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Αρχική arrow newsitems arrow pro-Gay Marriage Billionaire Bezos Media slander Judge Moore who Sacrificed Job for Natural Marriage

pro-Gay Marriage Billionaire Bezos Media slander Judge Moore who Sacrificed Job for Natural Marriage

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Sunday, 12 November 2017

*Strasbourg/Angelo Marcopolo/-
Abusing of Similar Tactics as those who had attacked Pope (em.) Benedict's Christian Catholic Church in a recent Past, shortly after he had engaged a Strong Battle on key BioEthical Issues, of Crucial Importance for the Future of Humankind, back since 2009-2012+ (See Infra), Today, at the end of 2017, anew, USA's "Deep State" attacks a Popular, Twice-Elected Alabama Judge, who has repeatedly Sacrificed his own Career in order to Defend some Relevant BioEthical Values,  but just received a (very Suspect) Blow of "Dirt", only a few Weeks before the Last Vote for Senator :

A sharp InFight between Declining Wash. DC Establishment and Oligarchs' push for controversial Gay Marriage, including submitting Children to Homosexual's power on Pretext of "Adoption",  (until recently imposed f.ex. by former US President Barack Hussein Obama, etc), from one side, and Grassroots American Popular "Values" Movement, often represented nowadays by "Social Conservatives", (including most GOP 2016 Candidates and Many of New US President Don Trump supporters), from the other side, has just been Openly Revealed in the Highly Mediatic, Exceptional Vote for Alabama's New Senator, scheduled for the Beginning of December 2017, which is due to Influence the Crucial, forthcoming 2018 Mid-Term Elections for a New  US. Congress and Senate, of Decisive Importance for the Outcome of an Exceptionally "Hot" Struggle for Power, in North America and elsewhere :

- The Biggest ever Donor to Homosexual "Marriage" in the US (+ 2,5 Millions $), multi-Billionaire Jeff Bezos' individually Owned Newspaper, "Washington Post", (previously Independent in a remote Past, but No More now, since it was Bought by Bezos alone), always linked to the Dems' Party (Socialist Left), published an "under the belt" Personal Attack against Alabama's former Chief Judge, Ray Moore, - a Popular "Grassroots" Politician, Twice-Elected by the People, who had notoriously been also Twice Oppressed and Dismissed from Office by Bureacrats in the Past, for having Clearly taken a stance in favour of Natural Marriage, between a Man and a Woman, (only able to generate Natural Births of each couple's own Children), and his Christian Beliefs :

- While the Popular Judge Moore, (after Winning 2 Votes in GOP's Primaries including against Establishment's RINOs), was regularly Surfing at the Top of Pre-Electoral Polls with a Double-Digit Advance, predicting a Clear Win at Alabama's traditionally Conservative State against an obscure "Dem." (Socialist Left) Candidate, Suddenly, Bezos' "WAPO" Accused the GOP's Candidate, just 4 (Four) Weeks before that crucial Vote, to have allegedly Misbehaved vis a vis 4 (Four) Teenage/Twenty y.o. Girls/Women ... 40 (Fourty) Years ago in a remote Past !!!!...

None of these alleged cases did Not concern Any Sexual Act at all. (One, f.ex., contained Claims that he might have simply Offered a Drink with Alcohol to a Young Lady allegedly Aged 18,5 Years. However, he strongly Denied even that, Observing that, not only he believed that, in fact, she was Aged, then, "19 or More", but, in Addition, such a move would have been Impossible, since the concerned County was, then, "Dry Land", i.e. did Not Serve Alcool). Only in 1 case, a Woman now Aged 53, reportedly Claimed that, when she had been UnderAge (14-15 y.o.), he would have touched her underpants, But Afterwards, when she reacted, he immediately stoped and drove her Back Home to her Mother, (who had consistently Supported her Daughters' meeting with Moore, then, aged 31).

