Sarkozy Alternative Wins Strasbourg+Other Big French Regions, but Right's Division woos ailing PSoc.

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Nicolas Sarkozy' Strategy to build a Crystal-clear new "Autonomous Political Alternative" to a declining Socialist rule, marked a Surprisingly Strong Win at the Decisive 2nd Round of France's Elections, with a Gain of 7 Regions out of 12, particularly some among the Biggest, such as Strasbourg's ACAL, Rhone-Alpes-Auvergne (around Lyon), Ile-de-France (around Paris), etc. But a persisting Division of the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, (who, Oherwise, had a Strong Majority of Voters Everywhere, in All Regions, except only 1 : Bretagne), was Grossly Exploited by the Socialists, (who Snatched 4 More Regions, despite being a net Minority there)...
In the Last Nation-wide Election to serve also as a real-size "Test", at the End of 2015, for the Crucial Forthcoming Presidential and Parliamentarian Elections of May 2017, in just a little-bit more than 1 Year Time, Socialists were Obliged to make some Manouvres :
- They attempted to practicaly Hide the Fact that they were Crashed at the 1st Round, particularly at the North (around Lille cty) and South-East (around Marseille city), by Withdrawing their 2 Looser Lists from a 2nd Round, where they obviously Risked even Worse, and Calling to Block "National Front"s Rightists, who had come First there, as well as Elsewhere. However, they also systematicaly Focused on Trying to Silently but Grossly Exploit the Divisions of the Right almost Everywhere Else : Even in Strasbourg's Greater North-Eastern Region ACAL, where "FN"s Rightists had arrived initialy 1st, leaving Sarkozy's Center-Right "Repubican Party" to Fight Alone at 2 Differend Fronts at the Same Time, since the Socalist List was maintained also at this 2nd Round, despite some Verbal Calls of PS Apparatchiks to withdraw. As well as at the Center, around Orleans city, and at the South around Toulouse city, (etc).
But this Socialist Attempt was Defeated, First of all, here, in Strasbourg's New Greater-East Region of ACAL, where Sarkozy's Center-Right Party of the "Republicans", Headed by the Experienced former Minister and out-going President of Alsace region, Philippe Richert, Unexpectedly Succeeded not just to Win, by coming this time 1st, but also to Attract a very Big Number of Votes, Jumping from Less than 26 % at the 1st Round, up to More than 48 % at this 2nd Round, i.e Adding More than + 20,4% of the Votes Today, on the Top of what he already had before !
How did this Surprising, Big Leap Forward, (that Most Polls had Not even Foreseen), Become Possible ?
First of all, it's a Specific Fact for Strasbourg's New Greater East Region ACAL, that The Only Political Party which had Withdrawn its List at the 2nd Round and Clearly Asked to Vote for Richert/Sarkozy's "Republican" Party's List, was, for the 1st Time in History in France, that of the "Greens", (with 6,7 % of Votes at the 1st Round), as its Regional Leader, former MEP Sandrine Belier, had already Foreseen since Last Sunday, speaking also with "EuroFora" and other Journalists in Strasbourg, (See : ...).
This Unprecedented Move in France, is Timely and Symbolicaly Important also for the Nearby German Fedetated State of Baden Wurtemberg, where Elections are due on March 2016, as well as for the Run-up to the Crucial Forthcoming Nationwide Elections at the Bundestag, scheduled for 2017, where an Eventual ChristianDemocrat/"Greens" Alliance has been already Discussed here, (and particularly via "EuroFora"), as a Real Possibility for the Future, focused mainly on BioEthical Values and New Energy Technologies, Respecting Human and Enviromental Nature, (Comp., f.ex. : ......)
+ Another Source of Additional Votes certainly was an (Unprecedented for a Regional Election) General Augmentation of Popular Participation, which Reached + 12,5 % More in Strasbourg's Region, (i.e. a Total of almost 60%), Compared to slightly Less than 10 % More Nationwide. But, here, even FN's Rightists Benefit from about +2% coming from Former Abstentionists... So that, most Probably, the Remaining Difference should have originated from Various Small Parties of the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, whose Leaders had Not Called to Vote Richert, but at least a Part of their Voters was Naturaly Attracted on the 2nd Round by the Mainstream Center-Right Party of Sarkozy's "Republicans", (such as, f. ex., from the 5%, at the 1st Round, of the Regionalists of "Unserem Land", and/or from another 5% of the "Wake Up France !" of Dupond-Aignan's Gaullists, from the 1,23% of UPR's Neo-Gaullists, etc).
