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Haupt arrow newsitems arrow Vatican Prime Minister Parolin to EF: BioEthics Fundamental part of Human Dignity at European level

Vatican Prime Minister Parolin to EF: BioEthics Fundamental part of Human Dignity at European level

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Sunday, 04 July 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Replying to an "Eurofora" Question at his Press Conference Today in Strasbourg, Vatican's Prime Minister, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Clearly Stressed the Fundamental Importance that BioEthics have Nowadays at a European/International Level, as he Acknowledged in the Middle of Many and Various Converging Moves, Currently, around the European (EU + CoE) Institutions in Strasbourg, where the Official Visit of Pope Francis' choice at the Head of the Spriritual Government of 1,5 Billions Faithful People-Strong Christian Catholic Church, Coincided with the Ordination of an Auxiliary Bishop, Gilles Reuthinger, with a landmark Experince in International Relations, (See Infra), at the Same Time that Local Region's Historic Patron, Sainte Odile, Founder of a landmark Covent for Nuns at a Superbe Mountain's majestic Top near the City, marked her 1.300th Jubiley this year of 2021, inter alia, Also with a special Mass at the Famous Huge Cathedral of Strasbourg, Exceptionaly Filled with a Lot of enthousiastic People this Sunday, (See also Infra).


                 + "Europe Needs Hope", he stressed Afterwards in his Homelie at the Cathedral, in order "to End a Demographic Winter", by "Finding the ...Meaning of its Roots", "with Otimism", "Conscious of ...the Cross, But (also) that the Last Word is for the Resurrection". I.e. "Free from ...Fear of the Future, and ...Willing to Invest ...a Great Energy", with "Faith in God", and "Trust in its Spiritual Potential", using "Real Integration ...and Fraternity", Not by "Doing Everything", But by "Chosing the Best Part, ...in order to Liberate Powerful Energies", as he Highlighted, (See Infra). 



    - "Eurofora"'s Question to Cardinal Parolin, during his Press Conference in Strasbourg on Midday, started by Observing the Fact that, After Pope Francis' 2014 Official Visits to EU Parliament and CoE on 2014 (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/popefrancisateuhumanismnotechnocracy.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/pacepresidentbrasseuronpopeukraineandpeace.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/popefrancisspokesmnlombardionbioethics.html + ..., etc), His own current Visit here, where he is due to ordain, later in the Afternoon, as new vice-Bishop Mgr Gilles Reithinger, who has a Longue Experience on International Issues (See Infra), as well as his Official Visit to CoE's Top Officers Tomorrow, after a 1st Meeting with Strasbourg Diocese's Actors of the European Pastoral, earlier this Morning, where he Encouraged them to Engage in EU's Conference on the Future of Europe in an "Inclusive way", (See Infra), might reflect Vatican's Greater Interest on Europe, Nowadays.


    => In such a Context, we Asked his view about the Importance that the Topical Issue of BioEthics, lato sensu, may have Among the concrete Matters that the Catholic Christian Church wishes to promote at the European level.



    - Indeed, "We (i.e. the Vatican) Wish to be Present mainly in order to Develop the bilateral Relations with Other Member States, but also with the Activities of the European Organisations themselves. That's the Reason of my Visit here", Cardinal Parolin Acknowledged from the outset of his Reply to "Eurofora"'s above-mentioned Question.


    - Among the Key "Issues Raised", in this regard, "where, as a Church, we could make a valuable Contribution", is, "particularly the Centrality of the Human Person", he stressed. That is "Not Isolated, But Open to Others, with a Community and Social Dimension, Mainly towards a Tnascendental Life in All its Aspects, and Not Only Unilateral". In "Relation with, Also, Other Topical Issues, such as, f.ex.,  the Ecology, and Climate Change", etc.


    - "However, Our (the Holy See's) Action is mainly in favor of  the Human Person, in All its Dimensions, and All the Phases of its Life", he stressed.  "So that, Certainly,  BioEthics, in this sens, have a Really Important place". Both "at the Beginning of Life, and at the End of Life". "According to Pope Francis' doctrine, we take into Consideration All the Dimensions of Human Life : the Beginning, its Development, and the End of it". That's why "Pope Francise has Spoken extensively Against Abortion, against Euthanasia, Artificial Procreation, etc, that you know well", Cardinal Parolin pointed out, in particular. "In this Context, the most Important is that Holistic Vision of Human Life", he concluded.