Judge Moore strongly Denied that Claim, as "Completely False", stressed that he "Never Talked" to that person, and Does "Not (even) Know" who she is, Wondered why Nobody Ever Before didn't launch any such claims during more than "5 Electoral Campaigns", that he had already succesfully run at Alabama State level, and Accused the "WAPO" Newspaper of pro-Gay Marriage Billionaire Bezos to be "Politically Motivated", by such a "Hit" job, Slandering with "Fake News" in order to "destroy" him suddenly when he reached a Federal Vote Level, linked to notoriously Big, USA-Wide Issues and more (Comp. Supra), so that this would Favor his (Otherwise Failing) Competitor from the (Socialist) "Dem." Party, (notoriously Backed by "WAPO").

Other US Media concurred that the Woman who Accused him has Divorced 3 Times, admits that she is "Not an Angel", has been heavily "in Debt" already in a Past with "Financial Issues" (reportedly "filed for Bankrupty" several times), worked as "Finance Manager at a Motorcycle Dealership", and as "representative of a payday Loan business". While there are even some, unsubstantiated yet, allegations that she would have Accused also 3 Christian Priests with Sex Misconduct Claims in the Past, her Mother has reportedly confirmed that it was a "WaPo" Employee who had Called and Invited her Daughter to go Public against Moore, but also Contradicted one of the alleged Facts that she had described, (f.ex. that he had Called her at a inher Room, while she did Not, then, possess that, etc).

+ At the Same Time, at least one among the other (quite Lenient) Claims made against Judge Moor according to WAPO, was found to be based on the Shaky and UnTrustworthy sayings of a ..."Socialist" Dem. Party follower, who is also former US Vice-President Biden's fan, and had even been Hired by ...Hillary Clinton's Electoral Campaign on 2016, (as relevant Photos clearly confirm) !

Perhaps in order to Prevent Similar or various Other critical Revelations, both the "Facebook" and "Twitter" Internet Accounts of the main Accuser of Judge Moore have been reportedly pulled Down, almost Immediately After that nasty "WAPO"'s Publication slandering that Conservative "GOP" Party's Candidate of Key Importance (Comp. Supra).


Former White House Senior Adviser, and new US President Don Trump's f. Electoral Campaign Manager, Steve Bannon, (CEO of "Breitbart News"), critically Reminded the Fact that pro-Dem. Party (Socialists) Billionaire Bezos' "WAPO" Newspaper had Already abused, in the Past, of Similar (and even More Harsh) alleged "Sex MisConduct" Claims around several Women, previously, Against new Trump himself, when he had become the official Candidate of the Conservative "GOP" Party on Autumn 2016...

Such "Under the Belt", "Hit and run" Personal Attacks by WAPO had, then, served as a Pretext for several pro-Establishment Top Members of the GOP Party, (widely known as "RINOs", i.e. "Republicans In Name Only") in order to Abandon or Distance themselves from Trump. But he went Ahead in that Electoral Fight, (Based on serious Socio-Political Issues), and finaly Won.

Bannon Denounced, on this occasion, WAPO's notorious Links with the (Socialist) Dem. Party of Hillary Clinton and Obama, in Addition to its recent Ownership by Left-leaning Billionaire Jeff Bezos (Comp. Supra), which had made that Newspaper Lose its previously Independent status, so that it was "No more Free and Fair", as he Criticized.

Comparatively, World-Famous "Reuters" Global News Agency is proudly arbouring, in its "Principles" for People's "Trust", that it Refuses to become the Private Property of an "Individual", (i.e. as WAPO, recently Sold to Leftist Billionaire Bezos, a Web Retailer, selling almost Everything you can find in an ordinary SuperMarket, from Foofstuff to Nails)...

Revealing even more Bluntly its Political Motivations, WAPO chose to Publish all that Dirt against the Republican Party's Candidate for the Highly Symbolic Alabama's Election of a New Senator, at the Anniversary of Trump's Election as New US President, on November 9 !   


