RFKennedy slams Global Totalitarism+asks Real Science at Berlin Popular Rally on Virus +Human Rights

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/- The Son of Murdered Robert Kennedy, Presidential Candidate/Former Justice Minister, and Nephew of Also Murdered US President John Kennedy, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., an Environment Lawyer and Writer, speaking Today at a Larger than Expected Popular Gathering in Berlin on the Virus and Human Rights, After a Key Press Conference Yesterday, Strongly Denounced what he Named as "Global Totalitarianism" Nowadays, Urging for "Real Science" and to Protect "Democracy" and "Human Race", Lively Stimulating a Numerous Audience, which, according to the Police, reached at least 38.000 Demonstrators, while, according to Organisers and/or certain Videos, would approach Hundreds of Thousands perhaps 1 Million, "from allover Europe", who remained for several Hours Peacefully at the Tiergarten, (Before a collective "Social Distancing" Event at the Symbolic Brandenburg Gate), mainly Hearing and Applauding the Read-Out of the German Constitution's key reference to "Human Dignity", (a Favorite of Chancellor Angie Merkel : See, f.ex. ..., etc), as well as on relevant Human and Democratic Rights steming from it.
Even if he is considered to Stay Near the Center-Left "Democratic" Party, as well as with an Obvious Inclination towards the "Greens", Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., (who came in Germany Also in order to Launch a European Branch of the "Children's Health Defense" Global Organisation that he Heads in the US), has been, reportedly, Approached by the White House, during the current USA President Don Trump, a Conservative from the Republican Party, in view of a possible Participation to a Group of Experts on "the Safety of Vaccines", (that interests him a lot), i.e. an Issue which, during the present Virus' Crisis, Obviously is due to Become very Topical, quite Soon.
Meawhile, Regardless of the Fact that Most Establishment's Medias insist to Narrow their Scope regarding that Event, Only on an alleged Controversy about "Masks" and/or "Social Distancing", among various Anti-Virus' Measures, or, even More, on some alleged "Far Right" Small Groups of Demonstrators, who reportedly Went, (After the End of that Long and Massive Popular Gathering at Tiergarten), towards Bundestag's External Stair-case, (etc), resulting in the Intervention of Local Police, currently Controlled by the Socialist Party at Berlin's City, (which had Initially Prohibited the Demonstration, Authorized later by a Court of Justice), nevertheless, withOut taking any part at all in such Side-Controversies, of Obvious Political link to Germany's Internal Affairs, practically at the Eve of the Forthcoming 2021 National Elections, and Given Also that a Main Co-Organizer of that Event, who Also Invited Kennedy to Berlin, is an Association called "QuerDenken", (i.e. "Think Differently"), Headquartered at Nearby Stuttgart, and reportedly (at least according to French Medias) Rejecting Any "Extremism", Both from the Right and from the Left, while being "Open" to the Eventual Participation, at its events, of All Citizens, regardless of their possible political inclinations, "Eurofora" Believes that RFK's Speech (whatever one might Think for this or that among its Various Points) certainly has a NewsWorthy Interest "per se", as an Exceptional, Topical Event, and Deserves to be Published, for the Information of Our European Society, and that of Other Countries, on several Big Issues of Importance Nowadays, World-wide.
=> In Consequence, Here is the Integral Speech of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. at Berlin's Tiergarten Popular Gathering, Near the Column of Victory, earlier Today, (in Full, Original Text in English, exactly as it was pronounced), Followed by a Presentation of the Main Relevant Points made Earlier at his Press Conference :
(A) Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., at Berlin's Popular Public Meeting : Against "Global Totalitarianism" !
- "USA Newspapers said that I came here to Speak to 5.000 Nazis !"..., he Teased them from the outset.
- "Tomorrow, they will say that I Spoke, May be, (Only) to ...3 or 5.000 Nazis"...
(NDLR : He said that just after the Screen had shown a Mega-Gothering of Many Tens - perhaps Hundreds of - Thousands of People)...
- "But, I Look at these People, and I See the Opposite of Nazism !" These are People who Speak about Democracy, who Want Open Government".
- "People who Want Leaders that WoN't Lie to them !"
- People who doN't want Leaders to Impose Arbitrary Rules or Regulations, to Orchestrate the Obedience of the Population".
