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Home arrow newsitems arrow CoE Rapporteur, French Assembly v.President Waserman to EF on WhistleBlowers' Legal status Query

CoE Rapporteur, French Assembly v.President Waserman to EF on WhistleBlowers' Legal status Query

Written by ACM
Thursday, 14 March 2019


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament + CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/- While EU Institutions were fine-tuning and coordinating their work here, on the much needed Protection of "Whistle-Blowers" (like the famous Edward Snowden, etc), the PanEuropean CoE was Launching an Ambitious, Wide and Profound, operation, extending accross many More Countries, in order to Forge concrete, Operational Legal Tools, Starting with a 2 Days-Long Conference, organised, this Same Week in Strasbourg, by CoE's new Rapporteur on Whistle-Blowers, the vice-President of the French National Assembly, MEP Sylvain Waserman, who spoke Today to "Eurofora" on his plans.



+Earlier this week in Strasbourg, on Tuesday, EU Commission's Chief Spokesman, Margarites Schinas, speaking in a Press Conference, together with EU Commission's vice President Katainen, (Comp. Katainen's statements to "Eurofora" on other Topical Issues at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eucommissionvpresidentonchinaandspace.html), Announced that "the TriaLogue" (between EU Parliament, EU Commission and EU Council) had just reached an "Agreement" on the "High-Level Protection of Whistle-Blowers", following a Proposal initially made by EU Commission's President, Jean-Claude Juncker, on April 2018".(It updated and gave Legal Force to CoE's Committee of Ministers' pioneer and landmark Recommendation on WhistleBlowers' Status, which had been adopted on 2014, i.e. shortly after Snowden's initial revelations on 2013).

++ Shortly afterwards, this Thursday and Friday, at the Nearby CoE, the Rapporteur of the PanEuropean Organisation for Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law, vice-President of the French National Assembly, MEP Sylvain Waserman from Strasbourg, Started a Conference with Debates between Legal Experts, Whistle-Blowers, specialized NGOs, Lawers, Judges, etc., and even a Video-Debate with Edward Snowden himelf, scheduled for Tomorrow, working closely Together with the Experienced Head of PACE's Legal Committee's secretariat, Dr. Gunter Schirmer.


UE's 27 or 28 Member States use to Cooperate with CoE's much Wider, 47 Member States' PanEuropean Organisation (including Russia, etc), which, in certain Areas of Legal Instruments "Open" to signature also by 3rd Countries, can Extend even Further, f.ex. in Constitutional Law (via the "Committee of Venice") accross 61 Member States, and/or on "CyberCrime" Topical Issues (via the "Budapest Convention"), where it's also the USA which participate, etc), as well as on Protection of "Private/Personal Data", etc., with a Recent Trend for EU - CoE Cooperation to lean Towards a kind of "Global" impact in the foreseable Future's Horizon, (Comp., f.ex. : ...)

So that it's not unusual in Strasbourg to see often, f.ex. EU's Offices to stand Aside ... f.ex. those of the Holy See, and/or of Japan, (etc)...


- "Eurofora" invited Waserman to present a Highlight of his on-going work, right in the Middle of that CoE's Conference, on Thursday afternoon.

 - "There are 2 Aims", vice-President Waserman stressed from the outset :

(A) "The First is to make a Comparative Study of Various Laws in Europe, in order to identify Good Practices, and, therefore, make some Proposals",

(B) "and the Second is to try to identify Indicators, able to qualify the capacity for Democracy, to reply to the need for protection, etc.

Thus, in all our work we have that Double View :

- (1) Identify Good European Practices, and mainly show how the Decisions taken in the CoE have allowed to make Serious Progress.

These Practices, Nowadays, are very Heterogenous, and Need to be Stabilized, in the Rule of Law".

- (2) But also to find Factual Indicators, very Accurate, which allow to Qualify, by each MP, when he returns back to his National Assembly, and has to transpose EU's Directives, or make (legislative) Texts concerning the Protection (of Whistle-Blowers), enabling him to work with an operational Tool", he concluded.

=> So, Tomorrow (Friday), we are going to Formulate concrete Proposals", he anounced. "Particularly during the Last 2 Sessions, where there will be More and More Proposals".

+ "Afterwards, we are going to have a lot of Work to do, in order to make Scenarios on the way to move Forward".

- Concerning the Timeline, "we intend to use the Time available during the Summer, in order to be able, around September, to present proposals to our Collegues", (MEPs in CoE's competent Committee for Legal affairs).

Thus, "I'd be Glad to have the Result Ready, in a Report (adopted by the Committee), during the forthcoming French Presidency of the CoE, (i.e. between May and November 2019), Waserman concluded, for the time being.





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    EU-educated charming young Chinese presence started to be felt in Council of Europe's corridors in Strasbourg at the aftermath of an Historic Resolution adopted by its Parliamentary Assembly in favor of opening the possibility to give China a special "Status" in the PanEuropean Organization.

    - "My proposal to offer to China an official status as "Observer", in short term, under conditions, was welcomed" by the CoE : "The road to Dialogue between China and the CoE has now been opened", declared after Strasbourg's debates and votes the Head of France's delegation, MEP Jean-Claude Mignon.


    "Neither complacency, nor a mere condamnation of China", but a "wise approach of a political issue of great importance", advised Mignon to all those who'd either overload claims on Democracy, Human Rights or Minorities, or close their eyes to anything, there as elsewhere... A balance which was not exactly followed during debates, contrary to Mignon's personal stance, which appeared rather even-handed.

    China is the only UNO Security Council permanent member which has not yet any status at the CoE, being still obliged to be represented in Strasbourg by a General Consul : USA and Canada, even Japan and .. Mexico, have already got a special Status at the CoE, following Strasbourg's decision, back in 1995, to counter-balance the accession of Russia (1996) by creating special links to traditional "Western-world" allies.


    All former "Socialist" Eastern European countries started to have relations whith the CoE through its former sector on Culture and Education, before becoming full Members of Strasbourg's paneuropean organization. Speculations were unfolding recently about establishing a probable concrete link with China through the topical issue of anti-doping in Sport, on the occasion of the 2008 Olympic games.

    More spectacular, a meeting co-organized a few years ago in Strasbourg, by EuroFora and the International Space University between EU Parliament's long-time Rapporteur for EU's Satellite Navigation system "GALILEO", German MEP Brigitte Langenhagen, and a group of postgraduate students, attracted special interest from Chinese experts, and was followed, in less than a month, by the anouncement of China's intention to support EU's GALILEO project with a participation of 200 million €.

    Compared to that, revendications of .. "Turkish" Minorities, by Turkish MEPs, this week in Strasbourg, spreading through a wide area extended ...from Greece up to China, appeared less worrying, than pittoresque...

    Meanwhile, France's political will to start involving China and other important countries in European and Global affairs was due to be raised also at the forthcoming G-8 Summit in Japan by President Nicolas SARKOZY, (NDLR  : confirmed on July 5)


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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