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Home arrow newsitems arrow UN Press Spokesman Dujarric to EF on more Turkey GunBoats v. EU Energy Source in Cyprus: Checking+

UN Press Spokesman Dujarric to EF on more Turkey GunBoats v. EU Energy Source in Cyprus: Checking+

Written by ACM
Tuesday, 20 February 2018

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The UN are Aware, Interested and carefully Following the Latest Developments on Turkey's GunBoat Bullying against EU Countries' efforts to Develop recent Oil/Gas Findings in EU Member State Cyprus' EEZone, (including EU-supported Plans for Direct Energy Transports to Europe's Center, probably in Cooperation with Israel's and/or Egypt's adjacent Off Shore Findings), and will Discuss, Starting already from this Evening, what should be done Now after the Decision made Today by Turkey to provocatively Extend even Further its Military Blockade, (with 5 WarShips against a Peaceful Drilling Ship), which risks to have Snowball effects in a Delicate Region at a Crucial Moment, instead of Working for International Law and Peace, the enDangering of which, as a matter of General Principle, could Not let the International Organisation indifferent and/or completely "Out" of the game.



That's what Results, in Substance, from a Brief but Topical and Interesting Phone Conversation with the Experienced, Long-Time UNO's Secretary General's Press Spokesman, Stephan Dujarric, and "Eurofora", on that "Hot" Issue, made while various Intense Political, Diplomatic and other Exceptional Top Contacts were going on in and around Cyprus, at the Eve of EU Heads of State/Government's Summit, later this week in Brussels, where that Topical Issue, of obvious General European Interest, (even Global, given the Estimated Total Volume of Gas Resources in that Area), will be raised.


UNOSG's Press Spokesman immediately indicated to "Eurofora" that he was, indeed, Aware of the Recent, and still on-going Incident of 5 Turkish Military Boats Blocking an Italian ENI Company Oil/Gas off shore Exploration Ship (also for the French TOTAL Company) from reaching, as scheduled, its destination inside Cyprus' EEZ.



"Eurofora" reminded the Fact that the directly involved EU Countries reportedly Waited for the Date of February 22, when Turkey's relevant anouncement was Expriring, in order to proceed, even with Delay, to their scheduled Work.

But, Suddenly, an Earlier than Expected, New Anouncement made by the Turkish Government, on the Contrary, Threatened to Extend even Further its GunBoat Military Bullying against the European Countries' Peaceful efforts for Direct Energy supplies at their own Territories, by Issuing even anOther, even more Provocative "Navtex" message, Asking to Block the all the Area concerned up to Mid-March, (i.e. , notoriously Too Late for ENI's Exploration Ship, which reportedly had to go soon to Morocco for another scheduled job).



=> Therefore, Cyprus and Greece, as well as others, were Now preparing Fast Diplomatic a.o. Moves, in order to Face the latest Turkish Violent Blockade inside EU's Area (as also ENI's CEO has just Reminded, in Press Statements made Earlier in neighbouring Egypt). Among others, f.ex., this could be raised at the imminent EU Summit in Brussels, later this same Week, and EU States might, inter alia, even Block any Turkey's dealing with the EU, as a Political Response to Ankara's GunBoat Miilitary Threats.



However, such a Series of Events, might, at least in the Short term, make Turkey even more Nasty, in a Critical Moment at a Sensitive Region of the World, and, according to the Turkish Reactions, eventually have "SnowBall" repercussions also at a Wider area, Dangerous for Stability and Peace.

Sine the UNO had a Traditional Mission to try to work always for Respect of International Law and Peace, while, in Addition, the New Secretary General, Antonio Guttierez, had notoriously Focused, already since his recent Election, on the Key Role of Peace-Making instead of Conflicts Nowadays, wasn't there something that the UN could do, in order to Prevent a probable "SnowBall" effect of Turkey's GunBoat bullying against European Countries, like Italy, France and Cyprus, Peacefully working to Develop their own Energy Resources, which, in this case, were notoriously Linked also to Neighbouring Israel and Egypt, whose adjacebnt Oil/Gas deposits were probably linked, and with whom Cyprus cooperated, including for EU-Supported Plans for Direct Energy Transport to Europe's Center ?

