Trump+: Full Steam Ahead against Fraud facts, for Real Win of US Presidentials with Legal Votes
*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(Partly UPDATED)- -"If you Count the Legal Votes, I Easily Win. (But) If you Count the illegal Votes Too, they can try to Steal the Elections from us" : US President Don Trump's KeyWords, Opening an Exceptional White House's Press Conference, Today, Clearly Resume the Big Differencies between 3 GeoPolitical MAPs of the USA, "withOut Voter Fraud" or "With Voter Fraud" in the Latest Presidential Elections, Compared with the "Current Status",
full of "Hot" and Growing Controversies about the real Results, particularly in Certain "Swing" States, (mainly : Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, etc), as Various Testimonies and/or Findings about an awful Lot of Scandalous Discrepancies Multiply, (Pictured and Documented by the Popular Movement "Count Every Legal Vote" at : , Backed by the "Center for Security Policy", Headed by Frank Gaffney, former Reagan's Defense assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs, Writer, and CPAC's Events Host, (attached herewith). Based on Don Trump's claim Today for a Win on Legal Votes, (See Infra).
Aiming to "Provide the American People with an UpDate of ...Efforts to Protect the Integrity of these important 2020 Elections", President Trump Characteristicaly Resumed, the Essentials in the Following Terms :
- "If you Count the Legal Votes, I Easily Win". But, "if you Count the illegal Votes Too, they (Biden) can Try to Steal the Elections from us", he Denounced.
- Particularly, "if you count Late Votes", (i.e. After the Election Day deadline of November 3), he Warned Against, (See Infra for more Concrete Details).
- In Fact, -"I've Already Won decisively many Critical States, including massive Victories in Florida, Iowa, Texas, Idiana, Ohio, etc., and Many Others",
"Despite Historic" Negative "Interference by Big Medias, Big Money, and Big Tech", (mainly GAFA at the Internet).
- Indeed, "as everybody saw, We (Republicans/GOP) Won by Historic Numbers, and the (Establishment's) Pollsters (who had, on the Contrary, Predicted a Big Loss) were Knowingly Wrong, Knowingly : so Ridiculous !"...
- In Fact, "there was Not any of their Predicted "Blue Wave" (of the "Left"), But Instead, a Big "Red Wave" (of the Right), Acknowledged by Medias"... (+ and with an Historic Record-High Participation).
- Their ("Left"'s) Donors were mostly Wall Street Bankers, and Special (Lobby) Interests. Our (Right's) major Donors were Police Officers, Farmers, Everyday Citizens, etc", he observed.
=> +"We (GOP) Kept the Senate, (Majority : which Controls the Appointments of all Senior Officers in the Federation, etc), + For the 1st Time in History, we didn't Lose Any Seat in the House (of Representatives), and we Won Many New Seats, with even More on the Way". Meanwhile, also "More Republican Women were Elected than Ever Before".
- "And we had the Largest Share of Non-White Voters of any Republicans in 60 Years, with Historic Numbers of African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-American, and Native-American Voters : the Largest-Ever in our History".
+ At the same time, "We (GOP) Grew Our Party by 4 Millions (more) : The Greatest Ever Turn-out in Republican Party's History.
=> In Consequence, Nowadays, "Dems are the Party of the Big Donors, the Big Medias, and Big Tech, it seems", while "the Republicans have Become the Party of the American Workers, and, also, I Believe, the Party of Inclusion", he Proudly Boasted.
+ "As Everyone, Now, Recognizes that (Establishment's) Medias' Polls were Interference, in these Elections, in the full sense of that word, by Powerful special Interests", while "those Phony Polls, these Fake Polls (Comp. Supra), were Designed to Keep Our Voters at Home, creating the illusion" of so-called "Momentum" for "Mr Biden, and Diminish Republicans' ability to Raise Funds" : I.e. "they were, so-called, <<Suppression>> Polls, as Everyone Knows Now", he Denounced.
-"This ("Suppression Polls" ' Manoeuver : Comp. Supra) has Never been (Ab)Used to the Extend that it was used in this (2020) Last Election !"
