Cela devrait vous rassurer, Monsieur" , réponda-t-il, en faisant sourire même le président américain, (et laissant entendre que trancher définitivemen la controverse sur la Turquie pourrait être au coeur de l' Elections Présidentielle en France pour 2012 )
- "Ce que les Etats-Unis peuvent faire, c’est encourager ....TOUT PROCESSUS qui permettra à la Turquie d’être convaincue qu’elle a des amis, que ce soit la France, les Etats-Unis ou l’Europe", réponda Obama, apparamment n'excluant pas, a priori, le point de Sarkozy sur la création d'un espace commun d' économie et sécurité entre l' UE, la Turquie et la Russie (v. supra).
"Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas membres de l’Union Européenne, nous ne pouvons pas dicter si un pays quelconque adhère ou n’adhère pas à l’UE"; Obama a admis, parlant de la "Turquie, (sur laquelle) le Président Sarkozy et moi nous sommes entretenus sur ce dossier avant". "Maintenant le Président Sarkozy représente un Etat membre de l’Union Européenne et il a une position différente", opposée à démande turque d' entrée dans l'UE.
"La Turquie par contre est un allié de l’OTAN très important. ...La Turquie a fait connaître son intérêt à une intégration croissante avec l’Europe et nous (USA) encourageons cette attitude. J’ai souvent dit que l’adhésion de la Turquie à l’Union européenne serait importante".
"Mais, (en tout cas) je crois qu’il est important de noter que le Président Sarkozy appuie fortement le travail que la Turquie fait au sein de l’OTAN et je crois qu’il s’intéresse à une intégration économique plus intense avec la Turquie". (Ce qui pourrait se faire, justement, avec un "parténariat privilegié" adéquat et/ou l'idée de créer un espace commun EU - Turquie - Russie : V. supra).
Est-ce que l'effort du Président de la France, soutenu par la chancelière Allemande et l'opinion publique de la plupart des Citoyens Européens la-dessus, de trouver un accord entre l' Europe et l' Amérique sur la Turquie, en proposant de sortir des chemins battus et créer du neuf, en etablissant "un Espace Commun d' Economie et Sécurité" (v. supra), suffira de calmer un lobby traditionaliste à quelques bureaucrates de Washington DC, datant dès l'époque de l' ex-"Guerre Froide", beaucoup plus ancien que le nouveau Président vénu de l' oxygen des "grands lacs" près de Quebec du Canada : Chicago, connu comme "la ville du vent" nouveau ?
Le Prémier Ministre Fillon appele à "faire vivre le Rève Européen"
Seul l'avenir le dira. Mais, entre-temps, l' Europe ne peut plus attendre et perdre encore plus du temps et d'energie vitale sur la démande controversée de la Turquie, qui a notoirement menacé d'arrêter l'édification européenne dépuis 1999-2005 :
Comme le Premier Ministre François Fillon a clairement dit, un peu plus tôt cette semaine, dans un discours éloquent sur les enjeux de l' Election Européenne de ce juin 2009 (V. résumé envoyé aux adhérents d'"EuroFora"),
- "S' abstentir, c'est laisser à la Technocratie le pouvoir de dominer" la vie des Citoyens européens, qui devraient prendre l' Europe en branle le corps", et commencer d'agir par toutes les voies politiques démocratiques, prennant conscience que "l' Europe c'est Nous, (i.e. les Citoyens), et "Pas eux !" (i.e. les Technocrates), selon une image symbolique.
- "Je me souviens de l' Europe obligée de faire Silence, (au Passé), quand "les Grands" décidaient de son sort", rappela Fillon. "Je me souviens de l'Europe divisée, de l' Europe dominée" par d'autres, '"de l'Europe appauvrie""Je me souviens de Berlin occupé, muré, divisé comme un butin qu'on tire aux dès. Je me souviens du Silence de Varsovie. Je me souviens du Silence de Prague"..
- "Nous, les Européens, nous avons bien failli sortir de l' Histoire, et dévenir, pour du bon, les dès d'un jeu joué par d'autres".