On the Contrary, almost Nothing comes here from the Socialists and/or the FN Rightists, since their Lists Remain mostly Stable, without any Notable Change between the 1st and the 2nd Round : Always about 16% for the Socialist Candidate Masseret, and 36% for the FN's Rigtists' vice-President Philippot.
- "Republican" Party's Regional Leader Philippe Richert's lead Sky-rocketed at Nearby Mulhouse City, Bordering both Switzerland and Germany, with an Exceptionaly Big Result of More than ..56 %, probably thanks also to the Strong Personality of its Mayor, Jean Rottner, and Top Candidate of the Regional Center-Right List at the High-Rhine Department, a Sarkozy Advisor who had become Recently Famous for Accepting a Popular intiative Referendum to Prevent the Imposal of another yet islamic Mosque in the Middle of French People's Family Homes, (part of those Provocations which Push even Innocent People towards "FN"'s Rightists, to judge by Many Citizens' Reactions to Marie Le Pen's Public Meetings, also around Strasbourg). Rottner is also the Only Politician ever seen by "Eurofora", who, in the Middle of an Interview, took the Initiative to Transform his usual Photograph into a ... "Selfie" Together with "EuroFora", surprized, but Exceptionaly accepting the challenge... That 56 % Record High result is also obtained, near Mulhouse, at Saint-Louis City, which is located Close to the Euro-Airport and is Traditionaly Full of Trans-Border Workers occupied in Geneva.

But, naturally, President Richert's Best Result stands at the "European" City of Strasbourg, his own Personal Basis, (Aided by Young Elsa Schalk as No 2 of his List, a Strong Supporter of the Unity of the Right), where he Exceptionaly gets a ...Pharaonic, Never Seen Before, 67 % of the Votes !
+ AnOther Interesting Victory for Sarkozy's Center-Right "Republicans" Autonomous Alternative Strategy in a "Triangular" Fight between Socialists and FN Rigtists was that of Young Former Science Minister Alain Wauquiez (Secretary General of the Party) at the Central-Eastern Big New Region of Rhone-Alpes-Auvergne (with Capital Lyon City), which Extends from the Alpes' Mountaints until a Formerly Volcanic area, crossed by the Rhone River : If Wauquiez Succeeded, already from the 1st Round, to come 1st, with almost 32% against 25% to FN's Rightists and 23% to the Socialists, it's obviously Because of his Well Known Political Personality and Strong Stance on Main Topical Issues about Values of Current Popular Interest, from Cultural and Historic Identity, and Social Issues, up to BioEthics, etc, and a Strong Criticism of the Socialists..
With a Crystal-Clear Majority of 41% against 37% for the Socialist list and 23% for the FN's Rightists, also at the 2nd Round, Sarkozy-Faithful Alain Wauquiez, (who is, perhaps, the Only one in France to have Succeeded to Attract even an FN Rightist Local Politician who launched a Public Call to Vote for him at this Decisive Round...), Confirms the Strength and Resilience of a well-conducted Strategy for an Autonomous Cente-Right, which doesn't owe Nothing to the Socialists, But Wins Popular Support, even in Difficult Circumstances, just by its own Crystal-Clear Values.
++ A Similar, mutatis-mutandis, "Republican" Win, is also the Unexpected, Hard-Fought Victory of Valerie Pecresse (a Lady with a real Fighting Spirit, as "EuroFora" has Personaly Witnessed at some Exceptionaly "Hard" Moments in the Past), at Paris' Region "Ile-de-France", with 44 % against 42 %, against a Socialist Heavy Weight, that of French National Assembly's President, Claude Bartolone, (who decided to Resign from his Top Job, immediately after Failing in his Regional bid).
Her Victory, (despite even of another "Triangular" Competition by the persistance of an "FN" Rightist's List, there too), is the 1st one for the Center-Right at that Greater Paris' Region, in the Last 20 Years, during which it Used to be Chaired always by a Socialist.