- "To Highlight just a few Examples : The Day Before", one of those Establishment's Polls "Showed Joe Biden by +5% in Florida"..., But "I Won Florida Easily !" And "They (MSMedia's Polls) had me Losing at Florida by a Lot, and I Won by a Lot..." Also, "They had Him (Biden) Up by +4% at Ohio, and I Won with +12,2% !". "They had him (Biden) by +17% in Wisconsin, and it was, Basicaly, Even (i.e. almost 50-50%) ! They Knew that, they are Not Stupid...", But it's "Suppression" tactics (Comp. Supra).
- "Now, there are only a Few States To Be Decided, in this Presidential race". But, "the Voting Apparatus, in All These States, are Run by Dems (the "Left" Side).
=> - However, "We (Republicans/the Right) were Winning, in All Key Locations, and by a Lot, actualy, (Until the Elections' Night (3 Nov). And, then, those Elections' Numbers Started, Miraculously, (OverNight/Next Morning or Midday) getting Whittled Away !", he Denounced, (citting a Strange Phenomenon, Repeated in Several Key "Swing" States, indeed, Spotted by Various Observers)...
+ And, "this happened, Moreover, "in Secret", Because "They" (i.e. the Regional Vote Apparatus, Run by Dems : Comp. Supra) would Not Allow Legaly Permissible Observers", even if "We Won in Court, in a couple of instances", and "When we (GOP) were able to get the Observers In, They Wanted them 60 or 70 Feet Away, if not a Hundred feet away, even Outside of the Building (sic !) to Observe People Inside the Building...", so that "We Won a Case (in the Courts), a Big Case !", US President Announced, on this Thorny Issue of Elections' Transparency Hindrance.
>>> In Fact, Already, there is a Lot of Litigation , Even Beyond, Before that, and More Hapening" nowadays : "There is a Tremendous Amount of Litigation, in General, Because of How UnFair this (2020 Electoral) Process was", Trump stressed, Widely speaking.
+ "And I Predicted that, already when we were Talking about "In-MAIL" Voting (in the Recent Past) : It's really Destroying our (Electoral) System, it's a Corrupt System, and Makes People Corrupt, Even If they are Not by Nature..., But they Become Corrupt", Because "it's Too Easy" to Cheat there, by "Finding out How Many Votes They Need, and, Then, they seem able to Find a Way to have Them : They (Frauders) Wait, Wait, and, then, They Find them", he Warned Anew.
=> In Fact, "you See that on the (3/11/2020) Election Night : We (GOP) were AHead" f.ex. "in North Carolina, by a Lot : a Tremendous Amount of Votes, and we are Still AHead, by a lot But Not as Many, Because, all of a Sudden, They Find Ballots : -"Oh, we have Some Mail-in Ballots...", etc.
++ And -"it's Amazing how These Mail-in Ballots are so One-Sided, too !" - "It's supposed to be in Favour of Dems, But, still, it's Too One-Sided..." F.ex., "in one case, We were Up by nearly +700.000 Votes, in Pennsylvania, where I Won by a lot", (on the Election Night), and, Suddenly, that gets Whittled Down to, They Said, ...+90.000 Votes ! And They Keep Coming and Coming (with Dubious, UnObserved, and Late "Mail-in Ballots" : Comp. Supra), They Find them All-Over...", described Trump,
Confirmed by ...Biden himself, who has, Earlier, Surprisingly Boasted that, precisely, those Late and Massive "Mail-in" Votes in Pennsylvania were the Only thing Stil Remaining to Count, and they would Give a ..."78,5%" Majority to Dems (i.e. something around 80% - 20% !), Sufficient in order to make him "Feel Good" about that State's Final Results, withOut Even telling How he Could Guess All That : See ... !)
+++ Moreover, Still, "They (Dems) DoN't Want us (GOP) to Have any Observers, Although we Won a Court case, where the Judge said that, OK, you have to have Observers (Comp. Supra). And They are Appealing, Even After We (GOP) Won a Case : I Wonder, Why They are Appealing, when, all We Want is to simply have People Watch, as They (Dems) are doing the Votes' Tabulations", he Wondered.
