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Home arrow newsitems arrow Popular Referendum on Homosexuals and Mariage+Children Adoption: + 63% NO in Slovenia (EU) +Quorum !

Popular Referendum on Homosexuals and Mariage+Children Adoption: + 63% NO in Slovenia (EU) +Quorum !

Pisac ACM
20. 12. 2015.

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- A Popular Referendum on the Controversial, and Worldwide "Hot" Issue Nowadays (See Infra), of accepting, or not, to extend Marriage to Same Sex couples and to Submit Children to Homosexuals' power under cover of "Adoption", was Strongly Rejected by an Absolute and Qualified Majority of almost 2/3 of People in EU Member Country Slovenia this Sunday, with More than 63,5% "NO" against only 36,5% Yes, (according to 96% of Votes checked).



The Move had been Initiated by 40.000 Signatures of Citizens calling for a Popular Initiative Referendum against a Controversial Law, Tabled by a Government of Left/Liberals and Adopted by a Parliament, which had just imposed Controversial "Same Sex Marriage" and even the Submission of Children to Homosexuals' Power under Pretext of "Adoption".



It's mainly Agaist This Crucial Point that had Focused Slovenian People's Opposition, led by a Movement self-Titled "Children are at Stake", (according also to "EuroFora"s relevant Critical Observatios from the Start on this Hard Fought Nowadays BioEthical Issue, given particularly the Risk for Natural Births to be Circumvented by various Artificial Methods of Procreation of Human Beings, Dominated by Tehcnocratic Lobbies with Shady Interests, provoking obvious Dangers for all Humankind, that Natural Family, formed by a Man and Woman, normaly Help Prevent).


 This 2015 Slovenian Referendum had to Obtain a Quorum of at leat 342.000 Voters in order to have Legaly Binding Force, and it Succeeded to have About 390.000.


(Slovenian pro-Natural Family Head Activist Intellectual Ales Primc, obviously goes Natural..)


Before that, Back on 25 March 2012, a Previous Referendum against an Earlier Attempt by another Government of the Left to  Give to Homosexuals all rights of Marriage, except Adoption of Children Born by Other People, had Won an Absolute (but Not Yet Qualified) Majority with 54,5% of the Votes, and 30,5 of Registered Voters' Participation Turnout. Nevertheless, 3 Years later, on March 2015, a Left/Liberals Governing Coalition had Adopted an even More Aggressive LBGT Lobby's desiderata, f.ex. Adding also full Adoption of Children by Homosexuals, which has just been Refused anew by Slovenian People.


In the MeanTime, any Implementation of that Contested Law had been "Freezed" until Today's Vote of the Popular Referendum, whose Outcome was a Valid "No" Vote, After which, any Slovenian Government, reportedly, has to Wait for at least during a Year, before, eventualy, Attempting again any Deviant Move.


The Dissidents had been reportedly supported mainly by the Center-Right Opposition Parties and the Christian Church, which was Congratulated by Pope Francis "for its Commitment in favour of the Family", earlier This Week, at the same time that he Called the Government of the Country to "Support the Family, Basic Structure of Social Life".

Meanwhile, Earlier This Year (2/2015) another, Similar Popular Referendum in Slovakia (EU), had gathered almost 1 Million Votes in favour of Natural Family, with Results as High as about 93% and 95% when it comes to Refuse Extending Marriage to Homosexuals and Submitting Other People's Children to the Power of Homosexuals through "Adoption". But it didn't get Legal Effects because both of a Boycott by LBGT a.o. Lobbies and a Too High Threshhold for Participation required by the Constitution of that Country, (More than 50% of Registered Voters !). However, a Protection of Natural Family had already been Supported by a Succesful previous Amendment to the Slovak Constitution, obtained almost a Year Earlier (2014).

Previously, on December 2013, a Popular Constitutional Referendum in Croatia (EU) in favour of the Natural Family, between a Man and a Woman, had Succeded with More than + 66 % Votes "Yes", and a 38 % Participation (i.e. almost 1,5 Millions of People), despite Opposal by a Government of the Left and Most Media of the Establishment.



French People had staged Historic Big Public Demonstrations many times from 2013, and still Continued with various New Forms of Expression of Popular Reject also through 2014, to vainly Ask for such a Referendum also in France, against some Socialist Ministers' stuborn Push to impose at any price the Conntroversial and Unpopular Same Sex Mariage, Adoptions by Homosexuals added, and even Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, almost at the Same Time, in a curiously Hasty and unusualy Brutal way, which Started to Provoke even Council of Europe's Official Reactions on mainly on April 2013 but also on September 2015. (The need felt by France to Exceptionaly Support Mali's regime against Extremist Islamist Terrorists' Attacks from Januray 2014, followed by a series of unprecedented Terrorist Aggressions against Civilians Since January 2015 has Hindered any more Popular Demonstrations on such and other related BioEthical Issues of growing Importance in Modern Societies).


