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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow Turko-USA BioNTech/Pfizer Fake "Vaccine" Spreads Infections + Deaths in Australia !

Turko-USA BioNTech/Pfizer Fake "Vaccine" Spreads Infections + Deaths in Australia !

Έχει γραφτεί από ACM
Τετάρτη, 27 Οκτώβριος 2021

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- For the 1st Time so Obvious, the Failure of the Turko-USA Fake "Vaccine" (in Fact a Controversial Novel Tool of m-RNA, Affecting the Human Genome, Contrary to "Classic" Vaccines of the Last 2 Centuries, since Pasterur's times) of BioNTech/Pfizer (See, Already, many relevant Data at : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/fewfakevaccinesfascismcrashes.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/majorityvaccinesclassicbutnotyeteu.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/echrcriticalquestionsoncompulsoryvaccination.html, etc), became Spectaculary Blatant in the case of a whole Continent as Australia Nowadays :

Indeed, Soon After the Beginning of this Year 2021, Australian authorities were Pushed to Change their Policy on the Virus by Adopting and Imposing that Controversial Fake "Vaccine" Alone, (since "Astrozeneca" had been practicaly Abandoned, as also anOther, Nationaly produced Vaccine, for reasons UnRelated to its Efficacy, while USA's "Moderna", "Janssen", or "Novavax", as well as China's "CinaVax", etc., had Not Yet been Authorized or Imported/Distributed there, at least Until, practicaly, the End of October)....



+Almost at the Same Time, many pre-existing Public Health protection (Non-Pharmaceutical) Measures (including, f.ex., Closure of Restaurants, Schools, etc), were more or less Lifted or Abandoned, until Recently, (as the Global Establishment's Medias Nowadays abudantly reported).

Until Now, Australia had been particularly Distinguished by a Fight against the Virus which, (After a "Harsh" Beginning with a lot of Blunders, provoking Infections and Deaths, since Back on Early 2020), Later Inspired itself from the Succesfull Neighbouring China's example, i.e. Focusing mainly on strict Public Health Measures, in the Absence of any Medical Drug and/or Vaccine yet, Resulting in a Positive Outcome, with an Exceptionaly Long Period of practicaly No Infections, Neither Deaths, During Many Months, (as Early as From September 2020 up to the End of June - Beginning of July 2021), allowing to add Even a short Period of DeConfinement, which had ReLaunched its Economy at a Higher Level than in the Past !

>>> But, Since Recent Events misled Australian authorities into progressively Droping their previous Public Health Measures, in order to Focus, instead, to Controversial Fake "Vaccines", (in fact, Only "Pfizer", Until Nowadays), Suddenly, a highly Spectacular, Negative "U-Turn" Emerged at the overall Situation, with a Massive "Explosion" of Infections, followed also by a Huge Upheaval of Deaths, until now..., (as "WHO"'s Official Data clearly reveal).



=> The main Responsible for having practicaly Provoked such a Sudden Tragic Mess, - and/or, at least for having Blatantly Failed to Prevent or Reduce it, - Obviously was that Controversial Fake-"Vaccine" (in fact an "mRNA" Novel Tool Affecting the Human Genome) of the Turko-USA "BioNTech/Pfizer" consortium, (Notoriously Funded by controversial Bill Gates as Early as since 2019 already, at the Same Time as "Moderna" too), Since it had, in Australia, during Many Recent Months until Now, a quasi-Monopole of Authorisation, Import or Production, and Distribution there, (that All Other kinds of Vaccines hadN't got Yet until Nowadays)...

+ Such New Facts Reveal, even More Obviously, the Blatant Failure of those Few and Fake "Vaccines", (in fact : just 4 Controversial Novel Tools Affecting the Human Genome), the Only to be Authorized by some obscure EU Bureaucrats still Excluding Any Other Vaccine, (and, Particularly, All the "Classic" Vaccines, Faithful to Louis Pasteur eprouved Methods of Stimulating the Natural Human Immunity System, instead of ByPassing it, as an Absolute Majority of such Vaccines prepared Against COVID Virus, and having Succesfully passed even a 3rd Phase Test, still Currently does, according to WHO's Data : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/majorityvaccinesclassicbutnotyeteu.html, etc).

