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EPP MEPs Majority for Victor Orban => Refuse Mass Migration+LGBT Lobbyist/EP Rapporteur Threat

Автор ACM
Wednesday, 12 September 2018

*Strasbourg/EU Parliament/Angelo Marcopolo/(Partly UpDated)- Manifold Converging Facts, gathered from Monday up to Thursday in EU Parliament by "Eurofora", clearly indicate that a Majority of ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group (the Biggest) MEPs either Voted Against or Abstained on a Controversial Report threatening UnPrecedented Sanctions on Hungary, drafted by a former registered "Lobbyist" of NGOs linked to Mass Migration, LGBT, Soros, a.o. Lobbies, who, normally, should have Never been given such a big Responsibility, for obvious Conflict of Interest, (See Infra).     


Indeed, an Absolute Majority of ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group's 116 MEPs, were Against, Abstained or Refused to Participate in the Vote of that Report, which was Backed Only by a Minority of 102 EPP MEPs, (out of a Total of 218 : Previously 221).   

  In Addition, an even Stronger Majority in EU Parliament, of 348 MEPs, clearly Rejected a "Socialists"' Attempt to Deny the Fact that, nonobstant some NGOs' and EU/CoE/UN Bodies' alleged "Concerns" on Hungary, these are simply "Non Binding ...Opinions", since, "Legally, ...Only the Court of Justice of the EU may Interpret the provisions of the (EU) Treaty". (Indeed, Orban reportedly intends to Lodge a Legal Complaint to the ECJ at nearby Luxembourg asap).    


All these Facts, obviously, Belie the incredble Claims and other "Fake News" by Establishment's Medias, as mainstream Newspaper "Le Monde" (France), according to whose "Special Envoy to Strasbourg", about "7 out of 10" ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEPs would have been ready to Vote Against Orban (sic !)...


+ Moreover, Victor Orban succeeded to Forge, thus, a rare Unity of All the Right, adding to Mainstream ChristianDemocrats/EPP MEPs (many of rare Personal/Political Quality, Top Euro-Politicians: See Infra), also anOther maistream Group : that of Conservatives (ECR), as well as the Atypical "Freedom and Democracy" Group of Euro-Sceptics (EFDD), and the Rightists of "Nations and Freedoms" (ENF) Group, added to almost All "Independent" MEPs.    ++ He even managed to Attract several ... "Socialists", Liberals and Leftist MEPs (See Infra) !        


And, all that, just by someone who Stands clearly at the Right side of the Political Spectrum, while also being in favour of a ..."Strong Europe", (as Orban's Hungarian EU Presidency's official Program underlined, already since its 2011 Official Document distributed in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, obtained and kept by "Eurofora" untl 2018 : See relevant PHOT0)...     

(NDLR : For more concrete Details on Today's VOTE, See Infra).    

=> Thus, Orban seems, meanwhile, in the process of Agreeing, de facto, with French President Emmanuel Macron, that they may Lead the 2 Different main Political Sides on which could be Polarized the forthcoming May 2019 EU Elections !

    And even mainstream Center-Right EU Leader and German Chancellor, Angie Merkel, (that some attempt to oppose to Orban, Both EPP Members), reportedly observed, Earlier, at a Joint Press Conference with the Hungarian Prime Minister in Berlin, that, despite "some Differences", nevertheless, on the recent Mass Migration Issue, Victor Orban "has done a part of the work for us... , (by Stopping the Western Balkans Route from Turkey, at the Peak of the 2015-2016 Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants' Crisis).     


However, a Paradox is that, Orban (who Triggered an Urgenty needed and succesful Protection of EU's Borders since February 2016: Comp. Supra), is now Harassed by various, mainly Leftist Opponents, and Threatened with Financial and/or Politicall "Sanctions",     while, on the Contrary, Turkey, (which Suddenly threw into Europe more than 1,5 Millions of Heavily Islamized Non-European Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants, reportedly "Chosen" among the Most Difficult to Integrate, via a Network of Turkish Smugglers and Crooks), got ...an Additional + 3 Billions € in full Grants by EU Funds each Year !  


 + And Today, it's only due to a Regrettable Division inside the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group of MEPs, (whose current Chair, Manfred Weber, said that he'd personaly Vote that Controversial Report opening a Procedure for Sanctions against Hungary - reportedly because, as a Cadidate for the Replacement of EU Commission's President Jean-Claude Juncker, he would have to become "Acceptable" also by Other Political Groups), that, finally, this Report was apparently Endorsed in EU Parliament (See Infra).   