- In Addition, "Likewise, in Georgia, I Won by a Lot, with a Lead close to +300.000 Votes on Election Night", Trump reminded, regreting, however, the Curiously Similar Fact, that, Afterwards, Suddenly, this Lead, too, Subsequently "got Whittled Down, and, Now, (i.e. several Days Later), is going into a Point where, Instead of Winning by a Lot", (as Up to the Electoral Night of 3 Nov. included), on the Contrary, "to, Perhaps, being Down a Little-bit"... +Meanwhile, Even "the Counting of Votes in Georgia had been, Suddenly, Stopped dDuring 4 Hours, and a Lot of things Happened" meanwhile, on Pretext of an UnRelated "Pipeline Burst" at a Far Away Location, while the Electoral Apparatus, there too, is "Run by Dems", he Criticaly Observed...
- "We Also had Margins of +300.000 in Michigan, were Wey Up, and Won the State" (at the Election Night), as well as in Wisconsin, we did likewise, fantasticaly well" too. But, "in every case, it got Whittled Down", in a Similar Aftermath's Scenario, (i.e. Long After the Electoral Night's Deadline : Comp. Supra)... "Today, we are in Track to Win in Arizona" possibly : We Only Need to Carry" around "55% margins of the Remaining Vote. That's a Margin that We Sigificantly Exceeded", Many Times until now, "so that we'll See What Happens with that, but we are on Track to do OK" there.
>>> In General, "Our (GOP's) Goal is to Defend the Integrity of the Election : We will Not Allow the Corruption to Steal such an Important Election !", US President Trump vowed.
+ And we CaN't Allow Anybody to Silence Our Voters !", Nor "Manufacture (Artificial) "Results". "I've never seen, since I've been doing a Lot of Public things for a Long Time, I've never had Anything that's been as Inspirational by People Calling, Talking, Sending things to us, I've never seen such Love and Affection, such a Spirit, that I've seen for These People, who Know What's Happening, and They See What's Happening Before Their Eyes", he Added Emotionaly.
=> In this regard, "there are Also Many Other (Similar) Instances, which Will be Reported very Shortly", he Warned. Already, "there is Tremendous Litigation going on ! This is a Case in which They (the "Left" and its Big Interests' Donors from the Establishment : Comp. Supra) are Trying to Steal an Election" from the People, "They are Trying to Rig an Election, and We CaN't Let that Happen !", Don Trump Urged.
- F.ex., "Detroit (Michigan) and Philadelphia" (Pennsylvania), Already "Known as the 2 More Corrupt places anywhere in our Country, so Easily, canNot be" Let "Responsible for Engineering the Outcome of such a very Important (USA Federal) Presidential race !" Inter alia, "Pennsylvania Dems have Gone to the State's Supreme Court to Try to Ban Our (GOP's) Election Observers, But We have Won the Case Very Strongly". Nevertheless, "They DoN't Want Anybody in there Watching Them, as they Count the Ballots...
"I CaN't Imagine Why : There is, Absolutely, No Legitimate Reason Why They would Not Want to have People Watching this process... Because, IF it's Straight, they Should be Proud of it". But, "Instead, They are Trying, Obviously, to Commit Fraud !", he Denounced.
=> Indeed, "there is No Question about it : In Philadelphia, Observers have been Kept Far Away, So Far Away that People are Using ...Binoculars to Try and See ! There has been Tremendous Problems Caused", Against Elections' Transparency : F.ex., inter alia, "They Put (CardBoard) Paper on all Windows, so that People canNot See in (sic !). And the People that are Banned are very Unhappy, and become somewhat Violent". Thus, among others, "the 11th Circuit (Court) Ruled that, in Georgia, the Votes must have been (presented) in the Election Day, that they Should be In, by Election Day", But "They WereN't" yet ! On the Contrary, "Votes are Coming in (Even) After the Election Day... They had a Ruling, Already, that you Have to have the Votes in, by Election Day, and, to the best of my Knowledge, Votes Have to Be In, by Election Day", But, "They Did Not do that !"
>>> In Fact, "Dems' Officials Never Believed that they could Win this Elections Honestly, I realy Believe that. That's Why They did all these Mail-in Ballots, (particularly Extended even for Further Days in Pennsylvania, etc...), Where there is Tremendous Corruption and Fraud going on"..., Trump Denounced.