- "They Want Leaders who have No Financial relations with the Pharmaceutical Industry, (Contrary, f.ex. to Former "Socialist/Liberal" POTUS Barack Hussein Obama, who had Mostly Big "Bio-Tech" Corporations among his pre-Electoral Funders, since 2008, and even on 2012), who are Working for Us (the People), and Not for the Big Pharma" (loudly Applauded).
- ... "Who Care about Our Children's Health, and Not about Pharmaceutical Profits, or Government Contol".
- "When I Look at this Croud, I See All Flags from Europe : I See People of Every Color, from Every Nation, Every Religion". "All Caring about Human Dignity". About Children's Health. About Political Freedom. => This is the Opposite of Nazism !"
- But, Some "Governments Love Pandemics ... For the Same Reason, they Love Horror"... Because "that Gives them the ability to Impose Controls on the Population, that, Otherwise, ,the Population would Never Accept ! They create Mechanisms for Imposing Obedience". But "Such Institutions can Impose Obedience Because of Fear", he Denounced.
- "It's a Mystery to me, among all those Big, Important People, like Bill Gates, ("Microsoft"s Chief, including Notorious Mass Spying by the Latest "Windows" Software, and Wealthy Backer of Worldwide Vaccinations Imposed under Threat of "Fatal" Deadly Virus Epidemics), and Tony Fauci, (Carter-Appointed Chief of Infectious Diseases' Public Administration and Research, Member of White House's Group of Experts on the Virus, reportedly Seeking Vainly to Find a Vaccine against AIDs during More than ...40 Years !), "have been Planning and Thinking about such a Pandemic, Since Decades. Planning how we would all be Safe, when it finally comes". "And Yet, Now that it's here, they doN't even seem to know what they are Talking about !"...
- "[Noise] ..They are Making it Up, as they are going on", F.ex., "They are Inventing Numbers. They canNot Tell you What the case of Mortality Rate for COVID is..., They CanNot Even Give us a PCR Test that actualy Works. They have to Change the Definition of COVID in Death Certificates, Constantly, to Make it look even More Dangerous". => So that, "the Only One Thing they are Good at, is Pumping up Fear..."
- About "75 Years ago", "Hermann Goering Testified at a Hearing in the Nuremberg Trial. And he was Asked ; - <<How did you make the German People go along with it ?>> ... And he said : It's a very Easy thing : It has Nothing to do with NAZISM. It has to do with Human Nature. You can do this in a Nazi Regime. You can do it in a Socialist Regime. You can do it in a Communist Regime. You can do it in a Monarchy, and in a Democracy : The Only thing that can Make People behave as Slaves, is Fear !" So that, "if you look around to Find Something to Scare them, you Can do Anything"...
- "50 Years Ago, My Oncle, John Kennedy, came to This City (Berlin)" [Loud Applause] "Because Berlin was the Front-Line against Totalitarianism". "Now that I Come, Berlin is the Front-Line against Global Totalitarianism !", Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. Denounced Today, (triggering Lively Popular Echoes, amidst "Bravo !" cries and Strong Applauding among the German People). So "All of You Who are Here, can Proudly Say, once Again : : - "Ich Bin Ein Berliner !"
+ "I Must say One More thing : - Some (in the Establishment) "have Not done a Good Job in Protecting the Public Health". But, (on the Contrary), they have done a Very Nice Job by Using the Confinement to Bring "5G" (Controversial Huge EM Waves' New Network) inside All Our Communities"... Preparing to Tranfert All Our Data, and even to push towards a Digital Currency, ... which would be the Beginning of Slavery !". "Because if they Monitor your Bank Account, then, they could Control also All your Acts", he Warned, (amidst Loud "Boos" from Many People).
- "We all See our Televisions' Ads telling us that <<"5G" is Coming here. It's a Great Thing, It's gonna Change Your Lives. Make Your Lives Better>>. ... "I can't wait for this !", he Joked. F.ex., Because "I'm going to Download a Video Game in 6 Seconds, Instead of 16 Seconds", he added with Irony...
- But, "Is that Why they are Paying 5 Trillions $ for 5G ?", RFK Wondered. - "No ! The Reason is for Surveillance and Data Harvesting... It's Not For You and Me. It's For Bill Gates, and Zuckenberg, and Bezos, (CEOs of the GAFAM) and all Other Millionaires"
- "With that", f.ex., "Bill Gates has Boasted that his Satellites' Fleet would be Able to Look at Every Square Inch of the Planet, 24 Hours a Day", he Denounced.
