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French social cohesion Minister Bachelot to EuroFora: Age+Handicap dependency seeks EU Best Practice

Written by ACM
Friday, 15 April 2011

At the eve of a large Debate in France, wished by President Sarkozy, on how to take care of Aged or Handicaped, Dependent People, and EU Commissioner Andor's forthcoming anouncements, next week in Budapest, on an "EU Strategy" on "Disabilities", experienced former MEP and current Social Cohesion Minister Roselyne Bachelot, replying to "EuroFora"s questions, at the sidelines of visits to various relevant German and French organizations, stressed that this is an important EU-wide issue today, which needs adequate solutions , including via examining various "Best Practices", in cooperation between State and Local or Regional authorities.     

Bachelot, who visited a Pioneer Project to regroup in a simplified way all Medical Services by independent practitioners for Seniors at Home, located in a "Green" area at the Center of nearby Oberkirch village ("Hodapp" facility, in Germany), as well as a facility welcoming Alzeimer patients during the Day, close to Public Transports at downtown Lingolsheim city in Strasbourg's outskirts, after inaugurating a brand new Medicalized facility welcoming Mentally Handicaped People at a beautiful Lake area in Ostwald, before discussing for 2 Hours with representatives of Associations for Handicaped People at another Building for permanent care of heavily handicaped persons, in a Calm "Green" Residential area near Lingolsheim's centre, insisted on the "Free Choice" of People for the most adequate solution between various practical possibilities, spreading from staying Home up to permanent care elsewhere, and stressed that President Sarkozy's promise to make 50.000 more places available for dependent People "will be totally fulfilled in 2012".      


Inciting the participants to "participate in the Debates" which will start on Monday in France, just a few days before EU also starts discussing its "Strategy on Disability" (see supra), the experienced French Minister, who has also served as MEP at EU Parliament, clearly stressed the current importance of the issue of the care to give to Aged and/or Handicaped People throughout all Europe :

- "EuroFora" had asked Bachelot to resume France's message for Europe, in this crucial for Social Cohesion and inclusive values domain, given also the fact that "Next week in Budapest, EU Commissioner for Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor  will start discussing a "New Strategy" in the "European 2010-2020" Plan on "Disability".

- Obviously, today, "France's message (for the EU) is that the issue of Dependence is not only French, particularly since the question of an Ageing population is raised almost everywhere throughout the entire EU", Bachelot started to reply.

- "That's why, on the occasion of this Debate on Dependence, wished by the (French) President of the Republic (Nicolas Sarkozy), there is an important aspect (component) of Benchmarking with other European Countries", she pointed out.

- "It's for this reason that I have visited twice Germany, once Sweden, and I'm going to visit also a number of other EU Countries, in order to see in which ways these Countries act to solve" these problems, the French Minister anounced.

- But "a Unique Solution can't exist", at least for the time being. It's "mainly about Exchanging Experiences, Best Practices, etc", she carefully observed.

- "Because the Social Protection Systems are still very Differend" among EU Countries : F.ex., "between Germany, where everything is managed by the Health Insurance, and Sweden, where everything is managed by the Local Communities (Municipal Councils, Districts, Regions, etc),  we don't have a Common System", she explained.  
- "But, this Morning, when I went in Germany,  I saw also what we can use from that Structure (of nearby Oberkirch), that we can Modelize and install in France" too, Bachelot noted.

- I.e., it's "more about an Exchange of Best Practices, than for a Unique Model" throughout the entire EU, the experienced former MEP and long-time Minister concluded in her Reply to "EuroFora".


+ Pleading earlier for Human "Values of Solidarity" vis a vis some among the most Fragile and vulnerable fellow Human Beings, Roselyne Bachelot stressed in a Public Speech that what "founds a Human Community" is "Not Indifference", but People's "Right to be different", reminding famous Writer Simone de Beauvoir's (wife of Philosopher Jean-Paul Satre) "words : "The secret of Hapiness and the sumum of Art is to live as everybody, while being like noone else", as she had said for the sufferings of her own Mother.
President Sarkozy confirmed, at the beginning of 2011, that, "as promissed", this year will be that of the Reform on the Dependence" of People needing others' help (Seniors, handicaped, etc), since, "taking into consideration the Ageing of the Population, the number of Dependent Persons will augment between +30 and +40% before 2040"


- "it's our duty to anticipate" this "Huge Challenge" for the society, to "guarantee for each person that he/she     will have access to Care and Protection, so that his/herHuman Dignity will be respected, up to the end of his/her life", "either by staying at his Family Home, or by being accepted in an adequate Establishment", Sarkozy recently stressed.

In fact, the whole range of Dependent Persons  may go from many Seniors, up to those physically or mentaly Handicaped, (including those affected by Alzheimer symptoms appearing at some aged people).
EU Commissioner Andor recently stressed that EU's Social Cohesion policy should be focused on EU's 2020 General Objectives, contributing to help realize them, i.e. by boosting Inclusive, Competitif and Innovative Growth, in an "integrated" way : - Social "Cohesion Policy allocations (can) bear on the Big challenges that will shape Europe's Future", if they are brought in line with EU's overall 2020 Strategy, stressed EU Andor, earlier this Month (April 2011).


- "Because "Cohesion policy is a unique Source of EU Support ...for creating the conditions for a Harmonious economic Development" : "Bringing Cohesion Policy more closely into line with Europe 2020 means basing Investment Priorities first and foremost on the Integrated guidelines (See infra) ....focusing in particular at the most Critical areas", he explained. - "The bottom-up approach that largely characterises Cohesion Policy will ... be vital to the efforts to meet the Europe 2020 ..targets. The Regions and ...States should contribute to achieving the EU goals by unlocking their own Development Potential and by setting their Investment priorities in line".

- "To foster Territorial Integration we will also need strong commitment at National, Regional and Local level to allow for place-based integrated action — that means a lasting willingness to cooperate and bring approaches in line with each other", EU Commissioner added. Thus, he pleaded for "Integrated Territorial Approaches", with "a Partnership approach", where "a more Advanced form of Integration could, for example, involve getting Unemployed people back to work, supporting Local business development and Social services, and financing Urban Infrastructure simultaneously, in a Targeted way in the relevant Areas".

+ "In the Future ESF", more "attention must be paid to... the Quality of projects and their Results", without "excluding from support, due to the complexity of the rules, too many Small beneficiaries who can contribute significantly to achieving the policy objectives". Therefore, EU should "look more at impact and results", with "proportionality" between "big" and "small" projects" on "administrative burdens", and by "streamlining audits" for "efficiency gains" but "without reducing .. regularity".


- "That's why such a Project" for Dependent People's care facility "legitimately received 650.000 €uros of Grants from the French State in the framework of the Economic Revival Plan", pointed out Minister Bachelot this noon, at the inauguration of a new, equiped Building at Ostwald (See infra).

+ Moreover, "the full Integration of Handicaped Persons inside our Society, according to the spirit of the relevant 2005 Legislation, is faithfully reflected in such Care Facilities located at the Heart of a City, (f.ex. even) in front of the Town Hall", she observed. "Build for and with the Participation of the People who are welcomed here", and "favoring Social links" helping to "develop Human Capacities and maintain an Autonomy", while also "associating Education, Cultural stimulus and Medical Care", "such Structures are a Model of a global care adapted to each one's needs", Bachelot stressed, on the occasion of a new House for "Aged mentally handicaped persons", fragile but sociable.


+ MP Yves Bur, President of Group of Friendship with Germany, vice-President of Health and Food Group, Rapporteur on Social Insurance, Committee Member on EU and BioEthical issues, as well as Mayor of Lingolsheim, who reportedly motivated Bachelot to visit nearby Oberkirch, reminded that in the Past, most dependent People were obliged to stay Home, until it was decided, a few years ago, to help the Asssociations on Disabilities to find a Land and construct a Building able to welcome many seriously handicaped people at a Lingolsheim City's calm, "Green" and "Residential area".

EU Commissioner Andor's recent statements on the potential importance of cooperation on all levels, between EU, States and Local or Regional Authorities, found key examples also in the case of the inauguration, earlier today, by French Minister Roselyne Bachelot and Strasbourg Region Alsace's President, as well as Minister for Territorial Entities, Philippe Richert, of a New Medicalized facility for Mentally Handicaped Persons at a superb Green area of Ostwald, managed by a "Group of Families" concerned, named "Work and Hope", who "struggled during 40 Years" to find the means to take humanly and efficiently care of people suffering of such disabilities.