- "C'est pourquoi je ne peux pas concevoir une Europe qui ne serait pas Souveraine, une Europe qui ne serait pas Maitresse d'êlle-même", aujourd'hui et démain, martella-t-il. "Le Monde s'est habitué trop longtemps à une Europe faible, que l'on pouvait traiter avec condescendence".
- "Le moment est venu de rélever le défi : Le moment est vénu de montrer que, nous les Européens, avons décidé d'être débout, et d"être nous-mêmes".
"Dépuis 2 ans (i.e. dès les Elections Présidentielles de 2007), avec Nicolas Sarkozy, nous avons oeuvrer pour relever notre Identité Nationale (de la France), dont nous sommes fiers. Et bien, l'' Identité Européenne mérite tout autant, elle qui prolonge les Génies de nos Nations".
- "Je crois à la présence d'une Civilisation Européenne", déclara Fillon, largement applaudi par des milliers de personnes ayant entendu une série des Musiques entremelées characteristiques de differents pays européens, et des images lumineuses géantes avec des extraits symboliques de Goethe, de Victor Hugo, de Shakespeare, et d'autres auteurs italiens, espagnols etc celebres à travers l'histoire.
- "L' Humanisme, la tolerance, la Liberté de la Conscience. La Solidarité. L' Etat de Droit. La confiance placée dans la Science, l' Innovation, le progrès. Toutes ces Valeurs, elles disent clairement où commence et où s'épanuit cette Europe" que nous voulons, observa-t-il.
En harmonie avec les positions soutenues par le Président du Parlement Européen, eurodéputé allemand, Hans Gert Poettering, et la Chancelière allemande, Angie Merkel, sur la "Dignité Humaine" au coeur des "Valeurs de l' Europe" moderne. Ce qui fait qu'" avec un Elargissement sans fin", même vers la Turquie, c.a.d. "sans Frontières, l' Europe Politique, l' Europe des Valeurs et l' Identité européenne" ne peuvent pas exister, comme a dit aussi le Président francais, Nicolas Sarkozy, recemment à Berlin.
Fait important : Cette observation de Fillon a été faite le jour-même que le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg concluait une semaine de réunion semestrielle sur les Droits de l'Homme, qui a examiné un grand nombre d'affaires des pires Violations (pex. Tuéries scandaleusement non elucidées, Persecutions et privations arbitraires de Liberté, personnes portées "Disparues", Tortures et "traitements inhumains et degradants", Usurpations illégales des Maisons et Patrimoines privées de Réfugiés, etc., pour lesquelles la Cour Européenne a condamné la Turquie dans plusieurs jugements, dont on attend toujours l' application)...
- "C'est pourquoi un Elargissement sans fin de l' Europe ne peu pas être un objectif en soi. Parce qu'il ne peut que diluer l' élan européen, et detruire l' Idéntité Européenne"
-" Voilà pourquoi nous disons, très sereinement, que nous ne sommes pas favorables à l' adhésion de la Turquie dans l'UE", conclua le Premier Ministre de la France; largement applaudi par des gens qui soulevaient le drapeau européen.
"Ce n'est pas un Slogan de meetings. Ce n'est pas la marque une "Hostilité" au régard de cette grande Nation (i.e. la Turquie), qui doit être étroitement associée à l' UE", pex. par un partenariat priviliegié, ou une autre formule adaptée.
- "Mais il lui faut des Frontères à l' Europe, il lui faut des Frontières stables, qui lui permettent de renforcer son Unité et son Identité", a-t-il expliqué.
- "Alors, c'est au nom de cette Europe charnelle, que je m'engage avec vous. Mais, cette Europe-là, ne peut avancer qu' à une seule Condition : celle de l' Europe Politique".
"Nous avons longtemps douté qu'elle soit possible : Aux années 1970, Henri Kissinger (le notoire ex- Secretaire d'Etat Américain aux affaires etrangères, consideré, à tort ou à raison, comme chef d'orchestre du renversement du Président Allende en Chili, de l' invasion militaire de la Turquie à Chypre, etc), disait, avec une ironie blaissante : - "Ah, l' Europe ? : Quel numero de Télephone ?..." Pendant les 6 mois de la présidence française de l'UE, (7-12/2008), Henri Kissinger n'aurait aucune difficulté de rejoindre l' Europe !", observa-t-il en suscitant des nouveaux applaudissements nourris.