+ And, "that's Only the Beginning ! He is Also going to be able to Follow You through All of Your Smart Devices, through BioMetric Face Recognition, through Your GPS". Moreover, "You think that "Alexa" (Microsoft "Windows 10" Software) is Working For You"... (But, in Fact) "She's Not Working For You, (on the Contrary), she is Working for Bill Gates, and Spying On You !", RFK Jr. Warned.
- As for "the Pandemic", it "is a Crisis of Conveniance for the Elite, who are Dictating these Policies", since "it Gives them a possibility to Obliterate the Middle Class, to Destroy the Institutions of Democracy, To Shift All of Our Wealth, of All of Us, to a Handfull of Millionaires", in order "to Make them more Rich, While ImPoverishing the rest of Us", he Denounced, (apparently eyeing just a Part of a much Bigger Reality at Stake)...
- "And the Only thing, Between Them, and Our Children, is This Croud" of People, "who has come to Berlin". "We are Telling them, Here, Today" : - <<You are Not going to Take Away our Freedoms, you are Not gonna Poison our Children, (because) We are going to Demand our Democracy Back !". "Thank You all very much For Fighting", he concluded
(B) Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. at Berlin's earlier Press Conference : - "Real Science" for "Democracy" at "the Most Crucial Inflexion in History" for "Human Race" :
Nowadays, we are Faced with the Most Crucial Point in History for Democracy and Even for Humankind, pleaded RFK at a Press Conference Yesterday (28/8/2020), Urging for "Real Science" and "Peaceful" Defense of People's Health and Democratic Freedoms.
+ In Fact, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. was Invited to Berlin Also for the Launch of the European Branch of the International "Childrens' Health Defense" Organisation, that he Heads in the USA, where he gave a Press Conference, Together with Various Young Allies from Germany, France, Belgium and Italy, at the Eve (28/8/2020) of Today's Popular Demonstration, where he Stressed some Important Topical Key-Points, related to the Virus' Pandemic and, More Widely, certain Risks against "Democracy' and "the Human Race", Nowadays :
- He Explained, from the Outset, that it all Started, for him, when he was making an Investigation on "Mercury"' Risks., in the Past.
- He Soon Found that "Mercury" was Often Used Even ...in several "Vaccines".
+ But, in Fact, the Problem was much "More Wider", also Because, "in the USA", the competent Federal Administration, "CDC", had given certain "Excemptions" to Pharmaceutical Cmpanies, Initially Linked to the "History" of "Defense" Issues of a remote Past : It had "Lifted some Guarantees" of Safety, in order to "Gain Time" in case of "Bio-Attacks".
- Moreover, around "1986, even Liability of Big Pharma was Limited", leaving "Not Enough Incentives for Compagnies to Make Vaccines Safe"...
++ In Addition, there were Also "Other Problems", and, particularly, a growing "Corruption in the Political System", related mainly to "Big Pharma", (almost as French Professor of Medicine Christian Perronne, has Notoriously Denounced, pointing, especially, to many Big Cmpanies' "Lobbyists in Brussels" attempting to Influence the EU).
=> The US "Congress was Corrupted, Administrations Neutralized, Press Medias Sidelined" or "Captured", etc. So that, "All Safeguards that Our (USA's) Founding Fathers had Created to Protect the People were Neutralized !", he Denounced.
+++ However, "in Fact, it's a Global Problem, as I realized while working on the "Monsanto" case (at the Courts), and concerns all our Democratic System" :
>>> Mainly "Big Pharma - More Powerful than Oil Industry - Captured Politics and Runs Governments all over the World !", pointed out RFKennedy.
=> That's why, in order to Efficiently Launch his "Children's Health Defense" Organisation "in Europe", "We Need Honest, Brave, and Non-Conformist People", he urged.
- >>> In Fact, Recently, "something Extraordinary happened" : Nowadays "we are at the Largest, Most Crucial Inflexion Point than Ever in Human History !", he stressed.
- In the Past, "for Many Years, Totalitarist, Authoritarian States had used the Power of Fear, to engineed Compliance in Populations". F.ex. "Goering, at the Nuremberg Trial", had said that "With Fear, you Can Make Human Beings do Anything you want. You can Make them Go to Slaughter like Sheep. You Can Make them Obey"... (See 29.8 Speech at the Tiergarten Rally).
- But, then, "we (USA) were Lucky to have a Great Leader as Franklin Roosvelt, who Warned that "the Worst thing to Fear, is Fear itself !", Because "he Understood that Fear could Drive us to Totalitarianism".
