EU Chair Slovenia Spokesman to EF: UNSC move V. Turkey abusing Cyprus=Big Topic=>Strong EU Reaction

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/(UPDATED)- The Press Spokesperson of the Incoming EU Presidency by Slovenia (July - December 2021), Domen Petelin, speaking to "Eurofora" on the latest UN Security Council's landmark Unanimous Oficial Statement against Turkey's recent Abuse on Cyprus' Issue, Shamelessly Refusing a Peaceful ReUnification of the Island under UN auspices, but pushing Secessionism for the Occupied Territories instead, at the Same Time that Ankara Notoriously Threatened Even Greek Cypriot Refugees' Family Homes and Prvate Properties in Famagusta/Varosha, Still Occupied by the Turkish Invasion Army, in Blatant Violation of many relevant UNSC Resolutions, stressed that this was "a Big Topic", on which EU should have "a Strong Reaction".
- "Definitively, this is a Huge Emerging Issue", and "should be Adressed in a Proper Manner", Petelin underlined from the outset, just After the UNSC in New York clearly "Condemned" "the Announcement in Cyprus by Turkish and Turkish Cypriot leaders on 20 July 2021 on the further reOpening of a part of the Fenced-off area of Varosha", expressing "Deep Regret regarding these Unilateral Actions that run Contrary to its (UNSC) previous Resolutions and Statements", while Also Calling "for the Immediate Reversal" of such Turkish "course of Action".

+ The UNSC, also Unanimously "Stressed", over the Week-End, "the Importance of Full Respect and Implementation of its Resolutions, including the Transfert of Varoshe to UN Administration, and UNFICYP's (the UN Peace-Keeping Force in Cyprus) Freedom of Movement" accross the Island. Because, at the Same Time, it "ReAffirmed its Commitment to an EnDuring, Comprehensive, and Just Settlement, in accordance with the Wishes of the Cypriot People, and Based on a bicommunal, bizonal Federation, with political equality, as set ou in Relevant (UN) Security Council Resolutions", (i.e. Contrary to Turkey's Demand for a Secessionist, "2 Equal and Sovereing States" outcome for Cyprus' Partition), "Support(ing the (UN) Secretary General's Efforts" for Negotiations in view of a Peaceful ReUnification of Cyprus, which have Not taken place 'for More than 4 Years", as Criticized the UN Secretary General's Envoy on Cyprus and UNFICYP, Miss Elisabeth Spehar, just after Briefing the UNSC in New York. - "These ae Difficult Times", with "Significant Challenges on Cyprus", But the UN "Secetary General remains Committed ... in Reaching a Comprehensive Settlement, ...Guided by the relevant UNSC Resolutions, which have Established the UN Parameters", she stressed too.
That landmark UNSC's Decision, Adopted Unanimously, was read as an Official Statement of its current UN President-in-Office for July 2021, French Ambassador/Permanent Represenative to the UN, Nicolas de Rivière, while ...China and India, reportedly had Strived Earlier for an Even More "Sharp" Statement versus Turkey's wrong-doings. (Both these 2 Big Countries notoriously have Territorial Integrity Issues, fuelled by Turkey's pal Pakistan). Interestingly, President Modi's India will Chair the UNSC Next Month : on August 2021, Followed by Friendly Ireland on September.
+ Meanwhile, Completing the Reminder of UNSC Decisions on Cyprus Issue by UNO's Highest Political Body, Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during a subsequent Press Conference in Athens, Together with Cyprus' President Nicos Anastassiades, righfuly stressed the Fact that they ask for a Solution on the Basis of a Bicommunal and Bizonnal Federation, with 1 Sovereignity, 1 International Legal Personality, and 1 Citizenship", which even more clearly Reject Turkey's Secessionist and Partitionist aims. (UPDATED)-
=> Meanwhile, as the Ambassador/Permanent Represenative of Cyprus to the UN, Andreas HadjiChrysanthou, stressed in a TeleVised Statement from New York's UN HeadQuarters, just After UNSC's Decision, "what is Now Crucial is to see Compliance with the resolutions and decisions of the Council on Varosha, Before the Violations we now experience Escalate Further". For that purpose, "We rely on the active Support of the International Community to ensure that Alternative schemes, which are Not intended to serve the best interests of Cypriots, are Not imposed through the Creation of Facts on the Ground, like the ones we are witnessing in Varosha, or through the Refusal to negotiate reUnification in the Cyprus peace process", HadjiChrysanthous added, Pointing out also at "Internatinal Players, like the EU, for instance".
- In practice, particularly as far as EU Commission is concerned, "this is under the Responsibility of Mr. Borrell and EU's External Action Service", Petelin reminded to "Eurofora", pointing at EU's Diplomacy's Head, the Experienced former EU Parliament's President, Josep Borrell, (that "Eurofora"'s co-Founder has Met and worked with, Several Times in the Past, in Strasbourg), who has Just Slamed Turkey's Claims as "UnAcceptable", (triggering an Ankara's Provocative Reply that his Criticism would be "Nul and Void")...