Judge Moore probable Election's Highest Symboic SIgniification notoriously being that of a "Grassroots" Popular Movement's Victory over the Establishment's RINOs, (Comp, f.ex., also: ...), observers noted the Fact that, almost "Immediately" after WAPO published those Slanderig Claims, it's, indeed, the Most Notorious (and routinely Abhored by Citizens' "Grassroots" Movements) Establishment's RINOS, who, suddenly Withdrew any Endorsement of Moore, found a Pretext to Pubish purely Negative Reactions Against him, and/or even Hastily Took Damaging Measures :

F.ex., the out-going GOP's Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who had Already Spend an Exceptional for Alabama sum of Money (4,5 Millions $ !) in a Vain Attempt to Stop Moore and Push a Competitor (Suspected for Corruption) during the Local GOP's Primaries, that People clearly Rejected, (See: ...). So that the National Campaign wing for Senate Republicans reportedly Cut Fund-Raising links to Moore, almost immediately...

Such Controversial, but Revelatory Moves by McConnell were shortly Followed, in even Worse terms, also by Senator John McCain (who asked Moore to "Resign"), as well as by Millionaire Mitt Romney, and so on:

McCain and Romney have had Both led and thrown the GOP into 2 consecutive Electoral Big Catastrophes, back on 2008 and 2012, respectively, in favour of Dem's (Socialists') Candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, who took some very Controversial and Harsh Measures against BioEthics, such as to relaunch Federal Funding for Genetic Manipulations of Human Embryos, (Previously OutLawed, also by former US President GWBush Twice), and to Impose "Same Sex Marriage", including Submission of Children to the power of Homosexuals, on Pretext of "Adoption", (something that he Tried even to Spread all over the World, Pressuring also various Other Countries, from Europe to Africa, etc. !).

>>> I.e. 2 obviously Converging Measures which lead towards the slipery slope of Genetic Manipulations on Artificial Procreations of Human Beings, (since Homosexuals' couples are Unable to produce Natural Births), Dangerous for all Humankind.

On the Contrary, Judge Roy Moore not only clearly Stands Against such Controversial Measures, but has, notoriously, even Sacrificed his own Career, by Prefering to Lose his Top Job of Alabama's Chief Justice (where he had Succeeded to be Twice Elected by the People) just in order to Struggle Against Barack Hussein Obama's relentless pressure to Impose by Force his "Gay Marriage" Plans, (even by ...Arresting and throwing in Prison a Woman, civil servant who had desperately tried to Resist to such Controversial and Dangerous Plans).

McCain and Romney had even, practicaly, "Stolen" the GOP's Nomination, back on 2008 and 2012, from their main competitors, the popular Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, respectively, who were also strongly Opposed to that Obama's "Gay Marriage" and Human Embryo Genetic Manipulations' agenda Against classic BioEthics, since they came from a Similar Conservative Values' Popular Movement, as Judge Roy Moore... 


In Fact, such a Blunt Relentlessness by Establishment's Medias to grossly Slander and attempt to Undermine a strong Defender of Key BioEthical Values related to the above-mentioned Issues, of obvious Exceptional Importance for all Humankind, had emerged also a little-bit Earlier, but, practically, almost during that Same Period of Time (2009-2013, etc), when    then Pope Benedict (nowadays Emeritus) had just Published a landmark Text, (his Encyclic : "Caritas in Veritate") including a Sharp and Crystal-Clear Warning against any such Risks of Bio-Technologies' Abuse to the Detriment of Humanity : 

- Pope Benedict had met and apparently clashed, then (from June 2009), with Barack Hussein Obama's opposite agenda (Comp. Supra), and, immediately Afterwards, an UnPrecedented Brutal Incident ...Broke his Right Hand, (when Lights suddenly went Out in a Summer Hostel, making him Fall Down during the Night), and had to be Urgently Operated in a Hospital ! And just a few Months Later, at anOther UnPrecedented and Non-Elucidated Brutal Incident, an allegedly "unstable" Individual suddenly Rushed and Jumbed, with all her Weight, on the Pope, during a Christian Mass, Violently Throwing him at the Floor, (with the Obvious Risk for his Wounded Right Hand to be anew Hit and Definitively Broken !). As it happened, indeed, with anOther Old Religious man, a French ArchBishop, who was then standing at Pope Benedict's side, and was so Seriously Wounded, in his Leg, that he had to be Urgently Operated, and remained for Months in a Hospital...

