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Haupt arrow newsitems arrow Strasbourg Mayor Barseghian to EF: All Mobilized for EU Parliament Health Security +Citizens Debates

Strasbourg Mayor Barseghian to EF: All Mobilized for EU Parliament Health Security +Citizens Debates

Geschrieben von ACM
Saturday, 05 September 2020

*Strasbourg/EuroFair2020/Angelo Marcopolo/- Replying to "Eurofora" at a Press-point after Inaugurating Strasbourg's EuroFair on 4/9/2020, ("the 1st in France, since the Virus' Crisis", as she noted), New Mayor Jeanne Barseghian ensured that everything was Ready for EU Parliament's Plenary to Return Back to Strasbourg in Health Safety and Good Work Conditions for MEPs, as well as Helpful to a stronger Press Impact, and to Better Relations with EU Citizens, for the sake of European Democracy, (See Infra).


       With its Forthcoming Plenary Session scheduled in principle, for Next Week in Strasbourg, to be Followed by 2 Plenaries on October, EU Parliament had Faced, since the Virus' Crisis from March, initially a Lock Down, Followed by various Video-Conferences, and 2 Exceptional Plenaries in Brussels, until now, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/merkel5pointsforeurevival.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/nonorchestrateddialoguewitheucitizens.html, etc).


    - "For the European Parliament, since I took over my duties, I contacted President Sassoli, who is well intented, and Everybody in Strasbourg City are fully Mobilized, in concertation with the French State, in order to Provide Guarantees in terms of Sanitary (Health) Prevention, and prove that MEPs can be Welcomed in very Good Conditions at our region", she stressed, in Reply to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question.  

    - So, "Today, we are Ready, and we've just set up a fully-fledged Sanitary Protocol, which has been Completed !", Barseghian Firmly Announced Now.

    - F.ex., inter alia, "when MEPs arrive, they will have at their disposal a Sanitary Protocol, that will Inform them Where and Whom can they Ask for what they might Need", while "Hotels have been Labelized by the ARS" (the Health Administration of the Region, which depends from the National State), she added, among various Practical points.

    + In Fact, as a matter of Principle, in Wider terms, "there is a Strong Collective Will" to Effectively succeed to hold Important, Key Events in Strasbourg, "with All the due Precautions for Public Health of All involved", f.ex. from "this Euro-Fair" of 4-14 September 2020, "up to the (Traditionaly very Popular) Christmas Market, from November 27", which, at this occasion, "would be ReNovated" in its formula, etc., Barseghian also said, earlier.



    The Voluntaristic, but Careful Moves, came Despite a Higher then Expected Number of Infections in France these Latest Days, going from 6.800 up to 8.960 Cases, towards a "Reversal" Phenomenon (Compared to March-April's Peak) observed in certain Countries (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/hastydecofinementflop.html, etc). However, f.ex. Germany has Recently Issued "Travel Warnings" for Paris, Marseille and Brussels, But Not yet Strasbourg...



       At any case, by a Coincidence, the Inauguration of this Strasbourg's "Euro-Fair" took place the ...Same Day that China Inaugurated also its 1st International Fair of the Year, at Pekin, with President Xi, precisely on 4/9/2020... 


        With the Difference that this China's International Services Fair took place Inside a Big but 100% Confined Space, while Strasbourg's Euro-Fair has Also OutDoors Areas, (as, f.ex., its Agricultural Space, etc), with Healthy Fresh Oxygen, similar to EU Parliament's Strasbourg Building adjacent Secure "Green Areas", (including at the Ground -and Biggest- Floor of its Press-Room)... 



