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Inicio arrow newsitems arrow Spanish People Elect CenterRIGHT Majority with 1st Party and Total of 178 MPs (6 More than the Left)

Spanish People Elect CenterRIGHT Majority with 1st Party and Total of 178 MPs (6 More than the Left)

Escrito por ACM

*Stasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- From the Viewpoint of Strasbourg's Headquarters of COE's PanEuropean Organisation for Democracy, Human Rights and Rule of Law, the Oldest and More Experienced European Body in Checking and Debating in Public  the Legal and Political Quality of Elections throughout all its 47 Member States as far as Respect for Democratic Principles is concerned , which is naturaly due to Deal also with Today's crucial Spanish National Elections of 2015 at the latest during its Forthcoming Plenary Session's week on 25-29 Januray 2016 here, the Democraticaly Expressed Political Will of the Spanish People seems Crystal-Clear :

- Judging by the Overall Results, Both in terms of Which Party came 1st, and particularly concerning the Number of MPs Elected for each one among All the Parties involved accross the entire Political Spectrum, the Final Outcome clearly shows that Spanish Citizens gave a net Absolute Majority to the Center-Right, and a Minority to the Left.

Indeed, the Parties leaning towards the Right side of the Political Spectrum Succeeded to Win the 1st Rank in that Vote with about 29 % for the ChristianDemocrats/EPP, and Elect,  all Together, a Total of 178 MPs, i.e. + 2 MPs More than what is Required in order to be Able to form a Majority Government (176 MPs).

On the Contrary, the Parties located at the Left side of the Political Spectrum, which got Just the 2nd Place with 22% for the Socialists, didn't manage to Elect, All Together, but Only 172 MPs, i.e. a Minority, ( - 4 MPs Less than the Above mentioned Threshhold, and - 6 MPs Less than the Right (Comp. Supra).

Significantly, the Socialist Party Fell Down to an Historical Record Low, with Only .... of the Votes, and just ... MPs, in Addition Looking as a kind of .. De Facto "Regionalist" Party in a Locacious MAP showing Who Won the Duel at the Top of All Areas of the Country, which Pictures the PSOE as having been Reduced Only in a Small Area of the Extreme Southern Part of Spain, near Africa, (as Catalan Regionalists are Concentrated at the North-East, towards France, and Basque Regionalists towards the North : See relevant MAP), while All the Rest of the Country is Clearly Dominated by a Sweeping Wave of Wins for the PP of ChristianDemocrat/EPP Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

 In Fact, it's a so Unusual and GeoPoliticaly "Spicy" Map of Electoral Results for Spain, that the Only One among the Mainstream Newspapers of the Country which Published a Big Photo of that Map at its Frontpage, (the "ABC"), appears to have been the Best Sold, by far, to Spanish People, OverNight and since Early Morning, as at least several Original Photos clearly show, by revealing that that Newspaper had practicaly disappeared at the Central News-Stands' Selling points. While, on the Contrary, almost All Other mainstream Newspapers which had Ommitted that Map from their Frontpage, limiting themselves to Merely Copy, all a Similar Graphic with Only the Numbers of the Results, (arranged, moreover, in a Way which Didn't give Any Insight about What was the Overall Will of the Spanish People and Where it Stood amidst the entire Political Spectrum of the Country), were, obviously, Left in Big Piles full of UnSold Merchandises, due to be thrown to the Waste-Baskets and/or used for ReCycled Paper, (See relevant Photo - partly UpDated)...



    For a Possible Majority Coalition of All Spanish Parties leaning towards the Center-Right Side of the Political Spectrum, the Aboved-mentioned overall Electoral Results have been Obtained by simply Adding to the ChristianDemocrat/EPP "Partido Popular" of Prime Minister Rajoy's First Ranking Party Today, with about 29 % of the Votes and 123 MPs, also those of the New Centrist Party of "Citizens", with almost 14 % of the Votes and 40 MPs, as well as those of anOther New, Centrist-Liberal Party of "Democracy and Freedom" from Catalonian Regionalists, with 8 MPs, and of Traditional "Supporters of God and Old laws", alias "Basque National Party" (PNV : Which notoriously Governed that Region for Many Years, from 1980 to 2009, and was Member of EU Parliament's "ChristianDemocrat/EPP" Group and of the ChristianDemocrat International in the Past), with 6 MPs, to which could, naturaly, be also added, if necessary, the small Conservative Party of the "Canarian Coalition", (which has Governed that Region since 1993), with 1 more MP.

    Concerning the Minority of those Parties who belong to the Left Side of the Political Spectrum, their Overall Results were Obtained by the Addition of the Socialists (PSOE), who came Second with about 22 % of the Votes and only 90 MPs, Together with the New "Podemos" (i.e. from Obama's "We Can"), Leftist Party, which got about 20,5% of the Votes and 69 MPs, as well as the "Republican Left of Catalonia" Regionalists, with 9 MPs, but also the "Popular Unity" Party of the Left, with anOther 2 MPs, Possibly extended even to the Leftist Pro-Independence Nationalist Basque Party of "EH Bildu" (for "Basque Country Unite !", with 2 MPs more.

