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Pagina principale arrow newsitems arrow CFE Panel 4: EUCom VP Suica Leans towards EF Project (Dialogue Citizens-Politicians Before Decisions

CFE Panel 4: EUCom VP Suica Leans towards EF Project (Dialogue Citizens-Politicians Before Decisions

Scritto da ACM
venerdì, 15 ottobre 2021


*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/- Just After Welcoming Citizens Participants at the 4rth and Last Panel (on "Europe in the World") Before an Important Plenary due to Start Discussing Citizens' Initial Proposals for the Future of Europe Next Week, EU Commission's vice-President for Democracy, Dubravka Suica, suddenly came Closer than ever, Until Now,  to "Eurofora"'s Project for "Dialogue" between EU Citizens and Politicians, Before Decisions Affecting their Lives and/or Society at large !



Indeed, Speaking to Accredited Journalists, as "Eurofora a.o., Soon After EU Parliament's Coordinator for the Conference on Europe's Futur, Guy Verhofstadt, former President of  "Liberal" MEPs and Prime Minister of Belgium, (Cf. Verhofstadt's Reply to "EF" Question, previously, at: ..., etc), had Announced that, this "Unique" "Combination of Both Representative" and "Participatory Democracy", in a "2nd Track", at "a PanEuropean Level", was "Requested from Citizens", Already "from the 1st Panel", to be "Made a Permanent Process", and this "Could be among the Final Conclusions of the Conference", Suica Revealed that, in fact, "We (EU) Want to Make European Citizens Part of a European Policy-Drafting Mechanism", as she Characteristicaly stressed.

- "We (EU) Want to Listen to them (Citizens), All the Time", and "Take into Consideration their Ideas and Problems, While Drafting our Policies", EU Commission's vice-President on Democracy underlined, in this regard.  In  Fact, this is "Participatory Democracy and Deliberative (Decision-Making Process) Democracy", taken Together, which "are New Exercises, and they Can Help us a lot", she explained*

*A First Idea towards making Citizens' Dialogue with Politicians before Decisions a Permanent Reality was accepted by French President Macron, agreeing with a relevant proposal by "Eurofora" (Based on the existing EU's Lisbon Treaty), as Early as, Already since April 2018, at Saint-Dié, (i.e. just a Day After he had Inaugurated the 1st EU Citizens' Consultatin at nearby Epinal, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronforcitizensdebatesalsoafter2019.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/macronlauncheseucitizenconsultations.html, etc).



    => In Consequence, "there is No Coming Back : This Conference (CFE) Will Deepen European Culture, From the Roots Up !", and Opens up a truly European Space !", Suica stressed  earlier in the Plenary, (apparently using Terms familiar from German Philosopher Jurgen Habermas, of Nearby Frankfurt, nowadays in Bavaria, with his Landmark, premonitory Book on "The Structural Changes of the Public Space", i.e. Area for Collective Discussions).

    >>> Indeed, "We (EU) Need" to "Bring Citizens into the Heart of European Decision-Making", she Emphasized.

    Already, "thanks to the Conference on the Future of Europe", "Each Citizen has a Chance to Participate in a PanEuropean Discussion, on Issues that Matters to them". "From Ireland to Malta, from Latvia to Lisbon,..., you Can Exchange your Ideas, have your Voice Heard, and Stimulate Change". "This brings Not Only the Right to Participate, But Also the Possibility to Create Ideas". And "We Want to Listen to them", to "Take into Account" their "Ideas and Contributions", Suica Ambitiously Vowed. "Europe not only wants to Listen to you.... EU Commision is Ready to Follow up Whatever is Agreed by this Conference, (as von Leyen stressed).

- -"It might take us a bit More Time to get Started, But we (EU) are Able to Find Solutions" that work, she boasted. -"Because we want a Union which really Belongs to its People. That it can Inspire, and Protect Everyone of us".

    - This "Euopean Dream" has Already Delivered : Peace, Prosperity, Openess, Equality of Rights, and Our System of Values. But we canNot Guarantee that it will be assumed for Ever, and that it will rest easily...  In Fact, "Our Union has been Disputed, and is being Challenged, Both Internally, and Externally". But, also, "Whenever the Righs of an Individual Person are Denied, our European Dream is Damaged".

    => Therefore, "It's Important that we Regularly Assess Where we Are, and Where we want to Go"...."Take a Time to Look at the Hights and Lows we have come Together". This is also a Time to "See Where we can Expect Better f", Suica welcomed good-faith Criticism, with Lucidity.


