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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow EUParliament Head Sassoli in PACE: Crucial Moment for Future of Europe Conference

EUParliament Head Sassoli in PACE: Crucial Moment for Future of Europe Conference

Έχει γραφτεί από ACM
Τετάρτη, 21 Απρίλιος 2021


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Paradoxicaly, it's in the Oldest and Largest PanEuropean Organisation of the CoE, (aged 72 y.o. and Extending from Iceland and the UK up to Vladivostok with 47 Member-Countries), that EU Parliament's President, David Sassoli chose to launch the strongest plaidoyerie for the reNewal of Europe's Core, through a Landmark "Conference on the Future of Europe", a 2-Years-Long, and Original process, due to be soon Inaugurated here in Strasbourg on May 9, (Europe's and Joan d'Arc's Day), around 27 Member States spearHeaded by the Franco-German couple, accross a Rome-Athens' axis, and reinfotrced by Mittel-Europa's progressive extension Eastwards.

Sassoli spoke, Today, to CoE's Parliamentary Assemby (PACE), which is Complementary to that of EU Parliament (EP) since its MEPs are chosen among the National MPs of Member States, while EU Parliament has its own European MEPs. Moreover, PACE now Extends to the UK, Russia, and many Other Eastern Neighbouring Countries, including even Controversial Turkey, (a Cold-War remnant), while EP doesN't. Most Important, PACE has progressivel Focused mainly on Legal Instruments, while EP pursued further EU's Economic and Political policies becoming a More Integrated area.

- But, the main point, Nowadays, is that, as Jean Monnet used to say  _ "Europe has been Built through the Crises it Faces", Sassoli reminded. And, "Today, we are in the Midst of a Major Crisis : that of the COVID-19 Pandemic"  A "Crisis described by Edgar Morin recently, as "Total"", "because the Pandemic h    s Disrupted Every aspect of our lives : Health, Relationships with others, Wprk, Education, the Economy", etc. he observed.

 => Therefore, "We must Build the World of Tmorrow, bequeathing to our younger generations a Heritage of Values (as those of the older CoE) that can dialogue with the contemporary sworld, that can defend respect for human rights, human dignity and freedom", he stressed. So, "it is in this Context that on 9 May we will be launching the Conference on the Future of Europe, ...Our aim is to offer a moment of reflection on the lessons of this crisis and on how to strengthen and update European Democracy. Which is the Best Time to do this? Well, at Present. There is no better time, and After COVID-19 it would be too late. That is why it is very important that this Reflection on ourselves, on the efficiency, effectiveness and Modernisation of European Democracy, takes place Now", Sassoli pointed out.

- But in a New, Different Way than in the Past : Because "We Need a more Efficient, more flexible, more resilient and also More Democratic European Union" he stressed: - In consequence, this "Conference will be an Unprecedented event, Offering All European Citizens, public opinion, our young people, organisations in the world of work and business and our national institutions, the Opportunity to Shape the Future, their future. National and regional parliaments, as well as civil society, local actors, Researchers, our Universities will Also play an important Role in this Debate", President Sassoli Vowed. And, "At the same time, the European Parliament will also Learn Lessons from the Vrisis we are going through. In order to keep the Flame of Democracy Alive, we have been forced to Change ...face of the and 'this has been reflected in all our institutions. ...we have had to adapt and renNew. Now is the time to Think more broadly about how our Assembly works to Ensure that it embodies the Democratic Ideal we Want to represent".

- " The fact that we are initiating Debates" is due to "our Duty, Today, to ...Imagine and Build" a Bettter "World", while being "Concerned that our Values are being put to the Test Today, more than ever, everwhere" : "Freedom", "Information", "rule of Law and Democracy", "Human Rights", even "Peace", he Warned, among "New Challenges" too, facing which, "the progress made in the field of human rights and democracy is being called into Question".

