France : Zemmour = Outsider may become Game Changer in Presidential + Parliamentary Elections 2022
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Acccording to UnExpected developments, Outsider, popular former Anti-Establishment Journalist Eric Zemmour, may become a Game Changer in the forthcoming Presidential and/or Parliamentary Elections, (4 - 6/2022) recent Polls, Public Meetings, Press Statelents, Political Evznts, Votes and Results, bringing various Impacts in National,, European, and/or Global, big Topical Issues.
Zemmour aims to Overcome a Division of thz Right, which has, practicaly, been Exploited by the Left and/or the Center, in order to Seize the Governemztt, several times in the Past, even with a Minority, against a Lack of Unity of the Right, through a systematic Diabolisation of all Rightsts, Provoking Abstention, Socio-Political Troubles, and Degradation of Democracy, Incompatible with the Respect to Citizens and importance of Public Debates, required by the nature, stakes and complexity of Issues handled by Modern Public Decision-Making, at most levels.
Out-going President Emanuel Macron (Centrist-former "Socialist") and Top Chalenger Marine Le Pen (Rightist), the 2017 Finalists, Surf again at the Top of Polls, on a Similar Rank. But Mecron recently Lost some Groud, apparently because of a Heavier than expected Dependency from UK-USA on the Ukranian Division of Europe, added to ab Eye-Blink towards Turkey, as also to Consecions to Lobbies on BioEthics (Bio-Technocrats + LBGTI°) and Fake-"Vaccines" against the Virus' Pandemic, Twice Headqurtered in the EU, with some Harsh or Restrictive Measures. Almost Simultaneysty, Le Pen's Family's notorious Incompatibility with Center-Left Voters, reportedly seems to have somewhuat diminished, added to a more Fair stance for the PanEuropean area with Russia on Ukraine, Ameliorating Marine's alleged Prospcts.
Top Outsiders Jean-Luc Melancon, at the Left side, and Eric Zemmour, on the Right side, may be, more or less, Blocked from Criss-Crossing, But only Melancon looks Excluded from Mainstream Left of the Establishment, while, on the Contrary, Zemmour appears Fluidly Moving accross All the Right, which currently holds a Majority among French Voters :
- Indeed, Zemmour has just bee accredited by Recent Polls for a Bigger Number of potential Voters than Valerie Pecresse, the current Head Cadidate of the Mainstream, Center-Right Party of "Republicaans", from which he reportedly has Already reached a Deal with its Chief at EU Paliament, MEP Bellamy, ( a BoEthics supporter), added to former Minister Mariani, present Chief oi the Right and Biggest Fraction of the Party : Ciotti, former "Numbr 2" Pelletier, and probably former Secretary General Wauqiez, (current succesful President of Region in the latest Elections), etc.
- Moreover, he is Also Supported, inter alia, by Rightist Le Pen's "National Rally" Party's 3 Key Leading EU Parliament MEPs, including their former Chief, Bey, aad current President, Riviere, as well as her own sibling, Director of Political Science Instutute, Marion Le Pen-Marechal, etc.
+ Eric Zemmour's Public Meetings Nowadays seem to have gathered a Huge Number of Participants, both at the Internet and Physicaly, (f.ex. at Trocadero, in Paris, where they Recently revendicated about "100 Thousands" Demonstrators).
=> On the main Topical Issues, Faithful to the Historic General De Gaulle, and Presidents Jacques Chirac plus Nicolas Sarkozy, Zemmour recently pronounced himself in Favour of a "Great Europe", including Russia, even after the latest Ukranian conflict provoked on 2022, withOut Dividing our Continent in a CounderProductive and Da,ngerous way.
On BioEthics, he stays Opposed to Controversial and ImPopular "Same Sex" Marriage between Homosexuals, which leads towards massive Artificial Fabrication of Children through Technocrats' Labos, prefering Traditional Marriage, between a Man and a Woman, (as even CoE's PanEuropean Convention on Human Rights disposes), i.e. with Natural Births.
Concerning the always "Barning" and Topical Issue of Foreign Mass Migration, Zamour is strictly Against imposed "Population Replacement" theories and/or practices, as well as against massive "Islamisation' in French Society, (believing that Europe has its own Potential to Generate a sufficient Working Force). Instead, he proposes full and authentic Cultural "Assimilaton" to the Historic French and European Civilisation, (Based on Greco-Roman and Renaisance Philosopjy, as well as in Judeo-Christian Values, etc).
++ In order to realise such Aims, Eric Zemmour has just created a fully fledged, brand New Political Party, with Record-High Participation, which intends t challenge the forthcomoing Parliamentary Elections of June 2022 and well Beyond in the fpreseable Future, (with the European History landmark Name of "Reconcista").
*** Last, but not least, he clearly vowed, if nccessary, to Stand by Marine Le Pen, at the imminnt 2d RFound of crucial Presidential Elections, on April 24. Thi is the 2nd (and probably Biggest) Party to join a possible large Coalition af All the Right Side of France's Political spectrum, (as it had been done, Earlirn f.ex. in Norway, Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, etc), After a First such move by the small Party of atypical Neo-Gaulist Dupont-Aignan on he Previous Elections of 2017 (+3%).
It goes without saying that if, this time, Zemmour soon Adds a More pr less Significant Popular Swift for a Unity of the Right in France, then, this could Result in a Growing cascade of various socio-Political Repercussions, which can have Manifold Effects of a real "Game Changer". Particularly if he succeeds to Bypass the score of Pecresse, (generally considered as closer to the Establishment, among Various Republicans)...
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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"
* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.
Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.
A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.
But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :
Sarkozy's reply was twofold :
First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.
But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :
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