    => A Vision which, in fact, attributes to BioEthics a "Fundamental" role, as Vatican's Prime Minister had Clearly Underlined to "Eurofora" just an Hour Earlier, after his Initial Meeting with Strasbourg Christian Catholic Community's Actors involved on Europe, (Comp. Supra).


    + Interestingly, at this Previous Occasion, he had encouraged those Christians to Actively Engage also in the current EU's "Conference on the Future of Europe", with "Proposals Defending the Christian Roots and a Christian Vision of Europe, Not in an Exclusive, But in an Inclusive way", as he had just added.




    >>> Indeed, "Europe Needs Hope", Cardinal Parolin stressed, Later this Afternoon at Strasbourg's Huge Cathedral, astonishingly Full of several Thousands of People, before a Mass celebrated in honor of the 1.300th Anniversary of Saint Odile, the Founder and Patron of a High Mountainous Convent for Nuns, and Paton of Strasbourg's Historic area of Alsace, an initialy Handicaped Daughter of a Noble, who succeeded to bypass that obstacle, and refused an easy life, in order to fullfil her Mission.

    - This is Needed "if (Europe) wants to put an End to a Demographic Winter, which is Not so much due to an Economic and Social Crisis, But rather to the Weakening of Hope and of the Authentic Feeling of Life and Existence", Vatican's Prime Minister pointed out.


    - Because "Europe Needs to Find the Profound Meaning of its Roots. They are imbeded with Optimism of whoever is really Conscious of the presence and Weight of the Cross, But Knows that the Last Word is for the Resurrection", he Highlighted.

    => "That's why he Sees the Personal, Family, Social, Historic and Ecclesiastical Future, Free from Shady and Paralysing Fear of the Future, and that's why he is Willing to Invest there a Great Energy".

    - "Europe needs Faith in God, who is Father; needs Trust in its Potential, mainly Spiritual.     


    - "Europe needs Charity, in order to put at the Center of its Concerns who Survives at the Margins, in Poverty, or in Exclusion, and in order to Manage the Migratory phenomenon with Wisdom and Perceptivity, in a way to Make concretely Practicable a Real Integration, which becomes Source of Opportunities and Fraternity, Away from the Risk of Separatism and painful Misunderstandings, spectrums of a Culture which Denies that All Human Beings are Brothers and Sisters, "fratelli tutti".

    => "But, How should we Act, so That would Happen ?", he wondered. Parolin invited to Find "an Important Key" at Today's "Evangile" pointing at Saint Luc's reference to the Marthe and Marie Parabole, where Jesus reportedly Criticises the attitute to 'Fidjet for Too Many Things', Prefering, instead, to Focus on "Only One (which) is Necessary : ...The Best part" ! (Which would be to Conteblate God's divine Message, or, Otherwise, to make "All our Actions ...in Front of God and in the Light of his Word", according to a Commentary already made in the Past by now Emerite Pope Benedict XVI).


    >>> Indeed, "Often, we are Fidjeting around Too Many Things, eager to Do Everything", while, "on the Contrary, it's preferable to ...Choose the Best Part, ... in order to Liberate those Powerful Energies, which are Necessary for Acting and Serving Tirelessly", observed Today Cardinal Parolin, Inviting, instead, to "Become an Intimate of Jesus", and "Meditate on His Word", in order "to Engage, with Devotion and Serenity, into Accomplishing the possible Good, with ...Creativity", But "withOut ...Pessimism or Nostalgy", as he stressed, in Conclusion, on this point, (Praying to "Sainte Odile, to Help us Fully Live Our Time, [i.e. think and act Topicaly], as she fully lived Her Time, and "Open our Eyes towards God, ...as our Guide ...and Light").

    => In Other Words, to put it in a Nutshell, ...Not Far away from the well Known Moto about : "No More, or Less, Europe, But just a Better Europe" !...




    + Last, but not least, Vatican's Prime Minister Concluded, Today, by Ordinating a Strasbourg's New Auxiliary Bishop, Mgr Gilles Reithinger, Born at Nearby Mulhouse, (at the Borders between France and Switzerland), who was Educated in Strasbourg University, (Initialy on Biology and afterwards on Theology), and has notoriously Served also in ...Far away Madagascar, London, and particularly Singapor (responsible for Asia), before being Elected as Head of the "Foreign Missions of Paris" (MEP), after serving there also as former Director of Communication : All "Linked together by ... God's Gift and (his) Disponibility to ...Serve the Church, as well as a ...."Surprising and Original Divine Reply", as Parolin observed, Wishing him the "Help of Saint Odile, who Experienced the Strength of God's Love, by Overcoming any Obstacles".