- "That's Why the Mailed-out Tens of Millions of UnSolicited Ballots, withOut Any Verification Measures, whatsoever...", he pointed out.
- "I've Told everybody that such things Would Happen, Because I've Seen it happen. I Watched a Lot of Different Elections, Before They Decided to Go on with This Massive Election with Tens of Millions of Ballots going out to Everybody, in Many cases Totally UnSolicited : This was UnPrecedented in American History !".
Trump reminded his Previous Warnings, on this Key Issue, on which Dems had, Curiously, Insisted at This Election, beforehand, (partly under the Hollow Pretext of this strange Virus, which canNot, However, Explain the Surprizing Phenomenon of So Many ImBalanced pro-Dems Votes at Late Mail-in Ballots, Particularly in States where the Electoral Apparatus was Ruled by Dems, as, f.ex., Pennsylvania : almost ...80%, as Biden himself acknowledged : Comp. Supra, etc)...
+ Moreover, "This was by Design", (i.e. on Purpose), since, "Despite Years of Claiming to Care about the Election Security", "They" (Dems ruling particularly in "Swing" States) Now "Refused to include Any Requirement to Verify Signatures, Identities, or even to Determine Whether they are Eligible or Ineligible to Vote : there, They have No Idea, they are Just Taking Numbers, they Write down things, and ... they are doing a Lot of Bad things"...
=> In Consequence, "We have a Lot of Information (on Concrete, Scandalous Affairs) Coming, and Litigation, that, you'll see, it Will Shake Even Your People up (i.e. the Medias) When You Will have Seen it All !", (he Promised to the White House's Journalists).
- Indeed, "the Officials Overseing the Counting in Pennsylvania, and Other Key States, are all Part of a <<Corrupt Dems' Machine>>, of which You (Journalists) Have Written, (as) for a Long Time You (US Medias) have been Writting about the <<Corrupt Dems' Machine>>... "I went to School There", (i.e. at a City Area Ruled by Dems/""), during Childhood, "and I Know a Lot about it : It HasN't Changed, Since a Long Time Ago". In Fact, "it has Gotten Worse !"
- F.ex., "in Pennsylvania, Partisan Dems have Allowed (Mail-in) Ballots in the State to be Received" even ..."3 Days After the Election", and, 'We think, much More than that !'', he Denounced, inter alia. +"And They are Counting Even withOut PostMarks or Any Identification whatsoever"...
+ More Widely speaking, at the Same Time, "there have been a Number of Disturbing Irregularities, Accross the Nation". "Our (GOP's) Campaign has been Denied Access to Observe Any Counting in Detroit (Michigan). Detroit is anOther place" which "Does Not have the Best Reputation for Integrity" in general, and, in This case : Inter alia, f.ex., "Workers in Michigan were Duplicating Ballots, but When Our Observers attempted to Challenge that activity, those Poll Workers Jumped in Front of the Volunteers to Block their Views, so that they (Observers) CouldN'tt See what they were Doing, And it became a little-bit Dangerous !", he Denounced, among Various Incidents. + Moreover, "a Major Hub for Counting Ballots in Detroit Covered up the Windows, again, With Large pieces of CardBoard : They Wanted to Cover and Block the Counting Area", where "They didN't Want Anyone Seeing the Counting, Even though these were Legal Observers who were Legally Due to Be There...". ++ In Addition, "in Detroit there were UnExplained Delays in Delivering Many of the Votes for Counting, the Final Batch should Not Arrive Until 4 in the Morning" (sic !), "Even if the Polls Closed at 8 o'Clock. So, They Brought it in, and the Batches came in, withOut Anyone Knowing Where they Came From !" +++ "We (GOP) have also been Denied Access to Observe in Critical Places, in Georgia", while, even More Widely, "Multiple Swing States' Counting was Halted, for Hours and Hours, on Election Night, with Results withHeld from Major Dems-Run Locations, only to Appear Later, with almost All having the Name <<Biden>> on them (sic !), which is a little Strange"...
=> In Conclusion, "I Challenge Joe (Biden) and Every Dem. ("Socialist/Liberal") to Clarify that They ONLY Want LEGAL VOTES ! Because, when They use the Word "Votes", I think They Should use the Word "Legal", i.e. "Legal Votes", Don Trump stressed.
