PACE Speaker Pasquier on Lyon Attack (13 Wounded, Terror Enquiry): Resist attempt for Fear +division

*Strasbourg/CoE/Angelo Marcopolo/(partly UpDated)/- It's by a Call to "Resist" (Criminals') "attempt to create Fear and division", that PanEuropean CoE's Parliamentary Assembly's President, Liliane Maury-Pasquier, reacted Today to the Bomb "Attack" in France's Lyon city, which Wounded more than 13 innocent Civilian People, (including 9 Women with a Young Girl aged 8 y.o.), several of whom need Chirurgical Operations to get rid of sharp Metal objects inserted in their Feet, and that French Police is currently Investigating as Murder Attempts linked to Terrorism.
- In that Press Release, send to CoE's Journalists, including "Eurofora", Pasquier, (a Swiss living at nearby Geneva, close to French Lyon), also expresses her "Sympathy and Solidarity to the Wounded and their Family, a well as to the People of Lyon and the French Authorities".
- While about 150 Agents are reportedly Searching to UnMask a Suspect, (cought in Surveillance Video, with his Face grossly Hidden, dressed in Black and White, but wearing a kind of "Bermuda" or Djellaba over his Bare Feet), who left a Parcel there where a makeshift Bomb with Nails, etc, erupted shortly Afterwards, with Explosives made out of "Acetone Peroxide, TATP", notiously "very often" used by Islamist Terrorists for Deadly Attacks in Europe, as, f.ex., in Paris and Saint Denis (2015), Brussels (2016), Manchester and London (UK), Catalonia (Spain) on 2017, etc, but known also to others, (as Newspaper "Le Parisien" revealed, citting Sources close to Paris' Investigators),
- Pasquier, however, urged, "Whoever is Responsible for this Explosion", to Reply mainly "by Developing a Democratic and united Society", as concluded the experienced former Chair of CoE Assembly's (PACE) Socialist Group, according to that Text, which curiously ommits the usual call for all those responsible for such a bloody violen Crime to be Found and Punished, (according to ECHR's established case-law), Exceptionaly send by a Turkish origin PACE's Agent.
- Meanwhile, French President Macron had immediately qualified Lyon's Bloody Explosion as an "Attack", right from the Start, while, Later-on, the National Press Agency "AFP", and traditional Newspaper "LeParisien", etc., revealed that, "for the Judges and specialized Policemen, this attack certainly Aimed to Kill"...
Indeed, inter alia, the Chosen Location for the Explosion of that Nail Bomb was at a kind of Busy "Shopping Center", in a Cross-Roads including a Bakery, a Pharmacy, Banks, Shoes and Clothe's shops, as well as Many Restaurants, near 2 Historic Christian Churches and Lyon's Central Touristic Area, at one of the Biggest Pedestrian Streets in Europe, classified UNESCO, etc., so that a lot of People should, normally, pass from there, particularly a Friday Afternoon.
I.e., obviously, a potentially "Dangerous" place for various Aggressions Targetting Civilian People, (including, f.ex., recently, the reported Rape of a Woman, there, while even Today, 9 or 10 among the 13 Victims, Hit and Wounded by that Terror Attack, were ...Women and a small Girl, by a Coincidence, the Same Day of CoE's International Conference on Violence and Discriminations against Women was organized, by the French Presidency of the CoE and the G7, in Strasbourg ! See: ...).
Especially in the current "Context of High Risks for Terrorism", as French JHA deputy Minister Laurent Nunez had Recently Warned, in relation with his Reply to a relevant "Eurofora"s Question, at a Press-point in Strasbourg, already last November 2018, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/frenchjhavministeronstrasbourgsecurity.html), just a few Weeks Before a Deadly Islamist Terrorist Attack, exactly in Strasbourg's "Christmas Market", during EU Parliament's Plenary Session of December 2018, (See: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentlockedinbyterrorattack.html).
So that, Today, French JHA, Christophe Castaner himself, announced that "Security will be Upgraded in Areas welcoming the Public", etc.
+ (Partly UPDATED) And, finally, after a lot of Criticism and Protests, the French Police, at last decided, Later-on,, and managed to publish 2 NEW, much Better PHOTOS of that main Suspect, who had been cought in CCTV : Now, f.ex., you can see that he did Not have a Mask, but a long Beard; that he didn't have a Djellaba, but really a "Bermuda"; that his Clothes were Not Black and White, but "Green" (Dark and Light) ; even a part of his Face could, at last, be Now seen ! After all this Time curiously Lost, at the Eve of Important European Elections, from Now-on, a fully-fledged Search and Identification of that Suspect number 1, could, at last, really Start...
Recent Islamist Terrorist Attacks cowardly Targetting innocent and defenseless Civilian People, (including, f.ex., that which killed 5 and Wounded a Dozen in Strasbourg, during EU Parliament's Plenary Session of December 2018 : See http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentlockedinbyterrorattack.html), had already shown that ISIS' and/or other Terror Gangs had Changed their Tactics, and, instead of continuously Aggressing People up to the End, (i.e. via "Suicide"-like Attacks), on the Contrary, the had nowadays decided to Stop Killing/Wounding People after a some Time, and Run to Hide and Escape themselves, keeping their Weapons and covering up their Accomplishes.