Cyprus' President, Nicos Anastasiades, had just Won the Elections at the island, with a Program in favour of Advancing further in New Efforts for a Peaceful ReUnification of the Country, with an Agreed Solution of Cyprus' Problem, through Talks under UNO's auspices, but Ankara's Gun-point Bullying obviously Risks to Push such Prospects far Away.


- In Reply, Dujarric immediately said that he was "going to Speak to some People ToNight" on that issue, but Advised to try to get back to it with him, "Tomorrow Morning".

 - He didn't Deny that, as a matter of Principle, "the UN canNot stay completely Out of such Issues", as "Eurofora" queried.

- "No, No !", spontanesouly reacted in agreement the Experienced UN SG's Press Spokesman.

- But, in fact, "I canNot Talk withOut, previously, Speaking to some People", he carefully explained.

 - For that purpose, he Significantly pointed "UpStairs", (i.e. at UNO Headquarters' Upper Floors for the Secretary General and his Senior Officers' team).

 - And he added that he Needed to "Know More" on that concrete matter, (before, eventually, making a full and Pubic Press Reply to "Eurofora"'s Topical Question).

- This included, further, "Checking with other People, also in Cyprus", as he went on to say.

- Anyway, "I appreciate that you called", Kindly added UNO SG's Press Spokesman for Tonight.


(See also : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/turkicharmyblockseudirectenergymoveincypurs.html)



Meanwhile, Turkey is reportedly threatening, inter alia also with a series of provocative "Navtex", to ...Surround almost All Cyprus' Island with Military-Reserved Areas, Exclusively for its WarShips, even clearly inside EU Member State Cyprus' Exclusive Economic Zone, almost everywhere, (See relevant MAP)...







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Paris - Bruxelles - Strasbourg, 2 septembre 2008


Le spectaculaire succès du Président français, Nicolas Sarkozy, (en tête de l'UE jusqu'a décembre), à obtenir de suite un cessez le feu inattendu entre la Russie et la Georgie, immédiatement après sa visite aux Présidents Medvedev et Saakashvili, au pire moment de tensions et heurts violents meurtieurs, qui avaient tué plusieurs innocents et provoqué le deplacement forcé de réfugiés par milliers, lui donne incontestablement une stature vraiment européenne :

A ses liens personnels bien connus avec l'Hongrie, la Grece, l'Italie ou l'Espagne, en sus de son amitié avec la chancelière allemande Merkel, son souhait d'essayer d'attirer l'Angleterre au jeu européen, etc, s'y ajoute, maintenant, une réussite, fragile certes, mais importante, au combat pour la Paix dans la "grande" Europe du général De Gaulle, "jusqu'a l'Oural", qui inclut naturellement la Géorgie, l'Arménie et d'autres pays, et ne peut exister qu'avec rapports de confiance et partenartiat stratégique avec la Russie.

Apres avoir réussi à debloquer la situation au Liban, (pays avec liens culturels historiques en Europe), lors du Sommet pour la Méditerranée à Paris, juillet dernier, (comme atteste maintenant le prémier accord d'echange d'Ambassadeurs avec la Syrie), Sarkozy activa maintenant une présidence française de l'EU bien entreprenante, à l'autre bout de l'Europe, à Moscou, où, contrairement à Napoléon, il a été reçu avec soulagement par le nouveau président russe, ami de l'experimenté Vladimir Poutine.

