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Home arrow newsitems arrow In 2 Trials, Failed anti-African Ebola Remdesivir Flops also on COVID Virus, but Lobby pushes FDA

In 2 Trials, Failed anti-African Ebola Remdesivir Flops also on COVID Virus, but Lobby pushes FDA

Written by ACM
Wednesday, 29 April 2020

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- Astonishingly, Even if Two (2) Different New Trials (one inside China and anOther Outside) in fact Show that the Old and Failed, initially anti-African Ebola, Drug of "Remdesivir", appears to make a Flop also on Nowadays' CoronaVirus, Nevertheless, Company Pressure and Grossly Misleading Presentations in several US Establishment's Medias added to a Controversial Technocrat, currently seem to Push USA's Food and Drugs' Administration (FDA) to practically rumber-stump that Controversial Expensive commercial product, in a Hurry, reportedly Starting from the Next Few Hours !

Both these 2 Recent Studies were Supported by Remdesivir's Company "Gilead", but Both appear, in Substance, InConclusive, Despite UnSubstantiated Claims for the Contrary, on the 2nd one, Too Hastily MisPresented by some, (See Infra).

In Fact, the Chinese Tests' results, Explicitly Critical, faced attempts to be Muzzled, while the 2nd Study was presented by some in a blatantly Misleading way, (i.e. as if it would show a ...Triumph for Redmdesivir, while in Fact, it rather Confirmed its Failure to Save Human Lives, and/or appeared still much More UnCertain/UnTrustworthy than the 1st one)...

Indeed, even the "World Healh Organization" (WHO) was Obliged to Withdraw a Publication at its WebSite which resumed the Negative Conclusions of that 1st Study in China !  

But, soon Afterwards, it's Even the Prestigious Review "The LANCET" which went on to Publish those Critical Results of that China Test, in FULL TEXT...

Meanwhile, However, several US Establishment's Medias inundated the Web with repeated Quotes of some Astonishing Claims made by Controversial Technocrat Dr. Fauci, (Notorious for having Criticized US President Trump, against the popular HCQ Anti-Virus Treatment, a cheap Competitor to expensive Remedesivir), now reportedly Boasting that "Gilead" Company's 2nd Study would ..."Proven" (sic !) that Remedesivir "can Block (re-sic !!) this Virus", and "this is Opening the door to the Fact that we Now Have the Capability of Treating (re-re-sic !!!)", as he said.

Nevertheless, Facts are Facts, and they All Point to the Contrary :

- That 2nd Study (Mis-Presented as Triumphaly Positive : Comp. Supra), in Fact, does Not even Claim that Remdesivir might, eventually, Save More Human LIVES, than any Other routine Treatments against Coronavirus ! Instead, it seems that it Focuses ONLY on a Controvesial and Different Issue about the TIME (Number of Days) used by various Treatments...

But, that Different matter, had Already been Noted, even by the 1st, Chinese Critical Study (Comp. Supra), and finally Dismissed, as "Statistically Not Significant", "Requiring confirmation". At Any Case, it's Obviously NOT that matter which might "Stop" the currently Galoping Massive Tragic Deaths caused by the Virus, (not even according to that 2nd Study, Mis-presented as Triumphaly "positive" by some).

- The 1st Study, made in China, in a Crystal-Clear way, Denounced the Fact that "Remdesivir was NOT associated with ...Clinical Benefits", and "has Not been proven effective for treatment of patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)".

- On the Contrary, its Results even Noted about ...+1,2% MORE DEATHS with Remdesivir, than withOut ! On the Contrary, the 2nd Study, made Elsewhere, reportedly found -3% LESS Deaths with Remdesivir, but this "has Not reached statistical significance", even Dr. Fauci reportedly Acknowledged. 

-  While Neither of those Studies hasN't yet been submitted to Peer Review, However, that 1st Study in China has been Published (initially by WHO, and Afterwards by "The LANCET", But the 2nd Study, made Elsewhere, has Not been Published anywhere (except from a Gilead's brief Press Release)...

+ In Addition, that China Study found that + 6,5% More Patients treated with Remdesivir, than those who took only a Placebo,  faced "ADVERSE EVENTS" which made them ..."Stop early" these Tests, and Go Away...

Among the "Most common" such Adverse Effects" of Remdesivir, it's mainly "Nausea and Acute Respiratory Failure", which were Cited by Gilead itself. (In fact, that Drug has been Tested at least Since 2015, initially as a former Candidate against African Virus of "Ebola", in vain)...

237 Hospital Patients at that 1st Study in China, and More reportedly at the 2nd one, Astonishingly Dispersed ... 68 Hospitals, accross Various Other Locations, Both in the USA and Many Other Countries in the World (so that, Obviously, it becomes quasi-Impossible to ensure Equivalent Conditions between the Remdesivir and Placebo Groups),

could Not Hide, Moreover, the wider Fact that, apparently, People doN't run to Test Remdesivir at all, but, rather, prefer to Go Away : F.ex., +2 Other Tests, previously Scheduled in China, were, Finally ...Abandoned, because almost Nobody was found Willing to Participate as Guinea Pig to them !