The move was practically associated also with an annex initiative, at nearby Mundolsheim, which helped Diabled People who didn't need constant medication to re-integrate Socio-Professional Activities by Working f.ex. for a Laundry, a Manufacture of Furniture, Catering, etc., as the Director of that organization explained to "EuroFora", after kindly offering us to taste a splendid piece of cake (among a lot of nice food largely appreciated by numerous invitees, as we saw) produced in this way, which obviously made the people concerned to be Proud of their products and respected their Dignity by giving them a chance to accomplish a socially useful work...


The superb building, surrounded by many Trees close to various Open Air areas, but at the same time located among normal Residential Houses at Ostwald, became possible, as well as other such facilities, also with the help of the Social Budget of the Lower Rhine's District ("Departement du Bas Rhin"), whose President, Guy-Dominique Kennel, is rightfully known for his Will to stress the need for Politicians to "stay Close to Citizens", (as also "EuroFora" witnessed recently, when Kennel surprisingly returned shortly an Urgent Phone Call that we had been obliged to exceptionally make on an urgent matter concerning the Accuracy and seriousness of Scientific Checks on a controversial Autopsy after a tragic event in an exceptional context, etc).


As for "Green", new District Counsellor, and long-time City deputy Major in Strasbourg, Marie-Dominique Dreyssé's remarked presence around ChristianDemocrat (EPP) Roselyne Bachelot, (as cought by a Photo of another Media, and also noticed by "EuroFora" as far as Alsace's Prefect was concerned), could it hopefuly mean a greater protection of Aged and/or Handicaped People by a normally larger "Green" sensitivity against some among their "Socialist" local allies' current trend to .. Cut irremplaceable Trees, even more than 30 Years old, as those which were still located around the above mentioned facilities, providing Fresh Shade, Shelter from Rain, and Vital Oxygen necessary to Human Health and well being ?



CoE rejects "Multi-Culti" in Europe (and stands by Merkel, Sarkozy + Cameron)

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 12 April 2011


CoE practically rejected controversial Multi-Culturalism, by a Double Vote with a Large Majority today, clearly refusing to endorse attempts by some MEPs to slam Leaders of the 3 biggest EU Countries (Merkel, Sarkozy and Cameron, of Germany, France and the UK) for having recently denounced the obvious fact that "Multi-Culti failed !", prefering, on the contrary, to focus on Social Cohesion and EU's Cultural, Historic Identity, feeling of common belonging, living and working  together, while respecting all people's Culture, as well Human and Democratic Rights.

The same day that CoE's Secretary General, Jagland, openly supported and clarified Merkel, Sarkozy's and Cameron's main stance, (See infra), the Parliamentary Assembly of the PanEuropean Organization for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, strongly rejected 2 critical Amendments which had claimed, on the contrary,  to "refrain from statements .. directed against the ... MultiCultural Model", and, therefore, to  slam as "undesirable and counterproductive the recent Statements made .. by Leaders of several CoE Member States that the MultiCultural Model of society has Failed" : This was clearly Rejected by a large Majority of CoE's MEPs with only 21 votes for, but 56 votes against and 6 abstentions (i.e. almost X 300 % more !!!).


CoE's Secretary General, Thornbjorn Jagland, was crystal-clear on the main reasons for which Strasbourg's PanEuropean Organization clearly decided to stand by the main ideas expressed by  Merkel, Sarkozy, Cameron a.o. EU Leaders, obviously joined also by Russia, as its stance on the famous ECHR case about European Culture Countries' freedom to traditionaly use the Crucifix in Public Buildings (as Schools, etc), as part of National/EU Historic Cultural Heritage showed :

- "In recent months Political Leaders, including Chancellor Merkel, Prime Minister Cameron and President Sarkozy, have said that Multiculturalism has Failed", he observed in his Speech to CoE's Parliamentary Assembly on Tuesday.

- "Does this mean that these leaders are against cultural Diversity? Surely not. ...European societies are culturally diverse. They have always been, and it is to this that Europe owes many of its greatest achievements.

- "But there is a Growing Feeling - reflected in the statements of Merkel, Cameron and Sarkozy – that something has gone Wrong; a realisation that Traditional Policies have Not worked. Because, "Instead" of Social Cohesion, on the contrary, "we are seeing the emergence of so-called "Parallel Societies" (alias "Communautarism"). "People are living "Next" to each other in ..., but Not living Together", he denounced.

- Thus, inter alia, also "Minorities are still being Marginalised and stigmatised, such as the Roma. Even before the current refugee crisis, Xenophobic parties have been on the rise", and "xenophobic forces are the ones that are living ..the most Isolated .. They constitute parallel societies. But we have also seen the emergence of Home-grown Islamist Terrorism rooted in Religious Extremism that are also forming Parallel Societies. These Extremes are feeding each other.  All this goes against our Fundamental Rights and Values. It is Not helping our societies to Prosper, and potentially poses a Threat to our Stability and Security", CoE's chief warned.

- "This is why last year I asked ....to assess the situation from a pan-European perspective" in order "to make constructive proposals to help our Societies grow Together, on the basis of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.  We need to appreciate diversity, but also to Focus more on what holds us Together", "how we can find a Common ground", Jagland concluded.
The above mentioned Vote against the "Multi-Culti" cultural and social AppartHeid-like Social Risks against European Cohesion, took place in CoE's Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on the occasion of the Public Discussion of a Report, drafted by Luxembourg's MEP Anne Vasseur, President of the Liberal Group, on the "Religious dimension of Inter-Cultural Dialogue", which had invited various Religious Experts to participate in Strasbourg's Debates :
(NDLR : Fast Translation from the Original in French).


- "There is a European Humanism, of Christian origin. Without underestimating the Jewish presence, the contribution of Arab philosophy, the questionng of Enlightenment, (etc.), it's, nevertheless, Christianism who is at the origin of many European Institutions : School, University, Hospitals, etc.",  stressed from the outset Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President of Vatican's Pontifical Council for InterReligious Dialogue. "With the Exception of a large part of Last Century, this European Humanism made possible the Debate between Faith and Reason, ... allowing ... to remind Ethics' Priority over the Ideologies of the moment, that the Person comes before the Things, (and) the Superiority of Spirit over Matter". As "Paul Valery observed, in a Conference at Zurich University at the end of 1922 : - "There is Europe whenever Rome's influence on Administration, Greece's on Thought, (and) Christianism's on Internal Life, make themselves felt, all three together".. "In Europe, no Religion imposes herself by ruse or force". Because, "in Europe there is Dialogue. In Europe, Religion, not only can be inherited, but, moreover, it is chosen"... "Europe remains, even today, a melting pot of Living Tohether, whose Labo and Symbol is Strasbourg !".

Tauran smiled affirmatively when "EuroFora" noted aftertwards that his main observation came Timely and in line with the ideas on EU's Historic Identity, strongly expressed by Pope Benedict XVI himself, just one Day earlier, on the occasion of his audience to a new Ambassador to the Vatican from  EU candidate Croatia :


-  "Dour voices dispute Europe's Religious roots with bewildering regularity. Amnesia and the denial of Historical evidence have become customary. To declare that Europe does not have Christian Roots, is like claiming that a man may live without Oxygen or nourishment", energetically denounced Benedict XVI.  He also  "highlighted the importance of "[fortifying] the current generations by showing them clearly their rich ...Historical Heritage and the Christian Culture with which it is deeply permeated, and which has always supported the ...People in times of Adversity". Europe "should not be afraid to make a Determined claim for Respect for its History and its Religious and Cultural Identity", but, on the contrary, "know how to Defend its Identity with conviction and pride".

- Recalling that "Croatia will soon fully enter the European Union", Benedict XVI remarked that "this integration must be achieved fully respecting Croatia's Specific Characteristics, regarding its Religious life and Culture. It would be illusory to repudiate this Identity, in favour of another, born in circumstances different to those of the birth and construction of Croatia". - "In entering the EU", he continued "your country shall not only be the recipient of an economic and legal system with both advantages and limits, but should also bring its own, typically Croatian contribution. "In the name of Christ, who accompanied the Croatian People throughout Centuries with goodness and mercy,..",  Benedict invited Croats to "avoid the new pitfalls as they appear which, under the pretext of a misunderstood religious freedom, are contrary to natural law, the family, and morality".
- "Believers have a way to work ... which brings to the entire Human Community a Reply to Great Questions of concern to Man since always", continued on a 2nd point, Cardinal Tauran.  "Men must be reminded that they are simply managing material and moral resources of this World, for the benefit of all, and, therefore, they have the Duty to take care of them and to cultivate them for the Generations of the Future". "It's up to them to act so that their Contemporary are never deprived of Sources of Light or sensible proposals, able to Enlighten them and to suppot them in front of  Experimentations on Humans, of Abortion, euthanasia, etc., as "accomplices of everything which goes .. in the direction of the Human and of Humanization".