 While, on the Contrary, (given also the Opposition of Both the "Conservatists" and the "pro-Brexit" Groups of MEPs, as well as of the Rightists, Independents, etc. : Comp. Supra and Infra), an eventual Unity of ChristianDemocrats/EPP around their Member : the Hungarian Governing Party "Fides", would have Certainly Rejected any such Threat of Sanction...

    Indeed, according to a Controversial Interpretation of EU Parliament's Rules, anounced only at a Press Point this week in Strasbourg, it seems that the "Abstention" Votes (including of several EPP MEPs) are Not taken into Account, in order to Calculate if the Required 2/3 Majority was reached, or not., (Contrary to a Different Interpretation, given by the EU Parliament's competent Rapporter hershelf, Earlier from Thursday in Brussels : where she had Incited EPP's MEPs to ..."Go Drink a Coffee", instead of Voting, as mainstream Medias had stressed, even on their Headlines !). Thus a Final Vote of about 450 "Yes", versus 250 (incl. "No" + "Abstention") Votes, was, Finaly, Analysed as a "2/3 Majority"...   

    Something which is, however, another among the Disputed points in a very probable Legal Complaint due to be Decided by Hungary Next Week for the EU Court of Justice in nearby Luxembourg...


The point about EPP Group's Collective stance (Comp. Supra) has a particular and Wider Importance Nowadays, inter alia also because the embattled Prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orban, (who recently Chaired the "Visegrad" Group of Central EU Countries), has, meanwhile, both Adopted a Set of (quite Popular) Political Principles which vary from those currently pushed by a controversial Establishment, and expressed his wish to actively contribute, this time, to Shape the Agenda of his Political Family, (the Center-Right, mainly of ChristianDemocrats/EPP), for the Crucial forthcoming European Elections of May 2019.

But, already, just in a Few Days Time : on September 20, 2018, an exceptional EU Summit of Heads of State/Goverment in Salzburg, Austria (the current EU rotating Chair), is due to Focus mainly on the Challenges of Mass Asylum Seekers/Irregular Migrants from Non-European Countries, particularly after that Sudden, more than 1,5 Millions Big "Tsunami" through Turkey since 2015/2016+, etc., who have notoriously presented UnPrecedented Problems of Integration because of Radical Islamization and even Bloody Terrorism targetting innocent Civilian People, until Recently, (f.ex. in Germany, but also in France, the UK, Netherlands, etc), with the Result to Provoke a UK Majority for "BREXIT" and a Long Series of Wide-Spreading Electoral Results in favor of Anti-Mass Migration and/or various Rightist, even more or less "Euro-Sceptic" Political Movements throughout Europe, (f.ex., in the Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Denmark, Czech Republic, Switzerland, etc).

Victor Orban's Popular policies, (which were marked by 3 Landslide big Electoral Wins, with an Absolute Majority of Hungarian People's Votes), notoriously Stopped most of that UnPrecedented "Tsunami" coming through Turkey, already since the Beginning of 2016, by Protecting the Country's Borders towards the Balkans, (which Incited also many Other European Countries, located along that Route from Turkey, to do alike, in order to Prevent Big Masses of Irregular Migrants from being Accumulated and Blocked in their own Territories : See, f.ex. ....).  

But, already Earlier, Hungary had also adopted anOther Series of Important Reforms on a Different Topical Issue, (which has notoriously Provoked a lot of Controversies, Socio-Political Infights and even an UnPrecedented use of Police Force against peaceful Demonstrators, f.ex. in France on 2013-2014, etc) : that of BioEthics.

Particularly concerning the Protection of Natural Family, between Men and Women, able to give Natural Births, Contrary to Recent Pressure (f.ex. by USA's former President Barack Hussein Obama, etc) to Impose "Same Sex Marriages", and even the Submission of Children to the Power of Homosexuals under pretext of "Adoption", inevitably Pushing, sooner or later, also towards the Exploitation of "Surrogate Mothers", and to a Fast-Growing Number of "Articificial" Births, obtained by Technological Interferences, (including, f.ex., "In Vitro Fertilisation", TransPlantations, Sperms/Eggs/Frozen Embryos' "Banks", Pre-Natal Tests, Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, etc), potentially Dangerous for all Humankind, (especially after Recent Discoveries of "Gene-Editing", etc).

Indeed, Hungary, (soon Followed also by various Similar Attempts in Many Other Countries : f.ex. Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, even inside many USA's Federated States, etc), was the 1st European Country (in Addition to Russia, etc), which decided (by Popular Referenda voted by the People) to Protect the Natural Family (and, therefore, Natural Births of Human Beings) inside its own Constitution. Inside which, Victor Orban and his followers also added an Explicit Reference to the National and European Cultural Heritage and/or Identity, which included our Continent's original Christian Roots.      