=> Nevertheless, Today, "the Bio-Security Agenda of People Like Bill Gates and Antony Fauci, etc. and those Who Run the Global Economy, have Now a Power that No (National) Government can Match !"
- In the Past, "for Hitler it was f.ex. the Jews. Others pointed at Bolsheviks. Some in Mexicans or Terrorists, etc. => They Asked to Relinquish and Give up our Human Rights, Civil Rights, and" Risking almost to "Walk like Sheep in the Abbattoir".
+ "Now they have another Source of Fear, which may give them the Most Pervasive and All Encompassing Power that they Ever had : Which is the Fear of Pandemics"...
- Several "Governments Love Pandemics, the Same as (some) States love Wars, as long as they Give them Power and Control and the Capacity to Impose Obedience on Human Beings", he Warned, (Reminding, inter alia, f.ex. Also CoE's and particularly ECHR's current Efforts to Limit and Prevent eventual Abuses of Human Rights, Rule of Law and/or Democracy Principles, during this Deadly Virus' Crisis, througout its 47 Member-States and beyond).
+ "And", Moreover, "Today, we have New (Communication) Technologies, which Give to the Governments the Capacity to Impose Controls on Populations" :
- F.ex., inter alia, "we have <<5G>> which Creates a Surveillance State" :
- "<<5G>> is Not Yet here in Europe, But they Tell you that it will make your Life Better, because (f.ex.) ...you could Download Video in 6 Seconds rather than 29"...
- In Fact, "the Only Reason for this "5G" is that it Allows some Big Compagnies, like those of Bill Gates, Zuckenberg, Bezos, etc., to Harvest Our Data, to Listen to Your Conversations. In the Past, there Was No Means for them to Transfert that Data, to Monetise it, and to Sell it", he observed.
- F.ex. "Bill Gates is Building a City in Arizona, with 80.000 People and a Data Center, Able to Take All Your Data, in the Alexa (Windows 10 Software) at your Home PC. Alexa is Not Working for You, it's Spying on you. Your Smart-Phone is Spying. And they have BioMetrics Facial Recognition System, Your GPS, etc. Satellites that Gates has ... Will be able to Monitor Every Square Inch on Earth 24 Hours a Day".
++ "And they have also anOther Invasion, which is Digital Currency". ... If they spread Digital Currency Everywhere, "... they would get Absolute Control, because they can Track (+ Tax) Any Transaction, and the Banks will be Able to Cash in Every Transfert and Every Transaction, and Will be Able to EnForce Ombedience, because If you Disobey, they could Shut Down Your Account, and you have No Access to Cash", he Warned.
+++ Concerning the Virus, "Many People argue that This Pandemic was, in Fact, a "PLAN-Demic" (Title of Recent Videos by some Dissidents Claiming that it was Artificially Fabricated in a Labo, as Also NOBEL Prize French Professor Montangnier, and former Twice-Elected President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, etc., See : http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/nobelprofonlabmadevirus.html , http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus1.html + http://www.eurofora.net/newsflashes/news/ahmadinejadonlabomadevirus2.html) , because it was Planned from the Outside, it was a Part of a ... Scheme", he noted.
- But, "I CaN't Tell You the Answer to that, Because I have Not Enough Evidence", RFKennedy acknowledged honestly.
- It's true that, apparently, "a Lot of it Feels Very Planned to me, But I doN't Know" If it really was, or not.
- However, there is something Sure : "If You Create these (f.ex. Digital/Com.) Mechanisms for Control, they Become Weapons for Obedience, for Authoritarian Regimes", he Warned.
=> "No matter how Beneficial" they might be (at the Beginning), "or (if) Innocent People created them", etc. Because, "Once Created, they Will be Abused !", he Warned. "A 100% Guarantee that They Will be Abused"... (Mutatis-mutandis, f.ex., as the Nuclear Bomb, between the relevant Research, with Oppenheimer's Reserve, and Hiroshima, Until perhaps the Rosenbergs and former-USSR Opposed a credible Deterent Nuclear Dissuasion, or, Also, the Genetic Manipulations on 2 Babies Artificially Born on 11/2018, under Pretext that this would Prevent ...Aids, as the Culprit unsuccesfuly Claimed, before being Condemned to Prison on 12/2019).
+ In Addition, concerning the Virus, -"What Tony Fauci and Bill Gates tell us is Not <<The Science>>" !