>>> Indeed, "We (GOP) Want Every Legal Vote Counted, and I Want EVERY LEGAL VOTE Counted !", he resumed.
- That is to say : -"We (GOP) Want Openess and Transparency, No <<Secret Count>> Rooms.
+ No <<Mystery Ballots>>, No illegal Votes being Cast <<After Election>> Day
- Indeed, "We (USA) have an Election Day, and the Laws are very Strong on that : You have an Election Day, and they (US Laws) DoN't Want Votes Casted AFTER Election".
+ "And we Want the Process to be an Honest one : It's so Important, We (Conservatives) Want an HONEST Election, We Want an Honest Count, and We Want Honest People Working back there, Because it's a Very Important Job !".
=> - "So, That's the Way this Country is going to Win, that's the Way the United States are going to Win ! And, We (GOP) Think that We Will Win the Election very easily !"
+ At any case, "there is going to be a Lot of Litigation, Because We (GOP) Have so Much Evidence, so Much Proof, and it's going to end Up, Perhaps, to the Highest Court in this Land, (USA's Federal Supreme Court), we"ll See... "
>>> -"We Think there Will be a Lot of Litigation, Because you CaN't Let an Election be Stolen like this !", Don Trump Vowed.
- "I've been Talking about this for Many Months with All of You", he Reminded to White House-accredited Journalists, "and I've said, very Strongly, that Mail-in Ballots are going to end up being a Disaster" : If Even several previous "Small Elections were a Disaster", even those "very Easy to Handle Elections were Disastrous", then, "This is a Large Scale version, and it's Getting Worse : "Every Day we're Hearing Stories that are Horror-stories, Absolute Horror-Stories !", he Denounced.
>>> In Fact, "We CaN't let that Happen to the USA : It's Not just a Question of "Who Wins ? Republican or Democrat, Joe or Myself", etc. => "WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN TO OUR COUNTRY ! We (Americans) canNot Be Disgraced by having something like that...
USA President Trump on 2020 Election Fraud : - In Fact, "it's Not just a Question of Who Wins : Republicans or Dems, Joe or myself". The Main Point is : - "WE CANNOT LET THAT ("Horrible" Vote Fraud) HAPPEN TO OUR COUNTRY ! We (Americans) canNot Be Disgraced by having something like that"...
- "So, it Will be, Hopefully, Cleared up, May be Soon, I Hope so. But it Will, Probably, Go through a Legal Process, and, as You Know, I've Claimed some States, He (Biden) is Claiming States, We can All Claim States. But I, Also have the Feeling that Judges are Going to Have to Rule".
- Because "there has been a Lot of Shenanigans (Dirty Cheating Tricks), and We (Americans) CanNot Stand for That in Our Country !", he Concluded, as a matter of Principle.
=> In Fact, in order to provide Redress in real Practice, against such Fraud and DisHonest Manouvers by the Dems, the Judges should, in one way or another, Recognize the Irregularity, mainly of :
- Votes rumber-stamped During a Period when Observers were Not Allowed to accomplish their Duties,
+ Late Ballots, Past Election Date, (often "Mail-in Votes", etc).
This Clearly Results, inter alia, Also from several Key "Tweets" of President Trump these Days.
...Most of which were, Scandalously, "Covered", Slandered, and/or quasi-Censored by "Twitter" Network's Notorious Oppressive Abuses, which, at this Crucial Moment, went as Far as to ...Even Censor FIVE (5) Trump's "Tweets" in a Row ! Indeed, "Twitter"'s CEO is a Registered Member of Biden's Team !
+Even ...Mexico's President, (an interesting atypical "Socialist", who has Cooperated with President Trump on mass Migration and Economy, etc), has Notoriously Denounced the US Establishment Medias' wider "Censorship" on News about the 2020 Electoral Fraud, (Wondering what happened of USA's Traditional "Free Speech" Values)...
At any case, it's Also a Notorious Fact, Attested by Many People, during these 2020 Elections, that, Too Often, were witnessed 3 Strange Periods of Time, (or "Moments"), Starting from the Election Date :
(1) At First, Trump was Clearly Winning, Leading Biden with a Lot of Votes, in Many Key States, as things stood around the Electoral Night, sometimes Even until Next Morning, may be More., (See, f.ex. : ..., etc).