- "A Huge working site is offered to us, as believers, in order to work together, in the  framework of Ecumenic Dialogue, InterReligious Dialogue, as with all those who head towards the asbolute. Let us act so that the  Name of God is never invoked to Justify Discrimination and Violence !" "Those areas of Listening and Sharing, ..(which) allow us to learn the real face of Religions, should never lack". And "CoE should always have the Courage to take Concrete Decisions in order to promote, and -if needed- to defend, the Freedom of Religion, in order to denounce any form of Persecution, Violence and Discrimination for Religious motives, both in Europe and anywhere in the World".

"Cardinal J. Ratzinger (the current Pope Benedict XVI), in his installation speech at the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences of "Institut de France", on November 6, 1992, stressed that "it's not for the Church to be a State, or a part of a State, but to be a Community based on Convictions. With the Freedom which characterizes it, it must address itself to the  Freedom of all, so that History's Moral Forces remain also the Forces of the Present, and always revive anew this Proof of Values, without which, common Liberty is no more possible".


In order not to "breach the Social Cohesion" (a concept highlighted 3 times), we "must develop a New Culture of Living Together, starting by acknowledging the Equal Dignity of all Persons, and our adherence to the Democratic Principles and to Human Rights", stressed from the outset Christian Orthodox Patriarch Daniel from Romania, citting a choice of CoE's recent texts.

Christians Orthodox and Catholic representatives both supported a strong view on Europe's Historic, Cultural Identity :  - "While building its Structure, by Dialogue and Cooperation, Europe becomes Conscious of what was the Matrix of its Origine, ... i.e. the Religious Dimension of its Culture". "Because Religion was the major Matrix of its (EU's) Identity. That's why any profound Crisis of Europe always was rather a Spiritual Identity Crisis, than a Cultural Crisis", Patriarch Daniel found.

- "The Values proposed by CoE as an InterReligious Dialogue's platfom, i.e. Human Dignity, Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression, etc., originate from European Values, stemming from the Judeo-Christian radition, (and afterwards separated from her in order to be taken as Universal Values)..... Thus, Human Dignity is an endless and eternal Value, because Man was created at the image of God", he pointed out.

- "But, recently, Religious Tensions emerge at Europe's Door", which "provoque Concern" . "Dramatic Events, such as Violence against Christians in Iraq, Iran, Egypt and elsewhere, Corans set on fire (f.ex. in the USA) and terrorist attacks wd in which follow this act, impose to Politicians and to International Organisations to think and react in order to avoid such Tragedies being reproduced in future and affect European Countries", he warned.

- "These events make it even more Urgent to find Solutions to the Problems provoked by Mass Immigration of Populations of Differend Ethnos and Religions inside Europe : A Fact which weakens the Social Cohesion in many Countries", Patriarch Daniel added.

- "How could a Migrant or a Stranger Integrate in a Differend Religious and Cultural context, while preserving his initial Religious and Cultural identity ? How could we avoid both a grim Isolation and the Dissolution of his identity ?  In this sens, it's necessary to develop a Culture of Living Together", he observed.     

- "In this regard, the current Experience of the Diaspora from Orthodox Romania in Italy and in Spain, where live almost a Million of Romanians for each, is very Encouraging", he noted. "In many Churches, the transmission of Faith to the (Orthodox) Romanian Minority is done in an ecumenic spirit of Openess to the Culture of the Italian or Spanish Catholic Majority : This approach ... allows a Social Intergration without Disolving the Cultural and Religious Identity" of immigrants' origins, he explained.

- "However, ... a Peaceful CoExistence .. needs to become Mature .. by using Freedom, ... Responsibility and Solidarity, as well as the affirmation of its own Values, ... not against Different Communities and Persons, but Together with Others", he critically observed. And this, "at the same time that, by InterReligious Dialogue, we have to learn how to face New Social Problems, such as Irresponsible Liberty, Secularisation, Family Crisis, etc.". ....I.e. with "an Ecumenic Cooperation in favor of Human Dignity and the General Good", where "it's not enough to simply speak theologically about Human Person's Dignity, created at the image of God,.. but we have also to really Defend it in the context of Violence, Oppression Pauvrety, Injustice, Humiliation, Marginalisation, etc". But, "in order to Defend, always and everywhere, the Human Dignity, Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, Democracy, Rule of Law, and other Values which are at the base of Dialogue Today, it's necessary to have Strong Beliefs and to cultivate a Profound Spirituality, similar to that of Bible's Prophets, of the Fathers of a United Church, or to the Great Fighters for Justice in the Human Society".

- Because, "despite Differencies of Religion and Culture, ... in front of Sufferings and of Humiliation of Human Dignity, Religions, States, International Organizations and Individuals, we have, more and more, a Common Responsibility for the Human Life, the protection of Nature and Environment", Patriarch Daniel topically concluded, (apparently pointing also at  Crucial nowadays issues such as Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryons, New Epidemies, Climat Change and Extreme Weather Events, etc.


- "Religions are an integral part of individual and of collective Identity", stressed from the outset  Evangelical Church Council's Representative in Germany and the EU,  Prelate Bernhard Felmberg, , even if "European societies – under the influences of European integration, globalisation and a resulting increase in migration – become more and more pluralist in their outlook", nevertheless, " there is not ...also a cultural dimension to interreligious dialogue" (See infra).

- Because, "In Germany and other European Countries we still make the Experience that some religious communities have Difficulties in adjusting to the societal environment they find themselves in. Dialogue, even in the very basic sense, depends on the Possibility of Meaningful exchange. If clergy and representatives do not (even) speak the Language of the land or speak it only with difficulty, this is a Problem. Likewise, if Cultural and traditional and Legal concepts from other regions, for example concerning the role of women in society, are declared sacrosanct principles of religion, this is a problem. Dialogue is the way, yes, but the pre-Conditions of dialogue have to be established on both sides", Felmberg explained.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
+ Moreover,  "recently, the Grand Chamber of ECHR revised a first instance decision concerning the display of Religious Symbols – here a Cross – in Public Schools in Italy, stressing ...the fact that the Religious Heritage belongs to our Cultures", he observed. - "Speaking as a German Protestant about a case that concerned the Catholic Church more than us, I nevertheless emphasise: We Fully Endorse this Judgement. It may seemingly protect a majority culture, ... But we would rather live in a society that has a relaxed attitude to its Religious Heritage, that is Open to religion, than in a culture of mistrust, in which the “religious” is banned from the public sphere for fear it might divide more than it unites. F.ex. ,"in Italy, pupils are allowed to wear the Muslim headscarf and the Jewish kippa. Protestants are allowed to built churches and openly and publicly confess their faith, even to offer religious education at schools. The mere fact that the majority religion is more visible than other, smaller groups is, in itself, not a discrimination", he noted. Because, "while majorities will have more visibility, minorities need to have the chance to being seen and heard as well", he concluded.

- However, "Religion is but one aspect of our Identity. I am not only Protestant, but I am also German, I am also European, I am also a fan of my football club... Personalities are multilayered and multifaceted.  F.ex. "'in Berlin, where I come from, we used to talk about “the Turks” referring to our largest ethnic minority. After 9/11 we started to speak about “the Muslims” instead, referring to the same people. I urge that we all be more careful in picking out single aspects of identity and ask whether they really have any relevance to the issue in question. ... So my plea is to talk about religion when religion is at stake, but Not Reduce all matters of Migration and Integration to Religious questions, but rather look at the Person itself", he pleaded.


     Chief Rabbi of Russia, Berel Lazar stressed from the outset that "a United Europe requires not just a political arena and an economic relationship, but a cultural and religious understanding".

    However, he personaly remained attached to "Multi-Culturalism", given his own, particular backround : Born in Italy, near Strasbourg (Milan), he reportedly emigrated to the USA (New York) when aged 15, before going to Russia at the age of 36 on 1990, where he got a double citizenship, American and Russian, on 2000... It's in these, obviously specific conditions, that Berel Lazar was led to think that "It has been said many times that multiculturalism has failed in Europe. ....and I say that if multiculturalism has failed, Europe has failed", because, according to his personal view, "the beauty of Europe, and the foundations of Europe, have always been mutual understanding and open dialogue, notwithstanding all the differences between the languages, cultures and traditions of all the countries and all the people", as he said.

    But Berel Lazar acknowledged, nevertheless, that "everyone is now pointing fingers. Who is to blame for these Problems? Some say that Religious Extremism is the source and the root of Violence; others say that the blame lies with the Xenophobic forces that are not giving Freedom of religion to others", he wondered.