=> For all those Reasons, inevitably, Orban's Hungary obviously started to become a Target of various kinds of Lobbies whose Interests or Agendas were Opposed to those Measures : From pro-Mass Migration or "LGBTI" NGOs, (including Millionaire Soros), up to Foreign States (even Non-European : as Obama's USA, etc), eager and pressing to Impose their Agendas, etc. The Resulting Social and Legal InFight inside Hungary itself, (mutatis-mutandis, as also in several USA's Federated States, up to the Supreme Court, etc), generated various Tensions and Strained the Established Medias, Judges, etc., (particularly After a Previous Period of alleged Clientelism and Cronyism by several former "Socialist" Governments, which had resulted even into UnForgetable  Violent Clashes in Budapest and elsewhere, just Before the Hungarian People gave a Majority Government to Victor Orban (from 2010 until Now: 2018).

So that Many concrete Points Criticized inside a Controversial Report Drafted for EU Parliament by a "Green" MEP from the Netherlands, but of Italian Origin, Judith Sargentini, alone, (a former officialy Registered "Lobbyist", hired by pro-Migration NGOs, linked to controversial Millionaire Soros, and hershelf, personaly Member of "LGBTI" Group until now, etc), naturally concern, directly or indirectly, various real or alleged Aspects or Consequences obviously related to those Topical Issues, (f.ex., on Foreign NGOs, Medias, Judges, Legal/Constitutional Reforms, Massive Non-European Migration, LGBTI-related matters: Comp. Supra, etc).

Orban's Government strongly Criticised such a Report, arguying that it was adopted withOut real Dialogue, did Not Reply to many Legal Points made by Hungary, Missed several Facts, contrained many Inaccuracies or Errors, and appeared Biaised, Vowing to bring that Case up to EU's Court of Justice, at nearby Luxembourg.

After a 9/11 Debate "of Rare Violence", (as even Center-Left Establishment Newspaper "Le Monde" observed), in EU Parliament in Strasbourg, where even his President, Experienced former EU Commissioner, Antonio Tajani, had to personaly intervene in order to Allow for a "Roma" Woman from Hungary to Speak withOut Interruptions by Aggressive Opponents), during which Orban faced Many gross Insults, (Criticized by various MEPs at the Plenary even during the Next Days), and Denounced a Rigged Vote, since Everything would have been already Decided Beforehand, as he claimed, Urging for Political and Legal Action against it, finally, indeed, a Voting Result was obtained by his Opponents which, at least theoretically, Triggered, for the 1st Time in History, a Procedure Threatening to Exclude an EU Member Country from its Rights to Participate in EU's Collective Decision-Making process.

That unique "Sanction" had been Introduced precisely on the Occasion of such an Earlier Debate on ... Hungary itself (sic !), since 2013 in Strasbourg, (i.e. when the above-mentioned BioEthical Controversies involving "LGBTI" Lobbies, etc., notoriously were at their Highest level, f.ex. in France, Hungary, USA, etc), as its own Rapporteur had explained then, among others, in his Reply to an "Eurofora"'s Question during his Press Conference in EU Parliament, (See : ...)...

The VOTE's concrete Details :

At any case, in Today's Vote, it's a Fact that an Absolute Majority of 116 ChristianDemocrats/EPP Group's MEPs, (against a Minority of Only 102), Refusent to Back that Controversial Report against Victor Orban's Hungary, by either Voting "Against" (57), Voting "Abstention" (29), or by Not Participating at all to that Reports' vote (28).

[In Addition, there were about anOther +30 More MEPs, from various Other Political Groups, (i.e. circa 57 MEPs in all), who did Not Participate at all to that Controversial Vote. And, at least 10 among them, were inside EU Parliament's Chamber Today, Voting at anOther Report, Earlier, (of Axel Voss, about Digital Publications' CopyrRight, etc), but, curiously, "Disappeared" when Sargentini's Paper against Victor Orban arrived at its Voting Time...]