(2) Followed, too Many Times, a Period During which Counting was Often Stopped and/or Delayed, too much, WithOut any Clear, Nor Convincing Cause.
(3) After such Periods of Time, Suddenly Appeared various "Late" Ballots, (Mostly "Mail-in" Votes, etc), which Gave (All or Most of them) an Extra-Ordinary Amount of Votes to Biden, (Threatening to OutNumber Trump's Initial Lead).
It's well Known that, in Practice, Any would-be Frauder Needs to be Informed about the Quantity of Fake "Votes" that he/she Has to "Find" and Deliver, in order to Steal an Election. And, all that, Inevitably Takes some Time...
Sometimes, Inevitably, the Required Amount of "Fake Votes" to Add, in order to Reverse an Initial Lead, Naturaly Obtained by an Opponent, might be Too Excessively High, to the point that it Betrays its "Artificial", Abnatural character...
=> Thus, f.ex., Biden's own Excessive Boasting about All the very Numerous Late "Mail-in" Ballots which were the Only "Big" thing Still Remaining to be Counted in Pennsylvania, the Next Days, reportedly Able to "OutNumber" Trump's Initial Lead at the Electoral Night, Obviously Appears either Too Much Exagerated or, Otherwise, Very Suspect : Indeed, Biden Claimed that they Gave him an ExtraOrdinary Super-Majority of about ..+78,5% Each, i.e. almost ...80% against Only 20% (sic !). How is it Possible, and How did He Know that, even Before they were All Counted ?...
+ An even Stronger Proof of Fraud was provided by "the Pundit" WebNews which Found that the Difference Between Trump's Results in Timely, Observed and Normal Voting, Compared to his alleged Votes in Late, "Mail-in" Ballots, Often left withOut Independent Observers, (Comp. Supra), was Always around -40% Less (in the Second case), throughout All Pennsylvania's 67 Counties (with the Unique Exception of its Capital, Philadelphia, where it was -30% Less) ! I.e. something so ...Geometricaly "Perfect", (in fact : just a Straight Line) that it was, Obviously, Impossible to obtain by Chance, letting Natural Socio-Political Realities act spontaneouslly...
+¨+ But there are Also several Other Probable Cases of Fraud, particularly when one Considers also the Fact that, Inter alia, f.ex. :
- An US Citizens' Investigation Site has Found, at Michigan, that around 10.000 Dead People's Personal Data have been abused in order to Generate Fake "Voters"...
- The InFamous, Canada-origin "Dominion" digital Tool's Masters, (reportedly linked to Servers even at Nearby Frankfurt and Responsible for several Gross "Errors"/"Glitches" in Votes' Counting, Easy to Hack, and Curiously Favoring Biden), controling 33 States,including Michigan, Georgia, Arizona ad Nevada among Key"Swing" States, are some Notorious "Leftists", not far away from Biden's team, as also "Twitter"'s CEO (Comp. Supra): They acknowledged to Fund Clintons' Foundation, and have Nowadays Hired the former Pelosi's (US House President, a Top Dems) Chief of Staff, (etc)...(Partly UPDATED)
- Even the Founder of a Key Voting Machines' Company has served, for a Long Time, as an Important Director of Controversial "Socialist" Billionaire George Soros' affairs.
- An Outsourcing Company in Europe, dealing with Elections in 28 North American States, including the Crucial "Swing" States, is located in Spain, currently under a Minority "Socialist" Government, and in Catalonia Region, ruled by Various "Leftists", who have Attracted Many Non-European Muslim Lobbies (Anti-Trump) by Promising Local Elections' Voting Rights, etc, with its Capital Barcelona facing the Only Recent Islamist Terrorism Massacre in the Country, Headed by an Imam of a Catalonia Mosque... Its 2008 Founder, a Tech. Guy, has Disappeared since 2016, and Now it's run by a Former simple Lawyer, (from 2018), with Controversial incidents, and rumours about links of its Computers and Servers to Billionaire Soros, etc. But, in addition to the Presentation of Elections' Results in several American States, it also deals with Digital Ballots' sending and receiving, etc...