Such Facts inevitably Remind also a Previous "Flop" that Remdesivir notoriously Faced Already in the Past, when, after having been Initially Presented as a Drug against African "EBOLA", it was Finally Rejected by Congo as "significantly LESS Effective than (Other) Treatments". +Meanwhile, among the 2 Last Patients reportedly still remaining at a Congo Hospital for Remdesivir Trials, at least 1 (i.e. ...50%), suddenly Run Away...


 + Moreover, while one of its Stronger Competitors, the HCQ (HydroxyChloroQuine, Together with Azithromycine antibiotic, and Zinc vitamin), currently Costs Only ...5,20 €uros per parcel, and is Free of any CopyRights, (so that practically Everybody may Produce and Sell it to the Market), on the Contrary, Remdesivir would have a Much Higher Price (some reportedly speak about ...800 €uros per Treatment !), and it would be Subjected even to Exclusive "Rights" held by Gilead Compagny, with a quasi-Monopole on its Production...

Remdesivir is a Drug Based mainly on Artificialy provoked Genetic Manipulations, which was Financially and Politically Backed by the Former US President Barack Hussein Obama (a "Socialist"/Liberal of now Opposition Dems Party) since 2015, through an US Army outlet, Initially against "Ebola", But this Failed and it was Dropped on 2019 (Comp. Supra). On the Contrary, promising HCQ-based Treatment (Comp. Supra), is reportedly seeking to Reduce Viral Charge and, particularly, to Strengthen the Natural Human Immunity protection system.

Controversial Dr Fauci, (one among the Members of White House's Anti-Coronavirus Team of Experts), had been Initially Hired at USA's Federal Administration during Former "Socialist/Liberal Dems' Party POTUS Jimmy Carter's era, (while being also reportedly Familiar with controversial Millionaire Soros, Bill Gates Sr., and the Bilderberg circle).  Since then, he has been reportedly continuing Research for a "Vaccine" against HIV, withOut Finding Any, since the 1980ies :  i.e. During about 40 Years  !

Fauci's latest Prognosis for an eventual Vaccine against the CoronaVirus, currently is, at the Best, around 1,5 Years...(And he had Already Singled out and Praised "Remdesivir" as a "Promising"Drug, as Early as Since 2 Months Ago, since the very Beginning of March).

Meanwhile, notoriously, Too Many Thousands of People Die from that Virus, Every DAY, (while FDA has Not Yet really Authorized the World-Popular HCQ).






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Pierre Pflimlin's visionary line : Honouring the Memory of the man who wanted to build Europe on the Mountains, based on Spirit !



One of EuroFora's best inspirators is naturally Pierre Pflimlin :

We had a chance to personally meet the dynamic and experienced former President of both EU Parliament and CoE's Assembly, France's Prime Minister and Strasbourg's Mayor, only at his 90th anniversary, during an Historic speech at the Council of Europe, exceptionally full of people.

But his energetic figure looked more like a youngster of 19 years old, eager to win the Olympic games !..

Visionary, 2P was, from many points of view :

His daughter, Antoinette, Artist-decorator, and Senator Jung, President of a group of friends, confirmed us an Historian's revelation, that Pflimlin had initially the idea to build all European institutions (EU Parliament, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, etc) at the spectacular heights of Oberhausbergen hills, with an eye-catching view of both French Vosges and German Black Forest Mountains, in the midst of a Forest : A real vision to create a brand New European Headquarters with a big ambition !

But, it seems, that "someone in Brussels" found that picture, precisely, too big for his taste, and threw a spanner on the works...

Pflimlin stroke back a Decade ago, at his Historic 1997 farewell speech :

He urged Europeans to find another, more substantial way, to lift Europe to more important Heights in Future :

- "On which basis can we imagine the birth of a great Europe ?", he asked.

"Certainly an Economic basis ! A solid market economy, meeting also the needs of social justice. A Political basis : Europe must become a strong Political Power, able to influence World's changes, naturally for Peace."

"But I believe that the essential foundation of a greater Europe should be of Spiritual nature : .... The great pacific Revolutions were Spiritual Victories" : They expressed "People's main motivation to live in a society with our Values of Liberty, Democracy, respect for Human Dignity".

"Then, the roadmap is ready : Yes, the foundation of the unity for a large Europe is the spiritual heritage, inspired by Christian Humanism and the Humanism of Renaissance, of Enlightenment, from which emerged a Civilisation focused on the Human person".

"Here is the task to be accomplished. It's very difficult".

"The Time approaches when I'll have to pass over the torchlight. God willing, this torch should enlighten the path of those who are going to build, tomorrow, the great Europe, marked by this Spirit".


(Extract from the Book "Pierre Pfilmin : Alsacian and European", 2007. Texts by Senator Louis Jung, by the long-time f. Director of Strasbourg's Newspaper DNA, Alain Howiller, and by f. EU Parliament's Press Director, Paul Collowald : See dedications, hand-written by the authors, the day the book for Pflimlin's 100th Aniversary was launched at Strasbourg's Press Club and European Parliamentary Association's headquarters, 13 April 2007).




2009 EU Elections were won by Parties against Technocracy and Turkey's controversial EU bid, while the 1999-2004 Majority Abstention trend decelerated. What should be done in 2009-2014 ?


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