    However, "as much as we see our differences and as much as we see the things on which we do not get along sometimes, we are all part of the same family. We all come from the same people. There must be things on which we can find an understanding and a common language", he added.

    - "But if we were all the same and agreed about everything, we would not need to bring peace to the world and we would not need the CoE. Everybody would live in harmony, and it would be a very Monotonous life", he found. Thus, "our whole being, the raison d’être of all of us, is to bring peace notwithstanding those differences and opposite opinions. We are different, and sometimes we are divided, but we live in one continent, one Europe, and we have to find ways to understand each other", he said.

    - For Lazar, there are "2 schools of thought. Some people say, “...I believe that the way I live is the truth and if people want to come to my country, if immigrants come in, they must accept my truth and my rules. They cannot come and live in my country and do whatever they want.” ......Then there is a second school of though that says, “...Live and let live. I am going to live my life and he is going to live his life. Why do I care what he does? Maybe he is my neighbour but I do not need to know what he does and what he believes. Let him do whatever he wants and I will do whatever I want.”

    - "Both views are Dangerous, and we all understand why. There must be a golden thread, a solution for all of us, where we understand each other, help each other", he advised.  

    - " We cannot sit and say, “I am going to take care only of my congregation, only of my people.” If I really care for this world that God created, I have a responsibility to tell others about Values and Morals, and to make sure that everybody stands Together and understands that that is the only way that we can co-exist and survive", Lazar underlined.  

    - But, "How can we come together? It is beautiful that today, all the religious leaders are here in harmony, but I would say that that is not enough. We respect each other, we love each other, and we have to work together and do something together. What can we do?", he questioned.

    - We must "understand that (we have) a Responsibility to (our) fellow beings and a responsibility not only to learn and to become greatern but to make the world a better place. I believe that that is feasible – I have seen it in Russia" : 

       - "When we started 20 years ago, and ....things came out of the closet and we were able to celebrate our religion in Russia, ..at the beginning there was a lot of mistrust. Today there is a full understanding between religious leaders in Russia. Surprisingly, anti-Semitism in Russia is at its lowest ever. How did that happen? I have 3 points : .....  

    - "The 1st is Co-operation between Religious leaders. We need constantly to discuss ideas and think how we can help each other and how we can send a message together to young people about the mutual values that we all share", he noted.

    - Secondly, very often Governments feel that they should not mix into religious affairs. ... that is a mistake. I think they have to interfere to make sure that no religious denomination will bring ideas of Violence or Extremism to the people. That is their Responsibility. I must say that in Russia, those ideas are slowly leading to a better understanding and mutual co-operation", he observed.

    - Thirdly, and I think most importantly, religious communities in Russia are Opening up to the People. Our temples, churches, synagogues and mosques are Open to everyone – “Come in and find out what we believe.” As long as we preach one idea in the synagogue and another one on television, it is not going to work. We have to show that what we believe is open to everyone and that our speeches, our ideology and our ideas are for everyone to share. Only then can we hope for a better future, a more United Europe and a place where everybody will live in ... Harmony ...", Lazar concluded.


    Alone, the Turkish State's agent, "Chair of the Religious Affairs High Admlinistration of the Republic of Turkey", Mehmet Goermez, according to his Official title, was the only Continental  to stick 100% on "Multi-Culturalism", and even to seek a "contribution of Religions ... to the Enhancement of Multi-Culturalisme" (sic !).
- "I find it meaningful that this (PACE event) has come forward exactly when a number of European Politicians (as he called the Heads of State/Government in France, Germany and the UK), compete eachother in declaring that "Multi-Culturalism has Failed" (See cupra)", he said.

Believing that his particular idea of "Islam places ... Diversity in the centre of its.. Worldview", so that it "has produced Societies that have been so Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Religious for Centuries, that noone else has shown any sign of such .. Diversity", Mehmet Goermez called to "freely allow... to express themselves, within their Traditional dynamics" the "Groups that experience "Otherisation" (sic), as he said.               

Accusing the "Muslims Today" to have forgotten that vision of "Diversity", the Turkish representative  was curiously given an absolute Monopoly on Islam, since any religious Arab Muslim was curiously excluded.. 

The Turkish State Official launched a call to the CoE "to free ourselves from the EuroCentric view of History", curiously accusing it  to "Jump.. from Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages, and then to the new age of Enlightenment", (obviously ignoring the Roman and the Christian Byzantine Empires/Civilisations, as well as the Renaissance, etc), accusing those who think otherwise on these key points, to "abuse" with an "Hegemonic discourse" and even ... "Cultural Terror" (sic !)...

Nonobstanding the obviously particular character of that Turkish State's Agent's views, nevertheless, Vatican's Special Representative, Cardinal Tauran, speaking to "EuroFora", found that, at least on certain key issues of Crucial importance Today  for Humankind, Christians can usefully cooperate  and even consider joint action, togeher with Muslims :

This includes, f.e. the Topical issue of Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryons, Mgr. Tauran observed to "EuroFora", where Christians and Muslims, etc., could, normaly, find easier a Common Ground in favor of Stronger BioEthical Rules and Principles. On this point had also agreed, recently with "EuroFora" an important Religious Muslim of Arab origin, during a recent meeting in Strasbourg together with Jewish, Christian and even Boudhist representatives. A Fresh look on such matters (which, despite their obvious Importance, are more Global than specifically European, since they concern all Humankind) would certainly be interesting today, considering also the various rapid developments, worldwide, which occured since a landmark, previous CoE Conference on the protection of Human Embryon, organized in Strasbourg back on the 1990ies...     


The Resolution adopted today by CoE's Assembly "notes the growing interest raised by the questions relating to intercultural dialogue in a European and global context, where efforts to establish closer ties and collaboration between communities within our societies and between peoples, to build together for the common good, are constantly imperilled by lack of understanding, high tension and even barbarous acts of hatred and violence".

- "Nevertheless, freedom of religion and freedom to have a philosophical or secular world view are inseparable from unreserved acceptance by all of the fundamental values enshrined in the Convention" on Human Rights", PACE reminded. "These Values should Bring us Together", MEPs stressed. Differences, as long as they are compatible with respect for human rights and the principles that underpin democracy, ... have every right to be there"... "However, Common values such as mutual respect, the protection of human rights, democracy, tolerance, the acceptance that differences are normal, and vision of a Common future need to be strengthened further".

+ "in order to build Cohesive societies receptive to diversity and respecting the dignity of each individual", CoEs' Assembly is convinced of the importance of the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue, and of collaboration between religious communities to foster the values that make up the Common core of our European societies and of any democratic society.

 PACE "considers it necessary to build up a dynamic, productive partnership between the public institutions, the religious communities and the groups that espouse a non-religious perception. The common starting point for this is acknowledgement; by the various religious denominations and by non-religious belief systems; that Human Dignity is an Essential and universal asset".

Therefore, it "recommends that (CoE's) Committee of Ministers promotes a genuine Partnership for democracy and human rights between the CoE, the Religious institutions and humanist and non-religious organisations, seeking to encourage the active involvement of all stakeholders in action to promote the fundamental values of the Organisation". "To this end"; CoE should ,"establish ... a Place for Dialogue, a Workspace between the Council of Europe and high-level representatives of religions and of non-denominational organisations, in order to place existing relations on a Stable and formally Recognised Platform" : A classical aspiration in Strasbourg, initially suggested also by "EuroFora"s co-Founder, many Years earlier, at a Press Conference in EU Parliament.

CoE's Assembly "further recommends that (its) Committee of Ministers, promotea the accession of the Mediterranean Basin States" to certain CoE's bodies (Constitutional Law Top Experts in Venice's Commission, Civil Society-oriented "North–South Centre", etc).


PACE Chair Cavusoglu on Libya:"Turkey against Military Interventions" ! Cypriot Politician: Really ?

Written by ACM
Monday, 11 April 2011


A prominent Turkish politician, questioned on the "Difficulties" and Contradictions in Ankara's stance, as NATO-Member, during the UN-backed operation in Libya,  formally declared that "Turkey is against Military Interventions"... triggering an inevitable reaction by a politician from Cyprus, an EU Member Country whose Northern Territories are notoriously Occupied by Ankara's Army...

A subsequent attempt to limit CoE's focus on the Popular Movements for badly needed Democratic Changes, currently spreading all over the 3rd Mediterranean Countries, from Morocco and Algeria or Tunis up to Egypt and Syria, etc., only to.. "North Africa" (sic !), also surprised several other MEPs from various European Countries (See infra)..