Even more Interesting is also the Fact that those "Resisting" MEPs, particularly among the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, who either Voted Against, or Abstained when that Controversial Report surfaced, seem to be very Important, Top mainstream MEPs, (often Both on the European and at a National Political Level) :

Indeed, a careful Examination of the Facts, finds among them :

- several vice-Presidents of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group itself, and/or even EU Parliament's vice-Presidents or Quaestors ;

- Many very Experienced MEPs and/or former Prime Ministers or Ministers;

- a great lot of Presidents or vice-Presidents of various EU Parliament's Committees and/or Delegations;  

- Added, also, to numerous very Qualified MEPs, (f.ex. University Professors, etc);

- Spreading accross Both most, if not all, former Central-Eastern European Countries, (from Czech Republic and Poland, down to Slovenia, and up to Bulgaria, etc), and among the Biggest EU Countries, (including the UK, Italy, Poland, Spain, Romania, etc., as well as Germany (specially in Bavaria and Saxony), France, but also Austria, etc.

=> So that Victor Orban's Links to that Majority (of about 116 out of a Total of 218) ChristianDemocrat/EPP "Resisting" MEPs, appear to be particularly Important, and, at any case, canNot be Ignored.


    * Indeed, f.ex.,  among those ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEPs who Voted Against that Controversial Report of "Green" MEP Sargentini, but, on the Contrary, Supported Victor Orban's Popular politics in Hungary, were also :

- Vice-Presidents of ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group : Lara COMI (Italy) ; Andrey KOVATCHEV, (also EU Parliament's Quaestor), from Bulgaria, (Governing Party of "Citizens for European Development"); Professor József SZÁJER, (Hungary), former EPP v.P. Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI, still MEP, (Poland, See Infra).

 + EU Parliament's vice-Presidents: Lívia JÁRÓKA (Hungary) Voted "Against"; while Ramón Luis VALCÁRCEL SISO, (Spain), Voted "Abstention" ; but Andrey KOVATCHEV, also Quaestor, voted "Against", as well as former EP v.P. Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI (Comp. Supra) voted "Against", same with former EP vice-President Tamás DEUTSCH, (Hungary), SG of the Governing Party; (as former EP v.President Mario DAVID, Portugal, strongly Defended Orban in the Press), added to Conservative EU Parliament's vice-President Zdzisław KRASNODEBSKI (Poland), who also Voted "Against", while even "Socialist" Vladimír MAŇKA (Slovakia), EU Parliament's Quaestor, Voted "Abstention", (etc).

- Presidents of Committees/Delegations : Pavel SVOBODA, (Czech Republic), President of Legal affairs Committee ;  Alojz PETERLE, (Slovenia), F. Prime Minister, now President of Delegation on FYROM ; Franck PROUST, (France), President of the French Delegation to the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, (Supported, initially Sarkozy, and afterwards Wauquiez); Fulvio MARTUSCIELLO, (Italy), President of EU Parliament's Delegation on Israel, (etc).

While Dr. Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI, (Poland). President of the Agriculture Committee. University Researcher. F. Minister of Agriculture. Member of the Board of "People's Party", Voted "Abstention" ;  as well as Bogdan Andrzej ZDROJEWSKI, (Poland). President of EU Delegation for Belarus. F. Culture Minister ; Teresa JIMÉNEZ-BECERRIL BARRIO, (Spain), President of EU Delegation for Mexico ; Luis de GRANDES PASCUAL (Spain), President of EU Delegation to Andean Countries ; Ramona Nicole MĂNESCU (Romania), President of EU Delegation to Mashreq Countries ; (etc). -


 * Vice-Presidents of Committees/Delegations+: Stefano MAULLU, (Italy), vice-President of Committee on Culture and Education; Monica HOHLMEIER, vice-President of Budget Committee, Germany, f. Minister for Culture and Education in Bavaria (Federated State), f. President of CSU Party (Bavaria) ; Dubravka ŠUICA, (Croatia), vice-Président of the Foreign Affairs Committee ; Pal CSAKY, vice-President of Petitions' Committee, (Slovakia) ;  Kinga GAL vice-President of Committee for Civic Liberties and Justice (Hungary) ; Iuliu WINKLER, (Romania), vice-President of International Trade Committee ; László TŐKÉS, vice-President of Human Rights Committee (Hungary) ; Miroslav MIKOLÁŠIK, (Slovakia), vice-President of EU - Latin America Parliamentary Assembly, President of ChristianDemocrats/EPP's Working Group on BioEthics; Gabriel MATO, (Italy), vice-President of Committee for Central America ; Elisabetta GARDINI, (Italy), vice-President of Committee for Mercosur (Latin America) ; Romana TOMC, (Slovenia), vice-President of Committee on Japan ; Anna ZABORSKA vice-President of EU Delegation to the Caribbean Forum Assembly (16 Countries), from Slovakia : a Medical Doctor, committed on BioEthics, (+invited Speaker at the pro-Life March in Washington DC, USA, etc) ; Mrs Andrea BOCSKOR (Hungary) vice-President of Committees for Culture/Education and of "EuroN-EST" ; Traian UNGUREANU, (Romania), F. vice-President of EU Delegation to EuroNEst Assembly; Barbara MATERA, vice-President of Committee for Women and Equality, (Italy) ; Salvatore SICU, former Minister of Defense and of Finances, Italian, (Berlusconi's "Forza Italia"), vice-President of Committee on relations with Arab peninsula, Lawyer ; (etc).