=> Indeed, the Limitation Only to -and the Forced Imposal of just - that "Band of 4" Manipulators of Human Genome, ("Astrozeneca", "Janssen", "Moderna" and "Pfizer"), with a Surprizing Total and persisting Exclusion of Any "Classic"-type Vaccine, Respecting the Natural Immunity System of the Human Genome, appears to be the main Responsible for the Enigmatic current Stagnation and Failure of that Strange Pseudo-"Protection" System in front of the Deadly Virus, still Imposed to the Eurpean People by some Bureaucrats, which has Forced Europe to become ..."the Only (big) Continent in the World where that Virus again Grows Nowadays ("for +18% per last Week" !), and Even Deaths (+16% Last Week...) as Mainstream Medias just Observed, Based also on WHO's Official Data, (in Addition to small Australia recently, as we saw Supra) !


Meanwhile, Poor Africa seems to partly Escape, at least, from such a Risk, (Perhaps due Also to the use of Cheap and Accessible HCQ Prophylaxis) ; America appears a Little bit Less Affected, (given also a, comparatively, Stronger Resistance, particularly from Most of the Right) ; Asia is largely covered by the unexpected Success of China's Public Health (Non-Pharmaceutical) protection Model, (which is Not Against "Classic" type Vaccines : See Infra), Added to Neighbouring Australia's almost 1 Year Success, with Similar Methods : Comp. Supra) ; as in Pan-European Russia, many People seem to Tragically Resist to a "Virus' Vector" Novel Tool also Affecting the Human Genome, while Vladimir Putin apparently does Not yet Oppress them as Harshly as Others currently do inside the EU, (Perhaps Hoping that a New "Classic"-type Vaccine, reportedly Prepared by a World-Famous Saint-Petersburg Labo, Expected around the 2021's End to 2022's New Year, Might, Eventualy, Help Save a lot of surviving Human Lives).

=> In Front of such a Bumpy and Dangerous Global, overall UnCertain, Situation, Establishment's Backers of those Fake "Vaccines", realizing that their bid is Failing, Recently started to Claim, in substance, that Even if their Counter-Human Genome Novel Tools might, Indeed, Neither Protect against Infections, Nor against many Deaths, at least, they Would "Diminish the Risks" of Death or Serious Infections requiring "Heavy" Hospitalisation (f.ex. with Mechanical Respirators, etc), in terms of Percentage, Compared with Not Yet Vaccinated People...

    Their alleged Numbers look UnCertain, and, at any case, Should be Checqued.

    >>> But, at least, if their Concern might, perhaps, be really what they Claim, Then, they Must Explain to the European People Why they still Refuse to Authorize, inside the EU, Any "Classic"-type Vaccine, Not Affecting the Human Genome, (as Louis Pasteur-Invented Vaccines do, During some 2 Centuries now), Including, f.ex., among others, also China's "CinoVac" Vaccine, Already present in several Countries accross All Continents of the World, which, (According even to WHO's Latest Official Findings, on August 2021), seems to Protect the People from Serious Ilnesses (i.e. that would require "Heavy" Hospitalisations), and from Deaths, in percentages reaching (in Both cases) ... "100 %" !







european sme week (since 2009)


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 + Ο Ρέν αγνόησε και πρόσφατα συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ για Ρεκόρ καταδίκες Τουρκίας για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητας" για ένταξη σ ΕΕ (+1999-2008) !