=> - In Fact, "We Want to See the (Full scientific) Studies ! F.ex. We want to See the Studies on HCQ...", he stressed. We Want to see Real Science !... And Real Risk Assessment", RFKennedy urged.
+++ Moreover, "I always Remember what "My Father (Murdered US Presiential Candidate Robert Kennedy, a strong Anti-Corruption former Minister of Justice) Told me when I was a Child : " - Several "<<People in Authority Lie !>>".
-(RFK Jr. with US President JFK on 1961 - Wikipedia + Eurofora Screenshot)
=> Indeed, "In order to continue to Live in a Democracy, we need to Understand that (several) People in Authority Lie, and Will Abuse Every Power that We Relinquish to them !", he Warned, speaking in general.
- But, "Right Now We are Giving them Power to micro-Manage Every bit of Our Lives, 24 Hours each Day... They would Know Where We are, They are going to Know Where Our Money is, They are gonna have Access to Our Children, they will have a Right to Compel UnWanted Medical Interventions ...: Not Even the NAZIs didN't Have All that in the Camps !"...
>>> -"In World War II, they (NAZI's) Tested Vaccines on Gypsies and Jews. And the World was so Horrified, after WW2, that we Signed the Nuremberg Charter, and We All Pledged that we WouldN't do that : We would Never again Impose UnWanted Medical Interventions on Human Beings, withOut Informed Consent", he Reminded.
>>> - "Yet, in 2 Years, All those Convictions have utterly Disappeared !" he Denounced, Now - while that's Notoriously also a Key Issue for CoE's PanEuropean Convention on "Bio-Medicine and Human Dignity and Rights", drafted in Strasbourg/France and signed at Oviedo/Spain on 1998, under Franco-German and Greek rotating CoE Presidencies -
(on which "Eurofora"s CoFounder has abudantly Published, initially at "MPAgency" and "TCWeekly" and Afterwards at "Eurofora", etc).
- And, concerning some Controversial Virus' Policies, "the Science is Not Explained to the People. They are Doing What they are Told. ... (Some) Government Agencies are Orchestrating Mass Obedience". But, "it's Not the Product of Democracy ! It's the Product of a Pharmaceutical - Driven Bio-Security Agenda, that could EnSlave the entire Human Race !", RFKenedy Warned.
=> All this, taken Together, Risks to "Plunge Us into a Distopian NightMare, where Apocalyptical Forces, of Ignorance and Greed, Will be Running Our Lives, and Ruining Our Children, Destroying all Dreams and Dignity that We Hoped to get for Our Children", he Denounced.
=> Thus, in Fact, "the Launching of "Children's Health Defense" in Europe is an Announcement to the World that <<We are Not Gonna Take it. We are Building Institutions to Fight>> Against such Threats. They may "have Global Intitutions, but We (too)have Now a Global Institution", he noted optimistically.
- "And we are gonna be Out Tomorrow (on 29/8/2020) with the Greatest Croud, from all over Europe", related with such a Virus' Crisis "in German History, and All Will be Saying, Peacefully, the same thing :"
>>> -<<We are Not gonna Let You Take Our Democracy Away ! We are Not gonna Let You Take Our Health Away ! We are Not gonna Let You Take Our Freedoms Away ! We are Not gonna Let You Take Our Children Away !>>.
=> - "I'm very Proud of these People .. who have the Courage to Challenge the <<Speek-Truth>> Power" (NDLR : Reference to Orwell's "1984" World-Famous Book). "And to Think Independently", in order "to Break Away from that Order Axis that are EnSlaving ...the Human Race",
RFKennedy Concluded, (pointing First of all, at a German, French, Belgian and Italian Young Allies sitting at the Same Table).
( Berlin Popular Rally 29/8/2020's Banderburg Gate Event, with Social Distancing, as a Court of Justice had asked [BittelTV video+Eurofora Screenshots])
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Ten Years of ECHR : 1998 - 2008 show need of Revival in 2009-2010 coinciding with 2009 EU Election
A threefold, coordinated move by new Top French Political actors in the 2009 EU Parliament Elections, expressed in Strasbourg a will to boost Europe's Political dimension close to Citizens' concerns, going from protection of Economy to defence of Human Rights.
The move met an exceptional ECHR's call for a "revival" of Human Rights' protection mechanism', in a Mega-Conference, early 2010.