- "On Libya, there are some Difficulties concerning your Country, Turkey : From one side, you are NATO Member, but from another side, you are a Muslim Country. What's your Personal opinion ? What should NATO do vis a vis Libya ? And may Mr. Gadhafi stay in power, or should he go ?", asked a Journalist visiting Strasbourg, to  the rotating Chair of CoE's PanEuropean Assembly, where Ankara participates since the Cold War era, currently the Turkish politician Mesut Cavusoglou.

 - "First of all, Turkey is not a Muslim Country, but a predominantly Muslim Country", Cavusoglou" started to reply, argying of the remaining presence of only some .. 1% of Christians, in an area which was a Christian Empire for more than a Millenium (330 - 1.453)... "And Religion shouldn't be a base for Relations of Turkey with the Region", he excluded, because "the problem is Democracy, Human Rights", he rightfully observed.

- Indeed, "Turkey is an important Member of the NATO", but "Turkey believes, as far as I know, that Military Intervention is not a Solution", Cavusoglou declared.

This contradictory Fact might, eventually, explain the Paradox for Libyan Rebels to  denounce more than 2 Deadly Blunders by NATO against their own people, since it took over the control of AirFlights (on April 1st) from the initial EU/USA/Arab States' Coalition which had intervened, on the contrary, in order to protect them since March 19, and mainly NATO's reported unwillingness to strike against Colonel Gadhafi's Military, not even when he surrounds, blocks and attacks also Civilians in a revolted City as Misurata.. .

- "Now, the same statement is coming (even) from NATO", he claimed, (speaking of the period since the USA, after boosting the move over Libya, suddenly left, abandoning EU Countries alone with ... Ankara, instead of Wash. DC),  because "two days ago" (i.e. when Libyan Rebels notoriously denounced at least 2 Deadly Blunders from NATO, hitting dissident people instead of Colonel Gadhafi regime's military attacking them, which reportedy was left free to bombard Rebel Citiies), "Rasmoussen" (NATO Secretary General, whose Election had been blocked by Turkey in the 4/2009 NATO Summit in Strasbourg, until he accepted to appoint a Turkish Official at a NATO Secretariat's Top Post and to prove a pro-Turkey stance), "made similar statements (?)", he found, (but without citting not even a word from the supposed "statements")...

- "Therefore, Turkey is against  the Militarisation of any site,.in Libya or in other Countries", Cavusoglou stressed, speaking obviously as a matter of general Principle.  "I think that there should be a Peaceful Solution", he added.

- "I can't say whether Gadhafi should go, or stay, but CoE's Assembly has supported the demands of the People", he was obliged to acknowledge, while the Revoltees' "National Transition Council", at Benguazi, reportedly declared that it agreed on a Ceasefire if Gadhafi and his sons drop power and leave the country...

- "I think that there should be a Peaceful Solution", and "I think that this Question should be asked to the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mr. Davutoglou, and to the Turkish Prime Minister, Mr. Erdogan", who will be here in Strasbourg later this week, Cavusoglou vainly tried to rectify later-on, ... only to be tanced by an Italian Journalist criticizing the fact that Erdogan, once again, seems to avoid giving a Press Conference at the CoE...
Cavusoglou's statements on Turkey's supposed stance "against Military Interventions" provoked many spontaneous Smiles among Greek, Cypriot and other Politicians in Strasbourg...

Questioned by "EuroFora", a Cypriot politician was crystal-clear : - "I am very Glad to hear Mr. Cavusoglou's declaration about what would be Turkey's new stance, reportedly <<against Military Interventions>>", he noted.

- Therefore, I kindly ask him to tell us at which Date the more than 40.000-Soldiers strong Turkish Army, which still occupies militarily the Northern Territories of EU Member Cyprus in 2011, continuously since the 1974 Invasion, might decide to go Home (i.e. return in mainland Turkey), as several UNO and EU Parliament Resolutions urge Ankara to withdraw its soldiers from Cyprus, he questioned...

A special UNO's Resolution has authorized the EU/USA/Arab Ligue's International Operation in Libya, destinated to protect revolted People against Violent Attacks by Colonel Gadhafi's regime, while, on the contrary, several UNO Resolutions have repeatedly condemned Turkey's unilateral Military Invasion of Cyprus, and asked Ankara to withdraw its troops.

The International Coalition has refused to put even 1 Soldier on Libyan soil, until now, while, on the contrary, Turkey still keeps on 2011 some 40.000 Occupation Troops since the 1974 Military Invasion.

Turkey's Military Invasion and Occupation of Cyprus' Northern Territories has made some 1.900 "Missing" Persons, in addition to those killed during the fights, while more than 200.000 Refugees/Displaced Persons were not only obliged to flee Ankara's Army, but, 35 Years later, they are still hindered to return to their Family Homes and Ancestral Land, which have been usurpated often by Turkish Settlers, despite many ECHR Judgements condemning Turkey for massive Violations of Refugees' Human Rights.  On the contrary, the International 2011 operation in Libya has vowed to try to limit casualties only to some violent mlitary aggressors, and never hindered any Displaced person to return Home, nor usurpated any Private Property or Family Home.

A notoriously Systematic Alteration of the Cultural and Demographic characteristics in the Territories of Cyprus Occupied by the Turkish Army, (Emptied from their Greek Cypriot Population, while even Turkish Cypriots are being pushed to immigrate, being replaced by Massive influx ofTurkish Settlers, added to the Destruction of Cyprus' Christian Religious Historic Heritage with many Monuments, Churches, Monasteries, even Graveyards, etc. desecrated, abandoned, demolished, or transformed to Stables, Coffee Shops, etc), has nothing similar or equivalent in the case of Libya, where the International operation is just limited into an active Air presence over the heads of the Revolted People it protects against Violent Attacks of Colonel Gadhafi, without even touching upon their Cultural Heritage and their Historic Identity.                 

(NDLR : Curiously, even more than 12 Hours after that Press Conference, exceptionaly, its Video-Recording wasn't yet published at CoE's website, contrary to what is always done)...

"Africa" only, or all "Mediterranean" ?                 

Meanwhile, at another, relevant incident, during this session of CoE's Assembly, Chairman Cavusoglou from Turkey denied to mainstream Polish MEP and PACE's Rapporteur, Tadeusz Iwinski, the right even to discuss a Controversial decision to restrict the Name of a Debate decided at the last minute, on the on-going Developments in 3rd Mediterranean Countries only with the denomination ... "North Africa"', instead of "Mediterranean", or at least "Arab countries", etc.

- "But this is absolutely Absurd !", vainly criticized Iwinski : - "By speaking only about "Africa", this omits, arbitrarily, several Countries where Popular Revolts and Demonstrations for badly needed Democratic Changes are currently going-on, including, f. ex. "Syria", etc. he denounced.

However, when "EuroFora" observed to Iwinski that, "on the contrary, it all seems very Logical, as a simple look at a Map easily reveals", at first Surprised, the Experienced EuroPolitician, rapidly realized the fact that Cavusoglou's Turkey is standing Next at the borders of Syria, and spontaneously laughed...


- "Got it !. But now I must rush because the Political affairs Committee is going to vote on my Report about Iran's Nuclear issue, he told "EuroFora", before, once again, realizing the real reasons of this sudden Turkish preference for a word which might limit any Popular Movement for Democratic Changes only to "Africa"...


EU Chair Minister Nemeth to EuroFora: Ready for Humanitarian/Military move at Misrata/West.Libya +UN

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 06 April 2011



Concerning certain Western Libyan Cities, as Misrata, EU is ready for an Urgent Humanitarian, or, if needed, Military-Humanitarian, i.e. Dual action to help respond to the pressing calls of Libyan and international observers (including UNO's : See infra)  to help the revolted People of the Libyan City of Misrata who have reportedly been confronted by persisting Military attacks for a Month by the Army of Colonel Gaddafi's regime, cut off from free Humanitarian access (as EU Commissioner on Crisis' management, Kristalina Georgieva denounced yesterday here, cittining obstacles throughout all Western Libya, (See previous "EuroFora"'s NewsReport), replied EU President-in-office, Hungarian Minister Nemeth, to one of "EuroFora"s questions on topical Mediterranean developments :

Representing at EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg both the Hungarian EU Presidency (1 - 6/2011) and EU's High Representative on External Action, Baroness Ashton (who was visiting Tashkend, Central Asia), Zsolt Nemeth, Hungarian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, who debated with MEPs mainly on EU's "Southern Neighborhood" policy, etc. (See other "EuroFora"s NewsReport, with our 2nd Question and relevant 2nd Reply by Nemeth on that, wider issue), was careful but crystal-clear and adamant :


- "EuroFora"'s question had reminded to Nemeth that "there are alarming informations, since yesterday, on certain Libyan Cities (at the West) apparently cut off, and in particular Misrata, warning that there is there a hard Humanitarian situation, threatening a Catastrophe, and complaining that there has not been yet enough Help from the International Community, (f.ex. EU, NATO, UNO, etc: See previous relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReport). Do you think that the EU, UNO, a.o. could and should act swiftly to verify those complaints, and, if they are true, to try to help Efficiently and Timely ?"

