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Lack of Real Europe resulted in Deadly Pandemic !

Written by ACM
Friday, 12 June 2020


*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- After Only ...3 Infections at Beijing, China Closed Schools to Protect Hundreds of Thousands of Children Today, while, on the Contrary, Italy, after 393 Infections, plans more Tourism+, (with a Controversial Prime Minister heard by Investigators on Complaints for unjustified Deaths of Innocent People)... About 36.000 Lives would have been Saved, if USA had Started Confinement 1 Week Earlier, and around 54.000 if it had Started 2 Weeks Earlier, "New York Times" reported meanwhile, citting a Scientific Study, and this goes, even More, also Elsewhere in the World...

But what the Lack of a Real Europe provoked, when some EINOs ("Europeans In Name Only", alias "Fake Europeans"), Abandoned the People withOut Any Timely Protection (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/virusriskbutnoeuprotection.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/delaytoprotecteupeoplefromvirus.html , etc) vis a vis N.W. Italy's "Explosion" of Massive Infections, Back from February 22/23 (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/deadlyvirusheadstoeucore.html) , until "WHO" Declared a "Pandemic", with Europe at its "EpiCenter", on March 11-13, Defies any Imagination by the Volume of Tragedy...  

When some EU Measures were, at last, announced, Only towards the End of March, then, it was Obviously Too Late : An Initialy Healthy and well Warned Continent, (by China's Earlier "Wuhan" Crisis), had been Transformed into a Dangerous, Deadly Hell-hole, with Strict Home Shut-Downs everywhere, among too Many People suddenly Falling Sick and Dying around OverCrowded Hospitals, Scandalously Abandoning fragile Elders, and obliged to use Military Airplanes to Urgently Transport suffering Patients to Other Regions or even Countries !

=> It's, indeed, Still until Today (June 12) that EU+'s Area holds the World's Highest Record in Deaths by the Virus, with USA having Less than 130.000, while EU+'s Area is Bypassing with 142.700 Dead... And Belgium with France become, unexpectedly, the Top 2 Countries in the World with the Biggest Number of Dead among those Infected and Hospitalized !  In Addition, from Early March up to Late May (i.e. almost During 3 core Months) EU+'s Area has the Largest Number of Infected People in the World, (Long Before USA starts to progressively emerge on the top)...

>>> Even More Important : EU+'s Area plays a Key Role also into ... Spreading the Virus accross the World !

 - Among the First Intrusions of that Deadly Virus towards Washington DC, relevant USA Maps indicated Imports from the UK and other European Countries. While, Notoriously, the Massive Infections throughout New York's Airplane Hub, clearly came from EU+'s Area. US President Trump was among the First to see the Dnger and Stop AirFlights from the EU+, But Not Early enough...

+ Russia is also a Spectacular Case of that : During a Long Time, Russians had managed to Avoid any Virus' Infections, (with the Unique Exception of Only ...2 Old Chinese men imported at Siberia, from the Start !). Meanwhile, All Entries from China had been firmly Closed. But, Suddenly, a Long Time Later-on, Dozens of Infections intrude from EU+'s area, particularly through Leningrad, etc., Rapidly Spreading the Virus accross Various Regions of Russia... Moscow had committed the Error to Believe at a Real Europe, that would have Protected its Population, and had, therefore, Left AirFlights Open from there. When Russians realized that, in fact, a "Fake Europe" had Abandoned its Citizens to Virus' Infections, withOut taking Any Protective Measure on Time (Comp. Supra), it was Too Late...

 ++ Initially Italy (but Afterwards also France, the UK, Spain and/or Germany, etc, at Various Levels), soon Became Notorious "Super-Spreaders" of Virus, (as, f.ex., inter alia, also Some Locacious Maps, Published in several Foreign Medias, clearly Showed such Italian a.o. influence even towards Remote USA, African or Asian, Latino-American Countries, etc). Even the very Far Away ...Mongolia (sic !), which had managed to succesfully Close any Dangerous Contact with Neighbouring China, so that it had Spectacularly Avoided most Infections, Nevertheless, Suddenly, it was Surprized to Find that its 1st Infection Case had arrived from remote ...France !, (as the serious Web-Media "The Intercept" Denounced, at an interesting, Investigative Article of Wider Scope, about some Western Countries' UnExpected co-Responsibilities in this Pandemic).