     The New Strasbourg's atypical "Green" Mayor is, by the way, Herself a concrete Symbol for Resilience of Human Health against the Pandemic, since she has notoriously Survived the Virus recently, with Strong Natural Immune System AntiCorps, (which, according to USA President's Don Trump and FDA's Director, are due to Become asap the 1st and Best Modern Cure, via Plasma New Tech.)... [See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/strasbourgvotesarmeniangreenmayor.html, etc]



    + On this Event's Occasion, Barseghian Agreed with "Eurofora" that MEPs, (who often risk in Brussels to be OverShadowed or ByPassed in the Medias by EU Council and/or EU Commission, while, in Strasbourg, they Could be the Main Focus of All Medias' Attention), may have a much Better Press Impact, particularly if Public Debates with EU Citizens on Topical Issues were Regularly Organized Before Final Decisions due to be taken at the Plenary Sessions, since that could Create Topical Interactions on "Hot" Issues, Attracting More Journalists' interest, according to "Eurofora"s Project, (Recently Twice Endorsed by Barseghian : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/greencandidatemayorokseuroforaproject.html, etc).


    - "Indeed, We need a Great European Strategy, with a Part on EU Citizenship, which Allows for EU Citizens to Express their Views on Topical EU Debates, and on Europe's Future" she stressed. In this regard, "at any case, Strasbourg intends to Fully take its Part in a revived European Democracy", the EuroMetropolitan City's Mayor ensured in Reply to "Eurofora", (while, Also, Making a Topical Reference to the Forthcoming "Conference on Europe's Future", which is, Notoriously, due to Give a More Important Role to EU Citizens' relations with MEPs, See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/renewheadoneuregorm.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/nonorchestrateddialoguewitheucitizens.html http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentoncitizensforeufuture.html, etc).




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Pierre Pflimlin's visionary line : Honouring the Memory of the man who wanted to build Europe on the Mountains, based on Spirit !



One of EuroFora's best inspirators is naturally Pierre Pflimlin :

We had a chance to personally meet the dynamic and experienced former President of both EU Parliament and CoE's Assembly, France's Prime Minister and Strasbourg's Mayor, only at his 90th anniversary, during an Historic speech at the Council of Europe, exceptionally full of people.

But his energetic figure looked more like a youngster of 19 years old, eager to win the Olympic games !..

Visionary, 2P was, from many points of view :

His daughter, Antoinette, Artist-decorator, and Senator Jung, President of a group of friends, confirmed us an Historian's revelation, that Pflimlin had initially the idea to build all European institutions (EU Parliament, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, etc) at the spectacular heights of Oberhausbergen hills, with an eye-catching view of both French Vosges and German Black Forest Mountains, in the midst of a Forest : A real vision to create a brand New European Headquarters with a big ambition !

But, it seems, that "someone in Brussels" found that picture, precisely, too big for his taste, and threw a spanner on the works...

Pflimlin stroke back a Decade ago, at his Historic 1997 farewell speech :

He urged Europeans to find another, more substantial way, to lift Europe to more important Heights in Future :

- "On which basis can we imagine the birth of a great Europe ?", he asked.

"Certainly an Economic basis ! A solid market economy, meeting also the needs of social justice. A Political basis : Europe must become a strong Political Power, able to influence World's changes, naturally for Peace."

"But I believe that the essential foundation of a greater Europe should be of Spiritual nature : .... The great pacific Revolutions were Spiritual Victories" : They expressed "People's main motivation to live in a society with our Values of Liberty, Democracy, respect for Human Dignity".

"Then, the roadmap is ready : Yes, the foundation of the unity for a large Europe is the spiritual heritage, inspired by Christian Humanism and the Humanism of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, from which emerged a Civilisation focused on the Human person".

"Here is the task to be accomplished. It's very difficult".

"The Time approaches when I'll have to pass over the torchlight. God willing, this torch should enlighten the path of those who are going to build, tomorrow, the great Europe, marked by this Spirit".


(Extract from the Book "Pierre Pfilmin : Alsacian and European", 2007. Texts by Senator Louis Jung, by the long-time f. Director of Strasbourg's Newspaper DNA, Alain Howiller, and by f. EU Parliament's Press Director, Paul Collowald : See dedications, hand-written by the authors, the day the book for Pflimlin's 100th Aniversary was launched at Strasbourg's Press Club and European Parliamentary Association's headquarters, 13 April 2007).




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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