"J'au vu l' Europe Politique se dresser, et prendre ses responsabilités : L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui agit sans délai, et avant les Etats-Unis, pour stopper des faillites Bancaires qui s'enchaînent, qui nous auraint plongés dans une Depression pire que celles des années 1929. L' Europe Politique est celle qui, maintenant, doit mettre un fin à un Capitalisme Financier, qui a perdu sa boussole. L' Europe Politique est celle qui a réussi d'etablir le règles les plus ambitieuses au Monde dans la lutte contre le rechaufement Climatique. Samedi, nous celebrons l' anniversaire du debarquement de la Normandie, où nos amis Américains ont pris une part décisive à nôtre libération. Mais, en décembre 2009, à la Conference (Mondialle) de Copenhague, c'est nous les Européens, qui allons leur montrer le chemin vers cet avénir commun" pour la sauvegarde de l'Environement naturel. L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui, en août 2008, lorsque la Guerre faisait rase entre la Russie et la Géorgie, s'est interposée pour imposer la Paix. Et c'est elle qui doit, maintenant, se doter des moyens Militaires de se défendre par elle-même, pour elle-même", ajouta-t-il en évoquant clairement la création d'une Défense Européenn Autonome.
"L' Europe Politique c'est celle qui doit bâtir des grands champions Industriels Européens, comme nous avons fait, auparavant, pour (l'avion) Airbus ou (la fusée) Ariadne. C'est celle qui doit exiger la Reciprocité dans les rlations Commerciale avec nos grands partenaires", sans Dumping Social ou Environmental, ni autre Concurrence Deloyale. "C'est celle qui doit se doter comme objectif d'être "le Continent de l'Esprit", réunissant les plus grandes Universités du Monde, en multipliant les Connexions, entre Scientifiques et étudiants."
"Nous respecterons nos engagements, jusqu'au dernier", souligna le Premier Ministre de la France, peu après que les candidats-eurodéputés de la coalition Gouvernementale (UMP : Mouvement pour la Majorité Présidentielle) ont signé solennement, devant plusieurs milliers des Citoyens, une spectaculaire pancarte-géante avec "7 engagements" pour les Elections Européennes du 7 juin, auxquels figure aussi l'engagement de "s'opposer à l' adhésion de la Turquie dans l'UE".
- "Parcque ce respet des engagements est une exigence si nous voulons rétablir la Confiance entre les Responsables Politiques et les Citoyens", conclua Fillon, la veille de ces Elections Européennes de juin 2009, après les Abstentions Majoritaires de 1999 et 2004, suivies de 3 "NON" à 3 Euro-Réferenda dépuis 2005, (dates auxquelles, quelques gouvernements du Passé, avaient donné le statut d'un "Candidat" et commencé des "Négotiationa d'adhésion" avec la Turquie, suivies d'un blocage sans précedent de l' édification européenne)..
"Nore Europe n'est pas n' importe quelle Europe : L' UE Technocratique n'est pas la nôtre. ... L' UE sans Frontières n'est pas la notre. L' UE desincarnée n'est pas la notre". "Nous portons une idée de l'Europe" qui "n'est pas celle des Statistiques et des Bureaux(crates). L'Europe ce n'est pas qu'une Monnaie. Ce n'est pas qu'un Marché. économique".
- "L' Europe c'est d'abord une Culture. L'Europe c'est une Histoire", a-t-il dit, largement applaudi.
"L'Europe c'est une rencontre entre des Nations qui sont Millénaires et qui sont Brillantes. L'Europe c'est Paris. C''est Madrid. C'est Prague. C'est Londres. C'est Rome. C'est Varsovie. C'est Berlin. C'est Vienne. C'est Athènes : Quant on énonce ces Villes, alors on "sent" nos Héritages et nos Cultures entremelées qui circulent dans nos veines".