Both Pecresse (at Paris' Region) and Wauquiez (at Alpes' Region), have an Interesting Experience as Former Press Spokespersons, during Sarkozy's previous 2007 Victorious Presidential bid, as well as by having Served as former Ministers for Science, Research and Universities, later-on, inter alia.
+ Even more Interestingly, those above-mentioned 3 Key Regions, Brillantly Won Today by Sarkozy's "Republicans", located around Strasbourg, Paris, and Lyon Cities, are also Exceptionaly Important Basis for European/International Institutions, such as the CoE, ECHR, EU Parliament's Full-Week Plenaries, EU-Ombudsman, Shenghen System and EUROCORPS' Army, for the 1st, UNESCO, OECD, etc. for the 2nd, and EUROPOL as well as UNO's European Headquarters at Nearby Geneva, for the 3rd.
For the Rest, Experienced (former Minister, Center-Rigt Party's Secretary General, and Victorious Head of its List for MEPs at EU Parliament's Elections back on 2009), Xavier Bertrand's Win against FN Rightists' Head, MEP Marine Le Pen, at the Northern Pas de Calais Region, and of another former Minister and currently Long-Time Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi's similar Win against the FN Rightists', widely Popular MP Marion Marechal-Le Pen, at the South-Eastern PACA Region of Marseille, wereN't real Surprises at the 2nd Round, since those Heads of Sarkozy's Center-Right "Republican" Party's Lists had Both succeeded, one Week Earlier, at the 1st Round, to Crash the Socialists' List in these Regions, so that their National Leadership prefered to Withdraw them at the 2nd Round, Officialy in order to, at least, Help Block the FN Rightists, who had Scored their Highest Results there, with almost 42 % of the Votes Each, at the 1st Round, (but, in fact, obviously also in order to Avoid an Inevitable even Harder Failure of the Socialist Lists at the 2nd Round).
On, the Contrary,
with the Unique Exception of Defense Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, at the Bretagne Region, (with Capital Rennes City), an Atypical Socialist, with a Characteristic Personality, who Campaigned under his own Name there, and is the Only Supporter of the current Government to Brillantly Win with an Uncontested 51 % Majority Today,
almost All the Other Socialist Lists which Snatched 4 More Regions Elsewhere, didn't manage to do so, but Just Because they Grossly Exploited a Desastrours, Long-Time Division of the Right, between Nicolas Sarkozy's Center-Right's "Republicans" and Marine Le Pen's "National Front" Rightists, who, IF Taken Together, had been given an almost ... Two-Thirds (2/3) Qualified Majority by French People's Votes !
>>> One among the Most Crystal-Clear Examples, of this Scandalous and obviously Dangerous for Democracy Fact, is the "Central" Region, with Capital City Orleans, where the Socialist Candidate,
despite having Failed at the 1st Round, where he came Only Third, Behind the "FN"'s Rightists and the Center-Rights' "Republicans",
insisted to Maintain his List at the 2nd Round, (i.e. Provoking an obvious Risk for the "FN" Rightists to Win Definitively at Today's Final Vote, since they already had come 1st there, at the Previous Round),
and went on to Snatch, at the Last Minute, that Region from Both Candidates from the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, with Only a Tiny Difference of just... 0,8%, between his Score at this 2nd Round, and that of his Main Competitor, the Center-Right's "Republican" Candidate, who got Each, around 35,40% against 34,60% of the Votes, (i.e. almost The Same !), with the Center-Right having, However, a Supplementary Political Reserve of More than 30% of the Votes at his Rightist side !
+ A Similar Scenario also at the Neighbouring, Central-Eastern "Bourgogne" Region, (with Dijon City as capital), where an Initialy 3rd, Failed Socialist Candidate of the 1st Round,
persists to Maintain her List even at the 2nd Round, Despite an obvious Risk to Provoke the Win of "FN"'s Rightists who had Succeeded to arrive at the Top in the 1st Round,
and, Finaly, Snatches the Top Job at Today's Final Vote with Only 34,5%, against 33% and 32,5% (i.e. 65,5% in all) to her Competitors from the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, (i.e., the Center-Right's "Republicans" and the "FN"'s Rightists, respectively)...

+++ In Fact, it's in All those 4 Regions snatched Finaly by the Socialists, (with Only 1 Exception, that of the 5th : Bretagne : Comp. Supra), that "SP" practicaly Usurpated the Presidencies, in some quite Large Parts of France, Only with a ...Minority of about 30% of the Votes, at Today's 2nd Round, against an Almost Two Thirds (2/3) Majority of the French People's Votes given at the Right Side of the Political Spectrum, with something Totaling between + 55 - 65 % !