While Rosa    ESTARÀS FERRAGUT, (Spain), vice-President of Petitions' Committee, Voted "Abstention" ; as well as Agustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA CONSUEGRA, (Spain) Vice-Chair of EU Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Assembly, F. vice-President of WEO's Assembly ;


- Prime Ministers or Ministers/Political Parties/Movements' Leaders : Salvatore SICU, (Italy) former Minister of Defense + of Finances, Voted "Against" ; as well as Nadine MORANO, (France), former Minister, National Political Counselor of the Republican Party, (initially of Sarkozy, now Wauquiez) ; Angelika NIEBLER, (Germany), vice-President of CSU Governing Party in Bavaria, F. President of Research/Industry/Energy Committee ; Herrmann WINKLER, Germany, CDU President in Leipsig, F. Minister for European affairs in the Federated State of Saxony, (NB : There where many German People demonstrated after another Murder by 2 Irregular Migrants, who had arrived through Turkey, and should, normally, have been Deported earlier : See Chemnitz City case at ...); Tamás DEUTSCH, also SG of the Governing Party, (Hungary) ; Alojz PETERLE, F. Prime Minister, (Slovenia) ; and Brice HORTEFEUX, (France), Experienced f. Minister on Migration and Integration, JHA, etc., (a Sarkozy faithful), had already Voted "Against" that Draft, inside the competent Committee, (etc).

While Michelle ALLIOT-MARIE (France), Chair of Committee on Arab peninsula, F. Minister of Defense, JHA, and Foreign Affairs, as well as Secretary General of Chirac's Party "UMP", (a Gaullist), Voted "Abstention"; but also Jarosław KALINOWSKI, F. bis Prime Minister, (Poland) ; Dr. Theodor STOLOJAN, (Romania), F. Prime Minister, and Party President. Now Member of PDL Party's Executive Board ; Judge Rachida DATI, (France), f. Adviser and Spokesperson for Sarkozy, F. Minister of Justice ; Brice HORTEFEUX, (France), Experienced f. Minister on Migration and Integration, JHA, etc, (a Sarkozy faithful). [He had Voted "No" in Committee] ; Dr. Czesław Adam SIEKIERSKI, (Poland), also F. Minister of Agriculture. Member of the Board of "People's Party" ; Bogdan Andrzej ZDROJEWSKI, (Poland) also F. Culture Minister ; Franc BOGOVIČ, F. President of Slovenian People's Party, +Minister of Agriculture/Environment ; Santiago FISAS AYXELÀ, (Spain), F. Minister for Sports ; Algirdas SAUDARGAS, (Lithuania), Former President of the ChristianDemocrat Party, Ambassador to the Vatican, Foreign Minister (bis) ; Eva MAYDELL, (Bulgarian MEP), new President of the European Movement (International) ; (etc).

- Many Other Important MEPs of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, from Various Countries, did also Vote "Against" that Controversial Report, such as, f.ex. : Markus FERBER, Germany, (Bavaria), a most Experienced MEP since 1994-2018, President of "Europa-Union" for the Federated State of Bavaria ; Angelique DELAHAYE, (France), f. President of Farmers' Union, Knight of the Legion of Honour ; Massimiliano SALINI, New EU's Rapporteur on Space policy, from Italy, ("Forza Italia", of Berlusconi) ; Alessandra MUSSOLINI, Member of National Bureau of "Forza Italia", (Berlusconi's Party) ; Ambassador Željana ZOVKO (Croatia), F. BiH Permanent Representative to the WTO, FAO, UNESCO ; András GYÜRK, (Hungary), Director of the Governing Party's Electoral Campaigns ; Vladimir URUTCHEV, (Bulgaria), a Nuclear Technology Engineer, F. Member of the Executive Board in ENISS, FORATOM ; Dr Pilar AYUSO, Director of Research, (Spain) ; Andor DELI, Jurist for EU Law, deputy Governor of Voivodina Region, (Hungary) ; Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ, Media Consultant of the Czech Government and of the EPP (Czech Republic) ; (etc).