=> In Addition to Several State Courts Ordering to let GOP's Observers Watch the Votes' Counting, (Comp. Supra), the Multiplication of Various but Converging Alerts for possible Electoral Fraud, has, inter alia, also led, Already the USA Federal Supreme Court itself, to Order, at least in the Key Case of Pennsylvania, that All the Late "Mail-in" Ballots, Received After the Electoral Day's Time Deadline, (November 3, 8h30 pm), Must be "Segregated", "Separated from Other ...Ballots", in a "Safe and Sealed Container", and, "If Counted", to be "Counted Separately" ! (Comp. Supra).
+ Meanwhile, Even the Well Known, Mainstream "RealClearPolitics" Polls' Aggregator and WebNews Media, has just Published, at its FrontPage, an Important Press Article with Strong Legal Arguments Supporting the 1st Legal Complaint just lodged by President Trump to the Federal Supreme Court, Against an Exceptional Extension of the Time Deadline for Mail-in Votes in Pennsylvania, so that they could be Received and Counted Even several Days After the Electoral Day's (8h.30 pm) Time Deadline, Finding that, at least this Trump's Move Against possible Fraud, "Must Win !"
++ In Parallel, Even the Notoriously Anti-Trump "New York Times" Establishment's Newspaper, has just Estimated that, it's Not Excluded, for Just 1 such Legal Complaint concerning the particular case of Pennsylvania, to become Sufficient, in real Practice, in order to Eventualy Reverse the Whole alleged "Result" of this Controversial 2020 US Presidential Election...
=> These Surprizing American People's Movements, which have, Already Managed to Astonishingly Overcome All those Previous Obstacles of Establishment Medias' Biaised Slandering or Censorship, Doubled Now Also by an UnPrecedented Degree of Internet "Big-Tech" Networks' Brutal and Massive Web-Censorship even of Citizens, Scandalous Gross Lies by "Fake Polls" with Bogus "Pseudo-Predictions" on this Election from the Establishment, and a Deadly Virus Suddenly Undermining a Brillant Economy Build by President Trump with Many Historic Records, (which Seems Ready and Able to Rapidly ReVive Nowadays according to the Latest Results), After Gross Discriminations between Candidates, at an UnEqual Electoral Process, in Both Free Prime TV Time and Interuptions by Hostile "Mediators", etc, (See, f.ex.:, etc), to the Detriment of US President Don Trump, (himself Notoriously Hindered to Freely Work, during 3 Years of "Witch-Hunt" immediately after his 2016 Election, Followed Even by a Dangerous Infection of himself and his Wife, (from an UnKnown yet Source), by the Deadly Virus, right in the Middle of these Crucial 2020 US Elections (See : + +, etc), Will they Succeed to Finaly Win the Fight Even Against the Present Serious Threat for American Democracy to be trampled underfeet by a Blatant Massive Fraud ?
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It's at a splendid Natural landscape, inside a Forest plateau with superbe view over Paris, at Saint Cloud, that the incoming French EU Presidency had the good idea to join together all EU Member Countries' Ministers of Environment and Energy, in two overlaping EU Councils in a series, from 3 to 5 July 2008.
Fresh rain happily dissipated July's heatwave, before a bright Sun shined at the conclusion of the EU gathering around a huge statue of Earth (See Photo).
French super-Minister of State for Energy, Transport and Environment, Jean-Louis Borloo, and Minister for Environment, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet chaired the first EU Ministerial meeting at Paris' area, together with EU Commissioners Demas and Pielbags, surprising Journalists with improvised Press-points, at key-moments of the discussions.
Environment and Energy are key to the development of New Technologies to boost Europe's role in the World, while also responding to Citizens' concerns, stressed Borloo, speaking to Journalists earlier in Strasbourg.
According to well-infomed sources from the French EU Presidency, the aim is to stimulate a growing trend inside EU Parliament, via various on-going Reports developping in parallel, towards achieving the necessary targets before December.
For this purpose, Top-level representatives from Borloo's super-Ministry are expected to come in Strasbourg during EU Parliament's plenary, next Wednesday, a key official told "EuroFora".
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