    - The quite Young Mgr Reuthinger, (whose Moto is to "Hope, even in Hopeless situations", But was Warmly Applauded and Later Saluted by a Lot of People), Speaking Afterwards to "Eurofora", confirmed the Interesting Fact that he was, in the Past, inter alia, also in charge of "China", (for which a Proposal as made in Strasbourg, by a French Politician, former President of CoE's Assembly, to receive a Special Status of Observer at the PanEuropean/International Organisation, as also the USA, Canada, Mexico and Japan, Completing, thus, the presence, here, of All 5 UNO SC's Permanent Members inside the CoE, while even Emerite Pope Bendict had Symbolicaly Visited the Family Home of a Missionaire who devoted his Life to the Christian Community in China, when "Eurofora" Visited his Summer ressort at the North of Italy on 2008, where he Prepared his Trip to France, then EU President : See ... + ..., etc, Followed by Negotiations between Vatican and Beijing on the Thorny Issue of the Selection of Bishops there, which was, Finaly, Solved Later by the current Pope Francis. "Eurofora" had Met and exchanged, Earlier in Strasbourg, with an Historic Chinese ArchiBishop from Shanghai, who had served 20 Years in "Camps" in the Past, before Becoming a living "Bridge" with Europe, and Learned, Today, that an already Well-Educated Young Chinese was Currently Studying at the reknown Strasbourg Church's Catholic Seminar...).


    + Mgr Reuthinger also Told "Eurofora" that, even if he would certainly Like to at least Include in his New Responsibilities in Strasbourg, if possible, a good part of OutReach towards the European/PanEuropean Organisations, (f.ex. EU Parliament, and, Mainly CoE, etc), given his Past Experience on International Relations, (Comp. Supra), nevertheless, he would Faithfully Serve also at Any Other Mission that Our Archi-Bishop, Luc Ravel, might, Eventualy, lui Assign, since the Work Division inside Strasbourg's Diocese, naturaly, depends on its Head's Decisions.




    ++ But, Speaking, Meanwhile, also with Strasbourg's Archi-Bishop Ravel, "Eurofora" found that, Even if he quite Agreed with our Feeling that the Catholic Church might Wish to Develop Further its Contacts with the European Organisations in general,  he Appeared sincerely Thoughtful about such particular Issues as the Repartition of Missions inside Strasbourg's Diocese, for which he Reserved, at least for the Time being, a Final Decision after Deeper Reflexion.


However, Ravel is Notoriously on the Record for his active Interest, at least on BioEthics, (where he had even Helped, in practice, "Eurofora" to Timely catch up with Deadlines of the Latest, 2018-2019 Citizens' Consultation at a special Internet Forum set up by the French Government, on the Highly Controversial projects to considerably Modify the Basic Law on BioEthics at "Hot" Key-points, such as Massive Artificial Fabrications of Babies in Labos, etc, Resulting in obvious "Gaps" between the People and the Government, that should be "Bridged", as the BioEthical Committee's President, Professor Delfraissy, stressed Earmier at a CoE's Conference and to "Eurofora", See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coebioethicsdebatechildrenforlesbiansandheritablegenemanip.html , etc), which have Just been Declared, at a "HELP" EU-CoE Cooperation Network for Legal Professionals, Last Week, as The Most Spectacularly ...Popular Issue (among 38 or 40 proposed), Nowdays, Both in Europe and at its Neighbouring Asian and/or African States; See: ..., etc) !