But also : Albert DESS, Germany, (Bavaria) ; Aldo PATRICIELLO, (Italy), "Forza Italia" (Berlusconi's Party) ; Alberto CIRIO (Italy) ; Csaba SÓGOR, a former Senator, from Romania ; Carlos ITURGAIZ, (Spain) ; Norbert  ERDŐS, from Hungary, as also Ádám KÓSA, Lawyer ; György HÖLVÉNYI ; György SCHÖPFLIN, etc.; Andrey NOVAKOV + Asim ADEMOV, + Emil RADEV, from Bulgaria, (recent EU Chair), of the Governing Party : "Citizens for European Development" ; Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ, from the Czech Republic ; József NAGY, from Slovakia ; Patricija ŠULIN, and Milan ZVER, from Slovenia ; Ivana Maletic, a Young MEP from Croatia (current CoE's Presidency) and Marijana PETIR, (ibid) ; etc.


While several Other ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEPs Voted "Abstention", Refusing to endorse that Controversial Report, such as, f.ex., among others, also : Dr. Godelieve QUISTHOUDT-ROWOHL, (Germany), vice-President of EU Delegation for Canada, Experienced CDU's MEP during 1989-2018 from Lower Saxony, Member of ChristianDemocrat/EPP Party's Political Bureau ; Sven SCHULZE (Germany). Engineer. Member of CDU's Executive Board at Saxony-Anhalt (Federated State) ; Arnaud DANJEAN, (France), vice-President of EU Delegation to NATO Assembly, (close to F. Prime Minister Alain Juppé) ; Philippe JUVIN, (France), Professor of Medicine, F. National Secretary of "UMP" Party, currently Spokesman of the "Republican" Party ; Geoffroy DIDIER, (France)  Lawyer, F. Deputy Secretary General of "UMP" Party + "Republican" Party, F. Region vice-President ; Joachim ZELLER, (Germany, CDU, Berlin). Vice-President of Regional Development Committee ; Dr. Peter JAHR, (Germany), Agricultural Engineer - PhD of Leipsig University, CDU Party, in Saxony, (where a recent Murder by Irregular Migrants who arrived through Turkey was committed this Summer 2018 at Chemnitz City, provoking Popular Demonstrations, etc) ; Francisco José MILLÁN MON (Spain), Diplomat/F. Director for Europe at the Foreign Ministry. Member of "Partido Popular'"s National Executive Board ; José Ignacio SALAFRANCA SÁNCHEZ-NEYRA, (Spain). Experienced MEP during 1994-2018 ; Pilar del CASTILLO VERA, (Spain), Professor of Political Science ; (etc).



+ Among a Great Number of OTHER Political GROUPS' MEPs who Voted for Victor Orban, and "Against" that Controversial Report, are also, f.ex.,
- The Rightist MEPs from the FPÖ of the new Austrian Government coalition, (currently Chairing the EU), such as Harald VILIMSKY, (vice-President of ENF Group of MEPs) ; Franz OBERMAYR ; Barbara KAPPEL ; Georg MAYER, (ENF);  etc.

- + Even amidst the currently "Independents", is, Paradoxically, included a former vice-President of the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group, F. Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee : Jacek SARYUSZ-WOLSKI from Poland. He was excluded from the EPP Group on 2017, due mainly to a Division of the Right in Poland, which, regretfully, spilled over to EPP Group in EU Parliament on 2017. But, at any case, this Noteworthy Fact deserved to be Known.

++ Even several important ..."Socialists", Liberals and Leftists MEPs, Voted for Victor Orban, and "Against" Sargentini's Controversial Report :  
F.ex., among others, also : - Renate WEBER, (Liberal, Romania), vice-President of Employment/Social affairs Committee ; University Professor of Philosophy Jan KELLER, (Czech Repubic, PSD - Presidential Medal for services on Science) ; Norica NICOLAI, (Liberal, Romania), vice-President of National Liberal Party ; Iveta GRIGULE-PĒTERSE, (Latvia, Liberal), President of EU Delegations to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turcmenistan and Mongolia ; Jaromír KOHLÍČEK, (Left, from Czech Republic), vice-President of Industry, Research and Energy Committee ; Kateřina KONEČNÁ, (Left, from Czech Republic), Committee vice-President, Former President of Delegation to the IPU and vice-President of Foreign affairs Committee at the Parliament of Prague ; João FERREIRA, (Left, from Portugal), vice-President of EU Delegation to ACP Assembly ; João PIMENTA LOPES (Left, Portugal), vice-President of Womens' Rights and Equality Committee, + v.P of EU Delegation to Latin-American Assembly; Jiří MAŠTÁLKA, (Left - Czech Republic), vice-President of EU Delegation to Russia ; (etc).