Shortly afterwards, Russia, Belorussia, Kazakstan, and certain African, (as Uganda, etc), as well as Asian (f.ex. China, Vietnam, etc. who ask Guarantees that their Children won't be given to Homosexuals), or APC Countries introduced Legal Safeguards Excluding International Adoptions of their Children by France and any other Country which has Provoked a Risk for Children to be Given to Homosexuals under Adoption pretext.

Meanwhile, a Controversial Referendum in Ireland (accepted by almost all Old Parties of the Establishment, pushed by a USA-Dominated Irish Diaspora), imposed Same Sex Mariage, Despite the Fact that a very Large Majority of Irish People either massively Abstained or Voted "No", so that Only a 1/3 Minority voted "Yes"...(See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/irelandreferendumboostsnaturalfamilypopularmovement.html).

However, the PanEuropean Convention of Human Rights, which prevails in 47 CoE Member Countries, Still Keeps, for More almost 63 Years (9/1953 - 2015+), its Article 12, wich Recognizes a "Right to Marry and to Found a Family" Only Between "Men and Women", (despite a Controversial Individual ECrtHR Ruling which, a Few Years Ago, even if it had to Admit that Fact, Nevertheless, undertook an Unprecedented Attempt to Skip the PanEuropean Convention's Explicit Text, in the Particular Case that it examined. Something which, obviously, Can Legally be Overturned, at Any Moment, by an Opposite ECHR's Judgement, at anOther Case in the Future, since Only Legal Texts Remain, while Judges' Case-law Can always Change).



But, as Now in Slovenia, in Europe, (after Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, as well as Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Poland, etc), also Many American Federated States, in Recent Yearsn, have Adopted Popular Referenda Confirming the Traditional Prohibition of controversial Same Sex Marriage, and a great Number among them even made it Explicitly Clear in their own Constitutions that they still Recognize only Natural Marriages between a Man and a Woman.

However, a series of very Controversial Rulings by Judges Appointed a the US Supreme Court by Outgoing US President Barack Hussein Obama, practicaly Smashed almost all those Popular Referenda, (often Only by 1 such Unelected Judge's Vote more or less !).



Reacting, almost All current opposition Republican (GOP) Party's Candidates to the forthcoming US Presidential Election of 2016 have Strongly Vowed to Counter all such Obama's Controversial and Unpopular moves, so that Protection of Natural Family can be Restored, in one way or another.

Another Conservative Politician who had initially promissed to Cancel controversial and UnPopular "Same Sex Marriage" if he was Elected, But Afterwards Failed to do so, former Canadian Prime Minister Harper, has just been Severely Punished by Canadian People who Massively Voted, in the latest National Elections, Against his Untrustworthy, Outgoing team...



(Harper with Wife and Obama at the latest G7 Summit,

or was it the Other Way round ?...)





("DraftNews", as already send to "EuroFora"'s Subscribers/Donors, earlier. A more accurate, full Final Version might be Published asap).



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Sarkozy and Merkel : June 2009 solution to May 2005 "NO" ?

 - Will French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angie Merkel live up from June 2009 to their obvious Historic European mission to revitalize, and re-launch the "European Dream", after the series of 3 "NO" since May 2005 in France, the Netherlands and Ireland, by renewing, and changing the EU with fresh stimulus, big horizons, and values attractive for EU Citizens ?

Whatever views anyone might have, it's a Fact that, recently, EU's political spectrum didn't produce other more charismatic and popular EU leaders than Merkel and Sarkozy, starting from September 2005 and May 2007, respectively.

This trend was confirmed, in one way or another, both during the German EU presidency in 2007 (shared by Merkel with the SPD), and mainly during the French EU Presidency in 2008, (with Sarkozy "free" to move).

The positive 2009 EU Polls are a natural consequence :

- Both with 72% Sarkozy and Merkel are considered by EU Citizens to be "the most Influential" leaders in Europe, by far.

- They are the only EU political leaders to attract a Majority of "Positive" views by EU Citizens, (Merkel over 60%, Sarkozy over 50%, particularly in the continent).

- 60% of EU Citizens find the 2008 French EU Presidency "Good", (and the satisfaction grows up to 67,5% in continental Europe).

The Poll was made by "OpinionWay" in big EU countries as Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, (with the only exception of France), from 26 to 28 May 2009.


But the most important is that both Franco-German leaders seem willing to, at last, really start serious business on EU's indispensable renovation and Renaissance from 2009 : Year of crucial EU and German Elections.

Therefore, this time, the joint European move by Sarkozy and Merkel, which just published a common Franco-German Manifesto, aims to stimulate aspirations and action not only in their respective countries, but also in many other EU "partners", as they say.