Cet homme politique rélativement nouveau au plan politique européen, avec une vision souvent critique ou même critiquée, à tort ou a raison, mais ambitieuse et concrete a la fois, qui aime s'adresser aux "Européens", comme il dit, n'est-il pas bien placé pour stimuler le fameux débat sur l' "Identité de l' Europe", qu'il a proposé au Parlement Européen récemment à Strasbourg, moins d'un an avant les Elections européennes de 2009 ?

En 2007, il a réussi à faire monter spectaculairement la participation citoyenne aux élections présidentielles en France, obtenant des récords historiques :

N'est-ce pas, justement ce que l' Europe a bésoin, apres 2 abstentions majoritaires sans précedent aux Elections de 1999 et 2004, et 3 "Non" aux réferenda pour ses institutions en 2005 et 2008, pendant une décennie trouble 1999-2008, (marquée surtout par la demande controversée de la Turquie d'entrer dans l'UE eclipsant les avancées de la Monnaie unique et de la liberté de circulation à l'espace Shengen, avec consequences mal-ressenties par la majorité des citoyens, bien au-délà des clivages du passé), qui a failli stopper l'integration européenne ?

Et cela, au moment même ou une globalisation galopante met l'Europe devant un choix crucial entre saut qualitatif en avant, apte à valoriser une occasion historique exceptionelle à se développer résolument, après les vaines destructions, querelles et tensions des guerres "chaudes" ou "froides" qui lui ont couté son rang dans le Monde, ou réculer définitivement en décadence...

Alors, que certains de nos amis à la Commission en Bruxelles, lui laissent au moins un peu d'espace de mouvement, et qu'ils l'aident à tenter d'insufler de l' oxygène frais et vivifiant aux rapports entre les citoyens et une Europe qui a manifestement bésoin et mérite de retrouver d'urgence un nouveau dynamisme populaire, avec un souci de réalisme mais aussi une vision passionante pour son avenir !

Après tout, les Etats Unis d' Amérique ne se sont pas faits à coups de bureaucratie, nécessaire et utile, mais manifestement insuffisante : Sans l'impulsion d'hommes politiques originaux, d'intellectuels vraiment engagés, et, surtout, sans l'enorme énergie émanant de la conscience d'enjeux à la fois pratiques et grandioses, bien resentis par des millions de citoyens, stimulant leur adhésion active comme pioniers d'un nouveau avenir commun à construire, ils seraient encore une ex-colonie périphérique, affaiblie par stériles divisions, passif et impuissant spectateur des convulsions tragiques d'un Monde à la dérive...

Que les vrais "européens" ré-lisent au moins les fameux discours historiques sur l' Europe d'un Sarkozy bien inspiré à Strasbourg, aussi bien avant qu'après avoir gagné les élections françaises, le 21 février et le 2 juillet 2007, après son 1er sommet des Bruxelles, qui a adopté le nouveau Traité de l'UE en conclusion de la presidence allémande : Bonnes lectures pour cet été 2008, afin de préparer l' avenir qui s'ouvrira (ou fermera) à partir des élections européennes de 2009.

Peut-etre revelera-t-il plus, en ce sens, lors de ses 2 discours-debats prochains avec les eurodeputés, prévus lors des sessions plenières du Parlement Européen a Strasbourg en octobre et décembre 2008... 


Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner had already unveiled President Sarkozy's intentions, during a particularly "hot" Press Conference in Paris, where he faced some's insistance for "sanctions", with a call for "a common EU stance". In the meanwhile, he was consulting "all these days" most of his EU, Russia and Georgia counterparts, (as Sarkozy's Spokesman, P-J. Henin confirmed to "EuroFora"). This allowed him to obtained the desired result, as EU Chairman, at a short, exceptional EU Summit in Brussels, afterwards.


But, Sarkozy's No 1 official, Presidential palace's Secretary General Claude Gueant, active at Elysee during the 2008 Ambassadors' Conference, (together with his Top Diplomat, the experienced David Levitte), is well known for having an overall view : A link with 2009 EU Elections at the horizon ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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