- It's "Not (an) easy question", Nemeth carefully smiled in reply..

- But, "concerning th(is) 1st Question : EU is Committed", he firmly promissed.

- "However", even if "we (EU) don't take part, as an Institution, in the concrete Military Activities, (of the International Coalition from EU/USA/Arab States and UNO : See "EuroFora"s NewsReports from the 19 March Paris' Summit "to support Libyan People"), nevertheless, "EU is Ready to participate in the Humanitarian Dimension there", he confirmed.


+ This may go also  "with Military - Humanitarian Contribution, as well, on behalf of the EU", he added, referring to the "Dual", Civic and Military specificity of all EU's Security and Defense policy, which is its main characteristic, as EU Parliament's Rapporteur, and President of its Security and Defence Committee, French MEP from the Governing Party UMP, Arnauld Danjean, has already underlined in earlier statements to "EuroFora", when his Report, focusing on a  "Strategic Autonomy" of ESDPolicy was adopted since 2010 by a large Majority in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

 - So, "our (EU's) Readiness is there", "and I am sure that, in due course, we will be Open and Willing to use that Capability", Nemeth confirmed.

+ This goes,particularly in order "to avoid the Humanitarian Challenges, which are stemming from the Libyan Conflict".

- In this regard, "I'd draw your attention to the fact that, recently, both EU Commissioner (Ashton) and Hungary's Foreign Minister (Martonyi), found important to pay a visit  both the Egyptian and the Tunisian borders of Libya, in order to Measure up the Possibilities to face such Humanitarian Challenges", he observed.


Meanwhile, EU Parliament's Plenary in Stasbourg symbolically kept, today at Noon, a Minute of Silence, in honour and for the Memory of more than 100 Refugees and Displaced persons who were reportedly killed in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, while desperately trying to flee the Libyan conflict, apparently trapped inside the country, (precisely as Seaport Misrata's inhabitants reportedly are during many Weeks)...


EU Presidency's statements at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, in reply to "EuroFora"s 1st question on the Humanitarian Urgency reportedly unfolding at the Western Libyan City of Misrata, still encircled and attacked by Colonel Gaddafi's Military, were followed, shorly afterwards, also by a larger Call by UNO, asking for a "Temporary Ceasefire" around the city :

– "The top UNO relief official ...voiced Serious Concern about the dire Humanitarian situation inside the north-western Libyan city of Misrata, where Thousands of residents are short of Food, Water, Medicines and other basic supplies after Weeks of intense fighting"


=> "We need a Temporary Cessation of hostilities in the Area .", stressed "Valerie Amos, (UNO's) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator".

She called .... to Cease Fire, so that aid workers can rush Supplies to those in need.... " UN aid agencies have supplies at the Ready, Ms. Amos stressed, and can quickly distribute them to civilians in need". .

“Now (it) ... is a life or death matter.",; she warned. “We are very concerned about people trapped in Misrata, ..” she explained in particular. ... Misrata, a city with an estimated population of 300,000 people, has been the scene of Continuous Fighting for more than a Month ........Within Misrata alone, hundreds of people have been killed or wounded and ... OCHA reports that it is increasingly concerned by the situation..."


But, in the meantime, while Colonel Kaddafi's regime reportedly hinders Free Access of any EU and even UNO's Humanitarian move in Western Libya, as EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva denounced here last night, (see "EuroFora"s earlier NewsReport), on the contrary, Kaddafi apparently discriminated against UNO and Europe, by letting in Misrata's seaport only a ... Turkish ship alone !

 - It's in such curious circumstances, that a few "Wounded" People and some relatives, were curiously taken by a Turkish Military Ship, (while not only EU but even UNO were hindered by Colonel Kaddafi's regime to have any Humanitarian Access to besieged Misrata city, and NATO was srongly criticized by dissident Libyans to have practically abandoned Misrata to Kaddafi's attacks and blockade for many crucial Days). The wounded victims were reportedly given "TurkishFlags", exposed to Mass Media and incited to cry "Turkyia, Turkiya"; while being Filmed for obvious Ankara regime's selfish Propaganda, but in Dubious Moral, Legal and political conditions.. By an irony of the sort, several among the survivants arbored only flags of the Revolted People's National Transition Council, (headquartered at the Eastern city of Benghazi and already recognized by France, Qatar and Italy), while Turkey's Government notoriously is one of the few which prefers still to deal with Colonel Gaddafi's regime, particulary since he recently gave a .. "Gaddafi Human Rights Prize" (sic) to Turkish Prime Minister Tayip Edogan, who was glad to receive it at Tripoli, with big Mediatic Publicity by the Turkish Press, just at the end of November 2010..  


EU Rapporteur Giannakou to EuroFora: EU Parties + Citizens Initiative = New EU Political Debate Area

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 06 April 2011


Adequately Reinforcing, legally and financially, as well as strengthening Democracy and Transparency in New European Political Parties more directly linked to EU Citizens, and making them able to act also in Referenda, National debates, etc., in preparation of the 2014 EU Elections, almost at the same moment that EU Citizens' Initiative is prepared to start working, (See relevant "EuroFora"s NewsReports), are, indeed, parallel and convergent moves which can develop, for the 1st time in a consciously organized way,  a kind of European Public Area for topical Political Debates" on main EU Decicions, agreed in substance, EU Rapporteur, experienced Head of Greece's Delegation to the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group and Member of its Bureau, f. Minister, Marieta Gianakou, replying to "EuroFora"s questions.


-Adopted by EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg on Wednesday with a very Strong Majority of 560 Votes for, against only 93, and 22 abstentions, (i.e. supported by nearly 6 out of 7 MEPs !), Gianakou's Report on "political Parties at European level", after having succesfully faced 100 initial amendments with 7 "compromise" points earlier, as it was reminded by one among the surprisingly Numerous (about 30) MEPs from various Political Groups and EU Countries who actively participated in Tuesday Night's debate despite the late hour, it obviously commits EU Commission's vice-President in charge of Institutional questions, Maros Sefcovic, to meet his promise to examine MEPs' proposals and prepare, in about 3 Months, a Draft Regulation on New "rules" and "funding" for EU Parties, for final adoption well ahead of 2014 EU Elections, based on a Solid analysis of the main EU needs initially highlighted by EU Parliament's Secretary General  Klaus Welle, and endorsed by its Bureau since 2010.


 - "EuroFora" asked Giannakou, who was a keynote Speaker at the Press Conference of the largest Group of MEPs : ChristianDemocrats/EPP, and had just observed that a New Era was starting after the 12/2009 entry into force of EU's Lisbon Treaty, by giving f.ex. to the EU a Legal Personality for the 1st time, etc., if she found that, "concerning EU Political Parties", "Lisbon Treaty's other relevant Innovation" : EU "Citizens' Initiative, a completely New thing, might, eventually, go in a similar, interlinked Direction" :


- Recently, a main "Conclusion" on EU Citizens Initiative, "was, both for EU Commissioner (Cefcovic) and MEPs", (replying to "EuroFora"'s Questions : See previous NewsReports), "that, given what was adopted here, it might help also, not only for (EU) Citizens' voice to he heard in a special "Hearing" by MEPs, as it was decided at the end of EU Parliament's deliberations last year (2010),  but also to create a kind of European Public Space for Political Debate" : I. e. something similar to "what the German Political Philosopher, Jurgen Habermas, had named, a long time ago, as "Offentlichkeit", we reminded.


- "Do you thing that, by stimulating EU Politial Parties with what you advise now, they might also go in this Direction,  which was adopted recently (for EU Citizens' Initiative) here",  and "engage also themselves in such a kind of Dialogue, which would arrive, if everything goes well, in EU Parliament, according to what was decided here ?" (See previous NewsReports on the creation of a status for "EU Citizens' Initiative"), "EuroFora" asked.


+ "By the way, last week in Brussels, we were reminded f.ex. of Alcide de Gasperi (one of the "spiritual Fathers" of modern European ideas, together with Schuman, Adenauer, etc) who had signed himself a European Petition a long time ago (towards a Federal Europe), while being also in favor of the creation and development of EU Political Parties too", "EuroFora" topically reminded...  


"'EuroFora"'s question naturally referred to the famous concept of "Public Space", or "Offentlichkeit", that German Philosopher Jurgen Harbermas has notoriously developed in his Book "Strukturwändel der Offentlichkeit".