- Meanwhile, "there was also an Attempt to convene an Extra-Ordinary EU Council on Foreign Affairs" Nowadays, revealed Petelin to "Eurofora", that the "Slovenian EU Presidency Supported, But there were some Different Opinions". However, "Various Other Options are Still on the Table", in one way or another, he added.
- At any case, Petelin did Not Exclude that this Issue Might Also be Discussed in the Forthcoming "Gymnish" Top Meeting between EU's Foreign Ministers, in Slovenia, Later on 2 September 2021, even it has Not Yet been Formaly Decided, "for the Moment".
=> -"Frankly, this" (EU Action for Timely Implementation of UNSC's Decisions : Comp. Supra), "is a Very Serious Issue", so that "the Slovenian EU Presidency Will Support to have a Strong (EU) Reaction !, its Head Spokesman vowed.
By a Coincidence, "Eurofora"'s Co-Founder had Already Published, during the Previous Slovenian EU Presidency, Back on 2008, (then at "The Cyprus Weekly" Newspaper), an almost Equivalent Warning to Turkey concerning Also Cyprus, then, in order to Respect Ankara's Commitments by Stopping Discriminating against Cyprus' Ships and Airplanes, Risking, Otherwise, to Compromise Ankara's prospects to Open several Negotiation Chapters in its Controversial and UnPopular EU bid, (See Attached Herewith "TCW" Publication). And this Really Happened, indeed, Soon Afterwards, Until Nowadays...
Doubling such Coincidences, the Former Head Press Spokesman of that Slovenian 2008 EU Presidency, Dr. Anze Logar, with whom We had exchanged then, Meanwhile, has Become, Today, the ...current Foreign Minister of the Country on 2021 ! Smiling, Now, his Present Successor, Domen Petelin, Modestly told "Eurofora" that such an Honour might Not concern him, since "I am Not involved in (National) Politics", as he said... Nevertheless, ..."You Never Know !", he cautiously Agreed, with a sens of humour...
At any case, an obvious Equivalent, Nowadays on 2021, of what was at Stake then, Back on 2008, would Probably be f.ex., among Others, (f.ex. a 3 Billions € EU Grant on Pretext of Syrian Refugees, in Fact Over-Exploited by the Turks, etc), Ankara's Prospect to ReNovate and Boost its "Customs Union" with the EU. (A very Controversial Issue when it had been UnExpectedly Allowed by an EU Parliament's last-Minute Majority's Flip-Flop, Back on December 1995 in Strasbourg, almost Immediately Followed by the First 2 Publications, by ECHR, of the landmark Cases of a Young Kurd handicaped by Torture in Turkish Prisons, and Afterwards Murdered by GunShots at his Head when he Refused to Drop a Legal Complain to Strasbourg's Human Rights Court, as well as of a Kurdish Family, whose Home and Livelihood had been Destroyed by Fire lit by the Turkish Army, Expulsing them to the Streets, until they Walked all the way to Smyrne/Izmir's Shanty-Towns, crippled by Provoked Extreme Poverty : The Famous "Aksoy" and "Akdivar" cases. + To All this was, Also, Even Added the Next Month, on January 1996, the Horrible Brutal Killing of Young Journalist "Goktepe", whose Head was Crushed by Turkish Policemen, while he was trying to cover the Burrial of Political Prisoners who had Died in Turkish Prisons after a long Hunger Strike)... Nowadays, earlier on June 2021, the EU has Notoriously Decided to Start a "Positive Agenda" of Cooperation with Turkey, while Also Clearly Warning Ankara that such moves were "Conditional and Reversible", According to the Turkish Behavior, (See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eucooplinktoturkeynotacessbid.html, etc).
But, Now, on this July 2021, Defying Everything, Ankara reportedly Slamed Both the EU's and the UNSC's Calls on Cyprus, by Accusing the 1st to be ..."Nul and Void", while the 2nd would have made "Misleading" or "UnFounded Claims", with the Top UNO's Body standing "Below ... Sovereignity Rights" of the Invaded and Occupied Territories of the Island, according to the Turks...