    >>> At any case, it's, Nowadays, a Fact that probably The Most Topical and Crucial Issue in the whole History of BioEthics may Evolve around CoE's Treaty on Human Rights in Biology and Medicine, (alias known as "Oviedo Treaty", since it was Opened to Singature at that Spanish City on 1998), which, inter alia, Prohibits any Artificial Modification of the Human Genome Heritable by the Next Generations, (i.e. something which, Obviously, would Risk to Fabricate Real Different"Races" in the Future, Breaking the Unity of Humanity to Separate Pieces, and, therefore, Provoking its End !), which has, Notoriously, become Possible since the 1st Birth of 3 Babies Artificialy Fabricated in a Labo, after Heriable Genetic Manipulations of the Embryos by a Maveric Chinese Doctor, Educated, Paid, and Guided by a USA Lobby of Technocrats, linked to former President Hussein Barak Obama etc., and who had prepared a Special Conference at Hong Kong in order to Publicize that Event and make Propaganda, on November 2018. Xi's China Government, However, Arrested that Maveric would-be "Dr Frankenstein-Junior", and Finaly Officialy Condemned him in 5 Years of Prison, Clearly Denouncing the Serious InHuman Consequences that his Criminal Blunder Risked to Provoke in the Foreseable Future, as it was Announced at the End of December 2019, ...i.e., by a Striking "Coincidence" just 1 (One) Day Before the Official Announcement of the COVID-19 Deadly Virus' Epidemic ! Since then, Inevitably, the Only available Solution with some Guarantee would be to Find a way to Extend the Scope of the above-Mentioned CoE's Treaty on BioEthics at a  World-wide level, (in order to "Ban" legally such a Serious Danger Against Humanity)...

    Indeed, that CoE's Treaty is, in Principle, Legaly Binding, and, Even, Open for Singature and Ratification, not only by its 47 Member States (Including Russia, etc), But Also by Any Other State in the World, be it European, or Asian, African, Australian, or American ! So that this would be, as things stand Nowadays, the Most Simple and almost Ready-made Solution, (on Condition to adequately Develop some Efficient Mecanisms in order to Implement it in Real Practice).

     Other, Parallel Attempts to Establish a Specific, Ad Hoc, "Ban" at International Level, Against Heritable Genome Manipulations, Starting through a Relevant Resolution in EU Parliament, (See, f.ex., at: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/heritablegeneseditingandartificialbirthsforlesbians.html, http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eppvpresidentandmepsongermlinemanipban.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coedirectorfrighteningheritablegeneediting.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/comecesgonheritablegeneeditingchinaeu.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/strasbourgmepsander.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/greengrouppresidentonbioethics.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/chinacondemnsheritablegeneediting.html , etc), Might, Eventualy, Help, But, Despite a quite Large OutReach, as "Eurofora" witnessed, they haveN't acquired a Sufficient Momentum in real practice Yet.

    All that Obviously is part of a Big Topical and Central, Key BioEthical Issue, of Great Topical Importance for All Humankind, around which, a Huge Moral and Political Power-Game has, Already, Started to be Silently (for the Moment...) Played Nowadays in Strasbourg, Since, approximately, 2019-2020...











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    The recent paradox of freezing EU Talks with front-runner Croatia, while continuing controversial EU - Turkey talks, despite Zagreb's acceptance of Refugees' Human Rights to return, that Ankara refuses fex. in Cyprus, while both have "Good Neighborhood" problems vis a vis Slovenia, or Greece, Cyprus and Armenia respectively, can it be justified by the non-fullfilment of EU criteria, as Slovenia says, or, is it "Double Standards" ?    

The question became unavoidable after statements by Presidents of Slovenia and Croatia, Tuerk and Mesic, respectively, to "EuroFora", exclusively or among Strasbourg's journalists this week at the CoE, on the sidelines of its 2009 Summer University for Political Schools, which topically brought them together as successive key-note speakers.

    Comming only a few Months before EU checks Turkey's compliance to its commitments on Cyprus, etc., scheduled for December 2009, this obviously has a special importance for the coherence of EU Enlargement's principles.

     Suspension of EU Negotiations is a normal consequence in case of a Candidate Country's failure to fullfil EU Conditions, such as "Good Neighborhood relations", stressed at first Slovenian President Danilo Tuerk, current CoE's chair.

    But, regarding EU's Criteria,  there shouldn't be any "Double Standards",  reacted Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, commenting the fact that Turkey's controversial EU negotiations continue, while they were recently "freezed" in the case of Croatia, an "unquestionably European Country", which oficially accepts to respect Refugees Human Rights, contrary to Ankara's notorious refusals or reluctance.                                       

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           - "EU itself has set as a Criterium (for EU Enlargement) the "Good Neighborhood relations",  and their absence justifies the "Suspension" EU Negotiations, (f.ex. with Croatia), because of a Border dispute affecting the territorial integrity of an EU Member Country, stressed Slovenian President, Danilo Tuerk, CoE's Chairman in office (May - November 2009), speaking to Journalists in Strasbourg including "EuroFora".    