But, as he speaks, precisely, of "Structural Transformations" (in plural : i.e. open to more than one period of such big Changes), similarly, Today, an Old Contradiction between Representative and Direct Democracy may be overcome by New Projects such as that of "EuroFora"s, which consists mainly (but not only) into developing innovative uses of Information/Communication Technologies to boost EU Citizens - MEPs a.o. EU Officials Debates and other Interactions before (and after) important Decisions affecting Peoples' lives and Society at large, are due to be taken.


Important ramifications of the issue, include Crucial points from Habermas' later work on Communication and particularly critical views on Mass Media Manipulation, Monopoly Freedom, Censorship, etc., as well as parts of his Dialogue (reviewed in 2007) with f. Professor Cardinal Ratzinger (currently Pope Benedict XVI), and particularly ideas that he developed more recently f.ex.  in a landmark speech at the University of Regensburg (2006) etc, where free Debate and Rational argumentations were highlighted even as ways to respect Free Will and Human Dignity in a Democratic Society.



" I thik that that the creation of the (advised) Political and Legal  status for European Political Parties, (as adopted by EU Parliament in Strasbourg) will give a possibility to open a Dialogue, at EU-level, about Europe, in a better way", and "to stregthen the Democratisation of the Political Life", positively replied to "EuroFora"s question EU Parliament's Rapporteur, experienced former Minister and MEP since the 1980ies, Mrs Marietta Gianakou.

+ Moreover, "talking about (Political and) Philosophical Dialogue, not only about the "Future of Europe", (i.e. the famous Synthesis of the biggest, topical Political Strategic Choices for the EU, from Economy up to Enlargement, Identity and Political substance, etc., as f.ex. French President Sarkozy had resumed them, as early as since 2007),  but also about "Democracy at European Level", yes, that depends on the Political Parties", she added.

- "It's not only something which comes with the evolution  of the EU as it was provided by the Lisbon Treaty, but it's something Necessary" today, the competent EU Rapporteur stressed :  


- First of all, "because it's not normal not to have a political statute for EU Political Parties, as we have already the possibility to have differend (EU) Citizens, of differend Countries, to be in the (Electoral) List of other Counties, and (EU) Citizens from (EU) Member States who can vote in anOther (EU) Member State, Members of Lists of Differend Countries, in another (EU) Member State, where is their (Permanent) Residence", she observed, pointing at a key-point in the emerging EU Citizenship movement.

    + In addition, it also responds to the obvious current need "to Stregthen the Democratisation of the Political Life", experienced MEP Gianakou added, "and probably to have the Member parties, the National parties, to strengthen the Transparency and the Democratisation there", i.e. both at a European and at a National levels, (the Report evokes even ....Local/Regional levels), particularly at a period when, generally, mistrust, abstentions, etc. of EU Citizens have notoriously provoked a dangerous "Gap", particularly since 1999-2004...

- "As it was said in the Meeting for the (inauguration of) the De Gasperi Room, and the Conference (that) we had there" (i.e. Last Week in, Brussels, according to "EuroFora"s Reminder : See supra), even if "we (EU) are not in the same Time, in the same Moment, (i.e. around 1950) the Situation is Differend in Europe today.  But not so (much) differend : The Dangers and the Realities are not so differend than the Realities after the 2nd World War !", she warned,

    + Also because "there are things that we have to avoid today, and there are things that we have to promote : And 1st of all, we have to work for the Young Generation. and that's a Key-point", (at least as far as attracting them to an active EU's Democratic life is concerned, as well as opening Horizons to discuss EU's Future), she pointed out as example, in conclusion.


    - Gianakou's mainly positive reply to "EuroFora"s question (see supra) goes in the same direction with EU Commission vice-President Mario Cefcovic's observation, during EU Parliament's debates, that proposed New developments on EU Parties, indeed, "can develop a truly European PUBLIC SPACE, which goes at the HEART OF E.U. INTEGRATION", (as he had almost said also, in reply to earlier, relevant, "EuroFora"s questions at another, recent Press Conference on the adoption of EU Citizens Initiative's status : See previous NewsReports).    

    This key point didn't escape to the attention of various .. "EuroSceptics", who rushed to criticize Gianakou's Report on EU Political Parties during EU Parliament's Plenary debates... But, significantly, most of their arguments against the proposed strengthening of EU Parties, in fact, simply indicated the objective need for some among "EuroFora" Project's main points :

F.ex.  British Conservative MEP Daniel Henan's warning against a risk for "Bureaucrats" to take the place of EU "Demos" (People), could precisely be successfully counter-balanced by "EuroFora" project's idea to bring in the mainstream EU System EU Citizens'  "Public Debates with MEPs" before and afterce important EU Decisions, (including by adequate developments also on EU "Citizens' Initiatives", EU's brand new "Charter of fundamental Rights" - which naturally includes EU bodies' obligation to Motivate their decisions, efficiently and correctly,  in reply to affected EU Citizens' pertinent Observations, etc).


EU Parliament's Resolution, adopted according to Gianakou's Report, includes interesting elements almost pointing  in this direction, f.ex. by observing from the outset that "political Parties .... are essential instruments of a parliamentary democracy, holding parliamentarians to account, helping to shape the political will of citizens, maintaining dialogue with citizens and enabling citizens to express their views", as well as that "the (New EU) Treaty of Lisbon provides for this role of the political parties.....with a view to creating a European Polis, a political Space at EU level, and a European democracy, of which the European Citizens' Initiative is a key constitutive element". (Articles 1 and 2).

The same goes also for "their linked political Foundations", (f.ex. such as Adenauer Foundation, in Germany, currently chaired by former EU Parliament's President, Hans Gert Poettering, an always active Winner of June 2009 EU Elections in Germany, and Defender of Minorities a.o. Human and Democratic Rights at EU's Neighborhood and Worldwide : Comp. "EuroFora"s NewsDraft on Christian Minorities in EU's Southern Neighbourhood policy, already sent to Subscribers/Donors), etc.


But, the pre-existing "European ... parties, as they stand, are not in a position to play this role to the full, because they are merely "Umbrella" organisations for National parties, and Not Directly in touch with the Electorate", Resolution critically observes.

That's why, Gianakou's proposal invites EU Commission to officially propose "the establishment of Real EU Political Parties", with an adequate Legal Personality, EU Funding, and Direct EU Citizens' participation throughout all the EU, respecting elementary Transparent and Democratic Rules, able also to intervene in EU Referenda's Campaigns, as well as in National a.o. debates of EU issues.

The Funding would be 90% from the EP, and  for 10% they'll have to find their own Resources, from which, no more than 7,5% could come from "Physical" Resources, such as Donators, etc. Donations currently limited to just 12  Thousand € per person, per year, could go up to 25 Thousand €, per Donator, per Year, provided that his Identity will be disclosed, for reasons of Transparency.

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Hu Jia's prize brings SAKHAROV's wife to "EuroFora" on murders of Journalists Politkofskaya, Gongadze and Adali :

- Elena Bonner : "All Journalists' murders must be fully investigated", without Double Standards.                                                                                    

During a special Mega-Event to celebrate 20 Years of SAKHAROV Prize for "Freedom of Thought", attributed in 2008 by EU Parliament to jailed Chinese Cyber-Dissident Hu JIA, the move was reinforced by strongly criticizing the persisting impunity in three cases of Journalists' Murders, such as POLITKOVSKAYA in Russia, GONGADZE in Ukraine, and ADALI in Turkish-occupied part of Cyprus.

Any bureaucratic doubt about whether Cyber-dissidents like Hu JIA might have, or not, a right to be protected as all Journalists must be, particularly when they take risks to search, find and publish original and critical News on issues of general interest to the society, could not resist to the emotion provoked by the message of his Wife, Zeng JINYAN spectacularly transmitted at a big screen in EU Parliament's hemicycle :

- "The most important and most interesting thing he did was to ... say the Truth :.. to write about the phenomena he observed... He never stopped Publishing.. on websites, so that the Public could learn about the reality .. and understand it.  In my view, this has been his greatest contribution", stressed the young wife of the jailed man, eager to cite also the cases of other critical journalists who faced various kinds of "harassment".

 - "Welcoming all those who have suffered for defending Human Rights", EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert POETTERING, who had invited to Strasbourg all former Sakharov prize-winners from various Countries throughout the World, said that "China needs Europe, and Europe needs China : A great nation" with which "we want to have a good relationship", "association and ..friendship". "But we are never going to stop our fight for Human Rights, and No Government can expect this from us".