Obviously focusing on June 2009 Elections to EU Parliament, it involved from the outset the recently nominated "dual" Head of French Governing Party (UMP) Michel BARNIER and Rachida DATI :

- "As President Sarkozy has clearly said, we (France) are in favor of a Strong, Sovereign and Independent, Political Europe, which protects its Citizens, and not for a large Super-Market, nor for a Europe under influence",
"This goes for everything, including Energy", added to "EuroFora" the experienced former EU Commissioner, Minister of Foreign affairs, currently of Agriculture and Sarkozy's new pick as Leader of the Governing party UMP to EU 2009 Election, Michel BARNIER .
- Human Rights are important because they are at the Heart of the Political Europe that we aspire for : I.e. a Europe able to act and protect its Citizens, stressed also the New French Minister for European affairs, Bruno LE MAIRE, while meeting Strasbourg's Journalists at his first visit to the CoE.
This is one of the main interests for CoE, which is also a natural place for cooperation between EU countries and Russia or Turkey, which was recently helpful at the Middle East crisis, he added.
The move gained momentum with French Minister of Justice, Rachida Dati's main observations at ECHR's 5Oth Anniversary :
- "While we are seeking Europe's Borders and Identity, you (ECHR) remind us also of its Values", Human Rights, Dati noted.
Citizens seek more and more often ECHR's help, and the tempo accelerates, Europa awaits a symbol, while national legal orders are not freezed
And she expressed "support" to ECHR President Jean-Paul Costa's call to satisfy the vital need to revigorate the PanEuropean Court by deciding big changes at a High-Level Conference open to a large audience, a kind of "Etats Generaux" of Human Rights, at the beginning of 2010.
It's not so much the recently growing number of applications for Russia or Ukraine etc, which seems to be Costa's main concern : In fact, the cases declared "admissible" are much fewer...
But rather the persistent violations of Human Rights, sometimes very grave (ie. murders, torture, abritrary deprivation of liberty, oppression of freedom of speech, destructions of homes/properties, etc), despite numerous, repeated condemnations by ECHR. So that CoE's Ministers, due to "supervise execution" of ECHR's judgements, are overloaded.
F.ex. most Media noted that Turkey still remains, even in 2008, the 1st among 47 CoE member States in the number of condemnations by ECHR : 257, compared to 233 for Russia, with a population more than the double..
The problem is that it's not the 1st time at all : During all the last Decade 1998-2008, Turkey was condemned by ECHR much more than any other State, and for particularly grave violations :
- 1.652 condemnations, compared to 605 for Russia, 548 for Poland, 494 for France, 476 for Ukraine, etc.
Italy's second place with 1.394 condemnations is a misleading false appearance : In fact, most of them (999) concern mere "procedural delays" in national courts. Same for France.
On the contrary, Turkey was condemned 180 times for Killings, 192 times for Torture or Inhuman/Degrading treatments, 340 times for arbitrary deprivation of Liberty, 528 times for "Unfair trial", and 169 times for oppression of Freedom of speech, (etc). And the latest, 2008 numbers, indicate no change in this trend, (See supra).
The current Spanish CoE Presidency (November 2008 - May 2009) has made of the implementation of ECHR's judgements its 1st Priority.
ECHR's President, Jean-Paul Costa, stressed in its 2009 Annual Press Conference, CoE Member States' obligation to implement the judgements, according to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Moreover, if CoE's Committee of Ministers delays to ensure implementation, then, the repetition of violations in similar cases provokes a multiplication of complaints tabled to the Court, which overload the mecanism for the protection of Human Rights, denounced Costa.
A series of Debates on "the situation of Human Rights in Europe", focusing on the "need to fight against Impunity" of perpetrators of grave crimes, is currently prepared by CoE's Parliamentary Assembly for the session of June 2009.
The final Timing comes shortly AFTER the EU Elections, but the main Reports should have been adopted before.
Meanwhile, French President Sarkozy and German Chancelor Merkel's recent call "for a Political Europe" in 2009 EU Elections (See earlier "correspondence from Paris, Elysee Palace), seems more and more endorsed also by other EU Countries' Top MEPs :
Thus, f.ex., EU Parliament's 1st vice-President, Greek MEP Mrs Rodi KRATSA, speaking to "EuroFora", agreed that 2009 EU Election would be a "naturally good" opportunity to debate what really interests EU Citizens : "The Future of a Political Europe, able to face the Economic Crisis, with a Culture and identity which attracts the People"

(Photo taken earlier during Sarkozy's 1st visit at EU Parliament, in 2007 : Sarkozy and Merkel's Ideas for a Political Europe inspire also other EU politicians accross the continent)...