=> Such repeated Results, obviously are blatantly Scandalous, seriously Opposed to basic Democratic Principles, and Risk to Become soon also Socio-Politicaly very Dangerous. It's an Unprecedented Situation in History, a Vicious Deviation from- and a Betrayal of- the Basic Logic of the French Institutions of the Vth Republic, Founded by De Gaule (1958 - 2015), who, on the Contrary, aimed to Push initialy Opposed Factions, to make a Synthesis and Unite to Form a Majority at the 2nd Round. The Opposite, i.e. Watch a Whole People Repeatedly Vote in a Qualified Majority of Two Thirds (2/3) for the Right Side of the Political Spetrum, but, on the Contrary, Oblige them to be Governed, again and again, by a Minority of the Left, is Inconceivable, and Never seen Before, Not even in a former Banan-Republic of a Latin America of the Past...

As far as the "FN"'s Rightists are concerned, Sarkozy stresed that We should Never Forget the "Warnings" given by the Citizens at the 1st Round, (i.e. when the FN was Leading, at the 1st Rank, in Many Regions), and that an adequate Solution should be Found to the Problems that all those People Felt, while Prime Minister Valls, (a Socialist), added also that a Similar Risk Continues still to Exist, even for the foreseable Future. At any case, the FN, even if it was finaly Striped from any Region's Presidency, nevertheless, it would have, according to its President Marine Le Pen, "Tripled" now the Number of its Elected Representatives throughout all French Regional Councils.
+ Meanwhile, significantly, Sarkozy placed Today "Europe" as the No 1 in the List of Priority Issues, (Together with Economic Policy and Unemployment, Security, Identity and Education, etc), which will have to be seriously Debated, during the next few Months, in or order to Build Further an Efficient, Popular and Credible, Autonomous Political Alternative Program for the Challenges ahead and Crucial Electoral Rendez-Vous with the People in the foreseable Future.
But, concerning all the Country, and the Whole Community of French People, a Solution has obviously to be soon Found, - either Inspired, somehow, from what has already Happened Recently, f.ex. in Norway, Switzerland and/or Denmark, and Earlier even at the Netherlands, Austria, etc., or Otherwise, - on How to Overcome, at last, that pernicious, systematic and Deep, Absolute Division of the Right side of the Political Spectrum, (which notoriously exists since the Past Era of former Socialist President Mitterand, Back on the 1980ies), in order to Re-Establish, in one way or another, a Normal Political Democratic System, which really allows the Elementary Freedom to Form various Political Majorities, in order to Ensure a Real and Necessary, Healthy, Democratic Alternance, But Avoid for a Qualified Absolute Majority of Two Thirds (2/3) of the People Voting at One Side of the Political Spectrum, to be, again and again, Repeatedly Governed by a Minority of Only 1 Third (1/3), from the Other Side...
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Sarkozy stimulated by Irish "No" challenge : - "It's a call to change and build Europe otherwise. Not later, but now. It won't be easy, but it's fascinating !"
* Paris, Elysee, June 14, 2008.
Forthcoming EU Chairman, French President Nikolas Sarkozy, created a surprise by declaring that the challenge of the Irish "No" to the EU Treaty, stimulates his belief that we must immediately change the way Europe is built.
A difficult but fascinating task, that he intends to accomplish in the next 6 Months, during which he will analyse developments 3 times to EU Parliament in Strasbourg, on July, October and December 2008.
But Agenda obliged to give a first reply to Questions raised by the Irish Referendum, on the sidelines of a Press Conference with USA President GWBush, in Paris' Elysee palace, Saturday :
Sarkozy's reply was twofold :
First, the Franco-German position is that EU must make sure "that the Irish Incident does not become a Crisis". Ratification must continue, after 18 EU Member States, also to the rest, as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown promised.
But, pointing at deeper causes, Sarkozy also criticized bureaucratic "sabotage" of Europe's "founding fathers" original dream. The move reminded his Historic February and July 2007 speaches in Strasbourg on Europe's future, joining criticism to a call for EU's Renaissance, which now became urgent :