+ In Addition, even noteworthy "Socialists" and Liberal, Independent or Left-leaning MEPs Voted "Abstention", Refusing to Endorse that Controversial Report, such as, f.ex. :  Pavel POC, (Czech Republic, PSD), vice-President of  Environment, Public Health+Food Safety Committee ; Vladimír MAŇKA, (Slovakia, PSD). EU Parliament's Quaestor ; Lawyer António MARINHO E PINTO, vice-President of EU's Delegation to Brazil, (Liberal, from Portugal) ; Valentinas MAZURONIS (Liberal, from Lithuania), Head of Political Party, F. Minister of Environment, F. Head of the Opposition ; Kazimierz Michał UJAZDOWSKI, Former Minister of Culture (bis) and vice-President of PiS Party, University Senior Lecturer : (Poland, Independent) ; Monika SMOLKOVÁ, (Slovakia, PSD), (etc).

 ++ Even 2 MEPs from ...Beppe Grillo's "5 Stars" Movement (co-Governing now in Italy), such as, f.ex, : David BORRELLI (Independents) and Architect Daniela AIUTO (EFDD), etc.


>>> All this, naturally, goes Together with a Massive Support to Victor Orban, both from the Mainstream "Conservatives"' Group (ECR), as well as from the Atypical "Freedom and Direct Democracy" Group (EFDD), and the Rightists of the "Nations and Freedoms" Group (ENF), including most "Independents", almost all of whom Voted "Against" that Controversial Report, (Comp. Supra).    

    In this regard, it was really Astonishing to hear, during this EU Parliament's Plenary Debate, even the Leader of the Rightists, Nicolas Bay of France, openly declare to Victor Orban that "Your Europe, is the Europe of our Dreams !" :

     It's probably the 1st Time that a Head of Rightists, (and allegedly "Euro-Sceptics", even accused by some to be "Anti-Europeans"), makes such an Emotive Proclamation vis a vis a ChristianDemocrat/EPP Leader that he (surprizingly) finds politically Interesting, attractive...

    But, Succeed, at the Same Time, to keep Alive the Faith of a Majority of ChristianDemocrats/EPP MEPs (Comp. Supra), while also Attracting some important Liberals, "Socialists", Leftists, and other Atypical MEPs, (See Facts cited Supra), is something very Rare, if not Unique...

    => Has, perhaps, Macron's "New Foundation" of all EU Political Life, just Started, a few Months before the crucial May 2019 European Elections ?


+ Last, but not least : The "Green" Rapporteur Miss Sargentini, in her Controversal Report, slams Victor Orban's Hungary, inter alia, also for "its Restrictive Definition of Family", (as she calls the Defense of Natural Family, between a Man and a Woman), Accusing it for "Discrimination", simply because "it does not encompass ... Same-Sex Couples" (sic !).
That same MEP, (Member of "LGBTI" Inter-Group, and former "Lobbyist" for NGOs sympathetic to Millionaire Soros, etc), goes on to Add also an Accusation for what she Claims to be "Negative Stereotypes and Prejudice" etc., "Against Lesbian, Gay, BiSexual and Trans-Gender Persons, particularly in the ...Education sector".

This was judged by the ChristianDemocrat/EPP Group's Majority so Wrong, that it Officially Asked for a "Split" Vote, precisely on that Point, which was Accepted by EU Parliament, even if a Hasty Voting (and, probably, the Non-Participation of Many ChristianDemocrat/EPP MEPs in that Report's Vote : Comp. Supra), apparently, was Not Enough in order to clearly Reject such Claims, (at least for this time).

Concerning Human Rights and even Democracy, (since Victor Orban's Hungary is notoriously one among those EU Countries where a Strong Majority of People have recently Voted to confirm even in their Constitution the Traditional Principle of Natural Family), a key Question inevitably arises :

=> Does, Miss Sargentini, really Believe, in that case, that even ...the landmark European Convention of Human Rights, (where the EU is officially invited to join, according also to the current, Lisbon EU Treaty), might also be ... too "Restrictive" and full of "Negative Stereotypes and Prejudice" (etc : Comp. Supra), simply because its Article 12 says that the "Right to Marry and to found a Family" concerns "Men and Women" ?
Or, would she, perhaps, seek to Impose also to the 47 Member Countries-strong CoE a forced Revision of its PanEuropean Convention on Human Rights ?

- "Good Lack", in that case...  