     => After all those Controversial Moves, which appear clearly Opposite to what a Real European Governance would have normaly done to Protect its Citizens, (Comp. Supra),

    + and while even China's Authorities, these Days (+PARTLY UPDATED), Postponed sine dies the Re-Opening of 3 School-Classes, after 3 more Infected People were found at Beijing, where also they Closed 5 Food Markets, and Locked Down 11 Neihbouring House Blocks, Following an Exceptional, 50 + 36 Infections Cases also at Beijing, the Next Days, (a Backlash never seen before, since April, i.e. 2 Months Ago)...


    ++ at the Same Time that, in EU+'s Region, all Polls (by WHO, ECDC, etc) clearly show Nowadays that a Previous Trend towards a Falling Number of Virus' Infection cases, suddenly ...Stopped, and Even Started to be Reversed (towards an Augmentation of Infections), recently,


    *** was Added also a Stern Warning by the WHO about a real Risk for that still Deadly Virus to Rise up anew, Anywhere in the World.

    >>> In Consequence, it's crystal-clear that the current situation requires Careful Moves, and Well-Thought Action by Real European Leaders sincerely motivated by the Need to Protect the People and Win the Fight for Human Life, against this Deadly Virus, striving to Solve, Not Skip, Key Issues, and Advancing Intelligently, withOut any Hasty DeConfinement Blunders.



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    Strategically located between Paris and Prague, Strasbourg offered a natural location for the French and Czech EU 2008 and 2009 Presidencies to tune their agendas for a resolute European move towards Renewable Energies, during an exceptional Joint Parliamentary meeting on "Energy and Sustainable Development", co-organized here by the Presidents of EU Parliament, Hans Gert Poettering, French National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer, and Senate, Gerard Larcher, on November 20 and 21.

    Concluded by a busy-looking French super-Minister of Energy, Environment and Regional planning, Jean-Louis Borloo, the exceptional gathering of Top MPs from all 27 EU States' Parliaments hoped that a Ministerial meeting prepared by Borloo, will pave the way to an overall agreement at the level of EU Heads of State and Government Summit chaired on December 2008 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, allowing the next EU chair, the Czech Republic, to start working from the beginning of 2009 on concrete measures.   

Speaking to "EuroFora" President Accoyer resumed the general feeling by stressing that "Europe has no Oil-Gas resources, but an important Scientific-Technologic potential. Therefore, we must develop Renewable Energy sources". "Since the Sun is the most abundant and free RES,  we must do the outmost to boost Solar Energy" solutions, he added, at the eve of a special meeting on Solar energy and the Mediterranean organised by Borloo on Saturday.     

Oil-gas supplies' security and diversification were also examined by the EU gathering, after which, President Accoyer replied  to our question on risks of long, expensive and fragile pipe-lines' projects, crossing through foreign countries out of the EU, compared to new possibilities for Sea and River Ship direct EU transport even of Gas, thanks to New Liquification technologies : - "We have just écreated the Union for the Mediterranean for concrete projects like these", Accoyer stressed, speaking of Sea-River Ship Highways, fundeable under EU's TENS programs.     

 Rapporteur on "Energy innovation and sustainable development", Dr. Bedrich Moldan, vice-President of Czech Senate's Environment and Regional Development Committee, added that Climat issues, price uncertainties and diminution of accessible Fossil energies, played together with EU's RST potential in order to make RES both a need and "an opportunity". However, in cases as "Solar Energy, even if the main Scientific ideas are already here, we have to make some technologic breakthroughs in order to find how to produce it on a large scale, store and transport it", Dr. Moldan added to "EuroFora".     

Czech interest for RES was also expressed, earlier in Strasbourg, by Jan Kohout, the deputy Minister pf Foreign Affairs who participated to a workshop on "Renewable Energies" organized by the French EU 2008 Presidency : - "The focus is on Development", he told us.    

On this and other RES issues, Dr. Moldan anounced the Czech EU 2009 chair's intention to organize an important 2-days Conference on Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development late January 2009 at nearby Prague.                


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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