Questioned earlier what "consequences on EU's Enlargement policy" can have the "Ban on EU Membership Negotiations", imposed to Croatia, Tuerk replied that "this question comes down to the fulfillement of (EU) Criteria for membership. One has to look at each Candidate Country ., from the point of view whether it fullfils the Criteria that EU has set. One of them are Good Neighborhood Relations, I'd like to remind. And also, there are other factors, such as Justice, Home affairs, Rule of Law, and others".

    - "Now, ..Candidate Countries are at Different Levels of fulfillement of Criteria", he observed.

    - " Croatia is obviously the closest to that. I'm rather optimistic : I think that in the coming Months we'll have an opportunity to look at all these issues constructively and hopefully we'll be able to make progress". "My main concern, at this point, is the situation in Bosnia : We haven't seen enough progres domesticaly. We haven't seen enough during ..political parties within their country.We need a New Energy, a new energetic move towards the Candidature for EU membership. "Other (Western Balkan) Countries (Serbia, Montenegro, FYROM, Albania) have been making soaring Progress, and I think that they should be ready, in a few Years, for the Candidate status".

    - "As far as the Western Balkans are concerned, .. nobody should be left outside" the EU, Slovenian's President concluded, ommitting to mention Turkey's controversial EU bid.

    - "This process may be seen as Slow, but..  Slovenia has also has also been exposed to various "Booms of Slowness" in our accession period. But now we can say that the process was relatively quick, because changes which occur after becoming EU member, are quite large, and they require proper Preparations before the (EU) membership becomes a new factor, an impacting line for a new (EU) member country".

EU "Solidarity" ?

Slovenian statements made some participants from certain 3rd Countries as FYROM, etc. claim that "the Principle of EU Solidarity" would "produce a.. rising European Union Nationalism (sic !), against Non-EU Countries", as they said, asking unhappy foreign countries to form a "bloc" to exert pressure on the EU...    

But Croatian President Stjepan Mesic dismissed that, supporting "EU Integration", "after the Economy also in Political" issues, as "the achievement" of our times. In EU there is "diversity, but it's United", he stressed, "EU has to be United so that it can become a central factor of Peace" also at the surrounding areas, he replied.


Speaking later exclusively to "EuroFora", the experienced twice President of Croatia, former President of the International "Non-Aligned" movement, denounced "Double Standards" in the way EU treats recently Croatia compared to Turkey :   

 - "I think that there shouldn't be Double Standards", stressed the Croatian President, in reply to a Question comparing the freeze of EU - Croatia talks, with the continuation of EU - Turkey talks, despite the fact that Croatia is an "unquestionably European country", while Turkey's EU bid is notoriously controversial.

    Mesic was reacting to the observation that, even if he confirmed his "respect of Refugees' Human Rights to return, etc. (See infra), nevertheless, EU talks are suspended with Croatia.. While for oher, controversial candidates, who refuse to respect Refugees' Rights to return, etc., as fex. Turkey does in occupied Cyprus and elsewhere, EU negotiations continue".

    - "I believe that Croatia's accession will confirm that all European Countries who fulfill all of the Conditions and achieve European Standards, have to join the EU. There shouldn't be any Double Standards", went on to add in reply President Mesic.

    In this relation, Croatia's President found "of paramount importance", CoE's "mechanisms enforcing ECHR's judgements"
    - "On Refugees and Displaced persons, the process will be completed only after the last person demanding to return will be allowed to do so !", President Mesic Croatia stressed earlier, setting a general standard of obvious importance also for otherr candidates, as f.ex. Turkey, often accused to exclude or heavily restrict Greek Cypriot Displaced persons' return to their Family Homes and ancestral land, provoke difficulties to Turkish-Kurd IDPs return to their home regions at the South-East, etc.

    Some "2.000 People are still reported Missing" in former Yugoslavia, for some Years, (as in Cyprus, modern Europe's oldest case, for 3 Decades. Nagorno-Karabach, Tcecnya in Russia, etc, more recently), and Investigations "will only be completed after establishing the fate of the last one of them", he added.
    Speaking earlier on "War Crimes", President Mesic stressed that "Leaders are responsible for (the) Wars (of the Past), not the People", and called against Impunity :  "Individuals have to be held Responsible for Crimes. International Penal Tribunals have to persecute those individuals", perpetrators of War Crimes, he underlined.

    Such statements naturally made Mesic rather popular at ECHR, whose President, French EuroJudge, Professor Jean-Paul Costa, looked particularly smiling when he welcomed him later on Wednesday afternoon, after Slovenian President Daniko Tuerk earlier this week.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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