Both on EU economy, social values and scientifico-technologic research, as well as on Turkey's controversial EU bid, obviously incompatible with a popular Political Europe, whose Citizens can find a collective Identity and popular Values, they have already started to magnetize various growing voices accross the European landscape :

"Today, more than ever, it' time for action", they stress from the outset.

Facing "an unprecedented Global financial and economic Crisis", "Europeans must get resolutely involved if they want for the World which is being built to meet their Values of Liberty, Solidarity and Justice".

"That's what we want" and "propose to our Partners" :

* "A strong Europe, able to protect us" :

- "We refuse a Bureaucratic EU, which mecanically applies burdensome rules and is afraid of change. We want a European Union which listens what Citizens have to say, which innovates, stimulates".

- "We want a strong and united EU in the World, while also respecting its Member States' Diversity", which "brings Courageous Replies to the Questions of our Times, ensuring our Prosperity :  

This implies to "favor Research and Innovation", "Economic Coordination", to "develop real Policies on Immigrationn, Energy, Defence, and modernise  common policies, particularly Agriculture".

*  "EU must bring immediate replies to the Global Crisis".

- "Lawless liberalism failed". "The Model we want is that of a Responsible Market Economy, which favors Enterpreneurs and Workers, above Speculators ;  Long-term Investment, over immediate profiits".

- "We appeal upon the EU to take, from June, the first decisions to ensure a real European Regulation of Financial Markets, based on coordination and cooperation". "On speculative funds, on fiscal heavens, CEO's and financial operators' earnings, EU must give the example".

- "We call to change the rules of accounts, which are important for our Economy's revival : The competent normative authorities must take action". "The issue of a sufficient Credit offer is of central importance for our Economy". "We don't accept that, during this Financial Crisis, the European Banks' capacity to lend money might be unjustly reduced by Capital's requirements and accountant's rules

* "During the German and French Presidencies, EU has resoçlutely prepared itself for the fight against Global Warming... EU is the 1st and only area in the World to have adopted a package of ambitious and legally binding rules to comply with International Aims"

- "We have now to convince our Friends and Partners, to get involved, in order to atteint, next December at Copenhagen, a Global Agreement worthy of whay is at stake. Our closer ally, the US, but also other big industrial countries, must commit themselves with the same force as the Europeans".

"Green Growth is a Chance ... and an opportunity to create jobs turned towards the Future. Europe must be a leader".

- But, at the same time, we must ensure that our companies remain competitive in the World. The ambitious European involvements on Climat must not lead into a position where EU industry might become a Victim of Unfair Competition. Climat protection and Competitvity must go together. If our International partners refuse to associate themselves to our efforts, we are determined to take measures to protect European Industry"

* "Europe must be more ambitious for its Industry" : "It must favor the emergence of strong European enterprises at a Global level".

- "As long as an International mechanism" to "monitor Public Aids at WTO level, and hinder 3rd Countries to give abusive subsidies to their enterprises, provoking unfair competition", is "not yet set up, we must consider Transitory European Solutions".

* "The current Public Debt is too heavy... We must head anew towards sound public finance, as soon as we'd have passed the crucial stage in this crisis".

* Last, but not least :  "Europe must play a top-level role in the World"

- "For that purpose,  it needs efficient Institutions. That's why we need Lisbon Treaty". "The 27 Member States decided, last December (2008) that the Treaty should enter into force before the end of this year (2009)". To obtain that, June EU Council must agree "on the Guarantees for Ireland".

- But, "to be able to act, EU needs Borders. An Enlargment without Limits is not possible", Sarkozy and Merkel stressed in an obvious reference to Turkey, etc.

- "In order to be strong, Europe must assume its Values and its Identity". "Human Rights .. are at the basis of our commitment for a Peaceful Development accross the World".

- "For that purpose, we shall strengthen our common Defence and Security policy".

* "We are ready to contribute to activate the EU towards the realisation of these aims, with our EU Partners".

"In order to succeed", Europe  "needs the active involvment of all, starting by Citizens themselves. That's why the June 7 rendez-vous is important", and "we are calling all Europeans to vote".

"We are convinced that, if Europe wants, Europe can", they conclude.

Precisely : - What can better forge "Europe's Will" than a "European Consciousness" emerging from political, democratic struggles to face Global Challenges, and open big New Horizons, including by crystal-clear Public Debates, with active EU Citizens' involvement, before the most important EU Decisions affecting People's lives ?

Precisely what "EuroFora"s project warns since 1997-2007, and unprecedented Majority Abstentions, since 1999-2004, added to 3 "NO" to EU Referenda in 2005 and 2007, proved meanwhile..

Let's hope that the Time wasted by some scandalous anti-European and anti-Democratic obstacles of the Past, will stimulate faster, simplified but substantial and persistent, efficient action.-


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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