    However, it's also a Fact that Nowhere Emerged yet a Crystal-clear and fully-fledged EU Citizens' Right to be Informed, Heard, and Receive Timely Replies to their Critical Observations, which should be Sufficient, Real and Legal, concerning any Proportionate Restriction of their Legitimate private Interests motivated by a General Interest Aim, (all this being placed under Control of a Judge, able to Cancel any Controversial Administrative Measure, eventualy does Not meet all those Conditions), as it should be done according to that kind of "Dialogue", between Citizens and Politicians Before Decisions Affecting their Lives, and/or Society at large, according to "Eurofora"s Proposal : See ...,, etc).

    So that, until this is unequivoqualy done, a Critical Reserve is obviously required from "Eurofora"'s part, on this Key Point.

    +For the Rest, and, Particularly, as it concerns the overall Methods used into Treating the Way that each Pannel of 200 Radomly Chosen Citizens are Consulted by EU Institutions on their Wishes vis a vis the EU Decision-Making process, and certain Major Key Topical Issues on EU's foreseable Future, (Economy, Democracy, Environment, and Foreign Policy), a Surprizing Big Change was Observed by "Eurofora" Today :


    - Indeed, instead of only One (1) special Room, Usualy reserved into a Discreet and Remote Location of EU Parliament's Building, for those "Moderators", "Experts", "Secretariat", "Facilitators", and "Observers", etc., who were used to Handle Citizens previously, on the Contrary, Now, there were as Much as ... Seven (7) such special Rooms, reserved to that purpose, (in this Pannel for Foreign Policy and Migration), i.e. a Spectacular Augmentation of X 700 % !...

    As usual, "Eurofora" will Examine Further such Organisational Issues Tomorow, on Saturday, i.e. the Most "Busy" Day.











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     The High-Tech, brand new Crisis' management Center (CMC) inaugurated Wednesday by French Minister Bernard Kouchner, fits well EU's Humanitarian and Security-Defence aims, revealed a gathering of the largest Group of MEPs (EPP) organised in Paris these days, to prepare the debate on French EU Presidency's priorities (July - December 2008), that President Nicolas Sarkozy will present next week in EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

        Due to face a large spectrum of Crises : from Humanitarian (f.ex. Natural Catastrophes, evacuation of Civilians or rapatriation of expats, populations exposed to Hunger and/or risky Sanitary conditions, etc), to various consequencies of Terrorist threats, Armed conflicts, or of Peace-keeping operations, etc, and joining Geopolitics with Diplomacy, CMC is able to deal with urgencies in real time anywhere in the world, by concentrating qualified Experts and impressive High-Tech equipment (i.e. Giant Computer Screens working in parallel, Visio-conferences, Satellite connections, etc).




        Kouchner stressed that "Humanitarian and Political considerations can co-exist in real practice, if each one respects its independence", and, speaking to EuroFora, underlined his intention to have special representatives in "Strategic" locations, creating a "Network", open particularly to European cooperation.


        - "We must fill the gap in Europe's Civilian and Military capacities", declared earlier at Matignon, French Prime Minister Francois Fillon, while EU Commissioners met with their counterparts among French Ministers.

        This point was at the focus of European People Party's "'Study Days" in Paris, from 2 to 4 July 2008, entitled  : "For a Safer Europe", with a central Debate on EU's Security and Defence policies, where EU Parliament's President, German MEP Hans Gert Poettering, French Minister of Defence Herve Morin, and the Chairman of EU's Defence Committee, MEP Karl von Vogaw, spoke before meeting with Sarkozy, Wednesday afternoon.

    - "We need specifically European systems, including, f.ex. Satellite networks, etc", stressed the experienced Chairman Karl von Vogaw, speaking after the meeting with President Sarkozy to European Journalists from EuroNews, EuroPolitique and EuroFora.
    - And there where "European forces are already gathered, (f.ex. in Cyprus, Balkans, Lebanon, etc), if new operations started, I'd prefer to see them under European command in Future", he added, in reply to questions on how to overcome problems raised by a 3rd Countries as Turkey.

    Vogaw presented earlier, at EPP's plenary, a comprehensive Report on EU's Security and Defence policy, with a strong High-Tech component (including Satellites, UAV, protected Telecoms, Strategic Air and Sea Transports, Space assets, etc), sharp references to Political will and Historic necessities, while also stressing that EU must overcome the divide between Civilian and Military research and activities, making "a close cooperation between Civilian and Military means" a "specific" mark of Europe.

    The experienced Top MEP, after helping to build the "EuroZone", as a long-time Chairman of EU Parliament's Economic Committee, has recently started to chair a brand new "Security and Defence Committee", aiming to build European Defence, as the 2nd task of his life, as he told earlier to EuroFora.


     The Committee, chaired by Vogaw, will hear, next week in Strasbourg an Experts' view about on the French EU Chairmanship's priorities in ESDP on Wednesday, before President Sarkozy's plenary debate, exceptionally on Thursday.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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