      => Such an Overall Democratic Political Result is very Important, both for Spain itself, and for All Europe, mainly Because it clearly Reveals that, in Fact, Both (Otherwise Dangerously Looming) Risks of Either practicaly Cutting the EU in 2 Politicaly Divided Parts, with Center-Right led Governments' Dominance at the North, opposed to Left side Governments at the South, or, (even Worse), Seriously Aggravating a Notoriously Fast-Spreading throughout almost All Europe, Systemic Problem recently Challenging Democracy itself, by a Trend to Multiply Controversial Attempts for "GroKo" CoHabitations between Socialists and ChristianDemocrats/EPP, Contrary to the Crystal-Clear Political Will Democraticaly Expressed in Many EU Countries by the People who Vote, more and more, for a Majority of the Parties of the Center-Right and/or the Right. (Something which has Obviously Provoked the Rise of Various Rightists and/or Atypical Parties, against an Old Establishment more and more Cut Fas Away from the People and, therefore, giving Birth to Manifold Critics, which are very Fast Growing now throughout Europe, and elsewhere in the World : F.ex. even in the USA, already from 2008-2015).

(On All those Points, including Risks for "Sly Traps" by some UnTrustworthy Launchers of Systematic Personal Attacks, See f.ex. an Analysis, already Published by "EuroFora", also on the particular Occasion of these Crucial Spanish 2015 Elections, at the Eve of this Sundays' Vote, at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/spainelectionavoideudivisionbyepplink.html ).

In Other Words, to put it in a Nutshell, the Spanish People has just Democraticaly Expressed a Crystal-Clear Political Will, despite various Difficulties, to Avoid or Overcome Both those 2 Above-mentioned Risks, which Threaten both Spain and all Europe, Simply by Giving Today a Net Majority for a Government by a Possible Coalition of Parties which are all located at the Center-Right side of the Political Spectrum.

It remains to be seen, whether this Spanish People's Political Will shall be Heard and Endorsed also by the Establishment, in Full Respect of Democratic Principles, or Not...

If the Answer to that Question turns Negative, then, obviously, a Perspective to Hold New Elections asap., might be, Comparatively,  a Lesser Evil, (Cf.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/spainelectionavoideudivisionbyepplink.html ).




("DraftNews", as already send to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be Published asap).



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An appeal to make the "World more Human", by defending basic Human Values, helping those in need, and paying hommage to Nature, figured high in Pope Benedict's long-awaited speech at his "First Angelus" in the symbolic, beautiful historic small town of Brixen/Bressalone at the Alpes.


- "No Dictature, nor any destructive force can rob us of the most important goods wich are God's gift", stressed Pope Benedict, referring to elementary Human Values, in a last-minute improvisation of his draft speech, before launching also a call to "help those in need", in order to "make the World more human".

- "Jesus is the focus .. In him is Justice and Freedom", said earlier Brixen's Bishop Wilhelm Egger, after prayers including calls to "Truth, Justice and Freedom", read at a Mass of thousands in the town of Archangel Michael, known as defender of christians against the devil.


In what looks as a reference to BioEthics' dillemas of crucial impportance, raised at Strasbourg's unique in the World legally binding International Treaty on BioMedicine and Human Rights (1998, with the "hottest" issues added later through additional protocols, some of whom are imminent), he spoke also of the splendid "Nature" at this Alpen's ressort : This fits well Vatican's earlier anouncement that Pope Benedict's "prayer intentions for August" are mainly to "respect God's design for the world", and "become ever more aware of the great gift of God which Creation represents for us".

- "The most important things in our lives cannot be bought, but are only given as holy gifts : The Sun and its Light, the Air that we breath, the Water, the beauty of Earth, Love, Friendship, Life itself", Pope Benedict added, extending also to Natural Environment, another topical issue after recent Climatic upheavals at several parts of the World.



The "preparation of Pope Benedict's visit to France", which currently heads the EU, at mid-September, among exceptionaly important Council of Europe meetings on Human Rights in Paris and Strasbourg, is part of his work, together with his "book on Jesus", during brief Summer Holidays in Brixen, said his Spokesman, Federico Lombardi.

- The Pope's message is mainly religious, theological. But we are living in a concrete world, and ideas may be taken by readers as references to the actuality. However, it's better to wait to se what the Pope will say in Paris and at Lourdes, added to EuroFora Lombardi, who is also Director of Vatican's Press Office.


Brizen/Bressanone is similar to Strasbourg by succeeding to make a fertile synthesis of Germanic and Latin sources of Europe, like the two local rivers who meet at the historical center of the town, among spectacular ressorts at mountains' hights.

Headquarters for an Historic Religious Seminar, it attracted recently also a Free University's Educational studies. Well-known as a long-time preferred rest place for former cardinal Radzinger and his brother Georg, it includes areas named "St Benedeto" and "St George"...


But Pope Benedict's first speech gave also another symbolic rendez-vous :

- "Next Wednesday, August 6, we shall commemorate the 30st anniversary from the death of late Pope Paul VI", who "concluded Vatican II", and "the Transfiguration of Jesus, mystery of the divine light, which exerced a unique fascination to his soul", he said to some 12.000 applauding People, among the happy few who succeeded to have a rare place for an open-air Mass inside the Domplatz a particularly sunny day at the Alpes.



2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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