(2008 + 2021 EU President-in-office, Slovenian Prime Minister Jansa, with EPP SG, MEP Isturiz, at EU Summit in Salzburg, Austria, 2018, smile to "Eurofora", after Winning Election)
Naturally, concerning the EU, a Key "Red Thread" Uniting the Past and the Future, on such International Rule of Law and Human Rights Values, extended at Europe's immediate Neighborhood, was and Still is the Past (2008) and Current (2021) Slovenian EU Presidency's Head, Prime Minister Janos Jansa, (that "Eurofora"s co-Founder has Met Several Times, Both during EU Summits in Brussels, and EU Parliament in Strasbourg, as well as in Austria, etc., Publishing various Press Articles, succesively at "TCWeekly", "MPAgency", or "Eurofora", about certain of his statements : Inter Alia, See, f.ex., also http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eustrategyongreeceshengenmediterranean.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eppheaddaulonvictororbanandeudevelopments.html,+ http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/jansawinssloveniaelection.html, + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/eppsummitinsalzburgandorban.html,+ http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euheadjansafordialogue.html, etc, as well as the Attached NewsPaper cuts).
Indeed, the Experienced, Twice EU-President-in-Office Jansa, had Already made it Clear, as Early as Since 2008, that, in fact, EU Negotiations with Turkey should Continue Only "in Compliance with the Commitments Undertaken on the Basis of Fundamental Principles" of the EU. I.e. he was "Not Advocating any Lowering of Criteria, or ShortCuts". So that, "If we (the EU) Continue, then Turkey will Have to Comply with its Obligations", as had afterwards Explained to "Eurofora"s co-Founder then, Slovenia's former Foreign Minister Janez Lenarcic, current EU Commissioner. (See Our Publication, then, at "TCWeekly", attached Herewith).
+ And Nowadays also, this July 2021, at EU Parliament's Plenary in Strasbourg, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euheadjansafordialogue.html, etc), Jansa, after Rightfuly noting that USA and China had Just gone to Planet March, But Not the EU, (even if it had been Scheduled to do so, in Cooperation with Russia since 2010, But this was Postponed after Europe's Division by a provoked Ukranian Conflict), he Urged the EU to, at least, Become Strong enough to Act for Rule of Law and Human Rights in its close Neighbourhood :
- Indeed, Speaking as a matter of General Principle, Jansa Concluded by stressing his Support for "a Credible and Secure EU, Capable of Ensuring Security and Stability in its Neighbourhood as well", because "We (the Incoming Slovenian EU Presidency for 2021) Believe that it's Time for the EU to Become More Strategic in its Thinking and Actions in the World", "this being Particularly True for Our (Europe's) Immediate Neighbourhood", as he pointed out. And, Concluding also his 2nd Reply to MEPs' Observations, in the ensuing Debate, the Incoming 2021 EU President-in-Office also Vowed to "Continue to Fight for a Europe with More Freedom and Respect for Basic Human Rights and Fundamental Political Freedoms", "Strong Enough in order to Promote also in its Neighbourhood a Space of Freedom and Respect for Human Rights", Convinced that he Speaks "on Behalf of the Immense Majority of (our) Fellow Citizens", Jansa Vowed that "this Has to be one of the Goals for which We had Worked, so far, and We are Prepared to Do so (also) in the Future".
Inter alia, in this regard, Concerning Greek Cypriot Refugees from Famagusta/Varosha, still Occupied by Turkey's Army, at least, a Slovenian Prime Minister's 2008 Statement, unforunately, Still Remains Valid : Jansa had Thanked, then, the EU, for Helping to Overcome he "Humiliation", as he had Denounced, Suffered by the People, "Every Time they (were Oblige to) Cross a Border" in the Past, as Ankara seeks to Oblige, Nowadays (2021) Thousands of Varocha's Greek Cypriot Refugees to Suffer Also Humiliations if they Have to Cross the "Green Line", inside Their own Country, Cyprus, Submitting to Turkish Army's Controls etc., just to go to Their Family Homes, Even Despite ECHR Judgements...
From this Point of view, too, UNSC's above-mentioned, 7/2021 Repeated Call for Turkey to Return Varosha to its Lawful Owners "Under UN Administration", and with "UNFICYP" (Comp. Supra), looks Naturaly very Topical.
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In a last-minute, surprise move, New EU Chairman, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, anounced a proposal in Strasbourg to open an EU Parliament debate on Europe's Identity in the ranup to 2009 Election :
- "I am conscious of the fact that there is, today, a real Crisis on Europe's
Identity", he replied earlier to a question by Greek MEP Ioanis Varvitsiotes, who had asked him to "advance beyond those who don't really want a Political Europe",
- "Why not a real Debate on what is Europe's Identity ?", proposed
Sarkozy, in this regard.
- "EU Parliament could organize such Debates", he suggested :"It's
better for EU Parliament, than for National Governments, or EU Commission, to
define what is the European Identity", the French President proposed.
A diplomatic way to avoid obstacles by some Governments and/or some Brussels' bureacrats, reportedly opposed to really free and popular, critical European debates on hot political issues..
Sarkozy brillantly won the 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in France in 2007, in the line of the principles anounced at an important Speech in Strasbourg, February 2007, about a Political Europe, and a European Identity on issues which matter to the People.