    >>> Η Εκθεση Ρεν ΑΓΝΟΕΙ ακόμα και πρόσφατα σημαντικά συμπεράσματα ΕΔΑΔ, απ τα οποία προκύπτει ότι, όλη την Δεκαετία αμφιλεγόμενης "υποψηφιότητάς" στην ΕΕ (1999-2008), η Τουρκία διατηρεί ΡΕΚΟΡ καταδίκες από ΕΔΑΔ για βαριές παραβιάσεις Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, όπως δολοφονίες, βασανιστήρια, "εξαφανίσεις" ανθρώπων, αυθαίρετες φυλακίσεις, καταπίεση ελευθερίας λόγου, υφαρπαγές ή καταστροφές σπιτιών-περιουσιών, κπα :   

 - Οι καταδίκες Τουρκίας από ΕΔΑΔ αυτή την Δεκαετία : 1.857, αγγίζουν το 20% του συνόλου των 47 Κρατών-μελών ΣτΕ, ιδίως για ΒΑΡΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΑΒΙΑΣΕΙΣ δικαιώματος στη ΖΩΗ (177, αντί 96 για Ρωσία, 15 Βουλγαρία, 13 Αγγλία, κα), για ΒΑΣΑΝΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ κι Απάνθρωπες/Ταπεινωτικές μεταχειρίσεις (204 καταδίκες, αντί 127 για Ρωσία, 39 Βουλγαρία, 32 Μολδαβία, κα), ΑΥΘΑΙΡΕΤΕΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΙΣΕΙΣ (329, αντί 193 για Πολωνία, 176 Βουλγαρία, 138 Ρωσία, 42 Αγγλία, κα), ΚΑΤΑΠΙΕΣΗ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΣ ΛΟΓΟΥ (166 καταδίκες, αντί 23 γι Αυστρία, 13 Γαλλία, Μολδαβία, κα), ΥΦΑΡΠΑΓΕΣ/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΥΣΙΩΝ (446 καταδίκες, αντί 286 για Ρωσία, 270 Ιταλία, 241 Ρουμανία, 60 Μολδαβία, κλπ), κπα.     

Αντί να βελτιώνεται, αντίθετα επιδεινώνεται δε μάλλον η κατάσταση, εφόσον αυξάνεται ο αριθμός ατομικών προσφυγών στο Στρασβούργο που καταγγέλουν στο ΕΔΑΔ παραβιάσεις απ την Τουρκία μεταξύ 2006 - 2007, όπως και 2007 - 2008...   

 - "Λέγεται ότι ο σεβασμός των ΚΡΙΤΗΡΙΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΚΟΠΕΓΧΑΓΗΣ θα πρέπει να ελέγχεται για όλες της Υποψήφιες Χώρες, αλλ υπάρχουν ΑΜΦΙΒΟΛΙΕΣ άν οι αρμόδιοι υπάλληλοι της Κομισιόν ΕΕ πέρνουν στα σοβαρά τη Νομολογία του ΕΔΑΔ, ή όχι !", αντέδρασε  ο έμπειρος Διευθυντής Γραμματείας Ολομέλειας ΕΔΑΔ, Βινσάν Μπερζέρ (Γάλλος), μιλώντας μας πρόσφατα στο Στρασβούργο.   

 - "Πχ. πρίν από 2 ή 3 χρόνια, όταν αποφασίζονταν άν θ αρχίζαν "Ενταξιακές" Διαπραγματεύσεις με την Τουρκία, υποδεχθήκαμε (στο ΕΔΑΔ) ένα στέλεχος της υπηρεσίας Διεύρυνσης της Επιτροπής ΕΕ, που έμεινε ΕΚΠΛΗΚΤΗ όταν της περιέγραψα την πραγματική κατάσταση Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων στην Τουρκία ! Αλλ, από τότε, εμείς (το ΕΔΑΔ) δεν είχαμε καμμία επίσημη επαφή με την Επιτροπή ΕΕ γι αυτά τα θέματα.." "Ισως μίλησαν γι αυτά μ άλλους απ το ΣτΕ, αλλ όχι με το ΕΔΑΔ", τόνισε.     


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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