    - "It's impossible  to achieve goals of Peace, if Human Rights are left out. In fact, Peace and Human Rights are intrinsequaly linked", added POETTERING.

    It's in this spirit that MEPs adopted, on Thursday, a Resolution denouncing that "the criminal
investigation and trial following the murder of (a) Journalist ...raises serious concerns with regard to transparency and respect for the rule of law", when a "brutal killing has not yet been fully investigated and solved in a satisfactory way".

    The text refered to dissident Journalist "Anna POLITOVSKAYA", a critic of Tchechen conflict, killed some years ago in Moscow, where Russian Authorities have found, arrested and are currently judging two executants, while also searching to arrest also a 3rd one, allegedly escaped in Belgium. But they have not yet found the instigators.

     Similar texts were adopted recently also on dissident Ukranian Journalist Georgiy GONGADZE's murder, for which Ukranian Authorities have at least found, arrested and condemned 2 executants to 12 and 13 Years of jail, but not yet the instigators. For that purpose, they recently accepted an International Experts team to participate to the investigations.     

But, it's only for the Murder of dissident Turkish Cypriot Journalist ADALI, in the occupied territories of Cyprus, that Turkey has NOT yet found ANYONE responsible, and even claimed recently inside CoE that it would be "impossible" to do so !    

These astonishing differences exist despite the fact that ECHR condemned alike Ukraine and Turkey with 2 Judgements on the same year : 2005, for the murders of  Journalists GONGADZE and ADALI, strong critics of Corruption in Ukraine, and of Ankara's policies on mass-influx of Turkish Settlers in the Occupied Territories of Cyprus, respectively.    

Regarless of that, CoE's Committee of Ministers, who is entrusted with the duty to supervise execution of ECHR's judgements, has just asked Ukraine's Government to reply to further questions on Gongadze's murder before March 2009, while Turkey, curiously, got a longer postponement for answering questions on Adali's murder, until June...   

A comparison of these cases, raises serious questions about Double Standards :


    On Gongadze's murder, CoE's body speaks even about the participation of
"an INTERNATIONAL group of Experts" in the Investigation, (f.ex. of "Tape Recordings"), accepted by Ukraine.
    On the contrary, on Adali's murder, CoE is obliged to repeatedly ask (for a 2nd
time) Turkey whether, at least, it informed the victims' Family, or not...
On Gongadze's murder, CoE formally "recalls that the Committee (of Ministers) ..URGED the Ukranian authorities.. to TAKE ALL NECESSARY INVESTIGATIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE CONCRETE and VISIBLE RESULTS in the INVESTIGATION, aimed at the Identification of the INSTIGATORS and Organisers of the Murder", and "STRONGLY INVITED the Ukranian Authorities to provide information on the PROGRESS IN THE INVESTIGATION", before MARCH 2009.

But, on Adali's murder, on the contrary, CoE's body merely .. "took note" of the "arguments presented by" Cyprus, which denounce the absence of any proof of new "investigation" by Turkey. Following Turkey's own suggestion (!), it simply "noted" that there is "no limitation period" for "any new element" to "lead potentialy (sic !) to a Re-Opening of the Investigation". Without saying who might find any such "new" fact, since Turkey stoped searching... It also POSTPONED the issue until .. JUNE  !
 -  On Gongadze's murder case, Ukranian Authorities already arrested and condemned, at least 2 suspects, to 12 and 13 Years of jail. And on Politkovskaya's murder at least 2 suspects are judged, and a 3rd one "wanted".

On the contrary, on Adali's murder case, the Turkish authorities simply claim that "it had not been possible to obtain new .. information .. on the basis of which criminal charges could be brought against ANY person" !...

Moreover,  a LETTER sent by Turkey ...2 Years after CoE's 2006 call to re-investigate anew Adali's murder case, is totally EMPTY of Facts ! As Cypus' Delegation denounced earlier, Turkey's Letter ONLY CLAIMS that a "New Investigation" was made without any result, but does NOT even cite ANY FACT to prove it :

F.ex.,on the crucial issue of the "MOTIVATIONS" behind Adali's murder, noted by ECHR, Turkey MERELY CLAIMS that "all allegations  were investigated; without result", but OMITS ANY FACT TO PROVE IT !..(It doesn't even remind which were these "allegations").. .

+ On ECHR's astonishment that the Turkish Occupation regime didn't produce any "BALLISTIC REPORT" on the Shots which murdered Adali, Turkey again repeats, 12 years later, that, still, even until now, "it  was not possible to obtain the BalisticReport"...

- As for the astonishing absence of key-WITNESSES' Testimonies, denounced by ECHR, Turkey agains repeats various pretexts avoiding to reveal anything, (Fex. that a person "left" the Occupied Territories  "on 2002", or that another witness was heard, but without revealing nothing of what he said, etc).

Turkey obviously "FAILS TO MEET THE CRITICISM made BY THE COURT" for lack of any efficient Investigation in Adali's case, concluded Cyprus' Government.
Replying to our Question which COMPARED these 3 outstanding cases of "JOURNALISTS MURDERS", Adali, Gongadze and Politkovskaya, in order to avoid "Double Standards" by asking from Ukraine and Russia more than what is asked EU candidate Turkey, many European personalities were critical /

They criticised Ankara's recent claim at the CoE to stop investigating, because it would be "impossible to find anyone" responsible for the 5 bullet shots which killed Kutlu ADALI in front of his Family Home, contrary to the other two Journalists' murders, where Ukraine and Russia at least arrested the executants, searching now for the instigators :


    - "Where was that ? In Turkish Occupied Cyprus ? WITHOUT ANY DOUBT : Any murder of Journalist should be investigated in full ! All these Murders must be investigated !", replied the famous SAKHAROV's wife, Elena BONNER to our question on Adali's case, compared to Gongadze and Politofskaya.

    Elena Bonner spoke us EXCLUSIVELY shortly after being honored by the President
of EU Parliament on the occasion of 20 Years of her husband's SAKHAROV Prize.

    A strong personality, Sakharov's wife even had to struggle against an anonymous EU staffer who, astonishingly, tried to stop her speaking when h heard our question on "Turkey" (!) : - "Please, let me translate, she continues
speaking, don't stop us !", had to cry Sakharov's daughter, (a Journalist
herself), who was translating her mothers' reply, (obliged to speak louder to
make her voice heard despite the harassment).. (= + Audio Proof !)

    Earlier, Elena Bonner also fustigated "Double Standards" at another case, on
Western countries' attitude vis a vis Kosovo and the Kurds : -F.ex. "You have
recognized a few 400.000 Kosovars as an "independent" country, but you still
deny that to 30 millions of Kurds in Turkey !", she denounced.
    - "This (ADALI's murder) is an issue which should be pursued by the Committee
for Human Rights. That's why we have one, and it's its duty to examine cases of
Journalists' murders as the one you referred to. You should bring the case in
front of that Committee", suggested in reply to our question on Adali, EU
Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert POETTERING.

    - "It's impossible  to achieve goals of PEACE, if HUMAN RIGHTS are left out :
in fact, Peace and Human Rights are intrinsequaly linked", added POETTERING.
    + "For us (European/International Federation of Journalists) it's clear :
Whenever a Journalist is Murdered, the Investigation should continue until
those Responsible are found !", replied earlier to another question on ADALI
EFJ/IFJ's Secretary General, Aidan WHITE.

    Speaking as a matter of General Principle, White asked us for "concrete data"
on the execution of ECHR's judgement on Adali case, in order to "look at it in
depth" and "make a formal statement", in comparison with the other Murdered
Journalist case, also pending at CoE's  Ministers for completing its execution,
on Ukranian Gongadze.
     From EU Rapporteur on Human Rights, vice-President of EU Parliament Liberties' Committee, MEP Giusto CATANIA, we were told that, since there is an ECHR judgement in both Adali and Gongadge's cases, "Turkey must naturally execute the judgement and make a full and efficient investigation, until those responsible for the Journalist's murder are found and punished".

    Even if "we (Catania's "EuroLeft" Group) support Turkey's EU perspectives, this does not mean that Ankara should not behave properly. On the contrary, it means that they have to meet tough conditions, particularly on Human Rights", was added on the occasion of Adali's murder case.

    Moreover, "since you raise the issue of Mr. Adali's muder as a part of a Series of Journalist's murders, including fex. Gongadze, Politkovskaya, ao., tthen we (EU) could also act together with CoE's Commissioner on Human Rights, Thomas HAMMARBERG, it was suggested.

    - "We (EU) must step up efforts against the problem of IMPUNITY : Real Peace cannot exist without Justice",  stressed also this week at EU Parliament in Strasbourg, French Minister on Human Rights, Mrs Rama YADE.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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