By a miracle, Benedict managed to Escape then, unhurt from that 2nd in a row, Violent Incident, towards the End of 2009. But he Faced, shortly Afterwards, Starting from 2010 and on, (as well as, practically, All the Christian Catholic Church, almost Worldwide), an also UnPrecedented, apparently Orchestrated, series of Massive Attacks by Mainstream Medias, suddenly Diverting attention on Other Ethical Issues, which Systematically Published, for the 1rst Time in History so Harshly and Continuously, a Long List of Alleged, more or less Severe "Childrens' Abuses", which would have been committed, according to various Claims, by some Priests, in certain Coutries accross the World, Before ... More than 20 or even 40 Years in the Past !!!!????....

Pope Benedict notoriously undertook then, some Important, punctual and structural Measures and Reforms, in order to Fight against such Risks of eventual sly Crimes, by Finding the Truth, Punishing the Culprits, Healing the Victims, and Preventing such serious Incidents and Abuse of Trust in the Future, But, while doing so, he Soon Faced even a 3rd Series of New Sly Attacks, consisting now maily from some Strange (also UnPrecedented) Rumours, or alleged "Revelations", supposed or real (Partly or Entirely) "Denonciations, etc., about various possible ..."Complots", said to be Secretly prepared in the Dark, by one or another Sly Group or Network, particularly from 2012, in order to definitively, Undermine, Push Aside, or even Brutally Get Rid of Him, in one way or another, (some evoking even a possibility of Murder, etc), through what was described as a Brutal "Power-game".... Until he, notoriously, arrived in an unprecedented situation, with his Health reportedly Deteriorating a bit, to Decide to take the Suprizing, Historic Decision to become the 1st Pope of our Times who Resigned, (arguying also of his age), later on February 2013.

(Concerning an eventually relevant incident that might have faced also his successor, the current Pope Francis, apparently around a similar Issue, more Recently, Comp. f.ex., among others, also : ...).

However, all this did Not Hinder the emeritus Pope Benedict, even Later-on, just after his 90th Birthday, celebrated on April this year (2017), to suddenly Launch a Vibrant Appeal calling for ... "Resistance" (sic !), in front of a recent "ZeitGeist", (Dominant Spirit of the Times), as he characteristically said at a Message read, on his behalf, in a ceremony for the Memory of a German ArchBishop (personally met by "Eurofora"'s co-Founder back on 2005, and possibly related also with a Critical stance on at least one among the above-mentioned Topical Bio-Ethical Issues) at nearby Köeln !


>>> At any case, Dems' ("Socialists"') "WAPO" Newspaper's (Privately Owned by pro-LBGTI Billionaire Bezos : Comp. Supra) latest Personal Attack against another Key Representative of the "Grassroots" Popular Movement of Citizens in the US, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, (Comp. Supra), as always, recently, Aiming at an "Under the Belt" "Hit" , and/or intruding inside his/her Private, Family affairs, etc, (as that Same "WAPO" had Already Attempted in Vain to do Previously, during GOP's Primaries, finally Won by Moore brillantly), may Prove just one thing :

 - That more and more Establishment's, Mainstream Medias, (as "Washington Post", alias "WAPO", etc), have are Faling Down to the Lowest Level of Dirty Personal Attacks "under the belt", and, most probably, even with some blatantly "Fake News"...

But, on the Contrary, MSM are, practically and curiously Absent and almost Non-Existent, Nowadays, from any Serious Political Debate about Important, Key Issues, from which depend many People's Lives, Society at large, and/or even the Future of Humanity, (including, f.ex., certain Topical BioEthical Issues : Comp. Supra).



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