=> Let's seek the best Answers, then, But with, Not withOut the Motivated European People ! Significantly, Speaking to "Eurofora" in Brussels, earlier, at the Conclusion of his Press Conference on an EU Heads of State/Government Summit, EU Parliament's President had Urged for "Strong Voices" among EU "Citizens", (..., etc+).

>>> Hic Rhodus, hic saltus !





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ΕΔΑΔ-Τουρκία : ΡΕΚΟΡ στυγνών Παραβιάσεων Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων τη Δεκαετία "Υποψηφιότητας" σ ΕΕ (1999 2008) !

* Στρασβούργο/ΑΚΜ/ 13-14 Οκτωβρίου 2008/


 Δέκα χρόνια μετά την αμφιλεγόμενη απόδοση στην Τουρκία καθεστώτος "υποψήφιου" για ένταξη στην ΕΕ, η Αγκυρα κατέχει ΡΕΚΟΡ από καταδίκες για στυγνές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, όπως αποκάλυψαν νέες Στατιστικές του Ευρωπαικού Δικαστηρίου ΑΔ στο Στρασβούργο :

    Συγκεκριμένα η Τουρκία έρχεται 1η από 47 χώρες ΣτΕ σε καταδίκες για βαριές παραβιάσεις στη Δεκαετία 1998-2008 : Οπως Ανθρωποκτονίες (171 καταδίκες, έναντι 82 για Ρωσία, 15 Βουλγαρία, 13 Αγγλία), Βασανιστήρια κι Απάνθρωπες-Ταπεινωτικές μεταχειρίσεις (192 καταδίκες, αντί 107 Ρωσία, 37 Βουλγαρία, 32 Μολδαβία, 11 Ελλάδα), Στέρηση Ελευθερίας (325 καταδίκες, έναντι 190 για Πολωνία, 176 Βουλγαρία, 127 Ρωσία), καταπίεση Ελευθερίας Λόγου (161 παραβιάσεις, έναντι 39 γι Αυστρία, 13 για Γαλλία και Μολδαβία), στέρηση Περιουσίας (444 καταδίκες, έναντι 286 Ρωσία, 270 Ιταλία), κα.

    Εξάλλου, μετά από μικρή μείωση το 2005, οι νέες προσφυγές εναντίον των Τουρκικών Αρχών στο ΕΔΑΔ για επιπλέον παραβιάσεις ξανάρχισαν ν αυξάνονται σταθερά τα πρόσφατα έτη 2007 και 2008.

    Η δε Κύπρος, όπου συνεχίζεται η Τουρκική κατοχή, είναι η μοναδική περιοχή στην Ευρώπη όπου "είναι σαφές ότι τ Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα ΔΕΝ ΠΡΟΧΩΡΗΣΑΝ αρκετά" τα τελευταία 10 Χρόνια, έστω κι άν δεν υπάρχει πλέον εμπόλεμος κατάσταση, όπως τώρα  μεταξύ Γεωργίας και Ρωσίας, αλλ "αντίθετα, πρόσφατες Ελπίδες για Ειρήνη κι επανΕνωση της νήσου", είπε ο Πρόεδρος του ΕΔΑΔ, κ, Ζάν-Πώλ Κόστα, εκφράζοντας την "λύπη" του.

    Πρόκειται για "τυπική περίπτωση μαζικών παραβιάσεων", πρόσθεσε σ απάντηση ερώτησής μας για την Κύπρο (βλ. πληρέστερη είδηση σχετικά).
    Αλλ "άν υπάρξει θέληση από Κράτη και Κοινωνία, τ Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα δεν θα παρακμάσουν στον 21ο αιώνα. Αντίθετα θα προοδεύσουν". Χρειάζεται "νέα ορμή" για "υπεράσπισή τους, με συνεχή επαγρύπνηση", κατέληξε ο κ, Κόστα σ άλλες, γενικότερες δηλώσεις του νωριτερα στο Στρασβούργο.


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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