(NDLR :  Headline PHOTO = Controversial Rapporteur, "Green" MEP Miss Sargentini, former "Lobbyist" for NGO and Member of "LGBTI" Group, celebrates with her pals the Adoption of her Report against Victor Orban's Hungary, threatening Sanctions).


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*Paris/ACM/12 October 2008/-

When Europeans really feel a vital need to urgently launch common replies to challenging World Crisis, as the present Financial turmoil of Global Markets, they forge new decision-making tools and new dynamics :

The 1st in History EuroZone Heads of State and Government Summit, organized in Paris at the invitation of French President, and current EU chair, Nicolas Sarkozy, with the participation of 15 national leaders and EU institutions' chairmen, partly enlarged to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, after a highly symbolic duo with German Chancelor Angie Merkel, at General De Gaulle's birth-village, 50 Years after he welcomed there former German chancellor Adenauer (1958-2008), may have not one, but two results :

- The first, and more urgent, was to launch an "ambitious", "coherent", and "efficient" common European movement, able to stimulate "solutions" to the World Economic Crisis, as Sarkozy anounced from the outset : State Garantees (to new Bank debts up to 5 years), fresh Capital input (f.ex. by buying shares), support to distressed banks, (while also restructuring them), incite the European Central Bank to facilitate commerial bills europe-wide, etc.

"Acting swiftly", from tomorrow, national measures will quantify all these targets, with coordinated actions from all EuroZone's Governments : France, Germany, Italy and others, decided to anounce, at the same time, such concrete measures, according to agreements that we have already made all together, revealed Sarkozy at the final Press Conference, flanked by EuroZone's chairmen : EuroGroup's Jean-Claude Juncker, and Central European Bank's Jean-Claude Truchet, as well as EU Commission's Jose Baroso, to solemnly stress the will to find common European solutions.

- "United and Determined, all EuroZone's Countries will act to prove that Citizens can Trust" the Economy, Sarkozy concluded. If we attract also all EU's 27 countries, Wednesday in Brussels, then we can coordinate action with our American Friends at a Global level, he anounced.


- "With this new Toolbox, we do not want to serve Bankers, but to work for Europe and its Citizens' interests", added Juncker.

- "For the moment, we want to act urgently to regulate the Crisis. But the time will come when those responsible for this, will have to account for their actions. Yes to real Capitalism, No to Speculators. Those who abused, will face sanctions, Sarkozy warned.

Need stimulates activities which create new organs, say biologists, and Gordon Brown, compatriot of Spencer, the famous bio-Historian, would certainly not deny that, after his surprise visit to EuroZone's Summit in Paris, which attracted him one hour more than scheduled...


Decisions include also the creation of a Crisis-management European mechanism, which "requires constant Monitoring", as well as strengthening Economic policy cooperation between EuroZone's countries.

Sarkozy will be judged by History not just by the immediate Economic results, expected at the end of this week's decision-making proces at National and EU level, but also by the more far-reaching consequences at the aftermath of this Historic EuroZone 1st Summit : Will it succeed to become a precursor forging a New era in European institution's revitalization ?

Significantly, the French President sat, during discussions, between German Chancelor Merkel, and British Prime Minister Brown, facing the chairmen of EuroGroup, Juncker, ECB : Truchet, and EU Commission, Baroso, with Prime Ministers of Spain, Zapatero (a hot partisan of EuroZone's Summit) at his right side, and Italy's Berlusconi, at his left, surrounded by Austrian, Belgian, Cyprus', Finland's, Greece's, and Ireland's leaders, as well as Slovakia's, Slovenia's, Portugal's, Netherlands', Malta's and Luxembourg's leaders.


Meanwhile, those who tabled for a rift between French and German positions were faced with a smiling Merkel at De Gaulle-Adenauer's meeting place, a sunny Saturday morning, and a particularly active-looking Merkel inside the French Presidential Palace at Elysee's gardens on Sunday, (as happy few photographers discovered)..

- "De Gaulle's hilltop, at Colombey-les-2-Eglises, gave an astonishing overview to a huge landscape, entirely surrounded by splendid Nature, as far as eyes could see", said to EuroFora an obviously charmed German Journalist.


She was describing Saturday's inauguration of a High-Tech Memorial close to the Historic Giant Double Lorraine's Cross, built by famous Novelist Andre Malraux, to perpetuate the Memory of his famous call for "Resistance" to NAZI, and his vision for the creation of New Institutions and Franco-German reconciliation, to foster Europe's role in the World, also for the Future.


Children playing at Elysee's gardens before the Historic 1st EuroZone's Summit : What Europe's Future will look like ?


2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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