As long as, also, this Lyon's Nail Bomber still remains on the Run, without having been Neither Cought, and Not Even Identified, inevitably, such a Terrorist is really, still "Dangerous", as the French Police has now Warned Everybody, in its Official Announcements, urging Civilian People, f.ex., to "do Not Intervene Alone", if they find him in front of them...
However, it wasN"t yet Explained at all for which real Reason someone inside the Police had took the Strange Initiative to Hide the Face of the Wanted Lyon's nail Bomber suspect number 1, (apparently by Covering his Face with a Dark Paint: See that 1st Official Announcement, Supra), during More than 1 Day !
But, during all this Time, while Searches were practically Obstructed thus, obviously, a lot of Negative Consequences might have occured : F.ex. Destruction of Evidence, Hidding of Weapons/Bomb Explosives, and/or of eventual Accomplishes, Escape of the Bloody Nail Bomber, more, additional Crimes, etc...
In General, as a matter of Principle, Hidding the Truth to the People, (withOut any known Excuse), about Urgently needed, Vital Information on Bloody Terrorists, is Not Good Tactics, but a Bad, InEfficient, Anti-Democratic and even Dangerous Blunder, which may have UnPredictable and/or Irreversible Consequences.
Particularly when the Number 1 Concern of all EU Citizens is the Need to Protect them from recently WideSpread, bloody Islamist Terrorist Attacks, cowardly Targetting Civilians, as latest Polls have revealed, (See, f.ex.: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/coespokesmanonrussia.html).
And if to all this is Added even an UnExpected and UnExplained, Sudden Exclusion of such important Topics from any serious Discussion at the unique EU Parliament's Debate between Leading Candidates in the 2019 EU Elections, (as we just scandalously saw Recently: http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/euparliamentelectoraldebatemaimed.html),
=> then, all Real Europeans feel that an Historic Time has come to struggle for real Democracy, and the survival and development of their Civilisation, with a Big Political Move, (of a Different Star from what some think), which, as De Gaulle said for France and the World, would now, inevitably, be also from Europe for Humanity, (against Barbary)...
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EuroCorps, aged 15, may graduate in 2009, boosted by Strasbourg's Human Rights/Reconciliation symbols and fresh political will
Popular : EuroCorps' chief, General Pittarch, and Strasbourg's Mayor Ries, speak to the People, downtown.
* EuroCorps, EU defence's etat major, which has just celebrated 15 years of age (1993 - 2008), is young enough to feel enthousiasm for missions to guarantee Human Rights, Peace and reconcilation : Strasbourg's Historic Symbols, but also maturing fast, (particularly under the current French EU Presidency), in order to prepare potentialy important developments in 2009 :
- "EUROCORPS" is a "unique tool" for "a Modern Europe", jointly managed by participating Nations without anyone deciding for others", to "support their efforts to promote Reconciliation, Peace and Human Rights' Values, which identify today's European ideal, with its Symbol-City : Strasbourg", stressed its Chief, Spanish General Pedro PITARCH, in a popular ceremony for the 15th Anniversary of the European Army Corps, at its Headquarters.
- "Today, we are ready and able to fullfil any Peace-keeping Mission may be decided by the Political leadership, since we can deploy up to 60.000 soldiers and/or other agents, mainly in land, but in coordination with Sea and Air operarions", (even to build vital Infrastructures, demining, keep public order, facilitate Elections, etc), said to EuroFora EUROCORPS' Spokesman and Press Director, Colonel Raul SUEVOS.
- "If there is an Agreement with the framework Nations, EUROCORPS could certainly contribute to guarantee manifold aspects of Peace setllements", told us recently General PITARCH.
EuroCorps framework Nations' flags in Strasbourg's central square, on 2008, under the eyes of Napoleon's general KLEBER, famous for its Egypt campain, (reminded by German chancelor Merkel at Berlin's March 2007 EU Summit in a symbolic 1799 gift to the French President)..
EU Parliament asked, Summer 2008 in Strasbourg, " to place Eurocorps as a standing force under EU command", and "invited all (EU) Member States to contribute to it".
France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, and Luxembourg (participating with Funds, Telecoms and Officers), are EUROCORPS"' main "Framework Nations", due to be joined by Italy in 2009. Greece and Austria participate as "Contributing Nations", while Poland decided to upgrade its role. Turkey has liaison Officers for NATO relations, and even USA decided to send Officers to Strasbourg on 2009.
Observers await with impatience also the outcome of NATO's April 2009 Summit in Strasbourg in order to have a better view of EuroCorps' future.
Since modern Defence must be able to use all Arms nowadays, EuroCorps tried to charm Strasbourg's People with Music accross popular streets...