- "Je suis Européen, parcque profondément Français, je sais ce que je dois aux influences de l' Atlantique et de la Méditerannée. J'aime ces Traditions qui offrent à chacun des nos Nations leur éclat. .. J'aime ses saveurs, ses paysages divers. Ils sont également miens, ou, plus précisement, je suis également fait d'eux. Je suis Européen, car, Français, j'aime l' Europe ouverte vers l' Amérique, vers l'Orient, vers l' Maghreb. J'aime les quais de Vénise, ceux d'Amsterdam. J'aime les quais de Thamise où sont vénues pendant des siècles s'amasser les richesses et les nouveautés du Monde. J'aime l' Europe curieuse. L'Europe qui rêve des lointains : L' Europe de Vasco de Gama, de Magelan. de Bougainville, de Charcot, de Monot... Cette Europe qui, aujourd'hui, s'élance vers l' Espace. Je suis Européen parce que Français, j'aime l' Europe qui prospère et qui invente. J'aime l' Europe des Trains à Grande Vitesse. J'aime l'Europe des Satellites et des Fusées. L'Europe de la Mode et des Atéliers d' Artistes. L'Europe des Grands Laboratoires, des Ingéniers. des Entrepreneurs, des Grands Architèctes, des Traditions Ouvrières. Comme rançais, j'aime l' Europe qui dit "NON" à la Tyrannie et qui se soulève à l'appel de la Liberté", a-t-il dit en
"Je me sens lié à ces femmes et ces hommes sans nom, qui ont levé la tête, et qui ont sécoué le joug sous lequel .. on les avait fait pliér", dit-il en évoquant pex.. la Révolution Française de 1789, le Siècle des Lumières, l'appel du Général de Gaulle contre l'Occupation NAZI, et les pires heures obscures qu'un "Fascisme" ou "Communisme" devoyés, suivies de la Guerre Froide avaient plongé l'Europe au Passé.
"Ils sont des millions, ces Héros Anonymes de notre temps, que nous croisons sans le savoir dans nos rues et nos places. Et je ne peux pas concevoir l'Europe sans eux, et sans tous ceux qui poursuivent leur combat contre l'arbitraire et le fanatisme", ajouta Fillon. Faisant pex. rappeler un récent Film allémand, primé au Festival de Vénise, qui décrivait la vie d'un cadre à l'époque d'un régime oppressif, qui avait été chargé d'espioner la vie privée et familiale d'un couple soupçonné d'être dissidents politiques, mais, ému par leur honnêteté humaine et leur sacrifice pour sauver d'autres, a preferé risquer sa place et sa propre liberté pour les sauver, sans même qu'ils le sachent, condamné dépuis à faire un bas boulot d'anonyme perdu dans la foule..
"Quand je vois l'Europe moderne, je vois les résultats de l' Audace de ces hommes qui ont brisé les traditions de conflit et de violence. Je vois des nations soudées autour d'une monnaie unique et protectrice. Je vois 27 jeunesses appelées de grandir ensemble, sans défiance. Je vois 27 peoples unis, qui nous interdisent de jouer les blazés ou les indifférents".
Jettant "un régard lucide sur les errements de la construction européenne", Fillon a observé que "l' Europe n'a pas bésoin d'être idélisée pour être ce qu'elle est ; Cad. une aventure humaine, avec ses faiblesses et ses forces".
"Vous voulez que l' Europe agisse ? Fixez-lui des objectifs clairs. Vous voulez la Démocratie ? Agissez en Citoyens. Vous rédoutez la prétendue Bureaucratie des Bruxelles ? Alors renforcez, par votre Vote, les instances élues au Parlement Européen" qui sont chargés de la contrôler.
- "Si nous voulons faire vivre "le Rêve Européen", .. alors nous avons tous le dévoir de l' engagement", a-t-il conclu, appelant de "engager pour le drapeau tricolore et le drapeau étoilé, car ils symbolisent tous les deux la fierté de nôtre nation et la force de nôtre union".